Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light Fanon Wiki

Please do not mistake this wiki for the official Hazbin Hotel wiki! Do not link to or mention this site when discussing the show's canon! All information presented here is entirely FANON and irrelevant to the official shows whether it be Hazbin Hotel or Helluva Boss, so stop bringing it up! You guys got that? Cuz we're getting pretty tired of rewriting this notice! I am going to keep writing and expanding this until this message is impossible to miss, starting right now. Is this about right? Maybe a few more words. Again, this wiki's information NON-CANON and FANMADE. Got it? Good! Happy reading!


Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light Fanon Wiki

"Look, I ain't sayin' I'm all good now. Believe me, I ain't eva gonna be. But this place helps. I'm free from Val and I don't gotta suck the landlord's greasy dick for rent money. And now... I'm surrounded by friends who somehow believe in me. Heh. And I don't even gotta worry if they wanna use me to get their rocks off! I never thought I'd ever be free of that life. This hotel's got me lookin' forward to a better afterlife... an afterlife of bein' safe and... maaaybe bein' a better person. And that's good."
— Angel Dust.

Anthony, known in Hell as Angel Dust, is one of the three deuteragonists (alongside Vaggie and Serenity) of Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light.

In life, Angel Dust, then named Anthony, was a gangster and member of a notorious Italian crime family based in New York City. He was naturally raised into the lifestyle of a mafioso, thus all he knew was that kind of life. He was the son of mafia don Henroin, the younger brother of Arackniss - who was favored by his father over him -, and the twin brother of Molly. Growing up, Angel was mentally abused by his father and brother and his mental health declined massively when he was drafted into the military during World War II, where he witnessed the horrors of war first hand. In 1947, Anthony died alone, having overdosed on phencyclidine (PCP), hence his namesake down in Hell.

Upon being reborn in Hell as a spider demon, Angel quickly became involved in degrading sex work and petty crime, the latter of which led him to become acquainted with one of Hell's most infamous Overlords, Valentino, after the moth demon's underlings caught the spider attempting to steal from their boss. Enticed by Valentino's promises of fame, security, and adoration, Angel sold his soul to Valentino for a job at Porn Studios, which subsequently led him to become one of, if not the, biggest and scandalous adult film superstars and celebrities in Hell, earning recognition from across the seven rings.

In spite of gaining widespread recognition for his performances in nightclubs and appearances in pornographic films, Angel Dust endured horrifying physical, sexual, and financial abuse at the hands of Valentino throughout his 70 years of servitude. Both financially and sexually exploited, he sought solace in a world of narcotics, sexual indulgence, and hedonistic pursuits, all while hiding his vulnerability behind his larger-than-life attitude and a dark sense of humor. After enduring decades of mistreatment, Angel eventually turned against his pimp, joining Charlie Magne and her startup business, the Hazbin Hotel, becoming the establishment's inaugural success story in breaking free from the clutches of old habits and Valentino's domination.

Over time, his motivations shifted from mere desires for shelter and safety to a genuine commitment to validate Charlie's belief in redemption. This marked a significant transformation as Angel worked towards genuine personal growth and positive change. As his journey unfolded, he formed new friendships, found allies, and confronted his past demons and adversaries, all while grappling with his past under the control of his former pimp and abusive father. His ultimate goal became breaking free from the hold of his former pimp and seeking redemption for his transgressions and learning to love himself, with the aspiration of eventually achieving a place in Heaven.


"Husk: You must really like Legs, huh?
Fergus: (chuckles and takes a swig from his drink) I love Angel... An' that be not the booze blabberin'. I wouldn't be where I is as we speak without 'im. This here is the least I could have done. Not fixin' to lie to ye... Meetin' 'im been probably the only jolly thin' that there 'appened to me down 'ere.
Husk: (scoffs) Can't say the same for me. All he does is drive my ass up a wall.
Fergus: Eh, he grows on ya. He knows he can be a lot. And, uh... (voice breaking) He's- he's something else.
— Fergus and Husk talking about Angel Dust at Husk's bar after Fergus talked Angel out of committing suicide.

Contrary to initial perceptions, Angel Dust possesses a remarkably complex and intricate personality. He projects an outward image of sarcasm, cunning playfulness, and bold, sometimes vexatious sassiness. He uses his sexual and comedic facade as a shield to obscure his inner vulnerability and tumultuous emotional state. Though he actively maintains the façade of a gangster and sex enthusiast, he rarely hesitates to engage in recklessness, often at the expense of others. Despite his seeming lack of empathy, Angel harbors a genuine disdain for his pursuits and life choices. Yet, he initially denies these feelings, instead resorting to a world of substance abuse and sexual encounters to blur the harsh realities he faces.

While Angel indulged in vice and uninhibited sexuality might have offered fleeting enjoyment, the association of these experiences with his profession and his abusive ex-pimp, Valentino, gradually eroded any pleasure they could have brought to him. Although he initially portrays a lack of interest in redemption, bragging that his association with the Happy Hotel is motivated by free rent and a room to store all of his gimp suits, Angel's outlook shifted over time. He sincerely developed a desire for self-improvement, though he grappled with lingering doubts about his capability of redemption. Even subsequent to breaking free from Valentino's grip, he grapples with drug withdrawal and managing his behavior – a result of his prolonged exposure to that way of life. Nonetheless, Angel remains a very strong and confident person, bragging that his defiance helps him get through it, and he will do anything for the people he cares about.

As a result of his determination to safeguard his more vulnerable side, Angel Dust has a preemptively defensive personality. He conceals significant portions of his authentic, sensitive self, believing it to be a necessary measure for his self-preservation. Anticipating a lack of kindness from those around him, he's taken aback when Charlie surprisingly extends monetary help after he agreed to participate in the Happy Hotel project, ensuring that he no longer would have to sell his body for money. His inherent difficulty in trusting others stems from the enduring trauma inflicted by Valentino's abusive treatment. This is particularly poignant as Angel had genuinely cared for Valentino and believed in their mutual affection. In a subsequent instance, when Charlie attempts to offer solace upon sensing his distress, Angel's response is one of vehement defensiveness. He forcefully dismisses her attempt at consolation, expressing his anger by rebuffing her and flipping her off before departing. Initially, he only sought comfort from Cherri Bomb when it comes to his internal battles, while he either feigns well-being or reacts angrily when others attempt to empathize with his struggles.

Angel is a serial prankster, a trait he picked up and shares with his sister Molly. He consistently engages in lighthearted mischief directed at the fellow residents of the Hazbin Hotel, laughing hysterically at their reactions. He puts dildos in Vaggie's dresser, plants gay pornographic magazines and a TV in Alastor's office, scares Husk with cucumbers and water, switches Baxter's vials when he isn't looking, and even employs prank guns to terrify enemies or rapacious sinners who don't take "no" for an answer. He switches between playful and destructive as he wishes, and does not care too much for responsibility as he would rather engage in a turf war or sexual activities than clean up a mess he caused.

Angel exudes a flirtatious demeanor, making advances on practically any man who crosses his path. He's notably forward in his interactions with figures like Husk, Alastor, and Fergus. Notorious for his explicit, offensive, and risqué sense of humor, he specializes in crass jokes, profane language, and sexual double entendres. He frequently resorts to hurling insults at individuals, irrespective of provocation, deriving satisfaction from pissing people off in others. He is also not above saying sexist or racist jokes solely to piss people off and amuse himself; Examples of this include remarks such as slyly advising Vaggie not to "get [her] taco in a twist" and directing misogynistic comments towards both her and Charlie. Angel Dust's choice of aliases (Anita Hanjaab, Harry Cox, A.S Muncher) for his disguises also demonstrates his penchant for using sex-related wordplay. He crafts these names as playful innuendos, intertwining his mischievous humor with his alter ego personas.

Angel embodies a candid, abrasive, and brutally honest attitude, which he executes with a distinct flair. He consistently maintains an air of flamboyance, nonchalance, and self-assuredness, carrying this demeanor wherever he goes. This demeanor allows him to stay composed even during high-pressure situations. For instance, he exhibited little concern when confronted by Bruce and his gang in the midst of a drug transaction, opting to continue taunting them despite multiple guns pointed his way. This cool-headedness extends to his engagement with Cherri Bomb during a turf conflict, where he managed to uphold a casual conversation while simultaneously battling alongside her.

Beneath his flamboyant and playful exterior, Angel is a very capable and formidable gangster. He is an extremely competent marksman with a great variety of skills, which he acquired from doing jobs for the mafia as well as his time in the military. His skill set encompasses a broad spectrum, rendering him an invaluable ally. He can adopt female disguises to infiltrate different businesses. This competence is evident in his execution of numerous successful operations for Valentino, demonstrating a high degree of proficiency with minimal setbacks. Swift and agile in his approach, Angel adeptly navigates assignments, often displaying remarkable speed and precision. His ability to seamlessly adopt disguises and invent new personas on the spur of the moment empowers him to infiltrate even well-fortified locations, highlighting his resourcefulness. Initially, Angel did gain genuine enjoyment from criminal activity, including engaging in murder, especially if he personally believed that his victims deserved it.

Angel's composed demeanor occasionally gives way to genuine displays of anger, heightened emotions, and surprise. Notably, when coerced into kissing and having sex with Valentino , he feigned enjoyment. However, the weight of the experience led him to experience a powerful emotional breakdown when alone at his motel. Such instances showcase his vulnerability and the complexity of his internal struggles. Angel's emotional reactions are particularly intense when the safety of his loved ones is compromised. He readily succumbs to feelings of distress or fury in these situations, a showcase of his deep-seated care for those close to him.

While Angel openly embraces his sexual orientation and even the label of "slut," he vehemently objects to being subjected to homophobic slurs. His response to Bruce and his gang highlights this sensitivity, as he takes swift action, wiping out the shark and his gang before Bruce could call him a homophobic slur, and then mockingly asking Bruce if he wanted to finish his sentence while pressing a gun against the shark's head.

In a more humorous vein, Angel's agitation and fury surface when he encounters improper preparation of Italian cuisine, generating comedic moments.

Angel Dust possesses a strong sense of narcissism and is a bit of a diva, as he obsesses over his appearance, frequently refers to the denizens of Hell as ugly freaks, and loves commenting on his "pretty face" and body. He is very concerned and careful about his appearance, often taking hours to apply his makeup and pamper his fluff to "perfect" his appearance. He makes himself out to be the most important person in the room, often acting needy toward others and giving them complex requests. He is a bit of a neat freak in that he hates dirt and blood, as they are difficult to get out of his clothing and especially his fluff, and he is careful to not dirty himself by getting blood on him while engaging in crime. Angel is also very concerned and prideful about maintaining his reputation, not wanting word to get around that he would give his sexual services to random people behind Valentino's back to survive or appear that he's trying to "go clean" by being seen at the Happy Hotel.

Beyond the provocative and hedonistic exterior that Angel Dust portrays, lies a compassionate individual whose past has left him scarred but has not extinguished his capacity for care. Despite his shattered state, he exhibits deep loyalty and a strong protective instinct toward those he holds dear. His connection with Cherri Bomb is a vivid testament to this loyalty and friendship. He adamantly refused to carry out Valentino's directive to eliminate her, even daring to turn his weapon against the moth demon as an act of retaliation. This camaraderie is further highlighted when he instinctively shielded Cherri Bomb being shot with the Egg Boiz' net gun.

Angel's loyalty extended to Charlie as well, evolving over time. He came to truly value Charlie's belief in his potential for transformation, fostering a deep loyalty towards her. This loyalty was most apparent when he took a life-threatening bullet to his leg while shielding Charlie from Valentino's attack during the confrontation with the Vees in Butcher Town. His self-sacrifice demonstrated the profound extent of his care for her. In the realm of Purgatory, Angel's influence was instrumental in rallying the demoralized hotel crew to mount a daring rescue mission for Charlie, who had been abducted by Lucifer and Satan.

Even as a gangster and criminal who enjoys killing people who, in his mind, deserve it, Angel has a moral code, as he objects to killing innocent people, as implied by Vox calling Angel a "pussy", in reference to an off-screen event where Angel spared a defenseless woman while carrying out one of Valentino's crimes. Angel was also shown to be extremely distressed and uneasy whenever compelled to partake in one of Valentino's snuff films, displaying an aversion to taking lives for the purpose of gratifying mass sexual desires. Valentino had to use a revolver to coerce to Angel into committing the act during one of their film shoots. He also has some sense of honor, as he chose to save his estranged and hated brother Arackniss from The Insurgency since Arackniss had previously saved him from being killed by their father Henroin.

Furthermore, he loved his pet pig, Fat Nuggets, so much so that he considered Nuggets to be one of the only things that kept him going in Hell. He even went as far as to torture and interrogate one of Valentino's men to get information on where Fat Nuggets was after the moth demon took the pig. When Fat Nuggets was murdered by Valentino, Angel Dust become very depressed and despondent, to the point of attempting suicide, although he did more or less recover from this.

Angel Dust grapples with profound psychological fears rooted in the dread of isolation. These fears seem to stem from an implied past experience where he faced death alone, devoid of companionship, which has deeply scarred him. Within the confines of the hotel, he deliberately surrounds himself with other patients and staff members. This approach provides him with a buffer against the specter of solitude and the uncertainty of unforeseen adversities. By maintaining a presence of people around him, he seeks to quell the unsettling possibility of being left alone in dire circumstances. This fear of isolation sheds light on his protracted association with Valentino. A pivotal factor that tethered him to Valentino was the belief that separation from the moth pimp would inevitably result in his solitary existence. Valentino capitalized on this vulnerability, exploiting Angel's fear to manipulate and control him effectively.

Angel has a notable soft spot for children and is great with them in general, which was displayed by his quickly forming a friendship with Charlie's Angels, due to them humanizing him, listening to his stories, and motivating him to become a better person. He will happily go out of his way to brutalize or kill anyone who intentionally harms children in any way. Regardless, while Angel is generally friendly towards children, he is still somewhat irresponsible around them, as he frequently spouts obscenities even when in their presence. He showed his willingness to make drastic decisions to ensure the safety of Charlie's Angels when he made a deal with Satan in exchange for their safety after the Devil had possessed them, and tenderly comforted the terrified children once the Devil released them from its possession. Angel is also rather easygoing around Manco, sympathizing with the child due to his traumatic experience while imprisoned by Satan. Angel is also surprisingly compassionate at times, as he noticed his teasing about the hotel’s lack of success was upsetting Charlie, which caused him to stop mocking her and almost apologize, although he ultimately decided to leave her alone.


"This body is flawless! Everyone wants summa me, and I got the creepy fan letters to prove it!"
— Angel Dust to Vaggie, regarding his appearance.

Angel is a humanoid, bipedal spider demon with a pencil-thin build. He stands at around 7 feet tall naturally and is around 8 feet with his heels on. He is covered in fluffy, white fur and has pink spots throughout his fluff, with the three spots under his eyes being smaller eyes. Angel Dust has a distinctive, swooping hairstyle that always maintains its shape regardless of which angle he is viewed from. It is never seen straight even when he is facing forward and merely flips to whichever direction Angel is facing whenever he turns. He wears eye shadow and eyeliner, both of his irises are pink, and his left eye has a dark sclera and no pupil, possibly as a result of being injured in a fight, or at the hands of Valentino. Angel previously possessed a single golden fang among his sharp teeth, a trait he shared with his boss, Valentino, but tore the gold tooth from his mouth after renouncing the moth demon.

He has a pink heart on the back of his head as well as on his chest, with a line going down to his crotch area. One of Angel's most noticeable features is his prominent chest, often giving a first-hand impression to others that he actually has breasts. In actuality, his chest is composed entirely of fluff, and the fluff, which Angel treats as if they were actually breasts, is a cluster of his fluff combed and pampered up over time due to the tightness of his jacket. He has pink strips down the length of his shins, and his feet are round-shaped and resemble that of an actual spider; he has only two toes with two large, pink claws protruding from the tips.

Though usually depicted with six limbs, Angel Dust has a third retractable set of arms that he can summon to use at will. However, he permanently lost his middle lower left arm when Valentino shot it off in "Take Us Back" until it was restored by Lux much later on.

Angel Dust's primary attire consists of a white suit with pink stripes throughout, a black bow tie with a pink center, a black choker, long, pink gloves on all of his hands, black short shorts, and long, black, thigh-high heel boots. When engaging in crime or deals, he often wears a white trilby with a pink band and a black feather attached to it.

During the gang war with Sir Pentious, Angel's shadow is briefly depicted as different from him, being taller with six arms and red eyes. This seems to be a glimpse at his Full Demon Form.

Powers and Abilities

Natural Powers

  • Demonic Transformation: When going through fits of extreme emotion, Angel Dust can voluntarily transform into a more intimidating, animalistic form, and then shift back to his normal form.
  • Immortality: As he has already experienced death, Angel Dust lives eternally as an undead soul and is incapable of dying through conventional or mortal means.
    • Nigh-Invulnerability: As a sinner, Angel Dust is extremely tough, and can take ungodly amounts of punishment and get up seconds later as if nothing happened. In his first encounter with Cherri Bomb and the Resistance, he easily survived a van exploding in his face, and despite being pushed back by the explosion and flying violently into a car, was only mildly dazed. When fighting Sir Pentious with Cherri Bomb, Angel displayed no signs of pain or injury whatsoever when the snake wrapped him in a chain and violently hurled him onto the ground, casually responding to the attack with a sexual remark. While fighting Valentino in Baxter's laboratory, Angel withstood a severe beating from Valentino, including being violently pinned and slammed into multiple surfaces by Valentino's smoke trails. Still, he was able to keep fighting back during the assault, summoning the strength to raise his machine gun with one arm to shoot the moth as he was using his smoke trails to strangle and constrict him. Later, while attempting to fight Lucifer himself in Purgatory armed with a machine gun, Angel displayed mild discomfort when the King of Hell melted his machine gun and caused it to violently explode in his face. Only holy weaponry/magic is capable of doing any permanent or severe damage to Angel Dust.
    • Regeneration: As a result of being a sinner, Angel's healing capabilities were at an amazingly high level, allowing him to quickly heal from being shot, stabbed, melted, crushed, etc. In addition, he possesses a greatly enhanced metabolism, immune system, and vitality allowing him to heal much faster than an average human and consume copious amounts of drugs and alcohol without feeling severe ill effects. When he tore his gold tooth out after leaving Valentino, the tooth grew back in a matter of minutes. Later, while fighting the Army of Darkness with the hotel crew to save Manco, Angel received multiple injuries and cuts, even being stabbed in the side with a spike, and, despite expressing pain and having to be carried by Husk and Fergus, all of the wounds he received had been healed in a matter of minutes. However, due to his demonic physiology, Angel Dust is unable to regenerate from wounds that were caused by holy weaponry/power, as seen when he nearly died of blood loss from being shot in the thigh by Valentino's revolver, which uses holy bullets as ammo. When Lucifer tortured Angel by cutting him across the head using an angelic knife, the wound did not regenerate for several days. Later, he permanently lost his middle lower left arm when it was shot off by Valentino.

Unique Powers

  • Enhanced Senses: Angel Dust possesses three small eyes under each of his two main eyes, which, when opened, grants him an enhanced vision. In addition to his enhanced vision, he also possesses heightened hearing, as he can hear things such as a storm coming from miles away. His heightened senses allow him to detect approaching enemies; when he was searching for Fergus with Husk, Cherri Bomb, and Charlie's Angels in Purgatory, Angel was able to pick up on the presence of Manco's possessed variants by hearing the flapping of their wings in the distance mere moments before they attacked him and his allies. He also claims that he can hear Charlie and Vaggie's noises through the hotel's walls when they are having sex at night.
  • Enhanced Speed: As a result of his spider-like physiology, Angel can crawl at an impressive speed whenever he runs on his arms and legs.
  • Enhanced Strength: Although not nearly as impressive as Fergus, Cherri Bomb, or Vaggie's strength, Angel Dust has displayed impressive feats of physical strength for his lean frame. During his battle with Sir Pentious and the Egg Boiz with Cherri Bomb, he used a baseball bat to effortlessly smash several of the Egg Boiz. Later, when Valentino was physically assaulting Angel backstage for stopping in the middle of a performance, Angel instinctively retaliated by punching Valentino with enough force to shatter the moth's sunglasses and send the Overlord staggering backward. During his physical confrontations with Valentino at the Hazbin Hotel and later in Purgatory, Angel's physical strikes were strong enough to damage Valentino's face and make the Overlord bleed from his mouth, even whilst the moth was in his Full Demon Form. Angel's punches were also strong enough to visibly harm Fergus, as shown by the multiple bruises, cuts, and black eye Fergus had sustained after their fight.
  • Hammerspace: Angel can store numerous items at once on his chest floof, including objects so big that it would be physically impossible to fit such as numerous fan letters, his machine guns, sex toys, and a baseball bat.
  • Supernatural Jumping: Being a jumping spider sinner, Angel Dust can leap incredible distances. He jumped several meters in the air and into Sir Pentious' helicopter. Later, he (off-screen) casually leaped on top of the Hazbin Hotel to be alone from the other inhabitants. In Purgatory, he quickly leaped several feet in the air and into the arms of Charlie's Angels, who were flying overhead.
  • Venomous Fangs: As a spider demon, Angel Dust's fangs are coated in a venom that he can use to infect others when bitten. His venom would be lethal to a human and is capable of making sinners and demons feel ill.
  • Wall-Crawling: As a result of his spider-demon physiology, Angel can adhere to ceilings and presumably other surfaces and scale them when willing so, even if he is inverted above the ground. During his fight with Fergus, Angel was able to land on his hands and feet, sticking to the ceiling of the Galaxy Light after Fergus had launched him upwards, and used his momentum to propel himself off the ceiling and tackle Fergus to the ground.
  • Weapon Summoning: Angel has the uncanny ability to instantly spawn guns which he can use for combat, mainly pistols, revolvers, and machine guns. However, this ability is somewhat limited as he can only spawn six guns at a time - as much as his arms can carry.


  • Athleticism: Most likely as a result of his spider-demon physiology, Angel Dust can easily perform impressive acrobatic feats. He has top-notch leaping and climbing agility, using free-running and parkour to outmaneuver several enemies at once, as well as leap great distances with great precision. Angel can also bend his body in unnatural ways without injuring his joints, allowing him to squeeze into tight spaces with minimal discomfort.
  • Bilingualism: Angel is fluent in both Italian and English. He also, allegedly, can speak some French.
  • Charm: Angel Dust can use his good looks and seductive, flirtatious charm to persuade, lure in, or distract people.
  • Expert Interrogator: Angel Dust is, rather surprisingly, a master of interrogating others, capable of scaring or outright torturing his victims into giving up information when the situation arises. During his years of serving Valentino, he would often be forced to interrogate Valentino's enemies to gain information for the moth demon's benefit. When Fat Nuggets was taken by Valentino, Angel demonstrated his interrogation skills by torturing one of Valentino's men to find out where Fat Nuggets was being kept, stabbing the goon in the knee with a knife and twisting the blade, repeatedly shooting him in the abdomen, and brutally carving a heart into the goon's head.
  • Expert Marksmanship: Angel Dust possesses great skill in handling a wide variety of weapons, with a preference for high-powered artillery. He is a sharpshooter but can get sloppy if one gets under his skin. While attacking Bruce and his gang after they turned on him during a drug deal, Angel used his four arms to fire four different guns in all directions, wiping out every member of the gun while precisely leaving Bruce injured but alive, including "killing" multiple members he was not looking at. During the hotel crew's skirmish with the Army of Darkness, while rescuing Manco, Angel precisely shot several winged creatures in the air and did not miss a shot, and shot one creature behind him over his shoulder without even looking at them.
  • Hand-to-Hand Combat: Angel Dust has displayed moderate skill in hand-to-hand combat, likely due to his years of carrying out Valentino's various crimes in Hell. He was capable of wrestling a sinner with a much larger build than him, and physically overpowered one of Velvette's simps by shoving them into the path of Alastor's demonic tentacles. Although he was overpowered during the fight, he managed to strike Valentino multiple times even when the latter was in his Full Demon Form and harmed him by spitting in his eyes, showing shades of being a dirty fighter as well. His fighting skills were perhaps best demonstrated during his brawl with Fergus in Purgatory, where he was able to stand toe-to-toe with Fergus (a fallen warrior angel) and gave him a considerable fight, and even caused Fergus to bleed with a couple of punches, although he was eventually overpowered by Fergus' superior strength.
  • Master of Disguise: Angel possesses remarkable prowess in acting and disguising himself. He is capable of donning a vast array of outfits and blending into the territories of other sinners undetected. Using his makeup and outfits, he is capable of deceiving others by making himself look like a completely different person and can come up with new personalities and identities on a whim when the need arises. While illegally sneaking into the Lust Ring with Fergus, Angel disguised himself as a woman, which deceived everyone they came into contact with, although the King of Lust, Asmodeus, was able to easily see through Angel's disguise after witnessing his pole dancing and recognizing it from his films.
  • Musical Talent: Angel Dust can play the trumpet and is a skilled pianist, as he played the piano version of "O sole mio". He is also a very gifted singer and dancer.
  • Natural Weaponry: Angel Dust can use his venomous teeth and claws as offensive weapons.
  • Retractile Limbs: Angel Dust has a hidden third set of arms that can retract in and out of his body, giving him extra ambidexterity.
  • Weapon Proficiency: Angel Dust can handle various types of weapons with ease, such as bats, knives, chains, and explosives, although his preferred type of weaponry seems to be firearms, with his weapon of choice being a Thompson machine gun, as well as carrying several sidearms on him. Due to his extra limbs, he is capable of wielding multiple weapons at once, as shown by his dual-welding machine pistols with his upper arms while using his lower arms to fire two rifles akimbo-style.


  • Baseball bat: Angel was shown briefly using a baseball bat to smash several Egg Boiz during his and Cherri Bomb's turf war against Sir Pentious.
  • PP-19 Vityaz: Angel rarely uses an AK-SMG, most often dual-wielding it with other machine guns.
  • Revolvers: Angel carries two revolvers on him which he typically only uses in tandem with other machine guns.
  • Thompson submachine gun: Angel's primary and favorite weapon when engaging in crime or combat is a pair of Thompson submachine guns, which he almost always carries on his person. He doesn't appear to use a singular Thompson and carries at least three on him at all times.




"You wanna talk about trauma?! When I was 24, my pa put a revolver to my head and said (imitating Henroin) 'if yer a f--, I'll paint the walls with yer brain!' (normally) So, naturally, I went out to the nearest bordello and fucked the first guy I saw."
— Angel Dust about Henroin.

Henroin was Angel Dust's disowned father and former mafia boss. Henroin emerged as a central figure in Angel Dust's tumultuous past, served as his estranged father and a former mafia kingpin. Their relationship was marked by intense conflict arose from Henroin's vehement disapproval of Angel's lifestyle and sexual orientation. The extent of this antagonism was profound, illustrated by Henroin's near-fatal attempt on Angel's life when he discovered his son's sexuality. This incident, among others, led to Angel's disownment by his father.

Arackniss was eager to shed light on Henroin's perspective, revealed his deep-seated embarrassment over having Angel as his son. Henroin's harsh judgment extended further, labeled Angel as a "sissy fairy failure." Indications suggest that Henroin subjected Angel to severe psychological trauma during his formative years. This included exposing him to graphic mafia executions, an experience that likely left lasting scars. Additionally, Henroin's rejection and conditional acceptance hinged on Angel's adherence to the mafia lifestyle, perpetuated a cycle of emotional neglect and manipulation.


Angel Dust was very close to his mother, Annie, and looks back on her fondly, reminiscing about her cooking and her skill with a piano while talking with Fergus. Although, when remembering his sister, Molly, Angel mentioned that Molly was the only member of his family who supported him, implying that, despite him remembering her fondly, Annie did not support his lifestyle (although this could have been because Angel was not out of the closet while living).


Arackniss was Angel's (formerly) disowned older brother. Although their relationship in the present was severed, they occasionally encountered each other while commuting in the streets of Pentagram City, which often resulted in the two getting into screaming matches with each other. Based on their dialogue, Arackniss greatly disliked Angel due to his sexual orientation and lifestyle, and Angel enjoyed teasing Arackniss about his name and his rather small stature.

In "My Brotha Arackniss", Angel Dust chose to save Arackniss after he was kidnapped by Sir Pentious, however, this was at the coercion of Charlie's Angels, and was tempted to leave him at the mercy of Pentious. This did nothing to heal their brotherhood, however, as the two brothers insulted each other all along the way. Furthermore, Arackniss insisted that he did not need Angel's help. When Arackniss asked Angel why he chose to save him, Angel admitted that he felt as if he "owed" Arackniss for saving him from being erased by Henroin - which visibly affected Arackniss -, and concluded that now that his debt was paid, he would never have to put up with Arackniss ever again. Angel reacted in a flippant way to Arackniss threatening to murder him before he and Cherri dumped Arackniss off the side of the road.

Later, Arackniss and Crimson's goons ambush Angel and his friends with the intention of bringing him and Moxxie to Henroin and Crimson. When a masked Arackniss was held at gun-point by Angel, the latter hesitated to kill Arackniss when his brother revealed his identity. This mercy led to Angel being incapacitated as Arackniss taunted him for not taking the shot.

While imprisoned at Henroin's mansion and confronted by his older brother, Angel Dust attempted to bridge the emotional gap with Arackniss, angrily telling his brother about the years of mistreatment and humiliation he endured from their father, Henroin. Despite glimpses of vulnerability, Arackniss, driven by anger and a desire for revenge and to be in the right, resisted fully acknowledging the truth.

Upon being reunited with Molly, Arackniss reluctantly decides to assist her with saving Angel, though he refuses to assist them beyond that. Arackniss faces fatal consequences for his loyalty to his father, and is killed during a confrontation between the mobster and the Insurgency, and his death heavily impacted Angel. Despite their differences, Angel Dust and Arackniss shared a moments of camaraderie and concern for each other, and their last conversation revolved them bonding over their familial love for Molly.

After the demise of Arackniss, Angel unleashed his fury upon Henroin, vehemently accusing his father of being responsible for both Arackniss' mortal and afterlife fate. Amidst the brutal beating, Angel lamented that their family could have been perfect if Henroin had prioritized his own kin over the demands of the mafia.


Molly is Angel Dust's twin sister. Their bond stands in stark contrast to Angel's strained relationships with the rest of their family, excluding their mother. The connection between Angel and Molly is characterized by genuine positivity and support.

In a heartwarming recollection shared with Fergus, Angel reflects on their shared history and highlights Molly as the sole family member who offered him unwavering encouragement and embraced his sexuality. This acceptance marked a significant departure from the norm in their family dynamics. Furthermore, Molly played an instrumental role in nurturing Angel's drag aspirations, allowing him to privately explore this facet of himself by donning her clothing.

Angel's emotions towards Molly are poignant and profound. He expresses a sense of yearning for her presence, recounting dreams of her during his time in Hell. The stark contrast between his experiences with the abusive members of his family and his fond memories of Molly, who resides in Heaven, amplifies his sense of loss and isolation. The absence of Molly in his life is a source of genuine sorrow and contributes to his complex emotional landscape.


Cherri Bomb

Angel and Cherri Bomb were best friends and former partners in crime. Cherri and Angel first met each other when Angel was nearly killed by a rival gang while attempting to carry out a job for Valentino. Just before Angel could be killed by his assailants, Cherri and several Resistance fighters indirectly saved him by attacking and killing most of the rival gang members as well as the men who accompanied Angel. Angel was then confronted by the Resistance fighters, who were initially confrontational towards him, believing that Angel was loyal to Valentino. However, Cherri grew to admire Angel for his spunky attitude and, after it became clear that he was not truly loyal to Valentino, subsequently befriended him, grew a strong friendship with him over time.

Following this incident, Cherri began to mentor Angel about effectively handling heavy weaponry and explosives. Using what Cherri had taught him, Angel became even more effective in combat, and therefore, he learned almost everything about his destructive behavior from her. Angel frequently assisted Cherri and the Resistance by defending their territory in Hell from external threats, and Angel always happily accepted a chance to finally get some "action", as well as join them in their rave parties and gathering. During these turf wars, Angel and Cherri frequently protected each other in the case that they were injured or put in danger; When an Egg Boi was about to shoot the both of them with a gun, Angel instinctively shoved Cherri out of the way and got caught instead. This caused their friendship to strengthen over time.

As a result of their close friendship, Cherri was one of the few people that Angel was willing to confine in and expose his more emotional side too. Cherri was always willing to comfort Angel whenever he endured difficult times, such as the sexual and financial abuse he regularly suffered at the hands of Valentino. As a result of Valentino's treatment of Angel, Cherri's hatred of the moth demon intensified, and she retaliated against him for hurting Angel by blowing up numerous billboards and businesses bearing the moth's visage, and frequently sabotaged his dealings with his associates. When he found out what Cherri was doing, Angel attempted to warn the anarchist to leave Valentino's operations alone out of concern for what the Overlord would do to her as revenge, but she arrogantly insisted that she could handle whatever he threw at her.

At some point, Valentino, thanks to Vox's input, discovered that Angel had been seen frequently with Cherri, who he knew as the leader of the Resistance and the sinner who had been sabotaging many of his dealings and operations. Taking advantage of the situation, the moth demon arranged an ambush disguised as a drug deal to capture Cherri and bring her to a warehouse. After luring the anarchist into a trap where she was successfully captured, Valentino brought Angel and Cherri to one of his warehouses, where he reacted with horror and confusion to Cherri's capture. Valentino, after lambasting Angel for forging a friendship with her, handed him a gun that used holy ammo and tasked him with killing her to prove his loyalty, as well as vengeance for her frequent interference in his businesses. However, Angel did not hesitate to try to shoot Valentino instead, proving that any loyalty he may have had to his pimp was not nearly as strong as his friendship with Cherri. The attempt to shoot Valentino failed, and Angel was punished by being assaulted by Valentino's goons.

Out of concern for Cherri's safety, Angel refused to hang out with her or any of the Resistance members for months, not risking being spotted with her and putting himself or especially her in danger. However, weeks after Angel checked into the Hazbin Hotel, Cherri paid him a visit, much to his pleasant surprise. Having not seen his best friend in months, Angel gave Cherri a hug, before reminding her that they could not be seen together. When Cherri took notice of Angel's bruises and marks he had received at the hands of Valentino, Angel attempted to brush it off by implying that he deserved it for disobeying his pimp. Angered, Cherri bluntly told Angel to shut up and insisted that he did not deserve anything that Valentino put him through.

Despite Cherri being a very close friend, Angel was initially hesitant to tell her that he genuinely wanted to better himself in order to escape Hell and, more importantly, Valentino. He feared that Cherri would ridicule him over this, or potentially even sever ties with him, and thus had decided to put off telling her about it. To his surprise, once he decided to confess to her his new-found opinion of redemption, Cherri was understanding of his decision and said she would support him all the way. Despite the possibility of losing Angel if he were to successfully reform himself and ascend to Heaven, Cherri stated that it would be worth it as long as he was safe and far away from Valentino, which brought a smile to Angel's face. Later, when Cherri was captured by Valentino, Angel, and Fergus went to rescue her from the warehouse that the Overlord's goons were keeping her in, only for Cherri to break herself out just as the two had arrived. She was clearly deeply moved that Angel and Fergus were willing to risk their safety to rescue her and gave Angel a tight hug in response.

Angel and Cherri's dynamic took a convoluted twist amid the Hazbin Hotel's struggles with redemption, exacerbated by the staff's adamant refusal to allow Cherri near Angel. This left Angel disheartened for Cherri and Cherri feeling betrayed by Angel. Jumping to conclusions, Cherri speculated that the hotel exploited Angel's fame to boost its own reputation, especially evident in their commercials prominently featuring him. Her resentment and self-interest surfaced further as she noticed Angel's apparent detachment. She began taunting and accusing him of growing "soft" due to his pursuit of rehabilitation, revealing a bitter aspect of her emotions.

Their relationship reached a breaking point when members of the Resistance fell victim to the Insurgency's actions. In their ensuing confrontation, former allies exchanged accusations and grievances. Cherri expressed her sense of betrayal and frustration, chiding Angel for what seemed like a disregard for her trust. In retaliation, Angel hurled insults, branding Cherri a "selfish bitch" and implicating her in his perceived misery within Hell. Amidst the charged atmosphere, both Cherri and Angel unleashed their pent-up emotions. Amidst the emotional turmoil, Cherri divulged her deeper feelings to Angel. She confessed her ultimate desire for his happiness and safety, despite her fear of being left behind. Vulnerable, she admitted her profound dread of loneliness if Angel were to ascend to Heaven.

Despite their tumultuous history, Angel later infiltrated the Insurgency's base to rescue Cherri when she was captured. Cherri, taken aback, confessed her assumption that Angel had abandoned her. Feigning offense, Angel reassured Cherri of their enduring friendship, regardless of redemption, prompting tears from her. Playfully, he offered her a hug, which she initially resisted before relenting, solidifying their bond. Together, they combated the Insurgency's forces, reminiscent of their past turf wars, swapping weapons in a display of camaraderie.

On their journey to confront Izzi, Cherri expressed willingness to die if it meant taking Izzi down. Sympathetic, Angel understood Izzi's responsibility for Cherri's demise and his own misfortunes.

As the Insurgency's base collapsed, Angel urged Cherri to flee, but she resolutely chose to confront her father. In her final moments, she gazed at the sky, encouraging Angel to "kick Heaven's ass" before striking a defiant pose, consumed by the explosion alongside her father. Angel was left shattered by Cherri's loss, experiencing a profound grief akin to that of losing Fat Nuggets.

Charlie Magne

In their first interaction, Charlie had invited Angel Dust into her limousine with Vaggie after seeing him streetwalking. Angel initially mistook the two's intentions and insisted that he'd have to charge extra to have sex with women, although Charlie clarified to Angel that they were only interested in talking. Angel agreed to get in limbo when the princess said she would pay him for his time. Once inside, Charlie and Vaggie proposed to Angel a chance to join the Happy Hotel, where he would be given free meals, housing, and protection from Hell's dangers in exchange for agreeing to enter the program. Angel used this proposition as a way to mock and fun of the idea, not taking Charlie's operation seriously, especially after he learned that no one had agreed to join prior. However, after Vaggie suggested to Charlie that Angel was no good to them and they should find someone more worthy, an agitated Angel agreed to take part, using the excuse of being behind on rent as the primary motivation. Just as Angel was about to leave to continue his evening's work since he was short on money, Charlie gave him a large stack of cash as an investment in himself. Angel expressed confusion, and he declared the gesture to be "a trick", to which the princess quickly reassured him that she believed that there was a lot more to Angel than he or other sinners thought, and she simply wished to nourish that and encourage him to be better. Angel, not used to such kindness, took the money with an awkward response and a promise to keep in touch. Although Angel believed the idea of redemption to be "silly", and was initially only interested in getting a free room, it was obvious from Angel's demeanor that Charlie's gesture and words made the spider demon consider genuinely trying redemption for the first time.

After checking into the Happy Hotel, Charlie began to act as one of Angel Dust's main authority figures, attempting to keep him on the path to betterment. Angel often jokingly (and, occasionally, affectionately) calls Charlie his "mom" because of the princess' tendency to tell him to do things he typically does not like to do, like cleaning up his messes and encouraging him to stay off drugs. During his first weeks at the Happy Hotel, Angel would often go behind the princess' back and break his sobriety by doing drugs and going on turf wars with Cherri Bomb, all for the sake of maintaining his credibility as an unruly porn star, as well as to make money for his pimp, Valentino. However, despite his habits of mocking Charlie and poking fun at her failures, the princess' compassion towards Angel slowly led to him developing a genuine friendship with her, due to her being one of the few people in Hell who saw him as more than just a sex object. Charlie is also very quick to comfort Angel whenever he is saddened, or going through severe drug withdrawals. While talking about Charlie with Fergus, Angel said that Charlie's happy attitude sometimes makes him happy, while admitting that her optimism occasionally feels like a "personal attack" and can irritate him at times, as he believes that Hell is not a happy place to live in.

Even before fully coming around to her, Angel displayed shades of a softer side towards Charlie; after the latter's failed interview on the 666 News, Angel noticed how his constant mockery was upsetting Charlie greatly, and almost apologized, but ultimately decided to let her be. During the hotel crew's confrontation with The Vees in Butcher Town, Angel even risked his life to save her from being killed by Valentino, shoving her out of the way when the moth demon attempted to shoot her with a holy bullet, which resulted in Angel Dust getting injured. When Charlie was comforting him as he was recovering, Angel said that taking the bullet was his way of paying Charlie back as thanks for her refusing to hand him over to Valentino.

Angel has mentioned that one of the things that endear Charlie to him is that he sees a lot of his sister, Molly, within Charlie.


Vaggie and Angel initially shared a very passive-aggressive "frenemy" type of relationship. While the start of their relationship was rocky, to say the least, by and large, the two are good friends and most trusted allies capable of working together to obtain mutual goals.

Vaggie and Angel first encountered each other when the former enlisted Angel in the Happy Hotel program with Charlie. When Vaggie inquired Angel's name after introducing herself to him, the spider called her a "bitch", without any sort of provocation, while introducing himself, and burst into laughter when Vaggie told him her name and began to mockingly refer to her as "vagina". As Angel continued to mock the hotel and laugh at its ideals, Vaggie had little to no hope in Angel and suggested to Charlie that he was no good to them and that they should find another candidate, which annoyed Angel as she did not consider him worthy. Angel insisted that he was the best candidate for the hotel's first patient, to which Vaggie sternly told him to prove his worth, to which Angel responded by accepting their proposal to join the hotel.

In their interactions, Angel often playfully taunts Vaggie by continually making fun of her name and playing practical jokes on her, like gifting Charlie with a dog collar that had Vaggie's name on it or putting dildos in Vaggie's drawer. Vaggie finds Angel's relapses, jokes, and casual dismissal of his destructive behavior to be infuriating, especially since his relapses have upset Charlie greatly and damaged the Happy Hotel's already undesirable reputation. Regardless, there have been traces of positivity in their relationship now and then; despite being frequently vexed by his behavior, Vaggie respects Angel enough to defend him from external threats, such as when she threatened to kill Alastor with an angelic spear if he "hurt anyone" at the hotel, which included Angel. Vaggie also expresses sympathy towards Angel over the horrific abuse he has endured at the hands of Valentino, as she has also experienced and endured sexual abuse in the past. While scolding Angel for his destructive behavior and leaving the hotel when he was supposed to be grounded, Vaggie raised her hand at Angel in anger, which caused him to suffer a PTSD-induced panic attack as he briefly saw her as Valentino was about to strike him. Once Vaggie realized what she did, she immediately attempted to apologize to Angel, although he brushed off her apology and insisted he only reacted in such a way to protect his face.

In "The Encore", Vaggie, along with the rest of the hotel crew, refused to give Angel back to Valentino, even if it meant war with the Vees. When Valentino and his associates attacked the Hazbin Hotel in retaliation, Angel and Vaggie managed to settle their differences and teamed up to take down Velvette. Entering Velvette's funhouse together, the two discovered Velvette's "doll" collection with Angel, and they both were horrified by the display, and Angel assisted Vaggie in freeing Velvette's victims from their state. This greatly enraged Velvette herself, who entered her Full Demon Form in a fit of rage, and injured Vaggie by clawing her across the side. As Vaggie was injured, Angel put himself in between her and Velvette, defending Vaggie by attacking Velvette with his machine gun. When Velvette then mused over ways she would torture Vaggie, Angel attempted to attack Velvette again in an attempt to defend Vaggie, and even gave her a high-five after they successfully took down Velvette, showing how far their relationship came since their first encounter.

By the time of Chapter 5, Angel and Vaggie are essentially full-on fire-forged friends. The two clearly care about each other, and while Angel still enjoys teasing Vaggie, he is much less mean-spirited about it than previously and the two are even capable of joking around with each other. During her confrontation with Roo, Vaggie admitted that she trusted angel Dust, a far cry from what their relationship had begun as.

As Angel readied for his journey to Heaven, he exchanged a sincere farewell, if playful, and embraced Vaggie, demonstrating the depth of their friendship. Regrettably, tragedy struck when Satan seized control of Angel's body, seeking retribution against both Angel and Charlie for their resistance. In a cruel twist, Vaggie met her end at the hands of Angel's manipulated vessel.

Soon after finally breaking free from Satan's grip and escaping Roo by fleeing with the hotel crew to Earth, Angel, without recollection of the possession, asked the crew where Vaggie was upon noticing that she was not with them, tragically oblivious to her death by his indirect hand.


Upon Husk being summoned by Alastor to serve as the bartender and desk clerk at the Happy Hotel, Angel Dust swiftly developed an attraction towards Husk. He indulged in flirtatious banter and playful advances, much to Husk's evident irritation. Persistent in his actions, Angel would blow kisses and wink at Husk, who, in turn, found this behavior rather irksome and would respond with dismissive expletives.

Yet, the dynamic between Husk and Angel changed course when Husk stepped in to prevent Angel from getting entangled in a dangerous situation after Husk rejected his advances. Husk's actions saved Angel from potential harm. As they made their way back to the hotel, a genuine conversation about abuse and manipulation ensued, paving the way for a sincere and deepening friendship between them. In a playful manner, Angel teased Husk about genuinely caring for him, causing Husk to blush and become defensive. He maintained that his actions were driven solely by the desire to protect the hotel, downplaying any personal attachment to Angel, even though Angel could slyly discern the genuine concern and care Husk had for him.

Following this turning point, Angel and Husk solidified their status as an iconic duo, their friendship characterized by humorous banter and mutual emotional support. They became a fixture at the Angst Bar, often seen confiding in and conversing with one another. Husk tends to take on the role of a mindful protector while Angel is the chaotic instigator, going out of his way multiple times to ensure Angel's safety and keep him from blowing up. Husk was also generous enough to babysit Fat Nuggets for Angel whenever he was out of the hotel, putting up with the pig since Angel clearly cared about it. Their camaraderie became a central and endearing aspect of life at the Happy Hotel, showcasing the power and possibility of an unexpected, genuine friendship between damned sinners.

Husk and Angel have bonded over their troubled pasts, sharing feelings of neglect and being undervalued by their respective families and circumstances, with Angel being raised from birth to be a mobster while Husk grew up in a casino, thus all both of them knew were those kinds of lives. They found solace and understanding in each other's experiences. Husk expressed his sense of independence gained from a challenging upbringing in the big city, while Angel shared how he felt ignored by his father and comparatively gained very little from the mafia lifestyle. Angel lifted Husk's spirits, emphasizing Husk of his worth, appreciating him for who he is and for him being there for the hotel's crew members no matter how much they drive him to drink. Despite Husk's initial doubts about his significance, Angel's encouragement helped him realize his value and importance within their newfound circle of caring friends.


Despite how long Angel has been in Hell and the Radio Demon's far-reaching reputation, Angel admitted to Vaggie that he had never heard of Alastor before the Radio Demon's arrival at the Hotel, citing his lack of interest in 'politics'. Upon first being approached by Alastor and asked what talents he possessed, Angel offered up his 'services' as his solitary skill, specifically offering Alastor fellatio, which managed to break the Radio Demon's composure, before he laughed it off and swiftly and firmly turned down Angel's offer.

Angel seems to be the patient within the hotel who Alastor is most vexed by (besides Baxter); Angel has a habit of using his flirtatious and perverted humor to playfully bug the Radio Demon, loving how much it makes Alastor uncomfortable. Angel also enjoys pranking Alastor in many ways, such as putting pornographic magazines and a TV in the Radio Demon's office. Alastor was also constantly annoyed by how Angel allowed Fat Nuggets to rummage through the hotel's kitchen and causes messes, threatening to eat Fat Nuggets if Angel did not supervise him properly. Angel Dust displayed a protective and affectionate attitude towards Fat Nuggets, and Alastor seemed to enjoy provoking Angel Dust and engaging in playful banter with him, even going as far as proposing a wager involving Fat Nuggets, questioning and testing the beloved pig's loyalty.

Despite him genuinely hating Angel Dust, Alastor often restrains himself from harming the spider (mostly because Charlie would not let him) and has protected Angel from the hotel's threats. Angel was shown to be grateful when Alastor defended him from Valentino and his associates when they attempted to take Angel back to Porn Studios, flirtatiously referring to Alastor as his "dark knight in crimson armor".

On the more negative side, Angel is somewhat dismayed at the fact that Alastor does not believe that Angel can be redeemed, as he became slightly agitated when the Radio Demon laughed when he confessed that he genuinely wanted to better himself.

Despite his clear disdain for Angel, Alastor would later go on to free Angel from Valentino's control by winning a bet against the moth Overlord and Vox. However, Alastor only did this to prove to Sera that he was capable of doing "good" as well as some way to validate Charlie's claims that even the worst demons were capable of doing good deeds.


Although their interactions are sporadic, Angel has a friendly relationship with Niffty. At the same time, he is slightly afraid to make a mess around her, and at one point claimed to Fergus that Niffty nearly stabbed him in the hand for spilling his drink on a carpet. Angel appreciates that Niffty constantly keeps the hotel clean, as he does not want dirt or cobwebs to get onto his fluff. Niffty thinks that Angel is a woman, most likely because of his feminine features, although Angel does not seem to mind this at all and has never corrected her on his gender.

Razzle and Dazzle

"(laughing softly) Ok, ok, ok... You two are alright."
— Angel to Razzle and Dazzle while petting them after they comforted him over Fat Nuggets getting kidnapped.

Angel appreciates Razzle and Dazzle as the two goat demons cater to his requests, protect him from external threats, and make food for him when he requests it. He speaks very highly of their cooking, claiming the dishes they prepare are far better than the sub-par food found in Hell's Diners. After Valentino took Fat Nuggets, Razzle and Dazzle noticed Angel became quite distressed and offered to let him pet them as a form of comfort. Angel affectionately pet them on their heads, which managed to make him laugh and express his approval of them.

Charlie's Angels

Angel first personally interacted with Amelia, Christopher, Giulia, Megara, Arthur, Simon, and James when Baxter was making repairs to his spaceship when the hotel crew was trapped in Purgatory. After Megara commented on his fur, Angel let the children touch his fluff, which they practically became addicted to. Afterward, Angel began sharing stories about his life with the children as they huddled and cuddled against him around a campfire, enamored by his stories. When Angel began talking about his desire to reform himself, and his uncertainty on whether or not it was possible, the children encouraged him to see the good inside himself. Later, when Satan sent Manco's alternate counterparts to attack the hotel crew, Angel protected the children, saving Simon and Megara from being potentially devoured.

Eight years after the hotel crew split up, Satan, having noticed Angel's soft spot for the children, confronted Angel after possessing the children, using them as mouthpieces to confront him and threatening to kill them if he did not listen to what it said. Angel reacted furiously to this, threatening to murder Satan if it did anything to the angels. Although Angel knew no good would come from making a deal with the Devil, he reluctantly submitted to Satan's deal the ensure the safety of the children. After Satan released them, Angel tenderly comforted the terrified child as they were crying from what had happened. He continued showing his care for them as he comforted them hours later when they were still clearly shaken from their experience. Later, when the hotel crew was on a mission to retrieve the Celumite to power Baxter's spaceship, the children saved Angel from being lost in space, to which he gratefully thanked them.


Angel is protective of Crymini and treats her almost like a little sister, even referring to her as such. Angel is one of the few hotel crew members that Crymini gets along with, as they enjoy shopping and going out into Pentagram City with each other, as well as pulling pranks on and bugging each other.


Shortly after I.M.P joined the hotel crew until the situation with Lucifer blew over, Angel and Moxxie managed to form a friendship with each other, despite Moxxie nearly killing Angel numerous times. Sharing drinks with each other, they grew a strong dynamic with each of them balancing out each other's problems. They were able to bond over their mutual daddy issues and how they both came from crime families. When Moxxie lamented how difficult the mob life was, Angel, knowing that feeling all too well, said that although the mob life was difficult, it was also rewarding, in a sense.


Fat Nuggets

"Nuggs... There's some days where I think I woulda just blown my brains out if it weren't for him."
— Angel Dust about Fat Nuggets.

Fat Nuggets was Angel's pet pig whom he loved very much. Fat Nuggets was a gift from Valentino to Angel that the moth claimed was a reward for all of Angel's work. Angel initially had no interest or desire for a pig as a pet, due to their reputation as unkempt creatures, and initially acted indifferent towards the pig. Shortly after Fat Nuggets was given to Angel, the spider returned home after being forced into a humiliating gangbang by Valentino, causing him to wreck his motel room before crying uncontrollably on the ground. Fat Nuggets slowly approached Angel and cuddled against him, to which Angel responded by hugging the pig tightly for support. It was from that moment on that Angel grew to love Fat Nuggets deeply, with the pig becoming a sort of support animal for Angel, being a source of comfort for Angel through difficult times.

Angel enjoyed dressing up Fat Nuggets in little clothes, matching outfits, and collars with bows on them, often posting images of the pig on his Voxtagram account, and generally smothering him with affection. He was also extremely forgiving of Fat Nuggets, never seeming to get angry at the pig for his tendency to cause messes in Angel's room and the hotel in general, and would often come up with excuses when the hotel's patients and staff expressed their annoyance over Fat Nuggets' messy habits. He also would become defensive whenever Alastor mused about eating Nuggets for his constant annoyance. He would go to great lengths to protect Nuggets from danger, chasing down Sir Pentious when he kidnapped the pig and viciously beating the snake down for endangering Nuggets. When talking to Fergus, Angel even admitted that Fat Nuggets was one of his only reasons to keep living in Hell.

When the Vees kidnapped Fat Nuggets in retaliation for Angel leaving Valentino, Angel became incredibly distressed and nearly inconsolable, going as far as to torture one of Valentino's goons for information on Fat Nuggets' location, and becoming far more serious and less prone to joking around the hotel crew. Upon finally finding Fat Nuggets, Angel emotionally embraced the distraught pig and assured him that he was safe. However, Valentino had been waiting for Angel, having used Fat Nuggets as bait, and once Angel had fallen into his trap, the moth restrained Angel using smoke and forced the spider to watch as he killed the pig with a knife. Angel became incredibly distraught afterward, screaming death threats at Valentino and futilely attempting to attack the moth. In the aftermath of Valentino's temporary defeat, Angel broke down in bitter tears over his beloved pet's death, falling to his knees while clutching Fat Nugget's collar, while Charlie, Vaggie, Niffty, Cherri Bomb, and even Husk and Fergus piled in and hugged him for comfort.

Fat Nuggets' brutal death left an everlasting impact on Angel, resulting in him suffering from nightmares of Nuggets' death, and even attempting suicide. However, he was able to recover with help from the hotel crew while still remembering Fat Nuggets as the pig who gave him life.



"Val's a fuckin' monster. He ruined my afterlife. It's what he does best; ruinin' people's lives. He treated me like a slave for 70 years, kept me on a leash like I was just some fuckin' pet... I couldn't say it then... But I hated that son of a bitch so fuckin' much."
— Angel Dust revealing his true thoughts on Valentino to Charlie.

Valentino is Angel Dust's former pimp and a major threat to his safety. At some point, after he was reborn in Hell, Angel, struggling for money, was caught attempting to steal the wheels from Valentino's limo, and was brought before the moth by his gang. Although Valentino briefly mused over simply killing him, he ultimately saw potential in Angel's looks and habits, and, after giving him drugs and having sex with him as a way to coax the spider in, Angel accepted the moth's offer to become a porn actor and dancer at Porn Studios.

Over time, Angel became one of Valentino's most famous and profitable workers, earning himself millions of dollars, protection from Hell's law enforcement and gangs due to his status as one of Valentino's highest-earning workers, and all the drugs he could have desired. Valentino also frequently bought Angel Dust makeup, and at one point gifted him with a pet in the form of Fat Nuggets for his work, enticing Angel into working with him for even longer.

Despite the hedonistic pleasure that Angel seemed to enjoy while serving Valentino, the moth demon truly only cared for Angel as long as he was able to profit off of the spider's body and use him for sex, viewing Angel as a slave and sex object who only existed to feed his sexual lust and earn him money. Angel would constantly be forced to kiss and have sex with Valentino, with or without his consent, and although Angel had earned millions of dollars from his work with Valentino, he was forced to forfeit nearly all of his earnings to his pimp, leaving him impoverished and forced to do degrading sex work, such as giving his landlord fellatio, to survive, thus robbing Angel of any joy he could have obtained from serving Valentino.

Angel's relationship with Valentino was abusive and deeply complex. While Angel was fully aware of Valentino's manipulative and harmful behavior, a part of him found a twisted sense of excitement in being caught in the cycle of abuse. The relationship was undeniably toxic and poisonous, yet Angel couldn't resist indulging in the chaotic allure of fulfilling Valentino's fantasies.

In addition, Angel endured endless physical, emotional, and sexual abuse for his infractions, such as failing to pay Valentino the money that he owed him, or for being late to film shoots. Angel was also never allowed to speak to Valentino out of turn, in addition to being forced into a strict diet. He was also put under constant surveillance from the moth's underlings whenever he was allowed some free time, most likely to prevent him from potentially running away and escaping his pimp's influence. This abuse resulted in Angel developing a deep-seated hatred for Valentino over the years.

As a result of Valentino's mistreatment, Angel Dust, despite being infamously snarky and sarcastic, was shown to be very uncomfortable and physically shaken by Valentino's presence while serving him, and did not dare say or do anything that would invoke Valentino's wrath, and complied to nearly all of his pimp's wishes without much resistance or back-talk. Well aware of Angel's talents as a criminal, Valentino would occasionally send Angel to do immoral and dangerous jobs for him in exchange for money, such as interrogating and torturing his business rivals, and assassinating rival gangs, uncaring that Angel could have been potentially killed, captured, or injured during any of these jobs. Angel's frequent relapses during his rehabilitation at the Happy Hotel were also mostly caused by Valentino, as he was attempting to get money for his pimp, explaining his motives for breaking his two weeks of good behavior before getting wrapped up in the turf war with Sir Pentious.

Angel tried to ignore Valentino's mistreatment of him for as long as he could, as he deluded himself into thinking that the moth truly loved him, but following a particularly bad experience with Valentino and support from Charlie, Angel finally rebelled against Valentino and permanently joined the Hazbin Hotel. Not only was he bold enough to publicly humiliate and insult Valentino in front of Vox and Velvette by calling him out on his mistreatment of them, but he also struggled against him and spat in his face during their confrontation towards the end of Chapter 1. During another confrontation, as revenge for disobeying him, Valentino finally went through with his threat and brutally killed Fat Nuggets while forcing Angel to watch helplessly as he did it, simply to emotionally torment and scar the spider demon and deprive him of someone he cares about. While restraining the enraged spider, Valentino, using Angel Dust's own growth as a person against him, gave Angel the offer of going back to work for him as a prostitute at Porn Studios, stating that even if Angel Dust had refused, it would have led to the death of all his friends and broken him completely.


Angel Dust greatly despises Vox, as the TV Demon, like many sinners, only views Angel as a sex object and a pretty face he could use to pleasure himself. During Angel's decades of serving Valentino, Vox would occasionally "borrow" Angel from Valentino so that the spider could give the TV Demon his services, and Angel would occasionally pole dance at Vox's nightclub. It was very clear from his behavior around the TV Demon that Angel Dust loathed Vox intensely and only gave the TV Demon his services for the money alone, and would frequently make Vox pay extra as a result. Vox would also frequently harass Angel with sexual intent with no regard for Angel's feelings, which Angel was disgusted by, and would take any chance to insult Vox whenever this occurred.

While Vox seemed disgusted by Valentino sexually abusing Angel, the spider noted Vox's hypocrisy by pointing out that the TV Demon was still willing to recapture Angel and bring him back to Valentino to be endlessly mistreated, and that he never attempted to protect Angel from Valentino's mistreatment, and thus rebuffs any of Vox's supposed "sympathy". During the Vees' assault on the Hazbin Hotel, Vox showed his true colors towards Angel when he brutally tortured the spider in front of Alastor, all while regarding Angel as a "worthless cum dumpster" who he would enjoy mistreating once Angel was brought back to Valentino.


Despite not interacting with it much Satan's first interaction with Angel shortly after taking possession of Charlie's body when the latter concerningly asked if she was alright, taunting Angel if anyone will remember him when he was slowly suffocating, and Angel mocking the Devil by calling it "The Universe's greatest parasite" when it had Vaggie's team restrained by The Vees.

Angel Dust has a deep hatred for the Devil for torturing and nearly killing him and all of his friends. They finally have a full-on conversation after the eight-year-time skip of Adina's death and the Happy Hotel being torn apart, when it took possession of the seven angel children after they escaped the Queen Spider's den. Mocking Angel for his inability to harm it in exchange for harming the children, Angel threatened if it harmed the children that he will split it up so badly that not even the Purgatory will re-arrange what it looked like. Satan was completely unfazed by Angel's threats and proposed him a deal that will benefit both of them by "helping" him find a way to kill Valentino, initially, Angel scoffed and laughed it off as a joke, but realized it was serious and it even tried to bring up Fat Nuggets to emotionally hurt Angel. Angel forcefully accepted Satan's offer in exchange for letting the seven angel children go, but the Devil warned if Angel tries to escape, it will find him and destroy everything he cherishes and is dear to him, to which Angel angrily agreed, completely unfazed by Satan's threats.

In Chapter 4, Satan telepathically communicated with Angel to go and destroy one of Valentino's clubs and successfully convinced him to kill one of Valentino's defenseless and terrified employees, which brought some satisfaction to Angel as he forgot how fun was killing people. After destroying the club, Angel Dust smugly imagined Valentino's reaction and admitted that he loves living in the hotel and being redeemed, but "sometimes it's good to let loose." Still, Angel Dust admitted his hatred towards Satan, to which the fallen Light Beyond the Stars replied that Angel might hate it now and claimed he will soon thank it and it is their first towards "revenge".

It is implied that Satan is plotting to corrupt Angel by goading him into taking revenge on those who have harmed him and submitting to his sinful habits, which could potentially cause Angel to lose his chance at redemption and result in him being trapped in Hell permanently.

Sir Pentious

"Oh, harder, Daddy!"
— Angel Dust after being attacked by Sir Pentious.

For the most part, Angel does not take Sir Pentious seriously as a threat. He has frequently aided Cherri Bomb and the Resistance in their skirmishes with Sir Pentious, and constantly mocks the snake with various sex jokes that Pentious constantly fails to understand, such as when the snake actually thought Angel was his son, after misinterpreting Angel's intent behind calling him 'Daddy'.

The only time Angel had ever taken Sir Pentious seriously was when Pentious kidnapped Fat Nuggets in "The Game of Doubt", as he was shown angrily yelling and outright threatening to murder Sir Pentious if he didn't return Fat Nuggets back to him. That said, Angel returned to making crude jokes against Sir Pentious after he rescued his beloved pet pig.

After Pentious joined the Hazbin Hotel, Angel and Pentious quickly dropped their enemy grudge against each other and began a shaky friendship. When Pentious found himself desperately craving a romantic partner, Angel willingly offered to teach him how to sweet-talk others. However, Angel still occasionally indulged in playful teasing at Pentious' expense. Pentious' horrible attempts at "rizzing" provided Angel with much ample comedic fodder, and Angel seized the opportunity to jest about his lackluster attempts at flirting. When Pentious' attempts at flirting resulted in him being pepper sprayed, Angel calmly dragged Pentious to the hotel while reassuring him. Additionally, the revelation of Pentious' crush on Cherri Bomb invited uproarious laughter from Angel.

Verosika Mayday



Angel first met Asmodeus when the King of Lust applauded him for his performance at Ozzie's. Angel was initially intimidated by Asmodeus' sudden appearance but eased up when the King of Lust offered him a job as a dancer at his nightclub, assuming the King of Lust did not recognize him since he was disguised as a woman at the time. Angel accepted the job as he had always wanted to live in the Lust Ring, and was promptly chauffeured to Asmodeus' private villa. There, he was treated by the King of Lust and showered with gifts and junk food. Angel was pleasantly surprised by the King of Lust's hospitality as he was seemingly nothing like Angel's former pimp, Valentino. After enjoying ice cream and a movie together, Asmodeus and Angel had passionate sex as the King of Lust seduced him into it.

Over the following weeks, Asmodeus made Angel a star in the Lust Ring under his fake name "Anita Hanjaab", allowing the spider to stay at his villa where they ate food and had sex regularly, developing a strong fondness for Asmodeus for his treatment of him. All of this takes a turn, however, when Asmodeus revealed that he knew Angel's identity the entire time by recognizing his moves when he was dancing. He revealed that he was a big fan of Angel's works and offered to make him a permanent citizen of Lust, so long as he agreed to work under him indefinitely. Although Angel appeared to consider Asmodeus' offer, though he may have been intimated as the King of Lust backed him into a wall, he quickly changed his mind when Asmodeus threatened to kill Fergus when the latter interrupted them, sadly stating that the King of Lust was no better than Valentino, having finally realized that the King of Lust was only using him for sex, before attempting to free Fergus from Asmodeus' magical grasp. Asmodeus allowed Angel and Fergus to leave, and although he ordered his guards to kill them for treason, he specifically ordered them to only kill Angel once he was out of his sight, as he did not want to see personally see Angel get hurt.



Angel does not think much of Travis, regarding him an as "a rando from the street", and considered offering his service to Travis to get a "quick cash grab". After driving Angel to a nearby drug vending machine, Travis complimented Angel for his service, only to call Angel a slut when he told Travis to keep their deal discreet, to which Angel feigned being offended, and insulted Travis for his uncreative insult. Angel then gave Travis a quick smooch on the lips and told him to give his greetings to Travis' wife, causing Travis to speed off while grumbling and crash his car.

Ever since their meeting, Travis seems to have become one of Angel’s regular patrons, as he was present during Angel's show at one of Valentino's nightclubs. Angel still doesn't really care much for Travis, as he casually kicked a drooling Travis in the face without looking.



Chapter 1

"Angel Dust: ...And then he said, 'is there any guy you won't fuck fer sum pocket change'? And I said, 'yeah, you'. (he bursts out laughing) And he's the best part-
Icky Sinner: (he approaches Angel at a bar, leaning over him) Hey there, Legs...
Angel Dust: (he isn't looking at the sinner, but still chuckles as he turns to face them) Hey there, darli- (he leaps up) Oh, fuck! Uh... By any chance, are yous one of them harlequin babies? Cuz ya got a lil' something thereeee.... (he motions over the sinner's face) All over ya fuckin' face.
Icky Sinner: Beauty's in the eye of the beholder, baby...
Angel Dust: Yeah... (he offers the sinner a card) And that beholder is generously offerin' ya a visit from my plastic surgeon. Cuz holy FUCK! Also, yer fuckin' breath smells so fuckin' bad, I think my mascara's runnin'. You know how fuckin' hard it is to get this stuff outta all this fluff?! (Angel taunts the sinner by shaking his "breasts") Not doin' wonders for yer chances of gettin' summa this. So, are ya tryin' to scare me off? 'Cause you could save yourself the trouble. I ain't interested. Go harass someone with lower standards, why don't ya?
Icky Sinner: (he chuckles) That was a nice speech. You got a way with words, doll... Those scripts your daddy makes you read don't do you no favors.
Angel Dust: (he rolls his eyes, spilling a bit of his drink when he talks with his hands) Damn right, they don't. You think some half-baked porn screenwriter is gonna be able to put words in my mouth that I won't have to gargle to make them sound right?
Icky Sinner: (he gets closer to Angel) All kiddin' aside.... I'm only here to scope out the best of the best... (he begins touching Angel's chest and neck as Angel's breath hitches) And I don't take no for answers.
Angel Dust: (Angel's concerned look morphs into a devious grin) Oh, baby... (he begins touching his chest as if to arouse the icky sinner, before suddenly pulling a handgun out from his chest fluff, pressing the gun's barrel against the sinner's head) How's this fer a fuckin' answer then, limp-dick?
Icky Sinner: (he puts his hands up and backs away, tripping over himself and falling to the floor; the sinners at the club begin staring at his and Angel's display) S- Sugar, take it easy. You know I was just pulling your leg! I wasn't actually gonna-
Angel Dust: Gonna what? (he presses the barrel up to the terrified sinner's head again, who closes his eyes; Angel pulls the trigger, but instead of a bullet, a "BANG" flag comes out; after a beat, Angel cackles hysterically, nearly falling onto a nearby table) YOUS- YOUS SHOULDA SEEN THE LOOK ON YER FUCKIN' FACE! BWAHAHAHAHA!!! DID- DID YOUS FUCKIN' PISS YERSELF?! (to the clubgoers) CLEANUP ON AISLE FUCKFACE! (he continues laughing, before stopping and approaching the sinner) Y'know what I fuckin' hate? Cockfaces like you that can't keep their fuckin' mitts off the fuckin' merchandise. And, buddy... (he dangles the prop gun) If you can't this handle this pea-shooter, do ya really think yous could take (he caresses his crotch area in a taunting manner) the REAL DEAL? (he laughs at the embarrassed sinner) I didn't fuckin' think so. (he twirls the gun around his finger) But I ain't gonna kill ya. That'd be fuckin' mercy now that everyone 'ere knows how much of a fuckin' nobody loser ya are. (Angel's eyes begin glowing a menacing pink color) But if yous show yer face around me again... I can do SO MUCH fuckin' worse than this. (he begins walking towards the exit stylishly) Ta-ta, bitchhhh~.
— Angel handles an icky sinner, also his introductory scene.
"(Angel looks unimpressed after seeing his first room; he turns to Charlie) Aight, listen 'ere, flatty-mcflat-chest. Just 'cuz yous is takin' me in and I'm livin' unda yer roof doesn't mean I'm sacrificin' my standards. (he pulls a note and pen out of his chest fluff and throws them in Vaggie's hands) Jot this down: I need at least two bidets. One fer business, one fer pleasure. I also need a mirror with lights on it, a stockpile of Succubus' Allure and a separate walk-in for my getups. The gimp suits alone take up all the space in that pathetic little broom closet yer tryin' to sell me."
— Angel to Charlie.
"Angel Dust: I told you I wasn't politically correct!
Vaggie: You SAID you didn't get involved in politics!
Angel Dust: Same difference!
— Angel and Vaggie.
"Valentino: (Angel enters his office as he is on the phone) 'Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss?' Those are my three favorite words, sweetie. Tell me, can you handle suffocation? ...Well, tell me how much Hellhound dick you can take and we'll start talkin'. ...Oh, you got some in front of you as we speak?
Angel Dust: (waves his hand) Val...?
Valentino: (he looks at Angel with a grin before talking into the phone) Daddy's gotta put you on hold. Just start shovin' them in there and let's both hope you don't pass out when I get back, or I'll fuck your sister. Thank you, byeee....~ (he puts the caller on hold, before smiling at Angel) Angel Baby! How are you, my little sweet? Good? Goooood! (he pours a drink into two cups in front of him, one for Angel and one for him; when Angel goes to accept the drink, Valentino snatches it and gulps it down as a display of power) So, Angelcakes... I was watchin' the news earlier, and coulda sworn I heard you were stayin' at that princesses' new hotel, and I was just wondering... Do you really buy into that redemption bullshit?
Angel Dust: Redemption?! (scoffs) You serious, Val? Of course I don't. I was just stayin' there fer the free rent, ya know? You've been askin' fer your money back and I thought this was the best way to save up fer that.
Valentino: (grins) That so? Well, lucky for you, that's just what I was hoping to hear. From what I've heard, that princess is such a downer. Rumor has it you can't even smoke in the lobby without pissin' off that feisty little sidekick of hers. How is any demon supposed to get any enjoyment in that dump? (he begins laughing)
Angel Dust: (struggling to laugh) Y- Yeah? Right? Oh, don't even get me started on V-
Valentino: BUT- (Angel steps back in fear) Your reputation- MY reputation is in jeopardy just by your name bein' associated with that fucking place. Can you imagine... what my associates and clients are gonna think of me if they found out my Angel Dust was trouncing around at some rehab center?
Angel Dust: (He playfully pouts) Whaaaat? Can't a guy even have a change of scenery every once-a in a while? (He laughs nervously, until he notices how PISSED Valentino looks; He speaks a little more nervously) Val, If anything', I just needed a bigga place for my little Nuggs. He's a pig, y'know? He needs a lotta-
Valentino: Ooh, you love that pig, don't you, Angel? What a precious little thing... And you two are so cute together! It'd sure be a shame if something were to happen to it... It would break your heart, wouldn't it, sweetheart? But, y'know, accidents can happen.
Angel Dust: You... don't need to do that, Val... I can make it all up to ya. If there's anythin' I can do, just say the word.
Valentino: (snickers) Oh, I'm about to. Since you're so keen on staying there, we're gonna play damage control and have an all-day shoot tomorrow. It'll have it all; spanking, blow, hair pulling, deepthroating, and maybe even a little... Ass to ass. Fuck it, let's throw some snuff in there. We'll advertise it all over Pride. That's what it's gonna take to remind people you haven't lost your edge. You like that, sweetheart?
Angel Dust: S- Sure, Val...
Valentino: Good. (he approaches Angel Dust) Oh, and Angel? (after a pause, he punches Angel in the face, giving him a black eye) ...Aw, what's wrong? Didn't think I'd fuckin' see you've been hanging around with that anarchist bitch again? (Valentino's smoke trails grab Angel by the neck) You know how I feel about that. I don't want to ever see you fucking around with her again, got that?
Angel Dust: (dejected) Yes, sir...
Valentino: Is that what you're supposed to say?!
Angel Dust: (faking a smile) Whateva you want, Daddy!
Valentino: (he releases Angel) There's a good boy... Now get the fuck out.
— Angels' meeting with Valentino regarding his staying at the Happy Hotel.
"It's okay, Nugsy. Don'tcha worry. I had it comin'. (he lights a cigarette as a single tear falls down his cheek) Papa's been a bad boy."
— Angel to Fat Nuggets, after the pig noticed Angel's black eye when he returned from work.
"Oh, you must be... What's it... Vag... Vagina? Vaggie! Heh. Ya know what? I don't care. Listen, sugar tits, if yous still wanna stay here babysittin' Singin' Sunshine, ya better get used ta me bein' the big cheese 'round these parts. And if ya wanna fight it? (He gets in Vaggie's ear as she bares her canines) Bring it on, bitch."
— Angel to Vaggie.
"Y'know, this jaded, haggard middle-aged thing is workin' well for you. If I was five years younger and tighter, I woulda called ya 'daddy'. But, now I guess I'll settle on callin' ya bluff. (he lays his deck of card down) Read 'em and weep, pussy cat! Three queens and a pair of deuces! A winnin' hand, and the title of my last film."
— Angel while playing cards with Husk.
"Angel Dust: Thanks fer fixin' that hole Pentious blew in the front doors. I can't have my creepy stalkers peepin' at the goods. It costs extra!
Alastor: ...Who?
Angel Dust: Oh, y'know, my stalkers. Buncha creepy, ugly freaks who want summa-
Alastor: No, no, no, I understood that part quite well. What I am referring to is the identity of who blew a hole in the hotel? I'd love to meet them myself! What a spectacle!
Angel Dust: (with an awestruck expression) ...Pentious. (Alastor smiles cluelessly) Sir Pentious? ...The snake in the blimp with the eggs? You just destroyed him- Nevamind. The point is, you betta be 'round next time he comes knockin' again.
Alastor: ...Pentious... Sir Pentious...
Alastor: This person's name confounds me... Tell me, is this 'Sir Pentious' one of my new age, adoring, idiotic 'fangirls'? If so, I guess putting all those arrows around my tower may have not been the wisest idea...
Angel Dust: W- What tha fuck are you talkin' about? (Alastor continues smiling as Angel waves his hand in the Radio Demon's face while he stares unflinchingly) Helloooo? Hell to Alastor?!
Alastor: It's on the tip of my tongue...
Angel Dust: (sighs) Aight, you have fun with that. I'm hittin' the sack. (he walks away)
— Alastor and Angel Dust.
"Helpin' old ladies cross the street is easy. You want hard? Try keepin' 20 guys entertained fer a weekend with nothing but a hammock, a trumpet, and half a bottle of grenadine. Not one of best moments... But one of my proudest."
— Angel Dust.
"(he approaches Vaggie as she is doing desk work) So, Vagina, just between us girls... Did you die on yer period? (Vaggie keeps working, ignoring Angel Dust) I'm just curious, 'cuz if ya die on yer period yer stuck like that foreva, that's a fact. I'm just tryin' ta figure out what yer so damn angry all tha time! Are you mad 'vux all tha tacos in Hell taste like shit? (guffaws) Say... I bet I know what DOES taste good, to you of course. (he gets in Vaggie's personal space) Charlie's pus- (Vaggie snaps the pencil she is holding and menacingly approaches Angel with a chair in hand) Uh, Vaggie? What the fuck are you doin'? (he runs away as Vaggie chases him with murder in her eyes) YER NOT EXACTLY DISPROVIN' MY POINT!"
— Angel taunting Vaggie.
"Alastor: (Alastor mystically appears, standing next to Angel as he lays on a couch, Fat Nuggets on his lap) Angel... Your little swine has been nicking from the kitchen... again.
Angel Dust: (He squishes Nuggets' cheeks) My wittle Nuggsy ate food from yer kitchen?! How DARE HE!!! You DISGRACED me, Nuggsy!!! Pfft-HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! (Nuggets is "laughing" with him) Yous must've fuckin' been out of your fuckin' mind to leave the fridge unlocked, buddy. Nuggs could see and smell that fuckin' shit a mile away! Ha! My fuckin' pig's got more fuckin' brains than you!
Alastor: (Alastor shrugs) Oh, well! If I don't have the means to prepare a more conventional meal for our clientele... (He looks at Fat Nuggets sinisterly, who trembles in fear; Alastor reaches his claws out to him) I guess we'll be having BACON tonight...
Angel Dust: (He defensively places Fat Nuggets behind him as he leans up) Ay, he's MY fuckin' pig! If any fuck's goin' to be dealing with 'im, it's me, ya fuckin' got me? (he goes back to laying on the couch, Fat Nuggets laying on his chest)
Alastor: Hmm... (he grins deviously) You seem to care a lot about that rotund pound of flesh... Fancy a stake?
Angel Dust: (he looks up from his smartphone, raising his eyebrow) 'Stake'? Fuck yous tallkin' about?
Alastor: (Alastor twirls his cane) If Porky's as 'smart' as you cap, let him choose between the two of us. If he chooses you, I'll let this grievous transgression slide, for now. If he chooses me... I'll treat you and the others to a nice buffet of pork chops tonight.
Angel Dust: (He looks disturbed) Shit, yous a sick fuck, y'know that? ...Yer on. (He gets up from the couch, standing beside Alastor as Nuggets sits on the couch, darting his head between them; to Fat Nuggets) Come to Mama, Nuggsy!
Alastor: No, no! Come to me, you little son of a-
Angel Dust: Nuggsy! You know I love you! (Angel makes kissing noises at the pig as Nuggets continues darting his head between them)
Alastor: (He holds out a frying pan) Hop on, little one! You know you want to! (he suddenly holds up boxer briefs) And LOOK! Fresh undergarments just WAITING to be torn asunder!!!
Angel Dust: (Motioning to himself) Let Mama hug ya! (Nuggets oinks and runs over to Angel)
Angel Dust: That's it! (He scoops Nuggets up, holding him close) I knew ya'd neva leave me! Mama's got ya... (Angel kisses Fat Nuggets on the head, flipping Alastor off with his lower arms)
Alastor: (He raises a finger) One day, I shall have my revenge! (He slams his cane on the ground, vanishing into red smoke)
— Alastor and Angel's wager of Fat Nuggets' loyalty.
"Yeah, yeah. I get it, I know. But here's the deal; I only started actin' out when you changed. It was neva this bad before... You can yammer about how you 'saved' me. But lemme tell ya somethin', Just 'cause you take on a stray dog don't mean it needsta stay on the leash forever. (he scoffs) It woulda been better for me to take my chances with the loan sharks - at least they woulda only broken my legs."
— Angel to Valentino.
"Angel Dust: SHUT UP! JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP! ...Val, this- this treatin' me like a pet thing? It stops... N- now. I'm done wit' all this bullshit.
Valentino: (chuckles) Oooh? Don't wanna be a pet anymore, huh? You're a big boy now, aren't ya~? But, oh no! I think you're forgettin' one tiny little detail... (he grabs Angel by the neck and pulls him face-to-face) I OWN YOU! You're my property and whatever I want or say, goes. And I know damn well all those drugs didn't burn that outta your head.
Angel Dust: You- You said things would be different-
Valentino: (he backhands Angel, knocking him to the ground) You know I don't like repeating myself. Give me more lip and next time I'll knock 'em off your face. (Angel Dust lays on the ground, holding his face and sobbing) Now if you wanna walk outta here in one piece, you better give me a proper answer-
Angel Dust: Yeah. I'm done. And ya know what? I shouldn't have even expected somethin' different. God, how fuckin' stupid am I?! S'all a waste of my time. It's always been one giant waste a' fuckin' time. At least the otha times ya waited more than one fuckin' day to backstab me.
Valentino: (fake yawns) Are you still here?
Angel Dust: (laughs) Oh, yeah, sorry, Val. Lemme dumb it down for you. Yer a fuckin' waste of time. All those 70 years, all those nights I fuckin' sucked yer tiny dick, (Valentino's smug grin disappears and his eyes widen) all of it. You fuckin' think I want ya?! (he laughs) You look like the rejected cum cell of a moth that fucked a premature prune! And I'm sick of yer stupid fuckin' useless canes! I'm fuckin' sick of it! I'm sick of the fucking' late nights, and the fuckin' perfume, the fuckin'- fuckin' snuff films, and the fuckin', goddamn weight-watching kits! ...And the motherfuckin' LIES!!! (he forcibly rips his gold tooth out and throws it at a mirror, shattering it) FUCK YER LIES!!!!! That's fuckin' what you are, Val. One big fuckin' lie! You're a fuckin', goddamn cum-jockeyin', goddamn bedazzled, parasitic, fuckin' empty-promisin'... piece of SHIT LIAR!!! (after a long pause, Angel laughs in an unhinged, high-pitched way) And you wanna fuckin' guess what, cockhound? If I had yer job, I wouldn't be such a goddamn prick about it!
Valentino: (Valentino's eyes glow bright red as he seethes with rage, he looks broken) ...If you had my job? TINY DICK? (laughs angrily) Oh, you... You little shit. (suddenly, red smoke shaped like two hands grab Angel by the neck from behind, strangling him) Ah, the return of that famous Angel Dust sass. But here's the thing, I don't care how much sass you got, because in the end... (he tightens the smokey hands once more, causing Angel Dust to be forced on his knees, struggling for air) You work for me, I can do anything I want to you and all that sass just makes ya all the hotter, baby.
— Angel and Valentino's confrontation.
"Charlie: (Alastor is accompanying Charlie in a search around the hotel for Angel Dust) Angel!! Where did he go this time? I knew we shouldn't have left his room...
Alastor: Charlie, listen... Do you hear that? That blissful silence? Every time Angel Dust is not here, the silence is like a thousand babies dying all at once. Exquisite...
Angel Dust: (kicks open the hotel door) I'M BAAAAACK!
Alastor: Oh, never mind, they've been resuscitated.
— Alastor's peace is ruined by Angel Dust.
"Vaggie: ANGEL! There you are! Did you seriously sneak out of the hotel again?!
Angel Dust: Who? Me? I would neva! But, yeah, I did. And I met a new friend along the way. His name's Fergus, but I don't think you'd like 'im. He's a guy.
Vaggie: You were fucking grounded!
Angel Dust: (he begins pampering himself in a mirror) Oh, well, sorry. I don't know what you expected. I ain't exactly been behavin' like a good boy lately.
Vaggie: (stomps up to Angel from behind as he pampers himself) Need I remind you that YOU ARE OUR FIRST FUCKING PATIENT?! I'm not gonna let you sabotage this hotel's image so you can run off to your fucking sugar daddy! I swear, if you make this place look like a fucking joke AGAIN- (Vaggie raises her hand in the air in frustration, which causes Angel to briefly see her as Valentino in the mirror's reflection)
Angel Dust: NO! (he ducks and runs into the corner, getting into a fetal position and shielding his head) PLEASE DON'T! I'M SORRY! (he recoils in fear, shuddering and breathing heavily)
Vaggie: (stands confused before the realization hits) ...Oh. Oh, shit... (she slowly approaches him) Angel, I'm sorry. (she extends her hand to him) I shouldn't have done that. I- I didn't mean to-
Angel Dust: (he swats her hand away and casually gets back up, composing himself and fixing his fluff, trying to deflect) Ha! Ain'tcha heard'a 'You catch more flies with honey than vinegar'? Maybe if ya were (voice breaks) nicer, I'd be more of a good boi.
Vaggie: Angel...
Angel: (puts his hand up; speaking aggressively) Save it, Tits. I don't even know what yer sayin' sorry fer. (starts walking away) If you eva hit this money-maker, I might have ta put more dildos in your dresser. Catch ya later, Vagina. (he chuckles weakly as he walks down the hall, leaving Vaggie with a sorrowful expression)
— Vaggie accidentally gives Angel Dust a PTSD flashback.
"Vaggie: Disobey Charlie or sneak out to have sex with random strangers again and see what happens!
Angel Dust: (as Vaggie walks away) CUUUUUN- (Vaggie hurls her spear at Angel's head, though it narrowly misses him and hits the wall directly beside his head; he looks stunned, his pupils shrinking) ...Trary to popular belief, us sluts ain't all about fuckin' and suckin'. (he fixes his bowtie, exiting the hotel) Now if you excuse me, I got an old lady to help cross the street.
— Angel and Vaggie.
"Valentino: You just keep coming back for me, huh, baby?
Angel Dust: (Angel tries to run at Valentino, but gets restrained by Valentino's smoke trials) Ugh! LEAVE 'EM ALONE, VAL!! He didn't do anything to you!
Valentino: No... But YOU did. (Valentino pulls out a knife and picks up Fat Nuggets, who starts squealing and squirming)
Angel Dust: (Angel struggles with the smoke briefly before stopping when he sees Fat Nuggets) Val... I'm beggin' ya... I'm sorry 'fer everything I ever did. Just- Just put him down, okay? I swear, I'll come back to the studio, I'll do whatever ya want! (with tears in his eyes) Please don't do this, Val...
Valentino: (chuckles) Sorry, Angel Cakes, but Daddy's done. And now, you're gonna see what happens when you piss me off.
— Valentino to Angel Dust, before torturing Fat Nuggets to death.

Chapter 2

"Charlie: Angel... You gotta look at the positives-
Angel Dust: Hey, Charlie? I'm really not in the mood fer this, so how 'bout you stop pretendin' everythin' is sunshine and fuckin' rainbows fer once, got it? You just leave me the fuck alone 'n' go back to yer lil' fantasy world, ya got me? I ain't on yer toxic positivity bullshit.
— A saddened Angel bluntly dismissing Charlie.
"Fergus: ANGEL! Put that fucking gun... down. What are ya doin', lad?
Angel Dust: What'r you doin' here?
Fergus: Because... I've been watchin' ye. That there shit-eatin' grin o' yours... It be bygone, laddie.
Angel Dust: The fuck are you talkin' about?
Fergus: I said wait I said, lad. I feel a damn to the depths fool fer not realizin' ye 'ad such dark thoughts. (Angel glares at Fergus, who looks away, not having the emotional intelligence to properly express himself) Ye be my mate. ...An' I'd be very sad if ye off yerself.
Angel Dust: Why? 'Cuz if I do, you won't be able use me, just like everyone else in my existence?
Fergus: No, it be not like that there there, dammit! Lad, I know things 'ave been 'ard since ye lost blubber nuggets-
Angel Dust: DON'T SAY HIS NAME! (he grabs Fergus by the collar) DON'T SAY HIS FUCKIN' NAME! STOP PRETENDIN' YOU CARE! (voice breaking) None of you know what I've been through... (he breaks down crying) You and Charlie, you- you act like you know everything about me... ...But you don't. So... Just fuck off and leave me alone.
Fergus: (he glares at Angel angrily before shoving him back, taking the blessed handgun from his hands) NOPE! Fuck that! (he crushes the gun using his robot arm and throws the remains) Listen to me, Ant'ony'. We fought off three motherfuckin' overlords to save yer sorry ass! If ye seriously think we be fixin' to let everythin' we did to keep ye safe be fer nothin', ye can get fucked with that there shite! Ever since ye found me at that there pub an' dragged me to that there fuckin' 'otel, I've 'ad to sleep with me one good eye open, puttin' to the sky with yer antics an' pranks fer weeks! We could 'ave left ye with Valentino, but we kept ye, BECAUSE WE CARE!!! (Angel just slumps on the floor and cries into his hands, Fergus sits next to him) ...We be 'ere together, lad.
Angel Dust: (voice breaking) You don't give a shit...
Fergus: Do ye really think we would risk our afterlives fer ye if we did nay? Listen... We be 'ere together. We be all in this here blasted afterlife together. We be a crew, not just at sea... but in this here hellish world, at this here time. We be bound... by fate. The fates brought us together, an' our fates can ne'er separate. So for me ta let ya do it, it'd be... a waste, like... killin' one o' yer brothers. There be people who care about ye.
Angel Dust: Who?
Fergusd: (he playfully ponders, tabbing his chin) Cherri, Charlie, Ren, Niffty... (chuckles) 'ell, I think Vaggie's comin' around to ye. To be 'onest, ye be the best mate I've 'ad in centuries. All that there there shite we've been doin' the past weeks? that there there been the most alive I've felt in decades. (after a long pause, Fergus sighs and stands up) 'ere's what we be fixin' to do. I'll give ye a choice. Ye can stay 'ere... an' I'll let ye do ye 'ave to do. But... if ye think ye be worth anythi'... then come with me- (Angel Dust abruptly hugs Fergus tightly and cries into his shoulder; a surprised Fergus looks around to see if anyone is looking, before patting Angel's back) Hehe... It- it's alright, Angel... (he reciprocates the hug) It's alright...
Angel Dust: (after recovering, he whispers in Fergus' ear) I'll cum with ya anytime, Fergy.
Fergus: (he tries not to laugh) ...I be glad ye be aft, but, by all means, shut the fuck up, ye gutter-minded bastard. (Angel giggles, still clinging onto Fergus)
— Fergus saves Angel from committing suicide.
"Fergus: Ye better know that there from now on, ye won't go be able to leave fer a drink an' a fuck without me watchin' ye. I be fixin' to be on yer ass, right? an' not in that there way, ye gutter-minded fuck. (Angel giggles) I be bein' serious! if ye pull any shite like this here 'ere again-
Angel Dust: (he playfully puts his finger on Fergus' lips) Ay, Fergie. No need to go all general on me. (he smooches Fergus on the cheek, causing him to blush) I'm safe now.
Fergus: (he smiles just a little) Ye better be. That's all I wanted.
Angel Dust: ALL ya want? Sure. (he snickers) Ooh, baby~ Don't think I'm gonna be washin' my lips after that one. (he giggles) Unless it's with somethin' else... (he lifts his eyebrows at Fergus suggestively)
Fergus: Seriously? we just 'ad our big, sappy 'eart-to-heart moment, an' that's what ye be thinkin' about?!
Angel Dust: (teasingly) Ya wanted tha 'old Angel Dust' back, right? Well, ya fuckin' got 'im.
Fergus: (he groans) Ye old monkey's paw... it be curlin'...
— Fergus and Angel.
"Alastor: Wonder, wonderful, wonderful! Glad you all could join me to partake in some harmless witticisms!
Husk: I can't wait...
Alastor: Did you hear the one about the guy who invented the knock-knock joke?
Angel Dust: No, why?
Alastor: He won the NO-BELL prize! (he plays a laugh track on his cane)
Vaggie: Wow.
Niffty: THAT WAS A GOOD ONE, ALASTOR! (laughing hysterically)
Alastor: So a man walks into a theater and sits next to a pig. He turns to the pig and inquires 'What are you doing here?' The pig says 'Well, I liked the book'. Ah-hahahaha!! (Niffty continues laughing hysterically as the rest of hotel crew remains silent, with the exception of Charlie awkwardly clapping)
Angel Dust: What the fuck?
Alastor: What is brown and sticky?
Alastor: (with a displeased smile) Yes, Niffty, a stick.
Fergus: Could have also said shit.
Alastor: I used to hate facial hair, but then it grew on me! Did you hear about the new restaurant on the moon? The food is out of this world!
Angel Dust: Tha fuck are you talkin' about? When have you been on the moon?
Alastor: What do you call someone with no body and no nose? ...Nobody knows! (he plays a laugh track on his cane)
Charlie: (laughing) Ok, you got me there, Al!
Alastor: How many apples grow on trees? ALL OF THEM! AH-HAHAHAHA!!! (Niffty laughs again) Why did the coffee file a police report? It was mugged! (Charlie stifles a laugh)
Ren: (sarcastically) These are some great jokes, Dad. (Vaggie laughs lightly)
Alastor: I thought about going on an all-almond diet, but that's just nuts! (Niffty falls out of her chair with laughter)
Angel Dust: I like nuts!
Alastor: Where did the little boy go after the explosion? ...Everywhere! (crickets as the hotel crew look on with shock and/or concern)
Vaggie: That- That's just awful. How is that funny?
Alastor: I suppose that one was an acquired taste. How about a joke about paper instead?
Alastor: Oh, never mind, it's TEARable! (Fergus and Husk begin drinking alcohol excessively) I'd also tell a joke involving pizza, but it's a little cheesy! (he and Niffty laugh hysterically as Fergus, Angel, Ren, and Husk exit the room, Vaggie follows suit, dragging Charlie with her)
— Alastor trying to entertain Angel Dust and the rest of the hotel crew with jokes.
"Angel Dust: Iffin' yous are eva filmin' a commercial, (does sexy poses on a couch) may I suggest you take advantage of the acclaimed, luscious celebrity who just so happens ta be yer first patient?
Vaggie: ...You're a porn star.
Angel Dust: Doesn't mean I can't act, ya judgmental bitch. Give me 15 seconds, and I'll have the horniest demons knocking down our walls!
Vaggie: We're not filming porn.
Angel Dust: Just sayin' most folks like to try before they buy, baby.
— Angel and Vaggie.
"Let's see, we's got Lucifer plushies, Lucifer shirts, Lucifer thongs, Lucifer-flavored apple cida, Lucifer wine stoppers aaaand... Wait, the fuck is that? Is that a duck... turtle... bug plushie? Why even make that? That's the stupidest, most useless thing I've eva seen! ...I NEED IT!!!"
— Angel Dust seeing Lu Lu World's prizes.

Chapter 3

"Who we up against? How many men and what weapons? Are we talkin' like, a couple hicks with shotguns and pitchforks, or an army of demons with demon-pitchforks and demon-shotguns? Cause it kinda changes my answer."
— Angel asking about the Army of Darkness.
"Lucifer: And what about you? Do you know where my little Charlotte is keeping Heaven's Light?
Angel Dust: Up yer ass and to the left, ya dickfaced twink.
— Angel Dust while being interrogated by Lucifer.
"Fuck off with your bullshit, Val! My afterlife's a fuckin' joke becuz of you! I'd rather get erased befer I ever think of fuckin' work for you again! But that don't really matter, does it? 'Cuz you got 50 other poor sons of bitches all lined up and ready to go, you fuckin' snake!"
— Angel Dust to Valentino.
"Angel Dust: Oh, uh... Hey, kids! Damn, Long time no see, eh? I uh... I missed ya. (chuckles awkwardly) So, uh, what'chu guys been up to? (the seven angels stare at Angel Dust with emotionless expressions) Uh... Did you guys, like, hit ya heads or somethin'? What's wrong wit' you...?
Satan: (the angels' eyes suddenly glow red as they all grin sinisterly and speak with Satan's voice) Anthony...
Angel Dust: W- What?! H- How the fuck- (Angel stumbles backwards into a wall) No... NO! Fuck, not you!
Satan: (as all the children) Someone has trouble processing what's right before their eyes. (through Amelia) But please do not fear me, Anthony. After all, you knew it was only a matter of my choosing should we meet again. You've lived eight years in blissful ignorance, and I've watched you through every step of the way. But your moment of respite is over. I've given you more than enough time to prepare. Don't tell me you've gotten complacent... did you? (Satan/the children chuckle; through Giulia) Tsk, tsk, tsk. I expected better from you, Anthony.
— Satan tormenting Angel Dust after possessing the seven angels.
"Angel Dust: I... I can't- No, no, no, no... What have you done to tha fuckin' kids?! Wait... The fuck did you do to Vaggie?! (he clenches his fist and points at Satan) You sick... twisted fuck! If you do ANYTHIN' to hurt ANY of them!
Satan: (through Amelia) The children will be safe, but only as long as you cooperate with us. You can direct any anger at me towards Vagatha. She abandoned them for me to take.
Angel Dust: (he almost laughs) You think I'm fuckin' stupid?! I know you did somethin'! I swear to God, I'll make you fuckin' pay for this!
Satan: (as Simon, dismissively waving his hand) I only tell the truth, Anthony. But Vagatha's selfish neglect is beside the point. Which is, the children belong to me. All you have to do to have them back is listen and commit. Is that too difficult?
Angel Dust: (Angel clenches his fist, trembling with rage as tears of anger fall from his face) ...FUCK YOU!!! (he aims his firearms at the children, before his eyes widen as he realizes what he has done, lowering his guns)
Satan: (through Megara; chuckling) Now you understand. What an enthralling dilemma. I am not afraid of you. You would do best to join me. Become a part of something greater than your mortal self. (through Giulia) I only wish to remove the obstacle, with your help. I can give you anything. Any desire. Any wish. Any pleasure. If you give yourself to me, you'll receive everything you've ever wanted. (as Arthur) So, listen, or suffer the children.
Angel Dust: (Angel looks at the children sadly) I'll get you guys outta there... (Angel faces Satan determinedly) Fine. Start talkin', fuckstain.
— Satan keeps Angel Dust at bay by threatening to hurt the seven angels.
"Satan: (through Amelia) Let me offer this: (through Arthur) A path towards revenge and an existence greater than your current one.
Angel Dust: (passive-aggressive) So payback against anyone whose hurt my friends? Yous got yerself a deal! How 'bout we fuckin' start with you, genius?
Satan: (through Megara; with a "this sumbitch" facial expression) Be careful what you wish for, for it may come back to haunt you, Anthony. When you think about it, have I done anything directly to you? I want to rip apart all that you mortals know. There are many ways this could be accomplished, and you may have just provided me the means to do so. You are lucky we have crossed paths. Would have ever guessed you, mortal soul, would cross paths with Satan itself?
Angel Dust: (Angel sarcastically rolls his eyes) Yeah. Lucky fuckin' me. What is this? Did you come 'ere to suck ya own dick or somethin'? And you HAVE directly hurt me, smartass! Does siccin' Val and his cronies on me ring any bells, dipshit?
Satan: (through Giulia) I am sorry for any harm that befell you, Anthony, but you cannot judge me for upholding a deal. What Valentino desired is out of my hands. You escaped. Be proud of yourself...
Angel Dust: (passive-aggressively) Oooh, I geddit! So yous just jumpin' between deals whenever it's convenient for ya!
Satan: (through Simon, shaking his head and laughing) Anthony, those three were a means to an end. Cogs in giant machine. Dwarfs in the vast cosmos. What we are doing right now, matters. We are more alike than you think. God's angels threw us into this realm, and forgot about us. (through James) Just look at you and your friends. Eight years of hiding in fear. You, a broken soul, stuck in an underground city, awaiting death from the horrors of Purgatory. Aren't you tired? (through Amelia) Tired of running? (Through Arthur) Tired of living in constant fear? (through Simon) You and your friends have endured eight years of desperately trying to escape, with little to non-existent progress. You can continue crying yourself to sleep, dreaming of escape, or you could accept my generous offer.
Angel Dust: (scoffs and laughs) 'Generous offa'? Yous think you can hurt my friends, offer me some bullshit five-year-plan and fly off into sunset? I ain't playin' a part'a any fuckin' progetto you cook up! Just fuck off and leave us all alone! Don't you eva get tired of fuckin' with people?!
Satan: (through Amelia; inhaling deeply) You make this far more difficult than it needs to be, Anthony. (through Simon) All I want is to help you. Do you not desire, say, Valentino's suffering after what he did to-
Angel Dust: Don't say his fuckin' name, you psychotic son of a bitch! (with tears in his eyes) There isn't a single motherfuckin' day I don't want him to suffer for what he did to my Fat Nuggets! Not a single goddamn one!
Satan: Then I don't think this is a complex request, now is it? (as all the seven angels at once) Serve me, and the children will be safe.
Angel Dust: ...Shit... (he approaches Satan) Listen carefully, ya bastard. You'll get your motherfuckin' deal, but here's yer fuckin' catch; you don't get to hurt the kids eva again. You keep yer fuckin' hands or whatever ghouly shit you got off of them. And that goes fer Manco, too! Starting right now, you leave 'em, and neva bother 'em again. Or this deal is fuckin' off! You hear me, you fuckin' parasite?
Satan: (through James) Hehehe... Very well. They are no longer significant, anyway. They will be freed. (as all the seven angels) But, I warn you, Anthony, if you try to escape, try to run away... I will find you, and destroy everything. Everything you cherish and hold dear will be gone. Do we have a deal?
Angel Dust: Yes! Fuckin' Christ, yes! Now will you leave them alone, please?!
Satan: (through Amelia, smiling) I knew you'd make the right decision. Cherish every last second of your conversation with them, Anthony. You never know what may happen next. (Satan's essence leaves the children, and it vanishes, chuckling evilly)
— Satan and Angel make a deal.
"Angel Dust: LEAVE 'EM ALONE, VAL!
Valentino: (laughs) Are you fuckin' serious, Angel Baby? You're gonna die for some brats you don't even know?
Angel Dust: I've known these kids fer eight years now, and in all that time they've shown me more warmth and kindness then you eva did in 70! So yeah, you bet yer fuckin' ass I'm gonna die for 'em!
— Angel Dust stops Valentino from killing Charlie's angels.
"Valentino: Did ya get that outta your system? (chuckles) You see, Angel, even if you get away from me, I know you'll keep crawling back. You have no one and no place to go to. Even if you somehow DID change... (he conjures Angel's contract) you ain't fuckin' going anywhere. You're nothing but a cheap toy, and when you break, I'll just get a new one. So... Come back to me. 'Cuz I'm getting tired of asking...
Angel Dust: (he winces in pain) S- Sure... (he struggles to lean on his arm while on the floor) I a- ain't. got no where to go... And no one to hide behind. You're 'bout all that. ...'cept for one thing. I'm NOT you goddamn toy! (he aims his machine gun at Valentino and snarls) You don't get to decide how this ends any more! (he seems to go to fire the gun, but stops; he sighs sadly) ...Those days are long gone. (he struggles to his feet) That's how you got yer kicks, right? Hurtin' me? But that ain't happenin' no more, Val. (he drops his Tommy gun and grins sadly) Nuggets was my afterlife. When you killed him, you killed me, too. So, if yous so tired of askin'... then knock yerself out aand fuckin' kill me.
Valentino: (smiles evilly and aims his revolver at Angel Dust, cackling) I love it, you know... I love the fight in ya. It's part of made ya so great on camera. (he sighs wistfully) In a way, all of it was just so cute, you tryin' to break free. We both should have known better. I shoulda known that fight was gonna run dry, and you shoulda known that no one's free in my business, baby No one. You're just gonna blow your brains out at some point, and if anyone's gonna mess up that pretty face of yours, it had better be me. So... any last minute declarations of love, Angel? (laughs)
Angel Dust: (Angel stares down the barrel of the gun, unflinching; he grins) Actually, now that I'm off the hook... What was it like bein' Vox's bottom bitch when ya first met 'im? We all know you were just usin' 'im fer money and sex, but... c'mon!! He got ya where he wanted ya in no time flat, didn't he? Was havin' 'im make those neck pubes ya call 'fuzz' stand on end every night worth it? How'd that make you feel? Just seems like a lotta trouble to get a glorified electro stim. (he cackles as Valentino looks like he's about to explode) Knowin' Vox, I bet he made ya get on all fours and beg him. And let's be real 'ere.... you're still his lil' puppy. You know one day he's gonna get sick of yous thinkin' yer're the master. All those bright lights, and yer still a fuckin' mutt. If yous want me to come back, why not fuckin' BEG like one, BITCH?!
Valentino: (his eye twitches) FUCK YOU, YOU FUCKIN' WORTHLESS CUM DUMPSTER!!!! (Valentino pulls the trigger, but in the resulting flash, Angel is nowhere to be seen) The fuck...?
Angel Dust: Up 'ere, shit heel.
Valentino: (he looks up to see Charlie's Angels all carrying Angel Dust, having flown him out of the way at high speed just before Valentino can pull the trigger) W- What the fuck?!
Angel Dust: (he crosses his legs with a smug grin) Ya like my lil' distraction spiel? Been keepin' that bad boy locked away fer a hot minute.
Arthur: (he holds up Valentino's revolver that he snatched) Looking for this?
Angel Dust: (as Valentino fumes) EAT SHIT, YA OVERGROWN RAT BASTARD! (he laughs triumphantly, flipping Valentino with all of his hands as the angels fly him out of Baxter's base)
— Angel Dust and Valentino's confrontation in Purgatory.
"Angel Dust: You think the worst thing yous did was betrayin' Heaven? You think it was- it was helpin' Lucifer? No. ...It was gettin' inside of Charlie's heart. She gave you a home, believed in you that you could be betta, and listened to yer sob stories, and this is how you repay 'er? (Fergus starts tearing up) All the shit we've been through togetha, just to come this? I should... Kill you for this.
Fergus: And maybe I'd deserve it.
Angel Dust: For fuck's sake, listen to yerself, Fergie! Do you think Char would like listenin' to this shit? It would just break 'er heart again.
Fergus: (voice breaking) I know... I should'nt 'ave left ye scurvy dogs... But jolly things ne'er come yer way when ye've made the choices I 'ave.
Angel Dust: ...Jesus, you've been bottlin' this up all these years, huh? (Angel sighs) Listen, I know that life's a bitch. Heh, afterlife's a bitch. It takes away everythin' you love, and there ain't shit you can do about it. But, one day, afterlife decided to throw us a bone, and put yous and me into that hotel. I know we can't erase all the shit we've done, and we can't get outta this fuckin' shithole. We've all made bad choices. And I'll neva deny a person who calls me a piece of shit for all I've done in the past. But what's gonna separate us from all the otha palookas in Hell... Is that we won't let our past define who we are today. We'll write ourselves a betta future... (he extends his hand to Fergus) ...And this is gonna be our first step.
Fergus: (after a moment of hesitation, he takes Angel's hand, laughing slightly) Fuck me if there ain't a bit o' Charlie within ye, lad.
Angel Dust: (chuckles slightly) Goddammit... Yeah. But... I think that's a good thing, y'know?
— Angel Dust gives Fergus some tough love, motivating him to join the crew in rescuing Charlie.
"Angel Dust: You sure Bone Daddy wasn't just fuckin' with us?
Fergus: Eh, I think he was being honest, for once. He seemed more serious, or y'know, about as serious as he can get.
Angel Dust: Oh, yeah? If you trust 'im, why do ya got yer gun arm out?
Fergus: (he awkwardly glances at his left robotic arm, which has its plasma gun at the ready) It be just a precaution! I be not gettin' caught with me pants down. Y'know, metaphorically speakin'.
Angel Dust: Oh... (he raises his eyebrows and looks at Fergus seductively) Looks like somethin' good might come out of this afta all...
Vaggie: Can you two take this seriously?! Charlie is in danger!
Fergus: Ok, ok... Let's go.
— Angel Dust, Fergus, and Vaggie bantering while traveling to Forti's sanctum to enlist his help in saving Charlie.
"Fergus: (he, Vaggie, and Angel survey Forti's inner sanctum with a robotic arm cannon, angelic spear, and machine gun respectively) Doesn't look like there's anybody in 'ere...
Angel Dust: Well, dis is where he said to go. Where are we even goin' to, a date?
Vaggie: Have you not been listening to a single thing the past three hours?
Fergus: (whispering) Maties, shut the fuck up... Look. (he points to reveal Forti floating in a fetal position with his wings wrapped around himself, surrounded by holy light) Bingo.
Angel Dust: So, uh, we supposed to wake his ass up or somethin'?
Fergus: Uh, I guess.
Vaggie: (to Forti) Uh... Forti? We're sorry to disturb you, but we need your help.
Vaggie: Angel, what the fuck is wrong with you?!
Angel Dust: Ay, we were gettin' nowhere with yer approach.
Vaggie: (sarcastically) Oh, and YOUR approach was so much better!
Fergus: Sorry to disappoint ye, Vaggie... But I think ol' Angel was right this time. (the trio looks to see a light emitting from Forti)
Angel Dust: (rubs his eyes) Am I goin' nuts, or is that light headed straight for us?
Fergus: Nah, ye mind be playin' tricks on ye, lad. Forti's just waking up from a long wink o'- HOLY SHIT, IT IS COMING FOR US!!! (the trio screams as the light hits them and they are beamed into Forti's mind.
— Angel, Vaggie, and Fergus are transported into Forti's mind.
"Vaggie: (in complete darkness) Is... Is everyone okay?
Angel Dust: Of course not, ya bitch! We're dead again!
Vaggie: (sighs) I don't think we are, Angel.
Angel Dust: Is this Double Hell? Fuck, it's dark down here.
Fergus: It is dark.... It is a little spooky, y'know, now that I'm actually gettin' down here.
Vaggie: (sighs) I can't see a thing...
Fergus: (yelps like a little girl) Who's touching my ass?!
Angel Dust: (snickers) Sorry, Fergie, that was me. I found ya!
Vaggie: Focus, you two! We have to find Forti...
Angel Dust: Well, how tha fuck are we supposed to find the guy when we can't see two fuckin' feet from our noses?!
Fergus: Yeah, I cannot see a damn thing right now.
Vaggie: (to Fergus) You don't have some kind of flashlight on that arm of yours?
Fergus: Well, I 'ave a flamethrower, but unless ye two wanna risk gettin' burned like a lobster, it won't provide ye with much help.
Vaggie: (sighs) Okay, let me think...
Angel Dust: (after a pause, he speaks as his every word echos) Dark... Pitch... Black... Black of night. Darkness! Bl-
Fergus: Okay, Angel, we got it. It be dark. We got it, okay?
Vaggie: If only we had some kind of light... Okay, how about we go back Baxter's ship, grab Heaven's Light, and come back?
Angel Dust: (giggles) Won't be necessary, Vagina. 'Cuz one of us came prepared... (he snaps a pink glow stick, illuminating himself, Fergus and Vaggie)
Fergus: You magnificent bastard. (he and Angel share a chuckle)
Vaggie: Where the hell did you get that?
Angel Dust: Baxter's gift shop. The one on his ship?
Fergus: That's awesome. Actually... (he puts on a glow-in-the-dark Hazbin Hotel t-shirt)
Angel Dust: Damn, Fergie, where tha fuck did ya get that?!
Fergus: I got something, too.. But I got my shirt at Sharkrobot.com (he and Angel look directly at the camera, smiling and holding up their merch)
Angel Dust: Smart boy.
Vaggie: (facepalms) Dios mio...
— Angel, Fergus, and Vaggie while inside of Forti's mind.

Chapter 4

"Satan: Anthony...
Angel Dust: (he looks around, startled and brandishing all of his guns with his six arms) Who tha fuck is there?! Show yerself!
Satan: I am already here, Anthony. I promised I would help you, and I am going to fulfill that promise. Until then, I am a part of you.
Angel Dust: You call that a 'promise', ya fuckin' lunatic?! You said you were gonna kill my fuckin' friends!
Satan: Coercing you was the only way for you to listen. I am only here to help you, Anthony.
Angel Dust: (scoffs) Yeah, you've been helpin' me and my friends a whole fuckin' lot the past eight years, eh? Y'know Manco still has trouble sleepin' 'cuz of you? You fucked up that kid's whole afterlife, and why? 'Cuz he's an angel? (scoffs) Fuck off.
Satan: We should converse in private. Go out into the streets, I want you to feel something.
Angel Dust: Normally I'd make a sex jock, but you ain't got no bits and pieces so, uh... (beat) What, you're not even gonna act annoyed? Psh. Fuckin' stick-up-the-ass... (Angel mutters while reluctantly walking down the street)
— Satan telepathically speaking to Angel Dust.
"Satan: I can see in your mind, Anthony. You enjoy this, don't you? Murder... Lying...
Angel Dust: Hey, I ain't gonna deny bein' bad can feel... good.. but this... this isn't me. Not no more. yous tellin' me to do bad shit just makes me neva wanna do that eva gain. Juuust to piss ya off. I'm neva fuckin' forgettin' the shit you've done to my friends, especially those kids. You think yous helpin' me fuck shit up once is gonna make me forget about yous killin' Adina? Or- Or takin' over their minds? I fuckin' hate you, and I don't think you know what bondin' is.
Satan: (Satan chuckles) I'm aware. But you underestimate my patience, Anthony. You will crack eventually. I'm in no rush. I have eternity to make you bend your knee and come to appreciate me. This is our first step... Towards revenge.
— Satan and Angel's conversation after Angel destroyed one of Valentino's clubs.
"Angel Dust: By any chance, have you eva heard of Valentino?
Asmodeus: ....Who?
Angel Dust: ...Valentino? Tall, purple moth guy? He's an Overlord? Sometimes he's with a guy with a TV head and a doll bitch?
Asmodeus: ...Oh! You mean that wannabe poser who's obsessed with me? Sorry, doll, but I don't care much for the politics in Pride. None of my bizz.
Angel Dust: Hey! Me neither.
Asmodeus: Although... I am quite the big fan of that worker of his... The one called Angel Dust?
Angel Dust: What? I my - Oh, yeah! Angel Dust. Yeah, he's a sweet guy.
Asmodeus: I've seen ALL of his films. He's practically an icon in my kingdom.
Angel Dust: He... He is?
Asmodeus: Of course! Shame his kind can't come to my ring, 'cuz I would LOVE to have him as a toy.
Angel Dust: (slightly agitated) Yeah, well... Only thing is somethin' tells me he's done bein' someone else's toy.
Asmodeus: (chuckles) That so? I bet if he ever found himself in my presence, he'd be singing a different tune.
— Asmodeus speaking to Angel Dust when the latter was disguised as a woman.
"Angel Dust: By any chance, have you eva heard of Valentino?
Asmodeus: ....Who?
Angel Dust: ...Valentino? Tall, purple moth guy? He's an Overlord? Sometimes he's with a guy with a TV head and a doll bitch?
Asmodeus: ...Oh! You mean that wannabe poser who's obsessed with me? Sorry, doll, but I don't care much for the politics in Pride. None of my bizz.
Angel Dust: Hey! Me neither.
Asmodeus: Although... I am quite the big fan of that worker of his... The one called Angel Dust?
Angel Dust: What? I my - Oh, yeah! Angel Dust. Yeah, he's a sweet guy.
Asmodeus: I've seen ALL of his films. He's practically an icon in my kingdom.
Angel Dust: He... He is?
Asmodeus: Of course! Shame his kind can't come to my ring, 'cuz I would LOVE to have him as a toy.
Angel Dust: (slightly agitated) Yeah, well... Only thing is somethin' tells me he's done bein' someone else's toy.
Asmodeus: (chuckles) That so? I bet if he ever found himself in my presence, he'd be singing a different tune.
— Asmodeus speaking to Angel Dust when the latter was disguised as a woman.
"AY, OCTOPUSSY! Over here! I'm not too big a fan of tentacle action, but if there's otha ways to get yer rocks off, I'm all ears!"
— Angel Dust distracting the Kraken.

Chapter 5

"Charlie: Okay, guys... I know things have gotten topsy-turvy since we lost the hotel, but that doesn't have to mean we can't improve ourselves or stop doing our regular activities! One of the best ways to grow as person is giving back to the community!
Angel Dust: 'Give back'? Tha fuck has this place eva given us?!
Charlie: (to Angel Dust) Umm... Each other?
Angel Dust: (pauses before crossing his arms) ...That's kinda cute, actually.
— Angel and Charlie.
"Oi, 'science this', 'science that'. How 'boutcha science yer way inta some bitches?"
— Angel to Baxter.
"Angel Dust: You kids don't geddit, I don't like my brotha. Neva once had a 'cherished childhood memory' with 'im. I mean, sometimes we cross paths. He calls me a buncha homophobic shit, I poke fun at his height until he fucks off, but that's it.
Amelia: But that doesn't mean you should just avoid him forever!
Manco: I know he can be mean, but he's your brother. Plus, he saved your afterlife! That has to mean something.
Angel Dust: (chuckles) Shit, you kids need to hang around me and Cherri more often. You're startin' to sound too much like Charlie. Besides, my pa - y'know, Henroin? Big, fuckin' scary ass mob boss with the scorpion tail? He said he'd fuckin' kill me if I so much as looked at 'Niss. Tha fuck am I 'spoused to do about that?
Manco: We got your back, Angel. Us, and everyone at the hotel.
Arthur: You saved us from that ugly moth guy, we'll save you from your creepy scorpion dad!
Angel: (sighs) Look, I appreciate it, but-
Manco: Do it, or I'll tell Vaggie you were the one putting those weird, squishy things in her drawer!
Angel: (to Manco) ....Y'know what yer name means in Japanese? 'Pussy'. Yeah. That's what I'm gonna call you wheneva you pull that card out, 'kay? (Manco blinks in confusion) 'Kay, then, Pussy, I'll go talk ta Strawberry Shortcake. Ya happy now? Ya won this time, ya peer-pressurin' babies. But I'm warnin' ya, if this ends up gettin' me erased, I'm gonna haunt all of ya. From beyond Double Hell. Warnin' ya right now. You won't get a moment's peace from that point on. Bet on it.
Charlie's Angels encouraging Angel to save Arackniss.
"Angel Dust: Just like old times, eh?
Arackniss: Blow me, you fuckin' fairy!
Angel Dust: Well, normally I'd reply with 'Well... okay!', but yer my brotha and all, sooo...
Arackniss: Not literally!
— Angel and Arackniss bantering while being chased by the Egg Boiz.
"Oh, you wanna drive? How's 'bout I work the petals?"
— Angel teasing Arackniss.
"Arackniss: Why did you and that Australian bitch even botha comin' to get me? I had everything unda control!
Angel Dust: Yeah, you had it aaaall unda control, eh? All bundled up in shackles, screamin' like a bambina without 'er bottle. (laughs) Suuure ya did.
Angel Dust: (sighs) Fiiine. (he pats Arackniss on the head as he fumes with anger) Only 'cuz ya asked so nicely, lil' bro. Truth is.... Maaaybe I kinda owed ya one. Y'know, since ya didn't let the old man erase my ass. (Aracksniss becomes lost in thought as Angel grins and kicks back) And now that I paid ya back and I got some 'redemption good boi points', I don't eva have ta see ya again!
Arackniss: (he briefly has a soft expression on his face, before scowling and laughing angrily) You think this makes us square? Back then, I thought yer jizz-filled ass wasn't worth killin'. The only reason yer still breathing is becuz'uh me! And guess what, ya fuckin' wise guy?! Pa said if you eva crossed me again, he'd finish tha job! Yer fuckin' dead, and when he gives the word, nothin' is gonna stop me from FINISHIN' WHAT HE FUCKIN' STARTED!!!
Angel Dust Yep, 'cept maybe a five-foot door. (Cherri pulls the car over) Oh, lookie! Here's ya stop! Tell Pa I said 'Go fuck yerself'. (he and Cherri launch Arackniss from the car and into a pile of trash before speeding off)
— Arackniss swears to kill Angel Dust.
"As the hotel's first patient, yous may wanna ask me 'do ya really believe in this? Is redemption REALLY possible'? Eh, who the fuck knows? Point is, the Hazbin Hotel is the place to be if you wanna see the hottest sinna in town! And, baby, lemme tell you - once you've seen me, you won't ever wanna leave! I put the 'ho' in hotel!"
— Angel Dust in the hotel's commercial.
"Angel Dust: You got daddy issues, too?! (laughs) Welcome to tha club, pal! My pa used to beat me and my brotha black and blue! I drowned my first schmuck and got my first revolver when I was seven years old, but, hey, that's nepotism for ya.
Moxxie: What is the point of this? Are you trying to remind me of my childhood trauma?
Angel Dust: You wanna talk about trauma?! When I was 24, my pa put a revolver to my head and said 'if yer a f--, I'll paint the walls with yer brains!' So, naturally, I went out to tha nearest bordello and fucked the first guy I saw. (bursts out laughing before noticing Moxxie looking away with a frown) ...I guess the point is, I know how ya feel. I'm here for ya, y'know? What else did he do to ya?
Moxxie: Well... He beat me, and um... (fighting back tears) He... My mother...
Angel Dust: Really? Jesus, fuck... My pa was and still is a massive piece of greasy shit, but... He loved our ma. Congrats on gettin' tha fuck outta there. And, hey, you turned out alright! Bet yer pa said some bullshit 'bout you bein' nothin' without the mob, but you got away from him, got yerself a good job, a wife, yer happy 'n shit. Way I see it, that makes you better than me. And for yer sake, I hope yer pa fuckin' dies. ...Want me to kill 'im?
Moxxie: W- WHAT?!
Angel Dust: Hey! I may look like a polished, fine china doll, but I don't break easy! Just gotta get Char-Char Slide's blessing, dress myself up like a pretty dame, head down to Greed, maybe suck his dick, wait 'till he falls asleep, aaaaaand-
Moxxie: NO! ...Look, I appreciate it, sir, but that... That won't be necessary. I just want to leave that part of my life behind and... (looks at Millie, Loona, and Blitzø from afar) Appreciate what I have now.
Angel Dust: Eh, fine. But, hey, (me pats Moxxie on the back) me 'n you is trauma brothas now. You got no say in it.
Moxxie: ....Oookaaay?
— Angel and Moxxie bonding over their pasts.
"Angel Dust: (he sees Molly and rubs his eyes) Hold tha fuck up... Am I fuckin' high right now? 'Cuz, uh, there's fuckin' two of me right now. (shouting) HUSK, DIDJA SLIP A MICKEY IN THAT FUCKIN' LEMONADE, YA BASTARD?!
Molly: (smiling) Ciao, fratello.
Angel Dust: (he gasps softly before slowly walking towards Molly, eyes widening) M... Mol?
Molly: (she laughs softly with tears her eyes, holding Angel's face) You look so beautiful!
Angel Dust: (he hugs Molly tightly, crying uncontrollably) Perdonami sorella! I- I'M SO SORRY! I neva shoulda did that to ya! It was fucked up and I'm sorry! (he falls to his knees, desperately clinging on to Molly and crying into her legs) I- I- I- I couldn't help it, I'm sorry...
Molly: Antonia! Antonia... (Molly goes to her knees, cradling Angel by his head) Shhhh... It's alright... I'm here now. (she smiles) Hey, don't cry, you're the bigger twin now! (she laughs)
Angel Dust: (he laughs softly) H- How did ya find me?
Molly: (smiling) C'mooon, fratello. Essenza femminile? Dead giveaway.
— Angel and Molly reunite.
"Angel Dust: Have fun in the streets then, bitch! Maybe it'll help ya see how bad us "plebs" have it. Though, if ya need any tips on how ta suck greasy dick for a few bucks, I may be able to give ya a few point-
Hellsa: (to Angel Dust) SHUT THE FUCK UP!
Angel Dust: Humph. (crosses his arms) Touchy.
— Angel teasing Hellsa.
"Angel Dust: First things first, we's need ta work on yer way wit the ladies. Now I know my way with the men (chuckle) lemme tell ya, but maybe you can pull some 'bitches' with my advice.' Let me tell ya, it's an art. A science, in yer case. It gotta be done juuuusst right, ya dig?
Sir Pentious: (Pentious cackles) YOU are teaching ME how to 'rizz'?! (Pentious puts on sunglasses and snaps his fingers) I've got my rizz allll figured out! And I don't need your pedestrian instructions! Observe, arachnid! (Pentious approaches two female sinner) Cheerio, pretty birdies! (Pentious snaps his fingers as the ladies stare at him cautiously) Two birds, one bloke, aren't I right? I can tell you two are the devilish type who like danger and chaosss! Maybe you want to come inside my lair and do a little... (dramatic pause) Sinning? (beat; the girls scream ear-piercingly and pepper spray Pentious, frantically stomping on him as he falls to the ground; they run away screaming as Pentious writhes in pain) BLOODY HELL!!!! OH, FOR THE LOVE OF VAGATHA'S RIGHT EYE!!! IS EVERYONE IN THIS HELLSCAPE NOTHING BUT ANNOYING, IRRITATING BUGS AND MOSQUITOES?!?!?!
Angel Dust: (he begins dragging Pentious away by the tail) C'mon, buddy. We'll get 'em next time.
— Pentious' failed attempts at flirting.
"Husk: I lived in a big city. It was crowded and dirty. Lots of lights... Nothing really worth mentioning much, other than the fact that I'm not sure if my family really loved me. Y'know? Like I was just there for when they needed somethin', like if I was a pet or some shit. I was basically left to my own devices. But it was for the best, really. I learned how to fend for myself, be independent.
Angel Dust: Oh yeah, buddy. Don't even get me started. My pa barely acknowledged me growin' up, unless he needed to sell somethin' to pay off debts. (he laughs) I know how that is, it makes ya feel unimportant, like you're not even necessary... If it's any consolation, this hotel's a good place to stay. Best in Pride. I mean, it is still kinda like livin' in the big city. Very loud and bright. but everyone here cares about one another and no one has to be alone... and hey, it's not all big city vibes! Alastor's stench makes ya feel like you were plopped right in the shit-stained waters of a swamp. (he laughs) Iffin' ya just wanna talk, or ya know, complain about a job or vent your frustrations, you don't gotta worry here, Husky.
Husk: (he nods in recognition) Sure I guess... But, just out of curiosity, why you talkin' to me? All these years and I'm still just a washed-up bartender with the mouth of a sailor and personality of a good-for-nothing gambler. You got better folks to talk to, y'know.
Angel Dust: Well... I think yer worth talkin' too. That... and hearin' that grizzled, rugged voice of yers gives me a ragin' case of lady wood. (Angel laughs slightly as Husk looks at him with a tired expressions) But nah, seriously, don't underestimate yerself. I've heard a lot from othas and I know everyone is important and valued in their own way... I mean, those kids light up like a Christmas tree when they see you doin' 'magic'. And yer always there fer everyone when they come to yer little bar. People are complicated... with a lot of different things on their mind, but it doesn't mean anyone is any less than anyone else, y'know?
Husk: (he cracks a smile) That's nice to here. (he sighs heavily) Y'know I give all of you guys the time of day, but I... didn't really think I was worth other people's time. ...Guess I'm still learning.
— Husk to Angel Dust about his childhood.
"Angel Dust': I'm sure yous guys up in Heaven got some fancy schmancy, dolled up, plastic supermodels, but ya don't got ME! How 'bout we fix that? The name's Angel Dust! Ain't seen my work? (he shows Sera a pornographic magazine) Not ya have!
Sera: (a horrified look instantly appears on Sera's face; her pupils and irises shrink and her wings flare, glowing eyeballs appearing on her wings) What is this DEVILRY?!
Charlie: (scooting Angel away) ANYWAY....
— Angel and Sera meet.
"Ebony: (to all the sinners) Y'know... you guys don't have to stay at the hotel. Knowing Arch- ...Azrael and Lute, and all the crap that's went down in Heaven, I don't think they're gonna stop this cleanse until this hotel and everyone in it is wiped out... (all of the sinners look around in quiet contemplation)
Dingy: (abruptly) Yeah, fuck this, I'm out. (he exits the hotel through the doors; everyone looks over in shock)
Flimbo: He'll be back... I think...
Angel Dust: (he sighs) Well, I dunno 'bout yous guys... But I'm stayin'. (everyone looks surprised at him; he looks offended) Oh, don't yous fuckin' look at me like I'm some kinda smegma-ridden dick! Think I'm some kinda fuckin' diva? Think just 'cuz I sometimes don't think Char's a natural blonde and I sometimes put dildos in Vaggie's dresser, that doesn't me I... I care about 'em...? ...I think both of those lesbos are in WAY over her head. Aaaaand they're probably doin' things that's gonna bring the rage of Heaven on all us. But... ah, hell. I love those gals. They... They've done... so much for me. I'll always stick by their side. Whatever it is, they're good at talkin' people outta doin' the wrong thing.
Alastor: (he appears beside Angel) You can count me in as well! No matter the outcome, this little frey you're all blindly leaping into shall make great commentary for my broadcast. Hell, I might rip an angel's wings off or two while I'm at it...
Husk: (he groans and stands with Angel and Alastor; he shrugs) ...They're good girls, what can I say? (he looks over to Angel Dust, and then to Crymini) And I've met some... pretty 'cool' people because of them.
Crymini: (she cackles, before standing alongside Husk) Stop trying to sound cool, old man...
Peel: (he and Corey join them) Without Charlie... well, we'd still be livin' in the slums. Likely being eaten by some starving vagabond. It'd be an honor to lay down my life for my princess.
Corey: And without Vaggie, I'd still be a sniveling coward... I'm not gonna lose my backbone after all she's done.
Squish: (he pops up on Angel's shoulder) Husk was right! W- Without Charlie, Vaggie... (droning) and Baxter, I guess... (normally) I never would have met all of you guys. I guess... you've all made this place feel a lot less like Hell.
Crymini (he laughs heartily; to Squish) Fucking Christ, Squish. You just always gotta be the beating, fucking heart of the team, don't you?
Squish: (he smirks and leaps onto Crymini's shoulder; playfully shoving his cheek into hers) And that goes DOUBLE for you, Cry!
Angel Dust: (he smiles to the crew, before facing Fergus with a knowing grin) Well, Fergie, you checkin' out, or do ya got somethin' to say?
Fergus: (after a pause, a grin slowly creeps on his face before he turns to Sir Pentious and Baxter) Pentious, Baxter... We're gonna need some angelic armor... and a fuckload of angelic weapons.
— The Hazbin crew decide to stay and fight alongside Charlie and Vaggie in the War in Hell.
"Crimson: Hahaha! I had a feelin' that dumb broad was just a beard! What kinda pathetic freak are ya, Mox?! Datin' some drug-addicted whore like Angel Dust!
Moxxie: W-Whuh? ...Crim, we're not... (Moxxie's eyes widen) You... do know that bisexual men can have platonic male friends, right?
Henroin: That's the biggest piece of bullshit I've ever heard.
Crimson: EXACTLY! (to Moxxie) You think I'm stupid! You seriously think gays like you are capable of befriendin' another guy and not wantin' to get in his pants?!
Angel Dust: Ay, Mr. Fuhgeddaboudit, me and Mox is like brothas. Trauma brothas, ta be exact.
Henroin: (Henroin uses one of his scorpion legs to stomp on Angel's foot, impaling it) What trauma, Anthony? Havin' to wear a suit instead of a frilly pink dress? Havin' a meltdown while decidin' which fedora goes with yer eyes? Having to frantically remove all that fuckin' makeup when I came over for a visit?! (Henroin removes his leg from Angel's foot; he leans in and blows cigar smoke in Moxxie's face) You must be a special kinda stupid to try and get close to Anthony, sonny. (Henroin laughs) Eh, who am I kiddin'? You two deserve each other. Yer both disgraces to the mafia. Me 'n' Crim run a mafia, not a gay pride parade.
Angel Dust: (snickers) Wait a minute... (Angel bursts out laughing) Youz thinks we're lovers?! (Angel and Moxxie share a look before mutually bursting into laughter)
Moxxie: Classic!
Angel Dust: (to Moxxie) Oh, brotha! They's, they's thinks we's-! (Angel and Moxxie go down on the floor from laughing) Oh, shit! That's fuckin' rich!
— Henroin and Crimson confront Angel Dust and Moxxie.
"Satan: I have the power to restore your pet, if you agree. (Satan instantly creates a copy of Fat Nuggets in front of Angel, who's eyes begins to well up with tears) I can reconstruct him entirely—his gentle essence, all the precious memories, every nuance of your time together. Once you pledge your allegiance to me, I'll resurrect him to his previous state, all for you. I've been within your mind, Anthony. You aren't long for a heavenly life. You know it, I know it. Consider this: all your heartfelt desires coming true. Your cherished companion restored, free from any pain wrought on from withdrawals, (Satan creates copies of Angel and Cherri causing chaos in Hell) rekindling an old bond, perhaps... What more could you ask for, Anthony?
Angel Dust: (Angel stares at nothing in particular before grimacing) For you to get the fuck outta my head. You think you can offa some bullshit Fat Nuggets to replace be the one I had?! I would do ANYTHING to have 'im back, and yous thinks you can play wit' that like it means nothin'?! (Angel turns his back to Satan) Take yer fake promises and fake Nuggets and shove 'em both up yer ass.
Satan: (its astral form appears in front of Angel) You are pathetic, weak. You are NOTHING!!! I know what you fear, Anthony. Every mistake you make, every regret and every sin will forever be remembered by me. You could have had every possible dream you ever wanted. So much potential.. Squandered, all just to become the Creator's latest sheep. (Satan begins evaporating) I warn you now, do not pursue Heaven. Or I will have no difficulty in making you and all the others regret it.
— Satan tempting Angel once again.
"(Angel, panting and drenched in sweat, looks over at Squish, who is simply riding on Vaggie's shoulder as opposed to walking up the Stairs to Heaven) See, guys, Squish is the only one 'ere with a functionin' brain! He's got the right idea... (gaining a burst of energy, Angel leaps into Husk's arms) Carry me to tha Promised Land, my wayward daddy!"
— Angel while the hotel crew were climbing the Stairs to Heaven.

Quotes Pertaining to Angel Dust

"Valentino Henchman: (riddled with bullets) Help... Me...
Fergus: Woah! (he kneels down, cradling the henchman's head) What the fuck happened here?
Valentino Henchman: Spider... Came through... Started blasting us to bits... (coughs)
Fergus: By any chance, was he asking for a pig?
Valentino Henchman: Y- Yeah! Now that you mention it, he was. And get this... The whole time the fuckin' wackjob was screamin' 'I'M GAY! I'M GAY!'
Fergus: Eeyup. That's Angel. (he abruptly drops the henchman on his head and continues running)
— Fergus while searching for Angel throughout Pentagram City.


  • Angel Dust's original name, Anthony, might come from the word "Antonia", which means "priceless" and/or "beautiful".
    • His adopted name, Angel Dust, is in the slang term for PCP, the same drug that killed him when he was a human.
  • His theme song would either be "Slutty Spider Polka Pop" by Gooseworx, "Toxic" by Britney Spears, "Glamorous" by Fergie, or "Valentino" by Years & Years.
  • Despite being gay, Angel Dust was willing to have sex with women while doing street work, but only if he REALLY needed the money to pay Valentino, and he would charge extra for it.
  • He was 37 years old by the time of his death.
  • Following Journey to the Light's blatant Wizard of Oz analogy, Angel Dust is based on Scarecrow. Angel is the first patient accepted into the Hazbin Hotel to earn his way to Heaven, much like how Scarecrow is the first to join Dorothy on her journey to Oz. Angel Dust often curses himself for being "stupid" or not smart enough to notice when he was being lured into an abusive relationship with Valentino, in some ways similar to how the Scarecrow wanted a brain because he believed he lacked intelligence and critical thinking.
  • His birthday is on April 1st (Arackniss loved to say he was the world's worst joke...).
  • Angel Dust has acquired a form of PTSD, extreme anxiety, and suicidal thoughts from both his time in the war and his decades of being exploited and horrifically abused by Valentino, as shown by his sudden flashback of Valentino raping him while he was looking at himself in a mirror. He also had a flashback of Valentino hitting him, as well as a brief panic attack, when Vaggie raised her hand at him when she was scolding him. In addition, despite being a prankster, Angel was initially very careful to not break anything in the Hazbin Hotel, fearing that Charlie or Vaggie would hurt or severely punish him for doing so like Valentino previously did. Chapter 2 also reveals that he occasionally hears voices in his head, often in the form of Valentino and Vox making disparaging and dehumanizing remarks. He has mostly overcome the PTSD he developed from military service, though it stills resurfaces from time to time.
  • He is something of an animal lover and especially loves pigs, aardvarks and fish, though he isn't very good at taking care of them.
    • He likes collecting statues of animals or animal plushies.
  • Has a soft spot for children and would never intentionally hurt them. He would also go out of his way to kill anyone who would intentionally harm kids. That said, he's still pretty irresponsible around kids as he would still spout sex jokes (never at kids, just in general) and swear in their presence.
  • In his childhood, Angel Dust was into boats and even won a boat-racing competition with Arackniss.
  • Favorite color is pink.
  • Self-conscious about his feet, which is why he never goes barefoot, even at the beach. When questioned about why he doesn't like his feet by Megara, Angel confessed that it is because they make him feel like a monster since his feet look like that of an actual spider.
  • Suffers from astraphobia, monophobia, space phobia, and thalassophobia. "Take Us Back" implies that he also might have nyctophobia.
    • It is heavily implied that he has monophobia because he died alone.
    • At one point, he mentions that he suffers recurring nightmares about drowning in a dark ocean. In "The Green Wedding", expressed fear of the Envy Ring and suffered a severe panic attack when Leviathan left him and the other hotel crew members to drown in a water chamber.
      • According to Angel Dust, Charlie noted that his fear of water is possibly the result of PTSD caused by Angel Dust's father, Henroin, exposing him to mafia executions, which often involved drowning the victims, at a young age.
  • His blood is pink colored.
  • His debut pornographic film in Hell was "My Cousin and Me".
  • He collects plushies and stuffed animals.
  • He can play the trumpet and is a skilled pianist; specifically, he can play "O sole mio". He was taught it by his mother, Annie.
  • Angel's upper body radiates a faint pink color whenever he blushes.
  • Angel's fur becomes prickly over time if he does not properly pamper it enough.
  • According to Manco, Angel, and his crime family were so prolific and notorious that, in modern times, there are museums with exhibits dedicated to them, and youths learn about them in history classes.
  • He doesn't think Charlie is a natural blonde, for SOME fucking reason.
  • Much like Alastor, Angel Dust greatly enjoys food and is very serious about it; he possesses a notable love for Italian dishes and well-prepared meals and is offended whenever such meals are prepared incorrectly. He also enjoys eating junk food every so often, especially after having to go years with a restricted diet while working under Valentino. He is a relatively skilled cook himself, particularly when it comes to Italian dishes.
  • Angel Dust claims that he committed his first murder at the age of six when he drowned one of Henroin's enemies, to which his father rewarded him with his first revolver.
  • Angel claims that he was nearly sold off by Henroin several times in his youth to pay off some debts.


ve Characters
Hazbin Hotel Crew Charlie MagneAngel DustAlastorVaggieNifftyHuskRazzle and DazzleAlastor's friendsFat NuggetsRenFergusMimzyBaxterCryminiSquishKaren 2.OCorey and PeelVillaPrincessSir PentiousEgg Bois
I.M.P BlitzøMoxxieMillieLoona
Seven Deadly Sins Lucifer MagneLeviathan Von EldritchMammonBeelzebubBelphegorAsmodeusSatan
Overlords AlastorValentinoVoxVelvetteRosieMissi ZillaCarmilla CarmineStellarSock and Buskin
Kingpins Cherri BombSir PentiousHenroinMaulreese JackjawBruce
Ars Goetia StolasStellaOctaviaPaimonAndrealphus
Pride Ring Lilith MagneHuniBunKatie KilljoyTom TrenchAracknissIzziThe InsurgencyVarkDiaSummerBasilSir Pentious' HatRumYuckLailaBoar ButcherQueefSabreMelvynLoopty GooptyLyle LiptonJeffrey Dahmer
Wrath Ring The DivineStrikerScorpiusThe ChosenBombproofAzazel
Gluttony Ring Mr. PVortexBehemothBee-lzebub
Greed Ring Robo FizzLarsonCalliopeTinglesWally WackfordTillaCash BuckzoLoo LooCrimsonAlessio
Lust Ring FizzarolliVerosika Mayday
Envy Ring Seviathan Von EldritchHellsa Von EldritchBethesda Von EldritchFinThe KrakenMishelleNatasha
Sloth Ring LugnutClaptrapKarenScavenger UnitsHellhound Adoption FoundationMs. SweetrubyBelle-phegor
Heaven GodLuxSeraSerenityArchangel FortiMancoCharlie's AngelsMillicentMollyAzraelExterminatorsLuteAdinaEbonySableDestinyRavenBladeMs. HartfeltMetatronOphanimC.H.E.R.U.BLeo LightheartCletusCollinKeenieDeerieRachelHoneyBeaBeauTorySeraphielMr. TreeArchangel MichaelArchangel GabrielArchangel UrielArchangel SandalphonArchangel RaphaelArchangel CassielArchangel BarachielArchangel ZadkielAnnie
Other characters DeathRooVaggie's fatherSpindleAzathothQueen SpiderArmy of DarknessSanta ClausKrampusValentine