- "Well, I'm a lover, not a fighter, but if you insist... (chuckles) I think we can come to an agreement."
- — Asmodeus to Angel Dust and Fergus while they were in disguise, before giving them positions at Ozzie's.
Great King Asmodeus of Lust, also known as Ozzie, is a recurring antagonist in Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light.
He serves as a referenced character in Chapters 1 and 2, a minor antagonist in Chapters 3 and 4, and a recurring antagonist in Chapter 5.
He is the king of the Lust Ring and of the Ringleaders of Hell, along with being a king of the Ars Goetia. He is also the owner of the exclusive nightclub Ozzie's and the distributor for the robotic counterparts of Fizzarolli - his boyfriend - that are spread throughout Hell.
As the demonic embodiment of Lust, he is widely known for his charismatic, bombastic charm and ability to seduce the masses into submitting to their sexual desires.
Billions of years in the past, Asmodeus encountered the fallen angel Lucifer Magne, as well as the demons Beelzebub, Belphegor, Mammon, and Leviathan. Upon discovering the vacant dimension of Hell, the six entities made an agreement to consolidate their power by forging an alliance. The legion of archdemons began a tight-knit relationtion, becoming a Creation-renowned circus troupe. Asmodeus and his fellow Sins founded the demonic realm of Hell, traveling ring to ring to dazzle Hell's denizens with their performances. After the Sins had a bitter falling out and grew to resent each other, Asmodeus took Lust for himself. He would later go on to establish the Ars Goetia, a long line of exceptionally powerful avian demons who would be regarded as one of the most powerful and respected families in Hell's society.
Billions of years later, after he was done attending Loo Loo Land, he found Fizzarolli, all limbless and hornless. He took him to one of his bases as he didn't want to lose him since he admired his performances during his time in Loo Loo Land. Asmodeus went to the best scientists in Sloth Ring in search of help from them. They put the unconscious Fizzarolli in a medical tank filled with pink, gelatinous liquid with magical properties. A week later, the former entertaining imp was removed from the tank by the scientists on Asmodeus' orders and upgraded with robotic limbs and horns to replace them with his organic limbs, thus granting him limb extension and extra mobility. After Fizzarolli woke up from his coma, he met the King of Lust by his side, who explained the situation. Fizzarolli's memories of that terrible event occurred and told Asmodeus everything that happened to him as he broke down in tears. Taking genuine pity on the imp, he offered him a position in his Lust Ring's famous restaurant called Ozzie's as a performer, previously admiring his performances back in Loo Loo Land. Initially, Fizzarolli rejected the offer, not wanting to repeat what happened with Mammon, but after much convincing, Fizzarolli accepted Asmodeus' offer and became a performer in Ozzie's after recovering from his chambers for several weeks.
Events of Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light
Chapter 3
In the post-credits scene of the Chapter 3 finale "Despite Everything, It's Still You", Asmodeus and the other Seven Deadly Sins are summoned to Lucifer's castle for an important discussion. While Asmodeus and the others awaited Lucifer's arrival, Belphegor arrived at the meeting, to which Asmodeus greeted the King of Sloth and complimented him on his recent "upgrade". Finally, Lucifer himself arrives at the meeting and informs them that he thinks it is time they put an end to Charlie's operation. Lucifer informed his sinful partners of Charlie bringing Manco and the seven other angels into Hell. Leviathan and Mammon discussed that the presence of angels being present in Hell is a violation of the laws between Heaven and Hell. Lucifer concurred with his cohorts, and addressed that although angels are protected in Heaven, the children were now "fair game". The King of Hell wickedly asked his partners if they knew what happened to rule breakers, which Asmodeus and the others responded to by grinning with malevolent intentions.
Chapter 4
In "The House of Asmodeus", Angel Dust (after being given Charlie's permission) and Fergus decide to travel to the Lust Ring for a "vacation". Angel Dust disguises himself as a woman to avoid being recognized by the public. After spending a night in the town, the two decide to visit Lust's most popular nightclub Ozzie's. The club's bouncer allows the two in when Angel dishonestly informs him that Fergus is his boyfriend, much to the latter's chagrin. After making it inside, Angel and Fergus partake in the club's festivities and find out that Ozzie's is having a "Pole Night", where anyone from the audience can show their skills at pole dancing. Angel eagerly steps up to the pole and dazzles everybody at the club with his skills. After Angel's performance, a plumb of smoke engulfs the stage as the King of Lust, Asmodeus, rises from the mass and begins applauding and showering Angel with praise for his exceptional skills. The King of Lust, seemingly not recognizing him, then offers Angel a job as an "exotic dancer", to which the spider agrees so long as Fergus has a position at the club as well. Asmodeus is disinterested in Fergus, only wanting Angel as his star, but eventually agrees.
While Fergus is given a degrading (and disgusting) position as Ozzie's janitor, Asmodeus takes Angel Dust to one of his villas, having him escorted there in a limo. After Angel is delivered to Asmodeus' tower, the King of Lust seduces Angel, ordering his servants to dress him in only the best clothing and makeup, as well as spoiling Angel with food, including junk food. Angel Dust begins warming up to Asmodeus, noting how more carefree the King of Lust is with his servants than his former pimp, Valentino. After eating "I-Scream" together, Asmodeus and Angel have sex, with the latter being genuinely shocked at the King of Lust's expertise in intercourse. After finishing, Asmodeus left Angel in the bed to sleep, bidding him a good night.
In "When World's Collide", Angel has been working with Asmodeus for a week, gaining Lust-wide fame and adulation under the fake name "Anita Handjaab", leaving Fergus somewhat embittered as he got caught up in the fame.
At the end of the week, Asmodeus treats Angel Dust in his villa. During this, Angel asks the King of Lust if he has ever heard of Valentino. Although it takes the King of Lust a moment to remember, he does indeed remember Valentino, calling him a "wannabe poser" for copying his style. Although Asmodeus expresses his disdain for Valentino, he notes that he adores his former worker, that being Angel himself, which catches the spider's attention. Asmodeus reveals that he is a huge fan of Angel Dust's works and that he would love to have Angel as a "toy", to which Angel becomes slightly uneasy and tells him that Angel Dust is done being someone else's toy. Asmodeus slyly stated that if Angel Dust ever found himself in his presence, he would think otherwise. It is here that the King of Lust reveals that he knew who Angel truly was the entire time, having recognized his moves on the pole. The spider now becomes very uneasy and intimidated as Asmodeus pins him against a wall and offers Angel the "prestigious" position as one of his lovers, and offers to make him a citizen of Lust if he agrees. Before Angel can decide, Fergus walks into the room and sees The King of Lust pinning Angel against a wall. Instinctively, he converts his robot arm into a cannon and shoots at Asmodeus. Asmodeus is competently unfazed by Fergus' attacks and easily immobilizes him using magic in one-hand motion.
Angel begged the King of Lust to spare Fergus, to which Asmodeus merrily replied that Fergus needed to be punished for attacking a ruler of Hell. Asmodeus reiterates his offer to Angel Dust and states that, although he will happily release the porn star either way, he will kill Fergus should Angel refuse. After a moment of indecision, Angel bitterly told the King of Lust that he was no different than Valentino, before using his leaping abilities to jump onto Asmodeus' arm, attempting to break his magical grip on Fergus. Humorously, Angel does not even budge the King of Lust and awkwardly struggles to break his grip for several moments. Embarrassed for Angel, Asmodeus rolls his eyes and releases Fergus anyway. Angel and Fergus then run out of Asmodeus' villa as the King of Lust's servants run into his room. Pouting, Asmodeus orders his servants to kill Angel and Fergus, but only after they exit the tower, as he does not want to see Angel get harmed with his own eyes. Saddened as he had been robbed of a new lover, Asmodeus sadly sulked on a nearby bed, childishly telling a nearby guard that he was waiting for Fizzarolli to arrive and lift his spirits.
In "Suppression of Lust", Asmodeus is depicted along with Beelzebub in the opening flashback where they call Verosika to Asmodeus' chambers in Ozzie's. The two kings revealed that they were made aware of Verosika accidentally unleashing a fish demon on humans on Earth, which could have attracted attention to Hell. Beelzebub mentions that in doing so, Verosika broke one of Hell's most important laws and therefore a punishment was due. Asmodeus attempted to defuse the situation, but Beelzebub was adamant about her punishment and had his insect minions restrain her. The King of Gluttony revealed Verosika's punishment; she would be fitted with a chastity belt, a magical device that would painfully shock her whenever she engaged in sexual activities. Verosika protested that she would die without having sex for long periods of time, being a succubus, but Beelzebub was indifferent to her pleas. Verosika desperately begged Asmodeus for help, to which he replied that he did not want to punish her in a torturous manner, but deemed that it was necessary to appease his fellow ruler. As the struggling Verosika is fitted with the chastity belt, Asmodeus looks away in what appears to be genuine guilt at what he's allowed to happen as Verosika was violently electrocuted by the belt and collapsed to the ground, in pain and exhaustion
Unbeknownst to Asmodeus and Beelzebub, Verosika, after weeks of suffering and starvation due to the chastity belt, was eventually freed when Blitzø aided her in removing the belt when she was enlisted to help I.M.P assassinate the Happy Hotel crew.
In the Chapter 4 finale, "It's Never Too Late", in the episode's post-credit scenes, Asmodeus was attending the gatherings of the remaining Sins, to discuss the deaths of Belphegor and Leviathan and the repercussions of Leviathan's attempt to flood all of Hell. Lucifer destroys Leviathan's chair in fury for his betrayal, claiming that he should have known the former king of Envy would betray him, to which Asmodeus jokingly said that his betrayal was obvious, due to the dead sea serpent's title. Asmodeus expressed anger at God for banishing Leviathan to Hell and made him "[their]" problem, saying that he was a pain in the ass and being visibly annoyed for Leviathan destroying Ozzie's and needing a complete renovation, thanks to the erased former King of Envy's flood. Also calling him a "loser" is an insult. Sighing, he admitted he was gonna his long-time friend Belphegor "a little bit". Surprised at this, Lucifer asked the remaining Sins about their feelings on Belphegor's demise, to which they all responded that he was a "prick", to which Lucifer cheerfully responded "Fucking lazy prick" as a sign of agreement with them. Lucifer "apologises" to Asmodeus and reveals the real reason why he granted Belphegor a position as the King of Sloth. Beelzebub attempts to convince Asmodeus to "look at the bright side", as there will be more food left out at their gatherings before Lucifer advises all of them to forget about Leviathan and Belphegor and sits down on his chair and deviously informs his allies on their next moves and destroying their new enemies and the resistances that are uniting together against the Seven Deadly Sins.
Chapter 5
In "Light of Love", Squish and Lux (the latter shapeshifting into a humanoid form) travel to the Lust Ring to go to the newly renovated Ozzie's, which has been renamed FizzarOzzie's. Though Squish is mistreated by Ozzie's staff, he pulls through and has a blast thanks to Lux, who finds it hard to enjoy the club due to the rejection of love and embracing of lust. Hours later, Lux admits to Squish that they want to leave, uncomfortable with the club's ideals and lustful displays. Squish leaves to go to the bathroom before they leave, but overhears the King of Lust, Asmodeus, speaking with his consorts regarding the relationship with Charlie and Vaggie. As Squish eavesdrops, Asmodeus expresses intense disgust at their "lovey-dovey" relationship and reveals that he intends to destroy their relationship by informing Charlie of Vaggie's past tenure as an Exterminator (which he seemingly learned from Lucifer). An alarmed Squish tries to stealthily leave the room so he can leave with Lux and warn Charlie and Vaggie but is captured by Fizzarolli as he exits the room.
In Asmodeus' opulent chambers, Squish finds himself in a precarious situation, blindfolded and securely bound by bondage ropes. The King of Lust, accompanied by Fizzarolli, launches an interrogation. Fizzarolli begs Asmodeus to give him permission to torture Squish, giving Ozzie puppy-dog eyes. Asmodeus allows it since Fizz is too cute when he is sadistic. Fizzarolli comedically tortures Squish with nipple clamps from Big Ozzie's Factory, causing the captive to quickly disclose his affiliation with the Hazbin Hotel. This revelation deeply offends Asmodeus, who realizes Squish has overheard his secretive plot and cannot be allowed to return to Charlie and Vaggie with this dangerous information. Though Fizzarolli implores Asmodeus to indulge in the brutality of torturing and executing Squish, the King of Lust, while admiring Fizzarolli's unwavering determination, suggests a somewhat less severe approach. He fixes his gaze upon Squish, drawing the sinner into a mesmerizing trance.
In "The Tunnel of Lust", Asmodeus and Fizzarolli subject him to a hypnotic trance, using him as a source of twisted amusement. They force him to dance for the patrons of FizzarOzzie's and even put him on a perilous wheel of death. Meanwhile, Lux, noticing Squish's disappearance, returns to the Pride Ring to inform Charlie and Vaggie of the situation. Despite his strained relationship with Charlie, Blitzø decides to join them, suspecting the involvement of Fizzarolli and Asmodeus. Charlie, Vaggie, Lux, Razzle, Dazzle, and Blitzø set out for Lust, unknowingly playing into Asmodeus' scheme.
Upon arriving at FizzarOzzie's, they discover the place devoid of regular patrons, with only Asmodeus, Fizzarolli, and the hypnotized Squish present. Asmodeus and Fizzarolli initially remain concealed, using Squish to introduce the gang. After Squish's introduction, Asmodeus and Fizzarolli put on a spectacle, with Asmodeus cheerfully greeting Charlie and referring to himself as her uncle. Charlie questions Asmodeus about his actions, prompting him to claim that he believes her love for Vaggie is one-sided and that he intends to enlighten her. Following a musical performance, Fizzarolli introduces Charlie and Vaggie (with a hint of disdain towards Blitzø). Asmodeus employs his powers of illusion and reality manipulation to separate Blitzø and Lux from Charlie and Vaggie.
Blitzø, Lux, Razzle, and Dazzle find themselves trapped in an intricate maze, with Squish leading them on a wild chase. Blitzø, however, abandons Lux and Squish to seek his own escape route.
Meanwhile, Charlie and Vaggie are invited to partake in one of FizzarOzzie's bizarre amusement rides, the "Tunnel of Lust," a twisted variation of the conventional Tunnel of Love. They reluctantly go along, boarding a boat resembling a gigantic, dildo and embarking on a slow ride through a cave-like river. Asmodeus conjures magical images on the tunnel walls, highlighting the negative aspects of Charlie and Vaggie's relationship, including Vaggie seemingly hindering Charlie's aspirations. Charlie consoles Vaggie as she becomes upset until Asmodeus and Fizzarolli bring up Charlie's tendency to disregard Vaggie's counsel. The two lustful demons accuse them of having a parasitic and one-sided relationship, concealed beneath a facade of affection. As Charlie and Vaggie reach the end of the ride, they are confronted with a large mirror image of their separation in Purgatory.
Charlie and Vaggie step off the ride and enter a spacious room, where Asmodeus and Fizzarolli continue their performance, using music to try and drive a wedge between the two lovers. Amid the musical number, Charlie counters, asserting that no relationship is without its flaws, and their occasional disagreements don't diminish the authenticity of their love. Asmodeus scoffs at the princesses' words, vowing to prove Charlie wrong and ominously claiming to have something special in store. He grins malevolently, joined by Fizzarolli in his sinister mirth.
Meanwhile, Lux manages to catch Squish and employs their powers to break him free from Asmodeus' influence. On another front, Blitzø faces a confrontation with Fizzarolli, who launches an attack on him while reproaching the imp for what appears to be abandoning him to a dire fate. Blitzø, bewildered by Fizzarolli's accusations, insists he has no knowledge of what his former best friend is talking about. This only fuels Fizzarolli's anger further, leaving Blitzø in a state of perplexity as the cyborg imp departs, leaving him behind in bewilderment.
Returning to Charlie and Vaggie, Asmodeus unleashes his powers to conjure a colossal, magical image that descends between them, physically driving a wedge between the couple. The dual-sided mirror image reveals both sides of their history as Asmodeus publicly outs Vaggie as an ex-Exterminator to Charlie. Vaggie's past with the Exorcists is displayed on the magical screen, leaving her in sheer horror. Asmodeus rhetorically questions why Vaggie concealed such a significant secret from Charlie. The image vanishes, leaving Charlie and Vaggie to lock eyes in a heavy silence. Overwhelmed, Vaggie collapses to her knees, her tears flowing freely. Asmodeus and Fizzarolli revel in the moment, practically ecstatic, with the latter hungrily munching on popcorn, anticipating a breakup.
However, to their complete surprise, Charlie is visibly upset but chooses a different path. She approaches Vaggie, who is profusely apologizing and begging for forgiveness, explaining that she still carries the weight of her past and doesn't want Charlie to find out this way. Charlie interrupts her with a tender gesture, kneeling down and enveloping her girlfriend in a warm embrace. This unexpected reaction leaves Asmodeus and Fizzarolli dumbfounded, with the former spitting out his drink and the latter choking on his popcorn. Charlie, sensing Vaggie's sincere remorse, tearfully reassures her that they can overcome past mistakes and build a brighter future together. Their love is now stronger than ever, and Charlie and Vaggie engage in a symbolic battle against Asmodeus and Fizzarolli. Both couples sing and express their love and desires, unleashing waves of love and lust energy towards each other. Asmodeus and Fizzarolli find themselves utterly defenseless against the genuine romance of Charlie and Vaggie, leading to the two lustful demons having a breakdown. Asmodeus, in a moment of surrender, derisively dismisses the power of love as "cringe." Charlie and Vaggie conclude their musical number with a tearful kiss, triggering an explosive surge of energy that propels Asmodeus and Fizzarolli rocketing through the walls of their establishment, leaving them in a state of disarray.
When the dust settles, Charlie and Vaggie stand together, absolutely all over each other. Vaggie agrees to let Charlie take more chances, but Charlie says that she will take Vaggie's advice into consideration. Charlie cannot help but shout her love for Vaggie and, seeing it as the best opportunity, goes on one knee, presents a ring, and asks Vaggie to marry her. Vaggie is taken aback by this, breaking down in tears and putting my hand to her chest, initially refusing by telling Charlie that she does not deserve the princess' love. Charlie emboldens Vaggie and tells the sinner that there is no demon in Hell more worthy of her love since she has been with Charlie and stood by her side despite everything and that she wants Vaggie to spend the rest of eternity with her. With this, Vaggie hugs Charlie tightly, sobbing into her shoulder, and agrees to marry her. The two embrace each other, their love practically lighting the entire room up, as Lux and Squish arrive and watch on proudly.
Crushed under debris, a defeated and pouting Asmodeus watches Charlie and Vaggie's engagement and bitterly remarks the power of love as a "joke". Fizzarolli, who is also crushed and dazed under debris, pops out of the rubble - squashed like an accordion - and deliriously asks Asmodeus if it is weird that he has a boner. Asmodeus is so upset by his embarrassing defeat that he can only groan and facepalm at Fizzarolli's comment.
- "♫Little imp, I know this is gonna singe
But everybody knows that love is cringe!♫" - — Asmodeus to Moxxie during "House of Asmodeus".
Asmodeus is confident, hedonistic, theatrical, and charismatic. As one might expect from the King of Lust, he revels in his perversion, wearing it as a badge of honor. He frequently employs his magnetic allure to entice individuals, whether to recruit them to his cause or share his intimate company, often employing lavish gifts as enticing bait. Furthermore, he is a regular host of extravagant orgies at his venues, boasting an eclectic palette of unconventional sexual preferences, including masochism and BDSM, among other proclivities. However, his affection for many of his is strictly transactional, utilizing them as instruments to gratify his insatiable carnal desires. He can be kind of an asshole and regards all within his sphere as "toys", harboring minimal inclination to nurture enduring connections, favoring self-indulgent, occasionally self-destructive, lust over genuine romantic pursuits.
Asmodeus takes immense pride in his elevated status, unabashedly belittling those who openly express sentimental attachments to their partners. It's conceivable that he may even hold a certain contempt for sentiments of this nature. He derives great satisfaction from encouraging fellow demons to openly exhibit their amorous yearnings, as demonstrated by his attempt to persuade Moxxie to infuse more eroticism into his performance.
While Asmodeus may appear as by far the least overtly menacing of the Ringleaders, beneath his charming facade lies a notable capacity for cruelty. His manipulative tendencies are evident, and he is not averse to using sedation as a weapon to exploit vulnerable people, as demonstrated in his seduction of Angel Dust by preying on the spider's longing for a caring partner. Asmodeus takes pleasure in corrupting the innocence and abstinence of others, inducing lust in those who were once chaste, pushing them into the realm of sexual deviancy. His intense lustful nature breeds a deep disdain for notions of romance and love, as evidenced by his reaction to Moxxie's love song and Moxxie's relationship with Millie. He derives satisfaction from dismantling relationships and marriages, promoting adultery, and stirring selfish desires in others. He also sported a sadistic grin with his fellow Ringleaders upon the prospect of severely punishing Charlie's Angels for their arrival in Hell.
Asmodeus exudes a striking egomania, harboring an exaggerated sense of self-importance that places him above nearly everyone else. He takes immense pride in his appearance, readily taking offense if anyone dares to disagree with or show disapproval of his taste and style. Moreover, he is highly protective of his distinctive persona, displaying annoyance when others attempt to mimic his signature look, as seen when he barred Valentino from entering Lust for imitating his likeness.
Despite his position as one of the rulers of sin and his involvement in the oppression of the lower classes of Hell, Asmodeus stands out as the most humane and merciful member of the Ringleaders, as well as explicitly the weakest. He lacks the overt sadism exhibited by Lucifer, Satan, Leviathan, and Beelzebub, and his charm far surpasses that of Mammon and Belphegor. Notably, he demonstrated his courtesy by affording Moxxie an opportunity to revise his musical number, displaying a sense of fairness. Furthermore, when Millie assaulted Fizzarolli, Asmodeus chose not to punish her, showing a level of restraint. His compassion extended even further when he went out of his way to save Fizzarolli, who was betrayed and nearly killed by Mammon. Additionally, he attempted to persuade Beelzebub to lessen the severity of Verosika's punishment, although he relented when faced with Beelzebub's unwavering insistence on the punishment's severity. Asmodeus also maintains playful and charming interactions with his succubi subjects, fostering positive relations with them. In contrast to many members of Hell's nobility, he is one of the few who genuinely connects with and is well-liked by his subjects.
Asmodeus cuts a striking figure among demons, with his imposing stature and vibrant appearance. His muscular build exudes power, and his unique features make him easily recognizable. He stands tall with digitigrade legs, and his upper chest is broad, giving way to a narrow waist. A distinctive tuft of cyan rooster-like tail feathers adorns his posterior, with three sickle tail feathers in striking red, black, and ivory-white hues. Although there is mention of him having avian traits in concept art, it remains uncertain if this aspect still applies to his character. His head, colored dark blue, features large feathers that extend down to his chest. Neon green eyes and a glowing mouth adorn his primary visage. Notably, he sports a thick mane of cyan hair, with additional faces of a ram and a bull on the right and left sides of his head, respectively. These side faces react to his speech, being able to speak and sing in harmony with him.
Asmodeus's arms transition to a light blue hue from the elbows down, and he possesses heart-shaped nipples that match the light blue color scheme. He adorns himself in a navy blue vest with two pairs of glowing white stripes on the upper half, layered over a red undershirt with blue cuffs featuring red heart-shaped cuff links. Atop his primary head rests a top hat, adorned with red and white head feathers that emerge from a red band. Completing his ensemble, he wears jagged high-heel shoes with red-colored tips. In his initial appearance, Asmodeus donned a lined purple coat with pointed shoulder pads and a collar, featuring a pink inner lining. The coat included a dark fur collar that concealed his head, adding to his distinctive and extravagant style.
Powers and Abilities
As one of the most ancient demons and a member of the Ringleaders, Asmodeus possesses an incredible amount of demonic power that is exclusive to only the most powerful demons in all of Hell, despite being the weakest of the v. His power and influence are to the extent that Stolas, along with the entire Goetia family, are subservient to him.
Natural Powers
- Immortality: As a founder of the Ringleaders along with Lucifer, Beelzebub, Leviathan, Mammon, and Belphegor, Asmodeus would have to be one of the most ancient demons to have ever existed, as the Ringleaders were founded shortly after Lucifer was banished from Heaven, billions of years before the events of the series. Regardless, he has shown no sign of aging or fatigue. Only angelic weapons and immensely powerful primordial entities can harm and erase the King of Lust.
Unique Powers
- Demonic Power: Despite being the weakest of the Ringleaders Asmodeus possesses incredible demonic power that surpasses most of Hell's denizens. His power completely eclipses the power of both the Overlords and the Ars Goetia, the latter of which Asmodeus is the sovereign.
- Body Control: Asmodeus can change the size of his anatomy and body parts at will. This includes shrinking himself down in order tot disguise himself and making his penis kaiju-sized while having sex, as per Fizzaroll's statements.
- Crystallokinesis: Asmodeus can conjure magical, pink crystals known as "Asmodean Crystals". These crystals allow the user to trace portals to Earth and Hell and are often given to succubi and incubi by the King Sin of Lust so that they can spread lust and degeneracy in the mortal realm.
- Disease Immunity: Asmodeus, as a sexually active demon who has laid with countless succubi, is utterly riddled with numerous venereal diseases, though his demonic physiology renders him unaffected by the symptoms, simply acting as a carrier for spreading them.
- Enhanced Senses: Asmodeus has "horny vision" that allows him to detect the sex drive of other entities, which he sees as a pink aura around their bodies that glows brighter the more sexually active an individual is. He often uses this ability to seek out the abstinent and induce lust in them.
- Hallucikinesis: Asmodeus is a master of illusions and can create images of things that do not exist physically, as shown when he materialized mirror images of Octavia and Stella staring at Stolas with disdain in order to ridicule the Goetic prince over his infidelity, recent divorce, and failing relationship with his family overall. Earlier, he used illusion magic to conjure images of himself and Fizzarolli to mock Moxxie's love song. While destroy to destroy Charlie and Vaggie's relationship, he showed off his powers of illusion by constantly changing the interior of the Tunnel of Lust and conjured numerous magical images, including one of Vaggie in Exorcist attire.
- Hypnosis: If the ability to seduce others fail, Asmodeus can hypnotize others with his eyes and enchant their "horniness".
- Lust Manipulation: As the embodiment of Lust, Asmodeus has the ability to enhance sexual desire in other entities by exuding a supernatural allure, allowing him to seduce nearly all of his targets. Asmodeus also has the ability to trigger the sex drive of other entities with his voice, touch, smell, and even just his mere presence. Most people in the King of Lust's vicinity become extremely amorous and overwhelmed with the desire for sexual contact with those around them, including Asmodeus himself. Unlike succubi, such as Verosika Mayday, his pleasure inducement extends to even demons and sinners, although more powerful demons are capable of resisting his sexual inducement.
- Pathokinesis: Asmodeus can sense and potentially manipulate the emotions and feelings of other entities.
- Pyrokinesis: Asmodeus can conjure and manipulate pink or blue fire and even consume himself in magical hellfire when provoked.
- Reality Warping: Asmodeus can change the appearance of whatever room or building he is in, transforming it into a completely different atmosphere, color, and theme, doing this all with a simple snap of his fingers or even his mere presence, as shown when the atmosphere within Ozzie's slightly changed when he appeared on stage.
- Telekinesis: Asmodeus can immobilize and move with his mind both objects and living beings.
- Summoning: Asmodeus can summon seemingly anything he wishes with a mere snap of his fingers. This includes his servants, or demonic tentacles that range in size.
- Supernatural Strength: Asmodeus is inhumanly strong as a result of his immense demonic powers and stature. His strength is increased ten-fold in his full demon form, as he was shown to be easily capable of barreling through a wall with no visible effort and holding other demons in the palm of his hand.
- Teleportation: Asmodeus can teleport himself and/or others to any location of his choosing, most often appearing within an explosion of smoke.
- Tentacle Manipulation: Asmodeus can create and summon demonic tentacles in various forms.
- Typhokinesis: Asmodeus can manipulate pink or blue smoke. He can spawn an immense amount of smoke for dramatic entrances or exits, and can also shape smoke into appendages or weapons and manipulate it into traveling all the way to a target. His smoke appears to be intangible and is noted as having a pleasant smell.
- Voice Mimicry: Asmodeus can mimic the voices of other entities perfectly.
- Authority: As one of the rulers of sin, king of the Goetia family, and the demon appointed as king of Lust by Lucifer Magne, Asmodeus possesses great authority over Hell and its inhabitants, and has near-complete control over the ring of Lust and all of its inhabitants, allowing him to enforce laws, punish his opposition, and command others to do as he pleases. Even Stolas took orders from him and was able to do nothing but sit helplessly while Asmodeus taunted him.
- Charisma: Asmodeus possesses a provocative, yet magnetic and coquettish charm that he has used to effortlessly sway thousands of entities to his whim.
- Intimidation: Despite his flamboyant and bombastic persona, Asmodeus is more than capable of frightening others into obeying him. Stolas, who is far more powerful than Overlords such as Alastor, is shown to be quite intimidated around Asmodeus and obeys the Goetia king's every command. Indeed, during Stolas and Blitzø's impromptu "date" at Ozzie's, Asmodeus was able to get away with publicly humiliating the two, with Stolas powerless to stop the King of Lust despite his own power and position. Moments later, Asmodeus easily intimidated Millie and Moxxie into leaving Ozzie's by furiously ordering the two imps to leave, with the imps not offering any resistance, despite Millie earlier attacking Fizzarolli for interrupting Moxxie's song.
- Multilingualism: Asmodeus can speak English as well as various demonic tongues.
- Musical Talent: Asmodeus is a very proficient singer, in addition to being an impressive dancer, as shown during his performance with Fizzarolli at Ozzie's. He can use his musical intuition to amplify his seductive power and induce demons and humans who hear him fall into an amorous state.
- Ocular Illumination: Asmodeus' eyes glow a bright pink or yellow color whenever he enters a dark environment, which allows him to see in the dark.
- Love: Despite disparaging love and valuing its perversion, Asmodeus is no match for the power of genuine love. The sight of genuine love weakens and disturbs him. Charlie and Vaggie were able to fend off him and Fizzarolli during their symbolic battle of love and lust.
Asmodeus and Mammon are business partners and co-founders of the Ringleaders. Asmodeus has a complex view of Mammmon and prefers to keep his relationship with the King of Greed as professional as possible, despite not agreeing with a mountain of his actions.
Asmodeus gifted Mammon with a robotic Fizzarolli for the latter's theme park, Loo Loo Land. He also playfully teases his greedy cohort by calling him "Moneybags".
Later, Mammon visited Asmodeus' tower under the guise of promoting closeness and solidarity among the Ringleaders, but Asmodeus saw right through his guise, as Mammon was there primarily to reassert dominance over Fizzarolli, who he learned had survived the assault from Mammon's goons. Despite Mammon's attempts to intimidate Fizzarolli and collect a supposed debt he was owed, Asmodeus, asserting dominance over the situation, sternly highlighted the severe price Fizzarolli already paid and Mammon's exploitation of his image and "arm and a leg" debt. This left Mammon leaving in anger, damaging his relationship with Ozzie.
Asmodeus and Belphegor are co-founders of the Seven Deadly Sins. They appear to share both a friendly and professional relationship, being co-owners of the robotic Fizzarollis that are spread throughout Hell. When Belphegor arrived at the Seven Deadly Sins' meeting, Asmodeus warmly greeted the King of Sloth and complimented him on his recent upgrade.
In the Chapter 4 finale "It's Never Too Late" post-credits scene, Asmodeus doesn't particularly mourn Belphegor's demise but is slightly upset about his death by admitting that he will miss him "just a little bit", showing that unlike Karen (who is deeply loyal and caring to Belphegor), Asmodeus's care for the erased demonic genius is minimal.
Fizzarolli is one of Asmodeus' employees at Ozzie's and a lover of his. Asmodeus found Fizzarolli after the imp was brutally dismembered and left for dead by Mammon's men. Taking pity upon the imp, and previously admiring his performances at Loo Loo Land, Asmodeus rescued Fizzarolli from a watery grave and restored the imp by giving him robotic limbs to replace the ones Mammon had dismembered. Afterward, he granted Fizzarolli a prestigious position as one of the hosts of his club, Ozzie's, and allowed Fizzarolli to join his inner circle.
Despite Asmodeus' racist outlook on imps, the King of Lust appears to share a close friendship with Fizzarolli, regarding him as his favorite "toy", and, as previously mentioned, rescued the imp from a painful death, seemingly not caring that doing so would possibly land him in hot water with the fellow ruler of Hell, Mammon. They have an "assholes in love" kind of vibe going on, and love making fun of and ridiculing people at Ozzie's, especially those who promote genuine love. He is protective of Fizzarolli, but not overtly so, since he personally thinks Fizz can handle himself.
During the I.M.P's visit to Ozzie's, it is shown that Fizzarolli is valued enough to be allowed seating beside Asmodeus at the King of Lust's private lodge. Asmodeus and Fizzarolli bond over their mutual disdain for romantic relationships as well as their sadistic sense of humor. Their interactions hint at the two being lovers, as they enjoy the other's company very much, get physically intimated several times, and flirt with each other. When Fizzarolli was knocked unconscious by Millie, Asmodeus was seen cradling and carrying Fizz away with a concerned expression. Moments later, when Fizzarolli recovered and gestured his disgust toward Moxxie's love song, Asmodeus affectionately nuzzled him, before angrily banishing Moxxie and Millie from his club for assaulting Fizzarolli.
Verosika Mayday
- "Slay 'em, babygirl!"
- — Asmodeus to Verosika as she humiliates Blitzø.
Asmodeus is Verosika's manager. Asmodeus and Verosika share a friendly relationship with each other, and she is a member of his inner circle alongside Fizzarolli. He affectionately refers to Verosika as "babygirl", and allows her to have access to his exclusive club, Ozzie's, at all times. The King of Lust also displays enough trust in Verosika and her posse to give them permission and access to Earth. Asmodeus could be heard egging Verosika on while she was humiliating Blitzø on his sex life in Ozzie's.
Despite their friendship, Asmodeus seems to have no qualms with punishing Verosika and her crew whenever they step out of line or cause trouble on Earth that would potentially attract attention to Hell, as the I.M.P blackmailed her by threatening to expose her involvement in the demonic fish to her superiors. Indeed, when news of Verosika's stunt reached Asmodeus and Beelzebub, the two kings punished Verosika by fitting her with a chastity belt, which would have slowly killed Verosika overtime by depriving her of sexual intercourse (which succubi need to live). When Verosika begged Asmodeus to help her, the King of Lust admitted to Verosika that he did not want to punish her in such a torturous manner, but stood down when Beelzebub was adamant about it. Asmodeus looked away as Verosika was fitted with the belt, possibly out of remorse or shame.
In "A Complete Shitshow", Asmodeus mentions that Verosika has been giving him the cold shoulder and seemingly hates him after the chastity belt incident, strongly implying their friendship has ended, at least on Verosika's side.
Archangel Uriel
While the full details of Asmodeus' relationship with the angel Uriel are unclear, the King of Lust appears to intensely dislike him, claiming that he is "no fun" during the Seven Deadly Sins' meeting.
- "♫You can act all high, mighty, and above the bar
But fucking an imp can only get you so far
Me, I'm just your king, what do I know?
I only helped you get where you are
You were Prince Stolas of the Lemegeton
Power so massive it couldn't be undone
Now you're a simp for an imp!
And, from my perspective, you're shrinking like a shrimp♫" - — Asmodeus belittling Stolas during "House of Asmodeus".
Stolas and Asmodeus, as members of the Ars Goetia, are long-time acquaintances. Asmodeus is the figurehead of the Ars Goetia and thus is very respected by Stolas. However, the relationship is very antagonistic on Asmodeus' side. Due to his racist outlook on imps, Asmodeus is very mocking of Stolas' relationship with Blitzø, and it seems that Stolas' relationship with Blitzø has caused him to lose Asmodeus' respect completely. He openly ridicules and disrespects Stolas by referring to him as weak and desperate, and smugly taunts Stolas over the fact that he can't do anything about it, knowing that the power dichotomy between the two prevents Stolas from retaliating against him, and uses his high position in Hell's hierarchy to keep the Goetic prince under his thumb. During "House of Asmodeus", Asmodeus claims that Stolas is in the position that he is in because of Asmodeus' help.
During his impromptu date with Blitzø at Ozzie's, Stolas had a notable fearful reaction when Fizzarolli stated that Asmodeus was present at Ozzie's at the time. Given this reaction, it is unknown if this implies that Stolas is actually afraid of Asmodeus, or only reacted in a way as he did not want his superior to see him with a lower demon.
Charlie Magne
Asmodeus is Charlie's satanfather (Hell's version of a godfather) and has known Charlie since she was a baby. He is quite fond of her and doesn't seem to have a problem with her goals on rehabilitating sinners, casually asking her in a friendly tone how the business was going without any backhanded comments or insults.
Despite his fondness for Charlie, he views her and Vaggie's love as disgusting, and, with Fizzarolli, orchestrated an elaborate schemes to challenge her beliefs in love, using illusion and psychological tactics to sow doubt and discord between her and Vaggie. However, throughout this trial, he still maintained a polite and nice attitude towards Charlie, as if genuinely trying to teach her the "error of her ways" and get her to give in to the thrills of lustful, reckless love.
Despite his efforts to undermine their relationship, his plans ultimately backfired, only increasing Charlie’s resilience and the depth of her love for Vaggie, leaving him bitter, humiliated, and likely to never stick his beak in Charlie's love life ever again.
Asmodeus despises Valentino for copying his look and style, calling the moth a "wannabe poser". It is mentioned that he went as far as to ban Valentino from the Lust Ring (even though Valentino, as a sinner, could not access Lust even if he wanted to) for this very reason. Although he does seem to commend and admire Valentino's lustful nature to a degree, therefore he only dislikes the pimp purely for selfish and petty reasons, rather than any moral reason.
Chapter 3
- "Lazybones! 'Bout time you got here! Fashionably late, per the norm. And I don't care what anyone says, that upgrade makes you look fine as Hell!"
- — Asmodeus to Belphegor, upon the latter arriving at the Seven Deadly Sins' meeting.
- "Asmodeus: (to Lucifer) My dark lord, may I ask which angels? Gabriel? Forti, perhaps? (the other sins stare at him; awkward pause) ...What? I just think angels could make for interesting toys. (chuckles lecherously) All those muscles and wings...
Mammon: Get your mind out the gutter, featherbrain! This is serious!
Asmodeus: (to Mammon) Chill out, Moneybags. (to Lucifer) So which angels did she bring? Raphael? Barachiel? (shudders) She better not have brought Uriel. He's no fun." - — Asmodeus during the Seven Deadly Sins' meeting, inquiring which angels Charlie brought into Hell.
- "That's not what I've heard. Have you seen Charlie's Sinstagram? I don't think it takes a brain surgeon to know what's really going on there."
- — Asmodeus reveals the nature of Charlie and Vaggie's relationship to Lucifer.
Chapter 4
- "Angel Dust: By any chance, have you eva heard of Valentino?
Asmodeus: ....Who?
Angel Dust: ...Valentino? Tall, purple moth guy? He's an Overlord? Sometimes he's with a guy with a TV head and a doll bitch?
Asmodeus: ...Oh! You mean that wannabe poser who's obsessed with me? Sorry, doll, but I don't care much for the politics in Pride. None of my bizz.
Angel Dust: Hey! Me neither.
Asmodeus: Although... I am quite the big fan of that worker of his... The one called Angel Dust?
Angel Dust: What? I my - Oh, yeah! Angel Dust. Yeah, he's a sweet guy.
Asmodeus: I've seen ALL of his movies. He's practically an icon in my kingdom.
Angel Dust: He... He is?
Asmodeus: Of course! Shame his kind can't come to my ring, 'cuz I would LOVE to have him as a toy.
Angel Dust: (slightly agitated) Yeah, wel... Only thing is somethin' tells me he's done bein' someone else's toy.
Asmodeus: (chuckles) That so? I bet if he ever found himself in my presence, he'd be singing a different tune." - — Asmodeus speaking to Angel Dust when the latter was disguised as a woman.
- "Verosika: (she enters a dimly lit room where Asmodeus is waiting) Hey, Oz. You wanted to see me?
Asmodeus: It's always a pleasure to see you, babygirl... Just maaaaybe not this time.
Verosika: What is that supposed to mean?
Asmodeus: Darling, you remember my friend... (he motions to a nearby chair, revealing Beelzebub, who is smiling maliciously as he drinks from a chalice filled with blood) Bee?
Verosika: Yeah, I just did a concert over in Beelzehaven. Why?
Asmodeus: Well, we've heard rumors of a crazy demon fish causing quite the storm at a beach on Earth. (Verosika becomes visibly uneasy) In fact, it just so happened to be at the same location I gave you and your posse clearance to perform at. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that... Babygirl?
Beelzebub: (to Verosika) And don't bother lying, my lovely. My insects reported that a single bottle of my famous Beelzejuice was recovered at the scene. And from what I've heard, you've been singlehandedly keeping that business afloat. Couldn't kick the habit? (giggles)
Verosika: (lets out a frustrated growl) Shit! Did Blitzo and his stupid fucking friends tell you about this?! I knew I should have kept that fucking parking spot!
Beelzebub: You broke one of Hell's oldest laws... Over a parking spot?
Asmodeus: Bee, surely there's another way-
Beelzebub: She knew the rules.
Verosika: (Beelzebub's insectoid minions grab Verosika, restraining her) Agh! What the fuck?! Get the fuck off of me! You want to punish someone? Punish the imps! They caused all of this over a fucking parking space!
Beelzebub: True, but they weren't the ones who brought unwanted attention to our domain, are they?
Verosika: (Mr. P approaches Verosika with a suitcase) What- What the fuck is that?
Beelzebub: The worst punishment for a succubus.... (grins sadistically)
Verosika: (Mr. P opens the briefcase, revealing a shining, golden belt; Verosika gasps) Is... Is that a fucking chastity belt? You- You can't put that shit on me! I'll die!
Beelzebub: Maybe, maybe not. All we can do is hope you're better at giving up sex than you are dropping the Beelzejuice. (he giggles)
Verosika: (Mr. P approaches her with the belt) Fuck! N- No! Please! Don't do this to me! (she looks at Asmodeus) Ozzie, help me! Ozzie, please! I'm your babygirl!
Asmodeus: (to Verosika) I really am sorry, V. You know I'd never put that grotesque device on a pretty little thing like you. If it were up to me, I'd just give you a harsh spanking and send you on your way, but... Rules are rules.
Verosika: (she struggles to break free from the grasp of Beelzebub's henchmen) NO! STOP! GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME! (as Asmodeus looks away with a look of sadness and Beelzebub looks on with sadistic amusement, Mr. P outfits the chastity belt on Verosika, which causes her to scream in agony as the belt sends electricity throughout her body; after several seconds, the electricity stops and Verosika falls to her knees, exhausted and in agony)
Beelzebub: (to Asmodeus) You should really watch your toys more closely, Ozzie. They could get... Broken. Hehehehehe...." - — A flashback depicting Asmodeus and Beelzebub punishing Verosika.
- "Well, he was the Sin of Envy. Kiiinda obvi."
- — Asmodeus to Lucifer, in response to the latter informing him and the other Sins that Leviathan had betrayed them.
- "Asmodeus: The Man Upstairs didn't want to put up with him, so He tossed him down here and made him our problem. He was always a pain in the ass, and Ozzie's is gonna need a complete renovation 'cuz of his fucking flood! Loooooser!! (sighs) I am gonna miss Bel just a little bit, though...
Lucifer: Really? (to the Sins) Gents, how do you feel?
Beelzebub: Prick.
Mammon: Lazy prick.
Lucifer: (smiles cheerfully) Fucking lazy prick.
Beelzebub: He was supposed to spread Sloth, not serve as an example of it!
Lucifer: (to Asmodeus) My apologies, Ozzie, but the only reason I granted him his position in the first place was because he embodied it the most. He did jack shit to deserve it.
Beelzebub: (to Asmodeus) C'mooon, Ozzie, look at the bright side... Now there's more food to go around at our gatherings. Hahahahahaa!!!
Lucifer: Anyhoo, let's just forget about both of them, shall we?" - — Asmodeus and the Seven Deadly Sins on the deaths of Leviathan and Belphegor.
Chapter 5
- "Oop... Cat's outta the bag."
- — Asmodeus after outing Vaggie as an ex-Exterminator to Charlie.
- "Asmodeus: The... The power of love?! You're- You're fighting us with the power of love?! But... But that's cringe!!!
Fizzarolli: Big cringe! What is this, a fuckin' preschool special?!
Asmodeus: This... This is nonsense! MADNESS!! I’m the embodiment of Lust! You’re supposed to be powerless against us! This is ridiculous! This is a satandamn TRAVESTY!!!" - — Asmodeus' villainous breakdown when Charlie and Vaggie combat him and Fizzarolli with the power of love.
- "(pouting) Power of love... Pssh. What a joke..."
- — Asmodeus after his defeat, while watching Charlie and Vaggie kiss.
- In the Book of Tobit, Asmodeus is said to be the prince of demons and is represented in Judeo-Islamic lore as the king of the earthly spirits. In Binsfeld's classification of demons, Asmodeus represents the Deadly Sin of Lust.
- Asmodeus resembles a giant rooster, an animal that is associated with the sin of Lust.
- His theme songs would be "Rumors" and "Flirt" by Neffex.
- Each of the Ringleaders is themed after a particular circus performance; in Asmodeus' case, he represents magicians and illusionists.
- Each Ringleader is also themed after a particular genre of music, Asmodeus' being pop and soul music.
- While inquiring which angels Charlie had brought into Hell, Asmodeus disdainfully mentions an angel named Uriel, claiming he is "no fun". This is a reference to Archangel Uriel, the archangel who embodies the heavenly virtue of chastity and is the tamer of the demon Asmodeus, who embodies lust.
- He and Fizzarolli have an "assholes in love" sorta vibe, as they greatly enjoy being dicks to other people - mainly those who promote love - and think that their relationship is above anyone else's.
- LOVES glitter.
- Genuine, healthy love is practically poison to him.
- Lucifer likes to send Asmodeus pics of him fucking Lilith just to fuck with Ozz since he has an open crush on her.
- Asmodeus' crush on Lilith is a reference to a passage in the Talmud where the demon Asmodeus married the first demon, Lilith, and went on to procreate demonic offspring endlessly and spread chaos at every turn.
- Is more "pacifistic" than the other Ringleaders and is the least likely to use his powers to harm others. Ozzie prides himself on his charisma and ability to talk enemies into his bed, rather than simply annihilating them.
- Asmodeus, in many ways, is very similar to Valentino. Both of them have a visually similar appearance, maintain a high-ranking position in Hell's hierarchy, are extremely vain and lustful, and are in relationships with demons that are below them in terms of power and position. The primary difference between the two is that Asmodeus can be genuinely charming and actually cares for several of his underlings and lovers, showering them with gifts, and food, and giving them a lot of free will as long as they please and entertain him. Conversely, Valentino openly treats every one of his subordinates with extreme disrespect, is a control freak who desires absolute control over the lives of his workers, and goes as far as to rape, manipulate, and viciously abuse his lovers.
- To no one's surprise, Asmodeus is said to despise Valentino, calling him a "wannabe poser" due to the moth's habit of replicating his style, and has had the Overlord banned from Lust (even though Valentino could not access Lust if he desired, due to being a sinner). He also enjoys toying with the moth demon, crushing his pride, and mocking the fact that Valentino can't do anything about it, due to Valentino being infinitely weaker than the King of Lust.