Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light Fanon Wiki

Please do not mistake this wiki for the official Hazbin Hotel wiki! Do not link to or mention this site when discussing the show's canon! All information presented here is entirely FANON and irrelevant to the official shows whether it be Hazbin Hotel or Helluva Boss, so stop bringing it up! You guys got that? Cuz we're getting pretty tired of rewriting this notice! I am going to keep writing and expanding this until this message is impossible to miss, starting right now. Is this about right? Maybe a few more words. Again, this wiki's information NON-CANON and FANMADE. Got it? Good! Happy reading!


Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light Fanon Wiki

"I am simply an intellectual superior who looks down upon all of you, and your pathetic attempts at 'reform of sinners', as utterly laughable! Like how imaginary gods look down upon their lowly subjects praying to nothing."
— Baxter mocking the hotel gang.
— Baxter's catchphrase.
— Baxter's other catchphrase after inventing something.

Baxter is a supporting protagonist in Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light.

He serves as a cameo character in Chapter 1, a major character in Chapter 3, and a supporting character in Chapter 4 and 5.

Known for his neurotic, screechy, anti-social, gremlin-like behavior, Baxter is a reclusive, German mad scientist who serves as the gadgeteer and "brain" of the hotel gang, performing maintenance work on the hotel and inventing many things that seemingly benefit the crew on their endeavors, though his inventions are more prone to blowing the roof off the hotel or chasing the clientele through the halls with the intention of eating them. He is an insufferable genius, putting on a know-it-all, abrasive, bombastic mask to hide his insecurities and truly meek demeanor.

In life, Baxter was a lab experiment created in Germany who was tortured and experimented on routinely by his creators in an attempt to create the smartest organism on Earth, before he managed to escape and murdered his creators. He then aspired to create portals to alternate dimensions so he could escape to a better life. Before his revolutionary research could be completed, Baxter died in the 1910s, drowning while attempting to escape with his invention. Following his death, he was reborn in Hell as an anglerfish sinner and continued his work with the assistance of Sir Pentious, despite a later falling out.



In the early 1910s, Baxter came into existence through a clandestine experiment conducted by a group of German scientists within a classified laboratory. Their primary objective was to clone their esteemed deceased top scientist. Leveraging the theory of shared ancestry between fish and modern humans, they utilized a novel anglerfish species as the foundational template for Baxter. Employing advanced technology to expedite evolution, they managed to engineer an anglerfish-human hybrid, albeit at half the size of an adult human, with lingering piscine traits. The procedure involved transplanting the top scientist's brain into Baxter's form and employing controlled electrical shocks and distressing methods in an effort to activate Baxter's consciousness.

After enduring months of relentless experimentation and torment, Baxter eventually awoke in a fit of intense agony, driven to madness by the excruciating pain. He turned violently against his creators, causing the deaths or severe mutilation of several of them as the remaining scientists fled the laboratory. Left in a state of bewilderment and trapped within the lockdown facility, Baxter gradually adapted to his surroundings, though he harbored a deep-seated resentment for his wretched existence and ceaseless suffering. Possessing the intellect of Germany's most brilliant scientist, Baxter devised a scheme to construct a portal to an alternate dimension in search of a better life. Over the span of several months, he scavenged any available resources to construct the portal and conducted his own experiments by subjecting the same scientists who had tormented him to a grim fate, ultimately leading to their demise.

Just as Baxter had completed the construction of a seemingly operational portal, one custom-fitted to his size for exclusive use, a recovery team was dispatched to the laboratory to investigate the fate of the murdered scientists. With the lab's lockdown mode deactivated, a window of opportunity opened before Baxter. He seized the chance to escape, hastily carrying his portal along with him. In a desperate bid to avoid capture, Baxter fled into the labyrinthine sewer system beneath the facility. As he navigated the dim and murky passages, fate took an unexpected turn. The pipe through which he was crawling suddenly began to discharge a rush of water, sweeping both Baxter and his portal into the open air. Given his partial anglerfish composition, Baxter miraculously survived the torrential current, but his portal began descending towards the riverbed. Unwilling to let his long-awaited opportunity for a better life slip away, Baxter dived too deeply into the river in a frantic attempt to retrieve it. However, his very humanity, still inherent within him despite the alterations, proved to be his undoing. Baxter, unable to withstand the crushing depths and the inexorable pull of the water, succumbed to the river's relentless grip. In that final moment, he found release from his enduring misery, if only in death.


"If you asked Baxter what time it is, he'd tell you how to build a watch."
— Fergus about Baxter.

Baxter has the attitude one would expect from a wacky, nerdy, dyed-in-the-wool, classic mad scientist; despite his introverted ways, he has quite a brash exterior, bombastic aura, and acts as though his life only revolves around experiments, often belittling the intelligence of other people and spouting disparaging, ableist remarks. He has a devious, manic but also slightly awkward and cowardly demeanor, and rarely conceals his inflated ego, which has grown to alarmingly unhealthy proportions. He can also be very cold, having a very clinical view of friendship and love, dismissing them both as mere chemical reactions in the brain. Above all else, Baxter holds science in the highest regard, considering it to be the paramount pursuit in the world, viewing everyone around him as walking, talking heaps of chemicals. He also highly values his personal space and dislikes being touched. Refusing to engage with the other members of the Hazbin crew, he always claims to be perpetually busy, rushing to complete his experiments, and flaunts an occasional god complex and obsession with science that knows no bounds.

Though, beneath his narcissistic exterior, Baxter is a rather meek, nerdy, and empathetic man who uses his brashness to be confident and assertive, and although he is socially awkward, self-absorbed, and views love and friendship as mere chemical reactions in the brain, he is capable of creating genuine friendships with the other hotel members (Niffty and Sir Pentious in particular).

Baxter's behavior is very crass, gremlin-like, and utterly devoid of sensitivity, with a complete disregard for personal boundaries. He casually says extremely rude things as if they are normal and shamelessly attempts to experiment on his peers, such as when he tried to subject Husk to invasive brain experiments in a quest to harness his supernatural luck. Squish, unfortunate enough to be initially under Baxter's authority, found himself repeatedly subjected to experimentation and even torture, all under the guise of misguided consent. Baxter justifies this by claiming that Squish had somehow signed up for this treatment, but Squish contested this assertion. In general, Baxter displays a flagrant disregard for the feelings of those around him. He is blissfully unaware of Crymini's unhappiness with her internship, and he fails to recognize when he is unsettling or alienating others through his kooky mannerisms and over-the-top habits. Furthermore, he can occasionally be extremely rude to Niffty, even calling her a "slut" in response to her advances, though this was only after she angered him enough with her persistent flirting.

Baxter can display a cruel streak, especially to his underlings, Crymini and Squish, showing little regard for their well-being and verbally abusing them. Baxter firmly believes himself to be the smartest individual in any room, consistently placing his work above both himself and others. His manners are practically non-existent, as he rudely shoves people aside or screeches over them, insisting on being addressed as "Doctor" or "Captain" with unwavering entitlement. He is nihilistic and cynical, causing him to unravel at the slightest hint of adversity or pessimism. He persistently attempts to coerce the other hotel residents into participating in invasive and potentially lethal experiments, often disregarding their consent entirely. Paranoia and anxiety plague him, as he constantly fears that others are plotting to steal his groundbreaking ideas. His thinking defies logic and operates in an "outside the box" manner, driven by an insatiable desire to prove his intellectual superiority over everyone else.

Baxter is a staunch, Reddit-tier atheist and highly skeptical, openly dismissing any belief in the supernatural, gods, or an afterlife. His worldview is rooted in materialism and critical thinking, rejecting anything that lacks empirical evidence. He views religion as a crutch for the weak-minded and is passionately vocal about his disdain for it, often expressing his views with intense sarcasm and frustration. This is, hilariously, in spite of the fact that he now dwells in the afterlife, making him look moronic more than anything. Still, he dismisses this and believes that his afterlife is purely a phenomenon and an illusion created by his dying brain, and sees Hell as nothing more than a hallucination. He is assertive with his atheism, and feels the need to challenge others' beliefs.

Initially, Baxter had been an introverted recluse, harboring an aversion to social interactions and preferring the solitude of his laboratory for conducting experiments in peace, believing that prolonged exposure to others would gradually erode his precious brain cells. However, years spent isolated in Purgatory, with only his unsociable assistant and sycophantic robot minions for company, eventually left Baxter yearning for contact, or rather, "test subjects." This extended isolation seemed to have a somewhat softening effect on him. Thus, when Vaggie, Angel Dust, Fergus, Cherri Bomb, and Husk inadvertently stumbled into his laboratory, Baxter couldn't contain his excitement at the prospect of fresh "test subjects." His jubilant demeanor, though, was simply a flimsy facade concealing his less-than-hospital true intentions. Despite his prevailing sense of superiority over most other demons, Baxter displays a disregard for his own safety, willingly experimenting on himself in his relentless pursuit of scientific discovery.

A consistent trait in Baxter is his tendency to be the instigator, often actively seeking out conflicts and trouble with others while adamantly avoiding admitting or acknowledging his own faults. He frequently engages in confrontations, berating and yelling at Charlie for her refusal to grant him permission for life-threatening experiments, such as experimenting on the hotel gang or creating monstrous creatures that often rampage through the hotel. When Sir Pentious was accepted into the hotel, Baxter got SUPER bitchy over this and vehemently rejected the idea of giving his former lab partner a chance for reforming. He even went to great lengths to undermine Pentious' contributions as the hotel's co-maintenance, critiquing Pentious' every movie and setting unrealistic expectations for him. This included refusing Pentious the opportunity to repair the hotel's broken VCR. Even when it appeared that Baxter might be willing to give Pentious a chance, he deceitfully "fixed" the VCR behind Pentious' back, transforming it into a teleporter and claiming to have "improved" it, all while utterly failing to address the original problem for the sake of spiting Pentious.

Baxter's remarkable intellect is overshadowed by his insufferable arrogance, which becomes evident when anyone dares to question his inventions. Even in the face of glaring flaws or malfunctions stemming from his own oversights, Baxter reacts with irritable defensiveness, unable to tolerate even the slightest criticism.

Due to living his life in agony, Baxter is a huge wimp and extremely adverse to pain. Because of this it is fairly easy to intimidate and strongarm him. On one occasion, when Baxter was hogging the hotel's coffee machine and Octavia threatened to punch him if he did not move, her threat was enough to send him sweating, apologizing profusely, running and cowering in fear despite the fact that he was armed with a plasma gun.

Despite having little in the way of manners, Baxter was surprisingly friendly and cordial to the hotel crew in Purgatory. Although he abandoned Vaggie's team when the Army of Darkness attacked his laboratory, he justified that he was leaving them behind to protect himself and Crymini, and after escaping, he used the B.A.X Galaxy Light to travel and rescue the hotel crew from Lucifer, Satan, and the Vees, proving he didn't completely abandon them. Even after the hotel crew split during the eight year timeskip, Baxter frequently kept in touch with Fergus by contacting him on his laptop screen, frequently checking in on him for eight years, even when the latter didn't desire Baxter's company. He also protected the seven angels on his ship when it was under siege by the Army of Darkness. He is also capable of showing a more fun-loving side, as he enjoys playing games with high levels of thinking, such as chess.

Baxter has displayed a disinterest in love, believing it is illogical and that having a partner only interferes in his work. Ironically, he later begins showing signs of reciprocating Niffty's feelings for him and grew to value his friendship with Sir Pentious.


Baxter is a unique and distinct anglerfish sinner with striking physical features. His short stature, standing only slightly taller than Niffty, is accompanied by a distinctive appearance that sets him apart. His skin possesses a gray hue with subtle blue-gray undertones, and he bears two fin-like protrusions on the sides of his head, resembling ears. One of Baxter's most notable attributes is his triad of bioluminescent eyes, which are scattered across his "hair" and both of his cheeks, positioned beneath his primary eyes. His hair, styled in a short and swept-back fashion, is actually composed of royal blue scales with blue-gray streaks, further accentuating his unique appearance. Baxter's grin reveals a set of sharp, cyan-colored teeth, and his mouth curls at the corners when he smiles. His eyes are striking, with cyan sclera and coral pink irises, framed by dark royal blue eyelids.

Baxter is often seen wearing glasses, which he adamantly insists are goggles. These glasses feature coral pink frames with yellow lenses. During his experiments or while crafting inventions, he dons genuine goggles with black straps and cyan lenses. In terms of attire, Baxter typically dons a full-length gray laboratory suit adorned with yellow buttons running down its length. On his head, he sports a small black hat with his esca protruding from it, featuring a yellow gradient light that emits a glow in the dark. Above the light, there are two cyan stripes for added visual flair. Completing his outfit, Baxter wears wrist-length black lab gloves and sturdy boots, rounding out his distinctive and memorable appearance.

Powers and Abilities

Natural Powers

  • Demonic Transformation: Baxter is capable of accessing a far more intimidating and demonic Full Demon Form at will, and then effortlessly transform back into his normal demonic form.
  • Immortality: Having already experienced death, Baxter cannot be killed again in a traditional sense, as he lives eternally as an undead soul. Despite being hundreds of years old as a sinner, he is eternally youthful, having shown no signs in aging, and seemingly impossible to kill again without divine intervention.
    • Nigh-Invulnerability: Baxter's sinner physiology allows him to endure extreme amounts of punishment with little hindrance or sign of injury, as shown by him constantly and easily surviving violent chemical explosions that are capable of devastating his surroundings.

Unique Powers

  • Electrokinesis: Baxter is capable of emitting a small electric charge around his face and on his gills whenever he gets excited. When he met Vaggie and her team for the first time, he buzzed excitedly as electricity generated from his lure and down to his head.
  • Pressure Resistance: Due to being part anglerfish, Baxter can survive crushing ocean pressures.
  • Thermal Resistance: Baxter can withstand below freezing temperatures and nuclear radiation.
  • Thunder/Lightning Summoning: Baxter has the uncanny ability to summon thunder and lightning through his maniacal laughter.

External Powers

  • Disintegration Energy Manipulation: While doing community service with the hotel crew, Baxter created a device that utilized beams to target and vaporize all trash and debris within the entirety of Pentagram City.
  • Ergokinesis: Baxter can use specialized pads that can temporarily create a small energy shield around himself which not only protects him from offensive attacks such as gunfire and most explosives, but also redirects the attacks in the direction they were fired from with ten times the force, potentially taking out his aggressors.
  • Illusion Creation: During his battle against Belphe-Tech's robots, Baxter created hundreds of holograms of himself to fool Belphegor's machines, giving himself time to hack into several of them as they stood in confusion.
  • Information Analysis: Baxter has access to numerous devices both on his ship and on his person (such as his glasses) that can analyze his surroundings and alert him to targets that have him in their sights, allowing him time to formulate several trajectories.
  • Life Manipulation: Through his equipment and intellect, Baxter has repeatedly brought life into existence. While his capacity to craft sentient robots serves as a notable instance, a more evident illustration involves the Egg Boiz - who Baxter created with a little help from Sir Pentious - and the destructive creatures that he routinely gives rise to in the hotel. These grotesque monsters frequently break free from his laboratory, compelling him, Crymini, and Squish to embark on the challenging task of subduing them as they rampage through the hotel.
  • Matter Manipulation: Baxter can control matter through some of his inventions, as shown by him briefly breaking down Squish at a molecular level and rearranging him back together at random.
    • Planet Creation: Baxter somehow managed to grow an entire planet while in Purgatory though some kind of futuristic, botanical gardening process that he refused to share.
  • Semi-Aquatic Adaptation: Due to being an anglerfish sinner and possessing gills, Baxter can stay underwater for several minutes to hours, though he will eventually need to resurface for air.


  • Bioluminescence: Baxter has several bioluminescent dots across his head that glow in pitch black darkness, illuminating the area around him. This, combined with his enhanced ocular vision and bright lure, enables him to see perfectly in dark environments.
  • Genius-level Intelligence: With the brain of the most intelligent man in Germany, Baxter is a genius inventor and scientist with an adaptive mind, with a special skill in constructing and modifying high-tech weaponry. While stranded with Crymini in Purgatory on a dead planet, Baxter was capable of converting an abandoned military base into a functioning laboratory for himself and Crymini to reside in. During this time, he constructed an army of functioning robots capable of carrying out complex demands for him, including cooking food and gathering lab materials from the nearby city for him and Crymini. Said robots were also built with energy blasters that Baxter presumably created, and were capable of defending Baxter and his allies from external threats such as intruders, as shown when they easily restrained Vaggie, Fergus, Angel Dust, Husk, and Cherri Bomb. He also invented several advanced pieces of equipment such as jetpacks, a particle chamber designed to break living creatures down at a molecular level, a patented brainwave-extractor - a device that turns thoughts into tangible images - and is an experiences chemist, offhandedly mentioning that he crafts mustard gas. Baxter also constructed a massive, functioning spaceship in the form of the B.A.X Galaxy Light, with a built-in defense system containing missiles and laser cannons. Said ship was also capable of lightspeed, contained many amenities such as a shower room, robotic servants, and a rec room, despite having limited resources. After the eight year timeskip, he successfully constructed a portal back to Hell using a rare substance known as Celumite, and the portal would have been able to transport himself and the hotel crew back to Hell. He is, in some ways, even more intelligent than Belphegor, who himself is a supergenius who has invented machines on par with Baxter's.
  • Lure: As an anglerfish sinner, Baxter possesses a lure on his head that illuminates his surroundings whenever he enters a dark environment, allowing him to be aware of his nearest surroundings and easily maneuver in complete darkness.
  • Natural Weaponry: Baxter possesses razor sharp teeth which he can use as offensive weapons.
  • Ocular Illumination: Baxter's eyes glow a bright cyan color when in darkness, enabling him to see in complete darkness.
  • Spacecraft Intuition: Baxter is extremely skilled in piloting and operating spacecrafts, specifically his own spacecraft, the B.A.X Galaxy Light. During the hotel crew's journey to escape Purgatory, he was able to maneuver the Galaxy Light through inhospitable areas such as an asteroid field, and was able to ride the shockwaves of a black hole that was summoned by Satan and use them to speed the ship away from the singularity.
  • Swordsmanship: Baxter displayed some skill with sword fighting during his brief laser sword battle against Sir Pentious.


  • B.A.X Galaxy Light: A troop transport assault spaceship that Baxter managed to build with the help of his robotic servants while trapped in Purgatory. The ship is massive in size, being around 30-70 meters in size. It is effectively a combat ship and is heavily armed with multiple cannons that can fire plasma bolts and electricity, extensive broadside missile batteries, as well as a plethora of unused and unseen features on the interior and exterior. The ship can be enveloped by a giant blue forcefield, providing it with protection from prolonged projectile attacks. When under attack or breached, the ship has a lockdown procedure where all entrances and exits are sealed by metallic doors. The ship comes complete with many hangers and amenities, with several luxury sleeping quarters, a large bathhouse, an engineering deck/command center, an infirmary with a variety of surgical equipment, a storage room for Baxter's inventions, a brig, an apparent gift shop, a loungeroom, a gym, an armory with hundreds to thousands of firearms with a shooting range, an arcade room, and a mess hall with a bar. The ship is capable of lightspeed a la Star Wars.


  • Electric Net Gun: Baxter possesses a futuristic gun that can shoot out multiple nets capable of ensnaring the target and sending jolts of electricity through their bodies.
  • EMP Bombs: During his battle against Belphegor, Baxter stole several EMP bombs and used them collectively to destroy the King of Sloth once and for all.
  • Mustard Gas: Baxter offhandedly mentions that he always keeps grenades on his person that are capable of releasing lethal mustard gas, though he never uses them.
  • Robotic servants: While stranded in Purgatory, Baxter constructed an army of functioning, humanoid robots capable of carrying out complex demands for him and Crymini. This included cooking food and gathering lab materials from the nearby city for him to invent. Baxter's robots are built with arm cannons that fire concentrated blasts of energy, and are physically strong enough to defend Baxter and his allies from external threats such as intruders, as shown when they easily restrained Vaggie, Fergus, Angel Dust, Husk, and Cherri Bomb, all of whom are very competent sinners in their own right.


  • Hacking Device: Baxter carries a hand-held device that allows him to almost instantly hack into seemingly any electrical devices. The device works by remotely transferring a powerful virus into the selected electronic, at which point it will overwhelm the target's system and allow Baxter to control it. The device is powerful enough to hack even the inventions of supergenius, Belphegor.
  • Jetpack: Another invention of Baxter is a jet-pack that allows the user to seamlessly fly and maneuver through the air and even through space.


  • Arrogance/Carelessness: Baxter's approach to science is notably hazardous, characterized by a trial-and-error methodology that frequently overlooks critical flaws in his creations. Rather than meticulously planning and testing, he often plunges headfirst into experimentation, leaving essential details unattended. As a consequence, it is commonly left to Crymini and his loyal robotic servants to rectify these overlooked flaws. This recklessness has resulted in a series of unfortunate events within his laboratory, including violent lab explosions and equipment malfunctions that can have dire consequences. Despite his remarkable intelligence, Baxter's impulsive and haphazard approach to science often generates chaos and peril, necessitating the intervention of those around him to mitigate the damage.



Sir Pentious

Sir Pentious was Baxter's former lab partner and protégé. They apparently conspired with each other for several years and succeeded in creating the Egg Boiz together. Baxter also taught Sir Pentious many of his most secretive inventions, like melting down angelic weapons and crafting them into virtually any kind of weaponry (which allowed Sir Pentious to survive decades of Exterminations). However, Baxter claimed that he ended his partnership with Pentious as he found him too unstable. In reality, the two simply had a clash of egos and split. Baxter did not seem to look back fondly at all on his time with Pentious, advised Angel Dust to never work with a partner and that it was the "worst mistake of [his] afterlife".

When revealing to the hotel crew that Pentious was his former partner, Baxter swore revenge against Pentious for stealing his anti-Exorcist security protocols.

From that moment onward, Baxter and Pentious found themselves entangled in a venomous rivalry, their interactions characterized by tense standoffs and verbal sparring. Whenever their paths crossed, they engaged in a fierce dance of one-upmanship, circling each other with piercing glares and exchanging biting insults. They frequently reminisced about their past partnership, each accused the other of being insufferable and inept as collaborators.

Their dynamic took a drastic turn when they both attended Hell's annual weapons expo, their determination to outshine one another driving them to craft the deadliest machines imaginable. Vox, ever the opportunist, seized upon their mutual animosity, using it to boost viewership. When their inventions tied for the title of best creation, Vox orchestrated a perilous showdown, intent on forcing them to fight to the death to determine the ultimate victor. In a startling twist, both Pentious and Baxter displayed a chilling readiness to end each other's afterlives in the relentless pursuit of victory. Thankfully, Charlie and Vaggie intervened, preventing the deadly confrontation from reaching its grisly conclusion. Following this ordeal, both Sir Pentious and Baxter were reluctantly welcomed as residents of the Hazbin Hotel, a development that left them both seething with anger and resentment toward each other.

Upon their arrival at the hotel, Baxter and Sir Pentious' relationship remained contentious, marked by endless arguments and accusations. Baxter adamantly refused to accept Pentious as a new member of the hotel, accusing him of idea theft. However, under Charlie and Vaggie's guidance, a tenuous truce was established. Baxter agreed to let Pentious stay, with the condition that he endure the hotel's hazing rituals. Although Pentious struggled through many of these rituals, it set the stage for their intertwined roles as the hotel's maintenance technicians.

Their ongoing clashes revolved around their differing approaches to maintaining the hotel, with Baxter as the primary instigator. Baxter set unrealistic demands of Pentious while he worked. He forbade Pentious from fixing the appliances he had been assigned to repair, even though he was busy with his inventions.The feud reached its zenith when Baxter duped Pentious into thinking he would entertain his idea to fix the VCR, only to secretly "fix" it himself. This deception led to a dramatic confrontation and a battle of wits that showcased their inventive prowess and stubbornness. Baxter went to extreme lengths to sabotage Pentious' attempts to repair the VCR, even installing a brain-linked alarm system in the new VCR to thwart Pentious' efforts.

Their rivalry escalated to absurd heights when they engaged in a comical battle inside formidable mech suits, with their respective supporters joining the fray. The conflict evolved from stomping on the ground to aerial combat and culminated in a humorous jousting match. The turning point came when they dueled with laser swords, prompting Charlie and Vaggie to intervene and prevent a final showdown.

Despite their persistent feuding, they were ultimately sent to the "friendship room" to reconcile their differences. Forced to work together when an outlaw gang threatened the hotel, Baxter and Pentious set aside their grievances and pooled their inventive talents to outsmart the gang and protect the hotel's crew. This successful collaboration rekindled their partnership, symbolized by a handshake. While they repaired their friendship, their competitive spirit remained, as evidenced by a playful race to restore the living room. In the end, their relationship evolved from bitter rivals to reluctant allies and, eventually, friends as they learned to cooperate and respect each other's strengths.

When Pentious was murdered by Rum, and the Egg Boiz showed Pentious' Hat to the hotel crew to prove it, Baxter was shockingly devastated by Pentious' tragic demise. In the honor of his friend, he assumed the role of Pentious' Hat's new owner, the role of a "second father" to the Egg Boiz, and avenged the demise of the fallen snake by slicing of Rum's legs with a blessed death ray, and letting his "children" finish off the sinner in a vengeful retribution for the death of their "father".


Prior to the events of the series, Baxter hired Crymini as his assistant and "intern". Baxter appears to view Crymini as a type of ward. During their experiments, he usually shouts at her in a dramatic manner to perform various actions for his experiments, much to her chagrin. He also enjoys playing games such as chess with Crymini in his free time, with the latter mindlessly playing along while on her phone and paying no attention. In addition, Baxter is protective of Crymini, as when the Army of Darkness attacked his base to kill the hotel crew, Baxter prioritized his and Crymini's safety by choosing to leave the hotel crew behind and save them at a later time. Even though Baxter is generally friendly, if a little bossy, towards Crymini, she has the tendency to behave asocial and aloof to both Baxter and his experiments, and does not seem to enjoy his company, although Baxter seems oblivious to this, or just chooses to ignore it.

Baxter tends to treat Crymini as if she were an actual animal, rewarding her hard work with animal carcasses (which she refuses to eat), feeding her bones and dog treats, and patting her on the head like a dog.

That being said, Crymini did, on some level, initially see Baxter as a friend, although she had difficulty expressing it. It is shown that she does not accept Baxter being insulted or degraded by other people. After Baxter used the B.A.X Galaxy Light to rescue the hotel crew from Satan, Lucifer, and the Vees, Fergus called the scientist a "crackpot" behind his back and questioned whether the hotel crew should stay with the scientist, which caused Crymini to become rather irritated, threatening that if Fergus did not take back his insult, she would drive the Galaxy Light right back to Satan and leave the hotel crew there.

However it is implied that any good will Crymini has towards Baxter has withered away as she began to see him as insufferable and abusive, especially as Husk encourages her to stop hanging around him. This comes to a head when Baxter lets go of Crymini in favor of Karen 2.O, much to her relief.


Squish is one of Baxter's ex-assistants and a former test subject. Baxter and Squish's relationship is an oppressive, master-and-servant dynamic, where Baxter imposes the role of "Igor" upon Squish. Baxter claims that Squish willingly accepted the position of his assistant, while Squish vehemently insists that he was forcibly taken by Baxter, who had mistakenly thought he was a new species. Baxter regularly subjects Squish to experimentation and torture, using him as a test subject for his inventions. Prior to their arrival at the hotel, Baxter even confined Squish to a birdcage until his assistance was required. Additionally, Baxter exploited Squish to power his inventions by making him run on a hamster wheel.

Upon their arrival at the Hazbin Hotel, Charlie and Vaggie prohibited Baxter from conducting experiments on Squish, much to the scientist's displeasure. Even after their severed partnership, Squish frequently finds himself in the company of Baxter. Under Vaggie and Charlie's safeguard, Squish no longer harbors any fear of mocking or taunting Baxter, who is rendered powerless to retaliate.


Baxter treated Fergus with as much hospitality as he did the rest of Vaggie's team, allowing him and Angel Dust to test the firearms in his laboratory's shooting range. Baxter appears to especially like Fergus moreso than most of the hotel crew, as he frequently kept tabs on Fergus during the eight year timeskip, constantly contacting Fergus via laptop screen simply to make sure he was still alive. Fergus overall does not seem to reciprocate Baxter's affection, calling Baxter a "crackpot" behind his back, and was visibly annoyed by Baxter's numerous video calls, although he is capable of acknowledging Baxter's intelligence at times.


"Despite her subpar intelligence and GHASTLY bone structure, you could say I've developed something of a soft spot for that little... she-devil. She's a bit simple-minded, yes, but she certainly is energetic and cute. You know, when she's not singing that idiotic, annoying, ASININE song of hers, that is. Mein gott... am I attaching mein emotions to one individual at the cost of mein logic? Eh, must be Stockholm Syndrome."
— Baxter recording his thoughts on Niffty while in his lab.
Baxter x Niffty sketch by Vivziepop

Baxter and Niffty sketch by Vivziepop

Baxter and Niffty have an odd friendship with each other. Baxter is rarely seen without Niffty by his side, and she helps him with every little thing in his day-to-day afterlife. Niffty has a habit of driving Baxter up a fucking wall, constantly testing what little patience he has. Initially, Baxter dismissed all of Niffty's feelings for him as mere chemical reactions and her hormones running rampant, coldly brushing her off even when she threatened self-harm to get his attention. He has a more clinical view of their dynamic while Niffty's is much more emotional. Despite Baxter yelling at and dismissing her often, there is a sense of genuine camaraderie and friendship in their interactions -especially later on -, as Baxter never seriously retaliates against Niffty despite her advances and allows her to hover around him.

It is no secret that Niffty is smitten and obsessed with Baxter and seeks his attention and affection, though he does not entirely reciprocate Niffty's feelings as he is too obsessed with his inventions, and largely seems indifferent to her the majority of the time, even going as far as to insult her looks upon meeting her for the first time as a way to turn her down. Regardless, Niffty was not phased by his comment persisted in her attempts to woo him. Niffty has a habit of excitedly glomping Baxter, and assists him by keeping the Galaxy Light clean. Niffty also leverages being in Baxter's company by offering him coffee.

Niffty will often agree to do whatever Baxter asks, even letting him experiment on her, as she wants his praise and affection. For the same reason, she frequently praises his inventions, ideas, and plans, regardless of how unreliable and poorly planned they turn out to be. Eventually, Baxter grew to slightly appreciate Niffty when she put her speed to use by fixing and cleaning the inside of Baxter's dimension portal. He also admits to admiring Niffty's artwork and enjoys her cooking. Baxter blushed and hissed like a cat when Niffty kissed him on the cheek. Baxter is not above threatening bodily harm on Niffty for her advances, as he threatens to remove her uterus when she is bothering him and has his robots violently toss her out of his lab.

In one event where Baxter was tormented by a severe headache after Sir Pentious was allowed into the hotel, Niffty kindly offered to provide relief by giving him a peculiar "brain massage." In this bizarre scenario, Niffty cheerfully massaged Baxter's exposed brain, the scene presented as though she was pleasuring him. During this moment, Baxter found himself developing a strong affection for Niffty, even though he claimed that his brain was screaming at him to run away from her. He humorously attributed his newfound affection to a sort of "Stockholm Syndrome," acknowledging the paradoxical nature of their connection.



Belphegor was Baxter's archenemy. Their first encounter was when him and his allies traveled to the Sloth Ring to help Lugnut and Claptrap save the angel children. Belphegor initially thought little of Baxter, until the scientist's hacking of Belphegor's robots, along with his being a sinner who traveled into a ring beyond Pride, caused the King of Sloth to take an interest in him. After watching Baxter extensively, Belphegor announced his respect for the scientist's intelligence, informing Baxter that he planned on enslaving him and Crymini since he valued their intelligence.

After Karen's destruction, Belphegor was left all on his own and decided to assume back the control of PLUTO and use it to destroy the Hazbin Hotel to punish Baxter for his defiance. Baxter ordered Niffty and Crymini to go and find Manco, while he went to personally end the King of Sloth. Baxter found five EMP bombs, made an analyzation that he can't make it to Belphegor's top of the tower, because he was being protected by automatic drone system. So, he came up with a plan to use all five EMP bombs, tape them to a car door, throw them directly to Belphegor's direction, and when the drone would fire on it since it attacks anything coming inside the top of the tower with the exception of Belphegor. The plan was a success and although Belphegor narrowly survived the explosion, his bionic body was left extremely damaged, but his survival of the explosion didn't last long as he completely exploded.

Thanks to Baxter's actions, all of Belphe-Tech's machines and products deactivated, which lead to the confused panic of all the denizens of Sloth Ring as all they've ever known is being catered to and all of the shock collars around all the Hellhounds' necks to deactivate, which allowed the oppressed Hellhounds to finally revolt and reclaim their home back.

A month later, in their second and final encounter, Belphegor revealed himself to have survived the explosions of the EMP bombs (using thousands of his back-up servers) when the sinner and Blitzø were hailed captive by the King of Sloth. During Belphegor's monologue on his next plans, Baxter took advantage of Belphegor's distraction by escaping through the vents, finding a room where Karen was created and used the technology in the said room to create Karen 2.0. The final interaction they had with each other is Belphegor gloating over his assumed victory over Baxter and Blitzø after the latters tried to use the exit of the facility to escape Belphegor. Baxter, in the end, didn't get to witness his archenemy's final defeat and death.


Charlie Magne

Baxter and Charlie's interactions are somewhat limited. Baxter maintains a certain level of respect for Charlie and often addresses her with the proper title of Princess of Hell. However, he frequently becomes extremely frustrated by her decisions to prevent him from experimenting on the hotel's staff and guests or creating monsters in his laboratory. He often argues that her refusal to allow him to work in this manner is hindering progress and could potentially send everyone back to the cretaceous age.

Charlie, usually unintentionally, tends to provoke Baxter's frustration, most often when he does not see that he is in the wrong. This includes her decision to deny him permission for dangerous experiments, refusing to award him a gold star for the hotel's community service due to his use of inventions to cheat, and her choice to admit Sir Pentious into the hotel, despite Pentious displaying a capacity for good and the potential to not be entirely evil. These decisions and actions serve as points of contention between them mostly on Baxter's behalf.


Baxter and Vaggie first met when Baxter's robot minions attacked Vaggie and her side of the hotel crew upon them trespassing into Baxter's laboratory. Once Vaggie made it clear that she and her group were only seeking help, Baxter became ecstatic and pounced on Vaggie, hugging her with excitement, and allowed her and the others to stay at his laboratory. In their sporadic interactions, Vaggie is often put off by Baxter's overly affectionate tendencies, such as invading her personal space and at point, forcing her and Husk to sleep with him in his bed, even when they weren't willing and couldn't sleep due to Baxter's bright lure keeping them awake.

As Baxter transitioned into a guest and staff member at the hotel, Vaggie came to regard him as a capable scientist and a valuable asset to the hotel's team, primarily for his vital maintenance contributions. Nevertheless, she remains vigilant to ensure that Baxter refrains from conducting experiments on the hotel's staff or Charlie's Angels. Baxter, on the other hand, holds a combination of respect and fear for Vaggie, often feeling compelled to heed her guidance due to her commanding presence and formidable demeanor.


"Alastor: It appears our cultish clientele are calling for a sacrifice. I nominate Baxter!
Baxter: Vat iz your fucking PROBLEM with me, you cervine, noisome luddite?! (Alastor laughs demonically, dissolving into blackness)
— Alstor and Baxter.

Alastor holds an intense disdain for Baxter, and the root cause remains a mystery. While Baxter does not pay much mind to the Radio Demon, Alastor consistently engages in belittling, taunting, passive-aggressive commenting, mocking Baxter without offering any explanation for his strong aversion. When Baxter attempts to confront Alastor about this animosity, the latter just responds with laughter and vanishes through teleportation to stay away from Baxter as much as possible. The true source of Alastor's loathing remains enigmatic, whether it stems from Baxter's insufferable arrogance or a more profound, undisclosed reason.


Baxter and Husk maintain a notably adversarial relationship. Husk persistently taunts Baxter, using derogatory nicknames like "Egghead" and "Poindexter" in a contemptuous manner. Conversely, Baxter has made numerous endeavors to scrutinize and intrusively examine Husk, driven by a relentless curiosity to fathom how much feline he is from man. Husk typically exhibits a pronounced aversion to Baxter and takes measures to keep his distance whenever possible, to the extent that he urges Crymini to disassociate from Baxter due to what he perceives as a negative influence.


Chapter 3

"Baxter: (after Vaggie's team is restrained by his robots, Baxter appears in an explosion of purple smoke, cackling maniacally; as he speaks, science-y, techno music blares so loudly that he is barely audible) GREETINGS, PATHETIC LITTLE BEINGS! It iz I, BAXTER! THE GOD OF THIS PLANET! YOUR INTELLECTUAL SUPERIOR! ZE GREATEST SCIENT-
Angel Dust: Uh, can you turn down yer fuckin' music down for a sec? Just a smidgen.
Vaggie: (deadpan) Yeah, we can barely fucking hear you.
Baxter: Oh, SHIT!!!! (he fidgets with a remote, pointing it upward, but the music keeps blaring) Come on, you infernal- fucking - BLASTED thing!!! ...FUCK IT!!! (he shoots at the ceiling with his ray gun and that apparently stops the music; he returns to posing dramatically) I AM BAXTER!!!! Ze most attractive, intelligent and dashing zientist in EXISTENCE!!! It pains me to zee zat mein grand reputation has not reached you, but as your unit seems slow-brained, I will simply zay 'better late zen never'! MWA-HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!
— Baxter's introduction.
"Oh, how mein cerebral cortex haz been starved for lasting coalitions with new test subje- Erm, I mean, living organisms..."
— Baxter to Vaggie's crew upon meeting them.
"Slavery, indentured servitude, servitude of indolence... All good. But I think I'm gonna stick with slavery."
— Baxter when asked by Angel Dust if he enslaved Crymini and Squish.
"Vaggie: How the fuck did you grow an entire planet?
Baxter: You dare question ze work of mein genius? YOU VISH TO STEAL MEIN HARD WORK?!
Vaggie: Buddy, I just asked-
Baxter: (lucid, while mixing chemicals) Besides, I vill never share mein craft with you, as you could never understand the processes that went into the fabrication of my artificial ecosystem. It would sound like fucking gobli-gook to your ears. In an embarrassingly technical sense, zis is not a planet, but rather a 'hollow world'. Planets, Fräulein, are for terrforming. Zpeaking of which... (on a speaker) CRYMINI!!!! GET ZE FUCK OVER HERE AND SHOW THESE DOLTS AROUND MEIN LAB! (to Vaggie and the others) But no touching! My flawless creations are not to be soiled by your primitive hands. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have anozer planet to plunder and terraform. Mwahahaha!!!
— Baxter and Vaggie.
"Fergus': You think you're smart, huh?
Baxter: My IQ is 1,590, thank you for asking.
Fergus: I didn't ask-
Baxter: AND EVEN VITH my extraordinary intellect... (his robots lower their hands as Baxter stands on them, propping him up high) I assure you, I vould never even come close to grasping your pathetic, worm-brain thoughts. The sheer volume of neurons firing in vhat is your so-called consciousness compared to mine is like comparing a mineral to a fucking planetoid. Ipso facto, if you are attempting to gauge my intelligence, you are simply incapable of doing so. Completely.
— Baxter insulting Fergus.
— Baxter to Crymini.
"(in a fast-paced manner) Vell, I vonce collaborated with in ophidian fellow to create a peculiar oblong species, but I found him to be far too unstable. Never vork with a partner. Vorst fucking mistake of mein afterlife."
— Baxter to Angel Dust, when asked if he ever had any friends.
"Lonely?! I am a fucking scientist, dummkopf! I have work to attend to and I have no need for friends, family, or any such nonsense. That would waste precious time I could utilize for science and science ONLY! Zpeaking of vhich, Arachnid, vould you like to see mein flux capacitor? I assure you, it's perfectly safe and has a five star rating from yours trul- (the "flux capacitor" explodes in Baxter's hand as he presses the button) ACHT! FUCKIN' SHIT!!"
— Baxter showing his inventions to Angel Dust.
"(singsongy) Squiiiish! (normally) Come out, come out wherever you are! I just want to strap electrodes to your dick area and see how it responds to moderate stimuli! Hehehe-HAHAHAHA!!!!"
— Baxter while searching for Squish.
"(singsongy) Who wants to play with Baxy? You can't hide forever..."
— Baxter taunting the hotel crew while hunting them.
"Ah, zere you are! Who let you out of your cage?"
— Baxter to Squish after capturing him.
"GUTEN MORGEN, FERGUS! You're looking quite miserable today, indeed! Very good to see that nothing's changed."
— Baxter greeting Fergus.
"You actually expect me to discover a vay to bridge an aperture between two entirely separate dimensions, one of vich can only be accessed by extradimensional entities of eldritch and transcendental origins?! That's just not empirically possible! ...For anyone but ME!!!"
— Baxter, accepting the hotel crew's request of constructing a portal back to Hell.
"Baxter: Vinged feline! (he tosses Husk a bag of tools) Repair ze delta ving and help Angel secure ze Celumite!
Husk: I ain't your fuckin' handyman! If you know so much about this goddamn ship, why don't you fix it yourself, Poindexter?!
Baxter: ...You're right. Vhat vas I thinking?! Only mein cerebral cortex is capable of repairing mein genius craftsmanship! (he presses a button on his wrist that envelops him in a nanotech space suit) Take ze veel vhile I make ze repairs! (he teleports out of the ship)
Husk: WHAT?! (he frantically jumps in Baxter's captain's chair) I CAN'T DRIVE NO FUCKIN' SHIP!!!
— Baxter lets Husk take command of his spaceship.
"Baxter: (glances over to Niffty, who is staring at him with infatuation) I don't quite know how to tell you this, but... Actually, I do. You have ze face only a post-mortem, scavenging organism would love.
Niffty: Uh-huh. (continues staring wistfully)
Baxter: You are profoundly irritating, and I vish you vould kindly FUCK OFF and leave mein optical view.
Niffty: Uh-huh. Mmm-hmm.
Baxter: In ze occasion that a singularity vas to appear, and I vas forced to jettison all our dead-weight to prevent us from being spaghettified, you vould be ze first thing I would throw out.
Niffty: ...You're dreamy.
— Baxter and Niffty .
"Alright, plebeians, let's discover if ve can escape this domain not vith magic... but vith SCIENCE!"
— Baxter before activating the portal back to Hell.
Charlie: I-... It's working!
Baxter: OF COURSE IT VORKS!!! ...Erm... I mean, yes. It vorks quite well.
— Baxter and Charlie after the portal to Hell began to activate.
"I zee. You're all too zimple-minded to achieve your objectives and turn to my masterful intellect for help. It's about time mein incredible talent are put to zeir use. Even if it is in zis plebeian excuse for a resort. Now, point me in ze direction of ze DVD player I must fix."
— Baxter to Charlie, accepting his job at the Hazbin Hotel.
"Niffty: (she looks up at Baxter, lost in his death glare; she twirls the curl in her hair) Y'know, Mr. Professor Baxter, now that you're staying here... Can I be your lab partner?
Baxter: (he glares at her, crossing his arms) ...You may be my guinea pig.
Niffty: (she glomps Baxter's head as his eyes widen in surprise) EEEEE!!!! (she leaps off of him, clapping excitedly) Oh, oh, oh! Can I be your little lab rat!? Can I!? Can I!? Oh, and can I please, please, PLEASE can I wear a lab coat?! Maybe a cute pair of goggles to match you, pwetty pwease?????
Baxter: HAVE YOU NO ZENSE OF ZELF-PRESERVATION, YOU IRRITATING, MICROSCOPIC, TWICE-REMOVED- (he pauses and blushes, realizing that he enjoys the feeling of being admired and wanted; he adjusts his goggles and gently shoves Niffty off him, looking at her with an annoyed expression) ...Fine, you may be my lab rat, and you may wear a cute lab coat and matching goggles...
Niffty: EEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKK!!! (Niffty jumps up and down, squealing gleefully, her eye wide with excitement) OHMYGOWDYES!!! THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!! OHMYGOD, YOU'RE THE BEST!!! (she hugs him tightly, accidentally shoving her face in his chest) I'll be the bestest lab rat ever! STRAP ELECTRODES TO MY TITS AND LIGHT ME UP UNTIL I FROTH FROM MY MOUTH!!!
— Baxter allows Niffty to be his lab rat.

Chapter 4

"Charlie: Sooo, Baxter! You claim to be an inventor-
Baxter: 'Claim'? I AM an inventor, wench! You've zeen mein work!
Charlie: And it is fabulous! Tell me, which of your inventions is your favorite?
Baxter: Oh mein Gott, of course it's ze neurotoxin! It's ze perfect way to deter and eliminate ze competition and any nosey Nancies snooping in mein lab! And how could I forget mein automatons, microscopic thingz which attach zhemselves to people's brains vhen they fall aslee- (Baxter trails off) Um... Did you mean mein favourite invention in ze hotel or in general?
Charlie: (she looks disturbed) In... the hotel...
Baxter: (hurriedly) Ze coffee maker! Of cooourse, I mean ze coffee maker! It's a marvel of invention... even if it is slow and creaky and unreliable and unsafe and-
— Baxter being interviewed by Charlie.
"Of course I am ze smartest organism in all of Hell! A zcientific wizard, a GOD among you zimpletons! Einstein, Tesla, Paxwell, Newton... Bah! I have more grey matter and humility zen all of them combined! I zurvived countless experiments from my creators and came out with ze upper hand, outwitting and killing my own gods like squashing a colony of formicidae! I WAS BORN TO ZURVIVE!!! My brain is a perfectly designed machine that has developed to survive and solve any obstacle! You dummköpfes are all doomed to perish in ze next evolutionary cataclysm, but I vill not! And those who rise from ze ashes will worship me as leader of ze master race! AND- Uh, vere ze fuck did everybody go?"
— Baxter's rant.
"I am a scientist with the ultimate intent of furthering the collective body of knowledge through the creation of new inventions that elevate organic intelligence to new height. You, on the other hand, are a walking, primitive collection of chemicals with a tiny mind and an even tinier frontal lobe. You know nothing of science, so why should I waste my precious minutes explaining my work to you? It would fly over your head and my time is far more valuable than your minuscule intelligence could ever comprehend. And that, you insignificant flea, is why I will not share my work with you."
— Baxter.
"Niffty: (she's watching Baxter from the table behind him; he's mixing chemicals intently, wearing a full-body safety suit) Oh, Mr. Doctor Professor Baxter... I think I'm in... (turning red) love with you...
Baxter: (continues mixing vials, not facing Niffty) Ah, yez, 'love'. A chemical reaction occurring within ze brain, designed to trick the masses into procreation. Frankly, I'm not that surprised (he turns to face Niffty) you feel for ze old trick. (he chortles, before focusing back on his chemical mixing bullcrap)
Niffty: (she swoons, jumping onto the table behind Baxter and laying down, clutching her heart and looking up at the ceiling, talking out the hallucinations she sees) When I'm away from you... It feels like I'm dying...
Baxter: (talking over his shoulder) Your infatuation is merely the result of hormones and neurotransmitters coursing through your hormonal, adolescent mind with reckless abandon.
Niffty: (blushing furiously) All the memories and potential fanfic material lost... If I can't be with you every waking moment of the day... I might have to kill myself and leave you to find my adorable body, and then you'll cry and hold me in your arms, wondering what you could've done to prevent such a tragedy...
Baxter: (bluntly) Good.
— Niffty harassing Baxter.
"Baxter: Niffty... I zwear to mein intelligence... If you zing that cursed song again I vill perform a hysterectomy on you... with mein fists.
Niffty: (strumming a guitar) ♫I TOLD THE WITCH DOCTOR I WAS IN LOVE WITH YOU! I TOLD THE WITCH DOCTOR I WAS IN LOVE WITH YOU! AND THEN THE WITCH DOCTOR, HE TOLD ME WHAT TO DO!♫ (one of Baxter's robots grabs her by the neck with both hands) Gak!
Baxter: Fuck. Off. (Baxter's robot hurls her out of his lab)
Niffty: (while flying through the air) ♫YOU WALKED IIIIIIN, SO SHA-♫ (she lands outside of the lab, making a loud crashing noise as Baxter slams the door shut; from the other side) Dontcha want any breakfast, Mr. Baxter? With extra coffee? Hehehehe...
Baxter: (his expression softens and he ponders it) ...Very well. Just stop putting heart-shaped cream in ze center!
Niffty: But food is the quickest way to a man's heart!
Baxter: SLUT!
— Niffty bothering Baxter.
"This picture is ENTIRELY inaccurate! How are they communicating in outer space?! THERE'S NO FUCKING SOUND!!!"
— Baxter while watching a sci-fi movie at the cinema with Angel Dust, Husk, Niffty, and Squish.
"Baxter: I believe that vonce you die, you're completely gone, with nothing veft behind. I don't believe in any zupernatural nonsense of Gods or an afterlife or any of zat. It's all fiction to me. A LIE.
Angel Dust: Okay, so you don't believe in that shit even though you've lived in Hell fer like a hundred fuckin' years?
Baxter: Do you seriously believe in an invisible man in the sky or in a magic kingdom in ze fucking clouds? Now you'll say you believe in magic and unicorns and fucking Santa Claus as well? Is there any other nonsense which you need to be cleared up and set straight about?! I'd be happy to assist you in learning about FUCKING REALITY! Religion is all an idea made up to comfort the weak-minded! We both know it! (Baxter motions to all of Hell) All of zis is just an elaborate, fucked up hallucination manufactured by mein cerebrum to entertain itself as death takes over. Once mein brain realizes I have died, all of you vill be GONE. And I vill become nothing, just as I was born from nothing.
Squish: (to Angel Dust) Baxter's one of THOSE atheists.
Baxter: Vat do you mean by that?! Do you mean one of zos lifeforms who actually possess critical thinking skills and who don't just believe things told to them without evidence? If zat's what you mean by 'one of those atheists', ZEN YES ZE FUCK I AM!!!!
— Baxter, Angel, and Squish.

Chapter 5

"Baxter: (he pops up from under Vaggie) VHAT ZE FUCK IS ALL ZIS NOIZE?
Vaggie: (she yelps) Baxter, where the hell did you come from?!
Baxter: Trap door, it's my lab.
— Baxter and Vaggie.
"Fergus: How are you so sure these "Leviathan Spawns" are a real thing and not just something you're imagining?
Baxter: An excellent question. I am certain it is real because, not only have we had a number of eyewitness accounts and multiple eyewitness photographs, but a number of experts in ze field of monsterology have deemed it real without our intervention. And I myself have zeen the creatures not only once with mein own eyes, but in a vision, a dream, in which the creatures clearly said in voice... "I am a real monster."
— Baxter and Fergus while Baxter was hunting "Leviathan Spawns" during the hotel crew's community service expedition.
"Baxter: Despite ze rumors, I did not set zat school on fire in ze summer of '92!
Crymini: Yes, he did. I saw it with my own eyes.
Squish: I was the school.
— Baxter, Crymini, and Squish.
"Do not call me Bax! Vat is that even? Short for Baxter? Sounds suspiciously similar to "Buzz", like I'm some kind of bee. I AM NOT A FUCKING BEE, I AM A SCIENTIST!!!"
— Baxter when Charlie called him "Bax".
— Baxter silencing Charlie's "cleaning song" while the hotel crew were doing community service.
"Baxter: (sitting in a throne while his robot servants prop him up) Fertig! FERTIG!!! I, ze great and powerful Baxter, have single-handedly annihilated all trash in ze entire Pentagram! Look upon mein works, you miserable, pitiful excuse for demons! Stare in awe at ze sparkling zidewalks, quiver at ze zight of no trash or other litteringz, and marvel at ze freshly swept streets. (to Charlie) I vill take mein gold star now, Prinzessin. MUAHAHAHAHA!!!
Niffty: (sighs with hearts around her; to the hotel crew) He's such a master of his craft, isn't he?
Charlie: (with both thumbs up) Good job, Baxter! But, uh... You had your robot buddies helping you the whole time, and literally created a device that vaporized all trash in the area. That's... Kiiinda cheating.
Baxter: Bah! You dummkopfs are incapable of appreciating supreme genius ven you see it! I vill vork very hard to reverse mein work so that you all vill be forced to clean until your souls EVAPORATE!!!
— Baxter after cleaning the streets of Pentagram City.
"Charlie: Welcome to the Happy- Erm... Hazbin Hotel! Check in with our concierge to apply for a room and enter our program. Oh... And if you see Baxter playing with uranium, report it to our manager, Vaggie, please!
— Baxter and Charlie.
"Very well. But let's make zis quick! My brain cells can only handle your stupidity for a finite amount of time."
— Baxter to Blitzø.
"Baxter: (he pops up behind a couch Hellsa is resting on, startling her) Vell, Fräulein, zince you are occupying space here, I have come to request a suitable amount of your oversized revenue for an important azzezzment I am conducting involving plutonium, and no, I vill not elaborate further. (holds out his hand for money)
Hellsa: Ever heard of personal space, four eyes?!
Baxter: (chuckles dryly) Don't be ridiculous, Fräulein. I have fourteen oculi! (the blue dots on Baxter's face and "hair" open to reveal they are actually eyeballs) Tampering vith radiation was one of mein greatest achievements!
Hellsa: Funny. You would fit right in with the other disgusting, reclusive sea creatures in my parents' aquarium. I think you'd be friends with the hermit crabs! So motor, unless you want me to send you there!
Baxter: Humph! I vas hoping you vould be different from zis lot, but zis hotel continues to prove mein hypothesis zat I am ze future's only hope. GOOD DAY!
— Baxter and Hellsa interacting.
"Baxter: (whispering) Sir... Pentious! (throws a chemical vile in the hotel's living room, appearing from the fumes as everyone coughs and chokes from the fumes) That man, this SIR PENTIOUS, he is my former collaborator turned biggest rival! A pathetic fool who rode off mein lab coat and thinks he can match my intelligence! HA!!!! HE'S NOTHING BUT A FUCKING DENTIST COMPARED TO ME!!!!
Charlie: You and Sir P used to be partners? And did you imply that he... stole your ideas?
— Baxter reveals his affiliation with Sir Pentious to the hotel crew.
"Zo, I have done some calculations on our chances of survival and- (he chuckles, tapping his piece of paper) Mein laptop must be on ze fritz, because zhen it finished calculating, all it said was 'YOU'RE ALL FUCKED'!!!! (he turns the 'YOU'RE FUCKED' paper for the hotel crew to see)"
— Baxter about the hotel crew's chances of surviving a war against Heaven.
"Niffty: (she follows Baxter and his robotic servants, the latter carrying a box of Baxter's things) What are you cooking up in that lab of yours, cutie? (she climbs up the robots and begins rummaging through the boxes)
Niffty: Why not? What if one of them will make me fly? *(her attention is then caught by a jar of yellow mist) OOOooOoh! So pretty! Can I play with it?
Niffty: Mustard?! Oooh, something to spice of our lunches! (she picks up the jar)
Niffty: You're just saying that because you don't want me to play with it! C'mon! It looks like so much fun to open! I bet it smells amazing!
Baxter: DON'T YOU DARE!!!
Niffty: (Niffty opens the jar with a mischievous grin, immediately filling the with mustard gas)
Baxter: DAMN IT, NIFFTY!! YOU'VE FUCKING KILLED US ALL YOU CURSED DUMME FRAU!!! FUCK!!! (one of Baxter's robots snaps a gas mask on him and drags him back to his lab)
Niffty: Oops! (she skitters and leaps up and clings to a ceiling) Did I do a bad?
— Niffty and Baxter.
"(he screams like a girl and leaps into Niffty's arms Scooby Doo-style as one of his experiments rampages past the two of them; after the monster passes, Baxter tries to play it off, getting out of Niffty's arms and adjusting his goggles as she smiles at him) Never mention zis again."
— Baxter and Niffty.
"(delirious after being electrocuted) Iz now an appropriate time to admit that I have a metal plate in mein cerebral cortex? (Baxter cackles nervously before suddenly falling unconscious to the ground, his metal plate making a metallic clunking sound)"
— Baxter after accidentally electrocuting himself, leaving Niffty and Squish to fend for themselves.
"You know... Despite ze increase of extracellular ATP in mein amalgada, I feel as though I'm... Falling in love vith you... Or maybe it's just Stockholm Syndrome. Yez. Likely that."
— Baxter to Niffty as she massages his exposed brain.
"Baxter: Pentious, Niffty! Visten to these conundrums and calculations and tell me if you interpret them az I do. (he takes a note printed out of his calculator and reads it) 'Vhat has red skin and drives?'
Sir Pentious: Motor neutrons!
Niffty: (raising her hand) OOH! AN ANGRY DRIVER!
Baxter: (completely serious) Right.
— Baxter, Niffty, and Sir Pentious while crafting angelic armor.


  • His theme song would either be "I Can't Decide" by the Scissor Sisters, or "Monster Mash" by Bobby Pickett and the Crypt-Kickers.
  • Although not confirmed, it is discreetly implied that Baxter might be transgender. This is hinted at in his character design, in which he possesses several trademark features of a female anglerfish, specifically the lure on his head.
  • The series' authors consider Baxter, Niffty, and Alastor to be the only truly malevolent members of the hotel crew, whereas most of the other patients and staff are either deeply flawed people, morally grey, or not evil at all.
  • Is a caffeine addict and uses Niffty as a supplier.
  • Probably gets 15 minutes of sleep, tops.
  • Is solipsistic.
  • He has an overbite.
  • Admires and looks up to J. Robert Oppenheimer, even quoting him when experimenting.
  • Being a devoted man of science, Baxter is a hardcore, Reddit atheist and staunch denier of the supernatural and higher beings, despite living in Hell and encountering beings such as Satan several times. Instead of admitting when he is wrong, he chalks the afterlife as a hallucination, claiming his brain is "entertaining itself" before it shuts down.
  • Baxter was created in Germany and has the brain of a German woman, thus he speaks with a German accent.
  • It has never been revealed how exactly Baxter and Crymini ended up in Purgatory.
    • There is a axed scene from "Survival" in which Husk inquires this question, but Baxter's explanation is drowned out by Fergus and Angel Dust playing with firearms in the background.
  • He is implied to be a supporter of eugenics (remember, BAD GUY/SINNER, people!!!).
  • Claims to have an IQ of 1,590.
  • In Chapter 5, Baxter was originally going to become a full-on antagonist after Sir Pentious was accepted into the hotel crew. He would betray the crew and employ his robot army and elaborate traps installed in the hotel to capture or subjugate them. This situation prompted Pentious, Niffty, Squish, and Crymini to collaborate and devise a strategy to dethrone him.
  • Possibly as a result of his past, he has algophobia and is incredibly vulnerable to pain, explaining why it is relatively easy for people to intimidate and bully him.
  • Is a huge blusher. He always blushes when Niffty smooches or compliments him.
  • Alastor absolutely hates Baxter the most out of anyone in the hotel, and no one knows why.
  • Has a metal plate in his head to prevent others from reading his mind.
  • Is a bit of a drama queen. He often makes entrances by throwing a chemical vile into a room and appearing from the fumes as everyone around him chokes on the fumes.
  • The blue dots on his face and fins are actually eyeballs, which he claims was the result of experimenting with cold fusion.
  • His innards are 83% cybernetics.
  • He despises the song "Witch Doctor", since Niffty has a habit of standing outside of his lab, playing it on her guitar while singing at the top of her lungs.
  • Is the only character in the entire series that has called out other characters for bursting into musical numbers, making him the sole diegetic character in the entire series.
  • He and Arthur play chess together every Wednesday night.
  • He is a virgin and is very proud of said virginity, even bragging about it to Angel Dust.
    • Hypothetically, if Baxter wasn't such a turbo virgin, he'd be a bitchy bottom with very high standards.
  • Cannot stand sci-fi movies because of how inaccurate they usually are.
  • According to Squish, Baxter believes in global warming as long as it doesn't conflict with whatever narrative he is pushing.
  • He thinks that Charlie's Angels are flying lice and believes the Exterminators are aliens.
  • In "Into the Darkness", he claims that he has 20 Ph.Ds.
  • One of the Hazbin Hotel's rules - "No experimenting on patients and staff" - was added specifically because of Baxter.
  • It has been confirmed by the creators of the series that Baxter created Fergus' second, upgraded mechanical arm.
  • In "Survival", it is revealed that Baxter was once lab partners with Sir Pentious in the past; during a conversation with Angel Dust, Baxter mentions that he once collaborated with an "ophidian fellow" to create a "peculiar oblong species" (a possible reference to the Egg Boiz), before commenting that they split apart as he found the partner "far too unstable".
  • Baxter's laboratory/room within the Hazbin Hotel is located within the ship sticking out of the hotel's lower left side.


ve Characters
Hazbin Hotel Crew Charlie MagneAngel DustAlastorVaggieNifftyHuskRazzle and DazzleAlastor's friendsFat NuggetsRenFergusMimzyBaxterCryminiSquishKaren 2.OCorey and PeelVillaPrincessSir PentiousEgg Bois
I.M.P BlitzøMoxxieMillieLoona
Seven Deadly Sins Lucifer MagneLeviathan Von EldritchMammonBeelzebubBelphegorAsmodeusSatan
Overlords AlastorValentinoVoxVelvetteRosieMissi ZillaCarmilla CarmineStellarSock and Buskin
Kingpins Cherri BombSir PentiousHenroinMaulreese JackjawBruce
Ars Goetia StolasStellaOctaviaPaimonAndrealphus
Pride Ring Lilith MagneHuniBunKatie KilljoyTom TrenchAracknissIzziThe InsurgencyVarkDiaSummerBasilSir Pentious' HatRumYuckLailaBoar ButcherQueefSabreMelvynLoopty GooptyLyle LiptonJeffrey Dahmer
Wrath Ring The DivineStrikerScorpiusThe ChosenBombproofAzazel
Gluttony Ring Mr. PVortexBehemothBee-lzebub
Greed Ring Robo FizzLarsonCalliopeTinglesWally WackfordTillaCash BuckzoLoo LooCrimsonAlessio
Lust Ring FizzarolliVerosika Mayday
Envy Ring Seviathan Von EldritchHellsa Von EldritchBethesda Von EldritchFinThe KrakenMishelleNatasha
Sloth Ring LugnutClaptrapKarenScavenger UnitsHellhound Adoption FoundationMs. SweetrubyBelle-phegor
Heaven GodLuxSeraSerenityArchangel FortiMancoCharlie's AngelsMillicentMollyAzraelExterminatorsLuteAdinaEbonySableDestinyRavenBladeMs. HartfeltMetatronOphanimC.H.E.R.U.BLeo LightheartCletusCollinKeenieDeerieRachelHoneyBeaBeauTorySeraphielMr. TreeArchangel MichaelArchangel GabrielArchangel UrielArchangel SandalphonArchangel RaphaelArchangel CassielArchangel BarachielArchangel ZadkielAnnie
Other characters DeathRooVaggie's fatherSpindleAzathothQueen SpiderArmy of DarknessSanta ClausKrampusValentine