- "Yes... I would. I fucking HATE you... but if you or the worst sinner imaginable came to the hotel and TRULY wanted to find hope in the darkest places... I would try. I don't give a fuck what you or Heaven or anyone thinks of my hotel, 'cause I believe in it and EVERYONE under its roof!"
- — Charlie's stand against Azrael.
Crown Princess Charlotte 'Charlie' Magne of Hell is the main protagonist of Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light.
She is the princess of Hell, daughter of Lucifer and Lilith, heir apparent to Lucifer's throne, and the founder, host, and owner of the Hazbin Hotel (alternatively the Happy Hotel).
Charlie is the sole living child of Lucifer and Lilith, the only survivor of a curse condemning their previous offspring to be stillborn. Having witnessed the brutality of the Exterminations at a young age, the Princess of Hell became motivated to put an end to the annual carnage by any means necessary. Naïve and theatrical with a black and white view of morality, yet bursting with passion, she is an extremely altruistic demon who - despite most of the Inferno's denizens thinking otherwise - believes that redemption is possible for any and all sinners.
With her girlfriend and fiancée, Vaggie, and "guardian angel", Lux, by her side, she is determined to give any and all sinners a chance to learn, grow and change for the better, in hopes that they will be accepted into Heaven and the Extermination will be annulled. Despite how many damned souls ridicule her dreams, the failures she has endured, or what the Universe throws in her way, she is determined to make her ideal, harmonious version of Hell a reality.
- "You know, Charlie... I never quite understood you. From the moment you popped out of your mother's whisker biscuit, I was like 'who is this hellish bundle of unwavering joy and infectious hope'? That, or was it, 'what is this disappointing and disgusting thing that just came out of Lilith'...? ...Bu- Bu- But I'm fairly sure it was the first thing! And, well... You're my daughter. My true pride and joy. Lu Lu World? Pfft. Fuck that. YOU! ...You're changing the stars! You stuck it to Heaven and proved them wrong! You stared Old Scratch in its eyes and said 'Not today, BIIIITCH!' You're.... The most perfect thing I ever could have created."
- — Lucifer finally acknowledges Charlie as his daughter.
An altruistic demon of unparalleled kindness, Charlie is the extremely determined, passionate, fiery, passionate, optimistic, and passionate princess of Hell (did we mention she's passionate?). She is a huge empath who sees all of Hell's denizens as her children, regardless of how much they disparage and openly ridicule her and her ideals. Initially as naïve as she is theatrical, while also bursting with passion, silliness, and determination, possessing the enthusiasm of a hopeful theater kid. Her optimism shines through everything, and despite the grim surroundings of Hell, Charlie finds a sense of warmth and attraction in the place.
She takes very much after her father's eccentricity and is very odd herself, with a sort of "Disney adult" vibe to her. Throughout her life, she has tried to do everything in her power to make Hell a better place for all sinners and demons in any small or big way she can, concocting many oddball schemes to advance this ideal version of Hell, such as attempting to convince the Seven Deadly Sins to open their respective rings for sinners so that the Pride Ring would not face overpopulation, opening dance clubs, and, most notable of all, opening the hotel to rehabilitate sinners. However, nearly all of her ideas have failed for various reasons, whether it be from many sinners not bothering to give her the time of day, to her being so in over her head that the idea was doomed to fail.
Amidst her consistent setbacks, she retains an unwavering optimism and refuses to surrender even when faced with overwhelmingly unfavorable circumstances. Initially, Charlie held the conviction that no being is inherently beyond redemption, though she began to realize through her journey that some demons could not be reformed, such as when she encountered Yuck. She has persistently endeavored to influence individuals like Angel Dust, Fergus, and Alastor, urging them to embark on paths of improvement, notwithstanding their histories of transgression. She has even endeavored, albeit with limited success, to engage in discourse with entities like Satan, expressing her unwavering faith in the potential for redemption among humanity and those considered sinners. Nevertheless, Charlie begins to acknowledge that certain demons and sinners may be beyond redemption. She not only refrained from attempting to help Yuck out of disgust after witnessing his actions against the Cambions, but also abandoned him to Alastor's nonexistent mercy, fully aware that her best efforts would never lead to his reformation.
In stark contrast to numerous high-ranking demons in Hell, Charlie faces a notable lack of respect from the sinners inhabiting the realm. This stems from her typically gentle and unthreatening nature, causing them to perceive her more akin to a naive Disney princess rather than a commanding figure. Sinners around Charlie express their discontent with Hell and insult her in a comical and vulgar manner, reflecting the chaotic and sinful nature of the place. Her previous setbacks and relentlessly optimistic perspective become fodder for mockery among the sinners. Even within Hell's aristocracy, she garners little more than the status of a child, lacking substantial regard. Even those outside of the Inferno have ridiculed her radical ideals, such as the Exterminators, Death, and Azrael. Regardless, she refuses to let anyone rain on her parade and insists that there is good within everybody and that "inside of every demon is a rainbow".
Echoing her familial counterparts within the Magne lineage, Charlie harbors a deep-seated ardor and affection for the realm of musical theater. Rooted in the spirit of vaudeville, she embodies this tradition entirely and whenever the opportunity arises, she enthusiastically erupts into sugary-sweet musical performances, embracing this mode of expression wholeheartedly. In fact, she goes so far as to assert that her most effective form of communication lies within the realm of song.
She possesses an extraordinary capacity for empathy and boundless compassion, extending her kindness to all she encounters. Charlie has proven time and time again to have the patience and understanding for even individuals who really don’t deserve it. Remarkably, she even endeavors to treat her harshest adversaries with respect, provided they refrain from provoking her. Her most remarkable strength lies in her unwavering ability to love, a stark contrast to her father's relentless efforts to mold her into a heartless tyrant like himself. As previously mentioned, she harbors a deep love for her people and willingly undertakes the impossible to rescue even the most cruel and damned souls from their impending and everlasting doom. Her character is marked by profound bravery; during her youth, she fearlessly attempted to rescue a family from the clutches of the fearsome Exterminators, facing the bloodthirsty angels head-on. Though not without fear, she displayed immense courage until one of the Exterminators left a lasting mark on her face, revealing her own blood for the first time. The princess's compassion extends to the plight of animals, including untamed demonic creatures, her purity enabling her to establish a connection with and even communicate with them in some manner. She holds a special empathy for children, evident in her interactions with Manco and the rest of Charlie's Angels. Her childlike wonder allows her to relate well to youngsters, and after saving Manco, she did everything within her power to shield the young angel from the clutches of Satan, forging a motherly bond with him. In fact, her love for him was the catalyst for her triumph over Satan's corruptive influence.
Charlie's benevolence knows no bounds; she used her influence and power to provide the endangered cambion race with a new homeland, enabling their community to flourish after she and the hotel crew liberated them from their oppressors. Later, she went out of her way to offer Corey and Peel a job at the hotel, extending sympathy to them after they were unjustly let go by Lucifer and left to fend for themselves on the streets. This gesture of goodwill persisted despite their prior condescending and cruel behavior towards her, which subsequently earned her their respect and admiration. Furthermore, Charlie later made steps to reconcile with her father, Lucifer, despite everything he did to her and her friends, comforting her father in Lu Lu World and assuring him that she and Lilith still loved him.
Charlie's compassionate and empathetic nature shines through in her interactions with others. She consistently goes the extra mile to provide solace and support to those facing challenging circumstances. This is evident in her repeated efforts to reach out to Angel Dust, despite his initial resistance, when he was mistreated by Valentino. She also extended her care to Megara, offering comfort in the wake of Millicent's passing. Notably perceptive, Charlie was quick to notice Alastor's concealed desire to reunite with his mother in Heaven, recognizing the profound distress it caused him. This led her to offer her understanding and compassion, a sentiment she later extended to Forti, who found himself torn after Satan coerced him into a regrettable action. Charlie's profound empathy was on full display as she consoled Forti, recognizing the conflict within him. Remarkably, her acts of kindness have ignited transformative sparks in others. Angel Dust, Husk, and Fergus, for instance, drew inspiration from Charlie's example, prompting them to embark on personal journeys of self-improvement in pursuit of redemption.
Charlie's notable flaw lies in her initially rigid, black-and-white perspective on good and evil, with her initially treating the sinners under her care with a patronizing, childlike approach. She maintained a belief that people sin without any deeper, underlying reasons and fails to take her patients' issues seriously enough. Her misguided optimism leads her to believe that simple gestures like rainbow stickers and cupcakes can miraculously transform individuals like Alastor into better people. In her attempts to discipline unruly sinners, she resorts to methods like grounding or putting them in time-outs, which seem inadequate in addressing their complex problems. This attitude becomes glaringly evident in the episode "Inside of Every Demon is a Rainbow," where her actions and words border on dismissive, condescending, and even insulting. Her actions, such as patting literal serial killers on the head and offering them cupcakes, demonstrate a tone-deaf approach to rehabilitation. Furthermore, she occasionally uses derogatory language like "cretins, sluts, and losers" when referring to the sinners, inadvertently undermining her goal of helping them. One of her more misguided efforts involves injecting individuals in the head with a serum that forcibly induces happiness, overlooking the root causes of their struggles. Additionally, she has attempted to replace her patients' drug addictions with sweets, an approach that oversimplifies the complexities of addiction and mental health. These missteps highlight her well-intentioned but ultimately flawed approach to rehabilitating the sinners under her care.
While Charlie undeniably cares deeply for her people, her well-intentioned efforts sometimes fall short due to her limited understanding of the complexities surrounding the issues they face. Her upbringing in a sheltered and privileged environment has shielded her from the harsh realities of trauma and pain, making it challenging for her to fully empathize with the patients under her care. Although her mother's absence and her father's verbal abuse only manifested later in her life, she has largely enjoyed an idyllic existence compared to the suffering endured by the sinners. Throughout the series, Charlie embarks on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment. She gradually begins to grasp the intricacies of sinners' lives and, to a certain extent, the human condition. This newfound awareness prompts her to offer more effective therapy sessions to the hotel's patients, striving to bridge the gap between her privileged upbringing and their troubled pasts. She is dedicated to learning as much as possible about humanity, delving into the realms of psychology to gain a deeper understanding of the individuals she seeks to help.
Growing up, Charlie dreamed of many ways to help redeem the sinners of the Pride Ring so that they could ascend to Heaven. Due to the strict order of her father, Lucifer, however, she was unable to pursue these ideas, and was sheltered from the world beyond the Magne family's castle until she reached adolescence. As a result of her father's manipulation and emotional abuse, she developed traits of anxiety, low self-esteem, and struggles with feelings of inferiority which she still suffers from in adulthood. While Charlie ultimately never fully gives up on her dreams and continues to strive for the betterment of Hell, she is prone to self-doubt, sulking, and is often reduced to tears whenever her pet projects fail. When Satan took possession of her and exploited her insecurities, it was revealed that she has a hidden fear that her friends do not truly care about her or believe in her dreams. She is also prone to self-loathing whenever something unfortunate would happen to her friends, as she experienced extreme guilt when Millicent was killed by Satan (using Forti as a puppet to do so), and suffered from persisting nightmares of Millicent blaming her for her death, although she did eventually rationalize that Millicent's death was not her fault and that Millicent would not have blamed her.
Charlie is infamous for being reactive and acting before thinking. This was shown before her interview on the 666 News, where made a barely coherent list of her plans that included things like "dolphin kisses and high fives." Before her interview, she was warned by Vaggie to not sing about her intentions as the denizens of Hell would not listen if she did so, only to throw that advice away and sing "Inside of Every Demon is a Rainbow" upon noticing the less-than-stellar reaction to the Happy Hotel, only to be devastated to learn that the hotel was not accepted and make a mockery of herself and her ideals across the seven rings of Hell. Several times throughout the series, she states that she does not even know what she is doing or how to make her plan for reforming sinners work, and was genuinely surprised when Forti revealed that redeeming sinner was likely possible, implying that she possibly did not believe redeeming sinners was possible in the first place.
While Charlie is very warmhearted and sometimes naïve, these traits by no means make her weak or a pushover, and it is implied and displayed many times that the princess possesses a very powerful and dangerous side to her that is restrained by her sense of morality. Following her father's advice to not "take shit from other demons", Charlie has a somewhat low tolerance for extremely nasty and rude demons, and can be pushed to make snarky comments at their expense, such as when she made a subtle joke about Katie Killjoy being in Hell, despite the news anchor claiming to have standards. Later, when Killjoy relentlessly ridiculed the princess and her ideals, Charlie retaliated by stealing Killjoy's pen and called her a bitch out of spite, and physically fought back against Killjoy when she attacked her. Charlie also shows a more mocking and crude side to her whenever she interacts with her rival, Hellsa Von Eldritch, making snide comments at the Princess of Envy's expense and displaying smug joy at Hellsa's anger. Sometimes, she mocks and makes fun of Hellsa without even being provoked by the latter. She also did not hesitate to fight Carmilla Carmine when the Overlord attacked her and her associates, and swore to make the Overlord suffer an agonizing death if she dared to harm anyone at the Hazbin Hotel. Furthermore, she is intolerant of any disrespect directed at her friends, particularly Vaggie. She even splashed hot coffee on the face of a domineering director who severely criticized Vaggie's acting and insisted on her removal from the Hazbin Hotel's commercial. During her final fight with Azrael, Charlie resorted to insulting and degrading him for his misogynistic mindset and even went as far as to taunt him over his family leaving him, though this was only after she finally realized that he would never listen to her.
The Princess of Hell is cautious while dealing with unscrupulous deal makers, having been taught to deal with them by her father. While she does surprisingly consider him a friend, she is well aware that Alastor is, in her own words, "sketchy as fuck", and when the Radio Demon offered the princess a deal with a handshake, she kindly refused and used her authority to politely order the Radio Demon to help her with the hotel for as long as he desired, which Alastor agreed to. Charlie also saw through all of Death's manipulation tactics when the Grim Reaper attempted to trick her into surrendering the souls of the Hazbin Hotel's patients. When he resorted to intimidation tactics when Charlie wouldn't budge, the princess refused to back down, and kindly requested him to leave the Hazbin Hotel. In an ironic twist, her bravery resulted in her earning the Grim Reaper's respect.
The closeness that Charlie feels for many is great enough for her to behave violently if any of them were harmed or put in mortal danger. In the most severe of situations, Charlie can be pushed into killing her adversaries if her loved ones are put in mortal danger or pain. When Satan psychologically tortured Vaggie to lure Charlie out and take Heaven's Light from her, the Princess of Hell grew increasingly agitated as she was forced to listen to Vaggie's agonized cries, and, once she could no longer hold back, brutally attacked the Vees and the Army of Darkness after accessing her Full Demon Form in a fit of rage to save her girlfriend. She also attacked and threatened to kill Leviathan for threatening the lives of her friends, only being stopped by the fact that her friends would surely be executed if she ended the King of Envy's life. When the Divine took control of Manco's mind and attempted to have the Chosen torture the child to death, Charlie completely lost her composure and begin screaming profanities and death threats at the Divine and the coven, and when she was freed from her chains, viciously attacked and came close to killing the Divine in a fit of rage in retaliation for what she attempted to do to Manco. Upon Roo revealing her betrayal and hands in the deaths of Vaggie and Lux, Charlie flew into a murderous fury and wasted no time attempting to kill Roo, with the latter even reading out Charlie's thoughts of wanting to brutally kill and torture her as retribution for what she did to Vaggie and Lux.
While Charlie prefers to display a casual and effervescent demeanor, she approaches her role as the Princess of Hell with a high level of seriousness, refusing to overlook any violations of Hell's laws. She brutally excoriated Stolas upon discovering that he had been willingly breaking Hell's laws and exacerbating Pride's overpopulation problem by helping I.M.P kill humans on Earth and swore to make him and I.M.P pay for their crimes against Hell, getting notably so enraged by Stolas' betrayal of her trust that she had to be calmed down by Vaggie. Before this confrontation with Stolas, Charlie nearly harmed Blitzø while confronting him on the truth of the issue for his blasé and mocking attitude of the situation, going so far as to disparage him by referring to him as an "imp" rather than addressing him by name. This incident marked a departure from her typical demeanor, taking her into a darker and more intense emotional state than she is usually known for.
In the aftermath of Vaggie's demise, Charlie found herself inconsolable. Even in the midst of her grief, anger, and heartbreak, she confided in Roo (before her betrayal) that revenge held less significance to her than protecting or saving those she cared about. Despite Satan being the clear perpetrator of Vaggie's murder, Charlie harbored almost no inclination to retaliate. Charlie stated that had Vaggie still been alive or held captive, she would have been prepared to tear through the very fabric of Creation itself, willing to annihilate anyone in her path to retrieve her friend. However, in the grim reality of Vaggie's death, she saw no purpose in doing anything. Instead, she felt a profound sense of defeat, not feeling motivated to do anything except cry alone and focus on her desires of protecting the cherished individuals who remained in her life—especially Manco, the seven angels, Octavia, and the rest of the hotel crew.
After losing Hell to Roo, Charlie grew more bitter and vengeful due to the challenges she faced as well as all the good she had done for Hell being wiped away in an instant. She felt misunderstood and emotionally drained from her kindness being exploited, yet she embraces her pain, she acknowledges her emotional turmoil, but rather than seeking sympathy, she uses it to fuel her defiance and assert her individuality, even if it means fully embracing her darker side.
Charlie is a 6-foot-tall, humanoid demon with curly, long, expressive blonde hair that extends to her waist and is tied up with two black scrunchies. She has pure white skin, black lips, red circles on her cheeks, and her sclera is light yellow, all of which she inherited from her father. Her eyelids have a pink shadow and are decorated with gray eyeshadow, which she inherited from her mother. She also possesses sharp fangs, and sports black, sharpened fingernails. She has goat hooves rather than human-like feet.
Charlie primarily wears a red-colored tuxedo jacket with a black bow tie and black cuffs. She wears long, black suspenders over a white long-sleeved shirt, paired with aubergine colored pants with stripes at the end of both legs that are in the same color as her jacket, and black and white spectator shoes.
Charlie's casual clothing consists of a white, unbuttoned, short-sleeved jacket, a white, sleeveless shirt underneath, a pearl bracelet and plain black bracelet both on her right wrist, black short shorts, and black boots with white tongues and laces.
After getting a makeover from Roo, Charlie now sports bright red eyes with a red tuxedo jacket with dark-red lapels and a matching pair of red fitted pants, in addition to a small black bowtie and black and white saddle shoes. Her hairstyle is also slightly different, with her bangs flipped to her left side in a curl.
When in her fully demonic form, she gains a pair of dark-red horns, a mouthful of razor-sharp teeth, and her sclera shifts into a bright red color with slit pupils. Her fingers also become slightly elongated, and she grows in height. Rather fittingly, her full demon form makes her resemble her father, as opposed to her more human-looking default form.
In "We Can Be Heroes", it is revealed that Charlie has two large angel wings hidden in her back, which she can spawn at will, as well as retreat back into her when they are not in use. Her wings, like her father's, are black in color and have large eyes along the wingspan, though the eyes on her wings are pink in color.
Powers and Abilities
- "I personally believe she is capable of tearing the seven rings apart at a submolecular level. On accident. Let us thank Satan she hasn't been pushed to that point, yet."
- — Calcifer about Charlie.
As an entity born of Heaven and Hell, Charlie possesses an incredibly abnormal amount of demonic and partially archangelic power that consequently makes her the second most powerful entity in Hell, seemingly second only to her father, Lucifer.
Natural Powers
- Demonic Transformation: When going through fits of extreme emotions such as joy or especially anger, Charlie is capable of shifting into a fearsome, stronger, fully demonic form, which she can also turn into at will. Her Full Demon Form allows her to become significantly stronger, faster, and more deadly as a result.
- Flight: Charlie has the ability to summon angelic wings that grant her the ability of flight, as well as allowing her to levitate while mid-air. Initially, this was a dormant ability with the princess unaware that she was capable of flight. It was not until Satan attempted to kill Manco by throwing him into the darkness of its dimension that Charlie discovered her wings. After jumping down and grabbing Manco, the princess' wings suddenly sprouted and, without her knowledge, flew her and Manco out of the darkness and back to safety. Shortly after gaining her wings, she was initially rather clumsy whilst flying, as seen when she accidentally hit her head on the entrance of Baxter's spaceship while attempting to fly inside, although she did mention that she does plan to get better at it. By the time of Chapter 4, Charlie becomes far more adept at flying, thanks to Manco mentoring her on how to fly. Now an expert at flying, she was capable of maneuvering through Pentagram City at high speeds. Further practice with this power has allowed her to extend it to others, most notably Vaggie and Seviathan when she flew with them clinging onto her, so that they do not experience the negative effects of traveling at high speeds. During her battle against Leviathan Von Eldritch, she used her angelic wings to give her the edge over the King of Envy, moving so fast that she easily outmaneuvered several superheated lightning strikes from the King of Envy, reacting to each attack in quick succession and using the speed of her flight to blitz him.
- Immortality: Due to her demonic and angelic physiology, Charlie cannot die by natural or mortal means, and possesses a potentially infinite lifespan that causes her to age at a significantly slower rate than other species, essentially aging slower the older she becomes. She has existed for over 2,000 years chronologically, but has retained a youthful appearance regardless. As the daughter of Lucifer, she is also immune to angelic weaponry, including blessed firearms and angelic blades. She is also extremely durable and resilient to many types of physical or magical harm, outside of the power of celestial/divine magic.
- Oxygen Independence: She also does not require oxygen to live, as seen by her withstanding and even talking while in the vacuum of Purgatory's spacescape with no visible signs of discomfort.
- Regeneration: Charlie can regenerate from wounds of any severity as long as they were not caused by an angelic weapon, this includes losing her limbs. When Alastor, while under the influence of Satan, cut her across the abdomen with his claws, and used voodoo blood magic to tear her wounds apart to the point of it exposing her heart, the princess recovered from the assault in a matter of hours, showing no visible marks or even signs of scaring afterward. She later recovered fairly quickly from being attacked by an Ophanim angel.
- Thermal Resistance: Like all demons, Charlie can easily survive temperatures that would kill a human. She is virtually immune to fire, as she showed no discomfort whatsoever when she surrounded herself in an aura of her own flames, and also did not pay mind to the green fire she was closely suspended above when she was captured by the Chosen. She can also survive in the vacuum of space without being hindered in any way by the extremely harsh, freezing temperatures that would normally be contained within a spacescape, as shown by her lack of discomfort when in Purgatory's spacescape.
Unique Powers
- Demonic/Angelic Power: As the daughter of the first demon and the most powerful archangel to have ever existed, Charlie was born with power that most demons could never even hope to achieve, with the potential to possibly exceed her father in terms of sheer strength. Her power ranks her above even the strongest of Hell's demons, including the likes of the Ars Goetia and all Overlords, and surpassing that of her mother and the Seven Deadly Sins, making her the most powerful demon in all creation. Her level of power seems to be dependent on her demon forms; in her default form, she is still significantly strong, casually warping reality and at one point even wounding Leviathan (in his full demon form) with her pyrokinesis, but, once in her fully demonic form, the full force of her unspeakable power is unleashed. According to Calcifer, Charlie could indirectly tear the seven rings apart at a submolecular level if pushed past her breaking point. Her raw power is only surpassed by the likes of the Divine, Roo, the Ophanim, Archangels, and Seraphim.
- Anger Empowerment: Charlie's powers are vastly enhanced through anger and can be indirectly triggered through her outbursts, though anger is quite a rare emotion for her to come by.
- Atmokinesis: Charlie is capable of altering the weather in her immediate area to her liking, but often in a way that depends on her mood, such as making it sunny and clear whenever she is in a joyful mood, or making it rain whenever she is sad. Vaggie even mentions that she knew Charlie was upset because it was raining around the Hazbin Hotel.
- Cloud Generation: Charlie is capable of generating clouds from nothing, as shown during "Inside of Every Demon is a Rainbow".
- Rainbow Generation: Charlie can produce streams of rainbows from her hands, behind her, or even from her eyeballs, which she typically does when experiencing moments of intense joy.
- Body Manipulation: Similar to the Seven Deadly Sins, Charlie possesses the ability to change the size of her body at will, enabling her to both increase or decrease her overall size and manipulate the lengths or size of her limbs.
- Cartoon Physics: Charlie can manipulate the laws of physics, forcing everything to emulate that of a cartoon. Such instances include her creating a candy-based landscape in seconds, turning the firearms of the Vees' henchmen into demonic stuffed animals, walking on "invisible stairs", and running at such high speeds that she turns into a blur.
- Chaetokinesis: Charlie can manipulate her hair, and is capable of freely altering, growing, reshaping, and shortening it. She demonstrated this several times during her musical numbers. Whilst in her Full Demon Form, Charlie's hair becomes especially long and wavy.
- Cloudwalking: As a half-angel, Charlie is capable of walking and riding on top of clouds as if they were a solid object, as seen during "Inside of Every Demon is a Rainbow".
- Creation: Having presumably inherited the ability from her father, Charlie is shown to be immensely skilled in creation magic. This allows her to casually spawn and conjure objects from nothing, and even allows her to create entire landscapes effortlessly. Before singing about the Hazbin Hotel on the 666 News, she created a piano for Razzle and Dazzle to play with by simply snapping her fingers, as well as spawning rose petals from her hand. During "Inside of Every Demon is a Rainbow", she spawned cotton candy, and even seemingly a living demonic puppy from out of nowhere, and effortlessly created an entire candy-covered landscape out of nowhere with no effort. While brainstorming ideas for the Hazbin Hotel with Alastor, Charlie created party streamers, confetti, balloons, and turned the interior of the hotel into something of a child's funhouse, although all of these changes were almost immediately reverted by Alastor.
- Weapon Manifestation: Charlie can spawn seemingly any weapon of her choice, allowing them to materialize from her flames, as shown when she spawned a giant mallet as well as a pitchfork.
- Force-Field Generation: Charlie can generate highly durable red, pink or bubble-like barriers of energy to protect herself and/or others from extreme impacts, such as falls from great heights or assaults from supernaturally strong combatants, increasing her durability to a significant degree. This allowed the princess to safely land from long falls, as well as defend herself against the might of supernatural combatants such as the Divine. When the Happy Hotel crew were in Charlie's limo, crashing down towards a planet in Purgatory, Charlie used her barriers to protect the crew as the limo violently landed on the planet's surface, successfully defending them and herself from the massive impact. Charlie also conjured a protective, thin shield that enveloped herself and Vaggie as a means to protect them both from the potentially lethal effect of Charlie's omnidirectional flame attack.
- Electrokinesis: Charlie can cause electronics, such as TV sets, to malfunction and even explode when she is going through outrages.
- Fragokinesis: Charlie can manipulate and conjure pyrotechnics and explosions, as she is capable of producing fireworks from the tip of her finger, which she typically uses signal the end of Extermination Day. Her fireworks are extremely powerful and can be seen all throughout the Pride Ring.
- Healing: Charlie has displayed the remarkable skill of mending ailments and injuries in others using magic. In a musical number, she instantly transformed a sickly bird into a majestic griffin. Additionally, she has capacity to mend minor injuries caused by angelic weaponry, as evident when she healed Carmilla's wounds following her encounter with Izzi. Nevertheless, when faced with severely grave angelic wounds, Charlie's angelic magic proves ineffective, as demonstrated when she was unable to mend Vaggie's mortal injury.
- Hellfire Resistance: Charlie is one of the few demons in existence who is immune to magical hellfire, the only other being Lilith. While brawling with Hellsa at Hell School, she set Hellsa's hair-tentacles on fire in order to escape the Princess of Envy's constrictive grasp, before grabbing the envious princess' flaming head of hair and slamming her overhead and into the ground, unaffected by her own flames. Later, she did not seem affected by being suspended of magical hellfire after being captured by The Chosen. She is, however, not immune to the holy flames angels are capable of conjuring.
- Matter Manipulation: Calcifer claimed that Charlie could tear the seven rings of Hell apart at a submolecular level if pushed past her breaking point.
- Photokinesis: Being a half-angel, Charlie possesses the remarkable ability of advanced holy light manipulation. She can craft structures from condensed photons, and when she becomes deeply impassioned during a speech, she emits a radiant golden light, effectively conveying the intensity of her emotions through her words.
- Portal Creation: Charlie can summon portals that allow her to travel to different locations across Hell. She can also use portals to summon large, demonic tentacles, much like Alastor can do.
- Possession: Charlie has the ability to inhabit the bodies of sinners and other demonic entities through spiritual means. When taking over the bodies of these sinners, she can fully utilize her demonic powers without being confined to her possessee's original forms.
- Possession/Corruption Immunity: Charlie, alongside Forti, is one of the two entities in all creation who has managed to resist Satan's overwhelming corruptive powers. Although she fell victim to Satan's possession when she attempted to save Manco, as the Devil exploited her insecurities, she managed to conquer Satan in a mental battle the second time it attempted to corrupt her, letting go of these insecurities, and broke free from its influence.
- Pyrokinesis: Charlie is capable of summoning and projecting extremely powerful, magical hellfire in any form at her own will. This is one of her most utilized powers. During "Inside of Every Demon is a Rainbow", she ignited an aura of flames around herself, and presumably used her flames to set Tom Trench ablaze during her brawl with Katie Killjoy. Her flames are capable of instantly reducing demons (regardless of their immunity to flames) and sinners to ashes, or severely burning them. She can also create weapons or tools, materializing them through her magic flames, and crafting intricate designs out of flames, such as a crown, words, and magical images and screens that she could display to others, similar to holograms. When sufficiently enraged and at full power, her flames can become especially destructive and deadly enough to vaporize other entities, as shown by her killing many creatures of the Army of Darkness in a fit of rage. During her skirmish with the Divine, Charlie's flames instantly d dissolved the Divine' right arm when the princess overpowered the fanatic cult leader in a power duel. While the Princess of Hell typically generates flames from her hands, she is also capable of breathing fire and projecting flames from her eyes, as shown when she was cursing out the Divine for harming Manco. While battling the Queen Spider's offspring with Vaggie, she was able to concentrate her fire to form a powerful omnidirectional blast that instantly incinerated the Queen's young instantly and caused devastating destruction to the Queen's entire den, as well as the resulting explosion causing an earthquake and creating massive splits in the planet they were on. During her fight with Leviathan, her flames were capable of disintegrating the King of Envy's nigh-indestructible scales (which even angelic firearms could not penetrate) and burning gaping holes into his body. In her confrontation with Roo, Charlie's magical flames, though incapable of inflicting harm on the Root of Evil, displayed their formidable might by melting Roo's demon guise. However, this transformation only allowed Roo to reveal her true and malevolent form as the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
- Reality Warping: Charlie is capable of shifting and bending her surroundings to her liking, sometimes directly, sometimes indirectly. When pitching the Happy Hotel on the 666 News, she casually warped a skybox and numerous clouds into existence and created a candy and ice cream-covered landscape to visualize her idea of Heaven to sinners. Later, while brainstorming ideas to improve the Hazbin Hotel with Alastor, Charlie completely warped the entire interior of the hotel into something of a child's funhouse, although these changes were quickly reverted by Alastor. She is also capable of indirectly distorting reality around her through her outbursts, especially in her Full Demon Form. She was also able reverted Alastor's changing of the hotel's sign from "Happy" to "Hazbin", although this change was also reverted by Alastor.
- Shockwave Generation: Charlie can generate devastating shockwaves by taking flight or landing.
- Summoning: Charlie can instantly transport people and objects directly to her using hand gestures, such as a snap of her fingers or clap of her hands, as shown by her ability to summon Razzle and Dazzle to her side to have them carry out certain tasks for her.
- Supernatural Strength: Charlie has demonstrated impressive feats of strength, especially in her Full Demon Form. When she was getting frustrated during a sports game at Hell School, she entered her Full Demon Form and stomped on the ground with such force that it created a giant split in the ground that the entire school nearly fell into.
- Transmutation: Charlie can alter the forms and structures of objects or living organisms. During one of her musical numbers, she transformed a sick bird into a healthy and powerful griffin, an addict's bottle of recreational drugs into hard candy, and transformed a group of mice into demonic stallions. She can also transmutate her enemies' weapons to make them useless in combat, or even turn their weapons against them by transforming them into living, aggressive demonic creatures. While defending the Hazbin Hotel from the Vees and their respective armies, she transformed the weapons of the Vees' underlings into harmless constructs, such as doves, baby rattles and sentient stuffed animals who violently wanted hugs. She also turned the ammo within their firearms into bubbles. She turned the Insurgency's battering ram cannons into demonic spirits that attacked the Insurgency themselves and turned one Insurgency member's angelic sword into a giant dildo.
- Animal Empathy: Charlie's purity has allowed her to gain a connection to demonic animals of various size and forms. Often, they grow attached to her and, in essence, become her allies. As a child, she quickly grew a friendship with her family's pet Cerberus, who was portrayed as being very aggressive to anyone but Lucifer and Lilith, and when she nuzzled a demonic dog during her musical number, said dog grinned and licked her nose in response. Her connection with animals even at times allows her to, in a manner of speaking, communicate with them, allowing her to understand their thoughts and intentions.
- Artistry: In her youth, Charlie created a detailed, paper mâché version of what would later be called the Hazbin Hotel that was three times her size.
- Authority: As the princess of Hell and heir apparent to Lucifer's throne, Charlie possesses supreme authority over Hell's seven rings and has dominion over all of their inhabitants, this includes the Overlords, the Seven Deadly Sins, and the Ars Goetia, with the only exceptions to her authority being her parents. Despite the power she possesses over them, most of Hell's denizens have no actual respect for Charlie or her authority, and frequently ridicule her with no sense of fear, as they are aware that she is too kind hearted to extort them into doing anything. That said, Charlie has used her position to her advantage, such as when she ordered Alastor to help the hotel as long as he wanted, as disobeying an order from the Magne family is a crime punishable by death in Hell, although the princess was certainly not going to have Alastor punished even if he refused to obey her. Later, she was able to buy an entire land to gift to the liberated cambion race to allow them to thrive. However, Charlie's authority has certain limits; her mother and father are capable of overriding her control and laws if they so wish, as Lucifer has continually used his superior authority to impede her efforts to better Hell.
- Dancing: In addition to her vocal abilities, Charlie is also a very skilled dancer as shown during many of her musical numbers. During "Alastor's Reprise", she danced perfectly in sync to Alastor's steps. Charlie can also effortlessly keep pace and dance in perfect synchrony with Vaggie, who holds the esteemed title of the best dancer among the hotel gang.
- Gardening: Charlie is a skilled gardener and maintains an impressive garden within the Hazbin Hotel's greenhouse.
- Hand-to-Hand Combat: When push comes to shove, Charlie has proven to be an impressive hand-to-hand combatant who can physically defend herself from threats, as demonstrated when she did not hesitate to engage in a battle of fisticuffs with Katie Killjoy, even leg-dropping Killjoy on the head. While physically fighting Hellsa at Hell School, Charlie wrestled her way out of the Princess of Envy's constrictive tentacle-hair by lighting Hellsa's hair on fire, before grabbing her hair and throwing her overhead into the ground. She also engaged Carmilla Carmine in a physical fight, but was outmatched by the Overlord.
- Intimidation: Despite her bubbly deposition, Charlie can be surprisingly intimidating at times when she taps into her demonic side, although these rare moments often occur accidentally and without her knowledge. For example, during "Inside of Every Demon is a Rainbow", she briefly shifted into her Full Demon Form, which caused the onlooking sinners to back away with visible looks of shock, and when the song concluded, Katie Killjoy was seen leaning as far away from the princess as she could. Later, when aggravated by Vaggie and Angel Dust's constant fighting, Charlie yelled at the two sinners to stop fighting in a demonic voice while sporting her demonic horns, which caused the two to stop and back away from each while looking at Charlie in shock. Additionally, the more experienced and "in-the-know" sinners and demons either fear Charlie or respect her (or pretend to respect her), since they are aware of her incredible power and that she is essentially the Anti-Christ.
- Master Acrobatic: Having been raised in the circus life, Charlie is a very skilled acrobatic. She can contort her body in unnatural ways and also knows how to do a flying trapeze act.
- Musical Talents: Charlie is a phenomenally gifted singer and dancer on the same level as her mother and father, bursting into saccharine musical numbers every chance she gets.
- Multilingualism: As a diplomat of Hell, Charlie is well-versed in all known types of demonic tongues, all of which she learned while growing up. This was displayed in her ability to communicate with Razzle and Dazzle, who both speak exclusively in demonic languages. And, of course, Charlie can fluently speak human languages such as English and Spanish, the latter of which was taught to her by Vaggie.
- Natural Weaponry: Charlie has sharp nails, fangs, and, in her Full Demon Form, horns which she can utilize as offensive weapons.
- Social Influence: Charlie's tirelessly heroic efforts to better Hell has earned her a lot of admiration from those she has helped, such as Angel Dust, Fergus, Husk, and the liberated Cambion army, giving them hope for the possibility of redemption and a better version of Hell. At the grand reopening of the hotel, Charlie displayed remarkable influence, successfully swaying hundreds of demons to join forces in the monumental task of refurbishing and revitalizing Pentagram City. This collaborative effort aimed to facilitate the city's recovery from the extensive flooding caused by Leviathan.
- Willpower: Charlie possesses a nigh-indomitable amount of will, and is able to push herself through many hardships to further her dream of making Hell a better place. She has continued to run the Hazbin Hotel despite near-universal mockery from Hell's denizens and her father's efforts to impede her goals. That said, Charlie's willpower is not absolute, and she is capable of becoming disheartened, which has happened several times. At one point, after Lucifer confronted her about the Hazbin Hotel following her interview on the 666 News, she nearly completely gave up on her dream of rehabilitating sinners, although in that instance she quickly recovered in rather short order after obtaining Heaven's Light. In spite of that, her willpower enabled her to overcome Satan's possession when it attempted to corrupt Charlie's soul and force her to kill Manco.
- Archangel Weaponry: Though her father's heritage grants her immunity to angelic weapons, archangel weapons could certainly do fatal damage to Charlie.
- Impulsiveness: Charlie has the tendency to rush into things without making a plan and has a somewhat reckless impulsive streak. She also will go out of her way to help the seemingly helpless, opening the door for others potentially manipulate her. While pitching the Happy Hotel on the 666 News, she decided to sing about the hotel despite being repeatedly advised not to by Vaggie, which made practically everyone listening turn on her idea. The princess' own morality can also be used against her as she goes out of her way to help others who are in danger, putting herself, and potentially others, in danger, such as when she insisted on saving Manco from his prison in Purgatory, which resulted in her and the hotel crew being trapped in the realm for eight years. Leviathan was able to defeat Charlie by firing lightning bolts at her nearby friends, before injuring her with a lightning blast while she was occupied with defending them. However, Charlie has proven to be savvy enough to know when she is being taken advantage of, such as when she refused to make a deal with Alastor and later Death, knowing that they were dealmakers and could not be trusted. Despite her usual ability to discern people's deceptions, Charlie found herself unable to see through Roo's manipulative tactics. This oversight ultimately led to the loss of her entire domain in Hell and the near-devastation of her people. It's worth noting, however, that Charlie's inability to see through Roo's schemes can be rationalized. Death and Alastor were undeniably suspicious individuals, while Roo adeptly portrayed herself as a forlorn loner and stuck to that role with slip-ups only recognized through hindsight, making her manipulation all the more convincing.
Lucifer Magne
Lucifer is Charlie's father. Charlie and Lucifer overall have had a very antagonistic relationship, but it was not always this way; During her childhood, Lucifer and Charlie had the loving and close relationship one would expect from a father and daughter. They spent much of their time playing games with each other, practicing circus acts, or playing at Lu Lu World, and Lucifer would often serenade Charlie with his instruments whenever the princess would have trouble falling asleep or whenever she was upset, which would soothe her and allow her to fall asleep. Lucifer had planned on raising his daughter into becoming a worthy heir to his throne. Hilariously, his teachings primarily revolved around circus skills and the art of being a Ringmaster, rather than instilling the qualities needed for being Queen of Hell over. He also begrudgingly taught her her limited knowledge about the ways of Hell and the Universe, though Charlie later learned that these teachings were unreliable more often than not, as they came from Lucifer's twisted perspective.
However, their initially loving relationship took a drastic turn when Lucifer showed Charlie what the Exterminations truly were, taking her to Lu Lu World's Hall of Mirrors and showing her the nigh-genocide from the magical mirrors, which traumatized her immensely. Lucifer was indifferent to his daughter's trauma and used the Exterminations as a brutal lesson about the nature of Hell's ways, and he reminded the princess that she would one day govern over the realm as the ringmaster. This experience was what sent Charlie on the path to discover a way to end the annual Exterminations.
As the princess began taking an interest in the subjects of Heaven and redemption, Lucifer became increasingly crueller and more short-tempered with her, as he had forbidden her to learn such things. At one point, Charlie approached her father and explained to him a potential way to end the Exterminations by rehabilitating sinners so that they could ascend to Heaven. Lucifer initially laughed this off as he believed that Charlie was joking, but as it became clear that Charlie was serious about her plan, Lucifer became greatly upset by this, and reacted with extreme fury, ordering Charlie to leave his presence and never speak of Heaven again. However, Charlie persisted by begging Lucifer to give her a chance, but made the grave mistake of mentioning the name of Lucifer's Father, God. As memories of his fall flashed in his head, Lucifer lost his composure and became absolutely furious at the mention of his Father's name, striking Charlie across the face in a fit of rage, and had his guards drag the princess to her room and lock her away.
Following this incident, Lucifer and Charlie's relationship turned increasingly more unstable; he became crueler and short-tempered with her, even in subtle ways, such as telling cruel jokes at her expense which he failed to see the harm in. As a result, Lucifer began to lose hope in having Charlie as his successor, and although he convinced himself that the princess' fixation on Heaven and redemption was a simple "phase" that she would eventually snap out of, Charlie never gave up on her dream of rehabilitating sinners. At some point, Charlie and Lucifer had an undisclosed argument, in which the King of Hell called Charlie a "failure" and a "fuck up", almost completely severed ties with her, causing Charlie to leave the family castle with Razzle Dazzle and pursue her dreams on her own.
While Charlie and Lucifer would still rarely contact each other, these rare conversations were barely cordial, with Lucifer almost always mocking Charlie over her repeated failures to redeem sinners and giving her chances to return to the castle, which Charlie always refused. Lucifer also fell into a depressive stew over Charlie leaving the castle, which led to him secluding himself in Lu Lu World. This left Charlie feeling guilty, which Lucifer took advantage of to try and guilt-trip his daughter into returning to Castle Magne.
Eventually, in an act of desperation, Charlie asked her father if she could convert the Poison Apple, one of the Magne family's many resorts in the Pride Ring, into a hotel she could use to rehabilitate sinners, which had been a passion project of hers since her early teens. Although she braced for another outburst, Lucifer, to her surprise, actually gave her his permission to go ahead with the idea, to which Charlie thanked her father profusely and even hugged him for his supposed change of heart. Unbeknownst to Charlie, Lucifer had only allowed her to run the hotel as a joke, waiting in anticipation to see her idea fail, possibly to prove a point and teach his daughter a lesson. As Lucifer had predicted, Charlie was met with mockery and criticism from all across Hell when she pitched the idea of the hotel to the 666 News, much to his amusement.
When Lucifer discovered that Charlie obtained Heaven's Light seemingly from God Himself, their relationship grew even worse than ever. He became nonplussed and enraged as he believed God was trying to "indoctrinate" Charlie, and saw Charlie's goals as a complete insult to everything that he stood for all that time. He frequently tormented Charlie by sending his many henchmen and other demons (such as the Vees) to attack her and her friends, seemingly willing to do anything to impede Charlie's efforts, including trying to have her friends killed. When the Vees failed to carry out Lucifer's orders, Lucifer asked for help from Satan itself in corrupting Charlie. In the Chapter 3 penultimate episode "We Can Be Heroes", Lucifer stood by and allowed Charlie to nearly be corrupted by Satan, perfectly willing to let Charlie be stripped of her free will so long as it meant she could be converted into a worthy heir.
Charlie nearly broke down in tears and was visibly anxious while revealing to Manco that she was the daughter of Lucifer after neglecting to tell him prior, implying that she is somewhat ashamed to have Lucifer as her father and is reluctant to tell others out of fear of what they would think of her due to her father's crimes and reputation.
Despite their antagonistic relationship, Charlie did take Lucifer's advice of not letting unscrupulous demons walk all over her to heart, and it is clear that she still loves her father despite the horrible things he's done to her, as she warned her father to not confront Archangel Forti, as he could have seriously injured or erased Lucifer even in his weakened state. Charlie also evidently inherited many of her father's traits, such as his goofy showmanship, love for musical theater, and rebellious nature.
During Charlie's mission to reclaim the symbolic rubber ducks representing her friends from Lu Lu World, she came face to face with her father. They finally had the chance to catch up and express their concerns about each other's lives. Charlie was worried about her father's seclusion in Lu Lu World, pondering whether it was a healthy coping mechanism. Despite Lucifer's feverish efforts to defend his choices, Charlie gently addressed his self-destructive behavior. The King of Hell confessed that he had been retreating to Lu Lu World as a way to cope with feeling abandoned by his family and watching his idealized vision of a joyful Hell crumble over time, his pride crushed by Charlie's unrelenting resolve. Lucifer then asked Charlie why she still reached out to him despite everything he did to her, a question that clearly affected Charlie and left her speechless for several awkward seconds. Charlie expressed her desire for genuine happiness for everyone in Hell, including Lucifer. This vulnerable moment led to an initially awkward apology hug between them, which they both eventually embraced. Charlie assured Lucifer that once things calmed down at the Hazbin Hotel, they would collaborate as father and daughter to bring more fun to Hell.
Lilith is Charlie's mother. Overall, Charlie and Lilith mutually love each other, and Lilith has even gone as far as to describe Charlie as her pride and joy. Charlie and Lilith were very close during the former's childhood, with Lilith spending quality time with her daughter by teaching Charlie about the ways of Hell and the Universe, and bonding with the princess by teaching her how to ride a bike, reading her books, and letting Charlie do her hair. Lilith was also seen comforting a young Charlie when she experienced nightmares and was startled by a storm, softly singing the young princess back to sleep. Much like Lucifer, Lilith attempted to protect her daughter from the horrors of Hell by having Charlie lock herself in her room during Extermination Day in an attempt to spare her daughter from witnessing the carnage of the annual Exterminations, and would refuse to allow Lucifer to inform their daughter of the nature of the Exterminations.
In the present, Lilith and Charlie have a slightly strained relationship. As Charlie began to drift away from her childhood, Lilith no longer knew how to connect with her daughter, and when Charlie left the family castle and started the Happy Hotel, the distance only grew, as Lilith, like Lucifer, doe not believe that sinners can be absolved of their sins once cast into Hell. In addition, due to her concerts and duties as queen, Lilith has very limited time to talk to Charlie; this alone leaves quite a bit of emotional strain on the princess. Regardless, Charlie still loves her mother and far more comfortable confiding with Lilith over Lucifer, as Lilith was the first person Charlie turned to via phone call after her interview on the 666 News failed miserably. In addition, Lilith is still supportive of Charlie in her own way, as she attempted to convince Lucifer on allowing Charlie to pursue her dreams and find out the truths of the Universe for herself.
In "We Can Be Heroes", when Charlie was on the verge of being completely corrupted by Satan, she was comforted by a vision of Lilith, who reminded her daughter of the good she has done, the allies she has made, and that, even in her darkest moment, she is never alone, before showing Charlie a fortress made by the blessing of everyone she has saved and the many allies she has made on her journey. In a parallel to her fireworks display in the Pilot, Charlie climbed a fleet of stairs with her mother and fired the heart-shaped display of fireworks into the sky, creating a tower of light that purges the corruption within her soul.
- "And they isn't some 'cutsey wutsey, chaste couple' or anythin'. They fuck. I hear it at night. It's fuckin' disgusting."
- — Angel about Charlie and Vaggie.
- "You're the love of my life. You're my everything. And... I don't want you to think this in any negative way, but... I have so much power in Hell, and I could've done anything with it. But I want to spend my eternity with you... As my wife."
- — Charlie to Vaggie while proposing to her.
Charlie and Vaggie were a couple as well as best friends and fiancees. Charlie and Vaggie's initial encounter took place when Charlie, without hesitation, welcomed Vaggie into the Happy Hotel, unaware that Vaggie was an Exorcist sent by Azrael and Lute to assassinate her. To Vaggie's surprise, Charlie's kindness and upbeat demeanor shattered the preconceived notions ingrained by her superiors, who had conditioned her to believe that Charlie was inherently malevolent. Expressing her fervent desire to reform sinners for their path to Heaven, Charlie extended an open invitation for Vaggie to stay at the Happy Hotel as long as needed. Despite Vaggie's initial resolve to use an archangelic dagger to end Charlie's life while she slept, the emotional weight of the moment overwhelmed her, preventing her from carrying out the sinister act.
Remaining by Charlie's side, Vaggie found solace in her new environment, with Charlie assigning Razzle and Dazzle the responsibility of ensuring Vaggie's comfort by preparing breakfast and attending to her needs. When Vaggie faced abandonment from her ex-girlfriend, Velvette, Charlie sought to uplift her spirits by presenting a thoughtful gesture – a red bowtie. Despite Charlie's self-critical thoughts about not providing a grander gift, Vaggie was profoundly moved to tears by the simple yet heartfelt offering, as it was the first gift she had ever received from anyone. Charlie's compassionate gesture served as the pivotal catalyst that empowered Vaggie to completely abandon her mission of assassinating Charlie. Instead, she wholeheartedly embraced Charlie's mission of rehabilitating sinners, cementing a profound shift in her allegiance and purpose.
Vaggie was very supportive of Charlie and her dreams, as shown when she gave Charlie a thumbs up when the princess began her speech about the Happy Hotel to all of Hell. Vaggie and Charlie are also extremely protective of each other, as shown by Vaggie threatening or outright harming anyone who threatens or insults Charlie; she violently shoved a cameraman who called Charlie a "stupid bitch", and she even nearly killed Alastor with her angelic spear when the Radio Demon nearly killed the princess, not caring that he was under Satan's influence. Charlie similarly defends Vaggie, even splashing hot coffee in the face of a commercial director for harshly criticizing Vaggie's eyepatch and demanding that Vaggie be cut from the hotel's commercial. Vaggie was also determined to save Charlie when she was captured by Satan and Lucifer, seemingly having no qualms about fighting the Devil itself and the most powerful archangel in creation as long as it meant Charlie could be saved. Likewise, Charlie went into a demonic rage after Satan psychologically tortured Vaggie, and consoled her afterward when she had an emotional breakdown caused by the encounter. Vaggie also expressed concern when talking to Charlie about trusting Alastor, due to the Radio Demon's reputation as a deal maker and the atrocities he committed in the past, not wanting Charlie to get roped into Alastor's games, although Charlie insisted that she had everything under control.
Angel Dust has implied several times that Charlie and Vaggie's relationship is not only very romantic, but also very sexual. In private, Vaggie loves flirting with Charlie and speaking to her in a seductive way which the princess absolutely melts over.
Despite having a very loving and positive relationship, there have been rare moments where Charlie and Vaggie have been at odds with each other. Vaggie can often get frustrated by Charlie, as many a time has the princess failed to listen to her advice, and Vaggie knows that other demons will not listen to Charlie if she conveys her ideas the way she wants, as shown when Charlie started singing during her pitch of the Happy Hotel as a way to get the other demons interested in the hotel, even after Vaggie told her not to do so, which earned her ridicule from all across Hell and even made Vaggie facepalm. When the Happy Hotel crew were trapped in Purgatory, Vaggie and Charlie's relationship was highly contested following Millicent's death. When it became clear that Charlie was still determined to escape Purgatory, a despondent Vaggie became frustrated and, in an act of protection, left the dwindling hotel crew with the seven angels. Before leaving, Vaggie told Charlie that she still loved her, but didn't want to risk her endangering anyone else in the crew by trying another escape attempt.
Following this, Vaggie and Charlie would not see each other for eight years, until Vaggie was captured by the Queen Spider on Aranae. After Charlie was informed that Vaggie was in danger, she was determined to save her, but was noticeably nervous about the prospect of seeing Vaggie again, especially since their last interaction was anything but positive. After searching in the Queen Spider's chamber, Charlie found Vaggie, unconscious, and brought her to a safer place. When Vaggie woke up, she was confused and disoriented, believing that Charlie was a hallucination, and panicked when she found out Charlie was real and the children are gone, although Charlie calmed Vaggie down by informing her that the children were safe. While fighting the Queen Spider's offspring side-by-side, Charlie and Vaggie began arguing after Charlie inquired on why Vaggie left the hotel crew those eight years ago, to which Vaggie furiously replied that she knew the crew had no chance of escaping Purgatory, so she stopped trying before anyone else was injured or killed. When Charlie confronted Vaggie on why she took the seven angels, Vaggie said that she was the only one qualified to protect them, especially since Charlie had enough on her hands protecting Manco, and everyone else on the crew aren't exactly role models. Charlie and Vaggie ended their argument, agreeing to take out the Queen Spider.
While on their mission to deal with the Queen Spider, Charlie and Vaggie begin to share many cute moments and secrets with each other, starting when Vaggie admitted that it was fun "having kids", before nervously back-tracking due to her choice of wording. Charlie comforted Vaggie by saying that she loved taking care of Manco as well. Charlie and Vaggie then shared an awkward, yet tender moment when Charlie asked Vaggie if she would like to share a kid together, which took Vaggie aback and caused her to blush, although but the moment is ruined when the Queen Spider attacked both of them. While fighting the Queen and its offspring together, Vaggie agreed to have a child with Charlie, but only on the condition that they were better parents than the Queen Spider, which caused Charlie to laugh and smile. After defeating the Queen Spider together, Charlie and Vaggie successfully rekindled their love and shared a heartwarming kiss.
Over time, Charlie found herself contemplating the idea of marrying Vaggie, initiating numerous comically mishandled "proposals" using other people and inanimate objects as stand-ins. However, beneath the surface of these humorous attempts, Charlie grappled with the genuine concern that by tying the knot, she might inadvertently bind Vaggie to the perpetual operation of the Hazbin Hotel. Wary of imposing such a weighty responsibility on Vaggie, Charlie stumbled through a practice proposal, utilizing Lux as a stand-in, even going so far as to have Lux shapeshift into Vaggie's likeness. Struggling with her fears, Charlie confided in Lux, expressing her worry about trapping Vaggie in the hotel's affairs. In response, Lux reassured Charlie that Vaggie's commitment wasn't contingent on a ring or any formalities, offering unwavering support and emboldening Charlie to move forward with confidence.
- "Vaggie: I'll try not to hold you back anymore, alright, hun?
Charlie: (giggles) You don't hold me back, babe! I... I need to work on listening to you more often. (Charlie kisses Vaggie passionately and groans playfully) I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! ... (Charlie notices Lux watching over them, who gives Charlie a knowing wink; the princess darts her eyes awkwardly and begins sweating slightly) Sooo, uh, Vaggie... (Charlie slowly gets on one knee in front of Vaggie) I know this is a hella awkward time, but... (Charlie presents a ring to Vaggie as the sinner's eyes widen) ...Will, uh... Will you marry me?
Vaggie: (Vaggie's eyes widen further, and she freezes with a mix of shock and excitement; she gasps and places both hands to her chest, tears slowly forming in her eyes as she looks down at Charlie's hopeful and loving eyes looking back at her) W- What.. You're... Proposing... To me?
Charlie: (Charlie giggles nervously) Sorry I'm late.. But, yes... Yes, I am.
Vaggie: (Vaggie begins full-on crying and shaking her head) I'm sorry... I- I- I can't!
Charlie: (Charlie frowns) Of course you can!
Vaggie: (Vaggie buries her face into her hands) NO! I... I don't deserve you...
Charlie: (Charlie stands up and puts her hand on Vaggie's shoulder) Sweetie, look at me, please... (Vaggie lifts her head up, facing Charlie with tears streaming down her face) You're the love of my life. You're my everything. And... I don't want you to think this in any negative way, but... I have so much power in Hell, and I could've done anything with it. But I want to spend my eternity with you... As my wife. Doesn't that say something? I know our relationship hasn't been perfect, but what relationship is? I know for a fact we'll make things work! If not for Hell, then for us.
Vaggie: But... I'm not... A noble...W- W- What will everyone think? All the other royals? Your parents...
Charlie: Vaggie... I don't care what anybody will think of us. I want everyone to know how much I love you and how important you are. And if anyone has a problem with us... Then they can kiss my ass. (Charlie giggles a little) So... I ask you... Please marry me, angel of mine?
Vaggie: (after a pause, Vaggie wraps her arms around Charlie's neck and kisses her lengthily) ...Sí, lo haré, mi amor..
Charlie: (blushes) Oh, my! You... You really mean it? Ohmigosh, ohmigosh, you mean it, you mean it!!! (Charlie immediately grabs Vaggie and lifts her off the ground in an embrace, twirling the sinner while using her angelic wings to fly both of them in the air while they share a passionate kiss) Ahahaha!!! I LOVE YOU, VAGGIE!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!" - — Charlie proposes to Vaggie after the conflict at FizzarOzzie's.
When Asmodeus exposed Vaggie's dark secret of being a fallen Exterminator secret to Charlie after luring the two into a confrontation at FizzarOzzie's, Charlie was clearly at a loss for words, though her mood changed when she saw Vaggie breaking down in tears. After a moment of contemplation, Charlie came to Vaggie's support, embracing her tightly in her emotional state and quickly rationalizing that Vaggie regretted her past and had always supported Charlie despite keeping her secrets from her. Shortly afterward, Charlie finally asked for Vaggie's hand in marriage. When an emotional Vaggie initially refused Charlie's proposal as she believed she did not deserve the princess and was not good enough for her, Charlie assured Vaggie that she was more than worthy of her love due to her undying loyalty and that there was no sinner or demon she would want to spend eternity with. Vaggie agreed to Charlie's proposal and the two embraced in a tearful kiss.
Razzle and Dazzle
During her childhood, Razzle and Dazzle were Charlie's favorite stuffed animals. At some point in her youth, Lucifer brought the two dolls to life and appointed them as her bodyguards. Charlie loves Razzle and Dazzle dearly, having spent the majority of her life with them almost always by her side. Razzle and Dazzle were often Charlie's only companions during her sheltered childhood, and the bond that developed between them was a close one. She is often seen cuddling with them while sleeping in her bed, and in return they are fiercely protective of the princess and are undyingly loyal to her, to the point of betraying Lucifer, their own creator, to assist Charlie in her goals. When Charlie was left crying after Lucifer confronted her about the Hazbin Hotel, Razzle and Dazzle appeared to comfort and cuddle the princess, which slightly lifted her mood.
Razzle and Dazzle frequently protect Charlie and the hotel crew throughout the series, ever ready to lay down their lives to protect the princess, and they were the only members of the hotel crew who stuck with Charlie and Manco for eight years in Purgatory after the hotel crew fell out.
Cerberus is one of the Magne family's pets, and was raised by the royal family since it was a pup. Charlie appears to love Cerberus dearly, having grown up with it, and it is shown to reciprocate her love, although it is implied that the two haven't seen each other since Charlie left the castle. Although Cerberus is aggressive and outright deadly against other entities, even the Magne family's servants, it is nothing but loving and obedient towards Charlie and her family. As shown on portraits throughout the Hazbin Hotel, Charlie was the one who selected Cerberus as the family pet, and was shown hugging him tightly while it was a pup.
Calcifer was a close friend of Charlie in her childhood. Due to Charlie having a rather sheltered, royal life growing up, Calcifer, being one of Lucifer's consultants, mentored her about many things, even things Lucifer had forbidden her to learn of, from the nature of Hell, to life on Earth. While sharing forbidden texts of Heaven with Charlie, Calcifer indirectly became one of her sources of inspiration for starting the Happy Hotel, due to his sharing the stories of Creation and God to Charlie.
Due to his experience and intelligence, Calcifer also frequently provides Charlie with information that she or her friends could use; it was because of Calcifer that Charlie discovered what Heaven's Light was, as well as finding out about Manco's existence and imprisonment.
- "Both: We may not agree on everything as far as we can tell
But we both want this new venture to do well
Alastor: So, with her passion
Charlie: And his power
Both: And this rinky-dink hotel
We might just bring some Heaven to Hell!" - — Alastor and Charlie during their duet, Heaven 2 Hell.
Upon witnessing Charlie's disastrous interview on the 666 News, Alastor, the Radio Demon, paid an unexpected visit to the Happy Hotel. Charlie's initial reaction to the notorious and enigmatic figure was one of fear, causing her to hastily slam the door in his face. However, after some contemplation and Vaggie's warning, Charlie reconsidered and cautiously reopened the door, allowing Alastor to enter.
Inside the hotel, Alastor proposed his offer to support and assist in running the Happy Hotel. He candidly admitted that his motivation for doing so was primarily rooted in "sheer, absolute boredom." Despite this, when Charlie inquired about his thoughts on the possibility of rehabilitating sinners, Alastor made it abundantly clear that he regarded the hotel's ideals as "wacky nonsense" and believed that sinners were inherently beyond redemption. His interest lay in witnessing the futile struggles of sinners attempting to redeem themselves and watching them descend deeper into despair as a result.
While Charlie was acutely aware of Alastor's dubious past and infamous rapid rise to becoming an Overlord, she recognized the changes he had implemented at the hotel and the effectiveness of his methods in attracting new patients. Despite her reservations, she decided to enlist the Radio Demon's help in her mission. However, she steadfastly refused to make a deal with him, fully aware that Alastor's trustworthiness as a deal-maker was questionable at best.
Charlie and Alastor engage in frequent brainstorming sessions for the Hazbin Hotel, but their differing opinions often lead to clashes regarding the hotel's direction. Charlie envisions the hotel as a place of comfort, encouragement, and charity, where sinners can find redemption and support. In contrast, Alastor harbors a belief that the hotel should be used to either torment sinners or cater to their dark and sinful interests. One recurring point of contention between them is the hotel's name. Charlie finds "the Hazbin Hotel" to be degrading to their patients, reflecting her desire for a more compassionate and inclusive image. On the other hand, Alastor favors the name "Hazbin Hotel" to deride the establishment's patients.
Alastor often acts as the devil on Charlie's shoulder, pushing or convincing her into making cutthroat and morally dubious choices and decisions seemingly in the name of reforming sinners.
Despite their disagreements and Charlie's awareness of Alastor's untrustworthiness, she values his company and patronage at the hotel. The two form an effective duo, combining their unique strengths and perspectives to drive the hotel's mission forward. While their differing visions for the hotel's role in Hell create tension, their collaboration remains a pivotal element in the series, highlighting the complexity of their relationship and their ability to work together toward a common goal.
While Charlie was initially intimidated by Alastor, she grew a genuine friendship with him as she began to witness his more affable side more often than not. As a result, she grew to trust Alastor more, and became convinced that he could be redeemed if given the chance. She grew to care deeply about Alastor, despite his many flaws and disinterest in redemption, and is the only person who believes that he can reformed. After Alastor was exposed to Heaven's Light and began to long for his mother, the notice took notice and attempted to comfort him, although the Radio Demon became slightly agitated and politely asked Charlie to leave him be. Charlie gave Alastor his space, informing him that she would be there for him if he ever needed her. Later, when Alastor was possessed by Satan and nearly killed Charlie, she still held no malice against Alastor, and refused to harm him when Satan used the Radio Demon's vessel to attack her when she was searching for him.
Angel Dust
- "There’s a lot more to you than you think there is, Angel!"
- — Charlie to Angel Dust after he accepts her proposition to be the Happy Hotel's first patient.
Charlie and Angel Dust first met each other when Charlie invited him into her limousine with Vaggie while Angel was streetwalking. Mistaking their intentions, Angel insisted that he'd have to charge extra to have sex with women, but Charlie clarified that they were only interested in talking. After she agreed to pay him for his time, Angel entered the limo, where Vaggie explained to him the concept of the Happy Hotel as a testing ground to prove whether it would be possible to redeem a damned soul and gain them entry to Heaven. Charlie and Vaggie offered Angel free meals, housing, and protection from the Pride Ring's dangers in exchange for agreeing to enter the program, but Angel instead made fun of the idea and didn't take it seriously. Even when Vaggie inquired to Charlie that Angel was the person she wanted to enlist, Charlie affirmed her belief in Angel. As Angel continued to mock them, Vaggie suggested to Charlie that Angel was no good to them, which agitated Angel and made him agreed to take part, using the excuse of being behind on rent as the primary motivation. As Angel was about to leave to continue his evening's work since he was short on money, Charlie gave him a wad of cash. When Angel assumed it was a trick, Charlie explained that it was an investment in him, because she believes that there is more to Angel than how he or others see him. She then thanked him for his time, leaving a stunned Angel on the sidewalk outside.
In the Hazbin Hotel, Charlie and Angel have a relationship akin to a mother and her unruly child, which Angel Dust even lampshades by jokingly referring to Charlie as his "mom". She frequently has told Angel Dust to clean up the messes he causes at the hotel, sets bedtimes for him, and punishes him with time-outs whenever he misbehaves.
Despite his habits of mocking Charlie and poking fun at the hotel's failure, the princess' faith in him has progressively endeared her to Angel, due to her being one of the few people in Hell who cared for him and saw him as more than just a sex object. When Angel noticed how his taunting was upsetting Charlie after her pitch on the 666 News failed, he almost apologized, but, knowing he could possibly make it worse, decided to walk away and leave her alone. During a confrontation with the Vee, Angel even saved her from being killed by Valentino, shoving her out of the way when the moth demon attempted to shoot her with a holy bullet, which resulted in Angel getting injured. Later, when Valentino and his associates attempted to recapture Angel from the Hazbin Hotel, Charlie protected Angel and refused to hand him back to Valentino just to be returned to a life of forced prostitution. Later, when Alastor was possessed by Satan and mortally wounded Charlie, to the point of her losing consciousness, Angel ran to the princess' side and shielded her from Alastor.
When Charlie was captured by Satan and Lucifer, Angel Dust was determined to save her, so much so that he got into a physical fight with Fergus upon the latter claiming that saving Charlie and escaping Purgatory was pointless.
Charlie and Fergus met when Angel Dust brought him into the hotel after he had helped Angel Dust escape from Porn Studios. Upon seeing Fergus, she was ecstatic to have him as a patient and greeted him with open arms. When Fergus stated that he was just with Angel Dust and had no plans of staying at the hotel, Charlie became slightly despondent, but told him that the hotel's doors were always open to him. Much to the princess' joy, Fergus accepted her offer, after being coerced into staying at the hotel by Alastor without Charlie's knowledge, although he warned the princess that his chances of redemption were next to nothing. Charlie was unaffected and insisted that she could help him better himself. In many of their interactions, Fergus' sarcastic and occasional surly deposition plays off with Charlie's bubbly nature, leading to many comedic interactions between the two.
After the hotel crew were trapped in Purgatory, Fergus chose to split the crew into two teams, with Charlie on the team opposite to Fergus. In "Into the Darkness", Fergus rescued Charlie from being lost in space after the princess attempted to stop Alastor from entering the black hole, risking his life to save hers. Soon after, Fergus and Charlie's relationship took a turn following Millicent's death; Fergus chose to abandon the princess and the hotel crew, having lost hope in escaping Purgatory and weary of the drama stirring in the hotel crew. Charlie futilely begged Fergus to stay with the team, and was heartbroken after he left and the hotel crew continued dwindling.
After the eight year timeskip, Charlie and Manco were rescued from the Chosen by Fergus, along with Angel Dust, Cherri Bomb, Husk, and the seven angels. With the effects of their last interaction still lingering, Fergus and Charlie were only able to awkwardly greet each other in their first interaction in eight years. Later, when she found herself alone with Fergus in Baxter's ship, Charlie inquired why Fergus did not believe that he could be redeemed. Fergus confessed to Charlie his biggest secret of being a fallen angel, and his role in aiding Lucifer in the War in Heaven, which resulted in him being banished to Hell, and "cursed" with a lifetime of misery and trauma. Although the princess was visibly astonished at this revelation, she reassured him that his past crimes and trauma would not define him, and it would be his choices made in the future that would show who he really was.
When Charlie was taken by Lucifer and Satan, although initially hesitant at first, Fergus chose to go to Satan's domain and rescue her. After Fergus was the last one standing among the hotel crew, he begged Charlie to resist Satan's corruption and fight back, but (on the surface) she appeared to ignore him. Fergus continued trying to reach through Charlie, getting personal by telling Charlie that she gave him purpose when they first met, and even though he left her and the others, admits that she saved his life. Despite Fergus' attempts, Charlie still shows no signs of listening and remained motionless. After Charlie freed herself after fighting off Satan's corruption and the hotel crew managed to escape Purgatory, Charlie gave an emotional speech to the hotel crew, saying that although they endured great pain and trauma in Purgatory, they could still get through it together and come out stronger than ever, reiterating Fergus' words he had said to her in Purgatory. Afterward, Charlie stopped Fergus in a hall and assured him that she heard everything he said to her back in Purgatory, which brought a smile to his face.
Husk is Charlie's employee and co-worker. Upon seeing Husk after Alastor summoned him to the hotel, Charlie greeted Husk with her usual bubbly enthusiasm, telling the surly sinner that he would love being at the hotel, though Husk reacted to the princesses' proclamation with cold indifference.
Overtime, Charlie and Husk have proved to be very good friends to each other despite their cold start. Charlie tries to motivate Husk into becoming a patient of the hotel and remind him of his softer side, though Husk shoots her down due to his belief that he is beyond redemption. Husk often advises Charlie to not let her ability to see the best in people get her hurt in the long run. When Charlie was particularly upset over her father's words and the hotel's lack of success, Husk comforted her with his sage wisdom, which lifted Charlie's spirits as she had never seen his softer side before then.
When Charlie saw Husk break down crying alone in the aftermath of Vaggie's death, she comforted him with a hug.
Niffty is Charlie's employee and coworker. Charlie appreciates Niffty dealing with the Hazbin Hotel's bee, rat, and cockroach infestations, but is also slightly creeped out by Niffty due to her psychotic tendencies, such as her love for killing things and tendency to stalk the hotel's male occupants. Charlie protected Niffty when an angered Vaggie nearly threw her off a roof after being fed up with her shenanigans.
Rosie is a good friend and passing mother figure to Charlie. Charlie frequently turns to Rosie for support, guidance, and counsel, recognizing her as a highly successful Overlord and accomplished businesswoman. Rosie possesses a remarkable talent for making things happen and boasts seemingly boundless resources, making her an invaluable ally to Charlie.
Rosie's extensive knowledge and access to a wide range of information and resources make her an indispensable asset in Charlie's quest to achieve her goals. Whether it's seeking advice, assistance, or solutions to various challenges, Charlie knows she can rely on Rosie to provide the guidance and support she needs. Their close bond and Rosie's unwavering commitment to helping Charlie solidify her position as one of the princess's most dependable and resourceful allies.
- "I loved taking care of Manco. These past eight years have been really difficult, but he was always there to remind me of the joys of life. I don't think I could have made it without him."
- — Charlie to Vaggie about Manco.
Charlie first heard of Manco by Calcifer, intrigued by the idea of an angel who went missing from Heaven. With assistance from a witch demon, Charlie was able to mentally travel to Purgatory, where the angel was being kept. Upon approaching Manco in his cage, the princess was surprised to see that Manco was very young, no younger than six years old. She tried to greet him, but he recoiled in fear at the sight of her, begging her not to hurt him. She promptly calmed him down, assuring him that she meant no harm and was there to help him. Charlie realized the severity of Manco's situation when Manco then pointed to something behind her , and she turned around to see the decaying corpses of thousands of alternate versions of Manco, all piled into several mountains of mutilated bodies. Absolutely mortified by this and even more determined to save him, Charlie promised Manco that she and her friends would free him. Even when Manco warned the princess that something truly malevolent was waiting for her, Charlie refused to leave him behind, and comforted the child by placing her hand on his. This tender moment is ruined, however, as Manco's captor, Satan, manifested and reveals itself, causing Manco to panic and frantically tell Charlie to run. The princess attempted to break Manco out of his cage, but Satan blocked her off from him by surrounding Manco's cage in large stalagmites, forcing Charlie to reluctantly leave Manco behind.
After this encounter, Charlie expressed her determination to free Manco, stating that no child should go through the pain and torment he was going through, even when Death warned her that she would be invoking the wrath of Satan itself, Charlie said she simply didn't care. Once the hotel crew finally freed Forti and entered Purgatory, specifically Manco's prison dimension, Charlie was able to use the final Temporal Key to unlock Manco's cage, finally freeing the young angel from his prison. This caused Manco to break down in joyful tears and, having been endeared to the princess, hugged her tightly as a sign of gratitude, to which Charlie immediately reciprocated. However, the two were given no reprieve as Satan and its army appeared before them, having been waiting for the hotel crew to arrive. Charlie immediately stood in front of Manco, refusing to let Satan harm him again. When Satan ordered the Army of Darkness to attack Charlie and the hotel crew, she viciously protected Manco from Satan's creations, before taking him with her and the hotel crew when Forti began fighting off Satan's forces to give the princess and the others time to escape.
When the Happy Hotel crew temporarily split up to find methods of escaping Purgatory, Manco went with Charlie, Alastor, and Niffty, where they met and were eventually joined by Millicent and seven angel children. Whilst Charlie's group were asleep in a cave, Manco woke up from a nightmare involving Satan, and began suffering a panic attack. Charlie, awoken by Manco's screaming, rushed over to him and calmed him down with a hug, and assured him that he was safe with her and the others. Manco is still shaken, so Charlie sang him a lullaby that her mother, Lilith, used to sing to her. The lullaby successfully calmed Manco down, and he fell back asleep while cuddling Charlie.
After Alastor went missing after an encounter with Satan, Manco comforted Charlie with a hug, having noticed that she had become dismayed Charlie confessed to him that she was going to save Alastor, to which Manco frantically begged her not to do, knowing that Satan would be waiting for her. Despite Manco's pleas, Charlie insists that she would be alright, and when Manco asked if he could come with the princess to keep her safe, she gently refused to let him as she did not want to risk anything bad happening to him. Before she left, Charlie gave Heaven's Light to the young angel, telling him to keep it safe while she was gone, and to stay on the ship with the others. She embraced Manco a final time, before leaving to go on her perilous mission, leaving Manco sitting on her bed, downhearted. After Charlie returned from her mission, which resulted in Millicent being killed by Satan and Forti being poisoned, Manco was still waiting for her where she last left him, Heaven's Light still in his hands. Manco, relieved that the princess was okay, flew over to her and hugged her, and asking her to never go back to Satan's domain. Charlie, brought to tears, reciprocated his hug, promising him that she wouldn't.
When the Happy Hotel crew split apart following Millicent's death, Manco stayed with Charlie and Razzle and Dazzle. During these years, the princess continued protecting Manco, and their close relationship developed further. At some point during this time, Charlie told Manco a story about a young girl who was terrorized by her father, Lucifer Magne, the King of Hell. Fortunately, the little girl was able to escape her wicked father, and moved into a lovely home with her new-found friends. This was Charlie's way of telling Manco that she was Lucifer's daughter, which she reluctantly revealed to him shortly after. Having heard many stories of Lucifer before, Manco was shocked that Charlie could be his daughter. Fearing that Manco would leave or be afraid of her, Charlie tearfully assured Manco that she was nothing like her father and would never hurt him. Manco, in turn, assured Charlie that he thought she was very brave for defying her father, and the two embraced each other.
Charlie's protectiveness of Manco was further displayed when she and Manco were captured by the Chosen. Charlie displayed violent fury upon seeing the Divine had mind controlled Manco and was dragging the child using a magical noose. Charlie become incredibly distraught and agitated, begging the Divine to let Manco go. When the Divine refused to free him, Charlie accessed her Full Demon Form while threatening to kill the Divine and the cult. The Divine was forced to use immobilization magic on Charlie to calm the princess down. Charlie was shown crying upon seeing Manco's tragic life on Earth as the Divine looked through his memories. When the Divine ordered her cult to torture and kill Manco to appease Satan, Charlie futility thrashed around in an attempt to break free. Once finally freed from her binds by Angel Dust, Fergus, Cherri Bomb, Husk, and the seven angels, Charlie, enraged after what the Divine had put Manco through, angrily attacked the supernatural cult leader, driving her away. When Manco began crying after the traumatic experience, Charlie tenderly comforted him with a hug as he cried into her chest.
With Manco now residing in the hotel until Charlie could safely return him to Heaven, they have continued to bond, with Manco even teaching Charlie how to fly using her angelic wings, allowing her to master her ability and be less clumsy as a result. Manco also comforted Charlie after her disastrous dinner with the Von Eldritch family.
Charlie's Angels
Charlie has limited interactions with Amelia, Christopher, Megara, James, Simon, Giulia, and Arthur, but it is clear that she cares deeply about the children, helping them escape from Purgatory and allowing them into the Hazbin Hotel until she could safely return them. When Megara began crying as she became overwhelmed from Millicent's death, Charlie was the only member of the hotel crew who reached out to her. Megara, unable to compose herself, hugged the princess for support when Charlie kneeled to her level, to which the princess tenderly reciprocated and took her outside to have a heart-to-heart conversation and comfort her about Millicent.
Sir Pentious
- "Charlie: (waving to him) Hi, Pentious!
Sir Pentious: (in a steampunk robot mech suit) Greetings, princessss!
Charlie: Lemme guess, gonna try to conquer Pentagram City again?
Sir Pentious: Why, yes I am! My new automaton is fully operational, and now I will use it to unleash total mass destruction upon the entire Pentagram! (he laughs evilly and runs down a nearby street out of sight; after a pause, an explosion occurs and a battered Pentious is launched in the air, landing in front of Charlie, covered in soot)
Charlie: Soooo, how'd it go...?
Sir Pentious: There's a few kinks to work out..." - — Charlie and Sir Pentious greeting each other.
Charlie possesses a unique and surprisingly fond relationship with Sir Pentious, despite his numerous attempts to conquer Hell. Their connection is rooted in the fact that Sir Pentious is one of the few constants in Pentagram City, and this familiarity has led to a friendly rapport between them. When they cross paths, they exchange polite greetings and engage in civil conversations, a stark departure from the ridicule and mockery Pentious typically faces from others in Hell. Charlie stands out as one of the few individuals who refrains from mocking him for his failures.
Even during Pentious' attack on the Happy Hotel in an attempt to destroy Alastor, Charlie's demeanor towards him remains surprisingly warm. In a brief moment, she is seen smiling at him.
However, their relationship takes a more meaningful turn when Pentious seeks refuge at the Hazbin Hotel after being initially turned away by Husk. Charlie intervenes and allows him inside, where he expresses his weariness of being seen as a failure and questions his purpose in the world. In a heartfelt moment, Charlie offers Pentious a motivational song, highlighting the remarkable machines he has built and emphasizing his uniqueness as a soul with inherent worth. She encourages him to redirect his talents towards positive endeavors and excel in a different way. In a touching display of compassion, Charlie extends an invitation for him to stay at the Hazbin Hotel, an offer Pentious finds himself unable to refuse when faced with her unwavering kindness and encouragement.
- "Charlie: Sooo, Baxter! You claim to be an inventor-
Baxter: 'Claim'? I AM an inventor, wench! You've zeen mein work!
Charlie: And it is fabulous! Tell me, which of your inventions is your favorite?
Baxter: Oh mein Gott, of course it's ze neurotoxin! It's ze perfect way to deter and eliminate ze competition and any nosey Nancies snooping in mein lab! And how could I forget mein automatons, microscopic thingz which attach zhemselves to people's brains vhen they fall aslee- (Baxter trails off) Um... Did you mean mein favourite invention in ze hotel or in general?
Charlie: (she looks disturbed) In... the hotel...
Baxter: (hurriedly) Ze coffee maker! Of cooourse, I mean ze coffee maker! It's a marvel of invention... even if it is slow and creaky and unreliable and unsafe and-" - — Charlie interviewing Baxter for a job as the hotel's maintenance technician.
Charlie has an on-off relationship with Baxter. She prides him as the hotel's "gizmo guy", finds him cute, and gave him a job as the hotel's maintenance technician, as well as a lab to work in solitude as he requested, as thanks for his efforts to help herself and the crew escape Purgatory. Charlie holds much respect for Baxter’s intelligence and skills as an inventor, recognizing his talents even as she often finds his creations and methods disturbing or hazardous. However, where the two find themselves at odds at is Charlie's "Luddite" restrictions on his scientific pursuits; the princess frequently prevents him from conducting dangerous experiments on the hotel staff and guests, and Baxter sees her refusal as stifling his work and hindering "progress."
Baxter typically oscillates between respecting Charlie and freely insulting her; for example, he typically refers to her as "Prinzessin", respecting her royal titles, but will just as often hurl misogynistic insults at her, such as calling her a "wench" in moments of comical anger. Charlie’s insistence on ethical boundaries—like denying him a gold star for using inventions to help the hotel's community service in a way she views as cheating—only intensifies Baxter's exasperation. Despite this, they are a rather goofy and silly pair, with Baxter's over-the-top rants and Charlie’s reluctant but sincere praise for his safer inventions.
Charlie used to babysit Octavia for Stolas and Stella, thus she has known Octavia for most of her life and shares a very close bond with her. Charlie views Octavia as a little sister and is caring and protective of her, acting sympathetic to her plight and family life. She is always willing to lend a helping hand and comfort her during her times of need, even giving Octavia her phone number so she could call Charlie whenever she needs support.
After Bethesda and Stella announced their engagement, Charlie went to the Goetia mansion to check on Octavia, worried that she was not taking the news very well. Upon seeing Octavia again and the Goetia princess hugging her, Charlie knew something was wrong and took Octavia to the Hazbin Hotel, despite Stella advising the princess not to do so for the sake of Octavia's reputation. When Octavia told Charlie that she did not have to mother her, Charlie told Octavia that she did not want her to feel alone at the hotel and encouraged the princess to make friends with the right people, which led her to forging a close bond with Crymini.
In some ways, Charlie is a far better mother figure to Octavia than the princesses' actual mother, Stella.
Seviathan Von Eldritch
Charlie met Millicent after the angel rescued Manco from one of Purgatory's many vicious creatures. Upon seeing Millicent, Charlie was taken aback by seeing another angel, and appeared to be somewhat infatuated with her, blushing and stammering over her words upon seeing her for the first time. Millicent invited Charlie and her friends to her "home" in Purgatory, where she taught the princess how she survived in Purgatory by hunting its wildlife. Charlie was relieved when Millicent agreed with Charlie's ideas to redeem sinners, considering it a breath of fresh air for someone to actually believe in her.
When Charlie attempted to stealthily leave the hotel crew so that she could rescue Alastor from Satan alone, Millicent was wise to the princess' plan and joined Charlie on her mission. While the two waited on an asteroid, Charlie confessed to Millicent that she was not sure if escaping Purgatory was possible and also confessed that she was not completely sure if redemption was possible. Millicent comforted the princess by telling her to stay close to the allies she has gained through the Hazbin Hotel and that she believed in her.
When the two confronted Satan together to rescue Alastor, Millicent displayed her protectiveness over Charlie, keeping the princess close to her as they wandered through the darkness of Satan's domain, and defensively standing in front of her when the Devil appeared before them. When Satan attempted to manipulate Charlie by telling her that Forti was evil, Millicent told Charlie to not listen to anything the Devil had to say. After Charlie refused to join Satan's crusade and the Devil sent its underlings to kill her, Millicent viciously defended the princess from the onslaught, even jumping in front of creature who attempted to attack Charlie from behind, and using her shield to defend them both from the poisonous spikes the Devil had sent to them.
Following Millicent's death at the hands of Satan, Charlie was left utterly distraught and with a feeling that she was responsible for Millicent's death, and was shown crying heavily during the angel's funeral. She even suffered horrific nightmares of Millicent's death with her holding the sword that killed the angel, while Millicent's corpse cursed her for causing her death. However, Charlie was able to eventually rationalize that Millicent would not have blamed her for her death.
Corey and Peel
Charlie's initial interactions with Lucifer's servants, Corey and Peel, were characterized by a degree of neutrality, marked by polite but somewhat awkward greetings during their encounters. However, Corey and Peel's attitude towards Charlie exhibited a remarkable degree of volatility, oscillating between lavish praise when Lucifer treated her well and mocking cruelty when Lucifer's behavior mirrored their mockery.
Despite their often hurtful remarks, Charlie's compassionate nature led her to feel sympathy for Corey and Peel when Lucifer abruptly dismissed them from Castle Magne and forced them to reside in the impoverished slums of Hell. Witnessing their destitute condition moved Charlie to extend a helping hand, and she offered the "apple bois" both shelter and employment at her hotel, where they assumed the roles of bellboys. A pivotal moment in solidifying their loyalty to Charlie occurred when they joined her in a trio, singing together. This shared musical experience seemed to bridge the gap between them, and Corey and Peel accepted her offer of employment at the hotel with genuine enthusiasm. This act of kindness ultimately transformed their relationship from one of awkward neutrality into a genuine sense of loyalty and camaraderie towards Charlie.
Despite their time with each other being short, Charlie regarded Oswald, the last cherub alive in Purgatory, as a friend and helpful ally. When Oswald attacked the hotel crew in a paranoid rage, Charlie was the one who defused the situation and talked the cherub down, and when Oswald begged Charlie to let him hold Heaven's Light, she allowed him to do so with a bit of hesitation, which subsequently earned her and the hotel crew his trust. Shortly afterward, Charlie and Oswald shared a conversation with each other where she asked him how he managed to survive in Purgatory for a billion years, to which Oswald said that he held onto hope, even in the darkest of times, which the princess smiled warmly to in response. When Oswald declared to Charlie that the seven angels and Manco would have to come with him to Heaven so they may be safely returned home, Charlie was not angry at him as she understood that the children would be safer in Heaven.
When Oswald was horrifically erased from existence by Lucifer, he begged Charlie to save him as he faded away and screamed in agony. Charlie was frozen in absolute horror at his fate, clearly devastated and sickened by his loss.
Carmilla Carmine
At the onset of their association, Charlie and Carmilla had a rather tense dynamic. It was evident that Carmilla harbored a dim view of Charlie, disgusted by the princesses' perceived naivety. In fact, Carmilla went as far as expressing that if Charlie were one of her pupils, she would make Charlie's experience so mortifying that the princess would crawl into a hole and die. Charlie, on the other hand, displayed a palpable sense of intimidation in Carmilla's presence, holding deep respect for her influence and business acumen. Despite her own self-esteem struggles, Charlie endeavored to maintain a respectful and polite demeanor toward the formidable Overlord.
When Charlie and her companions paid a visit to Carmilla's grand mansion with the hope of forging an alliance against the Exterminators, no amount of politeness on Charlie's part could sway Carmilla. Carmilla staunchly believed that the Extermination was inevitable, an unpreventable force. Her impatience was palpable as she swiftly made it clear that she'd resort to threatening the lives of Charlie and her friends if they squandered her time. With their efforts to strike a deal falling flat, Charlie and her group decided to make a hasty exit. Yet, Carmilla remained unwavering in her intent to eliminate them. In the ensuing confrontation, Charlie and Carmilla found themselves locked in a personal duel. This clash revealed Charlie's unique immunity to angelic bullets and Carmilla's superior physical prowess. Despite both inflicting injuries upon each other, the battle concluded inconclusively. Carmilla cautioned Charlie about the enmity she had stirred and vowed to harm those close to her, eventually permitting them to depart, if only temporarily. However, when Carmilla threatened Charlie's friends and the patients in her hotel, Charlie's anger flared into an uncontrollable fury, vowing a painful death for Carmilla if she dared to follow through with her threats.
In a subsequent turn of events, Charlie found herself coming to Carmilla's aid when Izzi threatened the life of the Overlord. Leveraging her unique abilities, Charlie conjured a protective shield around Carmilla and mended her wounds. This unexpected act of compassion took Carmilla by surprise, since she figured the princess would want an eye for an eye after their last encounter. After this encounter, Carmilla expresses genuine gratitude to Charlie for her lifesaving intervention, a stark contrast to their initial meetings. She vows to repay this favor in the future, demonstrating a newfound respect for Charlie. The two even seal their agreement with a handshake, although Carmilla humorously clarifies that this gesture doesn't transform them into friends. With a playful grin, she demands Charlie to leave her mansion.
Carmilla later fulfills her debt to Charlie by assisting the princess in fending off the Exterminators before discreetly withdrawing.
Following these events, Carmilla and Charlie maintain a relationship built on mutual respect, with Carmilla acknowledging Charlie as her princess for the first time during the Baphomet Ball. However, despite her growing respect for Charlie, Carmilla still doesn't hesitate to make disparaging comments about Charlie's friends right in front of her, as evidenced by her mocking remarks directed at Vaggie.
Sock and Buskin
Sock and Buskin, rare for an Overlord, share a genuine friendship with Charlie. She holds a deep fondness for the duo, with their bond formed through their shared passion for the theatre and singing. Remarkably, Sock and Buskin stand as a unique pair of demons in the depths of Hell who do not belittle Charlie for her singing interests. Instead, they wholeheartedly encourage the princess in her pursuits.
Charlie has been a faithful patron of Sock and Buskin's plays since her childhood, frequently attending these productions alongside her parents, and later with her companion, Vaggie. Nevertheless, she can't help but be disconcerted by their unsettling habit of forcibly abducting sinners. Adding to the intrigue, Sock enjoys playfully teasing both Charlie and Buskin, making them uncomfortable by going into details about Buskin's unrequited crush on Charlie's mother, Lilith.
When Charlie found herself in need of Sock and Buskin's assistance against the Exterminators, she, Alastor, and Vaggie set out to seek their support. However, these somewhat haughty Overlords were not quick to entertain them. They posed a series of musical-themed questions as a prerequisite. Charlie, a devoted music enthusiast, eagerly and expertly answered every query, eventually securing an audience with Sock and Buskin. Initially indifferent, Sock and Buskin's reluctance waned when Charlie proposed offering them protection from the Insurgency. Even this wasn't enough to sway them entirely, but Charlie's offer to leverage her status as a princess to expand their musical theater endeavors ignited Buskin's enthusiasm. He couldn't contain his excitement, momentarily fanboying over the idea, before regaining his composure and sealing the agreement with a handshake.
Serenity is one of Charlie's best friends who acts as her bridge between Heaven and Hell. The two first met during Serenity, Sera, and Leo Lightheart's mission to find the Light of Heaven, where Serenity stopped a confrontation between Serenity and Charlie. Upon their first conversation, it became evident that Charlie and Serenity, though a demon and an angel, shared many similarities. Recognizing this, they developed a deep bond and spent hours as two princesses exchanging insights into the histories and mechanisms of Hell and Heaven, conversing like teenage besties.
Serenity and Charlie share a deep connection in their opposition to the annual cleanse. They bond over their dislike for it, and Serenity expresses her belief in redemption rather than judgment. Charlie was emotional upon finding this out, and declared Serenity as her friend for life. They both reveal their desire to bring positive change to Hell and Heaven. Serenity, as an angel, offers to use her position to influence others in Heaven to listen to Charlie. Charlie sees the potential impact of an angel advocating against the cleanse. The two decide to join forces and work together to challenge and cancel the cleanse, showcasing their determination and unity in the cause.
Before leaving to return to Heaven, Serenity gifted Charlie with a crystal ball that would allow them to communicate with each other, allowing Serenity to check in for updates on the sinners' redemption progress or for the two to simply converse as friends.
Hellsa Von Eldritch
Hellsa is Charlie's childhood archrival. When they were children Charlie met Hellsa during her playdate with her and Seviathan; Charlie attempted to befriend Hellsa just as she did with her brother, Seviathan, but the Princess of Envy rejected Charlie's offer of friendship because she saw Charlie has her greatest rival (since they came from two of Hell's highest-ranking families), which upset Charlie. This already rocky start went right off the clif when Charlie accidentally spelled Hellsa's name wrong and spilled a droplet of tea on her dress. From that point on, the two had a fierce rivalry, constantly trying to one-up each other for centuries to come. They would frequently butt heads and exchange petty insults with each other growing up, with their rivalry reaching its peak when they went to Hell School.
When interacting with Hellsa, Charlie often tries to bring the Princess of Envy back down to reality by reminding her that no one truly admires her and are simply afraid of her. Hellsa is shown to be one of the few demons capable of getting under Charlie's skin and tapping into the princess' more mocking and crude side, as Charlie somewhat enjoys enraging Hellsa and insulting her pride, as shown by her calling Hellsa a "loser" in "That's Entertainment", and smiling smugly at Hellsa's enraged reaction.
When Hellsa came to the Hazbin Hotel, Charlie and her behaved as hostile and antagonistic as ever, making sharp insults at each other's expense. Charlie, seeing Hellsa as entitle, vindictive, and in need of an attitude adjustment, clearly enjoyed having the upper hand when Hellsa was forced to humble herself to ask for a room at the hotel. Despite their animosity, Charlie ultimately offered Hellsa a second chance, albeit with a condition that further humiliated her - saying "please". After Hellsa did so with extreme reluctance, Charlie allowed her a room at the hotel, albeit one of the smaller ones since Hellsa was used to living in penthouse her entire life.
Charlie and Azrael's relationship is highly antagonistic, riddled with a clash of ideals. Azrael is undoubtedly one of Charlie's greatest enemies.
From the start, Charlie approached Azrael to suggest a more peaceful method of dealing with Hell's overpopulation problem. She addressed him with deep respect, even tearfully thanking him for the opportunity to speak, despite his massive role in creating the Exterminations. However, Azrael almost immediately belittled her, using crude humor and demeaning nicknames such as "A-Cup" and "Chodey Foster." His approach was overtly sexist and manipulative, treating Charlie like a naive child with no serious standing, while constantly mocking her appearance and ideals. Azrael's attitude throughout their conversation was flippant, oozing condescension as he ignores the gravity of her plea to end the Exterminations, instead focusing on demeaning her efforts.
Charlie, undeterred, attempts to explain her vision for the rehabilitation of sinners through the Happy Hotel, expressing her deep compassion for Hell's residents. However, Azrael is entirely dismissive, ridiculing her dream as foolish and delusional. Even when Charlie became emotional, confessing how much she cares about Hell's inhabitants and her struggles with being unsupported by her father, Azrael responded with mockery, showing no empathy and instead whispering jokes about her tears to his companion, Lute.
Despite Azrael’s constant attempts to undermine her with sexist and insulting remarks, Charlie remained determined and even stands up to his provocations, pushing back against Lute when she insults her family. Throughout their meeting, Charlie calmly refused to back down from her beliefs, even after Azrael had his Exorcists physically shoves her out of the meeting and continues to degrade her efforts.
Charlie and Azrael met again during the War in Hell, where Charlie once again attempted to resolve matters peacefully with the archangel. However, Charlie had made several unlikely allies before the encounter - such as several Overlords -, knowing that Azrael likely wouldn't listen and she would have to fight back. Expectedly, Azrael and Lute were mocking and dismissing Charlie’s beliefs, while Charlie, despite their aggression, stood her ground and defends her convictions. Azrael tried to provoke and belittle Charlie's hotel initiative, questioning whether she would extend her redemption efforts to even the vilest sinners, such as child predators or those who actively slaughter her people. However, Charlie’s response is unexpectedly powerful, enough to catch Azrael off-guard; Despite her personal hatred for Azrael and the cruelty he purveys, she reaffirmed her commitment to the mission of redemption, even for those she despises, showing her strength and conviction, standing for her hotel and its purpose regardless of external judgment.
During the War in Hell, Charlie protected Manco from Azrael's wrath, confronting the archangel herself. Despite Azrael's aggression, Charlie refused to actually fight against him, simply to show the he is the aggressor when he should be a symbol of all of Heaven's ideals. The princess eventually resorted to mockery to embarrass Azrael and expose his insecurities in front of his own army and all of Hell, all while she skillfully deflects his physical attacks while going for his emotional weak spots. Despite taking a hit, Charlie smiled through her pain, and fired back with taunts aimed directly at Azrael’s outdated and chauvinistic mindset, poking at his old-fashioned views about women, cleverly comparing his thinking to a “reversing car”—backward and out of touch with progress.
Charlie's insults cut deeply, as Azrael was inability to respond with logic or reason shows. Instead, he reacted with pure rage, unleashing an overwhelming holy blast in response to Charlie's insult about his family abandoning him. Charlie’s words strike a nerve as she implies that Azrael's lack of empathy and emotional intelligence might be part of the reason his siblings left him.
Leviathan Von Eldritch
Charlie's relationship with Leviathan is marred by deep distrust and disgust, primarily stemming from her observations of his abusive behavior towards Seviathan, her then-best friend, during their youth. From a young age, Charlie had discerned the troubling dynamics in Leviathan's relationship with Seviathan, and she made a concerted effort to avoid him whenever possible. This avoidance persisted even when she was essentially coerced into interacting with him.
After Charlie broke up with Seviathan, Leviathan's harassment intensified as he repeatedly attempted to reunite her with Seviathan. However, Charlie remained resolute in her decision and consistently rebuffed his advances. Leviathan's persistent efforts to buy the Happy Hotel for an astronomical sum of money were met with unwavering refusal by Charlie, highlighting her determination to maintain control over her establishment.
While interacting with each other, Charlie and Leviathan's encounters are awkward and uncomfortable. Leviathan was heavily invested in dark, eldritch beliefs and rituals centered around Azathoth and other ancient beings, and he enthusiastically tried to involve Charlie in his strange practices, displaying various eerie artifacts and engaging in bizarre rituals. Charlie, on the other hand, was visibly horrified and disturbed by Leviathan's obsession but to grin and bare it to avoid confrontation. She appeared uncomfortable with his eccentricity and dark interests, often trying to escape or reluctantly going along with his actions to keep the peace.
Leviathan's disapproval of Charlie's relationship with Vaggie further strained their already fraught interaction. His disdain for Vaggie, whom he perceived as a low-class sinner, clashed with Charlie's choices and values. Charlie openly expressed her disdain for Leviathan, characterizing him as "awful" while discussing her past relationship with Seviathan with the hotel crew. Ultimately, Charlie's deep-seated aversion to Leviathan is rooted in his abusive nature, particularly toward his son Seviathan, as well as his apparent lack of love and compassion for his own family members, cementing her strong negative feelings towards him.
During her fight with Leviathan, she used all of her power to avenge her fallen allies in the name of killing the Leviathan and was extremely happy with his death once he was definitely defeated by Seviathan, Niffty, Millie and the rest of the Happy Hotel crew and IMP.
Katie Killjoy
When Charlie first encountered Katie Killjoy, she made an effort to be cordial, extending a polite introduction and offering a handshake as a gesture of goodwill. However, Killjoy's response was far from amicable. She made it clear that, despite Charlie's status as the Princess of Hell, she held nothing but contempt for her and her aspirations to rehabilitate sinners. Killjoy's refusal to shake Charlie's hand stemmed from homophobia and her own rigid "standards," a stance that Charlie subtly poked fun at by referencing the fact that they were all in Hell.
Despite Killjoy's initial rudeness and spiteful remarks, Charlie continued to maintain her composure and attempted to be civil towards the reporter. However, as Katie persisted in ruthlessly mocking Charlie's vision for the hotel, the princess reached a breaking point. In an act of defiance, Charlie took matters into her own hands by snatching Katie's pen and delivering a blunt retort, calling her a "bitch". This provoked Katie to transform into her full demon form and launch an assault on Charlie.
Unwilling to back down, Charlie defended herself and engaged in a physical altercation with Katie. This initial clash set the tone for their ongoing enmity. Throughout the series, Katie Killjoy used her influential platform to continue disparaging Charlie's efforts, spreading false information about the princess, and nurturing a deep-seated bitterness stemming from their confrontational first encounter.
- "For once, I had hoped Lucifer was wrong, but you truly are every bit the fool he claimed you to be. You are a disgrace to your family; No different than Forti and Manco. You obstinate creatures are all alike; nothing but lambs, waiting in a line to be slaughtered. Your father may still see some use in you, but all that I see is a broken child on a fool's errand. And now, you'll die alone. Just as you've been your entire life."
- — Satan taunting Charlie through Alastor.
As the one who tortured Manco, caused the deaths of Forti and Millicent, psychologically tortured Vaggie, and tempted both her and her father with betraying God, Satan is undoubtably one of Charlie's most personal and dangerous adversaries. Charlie has personally regarded Satan as a monster that must be stopped before it achieves its ungodly desires for total destruction of life. In their first, personal encounter with each other, Satan took possession of Charlie's vessel when she attempted to save Manco from his prison, and attempted to use her vessel as means to nearly kill her friends, including her girlfriend, Vaggie. However, Satan abandoned Charlie's vessel in favor of Alastor's, deeming the princess of little worth as the Radio Demon had embraced his dark powers and thus was more in touch with them than Charlie. Despite Satan leaving with Alastor's vessel, Charlie tracked it throughout the Pride Ring and was able to free Alastor from Satan's control with the help of the hotel crew and Forti.
After Charlie successfully rescued Manco from his prison, Satan made its conflict with Charlie personal by having Charlie's allies captured, and proceeded to psychologically torture Vaggie and project her screams of anguish across Purgatory to lure Charlie to it so that it could take Heaven's Light from her. Falling into Satan's trap, Charlie was seized by Satan's underlings, and forced to listen to Vaggie's endless cries even further, which caused Charlie to unleash her powers on Satan's underlings, revealing the immensely powerful, unstable side of her that Lucifer had previously mentioned to Satan. After this incident, Satan began to take an immense interest in Charlie and desired her as its servant.
In "Everything Changes", Satan guided Charlie, who was accompanied by Millicent, to its home dimension within Purgatory, and attempted to manipulate her into serving it by telling her that Forti and God were evil, and that joining it in its crusade would be the only way Charlie could save her people from being completely wiped out by Heaven. Despite its attempts to convert her, even going as far as to reveal its origins as a fallen member of the Light Beyond the Stars, Charlie refused to listen to the Devil's words. Despite all of the anguish that Satan had put her and her allies through, Charlie attempted to reason with Satan by reaffirming her beliefs that angels, humans, and even sinners, were kind-hearted and "amazing" beings deep down who could achieve universal peace if they were brought together. As Satan was clearly stuck in its hatred of all life and brushed off Charlie's words, the princess noted its hypocrisy by stating that, although it claimed Forti was evil, its sole desire is to kill everything in the universe, including her. When Satan poisoned Forti and forced him to kill Millicent, it trapped Charlie in an oil-like substance and forced her to watch the entire event helplessly, leaving Charlie helpless and unable to separate Forti and Millicent. This event caused the princess great emotional anguish and left her riddled with guilt, as she began to blame herself for Millicent's death and suffered nightmares even eight years afterward, as shown in "The Chosen".
In "We Can Be Heroes", Charlie was captured by Satan and Lucifer, the former of which attempted to take over her mind and force her to kill Manco, therefore resulting in her soul being corrupted after the death of Manco would cause Charlie to fall into despair. During this, Charlie was emotionally tortured by Satan as it showed her visions of an "ideal" future where she ruled over Hell and finally gained Lucifer's love, as well as proposing that it would make her into a Being of Light. Charlie was then tormented over Millicents death by Satan, who claimed that her death was Charlie's fault, which caused the princess to become overwhelmed with grief and tearfully admit that Satan was right. However, despite Satan's efforts and near victory, Charlie was able to resist its corruption after an intense mental battle, using the strong love she established with her allies to prevail. Enraged, Satan attempted to kill Manco regardless by throwing the angel to his death out of spite for Charlie refusing to join it, knowing how much Manco means to her. Fortunately, Charlie was able to save Manco by jumping down and catching him as he fell, and then unintentionally use her new-found angelic wings to fly the both of them to safety.
The Divine
Despite having encountered her only once so far, the Divine was perhaps Charlie's most personally hated enemy. They first crossed paths when the Divine sent her cultists to capture Charlie and Manco, with the intention of sacrificing the Princess of Hell to the Devil. The Divine worshipped Charlie as an "Anti-Christ", only to become angered when the princess continued to attack and resist her. Charlie grew to greatly hate the Divine after the malevolent cult leader took control of Manco's mind, forcing the angel to relive his traumatic death before he would be killed to satisfy Satan. Charlie, in an act of protection, nearly killed the Divine once she was freed from her binds, only for the cult leader to shape-shift into a raven and escape into the sky.
The Divine is notable for being the sole enemy of Charlie that the Princess of Hell has attempted to outright kill; while Charlie typically avoids killing her enemies at all costs (out of her firm belief that any soul can be redeemed), the Divine managed to provoke and enrage Charlie moreso than any previous adversary, to the point that the princess was barely able to restrain herself from erasing the Divine for good.
Although she initially harbored a deep loathing for the Divine, Charlie managed to temporarily set aside her animosity during their final confrontation. In a critical moment, she made an earnest effort to connect with Emily and dissuade her from serving Satan, as the tragic details of her upbringing unfolded, revealing the profound cruelty she had endured at Satan's hands. Furthermore, Charlie exhibited a sense of horror and repulsion when the Divine met her demise at the hands of Roo, expressing dismay at the cruel fate that had befallen her once most detested adversary.
Charlie met Roo following the destruction of the Hazbin Hotel, hearing the spirit's voice coming from within the Pentagram City Clock Tower. Following an awkward introduction and Charlie cautiously agreeing to be Roo's first "mate", the spirit invited Charlie inside of her prison dimension. Once inside, Roo took the form of Charlie's forgotten imaginary friend and showed her the wonders of trash collecting, with Charlie complimenting Roo for finding some comfort in her imprisonment. Roo then offered to use her abilities to rebuild the Hazbin Hotel, on the condition that the princess help her escape the dimension. Charlie remained cautious, knowing that she couldn't trust just any spirit she came across, but when Roo opened up about how lonely she was due to other people being scared of her appearance, Charlie saw something in the spirit and agreed to help her escape and even offered to help her see the Universe and make new friends, creating a strong bond of friendship between them.
Charlie made regular visits to Roo's dimension, even introducing Manco and the other angel children to her. Whenever Roo inadvertently stirred Manco's trauma in Purgatory, Charlie showed patience, assuming she lacked awareness. Resolute in liberating Roo, Charlie went to great lengths, engaging in battles within Roo's dimension, even confronting an Ophanim angel. Yet, as Charlie revealed her engagement to Vaggie, cracks emerged in Roo's facade. Roo's attitude shifted, pressuring Charlie to sever ties with Vaggie and isolating her from supportive friends. Despite Roo's attempts, Charlie remained steadfast in her love for Vaggie, prompting Roo to scheme in secret. Tragically, this led to Roo dispatching Satan to kill Vaggie, punishing Charlie for her loyalty.
After Vaggie's demise, Charlie, unaware of Roo's involvement, entrusted her to care for Manco and the angel children while she confronted Satan and the Divine in the Wrath Ring. Roo's liberation revealed her true malevolent nature, shedding the facade she had maintained. Gleefully, Roo taunted and mocked Charlie, revealing how effortlessly she had manipulated her through a fabricated "sob story," even relishing in the deaths of Lux and Vaggie. Consumed by murderous rage, Charlie attempted to kill Roo, but her efforts had no effect on the Root of Evil. Ultimately, Charlie was forced to escape to Earth, leaving Roo to destroy Hell and everything dear to Charlie.
Charlie and Stolas initially shared a deep and enduring bond, one that was fostered through their mutual passion for gardening. Their close friendship endured over a considerable period, and their shared love for tending to demonic gardens became a significant cornerstone of their connection. Stolas graciously allowed Charlie to visit his garden, where he not only provided her with valuable guidance on maintaining such supernatural gardens but also reinforced their friendship.
Their intimacy was notably evident in Charlie's willingness to take on the role of babysitting Octavia at Stolas' request, a responsibility she gladly assumed. This act of kindness highlighted the extent of her trust and affection for Stolas, as she willingly cared for his cherished daughter.
In addition to their gardening pursuits, Stolas played a pivotal role in Charlie's personal growth by imparting knowledge on how to wield her own grimoire, which undoubtedly deepened their bond further. Notably, Stolas stood out among demons as one of the few who treated Charlie with genuine respect, acknowledging her position as a princess with the deference it deserved.
The once-strong friendship between Stolas and Charlie crumbled when Blitzø confirmed the validity of allegations regarding Stolas' involvement in illegal activities with I.M.P. Upon discovering that Stolas - someone she trusted and called a friend for centuries - had been worsening a problem she dedicated her life to fighting, Charlie's outrage was palpable as she grappled with the disturbing truths that had come to light. She was infuriated by the recklessness with which Stolas had endangered Hell, the casual manner in which he had given away his potent grimoire, and his complicity in the mass murder of humans and contribution to Hell's overpopulation problem—essentially all for personal gain.
Confronting Stolas after resolving the issue of his sentient plants, Charlie showed little mercy toward the shattered Goetia prince. Her anger and disappointment surged forth in a ballistic fury as she admonished him for his careless and illegal dealings. Charlie did not mince words, bluntly informing Stolas that he would face arrest for his crimes against Hell. Amid her righteous anger, there were still glimpses of the respect she had once held for him. She reminded him that Octavia, his daughter, still loved and admired him. Charlie's actions were primarily driven by a sense of duty as Princess of Hell, and it was evident that she took no pleasure in holding her former friend accountable for his transgressions.
Charlie and Asmodeus share a relationship that can be described as predominantly friendly. While Charlie exhibits a certain level of indifference towards Asmodeus, he affectionately refers to her as his niece and is even her satanfather. Their connection dates back to Charlie's infancy, with Asmodeus assuming the role of an irresponsible uncle figure during her formative years.
In "Tunnel of Lust," Asmodeus lured Charlie and Vaggie to FizzarOzzie's in an attempt to demolish their romantic relationship. Despite his sinister intentions, Asmodeus maintained a friendly demeanor towards Charlie the entire time ,refraining from any actual harm, while Charlie greeted him awkwardly given the circumstances. Even in the face of Charlie and Vaggie's refusal to succumb to Asmodeus' desire for a dramatic breakup, the relationship between Asmodeus and Charlie remained non-confrontational, with neither party making a move to harm the other.
As Hell's royals, Charlie and Mammon share a complex relationship. Mammon frequently positions himself as an uncle and mentor figure to Charlie, although his intentions are often veiled with thinly disguised efforts to lead her down a path of unscrupulous business practices. Much like Lucifer, Charlie routinely attempts to ignore Mammon's presence, finding it greatly irritating. Despite her strong aversion, she reluctantly makes feeble attempts to tolerate him, if only out of a sense of principle.
Charlie's relationship with Death - the Grim Reaper - can be described as somewhat neutral, bordering on antagonistic. Despite being fully aware of his malevolent and untrustworthy nature, she maintains a degree of respect and politeness when dealing with him, largely because he has not directly caused her any trouble. When Death decided to extend his stay at the Hazbin Hotel shortly after its opening, Charlie harbored no illusions about his intentions. She suspected he was merely biding his time to manipulate her into surrendering the souls of her patients and staff. Nevertheless, Charlie adhered to her principle that everyone is welcome at her hotel and allowed him to stay.
Charlie's resilient spirit proved to be a formidable match for Death's manipulation tactics. She steadfastly ignored his attempts at manipulation and instead encouraged him to engage in the hotel's group activities. Her unwavering determination pushed Death's charm to its limits, and after suffering humiliation in a game of musical chairs, he abandoned any pretense of wanting to reform himself. He resorted to intimidating the princess, shedding all façades.
Despite Death's intimidation tactics, Charlie remained unfazed. She calmly and politely requested that the Grim Reaper leave the Hazbin Hotel, recognizing his lack of genuine interest in helping her cause. To everyone's surprise, Charlie's fearless resolve invoked Death's respect, marking a surprising turning point in their relationship.
Chapter 1
- "(narrating) I remember that when I was a child, I wasn't allowed to go outside the Circus, my home circle. My parents were so kind at first. We were close and had so much fun... even though they were extremely overprotective of me. Mom and dad always said sinners were unspecial and unfun, but I always saw magic in all of them... But there was one day, when the clock tower would ring, that I would be left alone, in a room with no windows and have to stay there until mom said I could leave. I knew she was trying to protect me, but I couldn't help but want to know more about what was happening... But on one of those day, dad approached me and said he wanted to show me something, and to not tell mom. It would just be between us. He took me to Lu Lu World so we could watch something together in the Hall of Mirrors. I was so excited. I would finally get to see sinners for the first time! ...What I saw has never left me. Arms, legs, heads. Crying, surrendering sinners, struck down with no remorse. A grief-stricken mother holding her baby's remains. In that moment, it- it felt like I was losing everything. The magical place that brought me and my dad so much joy... I never wanted to step foot in there again. My own people were being slaughtered and I couldn't stop it. I couldn't do anything. It was... I just knew, from that day, I had to do something about it."
- — Charlie's narration in the opening flashback, detailing the first time she witnessed the Exterminations.
- "Lucifer: (reading Charlie a bedtime story) ...Aaaand that's the story of how Hell came to be. Tomorrow's will be that time Daddy got into an accordion-off with Barbatos. Ho-boy, that one's a doozie!
Charlie: (curiously, still on the tale of Lucifer) But, Daddy, Heaven has rainbows! And unicorns!!! Why would they be so mean to you, Daddy?
Lucifer: That's what I wanna know!! (he sighs and deflates) The moral of the story, if there is any, is that all those rainbows and unicorns are mere window dressing, and Heaven will crush your dreams at a moment's notice when you step out of line. (he pats Charlie's head, smiling) But have no worries, apple. Soon enough, Daddy will rise like the morning star he is, and KILL THEM ALL. Then you can be princess of Creation and have all unicorns you could want!
Charlie: UNICORNS!!!! (clapping) YAY, UNICORNS!!!" - — A flashback of Lucifer reading baby Charlie a bedtime story.
- "Lucifer: You see, that's the difference between you and me, Charlotte. I ask people for ice cream and they give me a whole sundae. You ask people for ice cream, they slowly eat it in front of you and tell you to eat shit instead.
Charlie: Ah, buuuut then I make myself an ice cream, and we share together! (Charlie conjures a a bowl of ice cream in her hands)
Lucifer: ...Charlotte. Father-daughter pep talk. (they huddle together; Lucifer pulls a teaching board out of nowhere, pointing to it with his staff) Today's lesson is called... (he reads it out on the bored) 'Don't Take Shit From Other Demons'. Someone talks over you? Fill their toothpaste tube with glue. You get catfished? Dump them in the middle of the Envy Ring with beef bourguignonne stuffed in their drawers. Someone shoves you out of their way and says 'I'm walkin' 'ere!'? Sign them up for disarticulation surgery and say it's for charity. If your subjects get even a little out of line... Strap them to a wheel of death! Replace their hairspray with Swamp Ass! Put Ex-Lax in their coffee! Put their remotes juuuuuust out of reach! SET THEM UP ON A BLIND DATE WITH THEIR LONG-LOST COUSIN THRICE REMOVED!
Charlie: DAD!!!
Lucifer: Okay, I'll admit, that second-to-last one was a bit much, but can't you see what I'm saying, Pumpkin?! Repeat after me; Don't take shit from other demons!
Charlie: (she sighs) ...(voice crack) Don't take- Sorry... (she clears her throat, standing properly) Don't take shit from other demons...
Charlie: (into it; screaming upward) DON'T TAKE SHIT FROM OTHER DEMONS!
Lucifer: I CAN'T HEAR YOU! (Charlie does a huge inhale, but before she can repeat it, he cuts her off) Wait, I can hear you now, nevermind. (he spins Charlie around, pushing her towards the school grounds) Now go in there, set the school fountain on fire and start ripping the wings off of Gluttony demons! We'll work our way up from there!" - — A flashback showing Lucifer teaching Charlie how to assert herself.
- "Charlie: H- Hi! I'm here to-
Charlie: (startled, she jumps off a majestic carpet on the floor that has the Morningstar crest on it) W- w- w- Why?!
Rachel: 'WHY'?! For the love of our own Saint Peter, that carpet bears the great Morningstar family crest! And you have walked directly on it! (she claps her hooves as a band of cherubs appear and thoroughly clean the crest on the carpet with magic and custodial equipment)
Charlie: (as the cherubs depart) No offense, but if you don't want visitors to step on that, why'd you put it on the floor... and put it on a carpet?
Rachel: Out of respect that you watch your step, demon. You're in a sacred place, after all.
Charlie: Ah... gotcha. (she approaches the front desk)
Rachel: Your shoes, dear.
Charlie: Whuh...? (she looks down to see her shoes untied) Oh! (she snaps her fingers and her laces are magically tied)
Rachel: May I help you, demon spawn? (she flutters her eyelashes)
Charlie: Um... I'm here to see Azrael-
Rachel: Archangel Azrael, dear. (she puts her hands together in a prayer, inhaling deeply)
Charlie: Archangel Azrael... I'm here to see Archangel Azrael. Y'know... about the cleanse?
Rachel: Ah, yes! You're His Awesomeness' 4:00. (Rachel types on a computer for an awkwardly long amount of time as Charlie awkwardly darts her eyes across the architecture of the Heaven embassy) .......Go ahead in.
Charlie: Cool beans...
Rachel: 'Thank you, ma'am'.
Charlie: Uhhh, for what?
Rachel: No. That's what you say when one so generously and meticulously assists you, darling. I know you Hellish beasties have no manners, so I took it upon myself to educate you. (she gives Charlie a giant, fake, corporate smile)
Charlie: O- Oh... thanks... ma'am.
Rachel: (as Charlie is walking away) And braid your hair, dearie. (Charlie looks at Rachel with a deadpan expression as Rachel smiles brightly) It's only polite." - — Rachel and Charlie greeting each other at Heaven's Embassy.
- "Charlie: Wow... Let me just say thank you so much for meeting with me, sir! I mean, you did kinda make the Exterminations a thing, but the fact that you're willing to listen just proves that there's good in everyone! I can't believe I've made it this far! I'm actually talking to an ARCHANGEL! (with tears in her eyes) Thank you...
Azrael: (Azrael laughs, oozing charisma; he speaks in an almost friendly way, big Jack Black energy) Okay, take it easy there, A-Cup. That's gotta be the fastest I've made a chick wet. But the only place a chick’s allowed to get wet in front of me is down belooow. (he leans forward) You must be Lucifer's little hellspawn. Charlotte, was it?
Charlie: Well, I prefer 'Charlie', but-
Azrael: CHARLIE?! Ugh! I don't like that name. Too butch, y’know? Bleh! (he laughs) How about instead we call you Ch-.... Chode... Chodey Foster! (he cackles, beating the table) Amazing name! Fucking hilarious, right?! (to the Exterminators) LAUGH!!! (the Exterminators all laugh alongside Azrael as Charlie just stands with a "keep laughing, assholes" expression; to Charlie) So, uh- (he points to Razzle and Dazzle) Did you know those two monstrosities were following you? They fans or something? 'Cuz I don't do autographs off the cloud, babe.
Charlie: Oh! These are-
Azrael: Don't worry. I got you. We'll take care of them, no problem, babey. (he claps his hands, causing the surrounding Exterminations to aim their spears at Razzle and Dazzle)
Charlie: NO, STOP!!! (she gets in front of Razzle and Dazzle, shielding them) They're my friends. They're just here to keep me safe. N- Not that we think you'd hurt me or anything. It's just... Y'know... Exterminators and all...
Azrael: Oh! (he points with a raised eyebrow) So they’re kinda like those emotional support dogs snowflakes have to use? Or, is it like, those slow kids who need an adult to follow them at school 'cuz they're lame and awkward and can't make friends on their own 'cuz they suck ?(he laughs, before putting his hands up) Nah, nah. It’s fine, totally! (he signals the Exterminators to back away) I get it, I get it. I have the presence of an alpha male, that's what they always say.
Charlie: ...'They'?
Azrael: It's hard not to fall in love with me. I can feel ya, I can see ya, you're totally crushing. Now, princess, let's get down to business. What do you want?
Charlie: Okay... (she takes a deep breath and laughs awkwardly) Sorry, about this, sir, I'm just-
Azrael: Actually, do you mind shooing those two... Mongrel vermin out of my sight? (laughs) Sorry, they're just so fucking ugly.
Charlie: (Razzle and Dazzle hiss at Azrael) ...O.... Kay... (she kneels down to Razzle and Dazzle, whispering to them partially inaudible) ...Don't worry... I'll be okay, I promise. (she boops Dazzle on the noise playfully before they slowly leave the room)" - — Charlie meeting with Azrael in a flashback.
- "Charlie: So... I know you started the Exterminations, and I'm sure it was for good reason...
Azrael: Yeah, yeah. Totally.
Charlie: But... There HAS to be a better way to solve this besides mass genocide, right? And I know if there's any goodness in you, you'll agree. And... I know you send your angels to carry out the Exterminations, but maybe... Maybe you could just... Put that on hold so I can... Rehabilitate them?
Azrael: (he looks indignantly) Hold the fuck up, did you just say rehabilitate... A sinner? (he does a half-scoff-half-laugh) I mean, I get it, babe. The whole “dumb bimbo who thinks she can turn the world into sunshine and happiness" act works well for you, but there’s a LINE in comedy, man!
Charlie: I'm... not joking. These are MY people. I've been trying to make things better in Hell for decades. I know it seems impossible, but listen; there's this business I've been work-shopping for a while called the Happy Hotel! I’ve been working with my girlfriend, Va-
Azrael: Awww! (he looks at Lute) Hey, Lute! Our princess scored herself a succubus! (Lute shakes her head with disapproval while Azrael faces Charlie with a smirk) That’s so CUTE! Pretty fuckin' hot, too. That’s so cool and cute that even in Hell you have your own little gal pal support group.
Charlie: O...kaaaay. Anyway, I'll give our clientele free housing, free food, and all the help and love they could ask! And stickers!!! Lotsa stickers!!!
Azrael: (he snickers) STICKERS?! Do you hear yourself, princess? You really are as fucking delusional as your subjects claim! (Azrael and the Exterminators all laugh as Charlie looks down sadly; Azrael takes note and tones himself back, keeping the manipulation going) I mean- you have a DREAM. Just... a really frivolous, funny dream that will never succeed. Take it from me, Charizard... (he grabs Charlie by her chin, making her face him) Sinners. Don't. Deserve. Love!
Charlie: (her eyes slowly begin to turn red, preceding her Full Demon Form, but she calmly takes a deep breath, and with a determined expression, gently swats Azrael's hand off of her) I respectfully disagree, sir. No matter how lost they may seem, not all sinners are evil! They're just... Humans who were dealt a bad hand...
Azrael: (whispering to himself as Charlie keeps talking) Why are women like this...
Charlie: They need a place to get away from all the vice and chaos and just... Find themselves again. (after looking down, she perks up) Y'know what? I'm doing this all wrong. I'm much better at expressing my ambitions through song!
Azrael: (he puts a finger up) Hold up... is it a rock song?
Charlie: Uh... there's guitar instrumentals!
Azrael: (he nods with a hooked lip and kicks back) Alright, Charizard. Belt it." - — Charlie engages with Azrael before her musical number.
- "Azrael: (clapping after Charlie's song) You got it. I dunno know what the fuck it is, but you got it. In another life, you woulda made a kick-ass groupie. That number reeked of passion and... Desperation, infantility, foolishness. I just want to take a video and have it on loop in my brain. (he looks at the Exorcists) You bitches get that on film? (the Exorcists look clueless, one of them scratching their heads with their spear as Azrael looks disappointed and mutters) Ah, women are worthless. (he turns to Charlie) ...So, you want me to cease the Exterminations all so you can invest in some baseless endeavor that you don't even know will get off the ground? ...BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Fuck no.
Charlie: (her eyes widen) But, sir listen, I-
Azrael: (with a hand up) Nah, nah. My turn on the mic, Chodey, your 'Charizard' rights have been revoked. I mean this in the nicest way, of course... But I couldn’t care less who the fuck you are or how you see them. Your "people" are the enemies of Heaven! It’s always been that way and it always will. The Extermination is how we keep that balance, do ya know what that is? And not only does it keep balance, but up in Heaven (he points to himself) I'm El Capitano! And what I say goes. And look, I get it. Everything may LOOK all happy and cute and perfect from your perspective, but that's only because you're not seeing the whole picture.
Charlie: (Charlie's smile falters, replaced with the slightest hint of anger; She speaks now with only one aim in mind: to prove Azrael wrong) How about we make a whole picture. What if I succeed? What if I can prove to you that people can change? That sinners can find redemption? That not all Hell's residents deserve to be slaughtered every year for the same mistakes they've already done more than paying for?
Azrael: Oh, you are just precious. (he laughs) Listen, babe. If you’re willing to give sinners the benefit of the doubt, you’re out of your miiiind! If you wanna try turning sinners into angels, knock yourself out! But you can’t polish a sinful turd into a heavenly jewel. Until then, I gotta train the girls for the next concert.
Charlie: You aren’t listening! I've seen so many sinners get slaughtered, and I just can't stand it anymore! (voice breaking as tears well in her eyes) I'm the only demon who cares enough to help them, and I'll never give up hope in them!
Azrael: (to Lute; whispering) OMG, she's crying. (he and Lute try to stifle their laughter)
Charlie: And it doesn't help that my own father doesn't believe in me. It's just... Too much! I need your help, and this could be my only chance!
Lute: How dare you speak that way to a man! Azrael, champion of Heaven, our realm's greatest defender ever, son of the Lord Himself did not give you the time of day, out of the kindness of his heart, for you to weep and slobber like an undignified waif! You will act appropriately in his presence! Then again, what else did I expect from a Hellspawn? Didn't your traitorous parents even bother to teach you that crying gets you nowhere in life?
Charlie: (she stares at the Exterminator, her eyes glowing red) Don't you dare.... Insult me or my family, again. I would much prefer to hear your opinions straight from your mouth, rather than through that man you hide behind to make yourself feel better. If you're that brave, come out from behind him.
Lute: (she narrows her eyes and stomps up to Charlie) Say that again, you fucking cun-
Azrael: (he teleports in between Charlie and Lute) Wo-ho-aoooo! (laughs; to himself) Oh, women, amiright? (to Lute and Charlie) Girls, we’re in a heavenly embassy. This isn't the place for your cat fight. Take it up with each other during the next concert. (to Charlie, with a fake smile) I am so very sorry we couldn't come to an agreement. (he wraps an arm around Charlie) Want my advice? Drop this nonsense about 'rehabilitating' demons. Not only is it an insult to my life's work and an affront to the Almighty Himself, but you'd be putting us all out of a job, and nobody wants that! I mean, how else will your kind get to know the glory of my annual concert? (he shoves her away as she awkwardly skirts across the floor) Now be a good little princess and go play with dolls and what have you. Buh-bye!(he shoves her out the door) Now, if you don't mind, I have to train my girls to, uh... Y'know, slaughter your people. Oh, and Charlotte?! Tell your mom I said 'hello'. (he chuckles and waves at her as the Exterminators shove her out)" - — The end to Charlie and Azrael's meeting.
- "Rachel: (as Charlie is walking towards the exit) How'd it go, dearie...?
Charlie: (she groans) Not good.
Rachel: Such is the way of the Lord. (she types happily at her computer)
Charlie: (she turns to face Rachel) About earlier... I'm sorry for stepping on that crest.
Rachel: (cheerfully) Oh, that's alright. Just try to keep your fat trotters off of that motherfucking rug." - — Rachel and Charlie's last conversation.
- "Angel Dust: (he leans by the window of Charlie's limo) Well, hey, there. See- (he spots Charlie and Vaggie inside, the former of which waves at him) OH! Woah, now! For broads, I charge extra.
Charlie: No, no, no! No! We don't want any of that. I was wondering if we could talk to you real quick?
Angel Dust: (faces away from Charlie) I'm on the clock, sista. Ya godda pay extra if you want to waste my time.
Charlie: (smiles and opens the limo door) Oh, yes. Sure, I can do that!
Angel Dust: (he shrugs and enters the limo, crawling on Charlie and Vaggie's laps) Ya got any booze in this fancy ass car?
Vaggie: ...Are you sure this is the one you wanna talk to? (motions to Angel Dust, who is posing seductively)
Charlie: Yes. He's good. I can tell." - — Angel meets Charlie and Vaggie for the first time.
- "Angel Dust: So, what do you broads want? Like I said, I'm on the clock.
Charlie: (presses her cheek against Vaggie's) Weeeelll...!!
Vaggie: What is your name... Mister?
Angel Dust: Angel. Angel Dust. The porn star. I'm kinda famous here, bitch.
Vaggie: Was that necessary?
Angel Dust: (chuckles) Nah. But those words tend to slip outta me." - — Charlie and Vaggie are introduced to Angel Dust.
- "Vaggie: My name is Vaggie. (Vaggie motions to Charlie, who waves at Angel) This is Charlie. We-
Angel Dust: LIKE VAGINA?!?! (Vaggie stares at Angel, who stifles his laughter)
Vaggie: (facepalming) We have a proposition for you. Your princess, Charlie here, has repurposed one of her family's buildings into a rehabilitation center for souls like you who we think have a chance at redemption. Our goal is to get a damned soul into Heaven! At least one, just to prove that it's possible.
Angel Dust: ...Well, is it?
Vaggie: We don't know yet.
Angel Dust: Uh-huuuuuh. Right.
Charlie: BUT, we want you to be our first test subject!
Angel Dust: Why me?
Charlie: Because you seem like someone who regrets his life choices and would be interested in self-reflection and bettering himself!
Vaggie: (lightly shoves Charlie back) Because we have been talking to sinners all day and no one has agreed to it yet. (after a pause, Angel bursts out laughing non-stop; Vaggie talks over his laughter) Look, you'll get free meals, free housing, and protection from Hell's constant hazards. That is, if you agree to attend what activities we plan. And genuinely attempt to rectify your behavior.
Angel Dust: (takes a deep breath) Sounds lame.
Charlie: Aw! You can't tell me you enjoy standing on the side of the street waiting for someone to pay to... (awkwardly) Ya know....
Angel Dust: (grinning) I don't know. Please finish that sentence.
Vaggie: (facepalms) Eugh, Charlie, he's not a good candidate. (Angel starts to get visibly bothered) We'll just look again tomorrow.
Angel Dust: HEY!! Who said I'm not a good pick? I'm the best pick! You broads don't know me. I can be whateva I want!
Vaggie: (gets in Angel's face) Then prove it.
Angel Dust: (he gets nose-to-nose with her) ...I'm in.
Charlie: (excitedly) REALLY?!
Vaggie: Really.
Angel Dust: Yeah! I'm also three months behind on my rent, so free housin' sound fuckin' good to me. Plus, it'll be nice not to suck the landlord's greasy dick every month.
Vaggie: Charming." - — Angel Dust accepts Charlie and Vaggie's offer to join the Happy Hotel.
- "Angel Dust: (stretches) Anyway, if that's all, I should prolly get back ta work. Today, at least. If you gals ain't payin' for playin'. I still need to make about- (Charlie drops a huge stack of cash into Angel's hands; he stares at it in confusion) What is 'dis?
Charlie: Money!
Angel Dust: For...?
Charlie: Helping us!
Angel Dust: (with an expression of complete confusion) ...Is this a trick?
Charlie: No. This is an investment in you. (she puts her hand on Angel's shoulder) There's a lot more to you than what you think there is, Angel! We want to help you.
Angel Dust: ...Pfft. Ok... I mean, I don't really need help so..... Yeh... (he slowly leaves the limo) Okaaaay. Well, um, thanks. We'll be in touch, eh?
Charlie: Yes, and thank you. (she closes the door as the limbo speeds off)
Angel Dust: ...Sure." - — Angel's reaction to Charlie giving him money for free.
- "At the end of the rainbow there's happiness
And to find it how often I've tried..." - — Charlie in the opening of "I'M Always Chasing Rainbows".
- "Lucifer: There she is! Welcome home, Dumpling!
Charlie: D-Dad?!
Lucifer: Applepie, it's been too long! C'mere! (he hugs Charlie tightly) Why, it's been months since I last saw you!Why, it's been months since I last saw you! I have soooo many questions for you! (in a fast-paced way) Have you been brushing your teeth? Have you been practicing your ceremonial speech? Are you still dragging around that sinner who preaches that 'life isn't a musical' bullshit? (he points his scepter at Corey and Peel) You remember Corey and Peel, yes?!
Charlie: (to Corey and Peel) Oh, um... (she awkwardly waves) Hi, guys...
Corey: (bowing) At your service, princess!
Peel: Did you like the song? Made it up ourselves. The choreography could have been better but, but-
Lucifer: (he hits Peel on his head with his scepter) Begone, you two! I wish to speak with my daughter, alone. (Corey and Peel scurry out of the room)
Charlie: (to Lucifer) It's - it's good to see you, Dad. I know it's been... A while since we've talked.
Lucifer: Oh, we've missed your face around here, muffin! In fact, when Corey and Peel told me you were going to be on the 666 News, I just had to tune in! (Charlie's eyes widen) And, my, what a show it was... (his smile darkens) How did it feel embarrassing yourself in front of billions of sinners? I know you're desperate for someone, anyone, to believe in your silly ideas, but you didn't have to go making a complete fucking idiot of yourself, muffin..." - — Lucifer and Charlie after the King of Hell summoned her to his castle.
- "Charlie: It- It- It's just that... Business has been really slow and, y'know... Not a lot of sinners think redemption is... Possible. I just thought if I got the word out, maybe more people would check in. And I- I tried to tell you and Mom in advance, but you two have been so busy lately...
Lucifer: Muffin, you know how busy Mommy and Daddy are. There's always damages to reassess, new Overlords to greet, meetings, legislations to approve, embargos, and all the other tedious bullshit. And, of course, your mother has her concerts and her own royal duties to attend to. Managing an entire dimension is no idle job, y'know.
Peel: (poking his head through the door) Yeah! Who do you think he is? Belphegor? (he and Corey laugh until Lucifer glares angrily at them, causing them to flee in fear)
Lucifer: (turning to Charlie) Now, about that hotel...
Charlie: I- I just thought-
Lucifer: Oh, I remember when you built that silly little paper-mâchéâ hotel when you were just a little seedling! I thought it was simply another childish fantasy, but now it seems you're actually trying to make it a reality, hm? And how's that been going? Let's be honest, it's not like any of your simpler pet projects amounted to much, so what makes you think this one will?
Charlie: It's... Well, things aren't really going too well. But, it's just... You know that we've always had problems with overpopulation, and I always wanted to help, ever since that day. (Lucifer chuckles lightly) You... You know I can't stand seeing my people get slaughtered with no one to help them, and since no other ruler is willing, I thought if I could rehabilitate the sinners here and send them to Heaven, we wouldn't need the Exterminations anymore. And- And even if the hotel doesn't work out, maybe you could let sinners go beyond the Pride Ring?
Lucifer: (laughs) And let those fuckwits disturb the good Hellborn demons of this realm? No dice! Sorry, Applepie, but I have a modicum of respect for my fellow rulers, unlike you, it seems.
Charlie: Dad, I just-
Lucifer: And answer me this, babycakes, do you have any idea how many sinners you would have to reform to meaningfully put a dent in our overpopulation problem? Humans are naturally nested with sin, and they die every second. Even if you found a way to straighten them out, you would have to reform at least thousands of sinners once per day. And that's not all. What happens if the hotel becomes overcrowded? What if your patients relapse? (Charlie begins looking down) Did you even bother to think about how long the redemption process would take?! Days? Months? Years? Don't expect me to believe that you can absolve hundreds of their sins in just one day when you can barely control that aberrant streetwalker!
Charlie: I... I didn't think about-
Lucifer: And even if you convince Heaven to accept a sinner, what if they were to relapse and break one of the thousands of regulations that Heaven has established? I'll tell you what's gonna happen; they'll be dropped like a sack of shit. No second chances. Donezo. Believe me, I know. Do you really expect a sinner to toe that line? Sorry, Apple, but the cracks are really starting to show in this little venture. Not to give myself too much credit, but I think my idea is better. (he smiles) Down here, sinners are free to indulge in whatever hedonistic pleasures they want. No restrictions, no rules. Just the way things should be for the worst scum of humanity." - — Lucifer and Charlie's conversation regarding Heaven.
- "Charlie: Not so fast! (she changes the hotel's sign from "Hazbin Hotel" to "Happy Hotel"
Alastor: Oh, no, no! I insist! (he changes the hotel's sign from "Happy Hotel" to "Hazbin Hotel")
Charlie: Al... You know we can't go on with that name. It's degrading to our patients.
Alastor: Very well, then. (he slowly starts reverting his changes made to the hotel) I suppose if you don't desire my assistance, I'll just be on my way...
Charlie: Wait! (sighs) Fine.
Alastor: Splendid! (he reinstates his changes made) Dear... (he motions to the hotel's sign) Will you do the honors? (Charlie sighs and changes the sign from "Happy Hotel" to "Hazbin Hotel" as Alastor smiles in victory)" - — Alastor and Charlie arguing over the hotel's name.
- "Charlie: Al? It's not that I don't appreciate your help, I do, and it's not that there's anything wrong with a little presentation, but, maybe it would help if the first face a customer sees isn't as, uh... (Alastor's friends grin fiendishly at Charlie) Um... Unsett- No, creepy? No, I mean- hmm...
Alastor: Naughty?
Charlie: Yeah... Isn't as "naughty" as theirs.
Alastor: Sucker for the mild, hm? Luckily for you, dear, I know just the man for the job!" - — Charlie and Alastor while selecting a front desk face for the hotel.
- "Charlie: Y'know, Husk, as the hotel's front desk face and main form of entertainment, it might be nice if you would add a little more pizazz? A bit of sparkle? Y'know, the ol' razzle and dazzle? C'mon, show me what ya got!
Husk: (flatly) Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel, what do ya want.
Charlie: Great first attempt! Let's give it a bit more energy! And don't forget to smile. INTRODUCING, HUUUUSK!!! (she presents Husk)
Husk: (flatly does jazz hands) Whoop-de-doo.
Charlie: Okay! We'll... We'll work on it." - — Charlie introducing Husk to his new job.
- "Charlie: Al, I mean this in the nicest way possible, but are you sure we need Niffty's help? I appreciate her helping us with the bug infestation, but the hotel's residents find her... How do I put this... Creepy as fuck?
Alastor: Are you doubting our little Niffty's talents?!
Charlie: No, not at all! I just-
Alastor: SPLENDID! She loves a good challenge! (to his radio staff) Niffty to the main hall, please!
Niffty: (instantly appears, magically crawling out from behind Charlie and hanging off the princesses' shoulder) Nifty and quick!
Alastor: You're aware of that derelict town that has recently become occupied by that dismal gang, the Rippers, no? I'm making it your job to prove yourself to our princess here by cleaning that entire town of its recent vermin problem! HAHAHAhahaha... And by that, I mean slaughter all of them.
Niffty: (whips out her knives) Okey dokey! (she bolts out the hotel's doors)
Charlie: WAIT, NO-" - — Charlie confronts Alastor about Niffty.
- "Forti: Charlotte? (Charlie looks both ways in confusion, before slowly returning to what she was doing) Princess Charlotte?
Charlie: (Charlie looks both ways again before slowly looking over at Heaven's Light) Wait... Am I going crazy or... Are you... Talking?
Forti: If what you are referring to is Heaven's Light, no. But, I am utilizing it to communicate with you.
Charlie: (clearly confused) ...'Kaaaay... And, uh... (she leans in closer to Heaven's Light) Who- who are you?
Forti: I am Archangel Forti, but you may simply cite me as Forti if you wish.
Charlie: O.. Kaaay... W- wait... You're an archangel?! (she begins to feel lightheaded and stumbles) I.. Uh... Oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit!
Forti: Be not afraid. I wish you no harm or danger.
Charlie: (she recovers) Uh, no! I- I get that. It's just... My dad doesn't exactly, uh, like you guys. (she laughs sheepishly) If he found out we were speaking to each other, yeesh! I don't even want to know what he would do.
Forti: I am well aware of your father's contempt of me.
Charlie: (she laughs nervously again) Yeah... By the way, how do you know my name?
Forti: As an archangel, it is my duty to know the names of every soul dwelling in this realm, especially its sovereignty.
Charlie: ...Riiiight.
Forti: I have reached out to you as I wish to consult with you personally. Please consider my offer.
Charlie: ...Well, I guess it does feel a bit silly, talking like... This.
Forti: Place your hands upon Heaven's Light, that we may meet personally." - — Charlie's first exchange with Forti, before he transports her to Limbo.
- "Charlie: Forti... What happened to you? I mean, how did you get... In there. And those chains... (she winces as she notices Forti's burn marks) They... Don't look comfortable.
Forti: This was my fate for protecting Heaven from your father. After he was banished to Hell, I was imprisoned and left to suffer in Limbo for my sacrifice. It is unfortunate, but I am willing to suffer far worse to protect my sacred home.
Charlie: Oh... Forti, I'm so sorry...
Forti: Do not be. No child should suffer for their parent's sin." - — Forti and Charlie after the latter witnessed Forti in his prison.
- "Forti: God has sent Heaven's Light for a purpose; to aid you in your cause and, potentially, to gift you with what you desire.
Charlie: G- God...? So, wait... I know I'm gonna sound crazy for asking this, but... Do you think it’s possible to rehabilitate a sinner? Do you think they could ascend to Heaven?
Forti: Of course.
Charlie: (sighs) I had a feelin- (she blinks twice) H- Hold on... Y-you really mean it...? Because everyone- Everyone in Hell doesn't think it'll work. The- They all just think I'm crazy. But you... You really think sinners can be absolved?
Forti: All are worthy of redemption and can be absolved of their sins, but only if they strive to seek it.
Charlie: Oh, my gosh... (Charlie falls to her knees, her eyes welling up with tears)
Forti: Is there something troubling you, my child?
Charlie: N- No... I just... I can't believe this... (she holds Heaven's Light in her arms and hugs it tightly, crying with joy, before facing Forti) Oh, thank you... I'll treasure this, always." - — Forti reveals to Charlie that redemption is possible.
- "Okay, ummm, great first attempt, Angel. Buuuut, word of advice, little old men don't like it when you make a pass at them after helping them cross the street. It's a little... Extremely creepy. Let's try again."
- — Charlie to Angel Dust while they were assisting the elderly.
- "Charlie: (to Husk) Oh, my Satan! Husk! (she kneels beside him, cradeling his head in her hands) Oh, shit! You okay?! Look at me, please!
Husk: (slowly looks at her) Charlie...
Charlie: J- Just hold on, Husk! I'm right here! You're gonna be fine!
Husk: Charlie... Fuckin' kill me, please... (he continues spazzing and contorting his body)
Charlie: (she faces Death, slowly shifting into her Full Demon Form) What... The fuck... (surrounds herself and Death in hellfire) DID YOU DO TO HIM?!
Death: (in a fireman's outfit) I know what it looks like, but hear me out, princess! Me and Husker were havin' a wee drinking contest, and wouldn't you fuckin' know it, he's a lightweight that can't hold his supernatural ale! (he looks down at Husk and kicks him in his head as he twitches violently) Oh, for fuck's sake, pull yerself together, man! Fuckin' Alastor's more of a drinkin' man than you!" - — Charlie and Death after he poisoned Husk with a supernatural drink.
- "Death: 'Kay, nice guy act is over. Give me their souls.
Charlie: (crosses her arms and looks away with her eyes closed) No.
Death: Give their souls.
Charlie: No.
Death: Give me their souls.
Charlie: No.
Death: Give me their souls!
Charlie: No.
Death: Ok, then DON'T give me their souls! (Charlie stays silent) ...GRAAAAAH!!! (he assumes a demonic skeleton form and surrounds Charlie with floating skulls and a ring of fire) Give me their souls, or you'll rue the moment I stepped foot in your PATHETIC establishment!
Charlie: (remains unfazed) ...No. (Death stares wide-eyed) I hate to do this, but since you clearly aren't going to contribute to the hotel, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave... Please.
Death: (he stares at Charlie intensely before returning to normal) Damn... I'm used to people pissing themselves with fear when I do that. You are... Quite special, Charlotte. Then again... (he walks past and glances at a portrait of Charlie with Lucifer) I guess I'm not the scariest monster in your life, after all." - — Death drops the 'nice guy' act and tries to intimidate Charlie in surrounding the souls of the Hazbin Hotel's inhabitants.
Chapter 2
- "Charlie: So, Al, you're a cannibal, right?
Alastor: Why, yes I am, dear!
Charlie: Calcifer told me about those... That means you only ate other humans, right?
Alastor: Ha, ha, ha! Of course not! I didn't indulge in the flesh of my fellow sinners until I was reborn here. My good friend Rosie didn't want me to miss out on the fun, and boy am I glad she didn't!
Charlie: Okay... So, what do other demons taste like?
Alastor: Hmm... Not as savory as, say, venison, or even Cajun greens, but still satisfactory to one's taste buds! How about we swing by Cannibal Colony and you judge for yourself?
Charlie: Eh... No, thank you." - — Charlie, Charlie, and Angel Dust.
- "Alastor: ♫We'll ship them in and dress them up and make them look the part...♫
Charlie: ♫Well, actually, we probably should help them change their heart!♫
Alastor: ♫By teasing them and baiting them!♫
Charlie: ♫Or rehabilitating them!♫
Alastor: ♫Boil them, baste them, slice them up and serve them à la carte!♫
Charlie: That's horrible!
Alastor: Don't be such a princess!
Charlie: Go to Hell!
Alastor: Already there, darling!" - — Alastor and Charlie during their duet, Heaven to Hell.
- "Charlie: Why would you do this to these people?!
Vaggie: You better fucking answer her, bastardo gorda de cerdo!
Yuck: (coughs and chuckles) You dumb broads... Ya seriously think an imp like me would be out there enslavin' a buncha filthy half-breeds for kicks?
Charlie: What are you talking about...?
Yuck: Us imps are too weak to be out there doin' all this hard labor. My business was bleedin' money... Until those Exterminators damn near wiped out those cambions. King Lucifer was gonna leave 'em to dry, but I saw potential in puttin' em to work. I asked him for enough shit to pull off the job. He gets to watch those human-rejects go extinct, and I get rich as shit. It was a win-win deal. (rolls his eyes) Well, maybe not for them lazy half-breeds. (laughs) Oh, oh! (laughing uncontrollably) I almost forgot the best part! ...He agreed. (Charlie becomes wide-eyed) That's right, princess! Your dear, old, fuckin' dad put us up to this! Chew on THAT!!! (Charlie faces away from the slave driver, looking down in sadness) So, what's it gonna be, slut? You gonna let me go and forget this ever happened, or are ya gonna destroy my business and risk pissin' off your Daddy? Either way, I'm gonna be needin' some goddamn compensation for your fuckin' friend destroying my fields! YOU STUPID BITCH!!! (Vaggie feriously kicks Yuck in his face and readies her spear to impale)
Charlie: Vaggie, no! (Charlie puts her arm in front of Vaggie; she stops herself from stabbing him at the last minute; Charlie sighs and faces Yuck) My dad's made a lot of mistakes... But I'm going to fix all of them. And if he has any problem with that... Then that's how it has to be." - — Charlie and Vaggie confronting Yuck.
- "Charlie: You don't get to hurt him anymore! Whatever it takes, I'm gonna stop you!
Satan: Your arrogance will be your downfall, child." - — Charlie refusing to let Satan hurt Manco.
Chapter 3
- "Charlie: (distantly) Manco?!
Manco: (to Charlie) Over here! (he quickly flies over to her, hugging her)
Charlie: (to Manco) Are you hurt?!
Manco: No, no, no, I'm fine. (he points to Millicent) But, look...
Charlie: (she stares at Millicent, eyes widening) Yowza wowza... (Millicent smiles and waves at Charlie, who awkwardly waves back while mindlessly staring at her)
Millicent: Oh! Silly me! Introductions. I am Millicent. Your name is... Charlie?
Charlie: Y- Yes, that's right... Uh, how do you know my name?
Millicent: Your name tag, silly billy!
Charlie: Oh, right! (she laughs sheepishly; whispering) That's embarrassing...
Manco: (looking at the dead creatures) What were those things?
Millicent: They're called Agori. (she pulls her sword out of them) Vicious little nasties. Usually, I can ward them away with some bait, but I wasn't expecting company and... Ah! (waves her hand) I digress.
Manco: Oh... Right.
Millicent: How did you two get here?
Charlie: It's, uh... a LONG story.
Millicent: Ah. I apologize. This place isn't suitable for first impressions. I have a shelter over yonder. We have plenty of food, water. (to Manco; smiling) There's even seven other children there, just like you.
Manco: R- Really? (to Charlie) Charlie, can we go see it?
Charlie: (to Manco) Eh...
Millicent: It's rational to have reservations, especially in a place like this. (smiles) Whatever your choice, my door is always open. (she prepares to fly off)
Charlie: Wait! (Millicent halts and looks back at Charlie) ...Give us directions?
Manco: YES!
Charlie: I mean, you're the first thing in days that hasn't tried to viciously murder us. That's gotta account for something, right?
Millicent: (chuckles lightly) Right.
Charlie: Before we go, do you mind if we grab our friends, Razzle, Dazzle, and Alastor?
Millicent: The more the merrier. Just keep an eye out any more Agori." - — Millicent meets Charlie and Manco.
- "Don't worry, guys! Think of all the amazing things we've done so far. This'll be a walk in the park!"
- — Charlie trying to raise the hotel crew's spirits.
- "Millicent: I can tell something is troubling you, Charlotte? What's the matter?
Charlie: Well... It's just that... Most of this happened because of me. Us ending up here, what happened to Vaggie, all of it. I just... I feel like ever since I started the Happy Hotel, things haven't been very good. My friends are always in danger, and one of them, R-... Ren... They... Died. It's just, how are they supposed to reform themselves when all this is happening? I try not to give up, but... Sometimes I wonder if I'm doing more harm than good.
Millicent: You should never fault yourself for being compassionate, Charlotte. You are giving these souls a chance at redemption out of the goodness within you.
Charlie: (voice breaking) But what if we can't escape..?
AdiMillicentna: Life is full of change. Change we cannot control. You have to learn to change with it. Some people leave, and they never come back. You will adapt to that. But you have to learn to trust yourself and make your own decisions. You will learn that, when you are alone, you are enough to get yourself through most things. But if you ever do find people who stand by you, even when everyone else has walked away, hold on to them. It's not always who you would suspect. We'll get out of this, Charlie. I believe in you. (she holds Charlie by both of her hands) Just keep trying.
Charlie: (she slowly smiles at Millicent, nodding) I will." - — Charlie and Millicent's conversation while waiting for Satan's arrival on their mission to rescue Alastor.
- "Satan: Everything you know about me is from the twisted point of view of the Creator's puppets. The Creator sent His pawns to build all Creation. Restlessly laying world upon world, dimension after dimension. All for what? So that His creations would destroy all that He had wrought with their annoying and inane squabbles. I only wanted us, as gods, to live in luxury. Unburdened by those of little worth. Humanity, demons, angels and all, hold no merit. Besides, we could always start over. If we need them. If you follow the path of the Creator, you will only become just another slave to Him. Join me, child, and together we, and your father, will cleanse all creation of this plague.
Charlie: No! The Light Beyond the Stars created life so it could thrive! You only create life for one purpose: to kill! Humans, angels, sinners, demons, deep down, are kind beings who are capable of amazing things. If we could just end the Exterminations, it will bring us all together!
Satan: Such inane garbage being spewed by a blind, ignorant child. WAKE UP! (Satan telekinetically throws Charlie into a wall) Why do you refuse to see what I will do for us all? How do you expect Creation to reward you?!
Charlie: (she struggles to her feet) I... I don't know. But I'm gonna find out, and you're not gonna stop me.
Satan: (chuckles) I doubt that. It is my destiny to cleanse Creation. Whether you like it or not, it will happen.
Charlie: You keep saying Forti is evil, but you're the one that's trying to kill everyone! You'd kill me, too!
Satan: You can only achieve peace through destruction! ...The Creator's Universe is cruel and unforgiving. No matter how hard you try to better it, it will only pay you back with suffering. Follow the Creator into oblivion if you wish.
Charlie: (she thinks it over, before staring at Satan with determination) I don't care. (she stands beside Millicent) I'll decide what's right for me. Not you.
Satan: I was only ever trying to help you, Charlotte. (Satan restrains Charlie telekinetically) But if you refuse to listen, you will join us... Through death." - — Satan and Charlie's battle of ideologies.
- "Vaggie: (while fighting the Queen Spider's spawn with Charlie back-to-back) Ok, what is it?
Charlie: What?
Vaggie: You've been giving me that look this whole time. I can take a hint.
Charlie: It's just... (she burns a spider that nearly attacks Vaggie) You know what? I do have a problem! Why the fuck did you take those kids and leave us behind?!
Vaggie: I promised myself I would keep them safe! You were putting us all in danger!
Charlie: (scoffs) So your solution was to run off with them on your own? You could have gotten them and yourself killed! What were you thinking?! (she and Vaggie team up to take down a particularly large spider) That's your problem. You think you're better than everyone else!
Vaggie: Am I wrong? My choices were either stay with you and probably get all of us killed, or keep those kids safe. I made a call! You had your hands full with Manco, and the rest of us aren't exactly role models, hun! How many of us have to die before you realize you can't escape this place?!" - — Charlie and Vaggie arguing after seeing each other again for the first time in eight years.
- "Vaggie: You know... It was fun having kids- D- I mean- Taking care of- (she blushes and grumbles)
Charlie: (laughing softly) Vaggie... I get it. I loved taking care of Manco. These past eight years have been really difficult, but he was always there to remind me of the joys of life. I don't think I could have made it without him.
Vaggie: (she contemplates something) ...So, hun, I know this is kinda coming out of nowhere, but, just in the remote chance we get out of here... Do you wanna... You know...
Charlie: ...Have a kid together? (she and Charlie share a longing stare)" - — Charlie and Vaggie while hunting the Queen Spider.
- "Vaggie: 'Kay, hun. Let's have a kid.
Charlie: (she gasps loudly, puts her hands on her cheeks, and becomes surrounded by hearts) REALLY?!
Vaggie: Yep. (she bisects a spider who attempted to jump on Charlie) Just promise me that we'll be better parents than this bitch.
Charlie: Of course! Does this mean we should btart aby-proofing the hotel?
Vaggie: Babe... look at our clientele. It's already baby-proofed." - — Charlie and Vaggie about to Queen Spider.
- "Charlie: (in a fast-paced manner) Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! You're gonna love it at the hotel! It's MAGICAL! We have all these magical rooms, we have wonderful people! Like Vaggie and Husk, and Angel Dust! Oh, my gosh, they're gonna love having you! Vaggie's my girlfriend, she's awesome!
Manco: Uh... Charlie? I knew that already...
Charlie: (unaffected) She's very smart and loyal and, GAH, I could go on!!! Angel Dust, remember him? Oh, you're gonna love him! He's great with kids! And then we have Alastor- (hurriedly) UUUUUH, yeaaah actually, you should probably avoid him. ANYWAY, (normally) Niffty! She's fucking adorable and our maid! Just don't make a mess in front of her! And Husk! He's great, he's our front desk face! He's got some issues, but he's got a crusty heart of gold! Everyone just has something MAGICAL about them! You're gonna love it there! I promise! (squeals in excitement)" - — Charlie's excitement when Manco agreed to stay at the Hazbin Hotel until she could find a way to return him to Heaven.
- "Satan: (as its magical wisps crawl around Charlie's body) Your father was right about you. You are truly strong, Charlotte. And yet... You still failed to prevent me from entering your mind. I tried to help you see the truth. I could have shown you what true power was, but you are far too lost. Your soul must be... Cleansed. (Satan summons a black, oil-like substance to hold Manco in place) Kill the boy, and your transformation will be completed.
Charlie: (to Manco) It's going to be okay, Manco. I promise I won't let anything happen to you.
Satan: Do not give him false hope. Let the child accept his fate and die with a brave face.
Charlie: (to Satan) I'll never let you control me.
Satan: (cackles lowly) I've done it before, and now I'll do it again. You are mine, Charlotte. (Satan's wisps pour into Charlie's eyeballs as the corruption process begins)" - — Satan to Charlie, before entering her mind in order to corrupt her soul.
- "Satan: Stop fighting. You are home now.
Charlie: No, this- this isn't right!
Satan: Think about it, Charlotte. (Charlie sees visions of the sinners of Hell kneeling before and catering to her) Every one of your subjects will adore you. You will have the whole world. Admiration, success, power... (Charlie sees a vision of Lucifer putting a crown on her before embracing her) The love of your father. You will not have control of your actions initially; your mind will still belong to me. But, if you prove your loyalty, you will gain control over time. In which reality would you deny this opportunity?
Charlie: (Charlie turns away from the visions, closes her eyes, and holds her head in agony, crying) Stop it, please!
Satan: I've been inside your mind once already, Charlotte. I know what brings you pain. I will use you to further my crusade, whether you commit or deny. But, if you join me at this moment, your allies will be unharmed. This is truly your last chance, Charlotte. Kill the boy. Burn Heaven to cinders. Let the Universe die." - — Satan tempts Charlie within her mind.
- "Satan: (after a moment of abrupt silence, darkness begins crawling throughout Charlie's soul) And just like that, it's over, Charlotte. Your will is shattered. I've won. You know you can't succeed. You are no savior. If not for you, Millicent would still be alive.
Charlie: (gasping) You're right... I- I don't think I can do this... (she falls to her knees in tears; voice breaking) Fuck! How can we move on from all this?! How can I live my life if it always feels like me and my friends are about to die?! It's just... (buries her face into the ground, crying) It's too much...
Satan: Your will is strong, my child. Eight years of fighting is no small feat. You're no hero, but you are what you were born to be; a ruler. (Charlie's eyes begin to glow a bright red color) And now you, like many others, belong to me. What do you say?
Charlie: (with a voice layered with Satan's) I'm yours, Satan...
Satan: Excellent." - — Satan mentally breaking Charlie while attempting to corrupt her soul.
- "Guys... I know these last eight years have been rough... And I mean really, really rough. (laughs nervously) ...But, I promise, despite all the pain and hardships we've been through, we'll get through it, and come out stronger than ever... (she looks at Fergus) Together."
- — Charlie's speech to the hotel crew the first time they enter the Hazbin Hotel since they escaped Purgatory, reflecting what Fergus had said to her earlier.
- "You know... Sometimes I question whether or not we're going to survive all of this... But when I look at all the things we've done, and all the wonderful people we've met, I'm certain that there's nothing in the Universe that could stop us now! After all this... We're still alive."
- — Charlie to Vaggie.
Chapter 4
- "You know we used to be best friends at one point. I loved him, but one day he just... Changed... We can't stay mad at each other forever."
- — Charlie to Vaggie about Seviathan.
- "Hellsa: You mad, Charlotte? All the boys simp over me! Who ever simped for you besides that one-eyed slut?
Charlie: Uh... Your brother..." - — Charlie and Hellsa after the latter introduced her boyfriend to Charlie.
- "Charlie: Don't you talk to my girlfriend that way!
Hellsa: (snickers) You think I'm scared of you, Charlotte? Your family name means fuck all to me. I'm not gonna listen to some wannabe Disney princess who chases rainbows, and I'm sure as fuck not gonna respect your company. (grins smugly) So, why don't you make me?
Charlie: (she closes her eyes, takes a deep breath, and exhales, opening her eyes to reveal they are a red color, before shifting into her Full Demon Form) Try me, bitch." - — Charlie and Hellsa's confrontation.
- "Charlie: You're better than this, Sev! I know this isn't you!
Seviathan: (scoffs) Do you really?
Charlie: Do I? We've spent our lives together! You don't have to live in fear all the time!
Seviathan: Shut up...
Charlie: Sev, please listen to me!
Seviathan: Charlie...
Charlie: You can stay at the hotel! I won't let anyone hurt you anymore!
Seviathan: Charlie.
Charlie: I don't care about what happened in the past!
Seviathan: (he briefly flashes into his Full Demon Form) NO.
Charlie: (she hangs her head) ...I just want you to be happy.
Seviathan: 'Happy'...? (scoffs sadly) You know that isn't how this works. Not with him." - — Charlie and Seviathan.
- "Leviathan: Charlotte! Blast me barnacles, ye stumbled upon me shrine to the Dark Lord, Azathoth! Finally takin' an interest in the ancient ones, are ye?
Charlie: (awkwardly trying to shuffle away) Nooo, I just... wandered off. I should get going!
Leviathan: (he locks an arm around her) Find some spirit, lass! (he rummages through the shrine as Charlie awkwardly stands with a painted smile) Take a gander at these charred eyes of Ol' St. Galant, who dared to look upon the secrets of the Elders! And let me remind ye of the tentacle o' Clulu, from which we et upon to gain a fraction of his knowledge and power!
Charlie: (she looks absolutely horrified, her pupils shrunken) whut the fuck...
Leviathan: (shouting upwards, holding a book and putting a hand on Charlie's shoulder) Hark, Lord Azathoth, may ye lay your curse upon this fair princess, granting her the wisdom of darkness and Creation! (he looks Charlie in the face)I tells ya, Charlotte, I'm as wedded to Azathoth's teachings as a barnacle to a ship's hull. It's the only thing that stirs any feelin' in me neathers...
Charlie: (she makes Leviathan unhand her) Ooooky, y'know what? You have fun with that, I think I heard Vaggie calling me!" - — Leviathan shows Charlie his shrine to the Colossus.
- "Leviathan: (he raises a chalice of red liquid) We feast in the glory of the mad Arab of Providence. We pray to the One True God. We pray to the Demon Sultan himself We pray to the blind idiot Azathoth. If his tumult should consume us, may he deign to permit our company in his murky web, the Dark Tapestry! Let his hideous name echo across Creation, and our thoughts be molted all... MAY MADNESS TAKE CREATION!!! (a massive burst of thunder roars outside the castle; Seviathan looks up at his father blankly; Bethesda is smiling at Leviathan with her hands clasped; Hellsa is on her phone not paying attention; Vaggie sits with her arms crossed while Charlie looks completely weirded out; Leviathan lets a disembodied, slimy tentacle take his chalice and slithers over to Charlie, inviting her for a toast) 'Tis no sin to pay homage to the Shadowy Ones when the moon hangs high, lass. The Dark Ones always be forever seekin' for fresh minds to immerse in abyssal depths. And within the confines of me dominion... I shall not accept heresy.
Charlie: (after a pause, Charlie nervously raises her glass, just going with the flow; her voice comes out as a squeaky, insincere whisper) may madness take creation." - — Leviathan's prayer to Azathoth before dinner.
- "Leviathan: Aye, Charlotte, have ye heard the latest gossip? I know o'the Magne family and their fondness fer secrets. Out with it, lass.
Charlie: No, sorry, I try not to listen to that stuff. What's going on?
Leviathan: (he gazes into the ocean of Envy) The wind's o' Hell have changed. A band o'unruly angels may or may not have trespassed into Hell. As princess, ye wouldn't happen to have any insight into this peculiar turn o'events, would ye now?
Charlie: Well, even if that's true, I don't really see why it's such a problem.
Leviathan: Ye reckon ye don't? So, ye think it be all fine and dandy for angels to illegally break into our home dimension, do ye.
Charlie: ...Well, since we're putting words into each other's mouths... I just think it's a bit ridiculous that you and many others think demons and angels should just hate each other. If angels DID enter Hell and they don't mean any harm, what's there to worry about?
Leviathan: Angels be our natural foes, lass. They yearn for dominion over these rings, swoopin' down from Fiddler's Green to butcher our kind and yer subjects by the millions every year.
Charlie: Not all angels are like that, sir. I know it may be difficult to believe, but they really are thoughtful and want what's best for all of us.
Seviathan: The heir to the throne, ladies and gentlemen.
Leviathan: (shakes his head and laughs) I reckon we be just two demons from vastly different generations, lass. I might actually find meself pleased at this turn o'events. We Eldritch haven't savored the taste o'angelic flesh in many a moon...
Charlie: Well, wherever they are, I bet they're happy and realizing that demons aren't so bad after all!
Hellsa: (snickers) Satan, Charlotte, do you even hear yourself right now? Poor thing. Enlighten me, when was the last time your dad said he loved you? Not that you see him that much, y'know, after he disowned you.
Charlie: (to Hellsa) I wasn't disowned, Hellsa. My father just doesn't agree with some of my choices. I'm still the heir to the throne AND at a higher rank than you. And when was the last time your PARENTS said they loved you, hm?
Hellsa: (her eye twitches) Oh, you little fucking cun-
Leviathan: Who's hungry?! All this chatter and gossipin' about angels has rendered me quite... Starved." - — Charlie and Leviathan's conversation about angels.
- "'Manco: You did it, Charlie!
Charlie: I... I did! I really did! (she squees and flies in a back-flip motion) Manco, come here, I wanna hug you!
Manco: Uh... You're not gonna want a hug in a second.
Charlie: Why...?
Manco: Just follow me! (he begins ascending into Hell's sky)
Charlie: Manco, wait up! (she follows him; eventually, she looks down to realize they are both flying into Hell's stratosphere) Oh, FUCK!!! HOLY SHI- (she covers her mouth before clearing her throat; nervously) Uh, Manco? We're going really high.
Manco: This is the final lesson! Like Arthur says, 'go big or go home'!
Charlie: I- I can't do this...
Manco: Yes, you can! I believe in you! We're just gonna go up as high as we can-
Charlie: Oh, yeah, sounds simple enough...
Manco: -then fly back down SUPER fast, and just before we hit the ground, we're gonna pull up and fly back in the air! Oh, yeah, and I should probably mention that I've never done this before.
Charlie: What?
Manco: GIRONIMO! (he dives down back to the Pride Ring at a high speed)
Charlie: MANCO, NO!!! (she flies down after him)" - — Manco and Charlie's final flying lesson.
- "Charlie: Manco! J- Just stay there! I got you!
Manco: Charlie, look! You're doing it!
Charlie: (she looks at herself, flying smoothly) Oh, wow...
Manco: Just remember to catch yourself before you fall. (they continue descending rapidly) ...So, what's going on with you and Seviathan?
Charlie: REALLY, MANCO?! NOW?!
Manco: (laughing) It just seemed really awkward!
Charlie: You're crazy!" - — Manco and Charlie while diving back down to Hell.
- "Charlie: Manco?! Are you okay?! Where are you?
Manco: (pops out of a mound of bricks, fist-pumping) WOO-HOO! Let's do that again!!
Charlie: (she breathes a sigh of relief and falls back) Oh, sweet land...
Manco: (he falls back next to her and sighs) If only Arthur could have seen that... So, um, I'm sorry about what happened back there. That was a bit too extreme. But you did good!
Charlie: A bit too extreme? (Manco looks down; Charlie laughs) It's okay, sweetheart. That was... Fun. Scary as Heaven, but fun. I just didn't know you had that in you.
Manco: What?
Charlie: I've never seen you this... Happy? Excited? I don't know... (she ruffles his hair) I just love seeing you smile again." - — Manco and Charlie after they crash-landed through a roof.
- "Charlie: Sev, I don't want to go over there. What if Hellsa and your awful father are there?
Seviathan: (growls) That's my father you're talking about! You'll do well to respect his name!
Charlie: He treats you like shit, Sev!
Seviathan: Shut up! You don't know shit about my father!
Charlie: We're not going over the same things all the time! I can't keep doing this anymore!
Seviathan: You can't just walk away from me!
Charlie: That's the problem right there; you're always telling me what to do! It wasn't always like this! If you won't stop listening to your father, I'm gone! (she starts walking out the door)
Seviathan: Wait! Dammit! (he grabs her by the arm, stopping her) You can't do this to me! Don't you understand?! I HAVE to marry you!
Charlie: You don't have to do SHIT! (Charlie goes into her Full Demon Form, creating an aura of flames which sends Seviathan flying into a wall; after realizing what she did, she turns back to normal) Oh... Oh, my Satan... Sev! (she reaches for him) You okay?! I'm so-
Seviathan: (he smacks her hand away) FUCK OFF, CHARLIE! (he slowly goes into his Full Demon Form, seething as he places his hand on a cut on his head) Get the hell out of here.
Charlie: I didn't mean to-
Seviathan: LEAVE!
Charlie: (she goes to the door as tears stream down her eyes) I didn't want it to end like this... You changed... (she exits the room, covering her face)
Seviathan: (after several seconds he falls to his knees with a look of sadness and utter fear) Shit... What the fuck did I just do..." - — Seviathan and Charlie in a flashback, depicting their separation.
- "Charlie: Listen, sir, I know you've always wanted me to marry your son. A- And I don't blame you! He's a great guy and he'll always be my friend, but... But, that's just it. My heart belongs to Vaggie. And I know that if there is any goodness in you, you'll understand. Do you...?
Leviathan: (he shakes his head, grinning and loudly closing an ancient-looking book) Goodness? (he laughs and sneers) I care not fer these follies of 'good and evil' notions what man bandy about. There is power and there is not. And those who lack the power to claim it are fools. Yer heart belongs to Vaggie, ye reckon? (he laughs as Charlie glowers at him) We both know she is far from a suitable consort. Ye took pity on that lowly demonette, castin' aside that she's a worthless mortal soul, and a woman, no less. There's nothing she can offer ye that could compare to the power that would be offered by weddin' into the Von Eldritch line. This wedding is happening today, whether you want to or not.
Charlie: You... you bastard! I love Vaggie, more than anyone else in the world, more than anyone could EVER love anyone! And she's not a 'worthless mortal soul', just a lost one! I don't need anyone else or their power! And neither does Sev!
Leviathan: Aye, 'Sev'... Seems yer bond has been mended. (chuckles) But, ye see, even though ye might reckon I can't coerce ye, what with yer lofty rank compared to mine... I've got me own little trump card, lass: leverage.
Charlie: What are you talking about...? What kind of leverage?
Leviathan: (he begins circling her) A mere few hours past, yer mates had the gall to sneak into me castle, on some futile quest to find ye. And aye, yer supposed 'one true love' was among 'em. Let me make this crystal clear: a band of sinners trespassed into my domain. Even if ye sent 'em an invite, they breached my fortress without proper clearance. There's gotta be consequences for such actions. But, bein' the gracious soul I is, I'll offer ye a choice. If ye comply and wed Seviathan by day's end, I'll let 'em go, unharmed. Refuse his hand? ...Well, then I'll have no choice but to put 'em to the sword. (he stops circling her as Charlie looks like she's about to go OFF; she looks feral, her eyes red and hair waving in a wind that she seems to be producing with her own anger) Do we have a deal...? (a pause; Charlie enters her Full Demon Form and lunges at Leviathan, slamming and pinning him against a wall while grabbing him by the neck and growling demonically) Charlotte, mark me words, this be a foolhardy choice. (eyes appear along Leviathan's body, his teen growing so large they split the sides of his mouth)UNHAND me this instant.
Charlie: I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU, YOU BASTARD!!! (the room is ablaze with her fury) YOU WANNA FUCK WITH MY FRIENDS?! Then BRING IT!!!
Leviathan: What be yer move, then?! Will ye kill me and seal the doom of yer allies?! (he speaks in a demonic tone) Think about your next move carefully. (Charlie stares at Leviathan hatefully, slowly shifting back to normal and releasing him) Hmph... y'see? Leverage.
Charlie: You're willing to kill my friends just because I don't want to marry your son?! Why are you doing this?! For power?! I know you've always wanted my father's throne, but stoop to this?! Isn't Envy enough?
Leviathan: (chuckles) Nay, lass. It never were enough. I've watched ye grow since ye were a babe, Charlotte. I ken ye're foremost a creature of empathy... and stubbornness. I've deciphered every line of ye. Them's true. I AM truth. And the truth be that I'll always win, for ye're less of a demon than I. If hurtin' those ye hold dear be the only way to bend ye to me will, then so be it. (with Charlie in submission, he strides past her and begins leaving the room) I'll be expectin' ye ready for the wedding within the hour. Oh, and I reckon the green dress'll suit ye best. 'Twas always Seviathan's favorite. (he chuckles darkly as he exits the room)" - — Charlie confronts Leviathan.
Chapter 5
- "Roo: (voice coming from the clock tower) What a lovely set a' pipes you 'ave!
Charlie: (she jumps up, startled, wiping tears from her eyes) Who... Who said that?
Roo: Me! I'm in 'ere!
Charlie: (she faces the clock tower's mural) Where are you, uh, coming from...?
Roo: I've been trapped in this fuckin' place fer... Well, I don't know. But then, I heard the most beautiful singing and I just hadda listen in. It was you! Singing about yer hotel, and then I heard ya sobbin' and just thought a complement would make ya feel betta.
Charlie: Oh... Thanks? Soooo, uh, how'dya even get in there?
Roo: Well, y'see, not a lodda people like me. People can be right fuckin' cruel. With the way they talk about me, you'd think I'm a scarier sight than an old couple bumpin' uglies in the rain on a cold day. (cackles) So, they put me in this place and thought it was best to forget about me.
Charlie: Al...Righty then? So, you're saying this clock tower is a portal to another realm? This whole time. This clock tower that has been here for literally thousands of years?
Roo: Yep! Yep, it is!
Charlie: (with a dumbfounded look) Say what now?
Roo: (titters) Allll along! And you had no fuckin' clue! Ain't that fuckin' somethin'?! Yeah, sometimes I'll try to strike up a chat with wayward blokes, but yer people can be, well, quite shitty sometimes.
Charlie: Tell me about it...
Roo: Speakin' of which... Do you wanna be muh mate?! I've always wanted real mates!
Charlie: (laughs; whispering) Shit, it's not every day you hear that in Hell. (normally) Of course, I'll be your friend!
Roo: Coo-ee!! Now that we're mates, I'll be apples if you joined me in 'ere! No worries, you won't be trapped, and I got all sortsa treasures in 'ere!" - — Roo and Charlie meet each other.
- "Charlie: H- Hello? Eugh... It really does stinks in here...
Roo: Oi, c***! I take offense to that!
Charlie: (startled, she looks at a heaping pile of trash, noticing someone rummaging around inside) Hello? A- Are you the one who summoned me?
Roo: Oh! Oh, g'day, mate! Wait a tick, I'm searchin' fer a fork I lost in '45. 1745. (giggles) Eh, what's up, c***?
Charlie: Uhhh... You... Summoned me?
Roo: Oh, yeah! Sorry, I 'aven't seen anotha bloke in just about a million fuckin' years!
Charlie: You've been here that long?
Roo: Yep! Just been me and me clones? Right, me?
Roo: (to Charlie) Ignore 'er.
Charlie: Okaaay.... Sooo... (clears throat) Aaaanyhow, my name is Charlie! Charlie Magne! (she holds Razzle and Dazzle up) These are my bois, Razzle and Dazzle! And you are...?
Roo: Charlie?! Boy, have I been waitin' fer you, c***! Name's Roo! Short fer, uh... Somethin' or otha.
Charlie: Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Roo! And, uh, I understand if you don't want to, but could you, maybe, show yourself to me? It would be fantastic to actually see you!
Roo: Oh. (chuckles) Roight. Well, thing is, I'm tryin' to find a form yer most comfor'ble with.
Charlie: Really? That's... Thoughtful of you! Take all the time you need, then!
Roo: Will do! Let's see... No, no, too saccharine... Ah-ha! I think I found just tha perfect form! (she leaps out of the heap of trash, using a trash can lid to surf her way down the trash heap) YAAAA-HOOO!!! (she lands in front of Charlie in her demonic form) Ya fuckin' like it?
Charlie: Hold on... You look just like...
Roo: Ya childhood imaginary friend?! Betcha you forgot 'bout that one, eh, c*** Hadda fuckin' reach in the deeeeeeepest part of ya memories fer that fuckin' one. (she extends her hand) Nice to fuckin' meetcha in person, mate! (her eldritch tongue suddenly jolts out of her mouth, nearly lurching onto Charlie; Razzle and Dazzle growl) Crikey! ...Get tha fuck back in there, ya fuckin' lil' drongo. (she shoves her tongue back in her mouth) Ooh, fuck! (she laughs nervously) Sorry 'bout that dunnie bungy, mates. Just one of muh roots!
Charlie: (startled) Uuuuuhhh... I don't remember my imaginary friend doing that...
Roo: (hurriedly) Eh, probably a fuckin' repressed memory or some shit, I dun' fuckin' know. (she extends her hand again) C'moooon, c***, I don't bite!
Charlie: (to Razzle and Dazzle) It's okay, boys... (she turns to Roo and slowly shakes her hand)
Roo: Oh... (she looks at their hands) That's... That's different.
Charlie: Pardon...? (after a pause, Roo suddenly hugs Charlie tightly) Woah! (she slowly reciprocates as Roo begins sobbing softly) You okay, Roo...?
Roo: Ah. (she wipes her eyes, sniffling) Fuck me... Sorry, 'bout the bawls, love. Just been so fuckin' long since I've had anotha c*** in me life. (Charlie darts her eyes awkwardly) Term of endearment, love.
Charlie: Oh! Right. I'm, uh... I'm so sorry this happened to you, Roo. Someone like you shouldn't have to live in a place like this, with all this garbage.
Roo: Actually, this 'ere dinkum is me garbage!
Charlie: Wait, seriously?
Roo: Aaah, yes! It's me own personal collection! I see the beauty in many disgusting things. One person's trash is ME bloomin' treasure. (she pulls out a sculpture of a snowman made of garbage) Like me c*** 'here, Grime! He keeps me company when me fuckin' clones aren't 'round! (she pulls out a moldy treasure chest) Or these chests 'ere! You can fuckin' play hide 'n seek with ya fuckin' mates! (she hides in the chest)
Roo #2: (runs up to Charlie) You theh! Did ya happen ta see a ginger lassy runnin' 'bout?!
Charlie: Nnnnooo...?
Roo #2: Bollocks! (she runs off) I'LL FUCKIN' FIND YA, YA LIT'LE C***!!!
Roo: (pops back out of the chest) Whew! That fuckin' c*** was completely off her fuckin' rocker. Thanks for not givin' me 'way!
Charlie: I'm so sorry I said those things about your, uh... Collection. If you can find happiness and... (looks at Grime) Beauty... In the smallest of things, you should never be ashamed of it.
Roo: Aye. (with a sly grin) But would you think that if you didn't know it was me own?
Charlie: I... I guess not.
Roo: Exactly. (laughs, wrapping her arm around Charlie and playfully punching her arm) Oh, fuckin' don't spit the dummy, Char Char! I'm just faffin' around! I just see shit a lil' differently from otha c***s. And the same way yer c***s see ya hotel as trash, I see the treasure that lies innit. (Roo wraps her arm around Charlie) I may be 'Roo' to otha blokes, but you can call me Miss Fortune. 'Cuz if you bust me outta this fuckin' net, I'll make all ya bloody dreams come true!
Charlie: Roo, I'd love to help you, but... Boy, this is awkward. (laughs nervously) It's just... I live in Hell, and I know you can't just trust any spirit you come across...
Roo: Ah. (blows a raspberry) I fuckin' geddit! I'll scratch yer back, get you back yer hotel, and then you'll get me outt 'ere.
Charlie: We'll... We'll see.
Roo: And, Charlie... I meant what I said. If you really are gonna help me... I'll appreciate it very much, mate. It... It gets lonely in 'ere, y'anno? It's been so long since I've seen otha blokes. Felt light touch me skin. (voice breaks) Talked... To anotha bloke. ...No one's eva wanted to speak to me in me whole life. I just... Scare people. What with me mug and 'disgusting' hobbies. (laughs sadly, holding onto a pile of trash with a sad expression) But... They're my hobbies...
Charlie: (she puts her hand on Roo's shoulder) I will help you get out of here, Roo.
Roo: And if ya do, what will people think of me? I just freak e'rybody out, and it's been millions of years...
Charlie: We'll see the Universe together. I'll help you get lotsa friends, and I won't let anybody hurt you again. I promise.
Roo: (hold up her pinkie) Pinkie promise?
Charlie: (she giggles and wraps her pinkie finger around Roo's) Pinkie promise. (Roo hugs Charlie again, who reciprocates) ...We juuuust need to get ya a nice bath-
Roo: Nnnnope!
Charlie: 'Kay, uh, we'll put a pin in it, then!
Roo: Feel free to stop by the clock towa whenever ya want. And bring the bois again! (she aggressively strokes Razzle and Dazzle) I quite like them! (sighs wistfully) Be seein' ya, Char Char. I 'ave a feelin' me 'n you are gonna be good mates..." - — Roo and Charlie meet and bond in Roo's prison dimension.
- "Charlie: Okay, guys... I know things have gotten topsy-turvy since we lost the hotel, but that doesn't have to mean we can't improve ourselves or stop doing our regular activities! One of the best ways to grow as a person is giving back to the community! And after the flood, Hell needs us more than ever!
Angel Dust: 'Give back'? Tha fuck has this place ever given us?!
Charlie: (to Angel Dust) Umm... Each other?
Angel Dust: ...That's kinda cute, actually.
Charlie: So, without further ado, we, drumroll, please... (Razzle begins drumming for a couple seconds as Dazzle presents street-cleaning equipment) Are picking up trash today! 'Cuz cleanliness is close to heavenly-ness, as they say... Hope they're right! (Razzle and Dazzle begin dressing the hotel crew up) Here's safety equipment, trash bags, safety sticks, grabby sticks, pokey sticks, gloves... Oh, yeah, and some scuba gear, y'know, just in case... There. Now we're ready to make a difference." - — Charlie to the hotel crew.
- "Roo: Not to give meself too much credit, but I think I made ya look fuckin' bonza, Charlie! Somethin' about all the red just screams 'I'm the demon princess whose not to be fucked with!' And the red eyes? (does a chef's kiss and conjures a mirror for Charlie) Crikey, what a fuckin' glow up! It's as if you were me own little doll all over again...
Charlie: (looks at herself) Um...
Roo: Speak up, mate. I'm open to criticism. Honesty is the policy!
Charlie: It's just... I dunno... All the red... It's a bit... Aggressive? It makes me look like (groans) Katie Killjoy...
Roo: I dunno who tha fuck that is, but you want otha blokes to take ya seriously, correct? Ya can't 'ope to run a successful place lookin' like the fuckin' Pillsbury Doughboy, roight?
Charlie: Well... (she smiles confidently with her hands on her hips) I guess I do look more professional. It's like I always say 'you'll never know until you try'!
Roo: (laughs) Now there's a good c***! Now go out there and show the world the new and improved Princess of 'ell!" - — Roo after giving Charlie a makeover.
- "Blitzø: (watching Moxxie try to set up I.M.P's new enlarged portrait) No, Mox, slightly to the left- That's MY left you fuckin' re- WAAATCH Loonie! You almost put a fuckin' HOLE in my fuckin' DAUGHTER, dipshit!!! (Moxxie continues struggle to set up the painting on the wall due to its massive size; it teeters on his weight) Moxxie... If you don't move your FAT, FUCKIN' ASS-
Charlie: (she walks up to the two, a puzzled expression at what the two imps are doing) Uhhh... What'cha doin'...?
Blitzø: (to Charlie) Oh! Charlie, thank fuckin' badness you're here. We're doing some interior decorating. Tell me, you think Mox is the guy for the job, or can I borrow those little dragon play pals?
Charlie: (looking confused) Umm...
Blitzø: (puts his hands forward up towards Charlie) Nah, nah, nevermind. I think Moxxie's got it. Just needs a little motivation- (to Moxxie) MOX!!!
Charlie: (trying to be as sweet as possible) Um... (she leans in next to Blitzø with a wide-toothed smile) Blitzø? Iiii don't think this is necessarily a good idea.
Blitzø: (he nods) Yeah... The fucking picture's too low to the ground. This'll never work... Not like this, anyway. Maybe we do gotta call in the dragon dildos.
Charlie: No! No. Not that. I don't think the hotel should be the new headquarters for your company.
Blitzø: (shakes head in confusion) W- Why the fuck not? Didn't you say (imitating Charlie, eyes sparkling) 'what's mine is yours!'????? This could be the best partnership since peanut butter and crack, bitch! It could be a win-win-win for everybody; you get more people for your 'rehabilitation program', and we get a brand-ass-spankin' new headquarters. I know you're knew to boss shit, but we call that a 'business slam dunk'.
Charlie: (she tries to ignore Blitzø's comment about her being "new" to business) R- Right... Well... The deal was that you could stay here 'til Dad let you guys off the hook. Which... He kinda already did? Plus, ummm... Your new 'decor' is kindaaa... (she looks around the hotel's halls; all of the faces on the hotel crew's personal photographs and yearly portraits have been replaced with sticky notes that have crudely drawn images of I.M.P's employees on them) ...Invasive.
Blitzø: I'd call it 'sexier', but whatever fits your tits.
Charlie: (she sighs, facing Blitzø; as they talk, Moxxie comedically continues straining and struggling in the background) Look, Blitzø... I really do wanna help you. M&M told me how imps were treated badly by my dad and, well... Everyone else... And I'm not gonna stand for the mistreatment of anyone. You've built a home at that office, and I know you're smart, capable, and strong enough to get things done on your own, even without my help. And if you ever doubt yourself, (she motions to the I.M.P portrait Moxxie's practically juggling at this point; Blitzø hugging a reluctant Loona, and Millie smiling cheerfully while a smeared Moxxie is dropping into frame to get in the photo in time) all you gotta do is look around you. ...And, hey, (she uses fire to conjure her card, handing it to Blitzø) if you ever wanna brainstorm together and share ideas, just gimme a call!
Blitzø: (he looks taken aback by Charlie's words, staring at her card) I... Huh. (deep down, he's kinda scared it might be a trick, a royal being encouraging and kind to him......) You... you think it'd be in my best interest to stay at my old, shithole office, rather than move in here? (Charlie gives him a "well, when you put it like that..." kinda smile; he sighs, pocketing the card) ...Thanks.
Charlie: Cool beans!! ...So, um... What is it you guys actually do, anyways?
Blitzø: (before he can say anything, a massive crash happens in front of them; Moxxie dropped the portrait, shattering it to pieces; Blitzø yells at the downed Moxxie) SATANDAMMIT, MOXXIE, YOU FAT FUCK!!!" - — Blitzø and Charlie come to an agreement.
- "Charlie: Hellsa?! Ugh, I thought I smelled rotten fish...
Hellsa: And I thought I smelled a wannabe Disney princess with a dead dream and a father who doesn't love her!
Charlie: On the contrary, Hellsa, the hotel is doing better than it's ever been! How's that mall of yours doing? Oh, right! Your mom cut you off, didn't she?
Hellsa: N- No! It's just... Being renovated because of Dad's stupid flood!
Charlie: Wasn't it underwater anyway...? (shrugs) Ah, whatever. Why are you here, anyway? If I'm not mistaken, aren't you the one who said only 'crackhead losers' checked into this place?
Hellsa: Y- Yeah, but-
Charlie: And why is Fin here? And why did you park your car in the patients' parking lot? And- (after a sudden realization, she smiles smugly)
Hellsa: T- Don't get the wrong idea! (Charlie puts her hands on her hips as her smug smile widens) You seriously think I would ever need your fucking help?! You can't even help your own patients! WIPE THAT STUPID FUCKING SMILE OFF YOUR FACE!!
Charlie: You wanna stay in my hotel, don't you, Hellsa?
Hellsa: N- NO! I-
Charlie: (with a smug smile) I see what's happening here... You've been nothing but a vindictive sea slug to me my whole life, and I would really, really fucking love to just slam that door in your face. But... I am a believer in second chances. So, against my better judgement, I'll give you a room on one condition... (she gets in Hellsa's face) Say 'please'.
Hellsa: W- WHAT?!
Vaggie: (stands beside Charlie) Oh, this I have to see.
Hellsa: I am a motherfucking Von Eldritch! We don't say 'please'!! That's only for the help!
Angel Dust: Have fun in the streets then, bitch! Maybe it'll help ya see how bad us "plebs" have it...
Hellsa: Wait... (as everyone stands in attention, Hellsa's face begins contorting) P... Pl... Pleh...
Fin: C'mon, babe you got this...
Hellsa: P- Pleaaa.... (twitches in pain) Pleaaueghh...
Fin: Let's go, baby! DIG DEEP!
Hellsa: ...PLEASE.
Charlie: WONDERFUL! Husk, give her a room key and a gold star!
Hellsa: I better be getting a fucking suite. Don't stick me in some middle-class room!
Charlie: Hmm... Nah. I think something smaller is just what you need. Don'tcha think you've been spoiled rotten enough?
Hellsa: (growls) FUCK Y- (Fin covers her mouth)
Squish: OOH! That's one for the swear jar! (holds the swear jar in Hellsa's face) Pay up, Princess Morbucks!" - — Charlie accepts Hellsa into the Hazbin Hotel.
- "My father tried to teach me a lot of things, but there's only one piece of advice from him that I took to heart; Don't take shit from other demons."
- — Charlie to Carmilla after their fight.
- "LuxYou've kept me safe through all of these years. Not gonna lie with all the assholes we have tried to come after me, I'm surprised you didn't just drive 300 miles and bury me in the middle of the desert.
Charlie: (laughs) Oh course I didn't, Lux! You're integral to Heaven, but beyond that, You're... you're a blessing. I don't care how many angry dads, rapey pimps, technopaths, or primordial beings came after us. I would never let any of them hurt you or take you away from us.
Luz: Wow... T- Thank you, Charlie! Y'know... you taught me that demons are so much more than they appear. So, uh... (they nuzzle against Charlie's face) Thank you, Char Char... T- This is a hug, by the way.
Charlie: (giggles) No worries, Lux. (she wraps her arms around Lux) I know.
Lux: ...Ah, but enough sappy talk! Me and you are gonna take this place by storm!" - — Lux to Charlie.
- "Flirty Demon: Are you taken?
Charlie: By Vaggie, my awesome and amazing and gorgeous girlfriend? (Charlie blushes, speaking gruffly) Fuck yeah I am." - — Charlie to a flirty demon.
- "Blitzø: (he sits at the Angst Bar until Charlie and Vaggie approach him; to Charlie) What's up, Rainbow Tits?
Charlie: (she has her hands together, speaking anxiously) Blitzø, listen to me... I'm gonna ask you something, and I need you to answer me honestly, okay? Please?
Blitzø: (Blitzø pokes his head up, yawns, and stretches) Alright, I'll try.... No promises, though.
Charlie: (Charlie takes a deep breath) Has Stolas... Been lending you his grimoire to kill humans...? It’s out of character for Stolas to just give anyone his grimoire. Also... Is it true that he's... Been having an affair... With you?
Blitzø: Eeyup, s'all true.
Charlie: (flames burst from her eyes) WHAT THE FUCK?!
Blitzø: (he puts his hands up) Hey, you said to be honest, princess! Honestly, I don't see what the big fuckin' deal is.
Charlie: B- Blitzø, please listen to me. Do you know just how fucking reckless that is?! Not to mention extremely irresponsible on Stolas' part! Not only have you been making our overpopulation problem worse, you could have been captured, or- or killed! What if you got Moxxie and Millie killed? Or Loona?!
Blitzø Woah! Listen, bitch, we are trained assassins and humans have the survival skills of an emo teen with an Exacto blade. We needed the money 'cuz your shitstain dad doesn't give a fuck about imps! I was providing a service to my people! If my business was a dud, I wouldn't have more customers in a week than you've gotten in three years. Let me not shower for a week and then you can eat my entire ass. (Blitzø sips some coffee before setting it down on the bar's counter; Charlie begins boiling over) Plus, most of those humans were assholes, so keep your fuckin' nose outta my buissness, m'kay?
Charlie: Excuse me?! (Charlie grows horns and slams her fist on Blitzø's coffee cup, shattering it and destroying the entire counter in the process) Watch who you're FUCKING talking to, IMP! (she menacingly presses her nose against against Blitzø's, who gulps nervously as it seems Charlie is actually going to hurt him)
Vaggie: (Vaggie intervenes by putting her hand on Charlie's shoulder) Hun...
Charlie: (Charlie shares a look with Vaggie, her expression softening; she looks at Blitzø with a stern expression) ...I understand Dad hasn't made things... Easy for you, Blitzø... But THIS? This?! Are you fucking kidding me?! I don't care if they live on Earth, or if they were 'assholes'. I don't want humans dying here! Humans, just like us, aren't perfect. They still have room to grow... And you're cutting their lives off before they have a chance to become better! And guess what? If you only killed 'assholes', that means they'll end up overpopulating Pride. So newsflash; your business IS my Satandamn business. I'm going to see Stolas about this, ASAP. (Charlie's expression grows increasingly disgusted) If he has been willingly giving his grimoire to you, and aiding in the deaths of all these humans... Then he will be punished. All of you will.
Blitzø: (Blitzø gives Charlie a betrayed expression) Outta the frying pan, into the fire, huh? We came here to get away from your pop, and then you pull this shit to us...
Charlie: Blitzø... (Charlie's voice cracks) I really don't wanna do this, and I would have done everything in my power to make things better for imps... (Charlie straightens herself up, glaring down at Blitzø) But this is a very serious issue. It’s my duty as Princess of Hell to deal with this, whether either of us like it or not." - — Charlie and Blitzø's intense confrontation.
- "Charlie: Stolas...
Stolas: (he stares up at Charlie, a weak smile on his face) Oh, Charlie, my dear friend... I know you're disappointed in me.
Charlie: 'Friend'? 'DISAPPOINTED'?! (her eyes flash red) YOU FUCKING BETRAYED ME! YOU BETRAYED YOUR OWN KIND! This cannot be forgiven!
Stolas: Princess, in my state of weakness, I made a grave mistake. I... I just needed someone to make me happy.
Charlie: What about Octavia?! (goes into her Full Demon Form) WHAT ABOUT HER?! She was all you needed! AND NOW SHE'S FUCKING MISERABLE because of you!!! WAS SHE JUST ANOTHER OBLIGATION?!
Stolas: (somewhat sternly) Leave Octavia out of this! Princess, you don't understand-
Charlie: DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE TRY TO JUSTIFY YOUR ACTIONS! I thought you were better than this! (with tears streaming down her face and her voice breaking) I TRUSTED YOU, YOU FUCKING BASTARD! (the ground around them begins cracking from the intensity of Charlie's rage)
Vaggie: H-Hun, calm down...-
Charlie: You knew about Hell's overpopulation problem! Something I've been trying to stop for centuries! AND YOU WOULD EXACERBATE IT JUST BECAUSE YOU WERE 'LONELY'?! (with hellfire shooting from her, destroying the environment around them) WHAT WERE YOU FUCKING THINKING?!
Vaggie: (puts her hand on Charlie's shoulder) Charlie.
Charlie: (she looks at Vaggie, her expression softening as she contains her rage, but keeps staring at Stolas with pain and hatred in her eyes) Stolas, former Prince of the Ars Goetia, as crown Princess of Hell and heir apparent to the throne of Lucifer Magne, I declare that you are to be arrested and tried for your crimes against Hell effective after we stop this apocalypse.
Stolas: (he lowers his head) All the unforgivable things I've done for my father's sake, your father's sake... And my own. Capital punishment would be insufficient for me. (he looks up into space) I have nothing to say for myself.
Charlie: (wiping her tears) You can't even look at me... It's too late for a pity-party! I would have helped you find a better solution, but this... This is inexcusable. I didn't want to do this, but humans are just as much my people as sinners are, and I'm not going to let you or I.M.P off easy! (she opens a portal back to Hell, looking back at Stolas) ...Via still loves you. She won't be happy for either of us. (she exits the portal with Vaggie, leaving Stolas alone)" - — Charlie lashes out at Stolas for his mistakes.
- "Well, I would say that I'm doing my absolute DARNEST to make sure everyone feels just a little bit more welcomed and at home here. So far, people say everything is up to snuff, and they really do have the best time while they're here! I can't wait to have a place where people can come and unwind and let their guard down without worries!"
- — Charlie in her interview with HuniBun.
- "Charlie: And, Via... (she motions to Alastor, whose grin deepens at seeing Octavia) This is Alastor. (she chuckles nervously) Y'know, (awkwardly) the Radio Demon~?
Crymini: (to Octavia) Yeah, Al got roped into babysitting or some fucking bullshit. I guess he's gonna make sure we're safe...
Octavia: Well, now I feel unsafe.
Alastor: (butting in between Octavia and Crymini) ALASTOR! (he forcefully shakes Via's hand, causing Crymini to growl lowly) Pleasure to meet the acquaintance of a (he politely bows) Goetic heiress!
Octavia: (she cringes when Alastor bows to her before looking at her hand, squinting) Is that... someone's... fucking blood?
Alastor: (hurriedly) It's technically my blood, I'm in possession of it. (normally) Now, (he wraps his one arm around Crymini and the other around Octavia; Crymini snarls while Octavia is cringing) I know you ladies may think you're of the age where you can engage in whatever rabble-rousing you take pleasure in, and, personally, I'd agree wholeheartedly! Buuut, Charlie insisted on my chaperoning. So, you can blame this all on her.
Crymini: (to Charlie) Yeah, leave us with the fuckin' cannibal, Overlord, dog-killer. (she crosses her arms) Good one, Char.
Charlie: (with a reassuring smile) You two have nothing to worry about. I ordered Al to only lay a finger on someone if it's to scare off any creeps... (she suddenly snaps to Alastor, looking scary as fuck and speaking in a corrupted, threatening, and protective tone) RIGHT, Al?
Alastor: Haha, indeed!! And everybody knows I would never break the rules, darling! (he sneers at Crymini) Besides... (he condescendingly pets Crymini) I only kill strays. (he and Mic laugh heartily together)" - — Charlie tasks Alastor with looking after Crymini and Octavia / Octavia meeting Alastor.
- "Adina: You have something special, princess. Despite your obvious connection to the devil, there's something about you that intrigues me. Perhaps you are worthy of Heaven and not Hell. (Adina extends her hand to Charlie) I could guide you towards the path of the light, and remove the... Less desirable qualities about you.
Charlie: (Charlie looks at Adina's hand) Well... I mean... I would love to see Heaven for myself. It's been something I've wanted to do since I was a kid... But how would you go about doing it? Wouldn't I have to give up the things that make me, well... Me?
Adina: (Adina nods with a smile) Of course! Despite your light, you are still very much a demon and must give up your sinful ways. I will make you into an image of the Lord's light! Free of any icky 'quirks' and sins, and such. Of course, you'd have to leave your 'patients' behind, but it's for the greater good.
Charlie: Well... I'm afraid I have to decline, then. As much as I appreciate your offer, Hell is my home... It's a part of me I'll always want to carry, no matter what. And I made a promise to my people that I wouldn't give up on them until I knew for sure they were ready for Heaven. I hope you understand...
Adina: (Adina lowers her hand and lets out a disappointed sigh, still smiling slightly) Of course I understand... You are the spitting image of your father! A chip off the old black of pride! A stubborn and prideful heart of a demon... Your upbringing in Hell has influenced your mind to the point of madness. You have... no idea the horrors that lie ahead. And yet, you choose to stay and help... I truly pity you, but you should not expect your little hotel to bring about the change you claim is possible. I have seen billions of sinners like yours, and believe me when I sat it's not pretty when it's time for their ultimate judgment. It's beautiful, really." - — Charlie rejects Adina's offer to join Heaven.
- "Charlie: I know angels aren't used to Hell's brand of- (a chandelier falls behind Charlie) -...eccentricity... but I think everyone here has magic in them! But it's hard to show that magic and express themselves so freely in a place like Hell... So, I figured this hotel could be like a Heaven within Hell! A place to foster that magic and turn it into a new beginning! And that beginning starts in Heaven.
Sera: … I don’t even know how to respond to that. (Sera sighs and massages the headache she can feel starting to form; she closes her eyes for a bit, before opening them and noticing Charlie's positive, optimistic expression; she pauses, before shaking her head and continuing on) How do you have such optimism?
Charlie: Well... (she walks to the side of the balcony) I just think everyone can be a good person. It's just a matter of working out the issues that led to them sinning! I used to think puppies and rainbows were the key to helping sinners. And while it (with a cheeky grin) certainly helps... I've learned so many things about humans - their mistakes, their wrongdoings... but also the amazing things they've accomplished and the good they've done! Everyone deserves a second chance...no matter what they did! At least, I like to think so!
Sera: (Sera can’t help but think of how innocent and naive that view is, almost thinking it’s cute; she looks at Charlie with a mixture of pity and disappointment) Redemption... If only it were that simple." - — Sera and Charlie's conversation on the balcony.
- "Charlie: (she gasps deeply) You hate the cleanse, too?! (her eyes sparkle)
Serenity: I mean... Hate is such a strong word, but... Yes! Actually, I do! I think that Hell and all its residents are capable of redemption... and that we should extend our olive branch of mercy, not a... flaming sword of judgment.
Charlie: (Charlie has tears in her eyes and holds Serenity's hands as they spin around together) YOU ARE MY FRIEND FOR LIIIIIFE!!!!
Serenity: (she giggles excitedly, both she and Charlie spreading their angelic wings to fly up in unison) Aww, shucks, sweetie, really, it's no problem! I wanna help in any way I can, to bring Heaven to Hell and, well... everywhere, you know?
Charlie: (she has stars in her gasps and gasps, whispering) that's what i've been trying to do.
Serenity: Y'know? I thought I was alone in... Questioning things. Like, I was a weirdo for wanting to stand up against the cleanse. Not a lot of people in Heaven seems to be as bothered by it as I am and the ones that were... fell. I'm just glad I'm not alone anymore!
Charlie: You have no idea how this means to me... To have like-minded people on the other side... If you're an angel, you could be such a help to me! I mean, the other angels would listen to an angel more than a demon, right?
Serenity: (she smiles, her wings glowing) I... I think you're right... I mean, I AM higher-ranked up in Heaven - even if it's just a position as a gate sentry... I'll have to talk to Sera. She's one of the biggest believers that the cleanses should be continued, but maybe with enough voices from both sides of the spectrum, I can make an argument? It won't be easy, but we can take on anything together! What do ya say?!
Charlie: I say... Let's go cancel us a motherfuckin' cleanse!" - — Serenity and Charlie.
- "Charlie: I used to look up to Heaven, hoping that maybe, outside of the Exorcists, there were more angels that were willing to hear me out. (Charlie's powers flare as she glares furiously at Sera) All the people I've lost putting my faith in angels like you, Sera!
Sera: (she has a pained look on her face) I'm sorry for what you've lost, young one. As a princess myself, I understand how much you care for your loved ones and your people. But you must believe me-
Charlie: FUCK YOU!!! (her powers flare; Sera recoils as eyes appear on her wings, hair and attire) You're all just afraid of people different from you! Even if I managed to redeem a sinner, you would never let me past the gates! I've seen billions of innocent demons slaughtered every year! I saw a mother holding her butchered baby's remains! And you selfish bastards... YOU DON'T EVEN CARE! And why would you?! It's not like it's happening to your people, RIGHT?!
Serenity: (she gets in between Charlie and Sera) Charlie! (Charlie looks at Serenity, slowly snapping out of her anger) Please, not like this... (Lux descends and comfortingly nuzzles Charlie as the princesses fiery aura dissipates)
Sera: Princess... the Extermination is a painful, yet necessary evil. Just because you cannot see that doesn't mean it isn't serving a purpose. I know that isn't what you want to hear, but it's for the safety of not just the Heavens, but all Creation. (she hangs her head) I understand that you have experienced pain, and that you are angry. You are justified. But... you don't completely understand the severity of the situation. (her voice trembles with fear) If you knew what we were protecting Creation from... (cut to a flashback of a malevolent, rooted hand wrapping around the Earth) ...you would see things from our perspective. (cut back to present, Sera lifts her head to Charlie, sounding like she's fighting back tears) We only wish to protect Everything from destruction and corruption, at any cost." - — Sera and Charlie's confrontation.
- "Manco: Charlie... Where are we gonna go? We spent all this time wanting to go back to Heaven... But all these innocent angels getting banished and demons getting slaughtered... (He begins tearing up.) I... I just can't stay up there! (He sits on the stairs, his face in his hands.)
Charlie: (Charlie gives Manco a look like she's thinking something over. She hesitates, before sitting next to him, wrapping an arm around him slowly.) How about... You stay at the hotel? (Manco slowly looks up at her with twinkly, wide eyes.) A- At least until... Heaven gets it act together.... Iiiiff that ever happens...
Manco: Charlie... Are you sure?? Won't you get in trouble for this? What if someone tries to hurt my friends? (Tears streaming down his face.) Our own home hates us! Everyone down here hates us, you know that!!!
Charlie: (She holds his hands to reassure him.) Manco... As princess of Hell, I say that you and the other kids can stay here as long as you have to. And anyone who has a problem with that can deal with me and everyone else here. (She smiles sweetly at him.) There is a place for you, here. If you think everyone hates you, just look around the hotel. Here, you have friends to play with... Who will always love you, no matter what you are. (She pulls him to her and hugs him closely. Manco can't see it, but Charlie herself is crying, knowing that she won't be able to keep him safe forever.) I don't care if everyone else in Hell hates you, 'cause me and the others will protect and love you.... Always." - — Charlie reassuring Manco after he was sent back down to Hell.
- "Azrael: You think your fucking hotel means anything? Well, how about fucking this; imagine if a fucking kid diddler came knockin' at your fucking door! What fucking then, bitch?!
Charlie: Well... I- I-...
Lute: (whispering to Azrael) Gagged her like a fat dick. (she fistbumps Azrael)
Azrael: Or- Or how about fucking this?! What if, say, I was a fucking sinner and came to your fucking hotel?! What if the big fucking kahuna who's been choppin' down your filthy, piece of shit people came to your fucking front door?! (Lute leans her elbow on Azrael's shoulder, smirking) Would you fucking 'redeem' me, bitch?! Would you?
Charlie: (Charlie begins flaring as she clenches her fist) ...Yes.
Azrael: HA! FUCK YOU, C***!!! (he flips Charlie off) I FUCKING KNEW- Duh, say what now?
Charlie: Yes. (she steps forward as Azrael and his Exorcist army hover over her)...I would. I fucking HATE you... but if you or the worst sinner came to the hotel's doors and TRULY wanted to find hope in the darkest places... I would try. I don't give a fuck what you or Heaven or anyone think of the hotel, 'cause I believe in it and EVERYONE within its walls! (all of Charlie's allies come to her side, standing to defend Hell itself)" - — Charlie and Azrael's confrontation.
- "Charlie: (mockingly) What's the matter? Can't beat a little girl with her head in the rainbows?
Azrael: (he growls) SHUT UP! (he fires multiple destructive blasts of lightning at Charlie from his guitar)
Charlie: (she teleports, dodging every blast save for one that burns her arm, she smiles through the pain) Oh, of course I could never talk sense to you! I'm talking to the guy who thinks a woman's purpose is to pop out babies and be living dishwashers! That's about as forward thinking as a reversing car! (Azrael roars and shreds his guitar, creating an omnidirectional holy blast that sends Charlie barreling into a wall, she chuckles and spits out blood) Maybe if you had used your one brain cell to learn some empathy, your family wouldn't have left you.
Azrael: (he screams so loudly that it produces yellow shockwaves that split Pentagram City apart) FUCKING CUUUUUUNT!!!!" - — Charlie degrading Azrael during their fight.
- "(panting with every word) We... made it... They made us work for it... but we did it. Which is, of course, a metaphor and heavenly lesson on hard work and the hard road to redemption... (she bends over, hands on her knees) Or something like that...."
- — Charlie the hotel crew after they climbed the stairs to Heaven.
- "Okaaay, Charlie... Don't let your nerves get the better of you. Rationalize this. They're... family, after all! Family always help righ- Yeah, no. ...Bu- But they're still family! And heavenly! ...Aaaaand sanctioned a genocide against my people. (heavy sigh) I'm so fucked."
- — Charlie.
Quotes Pertaining to Charlie
- "Charlie's a sweet gal. She knows what everyone here needs... If the daughter of mothafuckin' Lucifer sees something in all of us... there's gotta be somethin' there, right?"
- — Angel Dust.
- "What in the seven rings makes you think a single denizen of Hell would give two shits about becoming a better person?! You have no proof that this little experiment even works! You want people to be good?! Just... Because?!"
- — Katie Killjoy after Charlie's musical number.
- "You have a dream,
You wish to tell,
And it's just laughable
But, hey kid, what the hell?
'Cause you're one of a kind,
A charming demon belle!" - — Alastor about Charlie at the start of "Alastor's Reprise".
- "You are so much more important than you perceive yourself to be. Whether or not your objectives flourish, your mission is most virtuous, and your heart is pure. As long as you remain on your path, you could change the course of the Universe."
- — Forti.
- "You can't let it end like this! Manco, Vaggie, all of us, they... We love you, kid! If we lose you, our memories of you die as well! ...When I met you at that hotel, you gave me something when I had nothing. I know I left you and the others. I let you down... But you saved my life."
- — Fergus to Charlie as she is nearly corrupted by Satan.
- "Buskin: Charlie Magne. Princess of Hell. The main protagonist. Infantilizer of the Damned.
Sock: Oh, yes, because puppies and rainbows are clearly the keys to eternal redemption! How utterly profound!
Buskin: An ill-equipped clodpoll on an ill-fated endeavor. She will never succeed." - — Sock and Buskin on Charlie.
- "Charlie's amazing. It's just... ever since I was a cherub, I always wanted to meet someone who-... Someone who didn't make me feel alone in thinking that thing's could be different. I really think she has potential, and her ideas about the hotel... I really think it could work and we could change things TOGETHER! And even besides that, she's so kind and earnest, and so gosh-darned CUTE!"
- — Serenity about Charlie.
- "You think you can guide sinners to Heaven with ideas like this?! You wish to destroy free will?! Let me remind that you only got to where you were because of your traitor father! YOU'RE A VESSEL FOR THE ROOT OF EVIL! If it wasn't for you, your girlfriend's soul would still be aglow! The Light of Heaven would still shine bright. NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED! YOU DAMNED ALL OF US!!! YOU DID! Your 'noble' efforts have rightfully earned you enemies on all sides: the angelic order, the Root of Evil, demons, and even humanity. Not even God will stand by your side."
- — Michael to Charlie.
- Her name is a play on Charlemagne, the first emperor of Rome.
- Charlie's surname in French translates to "Great" or "the Great", meaning that Charlie's full name would be "Charlie the Great".
- Additionally, her and Vaggie's shared Sinstagram account's username "@hotel_magnement" is a pun of the word "hotel management" combined with her last name, Magne.
- Her theme song would either be "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" by Judy Garland, "Don't Rain on my Parade" from Funny Girl, or "I See Stars" from the Mean Girls Broadway musical.
- Charlie's character serves as both a tribute to and a deconstruction of the traditional Disney Princess archetype. While sharing traits with many Disney princesses, such as being highly idealistic and prone to bursting into "I Want" songs, Charlie's story and setting diverges significantly; Instead of presiding over a picturesque medieval kingdom, she reigns over a hyper-violent, crime-ridden urban hellscape where inhabitants routinely bombard her with vulgar insults, and woodland creatures are more likely to view her as a potential meal than flock to her in harmony. Despite her royal status, Charlie receives neither love nor respect from her subjects, as the harsh environment causes them to perceive her unwavering altruism as hopelessly naive or, at worst, perilously misguided.
- The authors of the series have teased that Charlie's last name may eventually change to her canon last name "Morningstar", but that it is a last name she will have to "earn" in this series.
- She doesn't know anything about the Magne family curse.
- Following Journey to the Light's blatant Wizard of Oz analogy, Charlie is based on the Wizard of Oz protagonist, Dorothy Gale. Much like Dorothy, Charlie dreams to go to (or create) somewhere with more opportunities, where those "dreams that you dare to dream" can come true. But despite this desire, Charlie remains loyal to her home and even at one point rejects living in Heaven (Oz), since there is no place like it.
- Despite being the Anti-Christ, Charlie's character is ironically modeled after Jesus Christ. Much like Jesus, Charlie is the child of a major Abrahamic figure, strives to make life better for all, and, similarly to Jesus, faces scorn from society for her radical idealism.
- Lucifer, Alastor, Blitzø, Azrael, Villa, and Roo are all intended to be dark reflections/counterparts of Charlie.
- Lucifer was born an angel in Heaven and, having only seen the evils of humanity, convinced thousands of angels to rebel alongside him, which resulted in him being banished from Heaven and cast down to Hell for his crimes along with all who followed him. In contrast, Charlie was born a demon in Hell, sees the best in sinners, is dismayed by the endless violence and chaos, and encourages sinners to rebel against Hell's backwards moral standards and reform enough to leave Hell and ascend to Heaven.
- There are also parallels between Charlie's relationship with Vaggie and Lucifer's relationship with Lilith. Just as Charlie and Lucifer are the lighthearted and ambitious halves of their respective pairs, Lilith and Vaggie personify the composed and rational half. Similar to how Lucifer uplifted, charmed, and inspired Lilith during her darkest time, Charlie discovered Vaggie at her lowest point and employed her charm and fervent personality to lift her up and inspire her. Intriguingly, Lilith extended her support to Lucifer after his fall from Heaven, mirroring Charlie's role as the one who took Vaggie in.
- Like Charlie, Alastor is (superficially) polite and affable; both of them are theater kids and have a penchant for impromptu musical numbers; and both are more human in appearance compared to Hell's other denizens. However, Charlie is a genuinely good-natured demon who passionately believes in redemption and that every sinner deserves a chance to be reformed, whereas Alastor is a feared and completely monstrous Overlord who firmly believes redemption is nonsense and sinners are beyond such a thing.
- Charlie is a well-recognized member of Hell's royal family and founded the Happy Hotel to change her people for the better. Conversely, Blitzø is a common imp who founded I.M.P for the purpose of making blood money by assassinating people on Earth for their clients. Unlike Charlie, who was in over her head almost as soon as she started her hotel venture, Blitzø possesses more of a business mind, and, while incompetent, is apparently good enough at keeping I.M.P afloat. I.M.P, in many ways, was far more successful than the Hazbin Hotel. Whereas Charlie has a healthy and loving relationship with her steady girlfriend Vaggie, Blitzø's love life is far more toxic, with numerous acrimonious break-ups which left his former partners embittered towards him.
- Azrael and Charlie are both insanely over-the-top goofy and very laid-back, and love bursting into huge musical numbers at any given moment, as well as serving as the more upbeat halves of their protective and stern lovers, Lute and Vaggie, respectively. The difference between them is that Charlie fights to have redeemed souls sent to Heaven, while Azrael slaughtered demons to keep them out of Heaven. Additionally, Charlie cared about and cherished Vaggie more than anything, while Azrael genuinely cares very little for Lute outside of her being his hype girl.
- Villa and Charlie are very bright and positive women who want to "help" the denizens of Hell so that they are ready to ascend to Heaven. However, the difference between them is that Villa not only completely lacks empathy, not only craves on sinners to depend on her, not only suffers from a savior complex, but also thinks that forcing and brainwashing them into conforming to societal norms will be enough to change them. Charlie, despite initially treating her patients like children, begins to treat their problems seriously and get to the root of why they sin in the first place. Villa is also an insane, total narcissist while Charlie genuinely cares and sympathizes with everyone in the hotel.
- Roo is just as excited to do evil as Charlie is to do good; while Charlie seeks to spread virtues and positivity, Roo spreads sin and misery; While Charlie is a sendup to Disney and Broadway protagonists, the Root of Evil is a homage to classic, theatrical, "for the evulz" villains.
- Lucifer was born an angel in Heaven and, having only seen the evils of humanity, convinced thousands of angels to rebel alongside him, which resulted in him being banished from Heaven and cast down to Hell for his crimes along with all who followed him. In contrast, Charlie was born a demon in Hell, sees the best in sinners, is dismayed by the endless violence and chaos, and encourages sinners to rebel against Hell's backwards moral standards and reform enough to leave Hell and ascend to Heaven.
- If she was an animal, she'd be a Labrador Retriever.
- Because she was practically raised in the circus life, Charlie knows how to perform several circus acts; she can juggle, and knows how to do various acts such as as the flying trapeze, the rolling ball, fire twirling, and contortion.
- According to Lucifer in "Gift from God", Charlie has opened several failed operations and businesses in the past, including an art exhibit and a dance club.
- While bi, she leans more towards women than men. Seviathan is the only man whom she's ever been down bad for.
- It is implied numerous times by Calcifur that Charlie was a "nightmare child" and "little shit" in her youth.
- Aside from Razzle and Dazzle, Charlie is the only member out of the main cast who is a Hellborn demon, and therefore not previously human.
- Secretly really into aliens and fantasizes about meeting them. It's something she bonds with Manco over.
- Charlie occasionally emits a squeaky sound when characters physically interact with her, like a squeaky toy. Furthermore, when her excitement reaches its peak, she adopts a bouncing and squeaking demeanor, accentuating her joyful and animated disposition.
- According to Seviathan, Charlie used to smoke.
- Charlie is an avid painter and even influenced Vaggie's love for painting.
- Charlie can speak fluent Spanish, having learned it from Vaggie.
- One aspect to Charlie and Serenity's dynamic the the series' creators felt was important about Serenity and Charlie's dynamic is that, despite being very similar in personality, there are some distinctions between the two. For example, Serenity has a more childlike manner of speaking than Charlie, but is simultaneously also more considerate and poetic in her speech, reflecting her angelic nature, and (most importantly), unlike Charlie, Serenity never swears.
- Charlie loves coffee, and Angel Dust claims that it is not wise to talk to her in the early mornings if she hasn't had any.
- According to Seviathan, Charlie is an awkward top/dom.
- Despite Valentino's assumption that Charlie is into "vanilla shit", Seviathan also claims that Charlie is an utter freak in the sheets. She is the kind of top who will go "OKAY, NOW SHOVE THIS INTO THAT!!! ...y'know, if you want to..."
- In "Bloody Valentine", it is revealed that Charlie has a grimoire of her own.
- One of the few demons in Hell who is surprisingly polite to and fond of Sir Pentious, despite his numerous past attempts to conquer her homeworld. This is mostly due to Pentious being one of the few constants in Pentagram City and her likely knowing him for a long time.
- She used to babysit Octavia for Stolas and Stella.
- Charlie has red cheeks because it represents those of a clown or porcelain dolls. Scientifically and biologically speaking, red cheeks are often associated with happiness and a cheerful personality, both of which Charlie has in abundance.
- There is a running gag where other characters (notably Angel Dust, Valentino, Hellsa, Blitzø, Azrael and even Lucifer) will mention/make fun of Charlie for having small breasts.
- Her tears are a pinkish-red color.
- Because they are seen together a lot, some sinners (though mostly Vox and his braindead fans) believe that Charlie and Alastor are lovers.
- Really, really enjoys very sugary candy such as fun dip and baby bottle pops.
- Probably sent Lux to Stolas' funeral, wanting them to spread the Goetia prince's ashes across the stars.
- Charlie has goat-like hooves as opposed to human feet.
- The Leviathan Cross, a real-life occult symbol associated with Leviathan and Satan, can occasionally be seen on the center of Charlie's bowtie, most noticeably when Vaggie is fixing it in "That's Entertainment".
- Has BIG TIME trust issues after what happened with Roo. She's often cold to new people and can get very anxious around them when she sees potential red flags, though she's still always willing to help her human patients. Hardly trusts anyone outside the gang and finds it difficult to care about anything outside of protecting what little she has left. Vaggie was her confidant and north star, so she thinks she has to figure shit out on her own now.
- Also prone to breaking down in tears, especially whenever she and the gang do something she actually thinks is fun, since she wishes Vaggie was there with them. The gang can see it coming and excuse her a lot if she needs to leave.
- Also constantly has feelings of impending doom, which never go away.
- Is aware of the irony of becoming a therapist on Earth despite being too broken to deal with her own mountain of mental problems.
- Feels incredibly guilty for abandoning Hell and like she let it be destroyed by Roo. Unlike the sinners in the gang, she feels incredibly out-of-place on Earth and was not prepared for how little she actually fits in among humans. She tries to tell herself there's nothing she could have done.
- Charlie displays some form of all the Seven Heavenly Virtues:
- Charity: She is seemingly the only royal in all of Hell who displays a willingness and undying desire to help her people and make Hell a better place for all within, no matter the cost of her reputation. This was shown with her creating the Happy Hotel to fight overpopulation and giving sinners a chance to be redeemed, as well as to protect the hotel's patients from being exterminated. Additionally, she lets the hotel's staff and patients live at the hotel for free and even grants patients a very generous weekly allowance, provided they put effort into redemption. This is considered to be her primary virtue.
- Chastity: She is in a loving, consensual relationship with her girlfriend, Vaggie, and encourages Angel Dust to refrain from engaging in hedonistic sexual activities and instead find a partner to commit to and confide in.
- Diligence: She possesses indomitable willpower and has never given up on her dreams of a better Hell no matter what obstacles stand her way, how many sinners mock her, and how many of Hell's rulers (including her own father) impede her efforts.
- Humility: She has a rather low opinion of herself deep down, struggles with self-doubt, and only wants to complete her goals as she sees it as what's right.
- Kindness: She encourages others to think happy thoughts and is always willing to lend a helping hand towards even the most vile of souls, giving Angel Dust a wad of cash so he would not have to continue streetwalking, and gifting the liberated cambions with a new homeland so that they could thrive and rebuild their civilization.
- Patience: She is always willing to forgive and is profoundly merciful towards sinners or even her enemies. She never becomes mad at Angel for breaking things inside of the Hazbin Hotel, forgave Fergus for leaving her and the hotel crew in Purgatory, and even after Satan traumatized Manco and Vaggie, Charlie still attempted to reason with the Devil in an attempt to convince the misanthropic god on the good of humanity and value of life, despite everything it did to her and her friends.
- Temperance: She pours much of her wealth into businesses designed to make Hell a better place, rather than using it for selfish and materialistic reasons like most of Hell's royals.