- "Listen 'ere... That sorry sonuvabitch got what was comin' to 'im for tryin' to swindle me. Anyone who's EVA crossed me eitha went to the blocks, or is livin' out their existence as a satandamn momento on my wall! So, did you call me 'ere to bust my balls, or are you gonna propose we do somethin' about all of this?"
- — Crimson to Henroin.
Crimson Knolastname, also referred to as Crim or simply just Crimson, is a recurring character in Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light.
He was the abusive father of Moxxie and a powerful mafioso from the Greed Ring who ran a massive, though deteriorating, shark mafia. Following a failed plot to force his son into an arranged marriage with a seemingly wealthy shark demon which resulted in half his mafia being wiped out, Crimson eagerly joins forces with the Pride Ring-based mafioso, Henroin, in order to get revenge on their respective sons, in exchange for Henroin providing financial aid to his criminal empire.
Events of Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light
Chapter 5
In "Metatron, the Voice of God", Crimson is called to the Pride Ring by associate and fellow mob boss Henroin, for a proposition which would interest him. Crimson and his right-hand man, Alessio, arrive at Henroin's manor when Henroin is dealing with Rough Cut, a low-rent mob boss whom Henroin intends on taking advantage of. When Rough Cut refuses to accept Henroin's low-ball, one-sided deal, Crimson murders Rough Cut from behind with his personal sidearm, cracking a joke about it and greeting Henroin, showing that the two have history together.
After the two mob bosses greet each other, break bread, and smoke together in the living room, Henroin comments that he knows of the declining state of Crimson's empire - especially since half of them were massacred by Millie - and he is willing to help Crimson out of his financial rut if the imp assists assists the spider with "killing two birds with one stone". To give him an idea of their deal, one of Henroin's goons hands Crimson a photograph depicting Henroin's son, Angel Dust, and Crimson's son, Moxxie, hanging out at a bar together, with the mob falsely believing them to be lovers. Crimson angrily stares at the photograph, before grinning evilly and seemingly accepting Henroin's partnership, eager to get revenge on his son.
In "When We Do Wrong, No One Forgets", Crimson's henchmen successfully apprehend Charlie's Angels shortly after their descent into the Greed Ring from Heaven. Relishing his triumph, Crimson taunts and antagonizes the children. In the midst of his taunting, he forcefully grips Giulia's chin, attempting to meet her gaze, only for her to retaliate by biting his hand, nearly severing his finger. Incensed by Giulia's actions, Crimson initially orders her execution, but Alessio proposes a different course of action, suggesting that they ransom the children to Mammon for a substantial sum. Aware that Mammon would exact a heavy toll for their intrusion, Crimson ultimately relents and instructs his henchmen to transport the children to Mammon.
In "What A Tangled Web We Weave", Henroin and Crimson, forming an unholy alliance, temporarily merged their mafia syndicates to execute grand heists and carry out mass killings throughout the Pride Ring. These nefarious activities generated millions in ill-gotten gains, which they decided to divide between themselves. While reveling in their opulence over a meal of Italian cuisine and fine wine, Henroin pledged a substantial sum to Crimson as a token of gratitude for aiding him in eliminating Angel Dust. He also broached the idea of an ongoing partnership, proposing to "borrow" some of Crimson's men in exchange for a year of financial assistance. Crimson couldn't hide his displeasure, harboring resentment towards Henroin's advantageous position. In a bid to reconcile, Crimson suggested that Henroin extend his support to dealing with the entire I.M.P. After reaching an agreement and sealing it with a handshake, Crimson specified that Moxxie was his responsibility, prompting Henroin to assert his ownership over handling Angel Dust. Consequently, they coordinated their respective criminal organizations to capture Angel and Moxxie.
As Angel Dust and Moxxie found themselves bound and confronted by their fathers, Crimson and Henroin confronted their sons. Crimson insisted that Millie was merely a cover for Moxxie's true relationship with Angel Dust, believing the two were lovers. Angel and Moxxie found this situation humorous and shared a laugh, using it as an opportunity to educate Crimson and Henroin about sexual orientations. Moxxie emphasized that bisexual individuals can have platonic friendships with people of the same gender, a concept that Crimson and Henroin staunchly refused to accept. Moxxie stood up to Crimson, defending the legitimacy of his relationships and his identity.
When Henroin, in a fit of spite, attempted to poison Moxxie using his stinger to taunt Angel, Crimson intervened, asserting his authority and making it clear that Moxxie was his responsibility. Henroin declared his intention to publicly execute both of their sons as a warning. In response, Crimson and his cohort decreed that if Moxxie and Angel were so close, they could suffer together, ordering their men to confine the pair in a large cage.
In "The Family Jewels", Crimson initiated a discussion with Henroin in his office, interrupting the daydream that Henroin had been lost in while playing the piano. When Henroin admitted that he had been reminiscing about his family's life on Earth, Crimson chastised him for indulging in his reverie and urged him to refocus on their pressing tasks. Though Henroin concealed his vulnerability, he complied, closing the piano and agreeing to concentrate on their work.
As the dreaded moment arrived, a multitude of mafia enforcers from Pride and Greed congregated in Henroin's mansion. Even a crew from 666 News descended to broadcast the impending public execution of Angel and Moxxie. Crimson reveled in the event, sipping champagne and enjoying massages from several imp and succubi attendants. Later, Crimson redirected Henroin's attention when his partner slipped into another daydream, emphasizing the greater priorities at hand, a point to which Henroin reluctantly agreed.
Stepping into the spotlight alongside Henroin, the two mob bosses presented the bound Angel and Moxxie to the crowd. Moxxie was held in check by Crimson's formidable shark henchmen, while Angel was cast at Henroin's feet. Crimson savored the sadistic pleasure of the moment as Henroin prepared to execute Angel in front of the onlooking spectators, all while his shark goons forced Moxxie to witness the execution of his best friend. However, the mansion's doors burst open, revealing an unexpected entrance by Arackniss, Fergus, Husk, Millie, and most notably, Molly.
Crimson swiftly ordered his henchmen to eliminate the intruders, leading several mobsters to raise their weapons and target the group. Yet, upon recognizing Molly, Henroin ordered everyone to hold their fire, allowing for a heartfelt reunion with his daughter. Frustrated, Crimson urged Henroin to halt the sentimental moment and proceed with the execution, but Millie stepped in, silencing Crimson.
Molly's attempt to appeal to Henroin eventually proved futile, and chaos erupted as a violent clash between the mafia and Cherri Bomb ensued. Henroin prioritized Molly's safety and directed his men to escort her out of the escalating conflict. Crimson took charge, slinking beneath the seats in the venue and making a hasty exit through the nearest door into a hallway.
Observing Crimson's escape, Moxxie and Molly immediately gave chase, resolute in not letting him slip away. Spotting Moxxie and Millie in pursuit, Crimson sprinted down the hallway, frantically toppling statues, tables, paintings, and anything he could find to impede their progress. However, Moxxie and Millie proved their determination by deftly leaping over obstacles and collaborating effectively. In a desperate attempt to deter his pursuers, Crimson shamelessly sacrificed his own men, hurling them at Moxxie and Millie rather than facing the consequences of his deeds.
Reaching the rear of Henroin's mansion, Crimson spotted a nearby boat moored on a dock and made a break for it, with Moxxie and Millie hot on his heels. Crimson clambered into the boat and sped away, leaving Moxxie and Millie watching from the shore. Gleefully cackling as the boat raced into the night, Crimson raised his middle fingers, vowing to seek revenge on them and their loved ones, going as far as to threaten Moxxie and Millie's unborn child. In an amusing twist, Moxxie, sporting a deadpan expression, used his sniper rifle to disable the boat's engine and shoot holes in the vessel, allowing water to infiltrate. In a state of panic, Crimson comically and futilely attempted to bail water out of the boat with his bare hands.
As the boat continued to submerge, Crimson's frantic efforts were in vain, and he met an exceedingly anticlimactic, undignified, and comical demise by drowning, concluding his life in a most humiliating manner.
On the surface, Crimson was a seemingly chummy, pragmatic, and polite, but it truly was a heartless and abusive imp who was responsible for nearly all the trauma in Moxxie's life. He forced Moxxie to kill people at a young age to stomp out any perceived weakness, and went as far as to have his wife murdered for leaving him and babying Moxxie. He greatly enjoyed killing people in general, even keeping the body parts of his victims as trophies on his wall, severing the horns of imps or removing the jaws from his failed shark enforcers.
He was also biphobic, as he refused to acknowledge Moxxie's bisexuality and called him a "sissy". He was not one who tolerates failure, having his goons killed on a whim and mounting their jaws and horns on his wall.
Henroin is one of Crimson's many associates. Based on their interactions, Crimson and Henroin seem to be genial with each other, breaking bread, and discussing and sharing methods of "disposal" and execution. Henroin admires Crimson's ruthless nature and that he is willing to do the most horrible things for the sake of toughening Moxxie, as well as the fact that Crimson does not seem to be afraid of Henroin, both of which Crimson seems very proud of himself for. Crimson, not one who admits weakness or defeat, showed a hint of frustration and umbrage when Henroin reminded him that his business was hemorrhaging money, and he needed help to get out of his rut.
Chapter 5
- "(he hands his pistol to Alessio for him to clean up, cackling) It's not everyday I get ta blow some poor schmuck's face off up close and personal. Oh, wait, it is!"
- — Crimson joking after killing Rough Cut.
- "Henroin: How's life treatin' ya, Crim?
Crimson: It's treating me... Well enough... So what did you need my presence for? I heard we've got some business to be done regarding some... common enemies. I flew all the way from Greed for this job so let's not keep our customers on the bench long.
Henroin: (he chuckles) Indeed, my friend. (he sits in a chair across from Crimson) Oh, yer a unique fella, aren't ya, Crim? There ain't many like ya out there, I'll give ya that. Folks who got the balls the do things that most are too pussy to do themselves. Most folk, they'd be quakin' in their boots, pissin' their pants at the sight of me. But you, you ain't. You ain't afraid of me, are ya?
Crimson: I've got balls of steel, what can I say? (he grins, clearly pleased with himself) How 'bout you?
Henroin: Ah, it takes more than just steel balls to run a mafia, my boy. It takes smarts, leadership, a lack of ruths, respect, power, charm, and a whole lotta violence. I got all that covered, how 'bout you?
Crimson: I got all that and then some. (he laughs) You've seen it all before. Let's get down to business, see?
Henroin: Of course. You're my boy, Crim. Ya know I'd neva let ya down. So believe me when I say that this deal is a great opportunity ya can't refuse, especially in lieu of recent... Familial complications.
Crimson: (sighs) My son, Moxxie, is... Uncooperative... He's refusing to cooperate with the family, and it's costin' me my whole empire. Can you believe that shit? I put my dark soul into building my family into what it was, and then he thinks he's too good for us and runs off to hide behind his satandamn beard!
Henroin: (groans) That 'beard' wiped out half of your reserves, friend... Right in front of ya. You let some dizzy broad kill your men, and ya didn't even try to fight 'er?
Crimson: I didn't expect her to get that far, man! (he grits his teeth as Alessio refills his glass) She's just one of many pains in my ass that I need to get rid of... I need 'er gone, for good, before she does any further damage.
Henroin: (he begins smoking a cigar) And, uh, let's not ferget that jabroni who tried to marry into yer family. Alls it takes is a tacky suit to pull a wall over your eyes, huh? No background check or nothin'.
Crimson: (eyes widen) Are you sayin' I'm gullible?!
Henroin: I'm an honest man, Crim. That was... A pretty fuckin' big mistake. And look what it cost ya. A mafia on the wrong side of the grass, all ova a f-- wedding.
Crimson: Listen 'ere... That sorry sonuvabitch got what was comin' to 'im for tryin' to swindle me. Anyone who's EVA crossed me eitha went to the blocks, or is livin' out their existence as a satandamn momento on my wall! So, did you call me 'ere to bust my balls, or are you gonna propose we do somethin' about all of this? (Henroin nods to one of his goons, who places a photo of Angel Dust and Moxxie together in front of Crimson he picks up the photo and analyzes it with a hint of fury before a twisted smile forms on his face) I'm listenin'..." - — Henroin and Crimson scheming together.
- "Crimson: Hahaha! I had a feelin' that dumb broad was just a beard! What kinda pathetic freak are ya, Mox?! Datin' some drug-addicted whore like Angel Dust!
Moxxie: W-Whuh? ...Crim, we're not... (Moxxie's eyes widen) You... do know that bisexual men can have platonic male friends, right?
Henroin: That's the biggest piece of bullshit I've ever heard.
Crimson: EXACTLY! (to Moxxie) You think I'm fucking stupid?! You seriously think gays like you are capable of befriendin' another guy and not wantin' to get in his pants?!
Angel Dust: Ay, Mr. Fuhgeddaboudit, me and Mox is like brothas. Trauma brothas, ta be exact.
Henroin: (Henroin uses one of his scorpion legs to stomp on Angel's foot, impaling it) What trauma, Anthony? Havin' to wear a suit instead of a frilly dress? Havin' a meltdown decidin' which fedora goes with yer eyes? Having to frantically removin' all that fuckin' makeup when I came for a visit?! (Henroin removes his leg from Angel's foot; he leans in and blows cigar smoke in Moxxie's face) You must be a special kinda stupid to try and get close to Anthony, sonny. (Henroin laughs) Eh, who am I kiddin'? You two deserve each other. Yer both disgraces to the mafia. Me 'n' Crim run a mafia, not a gay pride parade.
Angel Dust: (snickers) Wait a minute... (Angel bursts out laughing) Youz thinks we're lovers?! (Angel and Moxxie share a look before mutually bursting into laughter)
Moxxie: Classic!
Angel Dust: (to Moxxie) Oh, brotha! They's, they's thinks we's-! (Angel and Moxxie go down on the floor from laughing) Oh, shit! That's fuckin' rich!" - — Crimson and Henroin confront Angel Dust and Moxxie.
- "Crimson" is a dark shade of red.
- His nickname, "crim", is a play on the word "crime".
- Every time Crimson kills someone, he has their jaws and/or horns removed and mounted on his wall as a memento.
- Crimson is somewhat similar to Henroin.
- They are both stereotypical mafia bosses who speak with Italian accents, enjoy murdering their enemies by drowning them, and keep their victims' body parts as trophies and mementoes.
- Both abused and traumatized their sons (Moxxie, and Angel Dust and Arackniss respectively), forcing them to become hired guns, as well as making them murder and execute people to stomp any "weakness" out of them.
- They have similar personalities, pretending to be friendly and chummy to cover up their true nature and manipulate people, while in reality being merciless and cruel.
- They both ridicule their sons for their sexuality, with Crim refusing to acknowledge Moxxie's bisexuality, and Henroin calling Angel Dust slurs before trying to murder him outright simply for being gay.