- "You bet your old, wrinkly ass I do. 'Cause I'm a helluva lot of things, but the one thing I'm fuckin' not is a fucking pussy. I'm ready to prove things to you. What'll it make you look like if you get beat by some 'little old punk'?"
- — Crymini.
Crymini is a supporting protagonist in Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light.
The "baby of the group", Crymini is a rebellious, moody, yet resourceful teenage, hyena-like sinner suffering from severe trust issues and a bad attitude. An unapologetically destructive troublemaker, she served as the former assistant, weapons expert, and "intern" of Baxter, eventually joining him in entering the Hazbin Hotel program as a patient, where she then worked as Husk's assistant at the front desk, serving as his chaotic, surrogate daughter figure.
- "Squish: CHARLIE!!! Cry's setting the trash cans on fire again!
Crymini: (Crymini points to a flaming trash can, speaking very dryly) Heh. Look. It's this hotel." - — Crymini's casually destructive tendencies.
Crymini is a pessimistic, crass, chaotic, opinionated, unmotivated, and unapologetically blunt. Her perspective on life and the afterlife is profoundly cynical, bordering on misanthropic. She embodies chaos and rebellion, consistently stirring trouble on purpose and pulling pranks that leave little room for peace in the Hazbin Hotel. Whether it's spraying graffiti on the walls, starting dumpster fires, blasting rock music late at night, or lighting the occasional occupant on fire (especially Squish), there's hardly a dull moment with her around.
Crymini often feels misunderstood and frustrated, believing others view her as a mere troublemaker without understanding her struggles. Despite her tough exterior and abrasiveness, she has some kind of desire for others to empathize with her perspective.
She lets her rebellious nature define her, defying conventions and challenging the status quo at every turn. She has a sarcastic, rude, smart-ass attitude that often leads to unfavorable first impressions. She is very witty, argumentative, and opinionated, willing to get into snarking matches with anyone at any time. Despite her confrontational tendencies, Crymini can display moments of warmth and especially loyalty to her close friends, and is highly protective of them. At one point, she even admitted that she cares about almost everyone at the hotel, though she doesn't quite know why.
She is self-conscious about her small height and will set someone's house on fire if they mock her stature.
Embracing her destructive tendencies, Crymini regularly engages in acts of vandalism and, when she served him, found solace in her role as the official tester for Baxter's weapons, relishing the opportunity to blow shit up. She does not mince words and can be inconsiderate, brash, and rude toward the majority of Hazbin Hotel's residents. Crymini isn't hesitant to hurl insults at those who provoke her ire, and will sometimes do so even if she is unprovoked. Trust issues make her wary of connecting with others, but beneath her tough exterior lies a hidden fondness for her close friends.
Crymini's standoffish demeanor makes it challenging for others to approach her unless they share her interests. She keeps conversations brief, but when the mood strikes her, she employs her sharp wit to throw snarky comments at anyone who irks her or simply to entertain herself. Confrontation comes naturally to her, and she despises being patronized or treated like a child due to her younger age.
Her defiance knows no bounds when it comes to authority figures, resulting in frequent clashes with both Vaggie and the Pentagram City Police Department. She holds a steadfast disdain for those in positions of power, irrespective of whether they've provoked her or not. Even in situations where it's neither necessary nor advantageous, Crymini can't resist starting conflicts with authority figures. For instance, she referred to a PCPD police officer as a "pig" simply because he wanted to warn her and Octavia about the Insurgency, a reaction that, given the PCPD's evident corruption issues, was not entirely unjustified.
Her language is laced with profanity, and she's a dedicated smoker and drinker. Despite her generally acerbic demeanor, she possesses a sharp and witty sense of humor, and, when she's not consumed by anger, she can be quite the conversationalist.
Crymini also does not hesitate to make offensive or derogatory comments, like referring to Arackniss as a "spaghetti-eating fuck" (likely throwing his own insensitivity back at him), poking fun at Baxter's German heritage by constantly calling him a "Nazi," or mocking a hotel client's broken English.
Surprisingly, Crymini has the capacity to form genuine bonds with certain individuals and even show a more compassionate side. She shares a unique friendship with Cherri Bomb and Niffty, despite the latter's penchant for cleaning up her messes. She has a father-daughter dynamic with Husk, bonding with him in their shared hatred of the world. She plays card games with him, manages the Angst Bar alongside him, and gets into snarking matches with him, and in general they share one of the strongest bonds amidst the hotel crew. Crymini is also tolerant Mimzy's constant chatter, although she often pretends to listen while her attention is really fixated on her phone.
Despite Octavia's royal status, Crymini forms a close friendship with the Goetia royal, respecting her defiance of royal norms and connecting over their shared love for alternative fashion. She even went as far as protecting Octavia from her school bullies, threatening to kill them if they didn't stop their harassment. Beneath her abrasive exterior, Crymini initially harbored a certain level of appreciation for Baxter. She fiercely defended him against Fergus's insulting remarks and even went as far as threatening to leave Fergus and the hotel crew to their fate if he didn't retract his statement about Baxter being a "crackpot." However, her respect for Baxter waned as she recognized the negative influence he exerted.
Crymini's outgoing and friendly side only really emerges when she interacts with like-minded individuals such as Husk, Cherri Bomb, Angel Dust, and members of the Resistance. She can even display moments of warmth, blushing and reciprocating a hug from Cherri, or genuinely joking and having a laugh with Husk. She also later encouraged Husk to become sober and helped him through withdraws, showing genuine concern for his well-being and betterment despite his destructive tendencies. When the situation calls for it, she exhibits surprising responsibility and courage in combat, giving her all in defense of her friends and dutifully following Baxter's instructions without hesitation. Her protective and defensive instincts come to the forefront when it comes to the people she considers her friends.
Crymini is a short, anthropomorphic hyena sinner with spotted fur and a striped, white mane with red accents. She is covered in white fur with sporatice red spots. Her right leg and outer ears are dark brown, while her inner parts of her ears are bright red. She has fluffy cheeks and red freckles under her eyes. Her sclerae is light orange with a hot pink iris. She has thick, messy hair styled like a mohawk, and a bushy tail. Her hair is white; the lower parts and ends are striped bright red. The same palette is mirrored in her tail.
Crymini wears a short, red dress with a white skull on the chest, a black spiked choker and a black, long sleeved jacket with a shorter, torn left sleeve as well as a short, black glove.
Powers and Abilities[]
Natural Powers[]
- Immortality: As a sinner, Crymini is incapable of dying through conventional means such as aging, sickness, or even blunt force trauma, and can survive ungodly amounts of punishment and brush it off as if it was nothing. Only holy weaponry or divine power can destroy her soul for good.
- Nigh-Invulnerability: Like all sinners, Crymini is immune to most forms of damage and can tank an ungodly amount of punishment without succumbing to injuries.
Unique Powers[]
- Heightened Senses: As a hyena sinner, Crymini's sense of smell is very powerful, allowing her to detect certain smells long before anyone else can. She can also use this ability to find objects or track people down. She has a higher sense of hearing which allows her to detect things that most people are unable to pick up on. She claimed that she could smell Husk's drunken breath from several rooms over.
- Master Pilot: Crymini has displayed impressive skills while piloting Baxter's spaceship , the B.A.X Galaxy Light, and is very familiar with the spaceship's functions and systems. While fighting against Belphegor and Karen's forces in the Sloth Ring, Crymini was able to effortlessly maneuver the ship to evade Belphe-Tech's advanced homing missiles, even tricking one missile into destroying one of Belphegor's statues.
- Musical Talents: Crymini is surprisingly adept at singing.
- Natural Weaponry: Crymini possesses very sharp teeth and claws which she can use as offensive weapons. While defending Octavia from Rum, Crymini used her canines to tear Rum's entire right hand off.
- Volatile Constructs: Crymini is a master of crafting various destructive weapons, notably Molotov cocktails and grenades. She is noted by Cherri Bomb herself to make the "craziest" Molotovs she has ever seen.
Cherri Bomb[]
Crymini is long-time good friends with Cherri Bomb, and they have been friends with each other almost since they arrived in Hell. Their friendship is strong enough that when they reunited with each other in Purgatory, Cherri eagerly hugged Crymini, to which the latter reciprocated with a small smile and while blushing. The two bond over their mutual interests such as rock music and vandalizing property. Crymini occasionally heads out of the hotel to party with Cherri and the Resistance.
- "Husker? The fucking lazy prick who does nothing except drink and refuses to give me some? ...I love the drunk bastard."
- — Crymini about Husk.
Crymini and Husk share a rather unique and evolving relationship that bears resemblance to a father-daughter dynamic. They constantly snark at each other, with Husk playfully downplaying Crymini's abilities due to her young age, while Crymini mocks Husk for his age. Yet, the two forge one of the most compelling friendships within the hotel crew, due to their mutual hatred of their circumstances and "take-no-shit" attitudes.
Though they interacted rarely after Crymini joined the hotel, she took a liking to Husk since he was quiet and "hated everything", like she does, though she hated how her refused to serve her she is underage. At that point, Crymini, quite uncharacteristically, actually opened up to Husk about her abusive father, which prompted Husk to comfort her.
After this, Crymini expressed a desire to become Husk's assistant, offering to keep others from bothering him with their "bullshit". Despite initial skepticism from Husk, Crymini proved her worth by intimidating Squish as he ran to Husk for help on a crisis within the hotel. They both established ground rules for their working relationship, with Husk telling Crymini to not harm anyone and to keep her paws off of the booze, to which Crymini asserted her independence, ordering Husk not to "father" her. Crymini set up a playful rivalry, arranging for them to have poker matches every Saturday wherein she gets free booze if she wins. Despite the competitive banter and constant snarking matches, there is a sense of camaraderie and genuine connection between them, hinting at a budding mentor-mentee relationship.
Shortly after Husk hired her, both got hammered in the Angst Bar, with Crymini deliberately getting Husk drunk so that she could take advantage of his drunken state and drink alchohol with him. As they were singing together, Crymini confessed her trick with glee, cackling even as Husk, feeling betrayed, angrily cursed her. Crymini's mood shifted when Husk grabbed his guitar and began singing about his own struggles with addiction and the difficulty of accepting help from others. Crymini joined in and shared her desires to escape from civil society, resonating with Husk's sentiments. In song, they both mocked societal norms and expectations, all while calling each other vulgar names, trashing the bar, and flipping each other off. However, amidst this chaotic number and cynicism, there was a moment of connection when they found comfort in each other's company; they both briefly find themselves in a void-like, raining setting (the "rain" actually being alcohol from shattered beer bottles), and despite their earlier declarations of wanting to be alone, they come together under an umbrella, suggesting a willingness to support and trust each other in their shared disillusionment.
Crymini began outright respecting Husk when she saw his more rebellious side. When they were approached by a shady Voxtek salesman, both showed skepticism towards the company's products. Husk, in particular, demonstrates his disdain by hurling the headsets handed to him into the wall, which made Crymini look at him in reverence. After the Voxtek employee banned Husk from using Voxtek's products, Crymini asked if she could have a headset, only to follow suit and hurl it into a wall as well in rebellion. In the aftermath, Crymini conceded that Husk was "pretty cool".
Crymini follows Husk's orders begrudgingly, almost exclusively calling Husk by "Husker" in a playfully mocking manner. In a display of loyalty, Crymini often takes on the role of the hotel receptionist when Husk is occupied and indeed does drive away people trying to trauma-dump on Husk, despite him not minding it much.
After Husk's pledge to go alcohol-free, Crymini confronted him upon discovering him inebriated, displaying genuine concern and frustration at his relapse. Despite Husk's insistence on sobriety, despite him being visibly hammered, Crymini swiftly hurled a ball of yarn at him to test his reflexes, only for Husk to completely fail to catch it, even with his cat-like reflexes, due to his intoxication. Disappointed by Husk's failure to uphold his promise, Crymini accused him of deceit. Despite her disdain for rules, it was evident that she wished for Husk's recovery, harboring genuine concern to prevent his descent into self-destructive behavior.
Despite her vexation with Husk, Crymini assisted him to bed, demonstrating her enduring care for him even amid her frustration. Rather than allowing him to wallow in self-pity, she confronted him, urging him to gather himself. Beneath her tough exterior, Crymini's concern for Husk's well-being shone through, as she was willing to aid him and struck a deal to shield his struggles from Charlie, provided he fully committed to bettering himself. In response, Husk, appreciative of Crymini's advice, promised to endeavor for change, motivated by her support.
Following the War in Hell, Crymini and Husk found themselves together at the car, where Husk playfully expresses surprise that Crymini would want him to get sober, given her disdain for the rules. Crymini admitted that she cared about everyone in the hotel, including him, though she tries to back-track a little by saying that he is extremely unpleasant when intoxicated. Husk laughed in response and they shared a toast, both wishing to escape Hell for a better future.
Angel Dust[]
Crymini and Angel have an on-off, brother and sister-like friendship; while they get along most of the time and enjoy shopping and going out into Pentagram City with each other, they also pull pranks on and like bugging each other, with Angel teasing her constantly. Angel is one of the only people in the hotel that Crymini gets along with, since they are both close friends with Cherri Bomb and enjoy causing mayhem. Angel is rather protective of Crymini and treats her almost like a little sister, even referring to her as "sista".
Squish and Crymini have a complex, friendship. Crymini enjoys bothering Squish, setting him on fire, and seemed indifferent to the torture and abuse he endured under Baxter. Whenever they interact, the two love exchanging witty remarks and insults with each other.
Still, it is hinted at that Crymini does care about Squish to a certain extent; she often expresses and shows concern for Squish whenever Baxter gets too carried away with his experiments, often asking Sq if he is okay and offering him a cigarette, revealing that she does feel sorry for him. When Crymini was nearly erased by the Army of Darkness, Squish transformed into his Full Demon Form to protect her.
Crymini was seen comforting Squish by putting a hand on his shoulder when was reeling over Lux's death.
Crymini and Niffty, despite both being biologically the youngest members of the hotel crew, initially had a somewhat neutral relationship; Crymini was often annoyed by how Niffty cleaned up the messes she caused in the Hazbin Hotel, such as cleaning her graffiti art off of the hotel's walls. However, Crymini and Niffty eventually became fire-forged "friends" by helping Baxter rescue the seven angels and Manco from Belphegor and Karen, with Crymini piloting Baxter's spacecraft while Niffty took control of the ship's weapons. Despite the advanced technology before her, Crymini helped Niffty understand the ship's controls, and the duo proved to be unstoppable together. When Niffty was wiping out Scavenger Units, Crymini admitted that, despite their differences, Niffty could be "kinda fun".
Crymini was initially standoffish towards Octavia, due to her being a royal, though she warmed up to Octavia after learning more about her casual personality. The two bonded by going to a mall together to try on punk and alternative-style outfits, even joking around with each other. When Octavia was being harassed by a clique of upper-class girls who bully her at school, leading to Crymini viciously defending Via and confronting her bullies, outright threatening to kill them if they wouldn't leave her alone. When Crymini outright attacked the bullies for mocking her poor background, Octavia had to pull Crymini away and lead her away from them. Though Crymini insisted that she only attacked them to put them in her place, Octavia was still very grateful to Crymini for standing up for her.
Later, that same night, Octavia helped Crymini through her fear of thunderstorms by staying close to her and reading the delinquent a bedtime story. Though Crymini was slightly confrontational and interpreted this was Octavia "babying" her, she eased into to as it did end up bringing her a sense of safety and security, even cuddling close to the Goetia and falling asleep.
Later, in two instances where Alastor chaperoned the two for another one of their nights out and when the two were harassed by Valentino on the same night, Crymini again showed a protective instinct over Octavia, growling at Alastor when he shook Octavia's hand and wrapped an arm around her, and keeping herself in between Via and Valentino, showing that she isn't afraid to go against Overlords far stronger than herself for the sake of Octavia.
- "He's an abusive, self-absorbed dickwad. He's got his head so fucking far up his own ass that it's a miracle he hasn't suffocated. He's always fucking talking over me like I'm a child and I fucking HATE that shit. But... his weapons are pretty dope, I guess. The only reason I stuck around that fucking stupid lab."
- — Crymini about Baxter.
Baxter is Crymini's former boss. Crymini and Baxter share a remarkably complex relationship, one fraught with tension and conflicting emotions. To Crymini, Baxter is an exasperating figure—annoying, self-absorbed, and occasionally abusive. She's often reluctant to assist him with his research, attributing her initial employment to a period of homelessness during which Baxter allowed her to stay at his laboratory in exchange for her working under him. Crymini's demeanor towards Baxter is marked by asocial and aloof behavior, and she appears disinterested in his experiments. His boisterous nature, habit of referring to her as his "servant," and condescending tone only serve to irritate her further. Despite her dislike for his bossiness, screechy outbursts, and neurotic tendencies, Crymini refrains from undermining or openly arguing with him.
Surprisingly, Crymini did hold a degree of respect for Baxter for a time, stemming from his permission for her to use his weapons as a means of venting her destructive impulses. She doesn't tolerate insults or degradation directed at Baxter from others. When Fergus insulted Baxter behind his back and questioned whether the hotel crew should continue associating with the scientist, Crymini reacted with irritation, threatening to return the Galaxy Light to Satan and leave the hotel crew behind if Fergus didn't retract his insult. Her appreciation for Baxter's weapon-testing opportunities motivates her to protect his workspace from interference by others.
However it is implied that any goodwill Crymini has towards Baxter has withered away as she began to see him as insufferable and abusive. This comes to a head when Baxter lets go of Crymini in favor of Karen 2.O, much to her relief.
- "Vaggie: CRYMINI! Did I not just tell you to stop doing that?! And stop blaring death metal at fucking three in the morning!
Crymini: (rolls her eyes and lets out a long tired sigh) Yeah, yeah, yeah, like you have any fucking authority to tell me what to do, Grandma. (she puts on her headphones and returns to continuing her graffiti job)
Vaggie: (she rips Crymini's headphones off) How about you do something productive for a change, you goddamn punk?!
Crymini: (she snarls at Vaggie and gets face-to-face with her) Fuck you! Not everyone has to monitor a hall like you, you high and mighty, carpet-eating bitch! How about I burn this fucking dump to the ground? I might just do it after I'm done here anyways... (she gets out a lighter and starts to flick it on and off slowly, watching the flame with great interest until Vaggie snatches it from her hand) Oh, come on!
Vaggie: (presses her face against Crymini's) You do not wanna fuck with me today, chica. Go to your goddamn room!
Crymini: Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do?! (she storms off inside the hotel, grumbling and cursing)
Vaggie: (hurls Crymini's lighter against the wall, growling and frothing at the mouth) Maldita perra punk inmadura!" - — Vaggie to Crymini after catching her spraying graffiti on the walls of the Hazbin Hotel.
Crymini and Vaggie frequently clash with each other due to their inherent differences in personality and roles within the hotel. Vaggie, as the hotel's manager, possesses a reputation for being a responsible and authoritative figure, and her natural inclination toward control often puts her at odds with the rebellious and unruly Crymini. This ongoing tension between Vaggie's need for order and Crymini's defiant nature creates a dynamic of conflict within the hotel's environment.
Charlie Magne[]
Crymini and Charlie share a relationship akin to an aloof little sister and her hyperactive, smothering big sister. Charlie often tries to encourage Crymini into participating in the hotel crew's group activities, though Crymini is typically unwilling. While she does not hate the Princess of Hell, Crymini finds Charlie to be annoying and, similar to Vaggie, opposes her for being an authority figure.
- "I don't get your boss. How is he so happy and smiley all the time? It freaks me out. Like, this is Hell. No one cares if you're happy! STOP FUCKING SMILING AND BE DEPRESSED LIKE THE REST OF US!"
- — Crymini to Husk about Alastor.
Alastor and Crymini don't interact much, but it is fairly clear that they both dislike each other. During a card game with Husk, Crymini confessed that Alastor both freaks her out and annoys her, particularly with his constant smiling. She is bewildered by this since she thinks Hell is not a fun or happy place to live in, and that he should be depressed like everyone else. She also refers to him derisively as a "cannibal, Overlord, dog-killer," and consistently growls or snarls at his behavior and mannerisms.
Their relationship isn't helped by the fact that Alastor knows how to get under her skin and provoke her. He is antagonistic and condescending towards Crymini, likely due to her uncouth attitude or even her dog-like appearance. Crymini openly dislikes and distrusts Alastor; she hates his constant smiling - since she sees Hell as an unhappy place Alastor, in turn, mocks her openly, condescendingly petting her while implying the only reason he hasn't killed her is because she isn't a "stray" (as if she's an animal owned by Charlie or possibly Husk).
During Octavia and Crymini's night out, Alastor upheld his promise to Charlie not to harm them but, out of boredom, used his magic to stir conflict between the two. However, they eventually saw through his scheme, embarrassed him in public, and blackmailed him into leaving their friendships alone. In the end, Crymini had Alastor clear out a theater and fetch snacks for her and Via while they enjoyed movies together for the rest of the night.
Crymini and Villa share an unusual and contentious "friendship." Villa chose Crymini as her personal protégé from among the hotel's clientele, a decision that Crymini strongly disapproved of from the start. Crymini is very confrontational towards Villa and clearly dislikes her intensely; she calls Villa names such as "self-absorbed skank," growling when Villa attempted to style her hair, and even loudly coughing to dissipate Villa's perfume. Their interactions are always combative and uneasy, though dulled by Villa's sense of humor.
Villa and Crymini's relationship, overall, is one-sided and borderline manipulative and abusive. Villa sees Crymini as someone less fortunate and takes it upon herself to "fix" Crymini, imposing conventional societal norms upon the teenager, despite Crymini's clear hatred for Villa and desire to be left alone. Villa believes that she knows what's best for Crymini and takes it upon herself to transform her into someone popular and attractive, according to her standards. During Villa's musical number, she even briefly dons clothing reminiscent of a therapist, claiming to offer Crymini guidance and wisdom. However, her actions just come across as controlling and patronizing. To top it off, Villa has a habit of casually infantilizing and insulting Crymini, such as calling her mocking names such as "Cry-me-a-river-mini".
When around Crymini, Villa is invasive to extremely condescending, as she forcibly pulls Crymini into her makeover plans, ignoring Crymini's protests, discomfort, and attempts to escape.
In the end, despite Villa's efforts to fix Crymini, the latter still rejected the new identity Villa gave her and expressed a desire to kill herself, walking away from Villa. Villa responded to this with a chipper "You're welcome!", showing her lack of empathy and disconnect with reality.
Chapter 3[]
- "Cherri Bomb: Mini?! That you, mate?
Crymini: Cherri?
Cherri Bomb: Ayyyyyy! (she hugs Crymini, who reciprocates) Holy shit, it's so good to see ya, girl! (she wraps her arm around Crymini and points at her; to the hotel crew) This bitch makes the craziest Molotovs I've eva seen! (Cherri mimics throwing a Molotov cocktail and makes an explosion noise, laughing while Crymini looks down with a small smile, blushing) Me and my mates have been lookin' everywhere for you! How the fuck did you up 'ere?! I thought ya up and died or some shit.
Crymini: Yeah, remind me to never let Baxter fuck around with portal tech again." - — Crymini and Cherri Bomb are reunited in Purgatory.
- "Baxter lets me test whatever weapon he's decided to make. But, he can't make shit when he's surrounded by other people; so, I make sure no one disturbs him so I don't get fucked out of my weapon testing time and don't get to blow shit up! (her ear twitches)"
- — Crymini to Fergus when he wanted to talk to Baxter.
- "Crymini: (she approaches Squish as he lies on the ground after one of Baxter's experiments) ...You okay? That was pretty fucking rough... (Squish looks up at Crymini, as if he is surprised by her display of concern, but nods weakly, looking at the floor; Crymini sighs and sits in a nearby chair to him, crossing her legs and lighting herself a cigarette; she gives Squish a look before silently offering him a cigarette from her pack)
Squish: (his eyes sparkle for a moment, touched by her offer; before waving a hand) Hell no. Smoking's for losers...
Crymini: (her left ear twitches and her eyes glare red, growling; she scoffs and pockets her pack) Fuck you, too, dipshit...! (Squish just smirks while Crymini takes a drag and exhales a puff of smoke, enjoying her company..)" - — Crymini comforts Squish.
- "Fergus: (to the hotel crew) They left us to die just a few minutes ago! We can't trust this crackpot!
Crymini: Hey, jackass? Coming back for you fuckers put us both at risk. He could have just left you all to die, you know. How about I turn this ship around and leave you alone with that big, red motherfucker? How's that?
Fergus: Hey, hey! I didn't mean it like that! Don't think I'm ungrateful!
Crymini: (scoffs) That's what I thought. Fuckin' asshole." - — Crymini to Fergus after she and Baxter saved the hotel crew from Satan.
- "The ego in this room is suffocating."
- — Crymini while Vox and Valentino were complimenting each other.
Chapter 4[]
- "Vaggie: All we're asking is that you stop. Stepping. The receptacles. On fucking fire. (she crosses her arms like a disappointed mom) What part of that's too hard for you to follow?
Crymini: (she scoffs) You fucks all fucking think I'm some fuckin' punk who sets fucking shit on fucking fire for the fucking sake of it? (she flicks on a lighter, looking intently at the flame and her reflection in the glass) No... It's... it's a release. If you walked a fuckin' day in my shoes, you'd want everything around you to burn, too. ...Can't you see things from my perspective...? (after a pause, Alastor, with a troll face, goes down to one knee so he and Crymini are at eye-level; Fergus crouches down; Angel Dust goes down to two knees as Crymini sneers and crosses her arms, about to explode; sneering, Crymini looks down at Niffty, who is just standing, looking up at her; Crymini groans and pinches her snout bridge, walking away and muttering) You're all fuckin' dipshits..." - — Crymini and the crew.
- "What did you say? Sorry, I was etching this image of me shooting myself 'cuz that's what I'd rather be doing right now."
- — Crymini during one of Baxter's lectures.
- "Husk: Ain't you a little young to be drinkin', sweetheart?
Crymini: You're not my dad.
Husk: (scoffs) Yeah, your dad musta been one piece of work for you to end up like this.
Crymini: He taught me how to make a Molotov cocktail when I was six.
Husk: Figures. You can scram, 'cuz I ain't servin' ya. Don'tcha have some experiments to do with Baxter or some shit?
Crymini: I'm tired.
Husk: You're too young to be tired. You know how hard it is to get a good night's rest when you're playin' that heavy metal garbage all night?
Crymini: Do you guys know why I listen to that music all the time?
Husk: (while cleaning bottles) Don't know, don't care.
Crymini: 'Cuz every time my old man caught me listening to it, he'd beat the shit out of me. (Husk looks at her with concern as Crymini looks down) Down here... I have more freedom than I ever did up there.
Husk: Jesus... H- hey, listen, kid-
Crymini: Forget it. (she leaves the bar as Husk stares on)" - — Crymini and Husk.
- "Husk: Listen, kid, what your old man did to ya... Ain't fair. Every kid should be able to grow up with a real parent.
Crymini: Why do you care?
Husk: I don't much care for abusers... (sighs) Fuck, I probably shouldn't do this... (he hands out a small flask) Here. Drink responsibly, or some shit.
Crymini: (she stares at the flask incredulously before taking it, laughing softly) Thanks... Old man.
Husk: Just, uh, don't tell Vaggie, alright?
Crymini: How about you give me ten more of these and it's a deal?
Husk: (trying to hide a smile) Tsk... You little shit. (Crymini laughs)" - — Crymini and Husk bonding.
- "Crymini: Y'know what? Fuck it. I wanna be your assistant.
Husk: ...Why the fuck would you want that? It's just some boring desk job.
Crymini: Because you're quiet. Because we both hate it here. (Husk gives a nod; she has a point) And if anyone tries to come at you with their bullshit, I'll scare them away.
Husk: (he laughs) Sorry, sweetheart, but you ain't caring any-
Squish: (distantly) HUSK!!! (he runs to the two of them) NIFFTY UNLEASHED THE BLOODHOUNDS AGA- (Crymini lunges at Squish, snarling loudly and demonically; Squish screams like a little girl and runs away)
Husk: (with wide eyes; to Crymini) ...You're hired. (Crymini crosses her arms proudly; Husk points her index finger at her authoritatively, time to take her down a peg) But one rule: you don't touch the customers or the liquor. Got it?
Crymini: (Crymini gives him the finger back, her middle one, of course) And my one fucking rule is that you don't try to fucking father me all the fucking time, and you don't fucking talk to me like I'm a goddamn idiot. I'm not stupid, I know how things work around here. And every Saturday, we're having a poker match and whenever I win, I get all the booze I want, alright?
Husk: (Husk raises an eyebrow with a smirk) ...You seriously wanna play a game of poker against a guy who's been doin' this kind of thing most his life?
Crymini: (She grins as well) You bet your old, wrinkly ass I do. 'Cause I'm a helluva lot of things, but the one thing I'm fuckin' not is a fucking pussy. I'm ready to prove things to you. What'll it make you look like if you get beat by some 'little old punk'?
Husk: (After a pause, Husk grins; He can't help but admire her) Alright. Fine. (He extends his hand for a handshake and Crymini obliges; mid-shake, he pulls her face-to-face) Maybe I'll let you play, but I'm not gonna go easy on your punk ass.
Crymini: (She grins in an almost unhinged way, staring him in the eye dead-on; She's got no fear of him; In fact, she finds him more comforting than threatening, like this is the first time in her existence a father figure has been understanding; She's actually smiling) Trust me, I plan on kicking your fucking ass. Don't go easy, I don't want it.
Husk: Oh, you can be sure of that, Punk Ass! (After a stare down, they both... laugh with each other. Genuinely.)" - — Crymini becomes Husk's assistant.
- "Crymini: (Crymini and Husk both wake up hungover at the wrecked Angst Bar, laying on the floor) This place went to shit.
Husk: (He hops into frame, tangled in the strap of his guitar, groaning) I'm gonna... (BURP) stomp your fuckin', goddamn punk ass like a motherfucking cigarette for finagling me, kid....
Crymini: (She stumbles her way onto a seat) Be my fuckin' guest. Might sober me up. ...And 'finagling'? What are you, fuckin' Irish?
Husk: (Husk suddenly vomits excessively, falling in his own mess face-first; he rolls over weakly) 37%..." - — Husk and Crymini waking up after a hangover.
- "VoxTek Salesman: (A VoxTek salesman approaches Crymini and Husk, peddling futuristic looking headsets; Crymini crosses her arms and rolls her eyes) Hello! (He obnoxiously grabs Husk's shoulder) You, old man, look like you could use a look into the future! (he obnoxiously wraps an arm around Husk, pressing his cheek against his) It's not like you're gonna live in it anyway. (cackling, he motions to the VoxTek helmets) Want to try out our new, prototype VokTek helmets?
Husk: (despite looking annoyed at first, Husk grins, slyly) Sure, why not? (He is handed a VoxTek helmet by the employees, stares at it... Before hurling it at a wall, shattering it; The VoxTek salesman looks furious while Crymini looks at Husk like he's the most badass person ever)
VoxTek Salesman: WHAT THE FUCK?!
Husk: Oops! (he shrugs) Clumsy me. I guess my grips not what it used to be in my 'old age'... Gimme another. (The VoxTek salesman cautiously hands him another headset, but Husk instantly hurls it at the wall, shattering it) That was a lie. I'm just making sure no one's exposed to more of this company's bullshit.
VoxTek Salesman: D- Do you know how Lord Vox is gonna react to this?! We're all gonna PAY!!! Y- You're banned from VoxTek FOREVER!!!!
Crymini: (to the VoxTek Salesman) Can I try it?
VoxTek Salesman: (He grins) Ah, a young mind who will APPRECIATE our company's innovation! (He hands Crymini a headset) Enjoy your trip to the fut-
Crymini: (She instantly hurls the headset at the wall, shattering it as the VoxTek salesman's jaw drops to the floor in a state of stunned silence; She and Husk look at each other, both growing prideful smiles)
Husk: Attagirl." - — Husk and Crymini bonding by antagonizing VoxTek employees.
- "Crymini: Niffty, you man the turret. Go fuck 'em up.
Niffty: Okey dokey! (she zips to the Galaxy Light's weapon panel) Eh... Sorry, sweetie, all this advanced technology is a bit much for a lady for me. After all, it was made by (wistfully) Baxter...
Crymini: How hard can it be to operate a weapon's panel?! Just... Pretend those robots are dust bunnies or something.
Niffty: Oooh... (from Niffty's P.O.V, all of Belphegor's Scavenger Units morph into dust bunnies) OH, MY GOODNESS! (she presses a button on the panel which launches a missile at a crowd of robots) NOPE, NOPE, NOPE! (she drops a carpet bomb on a row of Scavengers and leaps onto the weapon panel, pressing buttons at a rapid pace) OOH! I'M GETTING THE HANG OF THIS!" - — Crymini and Niffty while fighting Belphegor's robots.
Crymini: You know, you're kinda fun, old lady. Y'know, when you're not scrubbing all of my graffiti from the walls.
Niffty: (launches a missile) EAT IT!!!" - — Crymini and Niffty bantering.
Chapter 5[]
- "Crymini: (Crymini stomps up to Husk, seeing him sleeping on a counter with an empty glass of alcohol in his hand) Husker... You're fuckin' drunk again, aren't you, you sack of shit?
Husk: (Husk stirs awake, shaking his head, looking almost at Crymini with a glazed look in his eye) Cry, fuckin' shit... I ain't fuckin' drunk, you (BURP) punk-ass bitch...
Crymini: (With a deadpan expression, she holds up a ball of yarn) Think fast. (She throws it at Husk but he's too drunk to catch it fast enough; it bounces off his face) Fuckin' thought so. (She growls) God-fuckin'-dammit! Just when I really fuckin' thought you were over this shit-
Husk: (Slurring his words as he slips off the counter messily) When the fuck did you ffffuckin' give a goddamn shit about whether I'm d- drunk or not?!
Crymini: (She is PISSED, her fists shaking) Are you fuckin' with me?! You said you were gonna stop drinking! What, you fuckin' lied again?!
Husk: (Mumbling as he struggles to his feet) I fuckin' didn't... (BURP) Tell fuckin' no fuckin' lies, dammit... Cry, I have a very serious condition...
Crymini: AIDS?
Husk: Naw, no... Well, actually, maybe, but that's a story for another time. Ever heard-a (BURP) Insomnia? What a ffffuuuuckin' bitch... (He looks at his alchohol bottle with love in his eyes) The booze... Helps me find some winks...
Crymini: (She rolls her eyes, walking over to Husk and slapping the bottle out of his hand) Ah yes, insomnia - the very same problem we ALL fuckin' share in this shitty hellhole. TOUGH FUCKIN' SHIT!!! (She scoffs, looking at Husk intensely) Look me in the eye and tell me you wouldn't have drank even if you didn't have insomnia.
Husk: (Husk looks at Crymini with the same glare; he wants to tell her he'd be better, but that would be lie; he just can't do it, so he breaks the tension the only way he knows how in this state; a loud BURP) Oh, fuck off! (He falls to his knees when turning, crawling in the opposite direction) I'm goin' to bed...
Crymini: That's the fuckin' bathroom, dipshit. (She groans and walks over, slinging Husk's arm over her shoulder and walking off) You really fuckin' thought you could fool ME of all people? Like I can't smell that breath of yours from a mile away, you pig...
Husk: How the fuck you smellin' my breath from another room?!
Crymini: I'm a hyena, douchewad...
Husk: (sincerely) Oh, yeah, that's right." - — Crymini retrieving a drunken Husk.
- "Crymini: (She kicks open the door to Husk's room, practically tossing him on the bed) Your ass is lucky I found you before the others did. Y'know that?
Husk: (He looks at the wall of his bed sadly) What am I (BURP) doin', Cry? Pretending things can get better... My old man was right about me...
Crymini: (She rolls her eyes) Here we go... (Despite her clear annoyance, she sits next to him as he lies in bed)
Husk: What'll Charlie and Vaggie think of me? They're gonna (Voice cracks) Le-e-ave me... (He wipes his face with his wrist) 'Cuz I'm not up to scratch.
Crymini: Hey, cut the self-pity, man. (She looks at him, her expression softening) I know what it's like to have shitty life prospects, but you can't just fuckin' give up like that! You may be an old, wrinkly bastard, but you still can... pull yourself together, right? Besides, what is Vaggie gonna do? Between you and me, sometimes I see her smoke a pack of cigarettes an hour ago. She can't even follow her own advice. (She laughs)
Husk: (Husk sighs heavily, not bringing himself to look at Crymini) Do me a solid, kid... Don't tell Charlie, 'kay? I want her to... I dunno, think I'm better, and... And this'll break her heart...
Crymini: (She gently grabs Husk's shoulder, rolling him over and making him face her) Fine, but only if you promise me something in return. You gotta stop drinking, alright? And, you gotta cut the bullshit sob stories and dumbass excuses. You do that, or I'll tell Charlie myself. Deal?
Husk: (Husk chuckles a bit, looking up at Crymini proudly) Heh... Look at you, givin' me advice now... I guess I did somethin' right while hangin' around you, kid... (He sighs, rather contented) Okay, you got a deal.
Crymini: Don't get all sentimental on me, alright? (She rolls her eyes but she seems to be hiding a smile) Now get your ass to bed. And, for the love of fuck, get your shit together." - — Crymini and Husk after his drunken episode.
- "Crymini: Fuck you... You're a bastard, you know that?
Squish: Don't hate the player, hate the game! (laughs) You tapping out yet?
Crymini: Oh, HELL no. I'll tap out when I fucking die and go to Double Hell.
Squish: Whatever floats your boat. How are your eyes?
Crymini: They're burning, but I can still see your fucking stupid ass, ugly face perfectly.
Squish: Like you're gonna win any beauty pageants! (laughs) You know, I like you, Min. You're fun!
Crymini: Well aren't you a positive ray of sunshine? (cackles) ...I like you too, you smug bastard." - — Crymini and Squish while playing a "game".
- "Crymini: (As she and Octavia are walking to the mall, Crymini's hair stands as she sees a Pentagram City Police Officer surveying the area) Fuck, it's one of those oinkers...
Octavia: (She takes note of the officer, sighing) Mini, I know you don't like them, but just... Show a little restraint this time? Hasn't there been enough trouble already?
Crymini: (Crymini huffs and crosses her arms like a child) Fine, whatever, fuck you...
Octavia: (She smiles a little, looking relieved) Thank you...
PCPD Officer: (He looks at Octavia and Crymini as they pass him) Make sure you young ladies get where you're going safely.
Crymini: Fuck you, pig.
Octavia: Mini, what the fuuuck?" - — Crymini and Octavia passing a PCPD officer.
- "Squish: Pentious said it might've went in the basement... (Crymini opens the door to the hotel's basement; the basement is practically painted in complete darkness, the stairs leading to a black void; Squish's pupils shrink and he lets out the loudest gasp) Oh, HELL NO!!! (he tries to turn back, but Crymini picks him up by the back of the neck)
Crymini: Fuck do you think you're fucki' going?
Crymini: You know a fuckin' ghost is loose, right? Plus, the goddamn power's off, we gotta get to the breaker.
Squish: W- W- WELL, THEN WE'LL GO AFTER THE GHOST TOMORROW! I don't care! I don't give a shit what it is, I am NOT going down there! FUCK THAT SHIT!!! I don't give a FUCK about the power! We'll sit in total fucking darkness until sunrise, and THEN we'll go to the dark, creepy-ass basement!
Octavia: (she sighs) Probably... a good idea to not go down there...
Crymini: (she sighs, dropping Squish; under her breath) Fine, fuckin' pussies...
Squish: (he crawls over to Octavia) Via.. you may be dark... but you have a heart of light...
Octavia: (looking at Squish like he's crazy) ...The fuck does that mean?
Squish: I- I don't fucking know. I don't fuckin' know where I was going with that." - — Squish, Crymini and Octavia ghostbusting.
- "Squish: (he, Crymini and Octavia are walking through the hotel in the dark, using a flashlight to illuminate their surroundings) I don't like this one bit, guys! Why the hell did we split up in the first damn place?!
Crymini: 'Cuz the hotel is fucking massive, dumbass. (as the trio walk down the long hall, Crymini looks over at Octavia) You okay?
Octavia: Oh, of course. I'm fine, really. This... ghostbusting doesn’t have the same affect on me as it does others... I’ve always seen the beauty in horror.
Crymini: (she giggles uncontrollably) The 'beauty in horror'? Pfffff... (she snorts) Like you've ever actually experienced a genuine horror, kid.
Octavia: ...You do make a valid point. Maybe I don't know much about true fear... But, I like to think that if I were to come face to face with a spirit that would be capable of actually putting my life in genuine danger... I’d just be more fascinated than afraid. I’d be interested to study this subject, even if it’s something that could potentially harm me.
Crymini: Ugh! Octi, that's the dumbest fuckin' logic I have ever heard! You fucking think you'd be fucking interested to study the thing that's actively putting your life in fuckin' danger? Get off the horror movies for once and get a fucking reality check before you get hurt!
Octavia: (she smiles slightly) ...You’re really sweet, Mini. But, I won’t get hurt, I promise. I’ll be fine, honest. (Crymini and Octavia share a look, with Crymini blushing deeply)
Squish: HELLLOOOO?! There's a fucking ghost loose in the hotel!
Crymini: The fuck do you want us to fucking do? We've been looking for the damn thing for ten fuckin' hours now.
Squish: I'm glad you asked! (cut; Squish presents futuristic-looking guns to Octavia and Crymini) We're gonna use these guns. They emit a bolt of concentrated antimatter which can dissolve ectoplasmic cells. And, uh... don't tell Baxter I stole these from his secret stockpile.
Crymini: I mean... (she picks up a gun, looking at it) I'm down for using guns 'n' shit, but how the fuck do you know this fucking crap even works?
Squish: Baxter tested them on me. Believe me, they work.
Crymini: You're not a ghost. You're a dumbass.
Squish: Well, it hurt, and I didn't feel normal again for a couple months! So it's gotta do something! (while loading the gun with ammunition, Squish sees Crymini offering a gun to Octavia) Mini, what are you doing?! You can't give a plasma pistol to a minor!
Crymini: Why not? It ain't illegal here. You gonna fuckin' report me or something?
Octavia: Uh... (she gently pushes Crymini's hand away) No thanks, Mini.
Squish: Alright, guys, we may not know what this ghost looks like, but Pentious screamed like it was terrifying, so we should find it pretty fast. I'm the most level-headed person here, so- (Valentine suddenly bursts into the hallway in a wispy, ghost-like form, flying around erratically) WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?! OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!! OH MY GOD!!!! (Squish blasts his plasma gun wildly while taking cover under a table)" - — Squish, Crymini and Octavia ghostbusting 2 electric BOOgaloo!!!!
- "Charlie: And, Via... (she motions to Alastor, whose grin deepens at seeing Octavia) This is Alastor. (she chuckles nervously) Y'know, (awkwardly) the Radio Demon~?
Crymini: (to Octavia) Yeah, Al got roped into babysitting or some fucking bullshit. I guess he's gonna make sure we're safe...
Octavia: Well, now I feel unsafe.
Alastor: (butting in between Octavia and Crymini) ALASTOR! (he forcefully shakes Via's hand, causing Crymini to growl lowly) Pleasure to meet the acquaintance of a (he politely bows) Goetic heiress!
Octavia: (she cringes when Alastor bows to her before looking at her hand, squinting) Is that... someone's... fucking blood?
Alastor: (hurriedly) It's technically my blood, I'm in possession of it. (normally) Now, (he wraps his one arm around Crymini and the other around Octavia; Crymini snarls while Octavia is cringing) I know you ladies may think you're of the age where you can engage in whatever rabble-rousing you take pleasure in, and, personally, I'd agree wholeheartedly! Buuut, Charlie insisted on my chaperoning. So, you can blame this all on her.
Crymini: (to Charlie) Yeah, leave us with the fuckin' cannibal, Overlord, dog-killer. (she crosses her arms) Good one, Char.
Charlie: (with a reassuring smile) You two have nothing to worry about. I ordered Al to only lay a finger on someone if it's to scare off any creeps... (she suddenly snaps to Alastor, looking scary as fuck and speaking in a corrupted, threatening, and protective tone) RIGHT, Al?
Alastor: Haha, indeed!! And everybody knows I would never break the rules, darling! (he sneers at Crymini) Besides... (he condescendingly pets Crymini) I only kill strays. (he and Mic laugh heartily together)" - — Charlie tasks Alastor with looking after Crymini and Octavia / Octavia meeting Alastor.
- "Valentino: (he exits a store beside one Crymini and Octavia were checking out, running into them; both of them look up at him with widened eyes; he looks down at them, a sharp grin creeping on his face) ...What are you doin' out here, alll alone in the big, scary city, hmmm~?
Crymini: (as Octavia looks like she's going into fight-or-flight mode, Crymini protectively puts herself in between the Overlord and Via) We know your game, you fuckin' shitsack. (flips him off) Go fuckin' deepthroat a cactus.
Valentino: Awwww, whaaat? Am I not your type? (he laughs, taking a drag on his cigarette and puffing a heart-shaped cloud at Octavia and Crymini) How cute. Your pet Hellhound is pretty feisty, I see, and that makes you all the more appealing to me~....
Octavia: (she begins glaring daggers at Valentino and steps in front of Crymini) She is not a pet, nor a Hellhound. She's my friend, and you'll do well to fuck off and leave us both alone. (she clenches her fists, which become consumed in purple fire; even Crymini seems surprised at what's happening)
Valentino: (he seems more amused, chuckling for about five seconds straight) Ah... A Goetia heireece runaway with daddy issues and her fiery mutt. (his eyes begin glowing pink as his grin deepens) I know there's an audience for you two somewhere... Tell me, what's your names?
Octavia: Like Heaven I'll tell you anything about us. And I'm not a runaway, dickhead.
Crymini: (her eyes turn full red and she stands beside Octavia) She said fuck off! Are you fuckin' deaf AND blind?!
Valentino: (to Crymini) I see your little birdie didn't bother domesticating you, what with you speaking when the high-class are talking. (to Octavia) It's alright, we all have our kinks. (he chuckles, titling his head in amusement as he suddenly grabs Crymini by the chin, leaning in) But since you're clearlyso desperate for my attention, here's a fun fact; fiery ones like you often give the best head. Such spunk is wasted when you're barely scraping by... Maybe after we... file your teeth or somethin', you could work wonders on your pillow princess here.
Octavia: (she grabs Val's wrist, her eyes glowing with anger) Leave. Her. Alone.
Valentino: (he recoils in surprise, then scowls in anger, raising his other hand as if to strike Octavia) You fucking-!!
Alastor: Valentino... (he materializes in between Valentino and the two, a broad grin on his face) Fancy running into you, but I think we've all just about had enough of your charm, hmmm?
Valentino: (he groans) Oh, fuck me, it's the Radio Demon... You part of this frilly girls' night out?
Alastor: Actually, Charlie, the princess of Hell mind you, put me in charge of chaperoning these two and preventing any and all 'creeps' looking to dampen their evening fun. That goes for creepy crawlies and deviant filth. Sound familiar...?
Valentino: (he sneers at Alastor, before turning to Octavia and Crymini, composing himself) Ladies, what do you say to removing this third wheel? Not everyone has to be a turbo virgin like him.
Alastor: (shaking his head and checking his nails) Mmm-mmm. I think these two ladies have said all they have to say to you.
Valentino: (he sneers, fixing his coat) Whatever the fuck you say, old man. (to Octavia and Crymini) My offer still stands, ladies. You know where to find me if you change your minds~ Vee Tower, can't miss it. (he blows out a large cloud of smoke that swirls around him; he teleports away through it, his laughs echoing)
Alastor: (long pause; cheerfully) ...Anyhoo, how was Stylish Occult?!
Crymini: (her left ear twitches and her tail flicks) Don’t think you’re off the fuckin' hook, radio fuck. You let him harass us for your own amusement and then swooped in and play the big hero, didn’t you?
Alastor: (with a large grin) Guilty as charged, my dear. I always enjoyed a touch of theatrics. (he and Mic laugh together, before his voice softening slightly) Though, I must admit... even I have limits. That pesky bug stepping any further would have surely spoiled our evening. And yours.
Octavia: (tilting her head) 'Our' evening...? (tentatively) So... you actually wanted to help us? Like, really helped us?
Alastor: (with a proud, mysterious grin and slight bow) Interpret my actions as you will. But, I do detest seeing the innocent or naïve tangled in the web of someone like him. (he leans on his cane) Now, you two continue your rabble-rousing! My advice? Commit vandalism! And the secret ingredient all the great nights-out; ARSON! Forget this ever happened. (he backs away, vanishing in the shadows) And I'll keep a close eye...
Crymini: (grumbling, crossing her arms, clearly not having it with Alastor's theatrics; she and Octavia continue walking down the streets of Pentagram City together) Fuckin' asshole Overlords.
Octavia: I still don’t trust that guy. But... that was pretty cool of him, I guess?
Crymini: (her look softens a bit) ...Yeah. I guess it was." - — Valentino harasses Crymini and Octavia after running into them on their night out.
- "Crymini: (approaching the front desk) Is no one gonna fucking answer this?! (Crymini sighs) Husk, you lazy bastard. (Crymini answers the phone) Who the fuck is this?
Arackniss: (on the other line) Ay, Toot?! Where is Anthony?
Crymini: What do you want with him?
Arackniss: He, uh... Needs to know about a 'family emergency'. (Arackniss cackles) Yeah, let's say that.
Crymini: Hold up, is this Arackniss?
Arackniss: (he stops laughing abruptly) How tha fuck did you know?!
Crymini: I could smell your breath on the other line, wise-ass.
Arackniss: Oooh, that's very astute fer a broad such as yerself! Listen, Toots, I know a f-- hag like youz thinks Anthony is appealin', but he don't swing dat way, as ya probably know but don't wanna accept. Besides, that narcissistic bastard probably thinks youz outta his league.
Crymini: Are you fucking with me?! You think I'm into Angel Dust?! You're fucking crazy!
Arackniss: (growls) Leave it ta Princess Ice Cream and Rainbows to put a loud-mouthed dyke at the front desk!
Crymini: Hey, I ain't on the front desk, you spaghetti-eating shithead! Go sit on a sandpaper dildo, you chain-smoking fucktard!
Crymini: WHAT WAS THAT?!
Arackniss: C---!!!
Crymini: WOP!!!
Arackniss: SUZY HOMEMAKER!!!!
Crymini: GO BACK TO SUCKING YOUR DADDY'S DICK, YOU FUCKING MANLET!!! (Husk comes out of the front desk bathroom behind Crymini and sees her screaming over the phone; without her even noticing, he silently backs into the room he came from while Crymini and Arackniss continue screaming at each other)" - — Crymini and Arackniss' argument.
- "Squish: Guards at every door. What now?
Crymini: We sneak up behind 'em, (she pulls out a pack of dynamite with a timer on them) and get them acquainted with the ASSBLASTER 3000!
Husk: (while removing a grate) Ooor we just go through the fucking vent and not bring down a whole fucking army on our asses... (he and Squish crawl through the grate)
Crymini: (she grumbles, crossing her arms as she follows Husk) Fuck you, my idea was better..." - — Squish, Husk and Crymini sneaking into the Insurgency's base.
- "Husk: Cry... You wanna introduce these shitheads to the Assblaster 3000?
Crymini: (Crymini grins an utterly devious, gremlin grin and pulls out the Assblaster 3000 as Husk cracks his knuckles) Let's lick dicks..." - — Husk and Crymini before fighting the Insurgency.
- "Husk: Y'know, kid, I would've thought you'd be the last person to want me to get sober.
Crymini: What? You fucking want me to give you a fuckin' medal of sobriety or something?
Husk: (Husk chuckles, mixing a concoction of juice for the two of them) Nah, nah... I was just wondering, what gives?
Crymini: (Husk pours the juice into two shot glasses; Crymini groans) Because I actually do care about everyone in this shithole, for some fuckin' reason. And that includes you, Husker. I won't deny it... I care about ya. Also... You're such an insufferable, fuckin' ass-muncher when you're drunk.
Husk: (Husk bellows with laughter as Crymini smiles a little) Ain't that the fuckin' truth? ...What do ya say, kid? (He holds up his shot glass for a toast) To gettin' outta this fuckin' hellhole.
Crymini: (She holds up her glass with a genuine smile) And may the bluebloods and fat cats of Hell rot in their own shit." - — Crymini and Husk's toast after the War in Hell.
- Her name is a play on both the expression "Crimony!". It also might be a play on the word "criminal".
- The "mini" suffix in her name is likely referencing her short height.
- Her theme song would be "Criminal" by Britney Spears.
- Crymini is, biologically, the youngest member of the hotel crew, and the only sinner in the group that died in their teens.
- Speaks with a Michigan accent.
- Crymini is self-conscious about her relatively small height compared to everyone else in the hotel. Though most of the gang are respectful towards this, Alastor, Angel Dust, and occasionally Husk enjoy teasing her over this (though Husk's teasing is more fatherly whereas Alastor and Angel are just trolls).
- Lowkey, it pisses her off that Octavia is taller than her despite her being older than the Goetia... (for reference, her head only reaches Octavia's elbow. Idk how fucking tall Octavia is but there's your reference lmaoooo)
- Husk and Crymini's dynamic is partially inspired by the dynamic of Ron and April from Parks and Recreation.
- She learned how to make a Molotov cocktail when she was six years old.
- Probably has the foulest mouth of the entire Hazbin gang, which is saying a LOT.
- Like Husk, Crymini is not used to her demon body and is prone to doing things involuntarily. Like a hyena, she barks, growls, and bites people when she is agitated or feels threatened, and tears things apart using her jaws. She also involuntarily wags her tail when happy. Whenever she is amused or even angry, she makes an extremely loud, uncontrollable cackling noise similar to a hyena's "laugh".
- Crymini hates her laugh and, because of it, goes out of her way to avoid laughing. The hotel gang often compliments her laugh in a simultaneously teasing and genuine way, while Octavia genuinely finds her laugh oddly adorable.
- She is irreligious.
- Favorite music genre is punk rock, punk pop, and screamo.
- Whenever she cuddles with someone, she wraps her tail over them, like a blanket.
- She and Angel Dust often get into prank wars that can last weeks.
- She likes to test Husk's luck powers by shooting spitballs at him from afar while he's unaware, only to get pissed off when his powers deflect them.
- Favorite food is pizza.
- Actually thinks Husk is really cool, but would never admit it out loud.
- Crymini, Loona and Octavia have their own group chat.
- Notably, the three are part of different subcultures; Crymini is punk, Octavia is emo, and Loona is goth.
- A pyromaniac queen.
- Keeps a collection of skulls on her shelves. Squish mentions that he is unsure if they are real or not.
- She is a serial prankster, with Baxter being her most frequent victim.
- Her left ear twitches whenever she is agitated or angry.
- Much like Loona, Crymini does not like furries.
- Crymini has astraphobia. It started when she was a child, and although she grew out of it, the thunderstorms in Hell are particularly violent, loud, and unpredictable, and thus her fear of storms resurfaced when she was reborn.
- It is possible that Crymini could be friends, or at least acquaintances, with Velvette, as she is on Velvette's "List of Besties" on Voxtagram.