- "Welcome to the shitshow, bitches! You know me from my toybotic replicas from across the seven rings of Hell, but it's time you meet the OG! The one and only... Fizzarolli!"
- — Fizzarolli to the patrons of Ozzie's.
- "FUCK OFF, BLITZ! ...This is my chance to finally make it big. You want me to stay in that run-down circus entertaining all those fat, smelly chucklefucks all my life for a few cents? I have all of Hell to see! That dream we had together? It was... It was just the pipe dream of two kids. It's time to grow up, man. Mammon knows what he's doing. He's gonna take me places I've never even dreamed of! I've waited for this my entire life, and I'm not gonna let anyone stop me. And if you can't see that... Then we're done."
- — Fizzarolli to Blitzø in a flashback, ending his friendship with the latter to work for Mammon.
Fizz, better known by his stage name Fizzarolli, is a minor, but pivotal antagonist in Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light.
He is a cameo character in Chapter 1, a flashback antagonist in Chapter 4, and a supporting antagonist in Chapter 5.
He is a famous jester demon currently working under Asmodeus in the Lust Ring. Growing up, he was the childhood best friend and partner of Blitzø, with the two growing up in the same circus. He also deeply idolized the King of Greed, Mammon, eventually betraying Blitzø and ending his friendship with him after being offered to work at Loo Loo Land by Mammon himself, who manipulated him by exploiting his blind loyalty and greed.
However, Fizzarolli's tenure at Loo Loo Land ended in tragedy when he was tortured, mutilated, and left for dead on the orders of Mammon, who had replaced him with a robotic duplicate to avoid giving him a pay raise. The jester was rescued and restored by the King of Lust, Asmodeus, and became a member of the King of Lust's inner circle. However, Fizzarolli developed a misguided grudge against Blitzø for failing to come to his aide.
Fizz was born in the Greed Ring of Hell and was part of a traveling circus alongside his best friend, Blitzø. He mentions that he did not have a father growing up, indicating that he walked out on his family. Blitzø and Fizz did practically everything together, from pranking townfolk, performing on-stage, visiting Loo Loo Land, and attending concerts of Fizzarolli's idol and the King of the Greed Ring, Mammon. Fizz was practically obsessed with Mammon, imitating him, collecting all of his merchandise, attending Loo Loo Land, and even making a shrine in his honor. As children, Fizz and Blitzø dreamed of starting their own successful, imp-ran business so that they could prove together that imps were just as capable as other demons.
One day, Fizz and Blitzø attended one of Mammon's concerts, and following the end of his performance, Mammon chose Fizz among a crowd of millions, greeting the imp and inquiring what his name was. When he passionately introduced himself and explained how devoted he was to Mammon, the King of Greed invited him on stage and introduced him to the crowd under the name "Fizzarolli", eliciting loud cheers from the crowd. Mammon then took him backstage and offered him a job at Loo Loo Land, which he reacted to with elation and accepted without hesitation. Fizz would go by the name "Fizzarolli" from that day forward.
Following that moment, Fizzarolli's personality began to shift; he became increasingly arrogant, egotistical, and consumed by greed as his first day of working at Loo Loo Land was fast approaching, solely focusing on his time with Mammon and not bothering to spend time with Blitzø. With Fizzarolli wrapped around his finger, Mammon manipulated the young jester into believing he no longer needed friends, since wealth and money are substitute enough, and encouraged him to leave Blitzø behind. One day, Blitzø confronted his friend on his behavior in an attempt to stop him from doing something he would regret, but Fizzarolli would not budge. He stated that his and Blitzø's childhood dream of starting a business together was nothing but a "pipe dream" and that he could succeed in Hell with Mammon as his mentor. This led to Fizzarolli and Blitzø having a falling out and finally ending their long-running friendship, and left the two deeply bitter towards each other.
After cutting ties with Blitzø, Fizzarolli finally achieved his dream of working at Loo Loo Land, becoming the star attraction and being loved by thousands (with even the King of Lust Asmodeus paying visits to Loo Loo Land to watch him), all while Blitzø struggled and failed to get his dream operation going. However, he soon learned that working at Loo Loo Land was not what he thought; Mammon was a very hostile and abusive boss towards everyone at Loo Loo Land, threatening the staff if the park failed to reach its daily quota. Over the years, Fizzarolli became burnt out from his hard work and was tired of being mistreated. One day, he personally confronted Mammon and demanded that the King of Greed pay him for all he has contributed at Loo Loo Land. Mammon responded by ordering Fizzarolli to be killed and replaced with a robotic duplicate on the basis that imps were easily replaceable and no one would notice when the real Fizzarolli was gone, and because he wouldn't have to pay a robot.
Later that night, Fizzarolli was kidnapped by Mammon's underlings, Calliope, Larson, and Tingles, and was taken to the back of Loo Loo Land. There, he was stripped naked and viciously assaulted. When he attempted to fight back to escape, Mammon's goons punished Fizzarolli for his resistance by heavily mutilating him; they dismembered his limbs so he could no longer dance or fight back, and also sawed off his horns. Mammon's lackeys then left the mortally wounded jester to die by tossing him in a nearby canal. Despite nearly drowning, he managed to wash up on land and, clinging for life, attempted to call Blitzø's phone for help in an act of desperation, which was extremely difficult given he had lost his limbs. Unfortunately, Blitzø did not respond to the jester's call for help or even answer the phone as he was still mad at him and unaware of his fate. Although washed up on land, Fizzarolli was bleeding heavily from his injuries and nearing death. Realizing he could not move and Blitzø was not coming to his aide, a terrified Fizzarolli desperately cried for someone to help him, only for his pleas to seemingly go unanswered; he was truly alone.
Hours after Fizzarolli lost consciousness, the King of Lust, Asmodeus, who had just finished attending Loo Loo Land, found the severely wounded jester and took him back to one of his bases. Not wanting to lose Fizzarolli as he had greatly admired his performances, Asmodeus turned to the Sloth Ring's best scientists and had the jester preserved in a medical tank filled with a pink, gelatinous liquid with magical healing properties. After a week in the tank, the jester, on Asmodeus' orders, was removed and outfitted with new robotic limbs that granted him limb extension and extra mobility. Fizzarolli finally woke up from his coma, confused and agitated by his surroundings, and after Asmodeus explained his situation, the jester remembered what had happened prior and broke down in tears at Mammon's betrayal. Taking pity upon the revived imp, the King of Lust offered the jester a job at Ozzie's as a performer, expressing his admiration for his performances. At first, Fizzarolli rejected his offer, obviously not wanting to repeat what happened with Mammon, but was convinced into working at Ozzie's after recovering at Asmodeus' chambers for several weeks.
Fully reinvigorated, Fizzarolli began his new job at Ozzie's as an entertainer; he would introduce people on stage, entertain the audience with jokes, and endorse deviant sexual activities. As a result, Fizzarolli became an incredibly popular figure in the Lust Ring, being beloved by the public either for his talent as an entertainer or for his sexual prowess, leading to him having a very successful and lucrative career. He also became a member of Asmodeus' private inner circle, with the only other constituent being pop star and succubus, Verosika Mayday.
Events of Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light
Chapter 1
In "That's Entertainment", Fizzarolli can be seen watching Charlie's announcement of the Happy Hotel on a TV monitor along with Alastor, Death, and Crymini.
Chapter 5
In "Light of Love", Fizzarolli kidnaps Squish after the sinner eavesdrops on Asmodeus' plan to split Charlie and Vaggie apart, tying the sinner with bondage ropes to a chair and bringing him before the King of Lust. Fizzarolli begs Asmodeus to let him torture Squish for information, getting the King of Lust's permission with puppy dog eyes. A comedic "torture" scene ensues as Fizzarolli tortures Squish with nipple clamps, and before he can torture Squish with jumper cables to his nipples, the sinner caves in and tells them that he trespassed into the Lust Ring. Fizzarolli begs Asmodeus to let him keep torturing Squish, but Asmodeus instead opts to mind control the sinner.
In "The Tunnel of Lust", Fizzarolli and Asmodeus subject Squish to a trance for their amusement, forcing him to dance and participate in perilous activities at FizzarOzzie's. Using Squish to cait Charlie and Vaggie into confronting them at FizzarOzzie's, Fizzarolli helps Asmodeus in orchestrating a performance aimed at creating discord between Charlie and Vaggie, having the two toured through FizzarOzzie's "Tunnel of Lust", where Asmodeus uses magical projections to show the negative aspects of their relationship. This culminates in Fizzarolli and Asmodeus' ultimate move to drive a wedge between the lovers; outing Vaggie as an Ex-Exterminator. Asmodeus and Fizzarolli revel in the moment, borderline giddy, with Fizz ravenougly munching on popcorn, anticipating a breakup.
However, their scheme ultimately fails when Charlie forgives Vaggie, causing Fizzarolli to choke on his popcorn. As a musical number ensues, Charlie and Vaggie engage in a symbolic battle of love and lust against Asmodeus and Fizzarolli. Both couples sing and express their love and selfish desires respectively, unleashing waves of love and lust energy towards each other. Asmodeus and Fizzarolli find themselves utterly defenseless against the genuine romance of Charlie and Vaggie, leading to the two lustful demons having a breakdown. Asmodeus and Fizzarolli are rocketed through the walls of their establishment, leaving them in a state of humiliating disarray. A dazed and delirious Fizzarolli pops out of the debris and tells Asmodeus that he has a boner. Shockingly, Asmodeus is so upset by his embarrassing defeat that only facepalms at Fizzarolli's comment.
As a child, Fizz was deeply adventurous and impressionable; he shared Blitzø's dream of starting an imp-run business to prove that their species were just as capable as other demons. He also had a wide imagination, as shown with he was playing Imagine with Blitzø. He also greatly idolized his ruler and idol, Mammon, practically to the point of worshipping him. After Mammon offered Fizz a job at Loo Loo Land, his personality took a much darker turn; he became more willing to compromise his former beliefs and became increasingly greedier under Mammon's influence, even insisting on others calling him by the stage name "Fizzarolli", since that is what Mammon renamed him. Eventually, Mammon convinced Fizzarolli that Blitzø's dream of starting an imp-ran business was nothing more than a pipe dream, and as such, Fizzarolli willingly betrayed Blitzø and destroyed their friendship simply to appease his idol.
In the present, Fizzarolli is a very theatrical and chaotic showman with a fast-talking demeanor and a crude sense of humor. He is an attention seeker through and through and is deeply servile, excessively wanting to please his current boss, Asmodeus, possibly so that the King of Lust wouldn't discard him like Mammon previously did. He enjoys making sexual jokes and puns, and at first glance appears to share Asmodeus' hatred for genuinely romantic relationships. Arrogant and a show-off diva, he enjoys flaunting his new-found wealth and friendship with the King of Lust and pop star Verosika Mayday.
He is also rather vengeful and spiteful towards those who have wronged him, referring to Loo Loo Land as an "off-brand shithole", despite previously wanting nothing more than to work there, and making jokes about its destruction. He is still as impressionable as he was as a child, as he can be seen mimicking Asmodeus' movements several times, something he used to do as a child for Mammon. He deeply despises Blitzø for refusing to answer his call for help when he was left for dead by Mammon's goons, and views Blitzø as just as guilty as Mammon himself, unaware of the fact that Blitzø did not answer because he had cut ties with him and was unaware that the jester was in danger. He also displays a hypocritical side, believing that Blitzø betrayed him by leaving him to die, despite previously betraying Blitzø, whom he had known since his childhood, and leaving him behind to work for his musical idol whom he barely knew on a personal level at the time.
Fizzarolli's diva-esque demeanor sets him apart from Hell's other imps. Instead of embracing violence, he typically opts to flee or cower in fear when faced with confrontation, showing little inclination to engage in any meaningful retaliation, in stark contrast to his more pugnacious fellow imps.
As a result of his biological father abandoning him, mocked for his past dream of starting an imp-ran business, and then being betrayed by the demon he saw as a father figure, Fizzarolli clearly suffers from crippling insecurity; He is desperate for love, fame, and validation from his associates and fans as a way to gain the love and appreciation denied to him by all of his father figures.
Despite his outwardly rude, abrasive, and seemingly uncaring demeanor when delivering stand-up comedy on stage, Fizzarolli reveals a surprising and underlying layer of care and compassion. This facet of his personality was subtly alluded to when, in a moment of distraction for Asmodeus and Verosika, he visibly displayed a smile while observing the love shared between Moxxie and Millie. This suggested that his repulsion for their romantic affection was merely an act, maintained to uphold the nightclub's reputation for lust-driven entertainment. Furthermore, Fizzarolli demonstrates a genuine affection for certain vulnerable individuals. He exhibits a soft spot for children and displays a particular empathy for the disabled, as he himself suffers with disabilities. This is evident in his decision to adopt a queef named Precious, who required a wheelchair, illustrating his willingness to go the extra mile to support those facing unique challenges.
In contrast to his more compassionate side, Fizzarolli can exhibit a darker and more malevolent nature. This was evident when he kidnapped Squish and delivered him to Asmodeus, suspecting him of being a sinner who had unlawfully entered the Lust Ring. This action enabled Asmodeus to subsequently enslave and hypnotize Squish, highlighting Fizzarolli's willingness to engage in sinister activities. Moreover, Fizzarolli displayed a borderline sadistic enthusiasm in his efforts to disrupt the romantic relationship between Charlie and Vaggie. He gleefully conspired with Asmodeus and eagerly enjoyed the spectacle, audibly reveling in their romantic discord and indulging in a devious delight as he munched on popcorn while exposing Vaggie's past as an Ex-Exterminator, savoring her ensuing despair.
Powers and Abilities
Natural Powers
- Body Manipulation: As a result of his cybernetic enhancements, Fizzarolli can extend his arms for several meters and flex them unnaturally into various shapes, even spelling out his name using his arms.
- Fire Resistance: Like all Hellborn demons, Fizzarolli is immune to the effects of standard fire, though Hellfire is capable of burning him.
Unique Powers
- Supernatural Endurance: Fizzarolli is evidently far more durable than the average imp; after having his arms and legs horrifically dismembered and being left for dead, he was still able to cling to life for several minutes after, summoning the strength to dial Blitzø's phone using his face, as well as still having the strength to scream for help before passing out from blood loss.
- Charisma: Fizzarolli is a very successful entertainer, using his skills, energy, dance moves, and comedic personality to amuse and entertain his audience.
- Master Acrobat: Fizzarolli can perform intricate dance moves such as cartwheels and somersaults. He can also infamously spin himself into a wheel, which became his signature dance move.
- Sexual Intuition: Fizzarolli possesses great expertise in arousing and seducing others and can use his vast knowledge acquired during his years with Asmodeus to sexually satisfy his "clients".
- Robotic Limbs: After having lost his limbs to Mammon, Fizzarolli was restored after being given replacement arms and legs in the form of extendable robotic limbs. He has control over his limbs, extending them, forming them into shapes and even words, and can wrap his arms completely around other entities to pick them up or spin them.
Asmodeus is Fizzarolli's boss and a potential lover of his. Even before the jester worked at Ozzie's, the King of Lust was shown to be a fan of his performances at Loo Loo Land and envied Mammon for having Fizzarolli as an employee. Asmodeus found the jester after the imp was brutally dismembered and left for dead by Mammon's men and rescued him when he was minutes from death, bringing him to his fortress to heal him. The King of Lust ordered some of the Sloth Ring's best doctors to restore the jester by giving him robotic limbs to replace the ones Mammon had dismembered. After Fizzarolli regained consciousness from the assault and was allowed to stay at Asmodeus' chambers until he recovered, Asmodeus offered the jester a prestigious position as one of the hosts of his club, Ozzie's, which he accepted as the King of Lust had gained his trust.
Fizzarolli shares a close friendship with Asmodeus, with the King of Lust regarding the jester as his favorite "toy", and the jester spending most of his free time doing activities with Asmodeus. He is valued enough to be allowed to sit beside Asmodeus at the King of Lust's private lodge and is a member of his exclusive inner circle alongside Verosika. Asmodeus and Fizzarolli often bond over their mutual disdain for romantic relationships, sadistic senses of humor, and depraved fetishes. Their interactions hint at the two being lovers, as they enjoy the other's company very much, get physically intimate several times, and constantly flirt with each other. When he was knocked unconscious by Millie, Asmodeus was seen worriedly rushing over to his side and cradling him. Moments later, when Fizzarolli recovered and gestured his disgust toward Moxxie's love song, Asmodeus affectionately nuzzled him.
It is implied that part of the reason why Fizzarolli tries so hard to impress Asmodeus and remain on his good side is that he does not want the King of Lust to betray him as Mammon previously did.
Verosika Mayday
Verosika is Fizzarolli's second best friend, behind Asmodeus. The two often hang out together with Asmodeus, and Fizzarolli values their friendship enough to flaunt the fact that he is friends with a famous pop star. He is also co-judges with her on Hell Idol.
Blitzø is Fizzarolli's former best friend. During their childhoods, Fizzarolli and Blitzø were best friends, spending most of their time together playing and bonding over their mutual interests. They treated each other as brothers and dreamed of starting an imp-like business together to prove to Hell's society that imps could accomplish great things. However, over time their relationship slowly took a somber turn as Fizzarolli became consumed by greed as well as his blind loyalty to Mammon, who was also manipulating him at the same time, after the King of Greed offered him a job at Loo Loo Land. This led to the two having a massive argument which ended their long friendship. Fizzarolli claimed that Blitzø's dream to start a business was nothing but a "pipe dream" and would never get off the ground, and that with Mammon's help, he could finally accomplish something, which left Blitzø devastated and in tears, feeling betrayed. Following this, the two cut ties with each other and Fizzarolli left Blitzø behind to work at Loo Loo Land while Blitzø desperately attempted to kickstart his business, only for all of his attempts to fail horribly. His failures, combined with his former best friend receiving nothing but adulation at Loo Loo Land, made Blitzø even more depressed and furious at him, calling Fizzarolli a "sell-out".
When Fizzarolli was betrayed by Mammon and tortured and mutilated on the King of Greed's orders, Fizzarolli attempted to call Blitzø's phone for help, but his former friend refused to answer the call due to cutting ties with Fizzarolli, unaware of what had really happened to him. This led to Fizzarolli developing a serious hatred for Blitzø and believing that he was just as guilty of leaving him to die as Mammon was.
In the present, Fizzarolli, due to being convinced that Blitzø betrayed and let him to nearly die, behaves very spiteful and antagonistic towards Blitzø; mocking him when the former came to (simply to spy on Moxxie and Millie) Ozzie's, commenting on how he is a "total disgrace" and how his "love life is a pile of shit".
In "The Tunnel of Lust", Fizzarolli personally confronted Blitzø, attacking and berating him for "letting him" nearly die, much to Blitzø's bafflement. When Blitzø expresses confusion at Fizzarolli's accusations, this increasingly angered the jester, before leaving him to meet up with Asmodeus, leaving Blitzø with unanswered questions.
Growing up, Fizzarolli practically worshipped Mammon, attending his concerts, purchasing all of his expensive merchandise, and even keeping a shrine in his room dedicated to the King of Greed and his work. He dreamed of working at Loo Loo Land for the King of Greed and one night, Mammon chose Fizzarolli out of a crowd of thousands following the end of a concert and invited the imp on stage for his loyalty and continued patronage. He then took the jester backstage and offered him a job at Loo Loo Land. With his dream having come true, Fizzarolli was driven to tears and accepted Mammons' offer, even telling the King of Greed that he saw him as a father figure. During this, Mammon gave the young imp the nickname "Fizzarolli", the name he would go by from that point on.
Following this event, Fizzarolli became even more obsessed and dedicated to Mammon, gradually beginning to trust the King of Greed more than his own best friend, Blitzø. In reality, Mammon was manipulating Fizzarolli and exploiting his blind loyalty and greed to convince the jester to leave Blitzø behind, telling him that he was only holding him back. This led to Fizzarolli ending his friendship with Blitzø to work for Mammon, which pleased the King of Greed.
After finally beginning his career at Loo Loo Land, Fizzarolli quickly learned that Mammon was not the inspirational and benevolent demon had hoped him to be; Mammon was, in reality, an abusive, uncaring, and hostile towards Fizzarolli and everyone else working under him at Loo Loo Land. After years of serving Mammon, the jester demanded that the King of Greed pay him more for making Loo Loo Land the massive success that it was. Shortly after, Mammon secretly ordered Fizzarolli to be killed and replaced with a robotic duplicate, having his goons capture Fizzarolli and bring him behind Loo Loo Land. There, Mammon revealed his true nature to the jester by stating that no one would tell the difference between Fizzarolli and Robo Fizz since imps were easily replaceable and expendable, before ordering his underlings to kill him. While Mammon's underlings failed to kill Fizzarolli, the imp was gravely injured in the assassination attempt. Mammon's assassination attempt devastated Fizzarolli, as he was betrayed by his former idol whom he saw as a hero.
In the present, Fizzarolli greatly despises Mammon, loathing the King of Greed for mistreating, betraying, and attempting to kill him for a very petty reason. While at Ozzie's, Fizzarolli disdainfully referred to Loo Loo Land as an "off-brand shithole" while addressing its destruction at Ozzie's. Mammon seems to be unaware of Fizz being alive and Asmodeus taking him.
Robo Fizz
Though the full detailed relationship between the real Fizzarolli and his robotic counterpart is unknown, the real Fizzarolli hates Robo Fizz for replacing him and stealing his fame in Loo Loo Land and Fizzarolli is completely uncaring after Loo Loo Land's destruction and seems to be happy to hear that Robo Fizz died (completely unaware of his survival).
Chapter 4
- "That's gonna be me and you one day, Blitz!"
- — Fizzarolli to Blitzø during their childhoods, after hanging up a drawing of them managing a successful business.
- "Nothing can stop the dynamic duo; Fizz and Blitz! We'll always be together, forever!"
- — Fizzarolli's ironic words to Blitzø in a flashback.
- "Mammon: I'm feelin' generous this evening, so is any member from the audience feelin' lucky for the King of Greed's attention? (the audience begins screaming for attention as Mammon points in different directions) Eh, not you. Hm, not you. DEFINETLY not you. ...Ah! The little imp in the crowd right there. You all wanna step back a little bit? (the crowd around Fizzarolli stands back as a green spotlight shines on him) What's your name, bucko?
Fizzarolli: H- Hi, Mr. Mammon! M- My name's Fizz.
Mammon: Fizz? Well, first off, we can't have ya running around with a name like that. How 'bout I call you... Fizzarolli?
Fizzarolli: Y- Yes! Of course you can, sir!
Mammon: I see you're wearing my merch- (to the audience) Which, by the way, you all should buy at the concession stands for only $15,000!!! (to Fizzarolli) You must be a very big fan! What's your story, Fizzarolli?
Fizzarolli: Well, I... I'm come from here, the Greed Ring. (the audience cheers and Fizzarolli wraps his arm around Blitzø) I'm here with my best pal, Blitzo. We've been fans of you for as long as I can remember! We've gone to Loo Loo Land hundreds of times, I have almost all of your merch, and we've seen so many of your concerts!
Mammon: (to the audience) I know someone's got deep pockets. (the audience laughs) I like you a lot, kid. Why don'tcha join us on stage? (the audience cheers as Fizzarolli becomes wide-eyed) C'mon! Don't be shy! (Blitzø nods and smiles to Fizzarolli, who runs on-stage with Mammon; Mammon picks Fizzarolli up and places him on his shoulders) Ladies and gentlemen, give a warm welcome to one and only Fizzarolli! (the audience roars with cheering as Mammon shoots a firework in the sky that displays Fizz's face; Fizz stares up at the display with an awestruck expression as Mammon sets him down and goes backstage with him)
Fizzarolli: T-... Thank you for this, sir. This is the greatest day of my life!
Mammon: Pleasure's all mine, bucko! Y'know what? Since you've been such a good patron, how would ya like to work for me at Loo Loo Land one day?
Fizzarolli: (he gasps and becomes wide-eyed) REALLY?! You're serious?!
Mammon: (laughs) As a heart attack! Show business is a tricky game, and we could always use a helping hand. (Mammon takes off his hat and begins pulling random objects out of it, starting with a cigar box) That's not it. (he then pulls out several credit cards) That's not it, either. (he puts his hand back in) Aha! There it is! (he pulls out a dead fish) Eh, there it isn't. (he begins throwing random objects out of the hat, including a shoe horn, a drum, occult symbols, a Mammon action figure, contracts, and a large bag of gold) Where the Heaven is it?! (he pulls out a vibrator and promptly throws it away, laughing sheepishly) Hehe, how'd that get in there? Eh, let's keep that one between us, eh, kid? (he continues rummaging through the hat) Ah-ha! (he finally pulls out his desired item; a dollar bill, and places it in Fizzarolli's hand) Hold onto that, and when you get just a little bit older, tell 'em Mammon sent ya. (he puts his hat back on and winks) You're gonna go far, kid!
Fizzarolli: Mammon, this is... This is... (with tears in his eyes) Thank you.
Mammon: Ah, it's nothin'. I got more money than I know what to do with!
Fizzarolli: You know... Growing up, I never had a dad. I don't know what I did to make him leave. But whenever I watched your concerts, I always saw you as kind of like my dad. You know what I mean?
Mammon: Your 'dad' clearly didn't deserve you. Y'know what I say? His loss. Fuck him. I'd give up all the money I've ever earned to have a loyal son like you. (Fizzarolli tearfully embraces Mammon, who slowly smiles evilly when Fizz isn't looking)" - — A flashback depicting Fizzarolli meeting Mammon for the first time after one of Mammon's concerts, and the beginning of his start of darkness.
- "Tingles: You- Youz seriously thought youz could ask the b- boss - THE K- K- KING OF GREED - for a raise, and get away with it?!
Calliope: (laughs) Oh, Fizzy, you always weren't all there, but we didn't take you for a fucking moron!
Larson: Ooo, we got ourselves a fighter! Four-point 'em, boys! (he pulls out a saw as the others pin Fizzarolli to the ground by his limbs) You've been the most beloved worker here for years, but no one will love you when ya can't dance anymore!
Fizzarolli: NO! Guys, please! I gave everything for Mammon! You know I did! Do- Do you remember when he chose me from that crowd? R- Remember?
Calliope: Awww, you were so small, starry-eyed and... Stupid back then. That was a cute memory and all, but sorry, Fizz, orders are orders!
Fizzarolli: NO, PLEASE, I'M SORRY!
Larson: Did someone call the wambulance?! (he and the others laughs wildly) Go ahead, cry, plead, beg. It ain't gonna do ya no good!" - — Tingles, Calliope, and Larson while assaulting and torturing Fizzarolli on Mammon orders, and moments before dismembering him.
Chapter 5
- "Asmodeus: (to Charlie and Vaggie) The... The power of love?! You're- You're fighting us with the power of love?! But... But that's cringe!!!
Fizzarolli: (pops up) Big cringe! (he pulls a "Rules of Lust" book out of nowhere) What is this, a fucking preschool special?!" - — Asmodeus and Fizzarolli's villainous breakdown when Charlie and Vaggie combat them with the power of love.
- "Larson: Youz ain't gonna be fuckin' jokin' when we hitcha with DIS!!! (Larson pulls out a saw, lightning strikes in the background)
Fizzarolli: (he gasps deeply) OH NOOOOOOoooo.....is what I would say if I knew what the fuck that was.
Larson: (he, Calliope and Tingles are dumbfounded) It- It's a saw!!! Don'tcha remember? (Larson hands Tingles the saw and imitates Fizzarolli) 'Oh, please! Please guys! I loved youz since I was a youngster!' (Tingles laughs and mimics cutting Larson's limbs off) 'Ahhh, that's my meat beatin' hand!' (he and Tingles laugh raucously)
Fizzarolli: (he rolls his eyes) Yeah, real funny, ya chucklefucks. Well, Ozzie made sure to ban all saws from the Lust Ring! Just for me! So yeah, kinda forgot about those things.
Calliope: How could you FORGET?! We traumatized ya!
Fizzarolli: Yeah, for like a couple days. I mean, I could FAKE being scared, I am a performer, but the look on your faces is all too rewarding!
Tingles: (he gets in Fizzarolli's face with the saw, causing the jester's eyes to widen) Oh yeah? Then let's refresh yer memory, shall we? The memory of a saw slicin' through yer flesh, severing your tendons and muscles. Your delicious juices splashing on my face while I move my hands back and forth (at this point, Fizzarolli has a cheeky grin while Larson and Calliope look in embarrassment, the latter facepalming), and me LICKING your succulent bodily fluids as it coats my face!
Calliope: Ok, Tigs that's-
Tingles: And when I finish, it's Larson's turn to take over! And your moanin' and groanin'...
Larson: He gets it, man!
Tingles: AND YA MOANIN'! Beggin' for the juices to stop flowin'! But it keeps cummin'. And it don't stop cummin'! And it-
Calliope: (Calliope pulls out a bolt in Tingles' jaw, preventing him from speaking) Comedic timing, Tigs! LEARN IT!!!
Fizzarolli: Sooo what the fuck is the saw for, anyway? All's I got are the robo limbs and trying to cut through them is more pointless than Mam's attempts to stay relevant.
Larson: (he puts the saw to Fizzarolli's neck) How's about cuttin' off yer head?!
Fizzarolli: And piss off the big guy? (Fizz laughs) Lars, I knew you weren't the sharpest dildo in the drawer, but I didn't think you were THIS fuckin' dumb!
Larson: (he rolls up his sleeves) Why I oughta... (Tingles and Calliope hold him back) Let me at 'em! Let me at 'em!" - — Fizzarolli taunting Mammon's posse after being captured by them.
- His theme song would either be "The Whole 'Being Dead' Thing" from the Beetlejuice Broadway musical, or "Drama Queen" by Meghan Trainor.
- Fizzarolli is heavily implied to be friends with Velvette, as he is one of many demons present on her "List of Besties" on Voxtagram.
- He knows sign language.
- Fizzarolli used to suffer from PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) or some type of panic disorder that is triggered by saws. This is shown when he looks at surgical equipment belonging to the doctors Asmodeus hired to revive him; he is visibly horrified at the sight of a saw and promptly has a flashback to the event where Mammon's bandmates dismembered him. However, his fear of saws has faded over time due to help from Asmodeus.
- It is revealed that the Hellaverse Fizzarolli lost all of his limbs by being very close to the detonation of fireworks that were lit by fire, indirectly caused by Blitzø who unintentionally caused an arson by pushing an imp who was carrying Fizzarolli's birthday cake to fall on the floor that caused the circus tent to be on fire. While his JTTL counterpart's limbs were agonizingly and mercilessly mutilated by Mammon's Posse on his orders.