Flimbo is a recurring character in Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light.
He is one of many colorful characters within Pentagram City and the best friend, boyfriend, afterlife partner, and roommate of Dingy. Flimbo and Dingy initially despise each other despite being roommates, serving as a comedic, inseparable duo. After checking into the Hazbin Hotel, they grow a true friendship through the help of Charlie, Squish, and Corey and Peel.
Flimbo is a gentle giant, a softie with a mild interest in theater and singing. Despite this, he is also a rather uptight roommate, making him quite a pain for Dingy. He is one of the few sinners who is shown to enjoy Charlie and her Disney princess antics, joining in on her singing in the streets of Hell. This contrasts greatly with Dingy, who is more aggressive despite his small frame.
Flimbo is a usually cheerful, playful, and persistent sinner who enjoys engaging in light-hearted, teasing banter with Dingy. He doesn't take Dingy's frustration too seriously, instead continuing to push the conversation in a humorous and nonchalant way. He is supportive and accepting, trying to reassure Dingy that if he were gay, it would be perfectly fine. He demonstrates a carefree attitude and an ability to laugh things off, even when Dingy grows increasingly irritated.
Flimbo and Dingy are an extremely comedic duo and eventual best friends and domestic partners. They're seldom seem apart, but their divergent personalities mean that being around each other all the time is, in their words, "a hell." Upon arriving in Hell, Flimbo lived in an apartment with Dingy as his roomate, but they could not stand each other due to their contrasting personalities, with Dingy despising Flimbo's musical habits while Flimbo dreaded Dingy's murderous tendencies and arguments with the apartment's other occupants. They have a habit of getting into slapstick fights when hurling insults is not enough (or at least Dingy tries to attack Flimbo while the latter casually holds the imp in the air by his collar). Flimbo hated Dingy so much that he claimed to grow imps as a whole species.
Later, to get away from each other, Flimbo and Dingy checked into the Hazbin Hotel unknowingly at the same time, where, by fate, they ended up in the same room together. However with coaching from the hotel's other occupants, Flimbo and Dingy become full-on friends. They claim they still don't like each other and stated that they only stick together because their apartment was destroyed in Hell's flood. However, after Hell recovers from the flood, Flimbo and Dingy remain together and willingly take care each other while still bickering like an old married couple.
Chapter 5[]
- "Flimbo: (unpacking their clothes) Dingy, I thought you said we weren't gonna stay at this hotel...
Dingy: (looking out the window) Listen, Flimbo. This is nothin'. Let me reload and we'll be outta here by sundown.
Flimbo: (slyly) Ah, but you specifically said (imitating Dingy) 'we ain't staying at that fucking hotel'!
Dingy: (hurriedly) FIRST, IDIDN'TSAYTHATANDSECODNWHATTHEFUCKAREYOUTALKIN'ABOUT?! I got fuckin' caught flat-footed! But now we get to reload and think of a plan! I won't get caught flat-footed again! You can bet your fuckin' ass on that.
Flimbo: Ay, I'm not sayin' that like it's a BAD thing... Maybe this hotel... will make us closer than ever...
Dingy: Yeah, how about you NOT fucking say that while folding my underwear." - — Dingy and Flimbo moving into the hotel.
- "Ebony: (to all the sinners) Y'know... you guys don't have to stay at the hotel. Knowing Arch- ...Azrael and Lute, and all the crap that's went down in Heaven, I don't think they're gonna stop this cleanse until this hotel and everyone in it is wiped out... (all of the sinners look around in quiet contemplation)
Dingy: (abruptly) Yeah, fuck this, I'm out. (he exists the hotel through the doors; everyone looks over in shock)
Flimbo: He'll be back! I think..." - — Dingy seemingly abandoning the gang before the War in Hell...
- "Filmbo: DINGY!!! (he picks Dingy up in his arms, hugging him) You're back!!!
Dingy: (rolling his eyes) Psh, you'd think I'd miss this mother of all romps?! Yeah, yeah, I'm fuckin' back. GET ME SOME FUCKING ARMOR, DAMMIT!(Flimbo slaps a blessed helmet on Dingy's head, standing beside him to kick some Exorcist ass) I won't be caught flat-footed again..." - — Dingy returning to help the gang and reuniting with Flimbo during the War in Hell.