Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light Fanon Wiki

Please do not mistake this wiki for the official Hazbin Hotel wiki! Do not link to or mention this site when discussing the show's canon! All information presented here is entirely FANON and irrelevant to the official shows whether it be Hazbin Hotel or Helluva Boss, so stop bringing it up! You guys got that? Cuz we're getting pretty tired of rewriting this notice! I am going to keep writing and expanding this until this message is impossible to miss, starting right now. Is this about right? Maybe a few more words. Again, this wiki's information NON-CANON and FANMADE. Got it? Good! Happy reading!


Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light Fanon Wiki

"Darlin', the world is a brutal, unfair and right fucked place. A cutthroat meritocracy where the only winners are those who will cross any line without a second thought in order to get ahead. The sheep and weak will always lose to the wolves in this environment. What does that sound like to you, love?"
— Izzi to Cherri Bomb, teaching her his worldview when she was a toddler.

Izzi, also referred to as the Demon Hunter and codenamed Angel Seven, is a major antagonist of Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light.

He is the unseen final antagonist in Chapter 4 and one of the two main antagonists (alongside Azrael) of Chapter 5.

A terrorist, bounty hunter, poacher and weapon/drug trafficking lord in life, Izzi is a sadistic and inscrutable anarchist, Kingpin and the mastermind of the violent, revolutionary movement known as the Insurgency. He is also the father of Cherri Bomb and the one who taught her everything she knows about being an anarchist.

In stark contrast to his role as the head of a clearly malevolent terrorist group, Izzi perceives himself as a champion of liberation, harboring fervently distorted visions of how the inhabitants of the infernal realm will embrace their newfound freedom. He is now determined to overthrow the ruling powers of Hell, usher in a new era of complete, wanton chaos and destruction, and reconnect with his estranged daughter.



Izzi's life story remains shrouded in enigma for the most part. Hailing from Australia, he claims to hail from a lineage marred by violence and murder. His descent into the dark abyss began during his early years when he embarked on a path of taking lives, developing an unsettling fascination with the power he wielded over others. His aptitude led him to excel in various illicit professions, including bounty hunting, bomb defusing, and the ruthless trade of poaching endangered wildlife, honing his skills as a formidable tracker and hunter.

Over time, he became entangled in the nefarious web of drug and sex trafficking rings, forging close alliances with influential ringleaders and drug lords. His notoriety extended to the point where he proudly mentions being banned from every bar in Brisbane, suggesting either the brazenness of his crimes or his utter lack of concern for concealing them.

In due course, he became involved with a woman, resulting in the birth of his daughter, Charlotte, who would come to be known as Cherri Bomb. Izzi wasted no time in instilling in his offspring the sinister ways he himself embraced, leading her into the unforgiving wilderness to engage in joint hunts of animals. This early exposure to violence would leave an indelible mark on Charlotte, fostering her fascination with explosives that would persist even into her afterlife. As time passed, Izzi's relationship with Charlotte's mother soured considerably. She grew increasingly discontented with his criminal pursuits and his zealous efforts to indoctrinate their daughter into the same lifestyle. In a heart-wrenching turn of events, Izzi resorted to brutal physical violence against Charlotte's mother, vehemently opposing any attempt to separate him from their child. The relentless abuse inflicted upon her drove her to a downward spiral of alcoholism and drug addiction, straining her relationship with Charlotte even further.

As Charlotte continued to mature, Izzi involved her in his criminal exploits, even enlisting her help in disposing of the lifeless bodies of his victims. While Charlotte harbored undeniable reservations about her father's murderous inclinations, she had grown accustomed to his sinister way of life and chose to stand by his side.

During this period, a grim turn of events unfolded when Izzi ruthlessly took the life of Charlotte's mother. He meticulously concealed the evidence, wrapping her lifeless form in a body bag, and then, with chilling deceit, compelled Charlotte to unknowingly bury and incinerate her mother's remains alongside those of his other victims.

Subsequently, Izzi divulged to Charlotte that their existence would undergo a radical transformation, as they would escape their past lives and embrace a life of true anarchy. Although Charlotte found herself drawn to this prospect, she couldn't help but inquire about her mother's fate. Izzi, veiling the truth in falsehoods, asserted that her mother had abandoned her due to a recent battle with drug addiction, insisting that he was the sole trustworthy figure in her life.

While continuing their crime spree and living town-to-town, Izzi continued to force Charlotte to accept her anarchist obligations and assist him in climbing the Australian criminal ladder, going as far as forcing his underage daughter to have sex with his closest trafficking associates so that she could kill them in their sleep and Izzi would seize their position of power. This allowed Izzi to cultivate a massive army of terrorists who he would send to commit bombings and various acts of terror across Australia. This came at the cost of his relationship with his daughter dwindling, but Izzi was able to keep her loyalty by promising her security and riches, threatening to hand her to the authorities or sell her out to his trafficking allies and leave her to be violated and murdered.

In one major event, Izzi and Charlotte found themselves cornered by the Australian police. Willing to do anything to escape, Izzi convinced his terrified daughter to perform a suicide bombing, callously and ruthlessly allowing her to die as a mere distraction for the police, making his own escape easier.

Very little is known about this point onward in Izzi's life. Izzi later followed his daughter in death, dying in his 40s.

Events of Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light

Chapter 5

In "A Complete Shitshow", a month after Leviathan's attempt to flood the seven rings, the Insurgency launches an ambush on the renovated Stellar Records in a mission to kill the Overlord, Stellar. The militant group successfully deals with the Overlord's security, until Stellar himself gets involved. At that point, an armored truck barrels through the buildings' entrance, and Izzi makes his entrance from the back door, mockingly greeting the outraged Overlord.

The enraged Stellar retaliates, but Izzi dodges all of his attacks, all while signaling his soldiers to attack Stellar's blindspots with their weaponry. Despite their grenades and weapons stunning him, Stellar manages to strike Izzi with one of his magical musical notes, sending him crashing into a wall. Stellar, in his arrogance, ridiculed Izzi for believing that a "nobody" like him could defeat an Overlord. While praising himself and preparing to deal the killing blow, Stellar is suddenly shot through the head by a sniper, causing him to fall to the ground, erased.

With Stellar gone for good, the Insurgency celebrates his demise like frat boys, whooping and drinking beer as Izzi congratulates his team, including Striker - the sniper who killed Stellar -, as well as Sir Pentious, Loopty Goopty, and Lyle Lipton - all of whom have been crafting angelic weapons and armor for the Insurgency. After having Stellar's staff sent to the Insurgency's base to await execution, Izzi gives his soldiers a speech on his goal to rewrite Hell itself, demands their loyalty, and proudly announces his intention of throwing Hell into chaos.

In "My Brotha Arackniss", Izzi made his chilling entrance, a malevolent presence, as he oversaw the torment of Stellar's captive crew within one of the Insurgency's ominous strongholds. He unleashed a torrent of verbal abuse upon them, condemning them for their perceived complicity in enabling their boss's vices. His merciless cruelty knew no bounds as he wielded a spiked baseball bat, delivering brutal blows upon his hapless victims.In the midst of this gruesome scene, Izzi's devoted partner and right-hand man, Rum, made a timely appearance. He informed Izzi of an apparent capture involving Sir Pentious, Lyle Lipton, and Loopty Goopty, who had mistakenly apprehended someone they believed to be Angel Dust (though in reality, it was Arackniss). Izzi assured Rum that he would personally attend to the matter, dismissing him before resuming his grim focus on the captives.

With methodical precision, Izzi carved a gruesome opening into the chest of one of his captives, all the while delivering a macabre monologue about the insidious predation of Hell's higher echelons upon the vulnerable. He emphasized that to upend the established order, they must first eliminate the weakest links. In a horrifying culmination, Izzi inserted a blessed grenade into the victim's cavity before departing the room with eerie composure. The desperate cries for help and ensuing detonation of the bomb erased the victims, leaving behind only the echoes of their harrowing demise.

Izzi arrived at Sir Pentious' base with a crucial message, intending to clarify that the captured individual was not, in fact, Angel Dust. However, his attention was immediately drawn to a fierce altercation unfolding within the premises. Without hesitation, he ventured into the fray. Upon entering the building, his eye locked onto Cherri Bomb, and a sinister grin crept across his face, reveling in the unmistakable animosity that radiated from her glare. Cherri, desperate to distance herself from Izzi as swiftly as possible, seized Angel and sprang towards a nearby window. In a swift and calculated motion, she hurled an explosive device to create a smokescreen that would aid her escape. Arackniss followed suit, clambering out of the shattered window, only to be overtaken by the force of the explosion. The concussive blast propelled him from the window, and he tumbled unceremoniously, landing face-first beside Angel and Cherri, a chaotic tableau of strife and intrigue.

In "Back in Business", Izzi and the Insurgency have taken control of the west side of Pentagram City, throwing the entire city into chaos. Izzi oversees the execution of anyone captured while trying to escape the city, seeing to it that all of the Insurgency's captives be used as live target practice, or having their corpses strung up on the sides of buildings. He receives a status report from Striker before being given details on the whereabouts of Cherri Bomb from one of his scouts.

A day later, Izzi and the Insurgency launch an assault on the Resistance's base of operations, sending a firebomb to their base which injures Cherri and her allies, allowing Striker to send the Insurgency's soldiers inside. Cherri fights back against the Insurgency, stealing a blessed rifle from a slain member's corpse, but eventually is overwhelmed by their massive numbers. Cherri attempts to escape out of the base's backdoor, but is confronted by Izzi himself. Cherri hides and, despite Izzi's attempt to initiate a civil conversation, Cherri remains skeptical. Their exchange quickly escalates into a violent brawl where they exchange punches and blows, with Cherri even knocking one of Izzi's teeth loose. Amidst the chaos, Izzi boasts about his influence in shaping Cherri's tough personality, which she vehemently resents. They continue to exchange blows, with Izzi maintaining a twisted sense of pride in his role in her life. As the fight rages on, Cherri reveals her protective instincts over a figure named Angie and her anger toward Izzi's interference. Izzi taunts Cherri about Angie's affections and suggests she's been left behind by those she cared about. The conflict reaches a breaking point when Cherri triggers explosives in the hallway, causing an explosion that leaves her battered but alive. As she attempts to escape through a window, Izzi, though injured, taunts her with promises of pursuit, leaving the situation charged with tension and unresolved conflict.

With the Resistance base claimed, Izzi has all of Cherri's surviving friends and soldiers rounded up before heading to Cherri's office, a picture of her and Angel together catching his eye.

In "Good for the Soul", Izzi orchestrates an operation to eliminate Carmilla Carmine using his own soldiers, but the Overlord intervenes, singlehandedly dispatching the unit assigned to carry out the assassination. Confronting Izzi, the Overlord seizes a transceiver from one of the fallen soldiers, demanding answers. In a brazen act, Izzi taunts Carmilla and discloses his audacious exploits of pilfering her angelic weaponry for a period exceeding six months. This revelation triggers a mixture of anger and intrigue within Carmilla. Fueled by a burning desire for revenge and fascination with Izzi's formidable skills, she boldly declares war against him and issues a direct challenge, daring him to make an attempt on her life.

In "The Gilded Cage", a flashback shows a living Izzi and a pre-teen Cherri embark on a journey into the rugged outback, their vehicle laden with ominous body bags. At this juncture in their lives, Izzi and Cherri's mother had separated, and Cherri was under her mother's care. However, Izzi had chosen to spirit Cherri away on an unauthorized "hunting trip," which stretched over two days. During their journey to the remote location, Cherri couldn't contain her curiosity and asked Izzi why they weren't adhering to their usual practice of feeding the corpses to the lurking crocodiles. In response, Izzi cryptically stated that this particular disposal held a "special" significance for him.

Upon reaching their desolate destination, Izzi and Cherri proceeded to deposit their latest victims into a gaping pit already teeming with numerous other body bags, swarmed by the repulsive presence of maggots and flies. Despite the grimness of the situation, Cherri adopted a nonchalant demeanor and playfully teased her father, remarking that her mother was bound to be furious with him for this clandestine excursion. However, Izzi chose this moment to unveil a life-altering revelation to Cherri: they could never return home again. Understandably, this revelation rattled his young daughter. He explained that her mother had decided she no longer wanted a troubled youth for a daughter, effectively severing their ties. Izzi delivered this stark news with brutal bluntness, emphasizing that their lives would undergo a profound transformation, one that would preclude any reunion with their friends, who, he argued, would inevitably abandon her as well. As Cherri grappled with the emotional turmoil provoked by this revelation, Izzi asserted himself as her sole refuge, the one person who would accept her unconditionally. He proposed that they embark on a life of constant movement, fleeing from the confines of civilized society and embracing the wild as their sanctuary. To lift Cherri's spirits, he invited her to participate in the disposal of the corpses using a molotov cocktail. Cherri, albeit slightly lifted by this task, ignited the molotov and used it to set the pile of corpses ablaze. As the flames consumed the macabre remains, Izzi's gaze fixated on one particular body bag. With a sinister grin, he wrapped an arm around Cherri, signifying the ominous shift in their lives that lay ahead.

In "Rotation of Power", Izzi and Rum broadcast the horrific torture and mutilation of Ruff and Tumble, two Resistance members, for all to see in Pentagram City's billboards as a way to torture Cherri psychologically. While torturing them with Rum, Izzi announces to Cherri that for every day she does not return to him, he will kill at least five Resistance members. He then proceeds to kill Ruff by smashing his head with his baseball bat, while Rum eviscerates Tumble. Cherri sees this broadcast and tries to ignore her friends' and soldiers' pain, but her emotions get the best of her and she destroys the bullboard in a fit of painful rage, inadvertently alerting Angel Dust and several Insurgency soldiers led by Striker to her location.

Izzi is hosting a riot in a section of Pentagram City that the Insurgency has taken over. While sticking dozens of captives in a bus and lighting it on fire, Izzi makes a speech announcing the capture of several investors and Kingpins, claiming that the Insurgency plan on "gift-wrapping" them to the Exterminators on the upcoming Extermination Day.

While celebrating his success, Izzi is confronted by Loopy Goopty and Lyle Lipton, who inform him that Striker left Sir Pentious behind. To their shock, Izzi if perfectly fine with Sir Pentious being captured, claiming that it was the best call Striker has made so far. The two supervillains try to appeal to Izzi, but he menacingly tells them that Pentious was only useful for his inventions, and now that they have possession of his technology and the Egg Bois, he has outlived all of his usefulness and deserves what's coming to him either way for failing to capture Cherri on two occasions. He warns the two that they should keep being useful to them lest they end up like Pentious. Loopty and Lyle storm out of Izzi's office, now knowing how much he really values his soldiers.

In "Light of Love", Izzi and a squad of Insurgency members attack Vaggie, Fergus, Octavia, and Crymini while they are commutating through Pentagram City. Izzi first sends in suicide bombers to attack them, who use car bombs to launch a massive, destructive attack, disorienting and separating the group, killing many bystanders, and leveling the city block. Once the team is seperated, Izzi, Striker, and Rum lead an assault team in with the intention to kill everyone and capture Octavia. Izzi and his squad move through the devastated city block, mercilessly shooting any injured bystanders to death and even shooting dead bodies to make sure they are dead, all while a terrified and bloodied Octavia hides under behind a car, clearly traumatized by what she is hearing and seeing.

During the intense search, Fergus, Vaggie, and Crymini all fight back against their attackers, with Vaggie killing Insurgency soldiers stealthily while Fergus overwhelms their forces with his strength, and Crymini silently kills soldiers by tearing their throats out. Vaggie and Fergus then engage Striker and Izzi respectively in a hand-to-hand fight, with Izzi being overwhelmed by Fergus' superior strength, but still outmatching him with his sheer fighting prowess and brutality, even stabbing Fergus three times in the abdomen with his blessed switchblade and nearly shooting him in the face with a blessed pistol.

During the skirmish, Rum finds Octavia and drags the terrified Goetia out from under the van, pinning her against the van. Octavia tries to petrify Rum, but her attempt fails due to not having mastered her powers. Rum begins rubbing his switchblade along her face, sinsterly telling her that he and Izzi were going to show her a fun time. Before Rum could do anything else or alert Izzi to her capture, a bloodlusted Crymini lunged at him from the top of the Van, pinning him to the ground, tearing his right arm off with her jaws, and cutting up his face with her claws, potentially saving Octavia in the process. Rum uses his other hand to punch Crymini off of him and runs away like a sniveling coward, crying over his arm. As Crymini consoles Octavia, Vaggie and Striker continue fighting, which ends with Striker being forced to run away after Vaggie destroyed his blessed revolvers with her spear and managed to cut him across the face, nearly blinding him in the process. Vaggie then joins Fergus in fighting Izzi, and they are able to work together and nearly succeed in killing him, but the sinner escapes using a smoke grenade as Insurgency reinforcements arrive. Fergus and Vaggie fend them off, but Octavia is hit with a poisonous dart during the battle, putting her life at risk.

Later that night, while Octavia is crying over her familial matters and other circumstances, Izzi appears out of nowhere in her room, greeting the startled Goetia. Octavia takes a defensive stand, despite Izzi making it clear that he only wants to make her an offer. Izzi explains who he is to Octavia, and warns her that Lucifer intends to kill her father, Stolas, which understandably leaves Octavia very rattled. He offers her a way to save her father by assisting him in killing and overthrowing Lucifer, on the condition that she join him and give him her family's grimoire. Octavia, having witnessed the evil and suffering Izzi is capable of dishing out, refuses his offer, although she does seem to consider it at first. Izzi relents and gives Octavia time to think about his offer, reassuring her that he believes she will make the right decision before leaving. Octavia is left in stunned silence over Izzi's visit, surprised of how much he understands her and feeling eerily safe around him.

In "Old Habits", after reluctantly confessing his deal with Stolas to Charlie, Blitzø stormed into a bar in Imp City, seething with anger over potentially jeopardizing I.M.P's safety. After taking multiple shots, the imp glanced around to see that the bar had eerily emptied, leaving only Izzi in a dark corner, idly toying with his blessed knife. Izzi, adopting an oddly amiable demeanor, casually pulled up a stool beside Blitzø. He pitched the notion of a partnership, highlighting their shared roles as "shepherds leading sheep" and assuring Blitzø that he could help rid him of Stolas's oppressive presence. As Blitzø mulled over the tempting offer, Izzi emphasizes that Stolas viewed Blitzø merely as a sexual object and that retribution would soon be sought after Blitzø's betrayal – much like the fate of those he had previously wronged, such as Fizzarolli, Verosika Mayday, and his sister Barbie Wire. However, Blitzø ultimately declined Izzi's proposal, citing his incapability to kill Stolas even if he desired to. Disappointment flickered across Izzi's face before he menacingly inquired about who Blitzø thought would be pleased by his refusal. In the tense silence that followed, Blitzø's instincts screamed at him that something was amiss. He swiftly dove off his stool just in time to evade an ambush from Rum, who had stealthily lingered behind him throughout the encounter. A fierce brawl erupted in the bar as Blitzø defended himself against Rum's treacherous attack.

Amidst the chaotic clash between Rum and Blitzø, Rum managed to strike the imp's wrist with a stab before Blitzø retaliated, wrapping his tail around Rum's neck, beginning to choke him. With sheer determination, Rum fought back, eventually wrestling Blitzø off him and hurling the imp to the ground. However, Blitzø's tail remained coiled around Rum's neck, giving him an advantage. Using the force of Rum's throw, Blitzø launched the sinner out of the bar through a shattered window. Now, Blitzø turned his attention to Izzi, who had been quietly sipping his drink throughout the altercation. As Blitzø aimed his flintlock at Izzi, the sinner camouflaged himself, vanishing from sight. Blitzø scanned the surroundings, nervously firing shots at any hint of movement while Izzi taunted him for wasting ammunition. In a sudden and stealthy move, Izzi materialized behind Blitzø, pressing a switchblade to the imp's throat and mocking him for his propensity to betray those who showed him affection. Blitzø responded with a provocative remark before headbutting Izzi, triggering a fierce hand-to-hand brawl between the two. As they grappled, Blitzø attempted to crawl up to Izzi's head to stab him, but Izzi thwarted his efforts by seizing Blitzø and hurling him into the bar's counter. In a final, explosive showdown, Izzi sprinted toward Blitzø just as the imp squeezed the trigger of his flintlock. In a frantic split-second, Izzi swung his bat, connecting with Blitzø's head and causing the imp's shot to strike a lantern. The resulting spark ignited a ferocious fire, casting an ominous glow over the intense conflict.

Dazed and terror-stricken, Blitzø crawled along the bar's floor, finally finding refuge by leaning against a wall. He watched in horror as the fire rapidly consumed the establishment, casting sinister shadows all around. Izzi, seemingly undaunted by the inferno, took notice of the intense fear etched onto Blitzø's face. With cold calculation, Izzi knocked over another lantern, sparking yet another blaze and causing the bar to be further enveloped in flames. Blitzø struggled to lift his flintlock, shakily aiming it at Izzi as the sinner advanced methodically, his presence dripping with menace. However, Blitzø's vision remained clouded, a mixture of blood from his injury and the fiery glare making it nearly impossible for him to see clearly. In the midst of his impaired vision, a terrified Blitzø began experiencing vivid and haunting hallucinations caused by Izzi. He saw himself being burned at the hands of Larson, before seeing the very fire that had razed his family's circus and claimed his mother's life. Blitzø then sees apparitions of all those he had driven away haunted him, filling him with panic. Blitzø fired his gun erratically, the shots punctuating his frenzy. Some of the bullets managed to hit Izzi, but the sinner maintained his relentless advance, unfazed. Calmly, Izzi retrieved his blessed pistol, calmly explaining that its effects were far more permanent than Blitzø's standard firearm. He couldn't resist mocking Blitzø's self-loathing and fear of love, savoring the imp's helplessness and terror. In the grip of his overwhelming fear, Blitzø finally succumbed. He smashed a window, the shards cutting him in the process, and fled the blazing bar in abject terror. Izzi watched with an air of amusement, offering his cynical wisdom, telling Blitzø to run from his fears, just as he had done throughout his life.

In "Metatron, The Voice of God", within the confines of his fortress-like mansion, Izzi was deep in the process of constructing explosive devices when Striker delivered unsettling news. Thousands of their troops lay wounded, with many rendered unfit for combat. Rum, with his characteristic brutality, suggested a merciless solution—dispatching them all. However, Izzi opted for a more pragmatic approach. He instructed Loopty Goopty and Lyle Lipton to undertake gruesome experiments and tortures on the injured soldiers. These grisly procedures involved grafting angelic weapons and blessed armor onto their maimed bodies, effectively "rebirthing" them and restoring their combat effectiveness. As Striker departed to relay these grim orders, Rum raised another pressing matter: Carmilla's advancing forces. Izzi dismissed Carmilla's actions as "cowardice," critiquing her reluctance to confront him directly. When Rum inquired about Izzi's choice to spare Octavia's life instead of eliminating her when the opportunity arose, Izzi unveiled his strategic perspective. He saw Octavia as a pivotal asset to the Insurgency's triumph, a piece of clay he could mold into something more than a "useless Goetia." Although Rum initially disagreed, Izzi's vision ignited his enthusiasm. Izzi declared that Octavia would soon learn that even those who stand at great heights can plummet just as hard. Spinning around in his office chair, he let out a maniacal cackle, with Rum joining in, united by their shared, sinister ambitions.

In "Hell 2 Heaven", Izzi is detailing to the Insurgency his plan to kill Carmilla Carmine, until Sir Pentious shows up, still alive even having been deserted by Striker. Loopty Goopty and Lyle Lipton are elated to see him alive, while Izzi, Rum, and Striker are mildly surprised. Izzi is surprised to see that Pentious seemingly harbors no ill will towards them and justifies Striker's decision, calling it a necessary action. Izzi continues detailing his plot to the Insurgency, and after he orders everyone to prepare, Pentious secretly returns to the Hazbin Hotel and rats Izzi's plan out to everyone, intending to serve as a mole with the Insurgency's leaders completely oblivious.

Under the cloak of night, Izzi and the Insurgency launched a full-scale assault on Carmilla's well-prepared base. Initially, Carmilla's highly trained and experienced soldiers had the upper hand, putting up a fierce defense against the Insurgency's onslaught. However, the tide of battle shifted dramatically when Loopty Goopty deployed a squadron of soldiers who had angelic armor and weapons grafted onto various parts of their bodies, per Izzi's orders. These enhanced soldiers proved to be an unstoppable force, cutting through Carmilla's men and breaching her formidable security systems. Left with no alternative, the Overlord herself had to step into the fray. Izzi personally confronted Carmilla, proposing a one-on-one fistfight—an offer she accepted, albeit with her own intentions. As they drew closer to each other, Carmilla attempted to kill Izzi with a blessed flamethrower, only for the sinner to act simultaneously, wounding Carmilla with a blessed pistol. Despite her injury, Carmilla applauded Izzi's keen understanding of her ruthlessness and refusal to play fair, acknowledging that she would have killed him the moment she had the chance.

As the Overlord's strength waned, Izzi engaged her in a brutal and relentless combat. They ruthlessly battered and wounded each other, with Carmilla summoning the last of her strength to use her claws to sever one of Izzi's arms. Despite the gruesome injury, Izzi remained unperturbed, knowing he would eventually regenerate from it. Carmilla, fueled by sheer determination, momentarily gained the upper hand, stabbing Izzi in the abdomen with her claws. She then drew her blessed sidearm, intending to end his life with a point-blank shot to the head. However, Rum intervened, suddenly appearing and stabbing Carmilla in the side with his blessed knife, forcibly separating the weakened and injured Overlord from Izzi. Izzi seized Carmilla's sidearm, poised to deliver the killing blow as she lay bleeding on the ground. Yet, when he pulled the trigger, a "BANG" flag popped out of the gun, akin to a prank weapon. The bizarre turn of events left everyone bewildered and perplexed. Amid the confusion, Charlie descended upon Carmilla's mansion, employing her powers to render everyone's weapons harmless. She created a protective shield around Carmilla and, despite struggling, managed to heal the wounded Overlord. Carmilla was taken aback by Charlie's unexpected act of kindness. Charlie then turned her attention to Izzi, pleading with him to cease his destructive course of action. Izzi, brimming with anger at Charlie's arrival, vehemently vowed to continue his mission until every "asshole" was dead. In a fit of frustration and fury, he vanished into the shadows as the Insurgency retreated.

In "Heaven Meets Hell", Izzi suddenly appears in Octavia's room at Cocytus are she was locked in by Andrealphus. Octavia is shocked to see him and inquires how he even got inside, but Izzi ignores her questions and feigns concern for her safety. Octavia sternly tells Izzi that Stolas will be there for her, and even if he does not show up, she can escape her mother and Andrealphus herself. Though respecting Octavia's grit, Izzi reminds her that, unlike anyone Octavia trusts (namely Stolas and Charlie), he is the only one who is there for her at that moment, which clearly gives her food for thought. Before leaving, Izzi gives Octavia a specialized flare to signal him in case anything horrible happens, promising to be there for her. Octavia stares at the flare, and when she faces Izzi again, he is suddenly gone. Octavia looks down at the flare again and pockets it, showing signs of warming up to Izzi.

In "Extermination Day: Part 1", Izzi, Rum, and Striker are participating in a stake-out in Cocytus. To ward off the freezing cold, they adorn enchanted pendants that hold the warmth of blessed fire.Izzi keeps a vigilant watch on Andrealphus' palace, eagerly anticipating Octavia's signal. Curiously, Striker inquires of Izzi whether he's prepared for the possibility of having to eliminate Octavia should she refuse to join their cause. In response, Izzi confidently reiterates his belief in her capacity to make the "morally sound" choice. Amidst ongoing complaints about the cold from Rum, who remains dissatisfied, he discloses to Izzi that Extermination Day looms just a few hours away. Urging Rum into action, Izzi instructs him to establish contact with the Insurgency base, ensuring that the Exorcists receive their "presents."

In Pentagram City, the Insurgency receives Rum's message and gathers all the detained business demons and prisoners under their custody. These captured individuals are then bound with blessed rope and strategically fastened to diverse structures throughout the cityscape, such as buildings, walls, and poles. This cruel arrangement renders them defenseless and pleading for help, exposed to the imminent threat of annihilation at the hands of the Exorcists.

In "Extermination Day Part 2: Live Fully, Love Forever", With assistance from Stolas and the I.M.P., Octavia manages to flee from Andrealphus' palace. However, the escape comes at a cost, as Stolas sustains severe injuries during his showdown with Stella and Andrealphus. Octavia is forced to carry him, desperate to put as much distance as possible between them and Cocytus. Yet, their path is obstructed by a swarm of Exterminators converging around the palace's walls. Left with no alternative, Octavia ignites the flare provided by Izzi, sending it soaring into the night sky. This signal does not go unnoticed, catching the attention of Izzi, Striker, and Rum, prompting a sinister and sly grin from Izzi.

Izzi, Striker, and Rum successfully infiltrate Andrealphus' palace, making their way to the balcony just in time to witness Octavia and Stolas engaged in a fierce battle against Stella and Andrealphus in the palace courtyard. With deadly intent, Striker readies a rifle tipped with a lethal blessing, targeting Stolas. However, Izzi intervenes, preventing him from taking the fatal shot. Before they can react further, their intrusion is met with an unexpected counterattack from none other than Blitzø, Moxxie, and Loona. The trio springs into action, launching separate assaults on Izzi, Striker, and Rum. Blitzø clashes with Izzi, Striker is swiftly incapacitated by a joint effort from Blitzø and Moxxie, while Loona effortlessly, albeit humorously, subdues Rum. In the midst of this chaotic showdown, Izzi manages to break away and dart into the palace. Utilizing his invisibility, he eludes Blitzø's pursuit and fleets to the rooftop. Izzi wields his own blessing-tipped rifle, taking aim at Andrealphus and managing to wound him. This crucial support proves invaluable to Octavia, fulfilling the assistance he had promised her. Octavia, amidst the battle, catches a glimpse of Izzi on the palace roof. He salutes her before seemingly vanishing from sight, leaving Octavia with the impression that he has departed the scene.

In the aftermath of their intense confrontation with Stella and Andrealphus, Stolas and Octavia share a heartwarming reunion in the palace courtyard, their relief and affection palpable. On the balcony, Striker regains consciousness, witnessing this emotional moment unfold. However, an ominous presence disrupts the serenity as Izzi steps into the frame. With a chilling grin, Izzi draws his blessing-tipped rifle and swiftly takes aim at Stolas, firing a lethal blessing-tipped bullet into his neck. Stolas, mortally wounded, crumples to the ground. Octavia's anguished scream pierces the air, leaving her helpless in the face of this sudden tragedy. Izzi's sinister satisfaction lingers as he departs the scene, slipping into invisibility to evade detection. As he goes, he smoothly tosses the rifle into the confused Striker's hands, creating the illusion that Striker is the one responsible for Stolas' death and letting the imp be his unwilling scapegoat. An enraged Blitzø quickly traces the trajectory of the fatal bullet to the balcony. There, he spots Striker holding the rifle and believes him to be the assassin. Fueled by grief and vengeance, Blitzø moves to retaliate against Striker for Stolas' murder. Striker narrowly dodges Blitzø's retaliatory shot and flees the scene, with the severely injured Rum trailing behind him.

The death of Stolas pushes Octavia to her breaking point, exactly as Izzi had intended. Overwhelmed by grief and a profound sense of loss, Octavia finds herself at the precipice of despair. Her immediate family is now gone, leaving her feeling utterly adrift and isolated in her sorrow. In the depths of her anguish, Octavia places the blame squarely on Blitzø for the tragic fate that has befallen her and her loved ones, since he started meddling in the lives of their family. With a heart filled with pain and anger, she vows to exact revenge upon the imp to whom Stolas had entrusted her in his final moments. With her powers charged by emotion, Octavia inadvertently teleports to an unknown destination, taking Stolas' lifeless body with her.

In "Land of the Dead", after the events of Extermination Day, Izzi triumphantly returns to the Insurgency's headquarters with a severely injured Rum, their glee at Stolas' death uncontainable. Fueled by the adrenaline of their actions, Izzi lets loose, even venting their excess energy by recklessly destroying furniture and offering apologies for his unbridled enthusiasm. In a state of euphoria, a cackling Izzi calls for a celebration to mark the Insurgency's monumental achievement. Shortly after, Striker arrives at the base and confronts Izzi, confronting Izzi about framing him for Stolas' death. Striker furiously tells Izzi that he was supposed to kill Stolas. Izzi, in a patronizing manner, explains that by implicating Striker, the imp gains the recognition for the kill while Izzi revels in the actual act. An unsatisfied and furious Striker storms off, leaving Izzi and Rum to bask in their triumph. While enjoying pirate rum with Izzi, Rum asks the sinner about Octavia, to which Izzi assures her compliance while staring out a window.

In "Eclipse of the Heart", Octavia, at her breaking point, goes over to the Insurgency's base, where she is confronted by a violent Striker. Izzi and Rum soon arrived and defused the situation. Izzi intervened by loudly calling off his soldiers before warmly greeting Octavia, expressing his honor at her presence. He then scolded Striker for causing trouble for Octavia and mockingly urged him to tend to country matters, to which Striker reluctantly complied. Octavia, with a hint of nervousness, retrieved Stolas' grimoire and presented it to Izzi, finally accepting his proposal for a better Hell. Izzi grinned, took the grimoire without hesitation, and assured Octavia she made the right decision. Izzi then invited Octavia into his manor to join their cause of reforming Hell.

Leading Octavia through his rustic, fortified mansion, Izzi proudly showcased his angelic weapons and macabre mementos acquired from victims, including taxidermied Hellhound forms, reminiscing about his hunting days in the Australian outback and promising to tell her more of his adventures in his country. He expressed eagerness for Octavia to team him the ways of the grimoire, even though she admitted her limited proficiency with the Goetic tome. Octavia playfully recounted her struggles with teleportation attempts, finding humor in her inexperience. Unfazed, Izzi embraced the challenge, envisioning a shared learning experience. During their tour, Izzi introduced Octavia to the Insurgency's weapon designers, Sir Pentious, Loopty Goopty, and Lyle Lipton. Izzi remained unaware that Octavia and Sir Pentious were both previously aware of each other from the hotel. After Izzi seemingly left, Octavia promised to not out Pentious to Izzi.

When Izzi showed Octavia to her room, he maintained a facade of ignorance regarding Stolas' demise, assuring Octavia of her father's safety. However, Octavia broke the news emotionally, revealing Stolas had passed away days ago. Izzi feigned sympathy, positioning himself as a misunderstood hero and Octavia as ignorant, telling her to not beat herself up for joining him when it was too late. As he left, he assured Octavia that their mission to "save" Hell would prevent others from enduring the anguish of losing a father.

Later that night, Izzi chilled in his study with Rum, during which he gleefully bragged about killing Stolas and mocked Octavia's obliviousness. Unbeknownst to Izzi and Rum, Octavia walked past Izzi's room as he reveled in his victory, though his admittance to her father's death were unfortunately muffled by her earbuds. Octavia peeked into the room to witness Izzi and Rum goofing off, laughing uncontrollably, and reveling in their victory. Octavia continued exploring the fortress as Izzi tossed the grimoire playfully into the air like it were a toy, much to Rum's amusement.

In "Let's Go Out With a Bang", Izzi cruelly tortures a Resistance soldier, ridiculing his misplaced faith in Cherri Bomb as a leader for safety. After executing the defiant soldier, Striker informs Izzi that the Insurgency successfully captured Cherri when she attempted to rescue what remained of the Resistance.

Izzi pays a visit to Cherri in her cell, subjecting her to taunts and offering her an opportunity to align with him. When Cherri replies with a spit in his eye, Izzi berates her by claiming her defiance is the reason their mother abandoned her. However, Cherri remains resolute, furiously asserting that their mother left due to Izzi's actions. She contends that Izzi cannot hope to take over Hell, prompting Izzi to reveal his possession of Octavia and her intended involvement. Unperturbed, Cherri mocked Izzi for relying on Octavia and mockingly insinuates that Izzi is afraid of her. She warns that once Octavia comprehends Izzi's true nature, she will be unstoppable in her mission to eradicate him and the entire Insurgency.

As the Insurgency readies itself for the impending assault on Hell, Sir Pentious seizes the pendants previously utilized by Izzi, Striker, and Rum in Cocytus. Shockingly, it's revealed that Pentious had covertly embedded miniature cameras within the pendents during their creation. Pentious carefully reviews the footage from all three pendants, seeking any valuable information to share with the hotel crew. To his horror, he witnesses Izzi killing Stolas. Determined to carry Izzi's pendant with him, Pentious is intercepted by Izzi before he can depart the Insurgency's base. Izzi begins with small-talk, discussing the base's defenses. Amidst the uneasy atmosphere, Izzi confronts Pentious about his allegiance to the cause, to which Pentious affirms his loyalty to the Insurgency. Izzi, however, presses the issue and questions Pentious about deceiving him. Revelations emerge as Izzi discloses his knowledge of Pentious being an undercover operative, recounting an instance when he observed Pentious and Octavia during their tour of the base, using his invisibility to remain hidden. A suspenseful silence envelops them. Seizing the opportunity, Rum, who had been stealthily positioned behind Pentious the entire time, ruthlessly strikes the snake with a blessed knife, first in the back and then in the abdomen. Izzi and Rum stand over the fallen Pentious, leaving him to bleed out in the wake of his betrayal.

Hours later, Izzi and Octavia ascend to the pinnacle of the Insurgency base, where Izzi holds out the promise of a new era for Hell. Upon reaching their destination, they wield the grimoire, placing it before them and intertwining their hands over the book. The onslaught on Hell commences as Izzi unleashes a devastating assault, summoning black holes that stretch across the vast expanse of Hell, intending to employ these cosmic voids to eradicate all of Hell's inhabitants and ravage its infrastructure. Witnessing the catastrophic consequences of this spell, Octavia is overcome with panic and desperately attempts to halt the destructive incantation. However, Izzi vehemently berates her to cease resisting, gripping her hand tightly and asserting that this is the sole path to rewriting Hell. Driven by a desire to end the cycle of death and suffering, Octavia bravely fights against Izzi, who punches her to the ground with enough force to send her sprawling to the ground. Capitalizing on the opportunity, Rum swiftly intervenes, binding Octavia with blessed ropes, neutralizing her ability to wield her powers.

Now without Octavia's support, Izzi maintains the potency of the black hole spell, finding perverse amusement in the chaos unleashed upon Hell by the spatial anomalies. Octavia, consumed by rage and horror, shouts at Izzi, desperately pleading for him to recognize the innocence of the lives he's extinguishing. Izzi dismisses her pleas with a cruel laugh, asserting that in Hell, no one can truly be deemed innocent. Seizing Octavia by her collar, he callously proclaims that even if innocents were to perish, their deaths would fade into the annals of time. Ruthlessly hurling Octavia to the ground, Izzi warns Octavia to fall in line for her own good, all while Rum menaces her with a blessed knife pressed against her neck.

Amidst the chaos, Izzi's attention is drawn to the sudden closure of several black holes. Upon closer examination, he spots Charlie Magne soaring through the air, her angelic wings outstretched, and her powers employed to seal the cosmic voids. A frantic report from an Insurgency soldier informs Izzi that their base is under assault, but the soldier is abruptly killed mid-transmission by Blitzø, who then mocks Izzi through the communication channel. Understanding that Charlie and her allies are attempting to thwart his grand scheme, Izzi responds with a measured yet palpable frustration, vowing to kill them.

As the battle escalates, a team consisting of Blitzø, Loona, Angel Dust, Vaggie, Crymini, and Squish storm through the Insurgency's base, only to find themselves pushed back by the relentless onslaught of the Insurgency soldiers led by Rum and Striker. Cornered and facing the prospect of a slow and painful demise, their situation takes a sudden, ominous turn. A chilling presence sweeps through the area, and shadows start to dance on the walls, accompanied by eerie eyes manifesting along the ceiling. The demonic voice of Alastor echoes through the Insurgency's communicators; the Radio Demon tells the Insurgency that while they were fun to watch at first, they have stopped being "fun" for attempting to prematurely end his entertainment. Alastor manipulates the power within the base, flickering the lights to intensify the fear within the Insurgency soldiers. Attempting to strike down the hotel crew, one of the soldiers is swiftly and gruesomely dismembered by Alastor's claws. The radio demon, alongside his eerie companions, launch a ferocious assault on the Insurgency, brutally killing and devouring them.

Just in the nick of time, reinforcements arrive in the form of Niffty and Baxter, the latter assisted by Loopty Goopty, Lyle Lipton, and the Egg Bois. Striker narrowly manages to escape as Niffty showcases her remarkable speed, gleefully shredding numerous Insurgency soldiers one after another with her knife. In a vengeful act for Sir Pentious' demise, Baxter uses a blessed death ray to slice Rum's legs off, allowing the Egg Bois to finish Rum off as payback for their boss and father.

Amidst the chaos, Angel Dust and Blitzø successfully reach the Insurgency's jail cells. Angel playfully told Cherri that she is off on good behavior and frees her. Cherri, surprised by Angel's loyalty, shares her initial doubt, expressing her belief that Angel might have abandoned her. Angel affirms their enduring friendship, emphasizes that regardless of redemption, Cherri will always be his best friend. Confronted by the Insurgency's soldiers, Angel and Cherri react decisively, brandishing their weapons with excitement, and engaging in a fierce battle, reminiscent of their past turf wars. In the bloody aftermath, Angel wields Cherri's explosive, now understanding her liking to them. Cherri, wielding Angel's machine gun, gives the firearm a flippant "meh, before they both switch to their proper weapons. The two race to the rooftop with determination as Cherri expresses her determination to make Izzi pay for his actions, but Angel, worried for her safety, urges caution. Cherri resolutely states that she's prepared to die as long as Izzi faces justice, asserting that Angel can never fully comprehend what Izzi has stolen from her. This revelation triggers a haunting memory for Angel; He recalls the harrowing moment Cherri confided in him how she died—a chilling memory where she and Izzi were cornered by the police inside a building. In a callous and heartless act, Izzi exploited Cherri as a mere distraction, forcing her into a suicide bombing to facilitate his own escape, heartlessly sacrificing his own daughter all to evade the consequences of his crimes.

Blitzø makes it to the rooftop first, confronting Izzi with his flintlock aimed at the sinner. Izzi, desperate, grabs Octavia and places a blessed gun against her head, demanding Blitzø to leave or watch her be killed. Suddenly, an explosion rocks the ground behind Izzi, sending both him and Octavia tumbling. Cherri and Angel leap through the newly created hole and engage Izzi in an intense battle. While Izzi is occupied, Blitzø rushes to Octavia, attempting to free her from the ropes. He recognizes the distinctive knot pattern as Striker's handiwork, his eyes widening. Striker himself then appears, kicking Blitzø away from Octavia and engaging him in combat.

In the midst of the chaos, Izzi lands a powerful blow on Angel, pushing him away, and then focuses his aggression on Cherri. In a one-on-one duel, Izzi proves to be stronger, throwing Cherri against a wall and fatally stabbing her in the abdomen with a holy knife. With Cherri mortally wounded, Izzi offers her a sadistic choice: join him or succumb to her injuries, as he possesses the means to heal her fatal, holy wound.

As Loona, Vaggie, Squish, and Crymini arrive on the scene, Izzi returns to holding Octavia hostage while Angel desperately tends to the gravely wounded Cherri. Taunting his opponents, Izzi's attention is diverted when he notices the Egg Bois descending onto the rooftop using parachutes. Tragically, the base's mounted turrets eliminate all but one of the Egg Bois. Izzi ruthlessly shoots the remaining Egg Boi, who was holding the pendent Izzi used in Cocytus. The pendent tumbles in the middle of everyone, triggering the hidden camera installed by Sir Pentious. Octavia and Blitzø watch in horror as the holographic footage reveals Izzi's responsibility for her father's death. The shock of this revelation leaves them momentarily catatonic, processing the enormity of the truth. Izzi, meanwhile, is baffled by the presence of the camera.

Capitalizing on Izzi's distraction, Octavia's rage takes over, her eyes ablaze with a fierce crimson light. She places her hands on Izzi's arm, freezing it solid and shattering it. In pain, Izzi pulls the trigger of his blessed gun, the bullet grazing Octavia's head but failing to stop her. Octavia, consumed by fury, unleashes her powers on Izzi and enters her Full Demon Form which closely resembles Stolas' Full Demon Form. As the sky turns black from Octavia's unbridled fury, she projects torrents of flames and explosive stardust towards Izzi, who clings to the grimoire, attempting to counter Octavia's assault, but his limited knowledge of the book hinders his efforts. Octavia uses her talons to brutally slice Izzi, knocking the grimoire from his hands and nearly blasting him off the rooftop using her explosive stardust.

In the midst of the chaos, a moment of darkness descends as Octavia, consumed by her rage and fully demonic state, begins targeting the hotel crew. Her unrestrained fury poses a threat to even those she didn't intend to harm. Before Octavia could target Blitzø, Charlie descends to the rooftop and bravely approaches Octavia, attempting to calm the Goetia down. Charlie's efforts are soon supported by Blitzø, Crymini, and Loona, who unite to restrain Octavia and gently soothe her turbulent emotions. Working together, they manage to gradually pacify her. As Octavia's overwhelming emotions subside, she reverts to her normal state, tears streaming down her face as she grapples with the turmoil inside her. In a tender and empathetic display of solidarity, Charlie kneels beside Octavia, holding her close, and is soon joined by Crymini and Loona. Blitzø observes this display of compassion, recognizing the need for unity and trust amidst the turmoil.

The tender moment shatters as Blitzø notices a battered and vengeful Izzi aiming his blessed gun at Octavia, ready to deliver the fatal blow. Thinking fast, Blitzø throws himself in front of Octavia, taking the bullet to his shoulder and collapsing in pain. Angered, Izzi aimed at Octavia again, but Cherri intervenes, grabbing Izzi's arm and breaking it despite her own grievous wounds. Cherri, Angel, Charlie, Blitzø, and Octavia channel their fury into a collective onslaught against Izzi. They deliver a relentless and visceral assault on him, with Blitzø, Cherri, and Angel wailing on him brutally while Octavia and Charlie blast him with hellfire, punishing him for the pain, suffering, and chaos he has inflicted upon them and Hell as a whole.

As Izzi laid trembling, battered, and defeated on the ground, Charlie seized the grimoire, declaring that Hell's apocalypse was cancelled, before closing the grimoire, shattering the black holes across the seven rings.

Refusing to accept defeat, Izzi resorted to a desperate act, pulling out a detonator and triggering explosions across the base's property. Panic set in as the team realized they had to escape the impending disaster and began fleeing. However, Octavia, fueled by her determination for retribution, charged at Izzi with fiery fists. In a dire moment, Izzi prepared to shoot Octavia with his blessed gun, but before he could, Striker intervened, blasting Izzi's arm off for all the mockery he and Rum had subjected him to. A sinister grin adorned Striker's face as he swiftly made his escape. Octavia, consumed by her desire for revenge, was stopped by Cherri Bomb, who literally swooped in from a cable and caught Octavia. Octavia asked Cherri why she had stopped her, to which Cherri affirmed that while Izzi had ruined her life, she wouldn't let him ruin Octavia's. With a wink and a promise, Cherri encouraged Octavia to find safety, taking charge of the situation. Octavia was then ushered away by Crymini and Loona as Cherri bravely returned to the rooftop, ready to face her father once and for all.

As nearly everyone fled the scene, Angel desperately implored Cherri to leave and find safety. Tears welled up in Cherri's eye as she acknowledged her mortal wound, aware that her fate was sealed. She chose to face the inevitable head on, wanting to go out on her own terms; with a bang. Beginning to break down, Angel pleaded with Cherri to come with him, his cries of desperation piercing the chaos. However, Cherri was resolute, and set on going out in a blaze of glory. Tears streaming down his face, Angel watched helplessly as Cherri ran off, screaming for her to stop, not even caring about the explosions around him, forcing Charlie to swoop in and take Angel away from the havoc.

In the midst of this devastation, Izzi attempted to escape, but was seized from behind by Cherri, who refused to let him escape. She taunted Izzi, reminding him of his obsession with her, and how he finally had her within his grasp. Cherri, looked up at the sky and spotted Angel. Looking up at him with a poignant smile, she told Angel to "kick Heaven's ass" in her memory. With that, Cherri closed her eyes and struck a pose, embracing her fate as Izzi futilely thrashed around and screamed in terror in her grasp. The two were then consumed in the massive explosion, killing both of them and ending Izzi's reign of terror in Hell.


"Cherri: Daddy, why do you kill people?
Izzi: One, it's fun. Two, it sends a message to everyone. And three, I'm the boss and I get to do whatever I want. Sometime's it's my job and sometimes... Well, I guess the word 'passion' would be fitting.
— Izzi and Cherri while disposing of dead bodies.

Izzi is a textbook, controlling, blasphemous psychopath, hiding his heartless and unfeeling nature underneath a chummy and charismatic facade while suffering from low impulse control. He is an excellent hunter and tracker with a multitude of skills he acquired from his years as a bounty hunter and poacher. Though bloodthirsty, cocky, and merciless towards his enemies, he has a charming and attractive attitude towards those he wants to use, acting chummy and inspirational towards his underlings, and utilizing his wealth, charm, or intimidation to get what he wants. He has a disturbing habit of switching moods at the drop of a hat, going from expressive, smug, and confident one moment, to 10/10 petulant, psychotic rage the next, making him very unpredictable and dangerous. He is the kind of guy who will shower someone with praise one moment, and then blow them apart with a grenade the next. Coming across more as a force of nature than an actual entity, he is truly a psychotic manipulator and extremely terrifying, nasty villain, playing into the destructive fantasies of others and enabling them to become true, and only becomes more unhinged as the story progresses.

Despite his almost holier-than-thou attitude, Izzi is no better than the demonic lords he fights against; his disposition renders him ill-suited for the role of a freedom fighter and more akin to a supremacist. He harbors a deep animosity towards nobles, singling them out as his main adversaries. However, his disdain also encompasses those unfortunate individuals who are mistreated for failing to meet his ever-more stringent criteria. Izzi's sole aspiration is to claim the tyrant's throne for his own benefit, with no genuine intent to guide the lower classes towards liberation. His aim is not to dismantle the oppressive system, but rather to become the new oppressor in charge. Numerous sinners, such as Cherri and Angel Dust, have called him out on his double standards and hypocrisy.

Underscoring his hypocrisy, Izzi treats the Insurgency as disposable pawns and suicide bombers, and showed no sympathy towards any of Stellar's underlings who mostly worked for the Overlord out of fear, and mercilessly executed them with a holy grenade even though they were completely defenseless and no threat to him. He takes great pride in the Insurgency's successes, having any political or high-standing figure they kill decapitated so their heads can be mounted on his wall and loves sadistically messing with the people whose lives and afterlives are at his mercy. As an anarchist, he revels in the mayhem he causes in the Pride Ring, not caring if any innocents are caught in the chaos and destruction. Propping himself up in a fortified mansion, he also seems to enjoy flaunting the wealth, power and control over people that he has.

Izzi's dark and twisted past as a former poacher and animal abuser cast a long shadow over his life. In his earthly existence, he reveled in cruelty, finding pleasure in the act of killing animals. His gruesome penchant extended to testing his homemade explosives on innocent creatures, resulting in the senseless destruction of varmints and even larger animals such as crocodiles. Tragically, he involved his own daughter in these abhorrent acts, encouraging her to partake in the wanton slaughter of animals. Upon arriving in Hell, Izzi continued to indulge in his sadistic tendencies, making a grotesque sport out of hunting and killing Hellhounds. His brutality reached horrifying depths as he would skin these creatures alive, repurposing their remains into macabre decorations and grotesque taxidermy. His office, a chilling testament to his cruelty, bore witness to this horrific hobby, adorned with the lifeless, stuffed forms of dozens of Hellhounds. The grim trophies of his hunts adorned the walls, their jaws serving as gruesome ornaments to further reflect the depths of his depravity.

Izzi is, at his core, a charming abuser, groomer and manipulator. He grooms and cozies up to his victims, breaks their spirits into submission, before using them in his schemes. He employs classic abuse and manipulation tactics on Cherri, constantly trying to make her think that she depends on him and that she should obey him simply because he is her father. While living, he was shown to be traitorous and conniving, using his own daughter as a piece of meat and coercing Cherri into having sex with his associates so that she could kill them in their sleeps and he could capitalize on their deaths. Additionally, while he lashed out at Cherri whenever she rebelled against him, Izzi, like many abusers, almost always dialed himself back and acted in a very friendly, comforting, and fatherly way to Cherri the majority of the time, gaslighting Cherri into believing that it was her fault whenever he got angry with her, as he knew that she loved him and would never have the heart to leave him. His true power is his ability to get people to do whatever he wants, no matter how destructive it may be. Izzi also likes to lay all of his cards on the table, not shying away from acknowledging his awful deeds even to his pawns, since he wants them to trust him and believe his words are truthful and his endgame will create a better future for all. He cares for his pawns for as long as they are loyal and useful to him, but once they show even a hint of rebellion, he will intimidate, mistreat or dispose of them before they can become a problem for him.

He has a deeply cynical and jaded view on life and is a raving misanthrope, believing everyone to be evil and out for themselves, and his need to be prove himself right about his views on society is unshakable. He seems to especially hate Charlie for her optimistic view and ability to see the good in people as it is something he cannot do himself. Despite not being particularly powerful on his own, he is capable of causing frightening levels of destruction, throwing cities into a state of chaos, and arranging the deaths of even the most powerful of demons, all while using his tactics and childish "bad boy" attitude to seem less threatening. Desiring the deaths of Hell's laws and rulers, Izzi masterminds many plans, allows no moral standards to impede his goals, and uses his army of followers for his own gain and ends.

Unlike Cherri Bomb, who considers her underlings to be "mates", looks out for them on the field, and shares a sense of camaraderie between them, Izzi seems to prefer quantity over quality when it comes to recruitment. He only seems to care about sheer firepower and treats the Insurgency as expendable pawns while acting as though he values them and their meaningless deaths are serving a grand purpose.


Izzi is a strikingly distinctive demon with a macabre appearance, shadowing that of Cherri Bomb. His gray skin serves as a canvas for the grotesque features that define him. He is a cycloptic creature, his single eye a haunting shade of gray with a glowing cruciate pupil that radiates a sinister yellow hue—an eerie trait His mouth is a grotesque sight, marred by sutures at the edges that form jagged, disfigured lips. Within this unsettling maw, a set of sharp, yellow teeth loom ominously. Izzi possesses a long, lizard-like, prehensile tongue that adds to the disturbing nature of his visage. Notably, he has the uncanny ability to produce black-colored, tendril-like appendages from his back, an attribute that only further accentuates his otherworldly aura.

In terms of attire, Izzi dons a ragged, tattered gray jacket stained with blood and grime, reflecting his penchant for violence. His headwear is equally eerie, featuring a large, Crocodile Dundee-style gray hat adorned with menacing, sharp teeth along its crown. To complete his ensemble, he wears a black cumberbund, long, dark brown gloves, and pin-striped white pants.

Powers and Abilities

Unique Powers

  • Bomb Summoning: Like his daughter, Izzi is capable of spawning and summoning bombs from seemingly nowhere.
  • Enhanced Strength: Izzi, despite his lean frame, is physically very strong. During his physical confrontation with Cherri Bomb, - who herself is strong enough to launch fully-grown sinners in the air and jump through the air while holding a minigun - he managed to overpower her numerous times, flung her several feet away, and restrained her several times with relative ease. He also punched Fergus in the chest with enough force to send him sliding back into a car, smashing the car door. He has hit sinners with his baseball bat with enough force to leave their jaws hanging from their faces, disfigure people and even completely crush their heads.
  • Camouflage/Pseudo-Invisibility: Izzi is a chameleon sinner, thus he can almost instantly blend in with his environment and become effectively invisible to the naked eye. This alone makes him a master of stealth and infiltration.
  • Ocular Illumination: Izzi's cruciate pupil glows a bright whitish-yellow color in dark settings.
  • Perception Manipulation: Izzi has the vague ability to give people hallucinations as a byproduct of his intimidating nature, such as when he caused Cherri to experience flashbacks of their crimes together to throw her off, or when he caused the image of Stolas being brutally murdered by Lucifer to appear in Octavia's head. During his attempt to kill Blitzø, he gave the imp a PTSD episode by making him see flashbacks of being scarred by Larson and also gave him hallucinations showing his mistreatment of Verosika, Fizzarolli losing his limbs and how he destroyed Barbie Wire's life.
  • Pain Resistance: Izzi has a very high pain tolerance, which allows him to keep fighting without succumbing to any injury he has received. He kept advancing on Blitzø even when the imp shot him three times with his flintlock, not even flinching upon being shot, since he knew the injury would soon heal itself.
  • Teleportation: Izzi has the ability to teleport, though the full capabilities of this power are currently not known. While proposing a partnership with Octavia, he vanished into the darkness of her penthouse room and reappeared from the shadows behind her.
  • Tendril Generation: Izzi is capable of producing black, tendril-like appendages from his back.


  • Athleticism: As a lizard sinner, Izzy displays great athletic abilities, such as running on all fours and leaping from a tall window, catching the nearest wall, and scaling it effortlessly.
  • Charisma: Izzi is an extremely skilled and cunning emotional manipulator, his charisma allowing him to convince hundreds of people to follow him and die for the sake of advancing his ambitions by feigning care for his pawns. His charm and ambitions allowed him to corral an army of like-minded anarchists and in life he was able to keep Cherri by his side until her death, despite the litany of abuse he dished out to her. He swayed Octavia into considering his offer of joining him by promising that they would save Stolas from Lucifer together, even when Octavia had witnessed Izzi's crimes first-hand that same day and regarded him as pure evil.
  • Hand-to-Hand Combat: Izzi is adept at hand-to-hand combatant and displays incredibly fast reflexes and precision during his scraps. During his fight with Cherri Bomb, he not only overpowered and dominated her the entire fight, but displayed quick reflexes and reaction time, catching her fists and swiftly dodging her physical strikes as her anger overcame her. He also held his own very well against Fergus, stabbing him several times with a blessed knife and nearly erasing him, and managed to hold his own against Vaggie and Fergus for nearly a minute before he was overwhelmed by the two. When dodging his opponent's physical strikes, he sometimes crawls on all fours and slithers out from between their legs before popping back to his feet just as quickly.
  • Intimidation: Izzi is, naturally, a very terrifying sinner, and uses his unsettling presence in addition to his cunning to convince people to aid him in his endeavours.
  • Leadership: Izzi is an unscrupulous leader to the Insurgency and commanded his own drug ring in life. His unscrupulous and unfettered tactics have granted his organizations many successes and he will sacrifice anything outside of himself in order to win, making him a frightening enemy to all who oppose him.
  • Musical Talent: Izzi, being a former aspiring singer, is fairly good at singing, and can play the acoustic and electric guitar, as well as the drums.
  • Prehensile Tongue: Izzi has a long, conical tongue.
  • Stealth Mastery: Unlike his rambunctious daughter, Izzi is a master of stealth, mostly due to his camouflage abilities. He managed to sneak into the Hazbin Hotel, while avoiding being spotted by its hundreds of residents, and made his way into Octavia's penthouse suite, remaining unseen by the Goetia princess until he made himself known. He also managed to break into Andrealphus' palace in Cocytus to speak to Octavia.
  • Tracking: As an ex-bounty hunter Izzi is a master at tracking his targets and always seems to know where his targets are at all times. He can also predict where his targets will be by mapping out their schedules.
  • Weapon Proficiency: Izzi is very proficient in the usage of a baseball bat, hitting his targets with enough force to easily break bones and crush heads. He also uses a switchblade knife and handgun with equal proficiency.


  • Blessed MR Desert Eagle MK19 50 AE: Izzie carries a blessed pistol resembling a desert eagle on his person at all time.
  • Blessed Retractable Switchblade Knife: Izzi has possession of a blessed, retractable switchblade.
  • Blessing-Tipped Grenade Launcher: Izzi possesses a powerful blessing-tipped grenade launcher with angelic markings on it.
  • Carmine-Crafted Blessing-Tipped Rifle: Izzi briefly wielded his own blessing-tipped rifle to kill Stolas, before swiftly tossing the rifle into Striker's hands to frame him for the Goetia's death.
  • Saxon: Izzi's primary weapon is a bloody baseball bat with rusty nails embedded in the head. The bat seems to be blessed as Izzi uses his it to mutilate or kill other demons.



Cherri Bomb

Cherri Bomb is Izzi's daughter whom he has a twisted love for. Based on flashbacks, Izzi and Cherri had a teacher and student type of relationship, with Cherri learning nearly everything she knows about bomb-making and being a successful criminal from Izzi since she was a toddler. He made Cherri the ruthless criminal she is, even encouraging her to kill animals during her youth, which sparked her love for blowing things up and turned her into a cold killer like him.

Additionally, after murdering Cherri's mother, he lied to her by saying that her mother did not want a "junkie anarchist" as a daughter to manipulate Cherri into thinking that he was the only person she could rely on. During his career as a trafficking lord, Izzi would coerce Cherri into having sex with his associates so that she could kill them when they fell asleep and he could capitalize on the power vacuum left behind following their deaths, completely disregarding Cherri's autonomy and content with the statutory rape of his own daughter as long as he gained something from it.

Presently, Cherri Bomb intensely dislikes Izzi with the line "Yeah, you fell in love / But you fell deeper in this pit", implying that he did something in the past that hurt her and ruined their father-daughter relationship. Izzi longs to repair his relationship with Cherri and tries to reconnect with her in his own way, such as sending his least favorite underlings to attack Cherri's turf so she can get free kills, and leaving threatening messages on the buildings in her turf. Despite her trying to avoid him, he seems to be very prideful of her for turning out the way she did. After capturing the Resistance, he stooped so low as to begin killing her soldiers and friends until she would return to him. Izzi does not take Cherri very seriously and loves psychologically torturing and toying with her, treating their encounters like a game of cat-and-mouse.



Rum holds the role of both boyfriend and right-hand man to Izzi, forming a complex partnership with the sinner. However, their relationship is characterized by a stark power imbalance. Izzi sees Rum as his personal enforcer, frequently deploying him to intimidate or sadistically eliminate the Insurgency's captives. Outside of Rum's murderous talents, Izzi tends to be dismissive of him, showing little regard for his input or advice.

Their true bonding moments revolve around their shared proclivity for violence and sadism. When they unite in their murderous tendencies, Izzi and Rum find a twisted sense of camaraderie. They share in their wicked laughter and derive satisfaction from their sadistic acts, their partnership forged in the crucible of villainy.


The dynamic between Izzi and Striker is a complex and delicate one, characterized by a tenuous mix of respect and rivalry. Despite their shared goals and mutual respect for each other's talents, their relationship is marked by a constant power struggle and a clash of leadership styles. Izzi recognizes Striker's abilities and doesn't underestimate him despite his imp status, which sets him apart from many others. However, this recognition of talent doesn't preclude the ongoing jostling for the position of true leadership within the Insurgency. They frequently engage in disputes over strategic decisions, organizational management, and the allocation of targets among higher demons. This rivalry extends to the matter of which higher demon each of them gets to confront and potentially eliminate. The power struggle between Izzi and Striker adds an element of tension to their working relationship, as they continually test each other's authority and vie for dominance within the Insurgency.

Izzi's ruthless act of framing Striker for the murder of Stolas showcases his utter disregard for his comrade's safety and a willingness to sacrifice him for his own quick escape. By tossing his blessing-tipped rifle into Striker's hands and fleeing the scene, Izzi effectively made Striker an unwitting scapegoat in the assassination of Stolas. This calculated move not only demonstrated Izzi's cold-blooded nature but also highlighted his readiness to prioritize his own survival at the expense of those around him.


" She’s a broken bird who has potential to become a hell of a lot more than a 'useless Goetia'. With me at her side of course. None of ya are to hurt a feather on 'er 'ead. She's just vulnerable and lost enough for me to make my way into 'er heart. Besides, her daddy's book is our one-way ticket to a dead Lucifer and the establishment of a true society for the damned. She could be... a queen. A demon queen, leading the rebellion by me side. She’s a powerful ally to 'ave, and a dangerous one to be against us."
— Izzi on Octavia.

Despite her royal upbringing, Izzi harbors no desire to harm Octavia, but rather envisions her as a potential protege, someone he can mentor and shape according to his own vision. This unconventional approach is evident in his interactions with Octavia.

When speaking to her, Izzi adopts an almost fatherly demeanor, striking a balance between being helpful and playful while maintaining clear intent. His words are laced with flattering praises for Octavia's resilience and intelligence, emphasizing her exceptional qualities. He consistently undermines the opinions of other demons who hold a lower view of her, reinforcing his belief in her potential.

Izzi's interactions with Octavia at the Hazbin Hotel were marked by a surprising blend of ominous charm and sympathy, despite the princess's initial rebukes and insults. He extended an offer to help save her father, Stolas, from certain death, presenting himself as someone who understood her situation. Throughout their conversation, Izzi maintained a playful and charming demeanor, acknowledging the hardships Octavia had faced as a young demon navigating a changing world. Despite Octavia's harsh refusal of Izzi's offer, his continued interest and sympathetic approach seemed to resonate with her. In a life where few took the time to truly know her, Izzi's superficial concern left an impression on her.

Subsequently, when Octavia found herself confined in Cocytus, Izzi once again came to her aid, persisting in his efforts to earn her trust. He emphasized his unique presence as the only one there for her at that moment, aiming to build a connection with the reluctant princess. While still maintaining a sense of autonomy for Octavia, he left her with a flare to summon him, allowing her to choose when and how to engage with him, further demonstrating his willingness to assist her on her terms.

Izzi's apparent rescue of Octavia, which involved wounding Andrealphus and allowing her and Stolas an opportunity to confront him, concealed a sinister motive. In the midst of the chaos and with Octavia none the wiser, he carried out a shocking act by killing Stolas during the prince and Octavia's reunion. As Stolas met his slow demise, Octavia was left in a state of utter horror and disbelief, her screams echoing through the scene. Izzi was visibly grinning, deriving sadistic pleasure from pushing her to the brink of despair.

When Octavia finally made a difficult decision to join The Insurgency, Izzi was elated, assuring the Goetia princess that she made a right choice. When she presented her father's grimore, Izzi immediately snatched it without any hesitation, unintentionally giving a subtle hint that he is just manipulating her all along, though fortunately for him, this went unnoticed by Octavia. When Octavia revealed the aware Izzi about Stolas' demise, the Sinner feigned sympathy and positions himself as a misunderstood hero and Octavia as ignorant, and falsely promising that no one in Hell would ever suffer the pain of losing a father again after "saving" Hell.

During Izzi's conversation with Rum, he bragged about killing Stolas and mocked the fact that the unaware Octavia joined her father's killer's organization while Octavia was near. Again, luck was on Izzi's side when Octavia's earbuds, while listening to music, muffled Izzi bragging about killing Stolas and manipulating Octavia in joining him.

On top of this, Izzi has made some disturbingly romantic comments and mannerisms towards Octavia, such as running his fingers through her hair, and saying that she would be his "demon queen" during a conversation with Rum.



"For eons, seven fascist pricks have ruled over this cesspool we laughably refer to as our home. Same old story, right? They say 'jump', we say 'how high?' They say 'lick our boot' and we do it without question. And if we didn't toe the line, we, and everyone we knew or loved... Would pay. But, what they didn't count on is for one nobody to be the spark that lit the flame of the Insurgency. Now, when they say 'jump', we'll say 'drop dead'. Once this is over, they, and every bootlicking dumb fuck who bends over backward for them, will be the ones hiding in fear. And it'll all be over... Very soon."
— Izzi in the Chapter 5 teaser.

Chapter 5

"Wassup, shitbird?"
— Izzi to Stellar, also his introductory lines.
"Izzi: Boys... (cackles) We fuckin' did it! (the Insurgency members begin cheering and cracking open beers) Not bad for a first mission!
Insurgency Soldier #2: Did you see his head explode?!
Insurgency Soldier #3: Like a fuckin' watermelon!
Izzi: (motions to Striker's sniping position) Aaaand we can thank my lieutenant, Striker - livin' proof the idea that imps can't do anything is complete b- b- BULLLSHIT - for putting everyone's least favorite carrier pigeon out of his misery! Give 'im some props! (the Insurgency all clap and cheer for Striker) Aaand let's not forget... (motions to the three as they emerge from an armored truck) Loopty Goopty, Lyle Lipton, and Sir Pentious! They make all our cool toys and do all the smart, sciency shit so we don't have to! (the Insurgency members all clap as the three scientists throw up gang signs)
Rum: (to Izzi) Eh, boss? (motions to Stellar's captured staff) What should we do with them? Just execute 'em right now? Or maybe a little more? (he takes out his switchblade and rubs it along a woman's face) Just say the word...
Izzi: Rum, my dude, I love your taste for blood, but trust me, you'll have plenty of opportunities down the line. Leave 'em alone-
Stellar Employee: Oh, thank you! We won't tell anyone about this, I pr-
Izzi: (he violently hits the employee in the face with his bat, leaving their lower jaw broken and hanging from their face) DON'T YOU FUCKING SPEAK TO ME WHILE I'M TALKING TO MY CRONIES!!! (after a moment of suspense, he composes himself, snickers, and kneels down to the confused and brutalized employee) I want you... (he points to the other employees) And them, all to myself. S'gonna be a blast. (to several Insurgency members) Send 'em back to base, I'll kill 'em later. (to the entire Insurgency) But for now, they're tiny, insignificant afterlives are nothing compared to what we've got in store for Hell. Luci loves saying this place is supposed to be a realm of (mockingly) 'no rules'. (scoffs) What a crock'a shit. The same way he tried to rewrite creation, we are gonna rewrite Hell. ...Are you all with me? Will you be on the right side of history?! (the Insurgency cheers; angrily) I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!! (all of the Insurgency roars with cheering; Izzi laughs) Thought so. (he rests his nailed baseball bat on his shoulder and holds an angelic machine gun in his other arm) We are about to start a war... And, boy... (cackles) It's gonna be fuckin' fun.
— Izzi and the Insurgency celebrate the death of Stellar.
"S'all fun and games until Izzi comes to town and ruins the party."
— Izzi taunting Stellar's crew.
"Everytime the one's in charge come in, it's always the weak-willed ones like you lot that fold. Enablin' them, bendin' ova backwards for 'em. (sighs) ...So, I guess the only sensible thing to do is kill ya. (he stabs one of the victims - who is hanging upside down from chains - in the stomach and slowly slices downwards as they scream in agony) Once this is over, Hell will be the place of no rules it was made to be. (he shoves a holy grenade in the victim's exposed stomach and whispers) And it'll all be over... Very soon."
— Izzi torturing Stellar's crew.
"Izzi: (speaking through a phone in a dead Insurgency member's pocket) Kylie? Kylie...? KYLIE, GET OFF YER LAZY FUCKIN' ASS AND GIVE ME A STATUS REPORT!!! HELLOOOO?!
Carmilla: (she picks up the phone and answers it) Someone needs to work on their temperament... And their communication skills. You must be the Demon Hunter.
Izzi: (cackles) The very same, love. And you must be Carmilla Carmine! You made the top of our hitlist, love! Congrats! Only the best Luci's looking glass and angelic weapons magnate!
Carmilla: If you and your comrades are coming at me like this, you're either desperate to die or very stupid. And I don't have time for either. You have about five seconds to say something interesting before I end this discussion.
Izzi: Five seconds? I'm insulted. Yer pretty cocky, you frigid c*nt. I just wanted to extend my thanks to you fer lettin' us borrow some of your stockpile! Me and my crew have been having a blast with it! Those blessed grenades? Mmm... They get me pretty rock hard, not gonna lie.
Carmilla: So, you're the vagrants that have been stealing my arms for the past year.
Izzi: Stealing is such a harsh word. I prefer the term "misappreciation of assets'.
Carmilla: Misappropriation, stupido.
Izzi: Oh, shit, really? Ah... I'm not into that business shit.
Carmilla: Then why are you interfering in mine, Demon Hunter?
Izzi: I'm not too big inta dealmaking. I'm more of a smash and grab kinda guy and well, soon we're gonna show you just how good your guns really are.
Carmilla: (laughs) Ay, ay, ay... If you ever saw an Exterminator face-to-face, you'd know what it takes to get the raw material you and your friends now hold in your hands. One blessing-tipped rifle is worth more than every single one of your pathetic soldiers combined, so I'd think twice before assuming that I don't know the perfection of my own work. You do not want to fuck with me. But... I like a challenge. So, if you wish to see the Void so soon, then vamos a la muerte, Izzi.
Izzi: You know my name?
Carmilla: I know everything, Demon Hunter. Now, shut up and give me action, not words.
Izzi: (cackles) Challenge accepted, bitch! I look for- (Carmilla crushes the phone in her hand and teleports away)
— Carmilla's confrontation with Izzi.
"Izzi: Rememba, ya gotta time it juuuust right so it explodes right when it hits ya target. Basic shit. Any earlier, they'll 'ave a chance to escape. Any lata, either it'll explode before it hits 'em or, bobs yer uncle, yer bloody hand is fuckin' gone. (Cherri giggles) You've always loved that joke. (chuckles) Now watch and learn... (Izzi unpins a grenade and throws it over the bushes and into a nearby swamp, where it explodes and kills numerous crocodiles and various other animals; he and Cherri laugh loudly)
Cherri: They went BOOM, daddy!
Izzi: Fuck yeah, they did, sweet'eart!
Cherri: Let me try! Let me try!
Izzi: Of course! Why should I get to 'ave all the fun? Which explosive do ya want a go at?
Cherri: (jumping with excitement) The cherry bomb! Cherry bomb!
Izzi: (chuckles) I should have known... That's always been yer favorite.
— A flashback of Izzi and a young Cherri killing animals when they were alive.
"Izzi: You sure know how to make an old timer feel welcome, I'll give ya that much, love. Now, how about we talk this out like those 'civilized folk' instead of playin' hide 'n seek?
Cherri: (while hiding in the shadows) Huh... You're absolute last person I would think to want a civil conversation.
Izzi: Don't judge a book by its cover, dear. You have no idea what I've been through... You have no idea what you've done to me since we last spoke. So, let's cut the crap and have a proper discussion, ey? Or will you continue to throw your lil' temper tantrums?
Cherri: What I've done to you...? (she lunges out of the shadows and tackles Izzi) FUCK YOU! (after Izzi throws her off, they begin brawling, with Cherri eventually punching one of his teeth loose)
Izzi: AH, FUCK! (he hits Cherri in the head with a lead pipe, knocking her on the ground; he wipes blood from his mouth and rips his loose tooth out, chucking) Hot damn! (giggles) You might hate me now, but ya gotta admit. I raised you good.
Cherri: (growls) YOU RUINED MY FUCKING LIFE!!! (she tackles Izzi into a wall)
Izzi: (wrestles his way out of Cherri's grasp, pinning her against the wall by her head) Ruined? I think you mean ENHANCED. I made ya one of the toughest c*nts in all the Pentagram. You woulda lived in the fuckin' shadows if I hadn't turned ya into a firebrand. I call that a job well fuckin' done. (he brutally throws her to the ground, but she bounces right back up and continues fighting as Izzi counters all of her attacks before brutally punching her in the abdomen, causing her to fall to her knees) Say... Where's that spider bloke you've been hangin' around?
Izzi: Did he run away from you, too? (cackles as Cherri looks down) Oh, this is rich! He loves that goody-goody, spoilsport princess more than you! (he cackles as Cherri stares at him with angry tears in her eyes) Awww... Did you think he'd stick around you forever? He's outgrown ya, sweetheart. Like every otha c*nt did. (Cherri screams in anger and continues trying to fight Izzi) Keep runnin' all ya want. (he catches both of her fists as they lock eyes) But we both know that behind all that fire and bang-bang, you'll always be alone. Your mother left us 'cuz of you, your 'bestie' can't stand to be around you anymore- (he gets behind Cherri, wrapping his arm around her neck and making her watch as the Insurgency murders the Resistance soldiers) Your soldiers, look at what's happened to them 'cuz of you! (Cherri tries to look away as Izzi begins whispering to her) I'm the only one who can handle you...
Cherri: (laughs) ...No one can fucking handle me, motherfucker. I'm motherfucking Cherri Bomb, and if you think I'm gonna deal with your shit anymore, you can go FUCK YOURSELF WITH A CACTUS!!! (she swings her head back, headbutting Izzi off of her and pulling out a trigger) See ya, daddy. (she uses the trigger to detonate bombs wired in the hallway they are in, causing it to explode and collapse; once the smoke clears, an injured a battered Cherri climbs out from under the rubble) Gah, fuck... Shoulda thought that through...
Izzi: Cheeeeriiii...
Cherri: Fuck... (she desperately climbs towards a window, holding her side in agony)
Izzi: (chuckling maniacally) Oh, go ahead, little sheila! RUN! Just means more fun for me. (Cherri jumps out of the window just as Izzi stumbles his way to the window, seeing that Cherri is gone) Run, little sheila, run... I'll catch ya.
— Izzi and Cherri's fight.
"Izzi: That feisty little bitch... Thinkin' she can run from me. (chuckles) Gotta admit, I'm almost proud of 'er for holdin' her own. Building wired with explosives in case of an ambush? Clever girl.... (Rum creeps up behind Izzi and begins massaging his shoulders) If yer gonna ask if you can kill the captives, the answer is 'not yet', Rum.
Rum: What are you bitchin' about now, babe?
Izzi: What do you think? My lil' kangaroo doesn't want anythin' to do with me. All those years of passin' my wisdom to her, all those low-earning soldiers I let her kill, and she throws it away like last week's trash! That ungrateful, fuckin' bitch!
Rum: Well, you did get her killed. Prolly shoulda taken that into account if you wanted her to stick with ya in Hell.
Izzi: (he slams as hands on the deck, causing Rum to cower in fear) THAT'S NOT THE POINT, RUM!
Striker: (sitting in a chair in the shadows, twirling a revolver) Hmmm... So, your little spawn is out there somewhere with no army to protect 'er? This could get... Interesting.
Izzi: Interesting? I get embarrassed in front of everyone by my own flesh and blood, and all you can say is INTERESTING?!
Striker: Ah, but it is. Think about it, we have an asset now, Izzi. The one and only person who can tug the heartstrings of that porn actor - who, need I remind you, has direct ties to Lucifer's only spawn - is at our mercy. All we gotta do is lure Cherri to us, and once we got 'er, we set up a... Social call with the princess. That is, if the spider don't come at us by himself, then we got two assets.
Rum: Striker, you talk a lotta shit, but that might be the most genius plan you've had today!
Striker: Someone's gotta make some.
Rum: (to Izzi) What do you say, babe?
Izzi: I dunno, I just... I really wanna kill somethin' right now.
Rum: Oh, you're speaking to my cold, dead soul now, boss! (an Insurgency soldier hands Rum a massive gun case) These just came in today... (he clicks open the case and opens it to reveal a blessed rocket launcher with glowing carvings)
Izzi: Crikey... (he picks up the rocket launcher, his hands shaking) It's... It's... I'm so fuckin' hard right now.
Rum: (he chuckles and begins talking on a walkie-talkie) Yo, Bill? You know those people we captured for donating to that shithole hotel? Send 'em all up to the boss. I think it's time we... 'set 'em free'.
Izzi: (laughs deviously as he loads the launcher with a blessed missile) Oh, you just get me.
— The Insurgency's leadership conspiring.
"Izzi: Cherri... Cherrri.... I know you're out there, mate. (he savagely hits Ruff with his spike baseball bat, mangling his face) Ignore me all ya want, but I know ya can hear the sounds of yer mates chokin' on their own blood, squealin' like two stuck pigs!
Tumble: Don't listen to him, Cherri! He's trying to-
Rum: (he stabs Tumble in the throat, leaving him unable to speak) Shhhh... The boss is talking.
Izzi: Didja seriously think you could get away from me that easy, girl? I own you, bitch. I know you'll always come crawlin' back, just like you always did when we were six feet above. Everyone eventually leaves ya or can't stand to be around you. Who would ever want a druggy piece of trash like you?! ...Me. I know you'll be back, but... I'm gettin' pretty fuckin' impatient. So, for every day I don't see your face, Me and my mate, Rum, will kill... Let's say, five of yer mates. That's a lotta time to make up yer mind. We're just gettin' started, baby.
— Izzi's broadcast to Cherri while torturing and killing two of her friends.
"Hey, darlin'... Don't run, ya big baby... Ya miss yer daddy? That useless as tits on a bull blue blood neva loved ya, darlin'! He only gives a fuck about himself and his little imp plaything. He ain't here to save ya, so why hide? (cackles) Poor thing... You can come with us, love. Why so shy? (laughs menacingly) Don'tcha worry. I'm always here. Waitin'. And unlike a certain someone, I'm neva goin' away."
— Izzi taunting Octavia while searching for her.
"Izzi: G'day, love...
Octavia: H- How did you get in here?! (produces pink fire in his fists) Who the fuck are you?!
Izzi: (tips his hat) Name's Izzi. Not a friend... But not an enemy either. Ya have quite a reputation among the denizens of Hell. 'The 36th's Daughter', 'Spoiled Brat Born with a Silver Spoon in 'er Mouth'. Most of my mates see ya as just another stuck-uppity demon who ain't good fer nothin' but target practice... (vanishes into the shadows, reappearing behind Octavia) But I know ya better'n that. I can see straight through ya. (chuckles) Ain't that right, darlin'?
Octavia: (she seems tense while also intrigued) W-What do you want with me?
Izzi: Ta help ya, love. (he strokes Octavia's hair as she recoils and shudders) Yer so much better than all the others. I can help ya break free from that gilded bird cage yer family's kept ya in... I'll protect ya.
Octavia: (smacks Izzi's hand away) You tried to kidnap me and kill my friends! You're a satandamn monster who uses freedom to justify killing anyone you please! The fact that you stand there and call yourself a hero... Makes me want to throw up.
Izzi: (groans playfully, putting his hands up) Yer smart as a whip, ya know that? Ya got me, love. I'm the 'ead of the Insurgency. I got no qualms with bein' called a monster, either, and mind you, love, I neva claimed to be a hero. But I know what I'm doin'. And whether you like it or not, joinin' me is the only way to save yer father...
Octavia: Dad...? What do you know of my father?! (her eyes flash with pink fire) SPEAK!!!
Izzi: I'm 'fraid yer daddy's gotten on Luci's bad side. Rumor is he wants to kill your father over some doomsday prophecy, or sum shit.
Octavia: (her eyes widen) Are you telling the truth...?
Izzi: You think a bloke like me would be so inclined to lie about somethin' so significant? Yer daddy's pushed his luck this time, I'm 'fraid.
Octavia: (she goes pale) This is... This is terrible. What else is going on in Hell that I don’t know about?! Why does everything have to be so shitty?! (she cries into her hands) Who is to be trusted? Who can I believe...?
Izzi: (he makes Octavia face him) Me, love. Lucifer has ruled fer far too long. His tyranny must end. And the only bloke who can make that happen... Is you. Ya know what I want? No more hierarchy. No more Overlords. No more kings, And, most importantly... No more Lucifer. (he touches Octavia's chin in a comforting manner) Join me, O... And not even a feather on yer daddy's head will be harmed...
Octavia: (she seems to consider it for a second before glaring at Izzi and smacking his hand away) Your vague promises mean nothing to me, you fucking maniac! I... I can save my father myself!
Izzi: (raises his eyebrow in amusement) Ya sure 'bout that, mate?
Octavia: I- I... I want your help... But your methods are too extreme! So much blood has been shed already... I don't need you to tell me how to keep my own father safe! Now... Get the FUCK away from me!
Izzi: (shrugs and sighs) I geddit, darlin'. A lot to process, right? Yer still a kid... 17 years old, feelin' like the weight of Hell is on yer shoulders... (Octavia's expression softens) ...I can't imagine it. Just take a deep breath, and think it over, love. I know you'll come back ta me. (he heads over to the window of the room) The Insurgency's door is always open, Via. I believe in ya to make the right choice... Take care. (he winks at Octavia before leaping out of the window into the night)
— Izzi tries to propose a deal to Octavia.
"Izzi: (he suddenly appears in an empty bar with Blitzø, the imp staring at him as Izzi whistles casually and pulls up a stool next to him) The founder and owner of I.M.P, as I don't live or breathe. (he cackles) Fancy a chinwag, mate?
Blitzø: (staring at Izzi with a mix of confusion and fear) What... The fucking fuck... Is a 'chinwag'?
Izzi: A "talk" where I'm from, mate. I've been watching you and yer mates with great interest, and any band of blokes who kill all the assholes from that pit of shit called Earth has my respect.
Blitzø Well... In that case, yeah! Let's uh... chat, I guess? (he slowly drinks from his shot glass, looking forward) Why are ya interested in what we do, anyway?
Izzi: Me 'n you are true blue colleagues, mate! Shepherds leading sheep, if ya like. We remove all the assholes of society. I would love to have ya in the Insurgency, mate.
Blitzø: 'Kay... What's in it for me, though?
Izzi: You and yer mates will be safe and sound on the right side of history, and you'll finally prove to every bloke that imps are worth a damn. You'll go from killin' nobody humans all tha way to the big dogs. That light yer fuse, mate? (Blitzø is lost in thought) Need more? ...I'll help ya get that Goetia off your back. Literally. (he chuckles lowly)
Blitzø: Stolas...? (he looks away, seeming uncomfortable with discussing Stolas)
Izzi: I know yer desperate fer some bloke, any bloke, to give a shit about ya, but that desperation is makin' ya do stupid shit. Yer just a sex toy ta him, mate. The only thing resemblin' love any blue blood he has is pickin' on the poor, usin' them for his own . You don't care about each otha, do ya? I saw how quickly you gave 'im up to the princess. (Blitzø alarmingly looks at Izzi as the latter playfully raises an eyebrow) You know he's gonna be mad as a cut snake when he finds out you ratted 'im out, and you'll see how much really 'cares' for ya when the chips are down and you've broken his trust... Just like Fizz. (Blitzø clenches his shot glass) Verosika... And Barb-
Blitzø: (Blitzø smashes the glass in his hand and aims his flintlock at Izzi's head) Don't you DARE say her fucking name! (he is breathing heavily as Izzi casually continues drinking) ...What if I don't want to join your club?
Izzi: (his grin slowly fades as he sighs and pours himself another drink) That would be unfortunate, wouldn't it? I'm not fancy enough to think of a euphemism, so I'mma talk good and plain. ...Join or die. S'up to you, mate.
Blitzø: Well... When you put it like that... How could I not say 'FUCK NO'?! Sorry, pal, but I'm doing just well for myself, 'kay? And as for Stolas... He's a pretentious bastard and a pain in the ass, but... He'd never hurt me. And even if he did, I can't fucking kill him... No one can. So, thanks for the sales pitch, but I think I'll pass.
Izzi: (he sighs and stares Blitzø in the face) I was 'opin' you would see things my way. (he leans into Blitzø's face, grinning) But ya know who wasn't?
— Izzi tries to strongarm Blitzø into joining him.
"Izzi: There's a poof sucker who's been gettin' flaky on me. So... I need you to get in bed with him. When he gets his rocks off and he's all buggered out, you kill 'em in his sleep, and then I fill the powa vacuum. Whaddya say?
Cherri: Dad, if I'm fuckin' anymore, it's gonna be with someone who can really light my fuse, not some sweaty chucklefuck. Besides, dontcha think they'd want someone a little... Older?
Izzi: Quit bein' a lil' bitch! This... This is our shot to finally make it big! Besides, you know Big Rig likes 'em young.
Cherri: Big Rig? That fat creep who keeps eye-fucking me wheneva you two hang out? Oh, HARD fucking pass. (she begins walking to the door) Sorry, daddy! Love to kill 'im, but it ain't worth it if he get's- (Izzi gets in Cherri's way, blocking her from exiting)
Cherri: Dad, leave me the fuck alone! It's not happening!
Izzi: It's my way or the FUCKIN' high way, Cherry!
Cherri: For fuck's sake, I'm 12 fucking years old!
Izzi: And you're worth twice as much. (he laughs) Oh, you should see yer face now. Anyway, stop talkin'. Yer givin' me a headache.
Cherri: Dad.
Izzi: THE FUCK DID I JUST SAY?! (he gets in Cherri's face as she shudders and looks away; after a tense pause, he sighs and caresses her face) ..Luv... Yer gonna learn.
Cherri: Just 'cuz you're my dad doesn't me you have to be a fuckin' asshole about it! (she tries to leave again)
Izzi: (he violently restrains her, pinning her against the wall) STOP BEIN' A FUCKIN' c*nt AND LISTEN TO ME!!!
Izzi: Get your goddamn head on straight! You have to learn! You know what will happen if you disappoint them?!
Cherri: FUCK OFF!
Izzi: You wanna end up like the other girls?! You think anyone's gonna wanna lay with a disobedient, druggie piece of shit? You think anyone's gonna wanna lay with a defiant bitch like you?!
Cherri: (becoming emotional) Dad, stop saying that!
Izzi: Do you have any idea how many time and money I'm investing and risking with you?! DO YOU WANT TO DISAPPOINT ME THE WAY YOU DID YOUR MOTHER?! (Cherri breaks down into tears) ...Hey, hey, stop that... All they see when they look at you is a piece of meat, but not me. I'm your dad... We're all we got. Just listen ta me and everything will work out... C'mere. (Cherri leans her head against Izzi as he embraces her) There ya go.. You'll be okay... Oh, you're gonna do great...
— A flashback of Izzi coercing a pre-teen Cherri into having sex with one of his crime partners.
"Who knew death and murder could be so sexy?"
— Izzi while watching Rum torture people to death.
"Rum: Carmilla's making her move, boss. What's ya plan?
Izzi: We take the c*nt down the ol' fashioned way: Guns a-blazin' and bombs a-droppin'. We'll kill all of her hired guns 'til she's got nothin' left to hide behind. (he looks out his window) All Overlords are a bunch o' fuckin' spineless cowards who hide behind their mates. Where's the thrill of the fight? (laughs) They should feel ashamed, but I suppose they're not capable o' that.
Rum: You're damn right boss. Though, at the risk of this sounding like a Q&A session... why are you so interested in that one useless Goetia? Ya had the chance to kill 'er and ya didn't. I woulda painted that room red, if you know what I mean... (chuckles lowly)
Izzi: (he turns around to face Rum) Why wouldn't I be interested, mate? She’s a broken bird who has potential to become a hell of a lot more than a 'useless Goetia'. With me at her side of course. (he grins widely and begins tossing a handbomb up in the air and letting it fall back into his hand) None of ya are to hurt a feather on 'er 'ead. She's just vulnerable and lost enough for me to make my way into 'er heart. Besides, her daddy's book is our one-way ticket to a dead Lucifer and the establishment of a true society for the damned. She could be... a queen. A demon queen, leading the rebellion by me side. She’s a powerful ally to 'ave, and a dangerous one to be against us. She's the key to it all.
Rum: (groans) Sure, we'll reel 'er in and get that magic book but what then? She's a fucking namby pamby princess no different than 'er dad. She ain't gonna like all the blood, gore and cruelty... and we gots plenty o' both, and plenty more to come.
Izzi: Oh, she won’t be staying a ‘princess’ for long, mate. (he looks out his massive window, grinning) Think of ‘er like... a trophy.
Rum: (he giggles and approaches Izzi from behind, putting his head beside Izzi's) Yer a fucking genius, Iz. But what if she's stupid enough to causes problems 'n shit fer us? (he holds his knife up and glares at it, his and Izzi's faces reflecting off it) Then what, bud?
Izzi: Well, she THINKS she's a princess. When I take 'er under my wing the first thing she'll learn is that the higher up ya start, the further down ya can fall. She'll learn, mate. Oh, she'll learn... (he and Rum begin cackling loudly together, Izzi spinning in his chair)
— Izzi and Rum scheming.
"Insurgency Sniper: (on a communicator) Angel Seven. Angel Seven. VIP is heading towards an event at Target 34's headquarters. Six-Legger's in trouble. Looks like a party. Over.
Izzi: (to Rum) Ya 'ear that, Rum? They're havin' a party without us!
Rum: (he giggles, sharpening a knife) How rude... Whatddya say we crash it?
Izzi: Count me in, mate. Maybe I can introduce meself to Cherri's ex-mate... (Izzi grins and speaks on his communicator) Good work, mates. Send reinforcements to surround that high-set. I want radio silence until I get there.
Insurgency Sniper: Copy that.
— Izzi and the Insurgency.
"Well, you see... she cared too much for all the little details, you feel me, mate? That can be very annoying when you want to be loose and have fun. I'm a big picture guy, y'know? I like it when things are a lil' messy and chaotic. She couldn't stand that, and so I couldn't stand her. (Izzi pulls out a box of matches and starts playing with the matches) You might think I didn't try reason, but she didn't wanna listen. A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do, am I right?"
— Izzi explaining why he murdered Cherri's mother.
"What the fuckin' BLAZES?! H- How'd that bungie dunnie shit get in THERE?!"
— Izzi's comical reaction tot he footage of him killing Stolas, captured by a tiny-ass camera Pentious installed in his pendent.


"Izzi: Oi... Let's team up an' 'ave a go at them hotel c****, shall we, mates?
Adina: (to Izzi) Ah, a sinful proposition indeed! I don't like dilly-dallying in the presence of you beasts for too long. (musing; playful) Buuut, then again, I suppose you're not the only sinner I've collaborated with...
Valentino: (to Adina) That's what they always say, baby. But, when you get to know us, you come to enjoy our 'presence'... Whether ya like it or not.
Leviathan: (to Izzi) Still lobbin' about those foolish, infantile instruments o' destruction, Izzi? Devil's tail, it be as if ye half-simian souls never evolved past throwin' yer own primordial dung. Ain't no artistry in a measly explosion. Senseless slaughter be a delicate, hallowed art! A craft what requires finesse. It’s all in the makin' ‘em suffer, not just the blowin’ ‘em to smithereens
Adina: (to Larson) Hehehe! ...I'm gonna need some hot coals for that filthy mouth of yours.
— The main villains vibing.


  • His name means "God's promise" or "God is my oath" in Hebrew.
  • His theme songs would be "A Little Piece of Heaven" by Avenged Sevenfold, "Demon Of Love" by The Sharp Things, and "Meant to Be Yours" from Heathers: The Musical.
  • Izzi likely has bipolar disorder, as evidenced by his constant mood swings.
  • He was an atheist in life.
  • Izzi being a chameleon sinner alludes to his manipulative nature and ability to shift his personality to what makes his potential pawns more comfortable.
  • He used to be an aspiring singer.
  • Izzi has implied that he comes from a family of killers and criminals.
  • Originally in "Let's Go Out With a Bang", Izzi admitted to Cherri that he murdered her mother during their final confrontation. This was cut as the writes found it cliché and out-of-character on Izzi's part.
  • He claims that, while alive, he was banned from every bar in Brisbane.
  • Izzi calls his signature baseball bat "Saxon", which is a type of ground-based firework.
  • While Izzi is depicted as being Cherri Bomb's father in this series, within the canon Hellaverse the two do not seem to be blood-related and are heavily implied to have once been an item.


ve Characters
Hazbin Hotel Crew Charlie MagneAngel DustAlastorVaggieNifftyHuskRazzle and DazzleAlastor's friendsFat NuggetsRenFergusMimzyBaxterCryminiSquishKaren 2.OCorey and PeelVillaPrincessSir PentiousEgg Bois
I.M.P BlitzøMoxxieMillieLoona
Seven Deadly Sins Lucifer MagneLeviathan Von EldritchMammonBeelzebubBelphegorAsmodeusSatan
Overlords AlastorValentinoVoxVelvetteRosieMissi ZillaCarmilla CarmineStellarSock and Buskin
Kingpins Cherri BombSir PentiousHenroinMaulreese JackjawBruce
Ars Goetia StolasStellaOctaviaPaimonAndrealphus
Pride Ring Lilith MagneHuniBunKatie KilljoyTom TrenchAracknissIzziThe InsurgencyVarkDiaSummerBasilSir Pentious' HatRumYuckLailaBoar ButcherQueefSabreMelvynLoopty GooptyLyle LiptonJeffrey Dahmer
Wrath Ring The DivineStrikerScorpiusThe ChosenBombproofAzazel
Gluttony Ring Mr. PVortexBehemothBee-lzebub
Greed Ring Robo FizzLarsonCalliopeTinglesWally WackfordTillaCash BuckzoLoo LooCrimsonAlessio
Lust Ring FizzarolliVerosika Mayday
Envy Ring Seviathan Von EldritchHellsa Von EldritchBethesda Von EldritchFinThe KrakenMishelleNatasha
Sloth Ring LugnutClaptrapKarenScavenger UnitsHellhound Adoption FoundationMs. SweetrubyBelle-phegor
Heaven GodLuxSeraSerenityArchangel FortiMancoCharlie's AngelsMillicentMollyAzraelExterminatorsLuteAdinaEbonySableDestinyRavenBladeMs. HartfeltMetatronOphanimC.H.E.R.U.BLeo LightheartCletusCollinKeenieDeerieRachelHoneyBeaBeauTorySeraphielMr. TreeArchangel MichaelArchangel GabrielArchangel UrielArchangel SandalphonArchangel RaphaelArchangel CassielArchangel BarachielArchangel ZadkielAnnie
Other characters DeathRooVaggie's fatherSpindleAzathothQueen SpiderArmy of DarknessSanta ClausKrampusValentine