Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light Fanon Wiki

Please do not mistake this wiki for the official Hazbin Hotel wiki! Do not link to or mention this site when discussing the show's canon! All information presented here is entirely FANON and irrelevant to the official shows whether it be Hazbin Hotel or Helluva Boss, so stop bringing it up! You guys got that? Cuz we're getting pretty tired of rewriting this notice! I am going to keep writing and expanding this until this message is impossible to miss, starting right now. Is this about right? Maybe a few more words. Again, this wiki's information NON-CANON and FANMADE. Got it? Good! Happy reading!


Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light Fanon Wiki

Laila is a minor recurring character in Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light.

She is a seemingly innocent sheep demon who was rescued by Alastor from being carved up by the Boar Butcher, developing an affection for the Radio Demon afterward for his rare heroic act.


Events of Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light[]

Chapter 1[]

In "A Day in the Afterlife", Laila goes to a meat market when she is greeted by Alastor, who kindly opens the door for her and greets her. Upon entering the shop, Laila is immediately attacked by the market's owner, the Boar Butcher, who intends to make her a part of the menu. She calls out for help, which is answered by Alastor, who walks back into the market and notes his distaste for those who prey on those of "fairer means". Alastor then shifted into his Full Demon Form, scaring the butcher, making him release Laila, who crawls under a counter. As Laila closed her eyes in fear, Alastor graphically devoured the butcher, with his blood spraying on Laila and all over the shop. As things settled down, Alastor left the shop, but not before bidding a shaken Laila farewell.

Chapter 5[]

In "A Dream Realized", Laila is seen among a crowd of demons watching the Hazbin Hotel's latest advertisement for its grand re-opening.


Laila appears to be a polite and fair sinner, far different than most of the sinful inhabitants of the Pride Ring. When Alastor opened a door for her, she greeted him with a smile. She also seems to be incapable of defending herself and refuses to fight back even when she is in danger, as she needed Alastor's assistance to break free from the Boar Butcher. After Alastor rescued her, she was deeply grateful towards him for not simply leaving her to be killed.


  • Laila's name means "night" and "holy" in Arabic.
  • It is possible that Laila is a cannibal, as the meat market she intended to purchase food from is evidently a cannibalistic shop.


ve Characters
Hazbin Hotel Crew Charlie MagneAngel DustAlastorVaggieNifftyHuskRazzle and DazzleAlastor's friendsFat NuggetsRenFergusMimzyBaxterCryminiSquishKaren 2.OCorey and PeelVillaPrincessSir PentiousEgg Bois
I.M.P BlitzøMoxxieMillieLoona
Seven Deadly Sins Lucifer MagneLeviathan Von EldritchMammonBeelzebubBelphegorAsmodeusSatan
Overlords AlastorValentinoVoxVelvetteRosieMissi ZillaCarmilla CarmineStellarSock and Buskin
Kingpins Cherri BombSir PentiousHenroinMaulreese JackjawBruce
Ars Goetia StolasStellaOctaviaPaimonAndrealphus
Pride Ring Lilith MagneHuniBunKatie KilljoyTom TrenchAracknissIzziThe InsurgencyVarkDiaSummerBasilSir Pentious' HatRumYuckLailaBoar ButcherQueefSabreMelvynLoopty GooptyLyle LiptonJeffrey Dahmer
Wrath Ring The DivineStrikerScorpiusThe ChosenBombproofAzazel
Gluttony Ring Mr. PVortexBehemothBee-lzebub
Greed Ring Robo FizzLarsonCalliopeTinglesWally WackfordTillaCash BuckzoLoo LooCrimsonAlessio
Lust Ring FizzarolliVerosika Mayday
Envy Ring Seviathan Von EldritchHellsa Von EldritchBethesda Von EldritchFinThe KrakenMishelleNatasha
Sloth Ring LugnutClaptrapKarenScavenger UnitsHellhound Adoption FoundationMs. SweetrubyBelle-phegor
Heaven GodLuxSeraSerenityArchangel FortiMancoCharlie's AngelsMillicentMollyAzraelExterminatorsLuteAdinaEbonySableDestinyRavenBladeMs. HartfeltMetatronOphanimC.H.E.R.U.BLeo LightheartCletusCollinKeenieDeerieRachelHoneyBeaBeauTorySeraphielMr. TreeArchangel MichaelArchangel GabrielArchangel UrielArchangel SandalphonArchangel RaphaelArchangel CassielArchangel BarachielArchangel ZadkielAnnie
Other characters DeathRooVaggie's fatherSpindleAzathothQueen SpiderArmy of DarknessSanta ClausKrampusValentine