Loona is a supporting character in Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light.
She serves as a supporting antagonist-turned-character in Chapter 4 and a supporting character in Chapter 5.
She is the receptionist of the Immediate Murder Professionals and Blitzø's adopted daughter. Hailing from the Sloth Ring of Hell, Loona is an apathetic, moody, mean-spirited hellhound who was adopted by Blitzø at the Hellhound Adoption Foundation, where he gave her a position at I.M.P. There, Loona gained a reputation as a lazy hellhound who would rather do anything but work, but despite multiple complaints from her co-workers, notably Moxxie, she has managed to maintain her position as a result of Blitzø's incessant coddling.
Loona was born in the Sloth Ring of Hell to unknown parents. When Loona was in her infancy, her family became the victims of the mass kidnappings annually carried out by Belphegor's scavenger units on Hellhound families; her father was murdered while her mother was sent to a labor camp for attempting to save her, and she was forcibly taken from her family and brought to an orphanage belonging to the Hellhound Adoption Foundation to be raised and conditioned as a slave or pet until she could be sold to a new owner.
Growing up, Loona was a very lonely and unruly child, having been deprived of love or affection by the abusive and merciless staff of her orphanage who would punish her, sometimes for minor infractions. This resulted in her developing behavioral issues which made her an unwanted child to many, and as a result, she spent most of her life at the orphanage, never being able to develop any friendships with the other hellhounds as they would frequently come and go.
As she grew older, Loona became very rebellious; she would frequently sneak out of the orphanage, remove her shock collar without permission, and engage in loutish behavior, such as defacing public property. This would get her into major trouble with the orphanage's staff and Sloth's law enforcement, who doubled down on their punishments to "recondition" Loona.
When Loona was 17 years of age, the Hellhound Adoption Foundation was preparing to have her euthanized (unbeknownst to her) as she was approaching the age of an adult. However, weeks before this could happen, an imp demon named Blitzø stopped by the orphanage to select a Hellhound. Upon seeing Loona for the first time, Blitzø practically underwent cuteness overload, squealing excitedly with hearts in his eyes, which visibly annoyed Loona, who tried to ignore him. Seeing that Blitzø had taken an interest in Loona, the staff of the orphanage attempted to convince the imp on adopting a younger and more obedient Hellhound, but Blitzø shut down their offer and insisted on having Loona as his daughter, which surprised both the staff and Loona herself, who believed Blitzø intended to adopt her as a slave or pet. Before they gave Loona to him, the headmaster of the orphanage attempted to give Blitzø a shock collar to keep her under control, only for him to quickly liberate her as they exited the orphanage, elated to have her as his daughter, although she was less excited.
Surly, slothful, and cynical, Loona is an extremely unpleasant hellhound to be around. She is apathetic to most things, expresses zero interest in maintaining her work ethic, and is an extremely toxic employee in general, with Moxxie, in particular, being a frequent victim of her discourteous behavior, though her ire seems otherwise indiscriminate. She regularly acts incredibly snarky and passive-aggressive towards people who annoy her, such as sarcastically saying she "feels so loved" when Millie tried to stop Moxxie from shooting her since she was "their only hellhound", or expressing how agitated she was when Loopty Goopty smashed through the wall of I.M.P Headquarters to make a dramatic entrance when there were perfectly functioning doors he could have used instead. Like most I.M.P, Loona can be very immoral as she is willing to assist her allies in their assassinations and murders, and she also does not have any qualms with killing children if it is what the client wants, since their innocence can be questionable.
Loona also displays a very provocative attitude, as she does seem to revel in pissing Moxxie off, and she frequently harassed and tormented Alastor over his hatred of dogs, all while smiling with smug satisfaction at the Radio Demon's reactions.
Loona's belligerent behavior is entirely the result of her troubled youth; due to living as a slave in an orphanage raised by emotionless robots and abusive caretakers, she was raised without love or care and thus does not know how to receive affection, let alone give it back. It is possible that she has trouble trusting that Blitzø's love for her is genuine, due to not knowing what love or affection was while growing up. Her lack of work initiative and unwillingness to do her job could also likely be the result of her simply enjoying the freedom she never had while growing up a Hellhound in the Sloth Ring.
While Loona is very unpleasant and unapproachable more often than not, she does occasionally express genuine concern and helpfulness towards her friends, albeit hidden behind her vexatious façade. Deep down, she does genuinely appreciate how Blitzø took her in and gave her a home when no one else would and displayed some empathy for Millie when she broke down over Moxxie being kidnapped, asking her if she was okay, despite the rather tumultuous relationship she has with the imp. She is also very friendly towards Vortex, despite the two being near opposites in terms of disposition, and she is shown to genuinely enjoy his company and tended to the wounds he sustained on I.M.P's mission. Loona can also (but very rarely) display a softer side in regard to I.M.P's targets; when Moxxie said that I.M.P should not destroy an innocent family by killing one of them, she looked at the photo of the said family with a sad expression as if she was about to agree with him, before harshly doubling down on it.
Loona is a Hellhound who sports a dog-like muzzle, razor-sharp teeth, and a dark grey nose. She has a red sclera with white irises, white fur with grey patches on her shoulders, and large, messy, white hair that is swept to the right side of her head, with her bangs sometimes obscuring part of her left eye. Finally, she sports a large, grey bushy tail with a white underside.
Her primary outfit consists of a black, dog collar-like choker that has white spikes across. She wears a grey crop top that has strings shaped like an inverted pentagram to hold it up. She wears fingerless gloves and tattered short shorts with a crescent moon on the right hip. She sports black, toeless stockings and is barefoot as a result of her digitigrade stance. She sports a tattered right ear and has a piercing on her right eyebrow and two piercings in her left ear.
Powers and Abilities
As a Hellhound, Loona can move at great speeds and possesses strength far beyond that of a human. Loona also possesses heightened senses of smell and hearing, as well as sharp claws and teeth that can easily slice through human flesh like paper or bite enemies to distract, injure, or kill them, respectively.
Natural Powers
- Enhanced Senses: Loona has a powerful sense of sight and smell, and is capable of tracking specific targets by sniffing their names from a kill list, causing her to see them in a red color. Additionally Blitzø can summon Loona by whistling for her when he is in danger, though it usually takes a while for her to come to his aide. She was even capable of hearing Blitzø's whistling when he was trapped in Belphegor's underground lair.
- Enhanced Strength: As a hellhound, Loona possesses remarkable physical strength, especially for her rather lean frame. At one point, she kicked a small container into Moxxie with enough force to send him flying away and also slapped him hard enough to send him flying into a wall. She was capable of severing a man's leg with a battle axe, before throwing said axe into another man's head. She is capable of overpowering multiple humans at once, at one point wielding a kusarigama with her teeth and using the weapon to swing the chain around a man and hurl him into someone else, and used the chain to easily decapitate a nearby woman. She also possesses enough bite force to tear the limbs off of people's bodies, can easily lift humans using the strength of her jaws, and even bite their heads off.
- Human Shapeshifting: Loona is capable of instantly shifting into a convincing human appearance to disguise herself when traveling to Earth.
- Charm: Using her looks in addition to her human disguise, Loona can lead both men and women away from crowds with the implication that they're going to have sex to isolate them from onlookers, which would then allow the rest of I.M.P to kill them.
- Intimidation: Loona's appearance, fangs, and claws are partially unnerving as seen with Fergus freaking out, running away, and even screaming like a girl when he saw her, Vortex, and Scorpius for the first time.
- Natural Weaponry: Loona's teeth and claws are as sharp as blades and extremely dangerous weapons, allowing her to use them to severely injure her targets, fatally bite them, and tear them limb from limb. In the video of the I.M.P's jingle, she could be seen violently shaking someone using her teeth, like a dog playing with a chew toy.
- Master Combatant: Loona is surprisingly capable of combat and is a scarily deadly opponent, despite her laziness. Loona's fighting style is quick and ferocious, and she fights like a savage animal who knows how to use weaponry, such as wielding a kusarigama between her teeth to slash with the blade and whip with the chain, and leaping onto people and fatally biting them directly, all while snarling like a mad dog. While fighting against the agents of D.H.O.R.K.S, she tore through an entire room of agents without taking any damage or sustaining injuries.
- Weapon Proficiency: Loona has been shown to be proficient in the use of both firearms and melee weapons such as assault rifles and a kusarigama, as seen when Millie and Loona were attacking D.H.O.R.K.S.' staff and in I.M.P.'s standoff in the headquarters.
- Blaster Rifle: Loona was briefly given a futuristic Belphe-Tech blaster rifle by Blitzø during I.M.P's battle with D.H.O.R.K.S, which she used to kill at least three agents.
- Kusarigama: During I.M.P's confrontation with D.H.O.R.K.S, Loona briefly wielded a kusarigama that she took from an agent who attempted to use the weapon to assault Blitzø. Wielding the sickle with her teeth, she used the weapon to wipe out and kill several agents in quick succession.
Blitzø is Loona's boss and adoptive father and has been since she was "almost 18". The two share a father-daughter relationship, as Blitzø often enables her actions, and at one point when he defended her from Moxxie's criticisms, Loona could be seen smiling softly. Loona is also often amused by Blitzø's sense of humor, especially if it is directed at Moxxie, as she was seen stifling a laugh when the former made a joke of the latter's dick size. Loona also still chooses to live with Blitzø despite being an adult, although this could be a result of her not wanting to put the effort into moving out. While Loona treats Blitzø far better than most, she is still easily tempered whenever he becomes affectionate with her and is ungrateful towards him as when she did not receive what she wanted as a gift for her adoption anniversary. Loona has even protected Blitzø on the rare occasion they are on missions together; she defended her father from a D.H.O.R.K.S agent that tried to assault him with kusarigama, attacked Fergus when he attempted to crush Blitzø's neck with his robotic arm and saved her father from being torn apart by Leviathan.
Despite Blitzø being her adoptive father, Loona almost always refers to him by his name, since she dislikes showing her care for him. That said, Loona has an occasional habit of almost calling him her "dad", but can always stop herself mid-sentence and instead call him by name. She also accidentally referred to Blitzø as her dad on Sinstagram after he bought her a bacon strip-flavored frappuccino, before trying to cover herself up by insisting that it was a typo.
Despite being co-workers, Loona and Moxxie share a vitriolic and hostile relationship with each other. Moxxie is frequently irritated by Loona's laziness and toxic behavior, as well as her tendency to make mistakes when on the job. He also insults Loona for her drug habits and the fact that she still lives with Blitzø despite being an adult. Loona retaliates by poking fun at his weight, dick size, and marital status. Loona seems to enjoy getting a rise out of Moxxie and is shown to enjoy his suffering, as shown by her laughing while watching something on her phone that showed him being killed in multiple ways, and smiling when Blitzø stepped on him at one point.
Despite their differences, Loona occasionally displays some willingness to help Moxxie with his struggles at work, such as when he was struggling with the idea of ruining an "innocent family", coming up with sinful backstories for the family in an attempt to motivate Moxxie with completing the task.
After Moxxie was seemingly killed during I.M.P's mission to kill the hotel crew, Loona could be seen frowning deeply as Vortex informed Blitzø and Millie of his fate. This implied that, for all their past squabbles and arguments, a part of her did not want him to die. During Moxxie's funeral, Loona gave a moving eulogy for Moxxie that was lessened by the fact that it was copied from a movie script she was reading off her phone.
Loona and Millie share a vitriolic relationship with each other despite being co-workers. At first glance, they appear to dislike each other and constantly bicker. On one of I.M.P's past missions, Loona once ignored Millie's calls for help after she was stabbed and injured, displaying no concern for Millie's safety. Millie frequently comes to Moxxie's aide when he is being picked on by Loona, flipping the Hellhound off after she insulted Moxxie, which made Loona growl at her.
However, there are hints of positivity and teamwork in their relationship. At one point, Loona showed her own form of awkward concern when Millie was having a breakdown over Moxxie being captured by a paranormal agency, attempted to warn her that going after them would be very dangerous, but was forced to give in to Millie's demands. It was then demonstrated that Loona and Millie are a surprisingly formidable duo when they work together, as they successfully infiltrated D.H.O.R.K.S. and rescued Moxxie and Blitzø. Loona even complimented Millie's agility at one point, saying that she was quite agile for an "old lady", to which Millie annoyedly protested that she was only around five years older than Loona.
Loona and Vortex are good friends with each other, and he is perhaps Loona's only friend. The two first met through Blitzø's rivalry with Verosika, and Loona immediately became smitten with him. In their first interaction, Loona acted very awkward and nervous while speaking to Vortex, awkwardly stammering and going on long tangents, but that did not stop them from forming a friendship in a short span of time. Vortex is very friendly to Loona, as he is with most others, and finds Loona to be cute or funny, as shown by his joke of recreating her introduction to him to playfully tease her. Vortex also expressed that he did not mind her company and did not view her in the same negative manner as his employer. Loona had hoped this would lead to them dating, only to learn that Vortex already had a girlfriend, much to her bitter disappointment. Regardless, the two would still regularly hang out as friends, with Loona would often go out to party with Vortex.
Loona was relieved to see Vortex as one of the many who were enlisted by Lucifer to help I.M.P kill the Happy Hotel crew and spends a great deal of her time alongside him more than anyone else. The two spent the majority of the long mission together, doing activities in their downtime such as taking selfies in the Lust Ring and dancing with each other at the Envy Ring nightclub The Deep End. When Vortex was injured when Fergus used his robot arm blaster on the Hellhound, Loona pulled him behind cover and tended to his wounds, and she later asked him if he was okay while I.M.P was traveling to The Deep End. Loona also displayed enough trust in Vortex to reveal her traumatic upbringing at the Hellhound Adoption Foundation while they were partying at a said nightclub. When Loona was on the verge of tears while recounting the mistreatment she endured, Vortex comforted her and encouraged her to focus on the friends and family she had now, which lifted Loona's spirits and brought a small smile to her face.
Upon I.M.P being assigned to kill the Happy Hotel crew by Lucifer, Loona was confident that Alastor was not as big a threat as the crew had believed him to be. When Striker informed Loona was the Radio Demon's hatred for canines and told her that she would likely be the first one he killed, Loona insisted that she was not afraid of the Radio Demon and even made a bet with Vortex that she would call him a "bitch" when they crossed paths.
When I.M.P clashed with the entire hotel crew at Hell-antis, Loona and Alastor finally came face-to-face. Upon Loona lunging at him, Alastor went into a demonic frenzy and menacingly told Loona to leave him alone, calling her a "mangy, flea-ridden mutt". Loona responded by telling the Radio Demon to make her, before fulfilling her deal with Vortex by calling him "Radio Bitch". Although Loona previously insisted Alastor did not scare her, she did in fact display visible terror when Alastor unleashed his demonic tentacles and henchmen on I.M.P, having greatly underestimated the Radio Demon and realizing how powerful and terrifying he truly was.
Loona only formally interacted with Karen, Belphe-Tech's neural network, during her adolescence in an event where Loona found herself in trouble with Sloth's law enforcement for vandalism (which had happened eight times prior) and sneaking out of her orphanage. Karen confronted the young Hellhound and reprimanded her, threatening to send her to a Hellhound detention center and be "corrected" should she continue her loutish behavior. Karen spitefully mocked Loona over the fact that no one wanted to adopt her, before reprimanding Loona for removing her shock collar, assuming Loona had removed it so that the headmasters could not track her (in reality, she did so to relieve herself of discomfort), and has an assistant robot outfit her with a new one. Karen determined that Loona ultimately needed to be reconditioned, recommending to her headmasters that she be moved to the attic and overburdened with chores and labor.
Despite presumably never meeting the King of Sloth personally, Loona appears to outright abhor Belphegor, disdainfully and bluntly calling him a "fucking dickhead" during a conversation with Vortex. Her hatred for him likely stems from the King of Sloth being indirectly responsible for her troubled youth and depressing childhood. It is unknown if Loona is aware of his underlings taking her from her family (as she could have been too young to remember such a traumatizing event).
In "System Reboot 2 Electric Boogaloo", Loona, although hasn't interacted with him, finally came across Belphegor during the battle of the Hellhound Resistance against the New Scavengers Units and the enslaved Hellhound army. She saved her adoptive father from nearly becoming a victim of Belphegor's explosion. She (like Baxter) didn't get to witness Belphegor's final defeat and death.
Chapter 4
- "Loona: He's not that tough. (almost everyone stares at Loona)
Moxxie: ...You do realize this is the Radio Demon we're talking about?
Collin: Y- You mean the s- same Radio Demon that terrorized Pentagram City for decades?! T- The same one whose clothes are stained red from the blood of his victims?! (he cowers behind Keenie and Cletus) S- so the myths are true!
Striker: (to Loona, while cleaning his rifle) Here's some news for you; From what I've heard, he doesn't like dogs. Which means you're gonna be the first one he kills when we go after 'im.
Loona: Think I'm afraid of some prissy old fart? When I see him, I'm gonna call him a bitch right to his fucking face.
Vortex: (laughing heartily) Damn, girl, you're ballsy! No way in Hell you're gonna do something like that!
Loona: (smiling) Oh, yeah? Wanna bet?
Vortex: Sure. What's on the table?
Loona: Remember when I said we would go party in Gluttony when this is over? You gotta buy me an all-you-can-eat buffet if I say it.
Vortex: (smiles confidently) Y'know what? Deal. It's your funeral.
Loona: (laughs before taking a beat) ...You, uh, wouldn't let that happen, would you?
Vortex: (chuckles) Nah. I got your back.
Loona: (starts blushing) Uh... I need- I should- I think I hear the mail guy. (she quickly speeds off, leaving Vortex to laugh softly)" - — Loona and her companions conversing about Alastor.
- "BLECH! I fucking hate raw eggs!"
- — Loona after biting into and killing one of the Egg Boiz after Sir Pentious ambushed her and I.M.P.
- "Karen: This is the second time this month you've been caught defacing Belphe-Tech property. Need I remind you that if I wanted to, you'd be on your way to one of our Hellhound detention centers?
Loona: (looking down angrily) No...
Karen: No, what?
Loona: (grumbles) No... Ma'am.
Karen: Satan, you Hellhounds are all alike. With the way you behave, it's no wonder no one wants you. (Loona looks down sadly and silently) Next time you find yourself in trouble, I'll have a cozy little room ready for you at the HDC. Got it? (Loona silently nods) And also... Why aren't you wearing your collar?
Loona: (shrugs) I lost it.
Karen: Likely story. Z-R0W? (a robot walks up to Loona and outfits her with a new shock collar) Now, run along with the other dogs.
Loona: (under her breath) Hellhounds...
Karen: Oh, what's the difference?" - — A flashback depicting Karen reprimanding Loona during the latter's childhood.
- "Loona: You got lucky. I was a Hellhound who was born in the Sloth Ring.
Vortex: Oof... That's rough.
Loona: Rough? I spent my childhood in an orphanage. I never even knew my family because of those fucking assholes. Fuckers used to beat me black and blue just because I took off my goddamn shock collar. Yeah, rough.
Vortex: I'm... I'm sorry to hear that, Loona. (he puts his paw on her shoulder) If you don't wanna talk about it, that's okay.
Loona: (she looks up at him sadly before looking down) They were gonna... (voice breaking) Put me down until Blitz...
Vortex: Hey, hey. (he gently makes her face him) You're safe and in a better place. Nothing good ever came from dwelling on the past. We have your back. (he smiles) Alright?
Loona: Yeah... (she smiles slightly) That's good to know." - — Loona opens up about her traumatic childhood to Vortex while they were at The Deep End.
- "Loona: We are assembled here today to pay final respects to our honored dead. And yet it should be noted that in the midst of our sorrow, this death takes place in the shadow of new life, the sunrise of a new world; a world that our beloved comrade gave his life to protect and nourish. He did not feel this sacrifice a vain or empty one, and we will not debate his profound wisdom at these proceedings. Of my friend, I can only say this: of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most... demon.
Blitzø: (ugly crying) Wow, Loonie... That was beautiful...
Verosika Crew Member: She copied that! That was stolen from a movie!
Blitzø: Oh, no she did not!
Verosika Crew Member: She's literal- My guy, She's literally reading it off her phone! (Loona's eyes widen as she puts her Hellphone away)
Blitzø: (bawling and clinging onto Loona) CAN'T YOU SEE SHE'S IN MOURNING?!" - — Loona gives her eulogy for Moxxie's funeral.
- "Vortex: You okay?!
Loona: (panting) Yeah... Yeah... You?
Vortex: Yeah, I'm good. (he pins one of Alastor's dolls, uses his jaws to tear its head off, and tosses it at Loona, who kicks it into three dolls) I can't believe you actually did that! Satan!
Loona: I bet you think I'm a fucking idiot now, huh?!
Vortex: Fucking idiot? (he chuckles) Try fucking awesome.
Loona: (she stops fighting the dolls and turns to Vortex) Wait, really?
Vortex: (he turns to Loona) I thought I met all the Hellhounds in the seven rings with the biggest balls- (he stops a leaping doll by catching it mid-air) -but you take the cake, girl.
Loona: (she laughs and blushes) Uh, thanks...? (she nonchalantly kicks an approaching doll in the face, not taking her eyes off of Vortex) And by the way... You owe me that all-you-can-eat buffet. (she grins)
Vortex: (his smile turns into an expressionless face) Thanks for the reminder, Loon, but right now... We might wanna focus on the pissed off Radio Demon." - — Loona and Vortex's conversation while they were battling Alastor's doll minions.
Chapter 5
- "Loona: You shoulda fuckin' left him out there!
Blitzø: (to Squish) Lay the fuck off my fucking daughter, blue waffle! She's got a point!
Angel Dust: Everybody chill yer fuckin' tits! We godda a motherfuckin' dino problem ta fuckin' deal with! FUCK!
Squish: Are we gonna fucking ignore the fucking dog telling you guy to fucking leave me to FUCKING DIE?!
Loona: We have too many fucking people as is, dipshit! The less people to look out for, the better.
Blitzø: Look at you taking charge and making morality-compromising decisions, Loonie! (points to Loona proudly) THAT'S MY FUCKING DAUGHTER, MOTHERFUCKERS! I am a proud fuckin' father!
Squish: Well fuck, you don't have to be a fucking bitch about it!
Vaggie: Did you fucking morons not hear what Angel just said?!
Husk: Our fuckin' afterlives are in fuckin' danger, you fuckin' stupid shits!
Baxter: Yes, by my calculations our chances of survival would be vastly improved if we zacrificed ze undesirables to ze Tyrannosaurus. It's basic shit, primates!
Blitzø: If you think I'm gonna let that scaley call girl eat my FUCKING RED ASSHOLE for anyone but Loona, got another fucking thing coming!
Squish: You know what, Blitzø, can you lower your goddamn fucking voice? You're freaking out the fucking kids!
Vaggie: (standing in front of Charlie's Angels) EVERYBODY SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" - — The hotel crew and I.M.P arguing after they were attacked by Missi Zilla.
- Loona's name is both a pun on the word "lunar" and an alternate spelling and reference to Luna, the word for "Moon" in Latin and most Roman languages, which is fitting given her wolf-like appearance and moon imagery on her clothing.
- The spelling of Loona's name could have been the result of Blitzø's poor grammar.
- Loona being born and raised in the Sloth Ring would seemingly explain her lackadaisical attitude and why she spends so much time on her phone.
- Loona, Octavia, and Crymini have their own group chat.
- Notably, the three are part of different subcultures; Octavia is emo, Crymini is punk, and Loona is goth.
- This version of Loona is from the Sloth Ring whereas the canon Loona is vaguely implied to come from the Gluttony Ring.
- It is implied in the Helluva Boss pilot that Loona suffers from syphilis and is possibly addicted to meth.
- On her Sinstagram account, Loona confessed that she barks at any postman who annoys her.
- While she already has a notable temper, Loona especially does not like being called a "furry", since she's the real deal and dislikes being compared to "freaks".
- She is 22 years old in "demon years".
- In "Connection", it is revealed that Loona does not like the taste of raw eggs.
- What's so fucked up about the D.H.O.R.K.S. making Loona their mascot is that you just know those bitches aren't giving her shit for that. Yeah, she ain't getting any resids.