Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light Fanon Wiki

Please do not mistake this wiki for the official Hazbin Hotel wiki! Do not link to or mention this site when discussing the show's canon! All information presented here is entirely FANON and irrelevant to the official shows whether it be Hazbin Hotel or Helluva Boss, so stop bringing it up! You guys got that? Cuz we're getting pretty tired of rewriting this notice! I am going to keep writing and expanding this until this message is impossible to miss, starting right now. Is this about right? Maybe a few more words. Again, this wiki's information NON-CANON and FANMADE. Got it? Good! Happy reading!


Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light Fanon Wiki

"I'm the Light of Heaven! (shifts into a "<3") Spreading love and harmony and helping people is literally in my genes! My raison d'etre, if you will! (shifts back to normal) Even in Hell, where society is supposed to be bass-ackwards and divided, it's pretty clear that a lot of people need help... And that's where I come in! It's a big job being the Light of Heaven, but I'm up for the task!"
— Lux.

Heaven's Light, also known as the Holy Spirit and later known as Lux, is the central protagonist of Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light.

It serves as the central protagonist of Chapters 1, 2, and 5, a major character in Chapter 3, and a minor character in Chapter 4.

The erased light of Heaven and a symbol of hope and redemption for all souls, Lux was the light that God let be, a pure elemental celestial forged from the building blocks of Creation itself, referred to as "the Holy Spirit" and "Heaven's Light" at their inception dedicated to help spreading God's light and bring hope to the hopeless.

Subsequently, Heaven's Light was assigned a profound mission: to act as the "guardian angel" for Charlie Magne, the Princess of Hell, venturing into the depths of the Inferno and thus kickstarting the entire series' present events into motion. Lux became devoted to aiding her in the honorable quest to redeem the denizens of her domain, which would allow them passage to Heaven once they have atoned for their earthly transgressions. Nonetheless, the Light's altruistic intentions might have inadvertently jeopardized the very sanctuary it sought to assist. Malevolent forces, including demons, sinners, and nefarious creatures coveted the celestial brilliance, that aimed either to obliterate it or harness Lux's power for their own sinister motives.

It was eventually revealed by Roo that Heaven's Light was actually a "sleeping" member of the Light Beyond the Stars that had not been given full sentience. With the help of Charlie and Vaggie, Roo was able to "wake" Heaven's Light, granting it full sentience and the ability to speak. Though they eventually met their tragic destruction at the hands of Roo.


"It just doesn't make sense to me if Hell is eternal. Why should some souls face an eternity of damnation for a finite crime? I have seen the most vile, hardened sinners turn over a new leaf. Yeah, people fuck up, but that's the reality of life and human nature. They need help.... not punishment."
— Lux to Azrael.

While seemingly dormant and initially devoid of speech, Lux exuded a vibrant personality; an adventurous and outgoing spirit, though tinged with a touch of superstition. Despite their initial inability to articulate, Lux employed humming sounds as a means of self-expression. Their extraordinary abilities granted it the faculty to discern malevolence in others, as evidenced by their wariness towards Alastor. Fiercely defensive of Charlie, Lux remained resolute in steering her clear of evidently sinister entities like Alastor. This resolve held firm even when Charlie sought to engage in amiable conversations with him, recognizing Alastor's ulterior motives. Similarly, Lux's reaction to the presence of Death during his visit to the Hazbin Hotel mirrored their response to the Grim Reaper by instinctively moving away.

In spite of their ancient origins, Heaven's Light possessed a subtly playful and spirited attitude. As per Husk's observations, it delighted in the game of hide-and-seek, with the mischievous notion that the sacred orb concealed itself, which prompted the hotel crew to embark on a search. Notably, the Light's demeanor carried shades of romance and a fondness for matchmaking. They actively shipped various members of the hotel staff, encouraging Angel Dust to arrange a date with Fergus at Ozzie's by providing a gentle nudge. Additionally, during moments of affection, the Light assumed the form of a heart, hovering over Charlie and Vaggie as they shared a kiss.

While their demeanor appeared buoyant, the Light definitely did not lack empathy. They exhibited remorse whenever their actions inadvertently harmed other beings or resulted in casual mass destruction. This remorse was apparent when Charlie inquired if the Light was responsible for the division of Hell's sky, which evoked a somber hum from the Light. Promptly, at Charlie's behest, the Light expeditiously mended the sky.

Upon finally being roused from slumber by Roo, Lux's true nature was unveiled—an exuberant, boisterous, and capricious entity. Overflowing with playfulness and charm, Lux possessed a penchant for light-hearted jesting, often poking fun and engaging in playful banter with the hotel's occupants, now that they have the ability to communicate. They relished the opportunity to vocalize their thoughts and share in the mirth, standing poised to make an indelible mark on Hell, resoluted and ready to face whatever challenges arouse. They embraced their new existence with enthusiasm, remaining steadfastly by Charlie's side until the time came when she and the hotel's occupants could confidently function without Lux's presence. Beyond their connection with Charlie, Lux forged bonds with the broader hotel staff, rapidly becoming a favored companion due to their locker room humor and cheerful disposition.

Despite this playful exterior, Lux has a strong sense of justice and compassion, deeply valuing goodness and despising cruelty. They express disgust toward anyone who deliberately harms others. Lux is also loyal, especially toward Charlie, feeling a deep bond and protective instinct toward her. Even though their role as "Heaven's Light" might be restrictive, Lux longs to live beyond the expectations of perfection, longing for personal freedom. Though playful, Lux has a strong moral compass and stops playing around when others cross the line. In their confrontation with Azrael, Lux stripped him of his divine powers for abusing them and turning his back on the principles of Heaven, such as forgiveness and goodwill.

Lux shows deep empathy, caring about the well-being of others, even those who may seem irredeemable. They challenged Azrael’s ruthless judgment of souls and express a belief that sinners deserve help, not eternal punishment. Lux also shows affection toward Squish, recognizing his protective nature and appreciating it, despite their own immortality.

Lux is shown to enjoy their power over light, with the tendency to show off their abilities with pride. However, they are still also responsible with it, ensuring no one gets hurt when they use their powers.

Lux radiated profound compassion for all, displaying an innate inclination to extend assistance to specific individuals within the hotel and offering unwavering support whenever a listening ear was needed. Their empathy knew no bounds. A poignant illustration of this empathy was Lux's act of mending Angel Dust's injured arm, the very arm that had suffered harm at the hands of Valentino. This act served as a testament to Lux's desire to alleviate suffering and contributed to the well-being of those around them. In another instance, Lux assumed the form of an umbrella, providing a protective haven from the rain for a crestfallen Vaggie. This simple yet touching gesture showcased their ability to offer solace and provide comfort in times of distress. Further attesting to their caring nature, Lux metamorphosed into a bunny to offer consolation to the despondent Charlie's Angels, demonstrating their innate capacity to offer emotional support and understanding in various forms.

Despite their goofy and quirky nature, Lux remained deeply committed to their role as Heaven's light. However, this dedication didn't come without their internal struggles—Lux often grappled with a sense of confinement and isolation that accompanied their celestial duty. They find the expectations placed on them as Heaven's Light stifling, yearning for more freedom and a life where they can make mistakes and have fun, similar to ordinary beings. This is reflective in Lux's actual personality, as they do not exactly behave the way one would expect from the Light of Heaven. Their conversations with sinners and other beings, like Squish or Vaggie, definitely show Lux's sociable nature and longing for meaningful connections.

Lux was willing to rebel against the traditional expectations of Heaven and the role they were assigned. Expressing dissatisfaction with being just "Heaven’s Light", they wanted to break free from restrictive roles. Lux's willingness to strip Azrael of his powers showed they are not afraid to go against the status quo if they believe it’s wrong.


In their fundamental state, Lux materialized as a congregation of sanctified energy, which adopted the configuration of a sphere adorned in shades of blue and white. Emanating from this luminous form, Lux's movements and journeys were accompanied by a cascade of stars, a fleeting trail that faded with the passage of time.

Upon being roused from dormancy through the actions of Roo, Lux underwent a transformation marked by the emergence of expansive, obsidian eyes, enhancing their ability to perceive and connect. Complementing this, a mouth manifests, becoming an expressive conduit through which Lux articulated a diverse range of emotions and thoughts. This evolution into a form with expressive features served to amplify Lux's interaction with the world and the individuals within it.

Powers and Abilities


  • Nigh-Omnipotence: As a erased member of the Light Beyond the Stars, Lux commanded an incalculable reservoir of celestial and divine might, enabling the embodiment of their desires through unparalleled divine prowess. The expanse of this power encompassed an array of abilities, which encompassed dominion over the entirety of luminance within creation. Lux wielded the capacity to manipulate and govern each facet of light, weaving it to its will. Within this realm of influence, Lux could forge reality anew, conjuring the tangible from the void, an exemplification of its authority over the creative forces. Not constrained by preexisting structures, Lux could fashion entire concepts, birthing novel ideas and shaping the fabric of existence itself. In conjunction with this, its prowess in metamorphosis knew no bounds, with the ability to adopt any form conceivable—an unrestrained exhibition of limitless shapeshifting. The expanse of Lux's dominion, granted by its membership in the Light Beyond the Stars, encompassed a symphony of divine faculties, which granted it the potential to reshape the cosmos in accordance with its volition.
    • Binding: Lux could create glyphs of light below other entities that magically trapped them in place until they released them.
    • Biokinesis: Lux possesses the ability to manipulate the biology of living beings. While demonstrating their powers to Squish, they simultaneously turned every light in existence off while at the same time temporarily altering the perception of living creatures, enabling them to see in complete darkness.
    • Blessing Inducement: Lux could use their divine powers to perform blessings, enhancing objects or entire lands to ensure they were protected from even other beings of similar power. These blessings came in the form of massive, magical barriers which remained invisible until a threat made itself present. Lux was able to bless weapons, which allowed them to strike true and protect the wielder.
    • Black Hole Creation: Lux could vomit small, but powerful black holes that could drag anything into its singularity.
    • Control Negation: Lux was capable of negating mind control and other subordination powers, which allowed them to effortlessly free Squish from the control of Asmodeus.
    • Death Manipulation: As a Light Beyond the Stars, Lux possessed power over death.
    • Dimensional Rift: Lux could fly at a speed so great that they were capable of tearing through dimensions, as they split the very fabric of Hell's sky in half upon crashing down into the Inferno.
    • Ergokinesis: Lux could instantly create a defensive, holy barrier around others to shield them from offensive attacks. Their shields were capable of withstanding the lightning attacks of Vox, completely unfazed. Lux could also project a superheated, laser-like blast that could reach across dimensions.
    • Fate Manipulation: Lux could manipulate the distant or immediate future of other entities, this included when they will die, whether or not someone wins the lottery or a specific sports team will win a game.
    • Flight: Lux could float through the air and fly at astonishing speeds. They were, at least, capable of traveling from Heaven to Hell in under a minute, and were capable of spaceflight. When travelling to Hell for the first time, Lux propelled themselves into the dimension with enough force to break through Hell's barriers and split its reality in half, causing a massive blackout and shockwave that was felt through all of the Pride Ring, and leave a massive crater.
    • Healing: Lux was able to cast a holy light to heal virtually anything back to its natural and intended state, as well as cleanse anyone of their sins, illnesses, or ailments. Through this ability, Lux was able to restore Angel Dust's lower left arm which had been shot off by Valentino with an angelic gun.
    • Immortality: Lux was an ageless entity that had existed for billions of years, having been created long before before the foundation of The Universe. At one point, Lux claimed to be "infinitely immortal" while speaking to Squish.
      • Nigh-Invulnerability: Lux seemed have been impervious to nearly all forms of harm and is, for all intents and purposes, invulnerable. Upon crashing down to Hell with enough force to leave a massive crater and cause a blackout throughout the entire Pride Ring, they were perfectly intact. When they were captured by Sir Pentious, and thrown at the ground by the snake, it simply rebounded off of the ground like a ball and smacked Pentious in the face, instead of shattering upon impact. The snake then unleashed nearly all of his inventions on Lux, including punching them with metallic boxing gloves, blasting them with dozens upon dozens of laser pistols and missiles at once, stomping on them with a giant robot, running them over with a monster truck, having the Egg Bois punch and drop elbows on them, and putting them in a washing machine on high, which all failed to even faze Lux. Lux also endured a sustained, powerful blast from the snake's most powerful laser cannon (which could easily destroy buildings and level skyscrapers), and came out with no signs of damage or wear whatsoever. Presumably, only way to "destroy" Lux to absorb their divine energy, which was confirmed when Roo drained the Light Beyond the Star into nothingness, effectively and permanently ending their existence.
    • Intangibility: Lux was capable of phasing through solid objects, mainly walls and ceilings.
    • Morality Sense: Lux was capable of sensing the benevolent and malevolent intentions within other entities, allowing it to judge them on their morality. When Charlie prayed to God to help her redeem sinners, Lux answered her call as they sensed her noble intentions. Thanks to this ability, the Light could also sense evil inside of other entities, as shown by it trying to deter Charlie away from Alastor, knowing that no good could come from him influencing and getting closer to the princess.
    • Omnifarious: Lux could shapeshift with no limits, taking the form of various shapes, animals, and objects. They shapeshifted frequently as a means to express themselves. As Heaven's Light, they took the form of a heart and flew over Charlie and Vaggie's heads as the two shared a romantic kiss, and upon being woken up by Roo, Lux's shapeshifting potential grew tenfold, which allowed them to transform into forms resembling other creatures and briefly turn into a stool, various animals, an umbrella, and a humanoid form when impersonating others. At one point, during a musical number, they shapeshifted into an entire solar system filled with dancing and singing planets, stars, and meteorites. They also took the form of Vaggie so that Charlie could practice for her proposal.
    • Omnificence As a member of the Light Beyond the Stars, Lux possessed ultimate power over creation, allowing them to create virtually anything they desired without limits.
    • Photokinesis: Lux, as a being of pure light and the very light that God let be, could control every single source of light in the Universe. By themselves, they were capable of projecting a holy light from their form to illuminate their surroundings or defend themselves from malevolent beings. They could defend themselves by using flashbangs to temporarily blind their opponents and give themselves a chance to escape. At one point, Lux turned every single light in existence off for a second to show off to Squish.
      • Electronic Disruption: Lux's very presence was capable of disrupting electronics and causing them to fail at the very least on a near global scale, as shown when they produced a shockwave that caused a massive blackout throughout the entire Pride Ring upon crashing down into Hell.
      • Life Manipulation: Lux could will things to come to life, granting them sentience, sapience, and the ability to speak. They were capable of bringing the plants in Charlie's garden to life, which allowed them to speak and sing.
    • Power Removal: Among Lux's frequently employed and potent abilities was the capacity to completely drain individuals of their powers. When dealing with lesser beings, Lux could swiftly strip them of their abilities. However, when confronted with more formidable entities, the procedure extended, necessitating Lux to make physical contact with their target, engaging in a head-to-head connection, and reciting a Latin invocation. This particular ability often served as Lux's initial move in encounters with opponents. Lux was able to temporarily strip Alastor, one of the extremely powerful Overlords in Hell, of his demonic soul and his immense demonic powers, thus reverting him back into a human, though it lasted for several hours. Though Lux demonstrated this power to be beyond powerful than what he did to Alastor after being granted their sapience and the ability to communicate with non-angelic species; when Valentine, a powerful demonic spirit, was distracted. they took this as an opportunity to permanently strip the love demon's powers away from him, rendering him permanently powerless, and this power even extended to Archangels (the children of God who are able to smite virtually all of angels and demons) when they used a latin language while touching heads with Azrael (who was one of the top three powerful archangels alongside Forti and Michael in the universe) to strip his entire arch-angelic power from his body and direct it to them, permanently rendering Azrael powerless and devoid of his immensely powerful angelic power, which all took without a single effort. They also removed Lute's (the most strongest Exterminator) angelic power.
    • Rapture Inducement: Lux was capable of inducing a rapture, turning itself into a beam of light that extended from Heaven to Hell, beaming redeemed or worthy souls up to Heaven.
    • Regeneration: Due to their existence being tethered to life itself, Lux could regenerate from complete destruction of their physical form. That said, it could not regenerate from complete erasure.
    • Space-Time Manipulation: Lux could warp, bend, and manipulate the space-time continuum, manipulating the fabric of reality as they saw fit.
    • Spatial Closure: Lux could seal ruptures in reality, using their powers to mend the massive crack they accidentally left in Hell's sky upon entering the domain.
    • Star Creation: Lux tended to leave a trail of small, magical stars whenever they moved or fly around. They were also capable of burping up miniature stars.
    • Supernatural Concealment: Lux could naturally conceal themselves and others from being detected by malevolent beings. Its concealment was of such power that not even Satan could detect exactly where the the hotel crew were in Purgatory when Lux was with them, and Charlie, Manco, and Razzle and Dazzle remained safe from Satan for eight years due to Lux's presence.
    • Supernatural Speed: Lux could travel around at an extremely fast pace, zipping zestfully to avoid obstacles. They could travel at speeds well beyond light, so fast that they could destroy an entire dimension with their speed alone, as shown when it split the fabric of Hell's reality apart when they travelled to the Inferno from Heaven.
    • Transmutation: Lux could temporarily revert a sinner to their human form, as displayed when they defensively attacked Alastor by reverting him back into a human, which lasted for several hours.
    • Voice Projection: Lux could be used as a communication device by allowing other entities to speak through them, as they enabled Forti to communicate with Charlie from Limbo.
    • Worthiness Enchantment: Lux's energy and composition could be used to achieve an almost unlimited power. However, it seemed that Lux let use its energy only to worthy and nice people, and only brought force, that was possible to absorb Lux and achieve divine powers.


  • Absorption/Draining: While Lux appeared nearly imperceptible, their primary vulnerability lies in their susceptibility to cosmic and eldritch entities capable of siphoning power. This proved to be their sole genuine weakness. When Satan seized control of Angel Dust and Lux endeavored to liberate him, Satan incapacitated Lux by attempting to drain their power. This rendered Lux briefly catatonic and weakened, reverting them to their non-verbal state temporarily and hindering their ability to heal Vaggie after she sustained mortal injuries, courtesy of Satan. Aside from this susceptibility, Lux appeared virtually invincible.



Charlie Magne

"Charlie's my ride or die! I'll always be by her side, no matter what! She's brave, intelligent, kind... a wonderful young woman who cares so much for her people, and she'll go the ends of Hell and beyond them to help others! She's, without a doubt, an amazing person... and that's why I adore her."
— Lux about Charlie.

Lux was very attached to Charlie, connection that held deep significance due to Lux's purposeful arrival in Hell to assist the princess in her mission. Even in the initial absence of verbal communication, a potent bond thrived between Lux and Charlie, solidifying their connection. Lux mirrored Charlie's protective instincts, exhibiting a similar determination to safeguard her from potential harm. Their vigilance became evident when Charlie's interaction with Alastor commenced, as Lux recognized the ill intentions that underlaid the Radio Demon's actions. This awareness prompted Lux to actively guide Charlie away from Alastor, perceiving the hazards that such an association posed.

Upon Lux's transformation into a fully sentient being, they embraced the newfound capacity to articulate their emotions, expressing gratitude toward Charlie. This gratitude extended to her unwavering support despite the risks posed by Lux's presence, which drew negative attention to the hotel. Their exchange culminated in an embrace, and Lux pledged to facilitate the transition of redeemed sinners to Heaven.

Evidencing the depth of trust between them, Charlie confided in Lux about her intention to propose to Vaggie, revealing her vulnerability and aspirations. Lux's elation was palpable, accentuating their shared connection, and they even transformed into Vaggie's likeness to aid Charlie in practicing the proposal. Amidst Charlie's anxieties about potentially entrapping Vaggie, Lux offered unwavering support and reassurance, affirming the strength of their relationship and bolstering Charlie's confidence in her pursuit of love and commitment.


Like Charlie, Lux loved Vaggie and was quite fond and protective of her. Lux actively championed Vaggie's devotion to Charlie, recognizing her role as a guardian who staunchly defended those most in need of protection

During a poignant moment, as Vaggie found herself in a moment of vulnerability, grappling with concerns about the potential repercussions of revealing her past as an Exorcist to Charlie, Lux transformed into an umbrella, providing shelter from the rain as a metaphorical representation of its desire to shield Vaggie from adversity. Later, Lux also helped Charlie in proposing to Vaggie by transforming into the fallen winner herself, showing that Lux clearly saw Vaggie as a worthy suitor for the princess of Hell.

Angel Dust

In the intricate tapestry of relationships, Lux held a special place for Angel, considered him not just an acquaintance but a genuine friend. This bond was fortified by a profound care that Lux harbored for Angel, showing great interest in his journey and a recognition of his growth since his initial arrival at the hotel. Lux's sentiment was colored by pride in witnessing Angel's evolution from his past to his current state, acknowledging the significant progress he has achieved as an individual.

This friendship was illuminated by an impactful gesture when Lux used its divine abilities to heal Angel Dust's wounded lower left arm in an act of compassion and support.

Sir Pentious

Sir Pentious was Lux's enemy-turned-friend. While on a villainous mission for Beelzebub, Pentious briefly captured Heaven's Light and plotted to destroy it. Pentious resorted to various comedic attempts to vanquish Lux, but each one backfired hilariously. He first hurled Lux on the ground, hoping they would shatter upon impact, but they rebounded like a bouncy ball, smacking Pentious in the face instead. Undeterred, Pentious unleashed a barrage of his inventions on Lux. This included metallic boxing gloves, a relentless fusillade of laser pistols and missiles, a colossal stomping robot, a monster truck collision, a series of Egg Bois punches and elbow drops, and even a spin in a high-speed washing machine. However, to everyone's amusement, none of these antics even caused Lux to bat an eyelash.

With Pentious now in the hotel, Lux seemed to held absolutely no animosity towards him despite his past transgressions, and humorously trusted him more than Alastor.

When Pentious was in "time out" for releasing Valentine, Lux approached him, drawn by Pentious' audible huffs and sighs. Pentious proceeded to recount his entire situation to Lux, including Valentine's escape and his own fruitless pursuit of love. Lux scolded Pentious for seeking advice on true love from a demon and assured him that there was someone out there meant for him. Pentious, feeling despondent because of repeated rejections and the disappointment of those who cared about him, expressed his hopelessness. In response, Lux empathized with Pentious' extreme actions, acknowledging that love can drive people to act irrationally at times. Lux went on to discredit the words of the love demon, emphasizing that such beings excel at deceit. He reminded Pentious that even Heaven's light deemed him worthy of love, and that he possessed an abundance of love within him to share with his soulmate, thus inspiring Pentious through words.



Lux had a complex and intricate history with Satan, extending back through time to an era before its descent into corruption. While Satan's contemporary endeavors involved attempting to eliminate Lux, the past casted a shadow of nostalgia, particularly when Lux recalled the version of Satan that once existed before its fall, leading them to express a sense of yearning for the being Satan once was and even calling it their "friend".

Amidst these nostalgic and longing sentiments, Lux maintained a firm understanding of the irreversible transformation that has befallen Satan, acknowledging that its current state is beyond redemption. Despite fondly remembering their shared past, Lux recognized the urgency of their present situation and remained resolute in their commitment to safeguarding Charlie. This dedication compelled Lux to even confront Satan in defense of Charlie and the gang.


"He's the evilest guy in all of Hell... He's always lurking in the shadows... Looking for some way to hurt Charlie... He's been keeping his distance since I showed up, but I know that he's just biding his time, waiting for the perfect moment to strike! Not gonna happen on my watch, I'll tell you that!"
— Lux about Alastor.

Lux's apprehension and aversion towards Alastor were palpable, which stemmed from a keen understanding of his malevolent intentions and the potentially detrimental influence he wields over the hotel's guests and, more importantly, over Charlie. Lux's recognition of the risks posed by Alastor manifests in vigilant attempts to deter Charlie from his proximity, reflecting their commitment to her well-being.

The emergence of Lux's ability to communicate with beings beyond angels provided an avenue for direct confrontation with Alastor. In a show of assertiveness, Lux openly confronted the Radio Demon, issuing a stern warning against any deceitful or harmful actions aimed at Charlie. This confrontation epitomized Lux's determination to shield Charlie from Alastor's manipulations and potentially harmful intentions.

Moreover, Lux's mistrust was vividly evident in their refusal to allow Alastor to hold or touch them, a symbolic gesture reinforcing their guarded stance against his influence. This sentiment was further articulated through Lux's proclamation that they viewed Alastor as the most entity in all of Hell.


Chapter 5

— Lux to the Hazbin Hotel crew after being woken up by Roo.
"Hold up! Now that I have a new lease on life, so to speak... Does mean I should rename myself? 'Cuz 'Heaven's Light' is a bit of a mouthful. And what are people gonna say when they're talking about my belongings? 'Can you get Heaven's Light's things?' Eugh. 'Kay, 'kay, how about Charlie! Oh, shit fuck, you're Charlie! 'Kay, alright, how about Lux! 'Cuz I bring all of you lots of luuuuck and probably something else my bilingual bitches will understaaaand...? Anyone? Ah, fuck it, I already said it, Lux it is."
— Lux renames themselves.
"When are you two gonna fuck?! C'mooon, the fans are getting restless!"
— Lux to Angel Dust and Fergus.
"Lux: I've been waiting to say this to you since I first got here! You stay away from Charlie, 'kay? She's my bitch, and if you do any creepy voodoo spells on her, I'll... I'll... I'll blind you! Or turn you back into a human! You wouldn't like that, would you?!
Alastor: (laughs) You've nothing to fret, my scintillating friend. I would never hurt a hair on Charlie's head, so long as she provides a steady stream of entertainment! If you don't mind me saying, you need to work on your intimidation. I could give you some pointers!
Lux: Get fucked with that shit! Now why don't you prance off and take a fucking bath with your bad SELF?
Alastor: Not much of a cunning linguist, are you? Then again, you were born yesterday. Ah-hahaha!
— Lux finally confronts Alastor and delivers a complete failure of an insult to the Radio Demon.
"Lux: Yeeeaaah... I know this is gonna sound fuckin' wack, but Satan used to be a bro.
Charlie: (tilts her head) What? Nooo waaaay... Just to be clear, we're talking about the same Satan that locked us in another dimension for eight years, psychologically tortured us, and tried to corrupt my soul and form? THAT Satan?!
Lux: Eeeyup! Shit, man, they used to have so many ideas on how other lifeforms would use their free will. But then... A monster corrupted them and... Things were never the same. I miss them.
— Lux while talking about Satan with Charlie.
"Lux: You've kept me safe through all of these years. Not gonna lie with all the assholes we have tried to come after me, I'm surprised you didn't just drive 300 miles and bury me in the middle of the desert.
Charlie: (laughs) Oh course I didn't, Lux! You're integral to Heaven, but beyond that, You're... you're a blessing. I don't care how many angry dads, rapey pimps, technopaths, or primordial beings came after us. I would never let any of them hurt you or take you away from us.
Luz: Wow... T- Thank you, Charlie! Y'know... you taught me that demons are so much more than they appear. So, uh... (they nuzzle against Charlie's face) Thank you, Char Char... T- This is a hug, by the way.
Charlie: (giggles) No worries, Lux. (she wraps her arms around Lux) I know.
Lux: ...Ah, but enough sappy talk! Me and you are gonna take this place by storm!
— Lux to Charlie.
"Hold up, where's I.M.P? Where's Millie, Moxxie, Blitz and his furry bait daughter? Where they at?!"
— Lux looking for I.M.P.
"Squish: So, can you, like, control light on a cosmological level? If what I said makes any sense?
Lux: (Lux giggles) If you mean 'can you manipulate literally every light in existence at once?', then yes! Check it! (in an instant, indeed, EVERY single light in existence is turned off around Lux and Squish; it's as if Lux literally flipped a light switch off, with Lux illuminating Squish's surprised Squish face; after a second, Lux "flips" Creation's lights back on)
Squish: Did-... you just-
Lux: Reversed the fundamental principles of photonic generation, resulting in the complete absence and erasure of all light within the known Creation? (Lux "shrugs") I guess in layman's terms, it would involve an inversion of electromagnetic radiation and an outright negation of the existence of photon particles across the entirety of the physical universe, resulting in a complete absence of light... (they give Squish a 'sly' grin) Or I guess I just controlled light on a 'cosmological' level...
Squish: Wow, you can control light AND speak in different languages?!
Lux: (they snort) Shut up...
Squish: Wait, wait... if you just turned very light in existence off, even for a second, wouldn't, like, millions of people get hurt and die?
Lux: Psh, you think I didn't think of that? When I did that, I temporarily altered the physical structure of the receptors within the organs of sight across all living creatures in Creation so they could see without light. No one got hurt and no one knows this happened, 'cept for you and me.
Squish: (surprised Squish face again; he looks amazed, confused, and maybe a little scared) Dude... you're like SCARY powerful, you know that?
Lux: Yeaaah, don't fuck with me.
— Squish and Lux bonding over Lux's powers.
"Lux: Anyone who wants to cause deliberate harm to others is absolutely disgusting to me. Even more so if their intention is to cause harm to innocents and those who are just trying their best to get by. Seeing people being horrible to others makes me feel ill, my stomach turns and my heart hurts.
Squish: Hold up... Do you even have a stomach and heart or is that a figure of speech?
Lux: (wilts and gives Squish a "seriously?" face) I meant it as a figure of speech. But my core, my soul, the part of me that is pure goodness and light; it hurts when I hear of innocents suffering or see people being cruel to others.
— Lux and Squish.
"Why would I stop helping Charlie just because it's dangerous? If anything, that only motivates me even more to give it my all! You think I'm gonna float back to Heaven just because of some dickbags trying to ruin her plan? Pssh. No way. Not my style. If good people just gave up because of some assholes trying to stomp on a dream, no good would get done! Besides, Charlie's doing the right thing here. I want to be there for her because what she's trying to do is good! And it's good for everyone, not just Charlie, you know?"
— Lux.
"Oooh, so edgy. I'm the light that was gifted to life by God! I'm an eternal flame of goodness and justice. And I look damn good being it. You're just jealous that I'm brighter than you. (grows arms and dabs)"
— Lux.
"Squish: (slicks his "hair" back and leans against a wall) So, uh Lux, you got any plans or...?
Lux: Uhhh, I'm gonna go chill with Charlie later.
Squish: H- Hey, me too! Me too.
Lux: (giggles) Alright, cool.
Squish: Yeah. You uh... maybe wanna have dinner tonight? Are you a vegetarian?
Lux: Not really.
Squish: Y- Yeah! Same. Matter of fact, just the other day I was talking Crymini like 'I eat EVERYTHING, know what I mean?'
Lux: (giggles) Uh, okay then! Does FizzarOzzie's sound good?
Squish: Hell yeah! I've always wanted to go there! You can use your magic and shit to help me cross into Lust, right?
Lux: Bro, I'm a celestial entity! You bet I could!
Squish: (chuckles awkwardly) Well, I guess I'll catch you there at eight, Kirby! (does finger-guns at Lux while walking backwards)
Lux: (laughs and grows arms, doing finger-guns back at Squish) Whatever you say, Bendy!
Squish: (gasps and blushes while still walking backwards) You're a gamer too?! (he suddenly falls violently down a flight of stairs, making an explosive crashing noise)
Lux: Holy shit! (shouting from the top of the stairs) SQUISH! ARE YOU OKAY?!
Squish: Ah, Christ... I'm good! Heh. Who put those stairs there, amiright? (laughs awkwardly) Thank goodness Corey broke my fall.
Corey: (strained and crushed into a paste) Help... me...
— Squish works his non-existent rizz on Lux.
"Listen... I'm okay with being the Light of Heaven. I really am. My whole purpose is to guide the souls of humanity to the afterlife. But it's also... restrictive. I want to be more than that, be my own person, but all the other higher angels would think that's heresy. Just because I'm a divine figure, everyone expects me to be all sugar, spice and everything nice... But I don't WANT to be perfect. I wanna make mistakes. I wanna have hobbies. I wanna have friends. I wanna be... me. If I was made to fight evil and be a ray of hope to all, I guess that's what I have to do... But floating in the sky and vibing in the cloud can get... it's lonely. [...] It feels good to vent. Don't really have these talks back in Heaven. Everyone's too obsessed with worship to have any fun conversations! How's that for irony?"
— Lux to Vaggie.
"Lux: (Lux delightfully floats around Alastor) Well, looks like the hotel is more successful than ever! There's barely been any fighting amongst ourselves the last few days. (they stop floating in front of Alastor's face and grin smugly) What do you think of that, Rudolph?!
Alastor: It's certainly... unusual, I'll say that. I'd say the hotel is doing too well. Makes me suspicious, honestly.
Lux: You're just jealous that Charlie's winning! Admit it!
Alastor: (he chuckles) ...Jealous? Nah, not particularly. I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Lux: (they get in Alastor's face) Is that some kinda threat?!
Alastor: (his entire body dissolves into blackness and he reappears behind Lux, laughing) Don't get so bright and bothered! I'm not going to do anything! I'm simply going to wait for it to fall apart on its own.
Lux: What makes you so sure it's going to fall apart? There's been a few bumps in the road, sure, but we've weathered the storm and there's sunnier days ahead!
Alastor: (he laughs loudly) You really are new to this side of the afterlife, aren't you? This is HELL. Nobody ever truly gets better and there's always a catch when something good happens here.
Lux: (Lux looks down for a second before looking back at Alastor) I'll admit, I'm still learning much about Hell, but I have had the distinct pleasure of meeting other angels and primordial beings who have told me a lot of interesting things. I know the difficulty of redeeming the fallen in Hell, but I'm not willing to just give up! I feel like Hell may be a bit more pleasant if there were more redemption opportunities or if some souls were at least given a chance to make things... better.
Alastor: (he shakes his head, still grinning widely) Oh, you're just a little too optimistic for my tastes. You see, Hell likes to teach beings like you and Charlie a lesson, one way or another. (Alastor begins backing into the shadows) And when reality comes crashing down hard enough, I'll be there to sit back and say I told you so... (he fades into the shadows, his eyes and smile still illuminated) after I have a good laugh, of course.
— Alastor cryptically foreshadowing terrible things to come.
"Lute: (shoving Exorcists off of her) GET OFF ME! (she frantically runs to Azrael's side and kneels beside him as he rolls to look at her with a glazed look in his eye) Master! Please! Talk to me!
Azrael: (weakly) Lutey... Come closer...
Lute: (she leans into him, offering her hand) Yes, master?
Azrael: (he takes her hand) This is it... I'm going home... (he goes motionless)
Lute: (she fights back tears) No, A-Azrael... You can't die...
Azrael: (he suddenly lunges forward, dropping the facade and flailing his arms angrily) DON'T FUCKING TELL ME WHAT TO DO, BITCH! And that's Archangel Azrael to you!
Lux: (floats near Azrael) Not anymore, biiitch~
Azrael: W- What...?
Lux: I took away your divine powers. Wanna know why? You've went against everything Heaven is all about. Forgiveness, goodwill... (Lux sounds genuinely pissed) You turned your back to humanity, denied Paradise to the pious so you could kill them, and you dare to call yourself an archangel? Who are you to decide who gets in and who doesn't? Only God can do that, and I do not recall Him inviting you to judge people and decide who's worthy of damnation. If you're incapable of using your incredible gifts to protect people and save the 'unsavable'... then you don't deserve them.
Azrael: (Azrael glances at his arms, which are no longer glowing a holy light; he looks at Lux angrily) You... fucking took away my damn powers?! Oh, you fucked up BIG TIME, Glow-Getter! These dipshits poisoned your mind or something! You should hate these fuckers more than anyone! What makes YOU think these pieces of shit are worth our mercy?!
Lux: Well, the fact that I was sent here, to Hell, to assist the Princess with redeeming sinners is a preeeeetty big sign. But, uh, besides that... (Lux looks over to Charlie and the hotel gang, who look back at them with looks of admiration) It just doesn't make sense to me if Hell is eternal. Why should some souls face an eternity of damnation for a finite crime? I have seen the most vile, hardened sinners turn over a new leaf. Yeah, people fuck up, but that's the reality of life and human nature. They need help.... not punishment. (Lux shares a smile with Charlie, floating over as Charlie embraces Lux in her arms)
Lute: ...Oh, FUCK THIS SHIT!!!
Azrael: YEAH, FUCK THIS SHIT! (he struggles to his feet, facing Lux, the Seraphim sisters, and the Hazbin gang) I'm motherfucking Archangel Azrael! The greatest archangel in Creation, a bohemian soul, and above all, a lover of rock 'n roll. Y- You're just some overrated, nepo-baby LIGHTBULB!!!! Without me, everything will all go to SHIT!!! I made Heaven the raddest fucking place ever, and you're going to listen to some dumb blonde c*** and her lame ass, crack whore circus over me?! (Azrael flutters his mostly burned wings, as if trying to fly; he gets about two feet off the ground before crashing down next to Lute; defeated, he barely musters the strength to raise his arm and flip Lux off) Fuckin' lame, man...
— Lux's confrontation with Azrael after the War in Hell.
"Lux: So, uh, Squish. I got a teensy question... Why were you so willing to stick your neck out for me?
Squish: (he giggles nervously, blushing, but plays it off) Hey, look, I woulda protected anyone on this team. We're... totally like a family at this point, right?
Lux: Sure, and we all love ya for it (Squish's blush deepens, his mouth becomes squiggly, and he begins drooling ink), but I'm kinda, like, infinitely immortal and all that jazz. I woulda been fine...
Squish: Hehehe! Uhhh, I guess there's that... Well, even if you're immortal, I still don't wanna see you get hurt. (Lux gives Squish a sly, sardonic "nice try" smile) Y'see, even if you have a tough friend, they're still a friend and you don't wanna see-
Manco: (while Squish is yapping, Niffty leaps onto Manco's shoulder as he is watching the two and whispers to him; she says something that makes him reel a bit and shout out loud) No way! Are you shipping everyone again, Niffty?
Lux: (to Manco) What'd she say?
Manco: (innocently, as Niffty giggles chaotically and skitters onto Manco's back, as if using him as a shield) Niffty thinks Squish was protecting Lux because he has a huge crush on-!
Squish: (like a little girl, turning into a full ink demon) GAAAAAAH!!!! (he covers Manco's mouth with his inky hand) NOT COOL, BRO.
— Squish and Lux in the aftermath of the War in Hell.

Quotes Pertaining to Lux

"Angel Dust: (while gawking over Heaven's Light) Ooh! Whose dick did ya have to suck to get this beauty?
Charlie: (with a look of disgust) No ones!
Angel Dust: I mean, if Vaggie's approvin', you could suck Val's, he could give you somethin'. (Angel chuckles before sighing) Jesus fuckin' Christ...
Vaggie: Sorry that not everyone's a whore like you.
Angel Dust: Don't knock it 'till you tried it, sweetheart! Then again, you probably wouldn't get much clientele, what with yer distrust of men and love of lady bits. (shudders) I don't really understand, there's not much to play with down there.
Vaggie: At least I'm not some flash-in-the-pants slut who goes around flashing their ass on the street like it's an honor-time tradition!
Angel Dust: Tradition?! Bitch, please, the only thing traditional about me is the position they ask me to take! By the way, it's usually doggy style. Somethin' you should be familiar with, since you always bend over like a bitch for Charlie.
Vaggie: (combusting) Oh, that is it! I have had it with you!
Angel Dust: Oh, you wanna throw down? (pulls out his Thommy gun) 'Cuz I've been waitin'!
— Vaggie and Angel's argument after Charlie presented Heaven's Light to them.
"Heaven's Light? Heheheh.. Now, that's something I haven't heard from in a long, long time. Come now, child. We have much to discuss."
— Satan to Lucifer Magne, after hearing Lucifer's proposal to destroy Heaven's Light and corrupt Charlie.
"What do you want? ...HOW ARE YOU ALIVE?!"
— Angel Dust to Lux.
"Lucifer: And what about you? Do you know where my little Charlotte is keeping Heaven's Light?
Angel Dust: Up yer ass and to the left, ya dickfaced twink.
— Angel Dust while being interrogated by Lucifer.
"Oh, shi- (he coughs violently on his cigarette smoke) Jesus- (he doubles over, coughing) Jesus Christ... (coughs) We gotta put a bell on you."
— Angel Dust to Lux, after it snuck up on him when he was staring at Fergus from the hotel's stairwell.
"Roo: Ha! That's a sleepin' bein' of light that is, mate!
Charlie: W- What?!
Roo: The light blokes who existed before the universe was created, or some drek like that. We just gotta wake the fucker up and, bob's your uncle, all ya dreams will come true!
— Roo revealing the nature of Heaven's Light to Charlie.


  • Their name means "light" in Latin.
  • Their theme song would either be "Top of the World" by Carpenters, or "Walking on Sunshine" by Katrina and the Waves.
  • Prior to "Let There Be Lux", whenever Lux was amused, they made a rhythmic humming noise that resembled laughing.
  • According to Forti, Lux was bonded with all angels, meaning angels were able to understand what it was saying. This was remedied, however, in "Let There Be Lux", where Lux could speak to anyone they want after being "woken up".
  • Every time Lux spoke or made a noise, their body flashed slightly.
  • Ironically, Lux's favorite time of day was night because they loved to stargaze and fantasize about the Universe and the majesty of creation.
  • Although Lux lacked organs, they could create a facsimile of organs to express their feelings. This allowed Lux to perform natural responses usually only restricted to entities with organs, such as sneezing or coughing.
  • Lux is the first member of the Light Beyond the Stars to die.
  • They trusted Sir Pentious more than Alastor.
  • Lux could burp stars and vomit black holes.
  • Lux used they/them pronouns, but was fine with any pronouns since they felt as though they were past the "whole gender thing", due to existing far before gender was even a concept. Husk, Mimzy, and Crymini generally referred to Lux with feminine pronouns due to their more feminine features, while most of everyone else used gender-neutral pronouns.
  • As a being of energy, Lux did not eat food nor did they need any sustenance. Still, they were capable of absorbing energy from their surroundings and converted it into spirit energy to fuel themselves.
    • Lux could also "taste" meals through people's auras as they ate, which gave them a general idea of what food tastes like.
  • In the finale to Holy Hell, Saint Repentious complains that Lux left him at the wrong gate when they brought him to Heaven, implying that Lux has spent so much time in Hell that they are out-of-touch with the modern layout of the holy realm.


ve Characters
Hazbin Hotel Crew Charlie MagneAngel DustAlastorVaggieNifftyHuskRazzle and DazzleAlastor's friendsFat NuggetsRenFergusMimzyBaxterCryminiSquishKaren 2.OCorey and PeelVillaPrincessSir PentiousEgg Bois
I.M.P BlitzøMoxxieMillieLoona
Seven Deadly Sins Lucifer MagneLeviathan Von EldritchMammonBeelzebubBelphegorAsmodeusSatan
Overlords AlastorValentinoVoxVelvetteRosieMissi ZillaCarmilla CarmineStellarSock and Buskin
Kingpins Cherri BombSir PentiousHenroinMaulreese JackjawBruce
Ars Goetia StolasStellaOctaviaPaimonAndrealphus
Pride Ring Lilith MagneHuniBunKatie KilljoyTom TrenchAracknissIzziThe InsurgencyVarkDiaSummerBasilSir Pentious' HatRumYuckLailaBoar ButcherQueefSabreMelvynLoopty GooptyLyle LiptonJeffrey Dahmer
Wrath Ring The DivineStrikerScorpiusThe ChosenBombproofAzazel
Gluttony Ring Mr. PVortexBehemothBee-lzebub
Greed Ring Robo FizzLarsonCalliopeTinglesWally WackfordTillaCash BuckzoLoo LooCrimsonAlessio
Lust Ring FizzarolliVerosika Mayday
Envy Ring Seviathan Von EldritchHellsa Von EldritchBethesda Von EldritchFinThe KrakenMishelleNatasha
Sloth Ring LugnutClaptrapKarenScavenger UnitsHellhound Adoption FoundationMs. SweetrubyBelle-phegor
Heaven GodLuxSeraSerenityArchangel FortiMancoCharlie's AngelsMillicentMollyAzraelExterminatorsLuteAdinaEbonySableDestinyRavenBladeMs. HartfeltMetatronOphanimC.H.E.R.U.BLeo LightheartCletusCollinKeenieDeerieRachelHoneyBeaBeauTorySeraphielMr. TreeArchangel MichaelArchangel GabrielArchangel UrielArchangel SandalphonArchangel RaphaelArchangel CassielArchangel BarachielArchangel ZadkielAnnie
Other characters DeathRooVaggie's fatherSpindleAzathothQueen SpiderArmy of DarknessSanta ClausKrampusValentine