Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light Fanon Wiki

Please do not mistake this wiki for the official Hazbin Hotel wiki! Do not link to or mention this site when discussing the show's canon! All information presented here is entirely FANON and irrelevant to the official shows whether it be Hazbin Hotel or Helluva Boss, so stop bringing it up! You guys got that? Cuz we're getting pretty tired of rewriting this notice! I am going to keep writing and expanding this until this message is impossible to miss, starting right now. Is this about right? Maybe a few more words. Again, this wiki's information NON-CANON and FANMADE. Got it? Good! Happy reading!


Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light Fanon Wiki

"Thank goodness..."
— Manco's catchphrase, typically said after escaping a dicey situation.
"I know you think I'm just some stupid kid, but I've been through hell and back, and I'm still here. [...] I've let everyone down my entire afterlife... I've seen innocent people suffering and all I ever did was watch. I've watched my friends die because I was too weak. I've seen monsters like you hurting people, and I've always been too much of a baby to do anything... I won't let you or anyone like you get away with it ANY LONGER!!!"
— Manco standing against Azrael and the Exorcists.

Manco is a major protagonist in Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light.

He serves as a pivotal character in Chapter 2, a major character in Chapter 3, and a supporting character in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5.

A young winner with a bright imagination, Manco was abducted from Heaven by Satan and held as its prisoner in Purgatory, where he was psychologically tortured by the Devil for months. Through the guide of Forti, Manco was eventually rescued from his torturous prison by the Happy Hotel crew, and soon finds a family within them after taking refuge at the hotel as Charlie desired a way to safely return him to Heaven. Don't let this little angel fool you, though. He's a LOT more important than he seems and is even more than what he seems...

As the "baby of the group," Manco frequently relied on others for protection, but this dependency left him feeling guilty and worried that he might be abandoned for his inability to defend his friends. But over time, Manco's experiences, especially in Purgatory and Hell, helped him grow significantly. He overcame his anxieties, becoming bolder and more proactive in protecting his close friends from harm. Despite his lingering dread of violence, Manco shows a willingness to fight when absolutely necessary. This personal growth culminated in the War in Hell, where he played a key role in aiding Hell coup against Azrael, using his powers to save both his allies and the Exorcists under Azrael's control.


"I loved taking care of Manco. These past eight years have been really difficult, but he was always there to remind me of the joys of life. I don't think I could have made it without him."
Charlie about Manco.

Manco starts off as a inquisitive, shy, well-mannered, yet warm-hearted child with a vivid imagination, possessing a soft-spoken voice and a penchant for offering affectionate hugs. Following his release from confinement, he forged a profound and intimate connection with Charlie Magne. Initially, he harbored some anxiety in their presence, but over time, he developed strong bonds with the rest of the Happy Hotel crew members - excluding Alastor - as they had rescued him from his imprisonment. In contrast to the typical disposition of angels and winners, Manco exhibits a remarkable level of acceptance towards demons, likely due to Charlie being his first encounter with one. He highly values and actively seeks friendship, as evidenced by his longing for companionship during his time on Earth. His affinity seems to draw him towards other children like himself, as he swiftly formed friendships with fellow winners such as Amelia, Christopher, Arthur, Megara, Simon, James, and Millicent upon meeting them.

The "baby of the group", Manco often relied on his friends and allies for protection, a dependence that later weighed heavily on his conscience as he felt incapable of reciprocating their support. In tense or frightening situations, he had a tendency to freeze up, displaying genuine fear and an inability to harness his powers or make critical decisions. This was evident when he first encountered his undead counterparts, resurrected by Satan, leaving him paralyzed in terror while the hotel crew and even some of the seven angels exhibited greater fearlessness. One of his deepest fears revolved around the notion that his friends might become exasperated with "carrying him along" and decide to abandon him to face his challenges alone.

Manco tends to get anxious when anyone tries to bring up his life. He will often fabricate stories on the spot with a nervous tone, and is very guarded when it comes to his past.

Manco's character shines with surprising selflessness, a quality demonstrated vividly when he implored Charlie to leave him behind in Purgatory, fearing for her safety under Satan's threat. Despite his own anxieties, he displayed unwavering courage when it came to defending his friends against any potential harm, and his empathy extended even to strangers in dire straits. As the hotel crew journeyed through the challenges of escaping Purgatory, Manco underwent a remarkable transformation, gradually shedding his fears and becoming more justice-driven. He became proactive in shielding his companions from danger and confronting his own apprehensions head-on.

He also seems to have troubles with self-importance, as he was (pleasantly) surprised to hear from Azrael that the angels of Heaven were actively looking for him when he went missing.

Moreover, despite his profound dread of Satan, Manco exhibited exceptional bravery by willingly venturing into the Devil's domain to rescue Charlie and previously expressing a desire to accompany her in the quest to find Alastor. When Satan, in a fit of rage, attempted to kill him as an act of spite against Charlie, Manco defiantly declared his lack of fear towards the Devil. His compassion and mercy were further highlighted when Roo prompted him to use his powers to eliminate several Sludgelings and Garbage Men in defense of his friends, even though he was haunted and horrified by the necessity of such actions, emphasizing his innate kindness and compassion even towards seemingly mindless and inhuman beings.

Having taken up residence at the Hazbin Hotel while awaiting Charlie's plan to return him and the seven angels to Heaven, Manco exhibited remarkable politeness and unobtrusiveness within the establishment. He made genuine efforts to befriend the hotel's diverse occupants, extending his friendly overtures to individuals like Crymini and Baxter. Despite his earnest desire for companionship, Manco remained vigilant, choosing to remain within the Hazbin Hotel's confines. He was acutely aware that the other sinners inhabiting Hell might not extend the same kindness and acceptance that he received from the hotel's crew.

During this period, it became evident that Manco had undergone significant personal growth. His courage and bravery came to the fore, particularly during a flying lesson with Charlie. In a display of newfound valor, he soared to Hell's stratosphere, even outshining Charlie in terms of fearlessness, a remarkable transformation from the timid and shy child he was when first introduced.

Manco's kindness and compassion continued to shine through in various situations. He demonstrated his benevolence by persuading the other angel children to give Lugnut and Claptrap a second chance, despite their previous botched attempt to capture them. Later, in the face of danger posed by Scavenger Units hunting them, he exhibited remarkable selflessness. Manco rescued Megara from potential capture by leaving his hiding place and flying her to safety, prioritizing her well-being over his own safety. When Giulia faced an attack from Roo's Sludgelings, Manco was the first to swiftly come to her aid without hesitation or fear.

Though generally possessing a patient and virtuous nature, Manco could be driven to anger under certain circumstances. When Karen contemplated various gruesome actions involving him and his friends for their angelic powers, his rage flared, and he issued a stern threat to protect his companions.

Manco's gentle nature was shown when he was deeply uncomfortable with the idea of killing, even if it is in self-defense or to protect others. He showed extreme regret after Roo pressured him into killing the Sludgelings, showing sympathy for even inhuman and monstrous creatures. Instead of sharing Roo's "belief" that they deserved to die for threatening his friends, he reflected on his desire to help people without resorting to violence. He's introspective, questioning his actions and the morality of using his powers in ways that lead to death, demonstrating a strong inclination toward pacifism. Manco is also curious about his newfound abilities but wishes to use them in a positive and constructive manner.

Manco's chance to use his powers for good came soon after. Upon returning to Heaven—a place he had once dreamed of—he was horrified to find it under Azrael's control. Manco had grown to dislike Azrael for how he treated Heaven’s denizens, especially the Exorcists. During the War in Hell, Manco took action, using his concussive abilities to clear a path for Ebony to reach the Exorcists and lead a coup against Azrael and Lute. Manco then revealed that Azrael was using his guitar to control the Exorcists, with their masks linked to the instrument. At one point during the war, he saved Sir Pentious' and Baxter's afterlives, drawing attention from Azrael seconds before he was about to smite the two sinners. He continued using his concussive blasts to knock off their masks, freeing them from the archangel’s control and showing his determination to save the Exorcists despite their genocidal nature.


In his humanoid form, Manco appears as a child of 8-10 years. He wears a long-sleeved shirt, pants, and shoes. Due to his age, he is about the size of an average child, being about the same height as Niffty. He possesses angelic wings that are capable of retreating into his body when they are not in use. His entire body, from his skin, hair, and even clothes, are a glowing turquoise color. He has a small halo that floats above his head.

In Chapter 5, he wears nearly the same attire with the exception of now wearing a blue sweater and blue shorts.

In his full angel form, Manco's skin changes from the bright turquoise of his humanoid form to a pure white color. In addition, he gains multiple eyes across the span of his wings, as well as two additional, disembodied eyes that float beside his head. His two main eyes also gain slit pupils, and he has a perpetual inner flow.

Manco's natural hair color is black.

Powers and Abilities

Natural Powers

  • Angelic Transformation: Like all angels and winners, Manco is capable of shifting into a more intimidating, alien-like, and Lovecraftian angelic form at will, and then effortlessly return to his more human-like angel form.
  • Aura: As with all winners, Manco is perpetually enveloped by an invisible, defensive aura that protects him from external threats, especially those of a demonic nature. When Lugnut attempted to capture Charlie's Angels, the robot was violently shocked when he attempted to grab Manco's head, and the resulting electricity also shocked his partner, Claptrap, sending both robots flying backwards. Later, when one of Alastor's minions attempted to strangle Manco when his back was turned, the demon's hands were vaporized before they could even touch the young angel. This aura can only by bypassed by power or weapons of a divine or holy nature.
  • Enhanced Strength: Manco possesses an enhanced level strength, allowing him to casually lift large structures and other entities, even if they are several times larger than himself. While being pursued by his undead, possessed counterparts, Manco flew over a ravine all while Charlie clung onto him, and did so with relative ease.
  • Flight: Manco's angelic wings grant him the ability to fly through the air at a moderate speed, glide to the ground, and hover in the air. He was proficient enough with flying that he gave Charlie flying lessons shortly after arriving to the Hazbin Hotel.
  • Immortality: Due to having already experienced death, Manco is eternally youthful and is nearly impossible to kill again without divine intervention. In addition, he is capable of surviving without oxygen, and can survive in extreme temperatures, as he withstood the below freezing temperatures and vacuum of Purgatory's spacescape with no signs of discomfort.
    • Nigh-Invulnerability: As with all winners and angels, Manco cannot be harmed by conventional means and can shrug off all sorts of harm, including physical trauma, bullets, and magical attacks from powerful demonic beings. When Lucifer destroyed the portal back to Heaven that Oswald was creating for Manco and the other children, Manco withstood the shockwave of the portal's destruction and recovered quickly despite being flung through a brick wall. Later, while having flying lessons with Charlie, Manco was completely unharmed and even laughing after he and Charlie fell through after falling all the way from Hell's stratosphere. As mentioned, he is also immune to absolute zero temperatures as he can withstand the vacuum of a spacescape and suffer no discomfort. However, Manco's angelic durability can be bypassed using standard angelic weaponry.
  • Photokinesis: Being a winner, Manco has a naturally strong connection with light and can manipulate it to his whim, although his ability to project and manipulate light is relatively weak for an angel, due to his being a winner who rarely uses his powers and died fairly recently. He also possesses an inner glow that allows him to emit a bright yellow aura to help himself and/or others see in a dark environment.

Unique Powers

  • Ergokinesis: Manco is capable of projecting yellow-colored, concussive energy blasts from his hands and wings, which are capable of instantly vaporizing any malevolent creature they hit, or merely sending them flying back with extreme velocity, leaving them dazed and concussed. He is not particularly skilled with his power, and it is only triggered whenever he experiences tense emotions. This power proved crucial in the War in Hell, as Manco was able to use his concussive attacks to knock the helmets off of the Exterminators, freeing them from Azrael's control.


  • Bilingualism: Having become close with Vaggie during his stay at the hotel, Manco has picked up some Spanish terminology and can speak some fluent and broken Spanish.



Charlie Magne

Manco first met Charlie during his time imprisoned by Satan, where Charlie had traveled to Purgatory to meet and potentially free him. Due to the psychological damage he received from being tortured by the Devil, Manco was initially afraid of Charlie and believed that she intended to harm him, as he recoiled in fear at the sight of her and begged her to not hurt him. When Charlie calmed him down enough to share a conversation, Manco revealed his situation to Charlie, which left the princess horrified and determined to save him. However, Manco desperately told Charlie to leave him, as Satan had been waiting for her, although Charlie refused to leave him behind. Days later, Charlie returned with Forti and the hotel crew, and finally freed Manco from his prison, which caused Manco to become emotional and hug Charlie for comfort.

Following this, Manco became very attached to Charlie, as he frequently goes to the princess for protection, and has said that he loves Charlie because she makes him feel safe. During the hotel crew's eight years of trying to escape Purgatory, Manco and Charlie's relationship only grew stronger. While sleeping in a cave with Millicent and the seven angels, Manco had a nightmare about Satan, which caused him to have a panic attack, and Charlie responded by calming him down with a hug and singing him back to sleep. Later, when Charlie informed Manco that she was going to confront Satan personally to try and find Alastor, Manco begged Charlie to not go to the Devil's domain, and asked to go with her when she insisted on going, a display of his loyalty and love for Charlie. Soon after the princess welcomed him into the Hazbin Hotel, Manco took it upon himself to teach Charlie how to fly properly using her angelic wings.

At some point after the hotel crew temporarily fell out, Charlie revealed to Manco that she was the daughter of Lucifer, which caused Manco to be quite shocked and surprised that a demon as warmhearted as Charlie could be Lucifer's daughter, but he nonetheless stayed with Charlie as he understood that she was nothing like her father.

The seven angels

Manco shares a strong bond with Amelia, Christopher, Giulia, Arthur, Megara, Simon, and James, and sees them as his brothers and sisters. He met the seven angels after he, Charlie, Alastor, and Niffty were brought to Millicent's home by the angel herself. Manco almost instantly hit it off with the seven angels, bonding with them by playing games and listening to their stories. He is very pleased to have them as friends, eventually outright considering them his siblings, and appreciates that he is able to spend time speaking and playing with other winners around his age. He is able to forget about the troubles of the world around them, laughing as he and the other angels try to catch blueberries in their mouths, telling each other jokes, scary stories, and playing tag and hide-and-seek. While Manco initially viewed himself as scared, Giulia complimented him after their first encounter with his zombified counterparts, stating "we did good there, especially you". Simon and Arthur also began teaching Manco about the many wonders of the Universe beyond Heaven and Earth, and encouraged him not to let fear rule his life choices. Manco was heartbroken to be separated from them when the hotel crew split apart in Purgatory, and was driven to tears and gave each of them a tight hug when they reunited after eight years.

The seven angels and Manco are also protective of each other; when Satan and Lucifer attacked Oswald's base to capture Charlie, the demon princess ordered the seven angels to take Manco to Baxter's ship and hide together, to which Christopher responded by forcibly taking Manco with them to Baxter's ship, where the children hid together and tried to calm him down and reassure him as he worried for Charlie's well-being.

While staying at the Hazbin Hotel until Charlie could find a way to return them to Heaven, Manco and the seven angels' bond continued to blossom, with them becoming collectively known as "Charlie's Angels" within the hotel (they previously called themselves "The Lucky Seven" when they were with Millicent). They are practically inseparable inside the hotel, get into "prank wars" with Angel Dust, and join the hotel crew in their routines and group activities whenever they can.

Specifically, Manco looks up to Arthur as a big brother and wants to be more like him, because of how brave he is, and shares a close, brotherly bond with him. He often seeks his approval and tries to impress him while they are playing games with each other. Of the seven angels, Manco seems to be best friends with Megara, since he relates to her the most since they are most timid of the group. He sees her as a little sister and is very protective of her, risking his own safety to save her when he and the other children were being hunted by Scavenger Units. Manco is very amused by Simon, since he is the "class clown" of the group, though he is confused and weirded out by some of his habits (such as his inexplicit tendency to break the fourth wall). All of the seven angels are patient with Manco and support him whenever he suffers night terrors, assuring him that he is safe and snuggling close to him for support.

Razzle and Dazzle

Manco was initially fearful of Razzle and Dazzle, but after Charlie encouraged him to greet them, he realized they meant him no harm, and thus grew to like the two goats. Manco is often seen cuddling with Razzle and Dazzle whenever he sleeps, and the two goat demons are very protective of him as they seem to be aware of how much he means to Charlie, as shown when he saved Manco from being abducted by his undead counterparts.

Angel Dust

Manco sees Angel Dust as an "irresponsible uncle". Angel is quite fond of Manco and willing to protect him when the need arises, but also enjoys bugging and teasing the winner about certain things. Like everybody else in the hotel, Angel also plays pranks on Manco, which often leads to full-scale "prank wars" between him and Charlie's Angels.


Manco and Husk are friends and have something of a grandfather-grandson bond with each other. He and the seven angels enjoy watching Husk do "dumb grandpa magic" and are enamored by his tricks. It is therapeutic for them both as Husk deeply appreciates his magical tricks being recognized and admired, which has endeared the children to him. Husk also imparts his grandfatherly wisdom onto Manco during his time of need. Their bond reflects a both Husk’s guarded but grateful nature and Manco’s patient, persistent support, making Husk feel seen and valued.

Manco, despite being younger, cares deeply for Husk and wants to help him through his struggles, particularly with his later alcohol withdrawal. He showed empathy and concern, offering to gather his friends and watch Husk perform magic tricks, knowing it brings Husk some joy and emotional support. Manco was determined to help Husk feel better, even though Husk initially dismissed the attempt, telling Manco not to worry.

Husk, on the other hand, was visibly worn out and self-deprecating, feeling pain, anger, and shame due to his situation. Despite this, he softened towards Manco's kindness, though he downplayed the importance of it. When Manco referred to Husk as being like a grandpa to him and the other children, Husk was taken aback and touched, though he tried to hide his emotions. His brusque demeanor was a defense mechanism to avoid showing vulnerability, but Manco’s unwavering care allows Husk to appreciate the connection they share.

Lugnut and Claptrap

"You don't have to go back there! You're one of us now. Both of you. You're... You're family."
— Manco to Lugnut and Claptrap.

Lugnut and Claptrap were initially sent by Belphegor to capture Manco, Ameilia, Simon, James, Giulia, Arthur, Megara, and Christopher. Lugnut narrowly managed to capture Manco, although the winner's protective aura defended him from Lugnut, violently shocking the robot as well as Claptrap. After the robots were temporarily shut down, Manco and the other angels interrogated the robots to find out their intentions. When they discovered that Lugnut and Claptrap were willing to defect from Belphegor, the angels befriended them and welcomed them into the Hazbin Hotel. Even though Simon and Amelia were skeptical on Lugnut and Claptrap's sincerity, Manco and Megara vouched for the two robots, telling the others to give them a chance. Manco and the angels' trust in Lugnut and Claptrap was solidified when the two robots defended them from multiple Scavenger Units who were deployed to capture them, displaying total disregard for their own safety along the way.

Following this, Manco became closer to the two robots as the children welcomed them into their games and hobbies. Manco comforted Lugnut and Claptrap when they revealed that their friends were killed by Belphegor and Karen, and when Claptrap said that he and Lugnut would have to return to the Sloth Ring to report back to their superiors, Manco said that they did not have to return to the Sloth Ring and can be a member of their "family". Touched by the kindness of Charlie's Angels, Lugnut lamented that he wished he could remember how to cry, prompting the children and Claptrap to lovingly embrace him.

When Charlie's Angels were captured by Karen and nearly experimented on, Lugnut and Claptrap broke into Belphegor's facility and rescued them again, defying their superiors and again showcasing immense courage and bravery. Manco was deeply saddened by Lugnut and Claptrap's eventual destruction and was very grateful to them as he and the other children would have endured a painful death if not for their sacrifice. Despite their robotic nature, he considered them family and remembered them as the ones who saved his lives of him and his friends.



Manco is highly terrified of Satan, due to it capturing him and subjecting him to horrific psychological torture by killing alternate counterparts of him for several months. The Devil's mere presence is enough to send Manco into a state of panic, and his experience with the Devil was so traumatic that it was sufficient enough to give the boy recurring nightmares. Even the mere mention of Satan's name is enough to make him recoil. Although Manco generally tries to be friendly towards everyone and does not have a single bad bone in his body, he genuinely hates Satan for scarring him and tormenting his friends, although his initial fear prevented him from standing up to the Devil. Regardless, his fear of Satan did not prevent him from wanting to join Charlie in trying to save Alastor, and after building up courage from his experience in Purgatory with the hotel crew, Manco eventually found it in him to tell Satan that he no longer feared it, after Charlie managed to fight off its corruption.


"Karen: 'Lugnut and Claptrap'? (laughs) What colorful names you gave them. You must have REALLY grown attached to those defective rust buckets, didn't you?
Manco: You murdered them! We don't care if they were robots! They were part of our family and you murdered them!
— Manco to Karen.

Manco and Karen had limited interactions with each other, but it is clear that they mutually disliked each other. Manco was disdainful towards Karen for supposedly destroying Lugnut and Claptrap when she captured him and the angels, yelling that she murdered them and that they were "family", which confused Karen.


Manco intensely disliked Azrael pretty much the moment he laid eyes on him. From their first encounter, Azrael had a dismissive, mocking attitude towards Manco, belittling his feelings and experiences in Hell, and the friendship he established with the Hazbin gang. When Manco expressed sadness about not being able to say goodbye to them, Azrael ridiculed him, laughed at his distress, and employed emotionally abusive tactics, such as pretending to send him to Purgatory.

Manco, in turn, was fearful, submissive, and emotionally traumatized by Azrael's behavior. Despite Azrael’s attempts to portray himself as trustworthy, Manco just wanted to be left alone. His dislike of Azrael only increased when he saw how controlling the archangel was of his military and soldiers, the Exterminators.

Later, in the War in Hell, Manco fought against Azrael to free the Exorcists. He exposed Azrael's control tactics over the Exorcists to Hell's forces, inciting efforts to destroy Azrael's guitar and free them. Azrael's reaction was one of anger and aggression, as he retaliated violently, nearly killing others in the process until Manco used a concussive blast to draw attention from Azrael as he was about to kill Sir Pentious and Baxter. Azrael attempted to kill Manco directly, but not without noting that Manco could have been his "drummer" and a good Exorcist with his concussive powers. Luckily, Charlie stepped in to protect Manco from Azrael's wrath.


""Sure, she might be a little weird (nearly as much as Simon) and very smelly, but turns out, Roo is very nice, or at least, she tries. After I caused that sludge guy to blow up, Roo told me that killing things gets easier. I'm still not sure about that. I can still hear their screams in my head

I know what it's like to feel alone. To have no friends... I just feel like maybe if I can give that to Roo, things will work out in the end."

— Manco's initial thoughts on Roo in her journal after meeting her for the first time.

Initially, Roo appeared supportive, offering encouragement and friendship to Manco, which gave the impression of genuine care. However, beneath this façade, Roo was revealed to be deeply manipulative; She exploited his trauma while feigning ignorance, reminding him of the harrowing experiences he endured, which caused him extreme mental distress. All of Manco's pleas for her to stop went ignored, up until Roo ominously revealed she was orchestrating his torment all along, pulling Satan's strings behind the scenes.

Manco's first encounter with Roo was tense and uncomfortable. Manco tried to be kind and empathetic towards Roo, expressing understanding of her always being alone, but Roo responded insensitively, simply commenting that her trash collected was better than any people to interact with. She questioned him bluntly about his traumatic experiences, specifically his captivity in Purgatory and torture, without recognizing the emotional impact of her words. Manco becomes visibly distressed, leading others to intervene and protect him. Roo, however, feigned obliviousness to the harm she was causing, showing a lack of empathy or a willingness to exploit Manco's pain.

Later, Roo was enthusiastic about Manco using his powers to fend off the Sludgelings, resulting in him accidentally dissolving one of them. She encouraged Manco to embrace his destructive powers, even praising him for killing, while Manco expressed discomfort and extreme guilt over the act. Roo downplayed the severity of killing and attempted to normalize it, trying to convince Manco that it will get easier ever time he does it. Although Manco wad hesitant, Roo, preying on his desire for friendship, manipulates him by presenting herself as a supportive figure, claiming they're a team and promising to help him unlock his full potential without restraint.

When Manco and Charlie's Angels were left with Roo while Charlie confronted Satan and the Divine, Roo showed her true colors and emotionally abused him; She tries to isolate him by claiming that no one else understands his trauma and that she has been the only one there for him during his most vulnerable moments. She loomed over Manco, pushing him emotionally and reminding him of when he would wake up screaming (thinking he was back in Purgatory), and when he begs her to stop, she continued, asserting that she was always the one who supported him through his nightmares. This shows how Roo exploits Manco's trauma to make him feel dependent on her, intensifying the control she has over him while ignoring his distress. Shortly after, Roo revealed her deceit to everyone, killing several key characters, including Lux and the Divine, draining them of their power, right in front of Manco and his friends.



Much like most others, Manco is fearful of Alastor. When he, Charlie, Niffty, Razzle and Dazzle, and Alastor went off to find a way of escaping Purgatory, Manco avoided the Radio Demon throughout the trip, and was even shown recoiling at Alastor's hand motions. This makes Alastor one of the only members of the hotel crew Manco has not even attempted to bond with. Still, Manco is respectful, if nervous, around the Radio Demon, calling him "sir" and meekly complimenting his cooking skills.


Manco does not really like Baxter, thinking he is too loud and "mean". Despite this, he deeply appreciated it when Baxter assisted Lugnut and Claptrap with rescuing Charlie's Angels from Belphegor.

Despite his problems with Baxter, Manco saved both Baxter and Sir Pentious during the War in Hell, distracting Azrael seconds before he had the chance to smite both of them, showing that he is willing to risk his life for Baxter and cares for his safety despite not being particularly fond of the scientist.


Chapter 3

"Manco: (cowering) P- Please don't hurt me, please!
Millicent: Hey! (she dissipates her sword and removes her hood) Shh, shh, shh... There, there. I'm not going to hurt you
Manco: (he opens his eyes and gasps) Are- Are you an angel? In Purgatory?!
Millicent: (she smiles warmly) Of course I am, little one. (she kneels to his level) My name's Millicent. What's your name, love?
Manco: I'm... I'm Manco. Wait a minute... You're Millicent?!
Millicent: You know of my name?
Manco: My caretakers taught me about the war, about all the angels who were lost. We thought you were dead...
Millicent: Eh, figures. (she licks her thumb and tenderly wipes dirt off of his face) You're much too young to be out here. Are you alone?
Charlie: (distantly) Manco?!
Manco: (to Charlie) Over here! (he quickly flies over to her, hugging her)
Charlie: (to Manco) Are you hurt?!
Manco: No, no, no, I'm fine. (he points to Millicent) But, look...
Charlie: (she stares at Millicent, eyes widening) Yowza wowza... (Millicent smiles and waves at Charlie, who awkwardly waves back while mindlessly staring at her)
Millicent: Oh! Silly me! Introductions. I am Millicent. Your name is... Charlie?
Charlie: Y- Yes, that's right... Uh, how do you know my name?
Millicent: Your name tag, silly billy!
Charlie: Oh, right! (she laughs sheepishly; whispering) That's embarrassing...
Manco: (looking at the dead creatures) What we're those things?
Millicent: They're called Agori. (she pulls her sword out of them) Vicious little nasties. Usually, I can ward them away with some bait, but I wasn't expecting company and... Ah! (waves her hand) I digress.
Manco: Oh... Right.
Millicent: How did you two get here?
Charlie: It's, uh... a LONG story.
Millicent: Ah. I apologize. This place isn't suitable for first impressions. I have a shelter over yonder. We have plenty of food, water. (to Manco; smiling) There's even seven other children there, just like you.
Manco: R- Really? (to Charlie) Charlie, can we go see it?
Charlie: (to Manco) Eh...
Millicent: It's rational to have reservations, especially in a place like this. (smiles) Whatever your choice, my door is always open. (she prepares to fly off)
Charlie: Wait! (Millicent halts and looks back at Charlie) ...Give us directions?
Manco: YES!
Charlie: I mean, you're the first thing in days that hasn't tried to viciously murder us. That's gotta account for something, right?
Millicent: (chuckles lightly) Right.
Charlie: Before we go, do you mind if we grab our friends, Razzle, Dazzle, and Alastor?
Millicent: The more the merrier. Just keep an eye out any more Agori.
— Millicent meets Charlie and Manco.
"(laughs) You guys are awesome. ...I always wanted siblings."
— Manco while telling stories and stargazing with the seven angels.
"Manco: (he is stargazing out the window of Baxter's spaceship) Wow...
Megara: (walks up to him with Arthur, Giulia, and Simon) Whatcha doing, Manco?
Manco: Just... Watching the stars.
Arthur: You've been doing that for hours. This your first time in space?
Manco: Well... Yeah. Wait, you guys have been to space?
Simon: Well, if you count being sucked into a dimensional rift and plummeting down to a planet as being to space, yeah, we've been to space.
Arthur: (he and the others sit next to Manco) Space is cool, huh?
Megara: And scary...
Arthur: (to Megara) Maybe a little bit, but it's more... Fascinating, and pretty. Supernovas, solar flares...
Giulia: (in a creepy voice) Giant black holes that spring from nowhere and swallow you whole!
Megara: Stop it!
Giulia: (laughs) I'm only kidding, Meg!
Manco: I just noticed... Where are all the stars? Purgatory always looked so... Dead.
Giulia: Because it is. Satan- (Manco looks at her frantically) Oh, um... The big, red dumbie destroyed the stars when it was put here. Millicent told us.
Manco: (Baxter's ship drives by a planet with rings) Wow, that one has rings!
Arthur: Huh. Well, whaddya know?
Megara: That's so cool!
Manco: You know... I always wanted to be an astronaut, you know... When I grew up. It's just so cool. Flying spaceships, walking on the moon, seeing stars up close, and riding one of those rovers!
Simon: And fighting aliens? (Giulia smacks him on the head)
Megara: I'm... I'm so sorry you never got that chance, Manco.
Giulia: (to Megara) Hey, who says he didn't?! (to Manco) Manco, you might not be an astronaut, but look at the bright side; You're in space, on a spaceship, exploring a new dimension that few have ever been to, and we're basically fighting aliens! Sure, we're running for our lives, and Simon is really annoying-
Simon: (points to the camera) That's not what they think!
Giulia: -but thing's mostly worked out, right?
Manco: (smiles) Yeah, you're right... Thank you, guys.
Arthur: (sighs and continues stargazing with the others) Yeah... Afterlife sure is full of surprises.
— Manco, Megara, Arthur, Simon, and Giulia while stargazing on Baxter's ship.
"Fergus: So, you went face-to-face with the Devil and made it out alive? That's pretty badass.
Manco: What's a 'badass'?
Fergus: Um... Well, it's... it's-
Manco: Is it something bad?
Fergus: No! It's like... A really cool person.
Manco: I, um, in that case, I guess?
Fergus: That's the right answer. (he smiles and pats Manco on the back) You're gonna be awesome.
— Fergus and Manco.
"Charlie's right! We can't give up now. We'll find a way out, and make it back home!"
— Manco to the hotel crew as they brainstorm ways out of Purgatory.
"Fergus: Need a hand, buddy?
Manco: FERGUS?! Y- You're back!
Fergus: And better than ever, baby! (an explosion occurs) Bit of an awkward time to talk, eh? Uh... (he points over to Simon, who is hiding behind a large rock) Hey, look, Simon's over there! You two should catch up while, uh... (he shifts his robot arm into a plasma cannon) I deal with the fucked-up devil worshippers. (he continues battling the Chosen while Manco crawls over to Simon)
Manco: Simon...?
Simon: (in a breathless and fast-paced manner) Oh, man... We were looking for you on this really spooky planet, then Baxter found some weird symbol and was like, 'they're in danger!'-
Manco: (hushed) It's really you...
Simon: (interjecting) -And we saw smoke in the distance and ran over and saw these super scary witches doing some super weird dance-
Manco: I...
Simon: And then we finally saw Manco and Charlie - oh, wait, you're Manco - with that weird witch going 'senpai Satan notice me', and then... (realization hits) MANCO?! (Manco hugs him tightly) W- Hey, what's wrong?
Manco: (with tears streaming down his face) Nothing... Nothing's wrong.
The Divine: (to Manco; telepathically) 'Manco'? (Manco quickly turns around, seeing the Divine staring at him several feet away) So, it has a name.
Manco: No... No, please!
Amelia: (she flies in next to Simon) Are you two okay?!
Manco: (he clings onto Amelia, panting) Take me away! Get me out of here, please!
Amelia: (she holds Manco) H- Hey, shhhh... Everything is alright. You're safe in my arms, okay?
Manco: I just wanna go h- home...
Fergus: (he looks at Manco before turning and seeing the Divine approaching them) Oh, SHIT! (to the children) Kids, you need to get out of here!
Amelia: B- But what about-
Fergus: Get the fuck out NOW!!! (Amelia and Simon immediately fly away, taking Manco with them)
— Manco being rescued from the Divine and reunited with Amelia, Simon, and Fergus.
"Arthur: (he ruffles Manco's hair and hugs) How are you, Golden Boy?
Manco: I missed you guys so much!
Megara: We thought about you every single day. (she hugs Manco with tears streaming down her eyes) Thank goodness you're alright...
Amelia: (the rest of the angel children all join them in the group hug) But now we're together, and nothing will ever come between us!
Simon: This is so awesome! We're back together, and we totally fooled the viewers into thinking we weren't gonna reunite!
Manco: Yeah, we... Wait, 'viewers'? What viewers?
Simon: Oh, yeah! (he directs Manco towards the camera) You see those randos staring at us? (he smiles and waves at the camera; to the audience) How's this for emotional payoff?
Manco: (confused) Uh... No?
Giulia: (scoffs) Just ignore him, Manco. He's being dumb again.
Simon: No, seriously, they're right there! Guys, look! ...Guys?
— The seven angels reunite after the eight year timeskip.
"Manco: We did it, sir! We saved Charlie! I'm a badass now, right?
Fergus: (with a dumbfounded look) Are you serious?! You spend months being tortured by that thing, eight years surviving in Purgatory, you looked the MOTHERFUCKING Devil in the face and told it to fuck off, and you think THIS made you a badass? You were always a badass, kid! (Manco tears up and hugs Fergus tightly)
— Manco and Fergus' conversation after retreating back into Baxter's ship after saving Charlie.

Chapter 4

"'Manco: You did it, Charlie!
Charlie: I... I did! I really did! (she squees and flies in a back-flip motion) Manco, come here, I wanna hug you!
Manco: Uh... You're not gonna want a hug in a second.
Charlie: Why...?
Manco: Just follow me! (he begins ascending into Hell's sky)
Charlie: Manco, wait up! (she follows him; eventually, she looks down to realize they are both flying into Hell's stratosphere) Oh, FUCK!!! HOLY SHI- (she covers her mouth before clearing her throat; nervously) Uh, Manco? We're going really high.
Manco: This is the final lesson! Like Arthur says, 'go big or go home'!
Charlie: I- I can't do this...
Manco: Yes, you can! I believe in you! We're just gonna go up as high as we can-
Charlie: Oh, yeah, sounds simple enough...
Manco: -then fly back down SUPER fast, and just before we hit the ground, we're gonna pull up and fly back in the air! Oh, yeah, and I should probably mention that I've never done this before.
Charlie: What?
Manco: GIRONIMO! (he dives down back to the Pride Ring at a high speed)
Charlie: MANCO, NO!!! (she flies down after him)
— Manco and Charlie's final flying lesson.
"Charlie: Manco! J- Just stay there! I got you!
Manco: Charlie, look! You're doing it!
Charlie: (she looks at herself, flying smoothly) Oh, wow...
Manco: Just remember to catch yourself before you fall. (they continue descending rapidly) ...So, what's going on with you and Seviathan?
Charlie: REALLY, MANCO?! NOW?!
Manco: (He laughs, before stopping himself.) Sorry! Sorry- I just wanted to take your mind off this...
Charlie: You're crazy!
— Manco and Charlie while diving back down to Hell.
"Charlie: Manco?! Are you okay?! Where are you?
Manco: (pops out of a mound of bricks, fist-pumping) WOO-HOO! Let's do that again!!
Charlie: (she breathes a sigh of relief and falls back) Oh, sweet land...
Manco: (he falls back next to her and sighs) If only Arthur could have seen that... So, um, I'm sorry about what happened back there. That was a bit too extreme. But you did good!
Charlie: A bit too extreme? (Manco looks down; Charlie laughs) It's okay, sweetheart. That was... Fun. Scary as Heaven, but fun. I just didn't know you had that in you.
Manco: What?
Charlie: I've never seen you this... Happy? Excited? I don't know... (she ruffles his hair) I just love seeing you smile again.
— Manco and Charlie after they crash-landed through a roof.

Chapter 5

"Angel Dust: You kids don't undastand, I don't like my brotha. Neva once had a 'cherished childhood memory' with 'im. I mean, sometimes we cross paths. He calls me a buncha homophobic shit, I poke fun of his height until he fucks off, but that's it.
Amelia: But that doesn't mean you should just avoid him forever!
Manco: I know he can be mean, but he's your brother. Plus, he saved your afterlife! That has to mean something.
Angel Dust: (chuckles) Shit, you kids need to hang around me and Cherri more often. You're startin' to sound too much like Charlie. Besides, my pa - y'know, Henroin? Big, fuckin' scary ass mob boss with the scorpion tail? He said he'd fuckin' kill me if I so much as looked at 'Niss. Tha fuck am I 'spoused to do about that?
Manco: We got your back, Angel. Us, and everyone at the hotel.
Arthur: You saved us from that ugly moth guy, we'll save you from your creepy scorpion dad!
Angel: (sighs) Look, I appreciate it, but-
Manco: Do it, or I'll tell Vaggie you were the one putting those weird, squishy things in her drawer!
Angel: (to Manco) ....Y'know what yer name means in Japanese? Pussy. Yeah. That's what I'm gonna call you whenever you pull that card out, 'kay? (Manco blinks in confusion) Alright, then, Pussy, I'll go talk to Strawberry Shortcake. Ya happy now?
— Manco and the seven angels encouraging Angel to talk to[Arackniss.
"Roo: And you... Hohoho, I've been waitin' to finally meet ya! Charlie and her mates braved the dangers of Purgatory for you! I know you have to be somethin' special!
Megara: Uh... Ms. Roo? We're really not supposed to mention that place in front of him...
Manco: (to Megara) No, no, Meg, it's... It's fine. (to Roo) I- It's nice to meet you, Ms. Roo. I'm... so sorry you've been stuck here. I know what it's like to live without friends. I wouldn't want that to happen to anyone.
Roo: Well, 'tween you 'n me, trash is better than people. (laughs) So, tell me, what was it like wakin' up to the bleedin' Devil in its face for five months straight?
Manco: (his eyes widen and he begins shuddering) W- What?
Roo: Just curious! What about that cage it kept ya in? What did you think of to try and keep yer mind occupied while it torn yer clones to pieces?
Amelia: ROO!!!
Manco: (he holds his head) I- I don't want to remember... Please- Please don't...
Vaggie: (she protectively stands in front of Manco) I think that's enough. (she gives Roo a death stare)
Roo: (confused) W- What? There somethin' in me teeth?
Charlie: Manco! (she kneels to his level, holding his shoulders) Listen to me. It's okay... Take a deep breath... You're okay. Look at me when you feel like it... (after a second, Manco slowly opens his eyes, facing Charlie) See...? (she smiles; Roo looks at them both intently) You're not there. You're never going back there, and we'll always be here for you.
— Roo meets the seven angel children during Charlie's second visit.
"Manco: Oh, thank goodness...
Roo: CRIKEY, Manco! That was absolutely BONZER! Didja see tha way their bodies exploded?! He shot like fifty feet in the air! WOOO!! What a beauty!
Manco: But I- I didn't want to... Kill them...
Roo: Kill 'em? Ah. (blows a raspberry) They probably didn't even feel it. I mean, you were just protectin' yer friends, roight?
Manco: I mean... I guess.
Roo: And ya wanna know the best thing about killin'? It gets easia every time.
Manco: Really? (Roo nods eagerly) I'm... Not sure about that. I'd rather just not kill anything ever again.
Roo: (laughs) Whateva fills ya trash bin, mate!
Manco: Well, at least it was cool to find out about these powers! I didn't even know I could do all that...
Roo: And see, you woulda never found out about these sick ass powers if ya listened to Charlie.
Manco: Yeah, but I also wouldn't have had to kill things! I'm sorry, I just... I really wanna find a way to use my powers to help people. That Sludgeling... When I heard them screaming...
Roo: (makes Manco face her) Hey, listen. We might have gotten off on the wrong foot at first, but I'm yer mate, and I would never want anything unfortunate to happen to you. I can make things happen, Manco. I won't hold ya back. We just need ta trust each otha, and you'll be capable of doing things most kids can only dream off. We're a team now, 'kay?
Manco: Um, sure... (he starts nodding) Okay. Okay!
Roo: (she grins) Now there's a good c*nt...
Manco: Wait, what?
— Roo and Manco befriend each other.
"Manco: Mr. Husk...
Husk: (he slumps against a wall after wrecking a room, sighing) Fuck, not you... I'm sorry you had to see this, kid. It ain't easy lettin' go of somethin' you've gotten attached to.
Manco: (he sighs sadly) ...You know I hate seeing you like this, but... I want you to know I'll still be here if you need me.
Husk: (scoffs) No offense, kid, but the self-help crap ain't gonna make me feel better. (he looks away from Manco with a lost expression) ...It's not just a psychological thing, I- I feel like I'm in pain. My head won't stop pounding, I can't eat anything. And then I get so angry... (laughs sadly, rubbing his face) Jesus fuckin' Christ... Listen, you're just a kid, you shouldn't have to worry about this. Just go play with your friends, alright?
Manco: ...Y'know what? How about I get my friends and you do those card tricks we like to watch?
Husk: W- What?
Manco: You heard it! W- Whenever you're ready, obviously. You always feel better when we watch you do magic.
— Manco trying to help Husk through an alcohol withdrawal.
"Husk: Listen, kid... I dunno why the fuck you and your friends would even give an old fart like me the time of day, but... I appreciate it. Thanks.
Manco: It's no problem, Husk. You and the others are always there when I need you, and, well... You're kinda like a grandpa to me, and I'm glad to have you around.
Husk: (he turns to Manco for a second before facing away, holding back tears) Wow, that's... That's interesting... (after a pause, he manages sucks up his tears) Okay, buzz off, ya little runt! (Manco giggles and begins running off) And don't tell Charlie about this or she'll be up my ass!
Manco: Will do, sir!
Husk: (Husk watches Manco run off) Me... A grandpa... (chuckles) Who woulda thought?
— Husk and Manco.
"Azrael: Ayyy, Manco! My boi! My little dude! (he grabs Manco and gives him a noogie) My main man! We finally found you and your pals! All together now! (he poses with the confused Charlie's Angels as a paparazzi of cherubs fly in and take pictures of Azrael posing beside the children)
Manco: (while shielding his eyes) W- What's going on?!
Azrael: Just something for the morning paper! Everyone's gonna love me when they find out I rescued the eight, defenseless children everyone's been prattling on about! Deerie, you better make sure they get my good side!
Deerie: (reviewing the pictures) Noooo... Yeaaaaah, this is gonna look just divine on the morning paper. (while telekinetically analyzing a clipboard) Your approval rating should skyrocket by roughlyyyy... 20%.
Azrael: Glorious! Alright, get on outta here! (she and the other cherubs promptly teleport away) Welcome back home! I know what's going through your little heads (mimics fangirling) 'Ahhh, Archangel Azrael! The ultimate savior of Heaven! Ahhhh!' (he laughs and stretches smugly) Yeeaaaaah, I'm kinda famous here...
Amelia: You're Heaven's new champion? You look... Different.
Azrael: Sheeeit, it is what it is, know what I'm sayin'? Know what I mean, G? Ha, ha! Come now, you kids got a lot to catch up on!
— Azrael and Charlie's Angels.
"Manco: Maybe we could go back to the Hazbin Hotel one last time-
Azrael: 'Hazbin Hotel'? What in God's name is that shit? Some trendy, devil-worshipping thing, I assume? You kids and your silly imagination...
Manco: Sir, we appreciate you bringing us back here... But, it's just... You didn't even let us say goodbye...
Azrael: Forget about it, Manco. That shit is over. You're here now, and more importantly, you're safe.
Manco: ... (hangs his head) I'm sorry, sir.
Azrael: Jeez Louise, What is it with you modern winners and always being stuck in the past? (to Lute) You hear this guy? Why is he here? Does he belong here? (Lute shakes her head in disapproval) They just let anyone into Heaven these days? (he laughs) Y'know, Manco, it is illegal for winners to leave the gates of Heaven. The denizens of Heaven practically tore this place apart looking for you.
Manco: They... (he smiles softly) They did?
Azrael: Buuut, I mean, if you miss your play pal so much... Ladies?
Manco: (two Exterminators grab him by the arms) What? N- No, no, no! PLEASE, LET ME GO! PLEASE!
Arthur: HEY! Get the HELL off of him! (he tries to get to Manco, only for Lute to harshly shove him to the ground and block the seven angels' path)
Manco: NO, PLEASE! (he thrashes and screams violently)
Azrael: Defectors are to be punished... (he opens a portal to Purgatory)
Azrael: ...But I guess being stuck in a motel with a bunch of filthy degenerates is punishment enough! (he closes the portal and bursts into laughter) Alright, girls, set 'em down! (the Exterminators drops the shaken Manco as Azrael playfully punches his shoulder) I'm just fuckin' with you, dude! (cackles as Manco is in a fetal position, clutching his chest and trembling)
Megara: (she and Amelia kneel down to Manco, comforting him) Manco, are you okay?!
Amelia: (while gently stroking Manco's back) Shhh, shhh... Just calm down... We're always here for you...
Azrael: The fuck is this? (to Lute) Did I break him? (to Manco) What's the matter, little guy? Lemme guess; Your dad die? Got dumped by your girlfriend? Or are you just an emo loser who can't stand how awesome I am?
Arthur: Why did you do that?!
Azrael: (he slowly approaches Manco and kneels down to his level) Manco, how was I to know? The things these demons must have done to you... Tsk, tsk, tsk. But I am here for you, dude. I know we don't see eye-to-eye, yet, but I'm the only one you kids can really trust, and once you all get settled back in, everything will make sense. You only know one side of the coin, after all.
Manco: I just wanna be left alone, please...
Azrael: (shrugs) Whatever floats your boat. (to Ebony, who is walking by holding a plethora of spears and swords) Ebony?!
Ebony: (stops in her tracks) W- What? (she clumsily drops the weapons and stumbles over to Azrael, saluting awkwardly) Reporting for duty, Archangel Azrael, sir!
Azrael: Show these kids to their rooms, y'know, whenever Manco decides to shut down the waterworks, aight?
— Azrael and Charlie's Angels.
"Manco: Charlie... Where are we gonna go? We spent all this time wanting to go back to Heaven... But all these innocent angels getting banished and demons getting slaughtered... (He begins tearing up.) I... I just can't stay up there! (He sits on the stairs, his face in his hands.)
Charlie: (Charlie gives Manco a look like she's thinking something over. She hesitates, before sitting next to him, wrapping an arm around him slowly.) How about... You stay at the hotel? (Manco slowly looks up at her with twinkly, wide eyes.) A- At least until... Heaven gets it act together.... Iiiiff that ever happens...
Manco: Charlie... Are you sure?? Won't you get in trouble for this? What if someone tries to hurt my friends? (Tears streaming down his face.) Our own home hates us! Everyone down here hates us, you know that!!!
Charlie: (She holds his hands to reassure him.) Manco... As princess of Hell, I say that you and the other kids can stay here as long as you have to. And anyone who has a problem with that can deal with me and everyone else here. (She smiles sweetly at him.) There is a place for you, here. If you think everyone hates you, just look around the hotel. Here, you have friends to play with... Who will always love you, no matter what you are. (She pulls him to her and hugs him closely. Manco can't see it, but Charlie herself is crying, knowing that she won't be able to keep him safe forever.) I don't care if everyone else in Hell hates you, 'cause me and the others will protect and love you.... Always.
— Charlie reassuring Manco after he was sent back down to Hell.
"Banishing innocent souls from Heaven just so you can kill them in Hell... You call that entertainment?! THE ONLY ONE WHO DESERVES TO BE EXTERMINATED IS YOU!!!"
— Manco to Azrael.
"Lux: So, uh, Squish. I got a teensy question... Why were you so willing to stick your neck out for me?
Squish: (he giggles nervously, blushing, but plays it off) Hey, look, I woulda protected anyone on this team. We're... totally like a family at this point, right?
Lux: Sure, and we all love ya for it (Squish's blush deepens, his mouth becomes squiggly, and he begins drooling ink), but I'm kinda, like, infinitely immortal and all that jazz. I woulda been fine...
Squish: Hehehe! Uhhh, I guess there's that... Well, even if you're immortal, I still don't wanna see you get hurt. (Lux gives Squish a sly, sardonic "nice try" smile) Y'see, even if you have a tough friend, they're still a friend and you don't wanna see-
Manco: (while Squish is yapping, Niffty leaps onto Manco's shoulder as he is watching the two and whispers to him; she says something that makes him reel a bit and shout out loud) No way! Are you shipping everyone again, Niffty?
Lux: (to Manco) What'd she say?
Manco: (innocently, as Niffty giggles chaotically and skitters onto Manco's back, as if using him as a shield) Niffty thinks Squish was protecting Lux because he has a huge crush on-!
Squish: (like a little girl, turning into a full ink demon) GAAAAAAH!!!! (he covers Manco's mouth with his inky hand) NOT COOL, BRO.
— Squish and Lux in the aftermath of the War in Hell.

Quotes Pertaining to Manco

"(holding up Manco, who has puppy dog eyes) How can you say no to this widdle face?!"
— Charlie to Vaggie.
"Really, pal? (scoffs) Why tha fuck are you so scared of that kid? He wouldn't hurt a fly. Prolly couldn't, even if he wanted."
— Angel to Satan after it ordered him to kill Manco.
"Manco! You really spillin' the beans on our little secret, brah? Fuck, it's such a bummer you had to go all snowflake like the rest of 'em. [...] Gotta say, I'm surprised that a pussy like you managed to channel those fucking rad concussive blasts. I guess you aren't COMPLETELY worthless. You maybe even had the chops to be a kick ass soldier! My drummer, man! Sure, you're a bit of a youngster, but hey, that’s why the big boys call it the 'infantry'. (he laughs loudly, before switching to a serious expression) But for real, fuck you, kid."
— Azrael to Manco during the War in Hell, after the latter revealed he was using his guitar to control the Exorcists.


  • Manco's name in Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese means "maimed" and "one-armed", which is likely in reference to his tragic past.
  • His theme song would be "A Million Dreams" from The Greatest Showman.
  • He was 8-10 years old at the time of his death.
  • Manco suffers from insomnia due to recurring nightmares as a result of the psychological damage that Satan inflicted upon him. He also refuses to sleep unless he has someone with him. The seven angels are aware of this and huddle around him at night to give him a sense of security.
  • He tries to hide most of his insecurities and trauma from other people because he does not want to be a burden. The only two people he is comfortable opening up to are Charlie and Megara.
  • Manco has a fascination with outer space and wanted to be an astronaut when he grew up. He has several posters and drawings in his room at the Hazbin Hotel depicting space and astronauts. In addition, he was mesmerized by Baxter's spaceship, and enjoys pretending to fight aliens with the seven angels. This would likely explain why he enjoys flying and is fairly good at it.
  • Like all angels, Manco can do perfect puppy dog eyes, with sparkles and all.
  • Manco was originally intended to have a far more alien appearance, originally depicted as having an oval-shaped head with large, black, beady eyes. He was also intended to be completely mute.
    • Throughout Chapter 3, a couple of Manco's undead counterparts are depicted with his original appearance as a homage.
  • Manco has an unfortunate habit of calling Charlie "Mom" on accident. He gets very embarrassed by it, and Simon and Angel Dust like to tease him about it, but Charlie finds it utterly adorable and it makes her heart melt every single time.
  • He is a Christian.


ve Characters
Hazbin Hotel Crew Charlie MagneAngel DustAlastorVaggieNifftyHuskRazzle and DazzleAlastor's friendsFat NuggetsRenFergusMimzyBaxterCryminiSquishKaren 2.OCorey and PeelVillaPrincessSir PentiousEgg Bois
I.M.P BlitzøMoxxieMillieLoona
Seven Deadly Sins Lucifer MagneLeviathan Von EldritchMammonBeelzebubBelphegorAsmodeusSatan
Overlords AlastorValentinoVoxVelvetteRosieMissi ZillaCarmilla CarmineStellarSock and Buskin
Kingpins Cherri BombSir PentiousHenroinMaulreese JackjawBruce
Ars Goetia StolasStellaOctaviaPaimonAndrealphus
Pride Ring Lilith MagneHuniBunKatie KilljoyTom TrenchAracknissIzziThe InsurgencyVarkDiaSummerBasilSir Pentious' HatRumYuckLailaBoar ButcherQueefSabreMelvynLoopty GooptyLyle LiptonJeffrey Dahmer
Wrath Ring The DivineStrikerScorpiusThe ChosenBombproofAzazel
Gluttony Ring Mr. PVortexBehemothBee-lzebub
Greed Ring Robo FizzLarsonCalliopeTinglesWally WackfordTillaCash BuckzoLoo LooCrimsonAlessio
Lust Ring FizzarolliVerosika Mayday
Envy Ring Seviathan Von EldritchHellsa Von EldritchBethesda Von EldritchFinThe KrakenMishelleNatasha
Sloth Ring LugnutClaptrapKarenScavenger UnitsHellhound Adoption FoundationMs. SweetrubyBelle-phegor
Heaven GodLuxSeraSerenityArchangel FortiMancoCharlie's AngelsMillicentMollyAzraelExterminatorsLuteAdinaEbonySableDestinyRavenBladeMs. HartfeltMetatronOphanimC.H.E.R.U.BLeo LightheartCletusCollinKeenieDeerieRachelHoneyBeaBeauTorySeraphielMr. TreeArchangel MichaelArchangel GabrielArchangel UrielArchangel SandalphonArchangel RaphaelArchangel CassielArchangel BarachielArchangel ZadkielAnnie
Other characters DeathRooVaggie's fatherSpindleAzathothQueen SpiderArmy of DarknessSanta ClausKrampusValentine