- "Yes, Your Gluttonous..."
- — Mr. P's catchphrase, often directed at Beelzebub whenever he is given an order.
- "Mr. P: Allow me to properly make my moniker aware to you. I am Pog, surname Gers. Diplomat of the ring of Gluttony and humble and most high servant of our beloved king, Beelzebub. However, relevant to my proclamation is the following divulgence, which I now put forth to you. "Mr. P" is the name by which I am to be addressed, and you, as a member of a lower-ranked organization, will do well to remember this. We yearn for your compliance, as to speak with one so base, so ignorant, and so unworthy as you, is an insult to our very beings.
Blitzø: Whoa, woah, hold the fuck up- Did you just say your name is... Pog Gers?
Mr. P: Yes? (after a pause, everyone starts snickering) ...Why the Heaven does everyone allows laugh when I say that? My name is Pog Gers, and it is a very respectable name! (everyone bursts out laughing) What is so damn funny?!" - — Mr. P introducing himself to the hotel crew and I.M.P.
Pog Gers, also known as Mr. P or Mistah P, is a recurring antagonist in Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light.
He is a minor antagonist in Chapters 1, 4 and 5, and a supporting antagonist in Chapter 2.
He is a no-nonsense, delusionally eloquent, deadpan, but rarely respected mosquito demon from the Gluttony Ring who serves as the creepy, yet goofy, right-hand man and lover of the King of Gluttony, Beelzebub, delivering his orders and enforcing his laws inside and outside of Gluttony.
Events of Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light[]
Chapter 1[]
In the Chapter 1 finale "The Encore", Mr. P informs Beelzebub, while he's in the middle of terrorizing a captured imp, about Charlie Magne obtaining Heaven's Light, which amuses the King of Gluttony and leads to him hatching a plan to prevent the princess from succeeding.
Chapter 2[]
In "Dawn of the Black Moon", Mr. P gives Beelzebub a status report on the Gluttony Ring's less-than-stellar overeating statistics, prompting Beelzebub to make a new forcing his denizens to eat every scrap of food they are given. After Beelzebub is contacted by Sir Pentious, who he had recently enlisted to destroy the Medallions of Virtue, Mr. P expresses his doubt of the snake's competence, asking his king if he was aware that Sir Pentious would likely fail. Beelzebub said he was, but that Sir Pentious himself wasn't, to which the two laughs like school children.
Mr. P and Beelzebub watched as Sir Pentious was thwarted again by the hotel crew, although the King of Gluttony was not fazed by this news, since manipulating Sir Pentious was his idea of a game. When Mr. P suggested methods on how to dispose of Pentious for his failure, the King of Gluttony said he would punish Sir Pentious in the future, and merely ordered his underlings to let the hotel crew proceed on their mission so that Satan would deal with them.
Chapter 4[]
In the Chapter 4 finale "It's Never Too Late", Mr. P accompanies Beelzebub to a meeting with the rest of the Seven Deadly Sins. When Beelzebub discovered that I.M.P had betrayed Lucifer Magne and had a hand in the death of Leviathan, he offers to take care of Lucifer's "imp problem", knowing the danger they could pose if left unchecked. He then tasked Mr. P with capturing Millie's family and Sir Pentious and bringing them to his castle.
Chapter 5[]
In "Just Desserts", Mr. P and his entourage go to the Hazbin Hotel for a royal message on behalf of Beelzebub, making an official statement that all imps that reside within the hotel are to be handed over due to laws previously imposed by Beelzebub. Charlie, Vaggie, Angel Dust, and Fergus confront Mr. P, with Vaggie making it known that Mr. P is not welcome at the hotel and Charlie declares all imps within the Hazbin Hotel are off-limits. Mr. P bitterly leaves, but not before getting into an argument with Fergus.
After Moxxie, Millie, and Blitzø are taken to Beelzebub's Hive, Mr. P begins overlooking and supervising all of the imps taken by Beelzebub's forces to ensure that no imp has escaped. Mr. P walks into the center of the prison and gives all of the imps a speech that where they are currently is where all imps should rightfully be, since they are the scum of society. Moxxie bitterly retorts to the mosquito demon that he knew who the true scum of Hell's society was, and that he was staring at it. Mr. P nonsensically retorts that he was staring at it as well, to Moxxie's complete confusion.
As night falls, Mr. P and three of Beelzebub's henchmen publicly torture and interrogate an imp to get the whereabouts of imp refugees. They pour a pail of flesh-eating parasites on the imp to coerce him into spilling the beans. When the imp can no long handle the pain and tells Mr. P the whereabouts of the other imps as the parasites begin gnawing his flesh away, Mr. P emotionlessly thanks him for his cooperation, but continues with the torture regardless as a reminder to the other imps as what would happen to them for their defiance, watching with complete apathy as the imp was torturously and agonizingly devoured by the flesh-eating bugs.
The next day, Moxxie, using his cunning and wits, manages to escape captivity and Blitzø who proceed to lead a full-scale prison riot and revolution against Beelzebub's minions, freeing all of the imps and fighting back against their oppressors. During the riot, Mr. P leads Beelzebub's minions, apathetically ordering them to seize or kill all of the imps. Millie and her sister, Sallie May, put their sibling rivalry aside and fight their way through the hoard until they reach Mr. P. Sallie May plunges a knife into Mr. P's forehead, while Millie leaps over Mr. P's head and plunges her knife in the back of his head. The two sisters slide their knives down vertically, slowly bisecting Mr. P. Despite being bisected Mr. P banters with a member of the Swarm, who was also bisected.
It is completely unknown if Mr. P actually died from being bisected, considering that he was casually talking after being bisected and showed little amount of pain afterward.
- "Mr. P: I'm simply a stickler for order, a perfectionist. An agent of efficiency. A model of discipline. And a professional.
Blitzø: Ah, so you like blowing smoke up your ass, eh?
Mr. P: Your audacity is, as it was before, unbecoming. But essentially, yes. Though, as before, I would have said that in a more socially agreeable way and not like a common criminal." - — Mr. P and Blitzø.
Mr. P is best described as uptight, analytical, and meticulous neat freak who is obsessed with order and a stickler to the rules, making him the perfect straight man to the chaotic and thrill-seeking Beelzebub. He expresses deep respect for his king, speaking of him reverently and advising him on certain strategies, such as increasing overeating across Hell while at the same time making it so that it would be difficult for the poor and downtrodden to get their share of food. Mr. P's most defining personality trait is his pretentiousness; He is insufferably pretentious and tends to engage in banter in the form of overly-eloquent speeches.
Many demons find Mr. P unsettling due to his tendency to appear right behind them out of nowhere, giving them an intense Kubrick Stare. Because of his OCD, Mr. P takes his position very seriously and is obsessed with keeping things in track, even down to keeping an individualized count of the thousands of fruit in Beelzebub's cornucopia and excoriating a member of the Swarm when there was in insufficient count.
Mr. P is very much an enforcer and stickler to Hell's hierarchy. He insists on being addressed as "Mr. P", and his reference to lower-ranked castes effectively conveys his adherence to hierarchical norms in Hell.
While Mr. P doesn't revel in cruelty nearly as much as Beelzebub, he actively participates in and enables the king's misdeeds, including the brutal tortures and mass-cannibalism of imps. This aligns with his need for order and structure, as Beelzebub's reign ensures a certain level of control over the Gluttony Ring. His lack of moral qualms might stem from a belief in the hierarchy of Hell or a pragmatic understanding of the way things work.
Mr. P has a generally emotionless, deadpan attitude towards most things and hardly ever emotes, seeming unimpressed by everything he sees. He is not afraid and even seems to delight in pointing out somebody's shortcomings, dishes out dry taunts to anyone below him, and is very no-nonsense in his approach. He seems outright averse to showing emotion at times. He is also complacent and rather arrogant, not allowing those lower than him to address him by his true name, worried that they could "soil" it. He is described, bluntly, as "not being on anyone's bullshit", and is condescending towards allies and enemies alike, only ever restraining his dry wit when in the presence of his master.
Mr. P has such a weak grasp on reality that he sometimes makes unbelievably laughable statements; he reacts to criticism by redirecting other people's criticisms back at them, even if they don't make sense in context. He is shown to have an obsession with order to the point where it makes him seem subtly eccentric, not to mention having a consistently monotone voice, although this could simply be how he genuinely talks. Overall, it's never shown if he is actually neurotypical or if that's simply just how he acts.
Mr. P is a slender insectoid demon with greyish-purple skin. He has a very long nose reminiscent of a mosquito, with the tip of his nose being a pink gradient color. He has rows of small, sharp teeth along the underside of his nose, and has a pair of two small, bug-like wings on his back. He is kinda built awkward and has only one long, big leg. His irises are pink, and he is completely bald. He appears to have an ovipositor on his posterior.
He wears a dark pink suit with pink stripes down the wrists, a white undershirt, a tiny purple top hat and dark purple pants with pink stripes down the length. He wears black shoes with small heels.
Powers and Abilities[]
Natural Powers[]
- Immortality: As a demon, Mr. P ages slower the older he comes, effectively allowing him to live indefinitely.
Unique Powers[]
- Flight: Mr. P can fly and hover through the air using a pair of two small wings on his back.
- Pain Tolerance: Mr. P has a shockingly high pain tolerance. Upon being bisected by Millie and Sallie May, he showed no visible signs of pain, even bantering with one of Beelzebub's minions afterward, seeming far more annoyed than in any actual pain.
- Summoning: Mr. P can summon objects, such as a paper and quill, in his hands using simple hand waves.
- Authority: A Beelzebub's right-hand man, Mr. P has a lot of pull in the Gluttony Ring, allowing him to have people imprisoned or order anyone he wants to, outside of Beelzebub.
Chapter 2[]
- "Mr. P: Sire, our statistics have shown a significant increase in overeating across the seven rings.
Beelzebub: Divine! And what have the plebeians been dining on?
Mr. P: Anything that gets left in the trash, Your Gluttonous.
Beelzebub: Eugh! Even that's too much. New law! (Mr. P puts on reading glasses, pulls out a quill and begins writing) My subjects are to eat every last morsel of food they're given. I don't wanna see an apple core, seed, or banana peel uneaten. They are to clean their plates- Y'know what? Screw it- Eat their plates, until their hearts palpitate and they're drowning in their own perspiration. Is that clear?
Mr. P: (after a few seconds of writing he glances up at Beelzebub) I think you've made your point quite clear, Your Gluttonous." - — Mr. P and Beelzebub.
- "Mr. P: (he appears behind one of Beelzebub's insect minions as they turn around, staring down at them with a cold Kubrick Star) What are you up to, Jeremy?
Jeremy: (he gulps as Mr. P continues staring at him with widened eyes) Just... just getting a refreshment, Mr. P, sir.
Mr. P: The perimeters of your assignment were described to you with exactitude. Contribute to our glorious king's cornucopia. I counted 16,678 apples this morning and now there's only 16,633eeeeeeee......Do you know what happens when one displeases the King of Gluttony?
Jeremy: (he is sweating buckets) N- N- No, sir...
Mr. P: (he leans into Jeremy's face with a cold, soul-piercing glare, the room going pitch black with only the two of them visible) Do you wish to find out?
Jeremy: N- No I... I'll just to it in a moment, sir.
Mr. P: A moment...? (he continues staring at Jeremy, eyes going bloodshot)
Jeremy: Uh... (he throws his martini into the wall) I mean away! Right away, sir!
Mr. P: ...Wonderful. Now go." - — Mr. P confronts Jeremy.
- "Bloody mary. Hold the mary."
- — Mr. P ordering a drink at a bar.
- "Yes, sire. very riveting. Now, what method shall we dispose of him with?"
- — Mr. P to Beelzebub about Sir Pentious.
Chapter 4[]
- "Beelzebub: See if you can find anything on these imps. A family or...
Mr. P: I know from our scouts in Wrath that one of those imps belongs to a family working at the Rough 'N Tumble Ranch.
Beelzebub: (chuckles) Good man. Take them, and... Hmm... Do you remember that loser from Pride? Sir... Pen-tee-ous?
Mr. P: Not until you mentioned him, Your Gluttonous.
Beelzebub: Send our trackers to bring him to the hive as well. I need another playmate, since the last ones... Well, y'know.
Mr. P: Right away, sire. And I'd advise you to play with your food a bit more nicely for the sake of their longevity, but I know you too well.
Beelzebub: (groans) It's not my fault imps are so fucking fragile! And with Belphegor pushing up thorns, I'll slowly but surely lose my steady supply of Hellhounds. (slumps in his throne, pouting) What did I do to deserve this...?
Mr. P: Well, for one, would it not be more beneficial to target these unruly imps yourself?
Beelzebub: (rises back up, cackling loudly) Oh, c'mon, you just said you know me! I like to draw things out. If we have the whole family present, they'll be able to scream their goodbyes before I have my feast. (giggles loudly) Isn't that generous of us?! Plus, why spoil my appetite with mere bait, when I can feast on bigger fish, hm? (snickers evilly as Mr. P exits the room)" - — Beelzebub and Mr. P conspiring to kill I.M.P.
Chapter 5[]
- "Beelzebub: How are we today, Mr. P?
Mr. P: Exhausted with the stupidity of our underlings, but otherwise fine. You? I only ask because I do, at the very least, have the sense to maintain a modicum of politeness while on the job; even if working with you gives me nothing but stress and agony.
Beelzebub: Oh, I'm always well, Mr. P. Especially when I get to indulge in a particularly scrumptious hunt! It tickles a certain pleasure center in my ganglia when I savor the screams of helpless, pleading prey. They taste the best, don't you know.
Mr. P: As you've told me 36,741 times. I counted.
Beelzebub': (he suddenly lunges at Mr. P, meeting him face-to-face with a grin) Do I detect a hint of disdain from my favorite man? (he giggles as Mr. P's eyes are wide) Your aura tastes rather unsavory today.
Mr. P: Oh, of course not, your grace. I would never be caught parading such a vile aura with anyone of supreme importance! No, no. Disdain is what I save for filthy commoners who have the unmitigated GALL to use my real name! I'd never insult the King of Gluttony in such a manner!
Beelzebub: (he giggles) I believe I can let this transgression slide, since you have corrected your mistake... But for the sake of your longevity, I highly recommend you work on that sour mood of yours. For I could easily use flesh as a substitute for emotions. (he giggles again)
Mr. P: (he straightens his tie, gulping) I am most grateful for your mercy and understanding, your grace. I would not wish for you to unleash your appetite on me, for I am but a lowly subject. If only I were a more worthy servant, I would offer myself readily to your ever-devouring majesty!
Beelzebub: (he gets closer to Mr. P, the latter blushing red) It's amusing how far you are willing to go for your king, oh faithful and loyal servant... who knows? Maybe you ARE worthy of being offered to me... (he giggles before stepping back from Mr. P, the tension dying down) But we will have to wait to find out. There are plenty of imps who are certainly worthy of my indulgence!
Mr. P: (he straightens himself) Indulge in your meals you'd please, but be sure to leave no trace or evidence behind. If the other Sins find out about this, I won't hear the end of it. I do not relish having to clean up after you. You risk engendering ill will on the part of your acquainted Ringleaders, for cheap thrills no less.
Beelzebub: Of course, of coooourse, Mr. P! I assure you, when I'm finished hunting, there won't be a trace of my victims. (he boops Mr. P on his probosiss) I'll be clean as a whistle! (he giggles and leaps onto a hole in his hive, turning back to Mr. P) Go snoop around and see if you can find any imps cowering in Pride. And sure to have that Beezle S'mores Milk ready when I get back. I just love the way you make them! (he flies out of the hole)" - — Beelzebub and Mr. P.
- "Fergus: I think what you're doing is fucked up.
Mr. P: That's too bad.
Fergus: Can you talk to your boss? I know you're scared of him, but all you need to do is man the fuck up and-
Mr. P: I'm not scared of him, and I'm certainly not scared of you.
Fergus: (blinks twice in shock) What the hell is that supposed to mean? You threatening me?
Mr. P: I'm not a person that gets scared, so don't use that word.
Fergus: What I'm asking if for you to take some dignity and go tell him yourself. So, are you going to grow a pair, or do you want to- what, what do you want? A fight? Like, confrontation?
Mr. P: I don't want to soil myself, no.
Fergus: Yeah, you stand there with your dandyness and quaffed clothes, but I can tell a fucking fake from a mile away. Tell me, what does Beelzebub's boot leather taste like?
Mr. P: I will not be the butt of your humor, you insufferable oaf! The only way you can salvage this interaction is by answering this most-pressing of inquiries with utmost celerity: are you harboring any imps in this establishment?" - — Fergus and Mr. P.
- "Allow me to elucidate. Your 'briefest' excursion shall not, if I have my way, be so brief. Any damage to this immaculate automobile might bring us misfortune of a much greater magnitude than your miniscule minds might currently comprehend."
- — Mr. P.
- "Beelze: Oh, fuck yeah! Heyyy, Uncle P! (to the partygoers) Hey, party people! It's MV MISTAH P! (she starts a howl with the other Hellhounds, who then cheer to Mr. P as he stares at them with a deadpan expression; Beelze laughs and sits next to him) You doin' alright, old man? (she materializes a Beelzejuice bottle in one of her arms and drinks from it)
Mr. P: Princess. (he bows his head in respect) I must admit, these convocations of which you so frequently beget, juvenile though they may be, are a most impressive display of... I believe the word our youth employ these days is, 'swagger'." - — Beelze and Mr. P.
- "I fear my initial assessment of your race has been rendered founded, imps. You are all clearly possessed of a rashness and a lack of control and decorum. It is most troubling to me that you are free to move about as you wish and you demonstrate no signs of discipline or respect of the strict social hierarchy of Hell. You must be brought to heel, and I will take great pleasure in teaching you to show proper deference to those who are superior."
- — Mr. P to the imprisoned imps within Beelzebub's Hive.
- "Mr. P: You imps are common filth. Deep down, you both know this is where your kind belongs.
Moxxie: (looks at Mr. P with a burning glare) At least we know who the true scum of Hell is.
Mr. P: Yeah.
Moxxie: I'm staring at it.
Mr. P: And I'm staring at it, as well." - — Mr. P and Moxxie.
- "What sort of an idiotic inquiry is that? I am a professional. I hold to an established standard of conduct within our organization, and I am a loyal subject to Beelzebub - our beloved and righteous king!"
- — Mr. P.
- "A worthy and germane question. Allow me to expound, if I may. The answer to the question which you so artfully pose is a simple one. I would be greatly remiss if I did not mention the matter of Beelzebub's recent edicts, in which he so wisely prescribed to us the need to be ever-vigilant and ready to adjust our operations, as needed. This wisdom so clearly exhibited by Beelzebub is something I take to heart."
- — Mr. P.
- "Mr. P: Rest assured, Your Gluttonous, for I have returned with your selected targets in tow.
Beelzebub: Oh? Is that so? (his sadistic grin grows) Well, then do be a dear and present them to me~
Mr. P: It is my pleasure to comply, my liege. I would beseech you, His Gluttonous Beelzebub, to consider a most efficacious method of execution for these creatures, befitting their vile nature.
Beelzebub: Oh? (his eyes shine) And how would YOU recommend these vile little creatures be executed, Mr. P? Thrill me! CHILL me! (he asks with a low, silky purr)
Mr. P: The following exhortation which I now put forth to you in regards to the aforementioned method of execution, would be a simple neck snap. Though, in lieu of your tendency to play with your food, I expect you to have a more drawn-out method of the execution, my most gracious liege.
Beelzebub: Astute as ever, my faithful. I mean, a neck snap? (he frowns) Daring, but... pedestrian. So many details lost! (his grin returns) I will torture them as long as it takes for me to extract a sincere apology from them for their mere existence and meddling in the ventures of the Ringleaders. And when they cry and plead for my mercy, I will deny them. (he cackles) Ahhh, nothing like a little bit of emotional manipulation and psychological torture...
Mr. P: As your faithful and most loyal servant, I am obliged to serve as you see fit, O Most Glorious Gluttonous. I must, however, caution you against indulging in excess of cruelty. This particular outfit of imps are most wily. A single mistake in your execution and they will escape, certainly begetting the loss of esteem of those who revere you.
Beelzebub: (he chuckles lowly) Oh, darling, don't you worry about me or my reputation. (he chuckles) Cruelty isn't something I can overindulge in when it IS my nature! I'll have you know that my methods and ways are tried and true from decades of experience. These imps are no different than the rest who ran afoul with me. Now... fetch them, my faithful lovebug.
Mr. P: Of course, Most Glorious Beelzebub. As your loyal servant, I am obliged to obey as you see fit. I'll fetch the offenders and bring them before your majestic presence in which I most-
Beelzebub: Okay! Okay! OKAY! Fuck! I get it! Just go away, shoo! (he grows sharp, spider leg legs from his back) I'M GETTING HANGRY!!! (Mr. P immediately flutters away)" - — Beelzebub and Mr. P.
- "Mr. P: (to Sallie May and Mille, flocked by three Swarm members) Use your brain, imps, though you may lack them. A battle with me would be a mistake of which you would never recover from. I am on a quest of singular importance, the details of which you are not privy to. It is imperative that I complete my mission, and any opposition must be dealt with appropriately. Do not make a mistake and oppose me-
- "I can only express disappointment that borders on depression."
- — Mr. P before being bisected by Millie and Sallie May.
- "Swarm Demon: (laying on the ground, bisected) I say we have been halfly disciplined, if you pardon my morbid pun.
Mr. P: I regretfully concur." - — A Swarm Demon and Mr. P after they were both bisected.
- His name is a reference to "poggers", an expression of excitement, and a popular meme and emoticon on the streaming website Twitch.
- His theme song would be "Funky Town" by Lipps Inc.
- Mr. P is one of Superjamturtle's (writer on Journey to the Light) favorite characters, alongside Azrael and Niffty.
- He has a crippling fear of fly swatters, even if they are so small that it would be impossible for him to be swatted.
- There is a running gag in the series where the other characters will try to guess what the "P" in his name stands for. His “Mr. P“ nickname allows many "P-stands-for" jokes from the snarky denizens of Hell. The "P" in his name was not revealed to be "Pog" until "Just Desserts".
- He became Beelzebub's right hand man after he won an eating contest by eating 420 WackDonald's burgers.
- He has OCD.
- Is incapable of walking because he has only one long leg. Thus, he is only ever seen flying or hovering in place.
- It is implied (later confirmed by the authors) that Mr. P and Beelzebub are lovers, as Bee-lzebub and her friend group affectionately refers to him and Beelzebub as her "gay dads".
- He is an alcoholic as a result of his stressful job and is secretly addicted to blood flavored Beelzejuice.
- He has two children alongside his roommate, Roody, whom he is in an open relationship with.