- "SSSSILENCE, YOU INFURIATING, RASPBERRY-SCENTED TRIFFIDS!!! (the crowd of angels slowly turn to the pearly gates, which open very slowly, suspensfully revealing a bright ray of light...; from the gates and lights steps out Sir Pentious - or Saint Repentious - now in a heavenly form, looking pissed) Lux, that twinkling, oblong gaslight, left my soul at the wrong gate! And I, Saint Repentious, have been slithering around these blasted gates for months, looking for the entrance! WHY ARE THESE BLOO'Y GATES SO BLOOMIN' LONG?!?! (the massive crowd of angels stare at Repentious in silence, some in excitement, and some in shock) ...Why the hell are you all staring at me like that?!?!"
- — Repentious ascends to Heaven.
Sir Pentious, later known in Heaven as Saint Repentious, Patron Saint of the Redeemed, is a recurring antagonist-turned-supporting protagonist in Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light.
He serves as a recurring antagonist in Chapter 1, a major antagonist in Chapter 2, a minor antagonist in Chapter 4, a major anti-hero in Chapter 5, and a minor, but pivotal character in Holy Hell.
A slithering tryhard, steampunk inventor, and creative criminal kingpin who strived to be "modern and cool", Sir Pentious was a brilliant, British supervillain and hopeless romantic from the Victorian era who used his mighty machines and army of sentient egg minions called the Egg Boiz in his evil crusade to seize control of the seven rings of Hell and make all within fear and respect his name. As a comedic foil to the hotel and its crew, he was a bombastic, flamboyant, and persistent underachiever and underdog with traits reminiscent of a Saturday morning cartoon villain, and used his supervillain persona to mask his desires to be loved and to no longer be viewed as a failure by the denizens of Hell. Eventually, Pentious joined the Hazbin Hotel in an attempt to use his intelligence and machinery for "good", and continued to cook up evil schemes behind the backs of Charlie and Vaggie.
Despite many members of the hotel doubting him, Pentious proved himself as a valuable and even altruistic asset to the hotel team, most notably crafting armor capable of withstanding angelic weaponry alongside Baxter for the hotel crew to use in the war with the Exorcists. He also clandestinely served as a informant for the hotel, providing crucial intelligence about the Insurgency. Tragically, Pentious seemingly met his demise at the hands of Rum under Izzi's command, with his loyal Egg Bois by his side. Nonetheless, thanks to Baxter and the Egg Bois, his sacrifice was not in vain.
However, in reality, Pentious' soul ascended to Heaven thanks to Lux's intervention, making him the first reformed sinner to ascend to Heaven.
In life, Sir Pentious was a brilliant, yet insane Victorian steampunk inventor who specialized in building machinery and robotics. Sir Pentious came from modest beginnings. A victim of the time he lived in, he endured relentless bullying in his school days due to his mental illness and unconventional, zany ideas. Said bullying including swirlies, wedgies, being shoved into a locker, and being tar'd and feathered. This unfortunate treatment fueled his desire to terrorize townsfolk and his fellow students using his small mechanical inventions and unleashing plague rats, as he believed that if he couldn't earn their affection, he would command their fear.
During a particular class assignment, Pentious was paired with a woman for an egg-caring project. As they spent time nurturing the egg, their bond grew stronger. She admired his nerdy and eccentric personality, and her sympathy extended to him for the way the town had ostracized him. This connection deepened Pentious' feelings for the woman, and he developed a strong attachment to the egg they cared for, fostering dreams of one day having children of his own.
Their love continued to flourish, and Pentious and the woman remained close friends for years. Eventually, he summoned the courage to ask for her hand in marriage, a proposal she joyfully accepted. The two of them lived a blissful life together, with Pentious often composing sentimental love songs for her and performing them on their piano. They went on to have a daughter, Lydia, and a son. Pentious claimed that he had been knighted by Queen Victoria, although the veracity of this assertion remained highly questionable given his reputation.
Pentious shared a strong bond with his son, crafting numerous toys for him. However, his more mature daughter, Lydia, held a different perspective, deeming his inventions and pursuits as frivolous endeavors that would ultimately lead to his harm in the long run.
Nonetheless, Pentious remained known as mentally unstable but generally nonthreatening, often becoming the subject of ridicule for his eccentric inventions and unorthodox ideas. His notoriety reached a point where even the town constables were well-acquainted with him. His primary life ambition was to construct a formidable automaton army over the course of 15 years, intending to employ these automatons to conquer the entire world and, in doing so, earn the respect he believed he deserved for his intelligence.
In 1888, Sir Pentious had his big break when he showed off his automatons at a science fair, earning him the top scientist award. His advancements were so renowned that he and his wife were invited for tea at Buckingham Palace with the one and only Queen Victoria, who in her eccentric ways took a liking to his inventions and wanted him to show his inventions off to her kingdom.
Unfortunately, this was where Pentious met his end on Earth; while sharing stories with the Queen and other royals, Pentious consumed a great deal of tea and had to go to the bathroom. Against his wife's advice, Pentious refused to go to the bathroom or leave the Queen's company out of fervent respect. As it was time for Pentious to present his automatons in front of all of Britain, the urge to urinate grew more and more as Pentious began violently convulsing, desperately trying to finish his carefully written speech in front of an increasingly confused crowd. Alas, Pentious' entire gallbladder exploded, causing him to cease for several solid seconds before falling to the ground like a wooden plank. Despite his wife's attempts to revive him, Pentious had died right in front of the Queen and all of Britain, a victim of his own fanboyism and pride.
Even in death, Pentious continued to watch over his beloved family from the afterlife. As Pentious witnessed the injustice and ridicule his family faced. He marveled at how cruel the world could be, how it could take a life in an instant and leave behind a shattered heart. He saw the pain in his wife's eyes, having to watch her crying herself to sleep while clutching his damaged hat, and had to witness his son throw tantrums while crying for his father to come back. Sometimes he considered leaving his family, thinking that his presence only added to their sorrow. But he couldn't bear the thought of abandoning them in a world that had taken him away.
With the passage of time, a gentleman began visiting the Pentious family residence for a span of about a month, extending companionship and solace to Pentious' wife and children. His wife understood that he was merely a friend, someone to help ease the weight of sorrow in her heart. However, this deeply wounded Pentious, witnessing another man stepping in to fill the void he had left behind, stoking feelings of jealousy and abandonment.
As this man continued to spend time with Pentious' wife and children, Pentious' heart fractured a bit more each day. He yearned for the life they had once shared, the shared laughter, and the love that had once tightly bound them together. It felt as though these moments were being stolen from him, and the ache became too much to bear. Ultimately, Pentious made the heart-wrenching decision to move on to the afterlife, unable to watch his family appear to "move on" without him.
Arrival in Hell
Upon his death, Sir Pentious was reborn in Hell. At some point in time, Pentious partnered with another sinner known as Baxter and created various inventions with him, their most notable creation being an army of sentient eggs known as the Egg Boiz. Sir Pentious and Baxter bitterly split due to a clash of egos, and Pentious began using the Egg Boiz as minions in his evil endeavors. After their falling out, Sir Pentious blatantly stole the schematics of Baxter's Anti-Exorcist security system he had developed and installed the protocols in his evil lair, which allowed him to survive for decades worth of the annual Extermination.
Using his expertise in crafting machines and devices of mass destruction, Pentious crafted many machines and devices of mass destruction, which he uses as a part of his advantage to take over all of Hell and become an Overlord. Despite an entire century of villainous deeds, Pentious' attempts to conquer Hell were consistently met with bitter failure, leading him to become just as much a laughingstock in Hell as he was on Earth, if not more so.
Events of Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light
Chapter 1
In "That's Entertainment", Sir Pentious is introduced using an airship to destroy numerous buildings in order to claim the west side of Pentagram City for himself, laughing maniacally in the process. The snake demon proceeded to go on a speech about his plan to take over Hell and bragged about how no demon could compare to his evil and intelligence, but his maniacal speech was interrupted by Cherri Bomb calling him an "edgelord". Angered, Pentious accused the Egg Boiz of insulting him, only to be confronted by the one-eyed anarchist herself, who accused Pentious of being on the Resistance's turf. Pentious and the Egg Boiz engaged Cherri in a massive turf war to decide who gained the Resistance's territory. Eventually, Cherri's best friend, Angel Dust, joined the battle to aid her against Pentious and his forces. During the turf war, Pentious wrapped a large chain around Angel and hurled him into the ground. Angel makes a sex joke by calling Pentious his "daddy", to which Pentious asks if Angel was his son, to the spider's confusion.
After Cherri Bomb kicked Pentious away from Angel, the snake demon referred to the two sinners as "whores", and claimed that in war the side remembered is the side with the most style, claiming that they have no class. Angel only responded by questioning the snake about his hat being sentient, which caused Pentious to become defensive and claim that it was none of Angel's business. Angel proceeded to make a gay joke about his hat being the top and him being the bottom, which left the supervillain feeling insulted. Having enough of Angel's jokes, Pentious threatened to "blow [Angel] to bits", to which the spider replied with yet another sex joke. During this, an Egg Boi snuck up behind Angel Dust and ensnared him with a gun. The arrogant supervillain proceeded to mock Angel Dust as an Egg Boi approached the spider with a power drill, intending to torture Angel, but the spider demon suddenly grew two extra arms while Pentious was in the middle of gloating, and used his machine gun to blast the snake away. After recovering, Sir Pentious and his minions then charged towards Angel and Cherri, who charged back as all of them screamed like warriors.
After hearing the news of Angel being a patient at the Happy Hotel, Pentious decided to attack the hotel directly in his airship, making his arrival known by blasting down the hotel's front doors using a cannon from his airship. After coming to the realization that Alastor was "harboring" Angel Dust, Pentious decided to seize the opportunity to destroy Alastor once and for all and gain the respect of Vox. The supervillain deployed a massive cannon in an attempt to wipe out the hotel crew, but Alastor summoned several gigantic, eldritch tentacles which grabbed Pentious' ship and slowly crushed it into oblivion, causing it to blow up with him and his minions inside.
In the end-credits scene, Pentious is shown to have regenerated from being completely blown up, and after climbing out of the crater caused by the explosion. A surviving Egg Boi then asked his creator if he could shoot him with his ray gun. Pentious then passed out in exhaustion.
In "Game of Doubt", Sir Pentious, using an attack helicopter piloted by the Egg Boiz, returns and attacks Angel Dust, Cherri Bomb, and Fergus after they come out of a run-down motel they were using to hide from Valentino's underlings. The Egg Boiz use a mounted gun to fire upon the crew, causing them to take cover behind a car. The Egg Boiz then flank the trio and fire upon them with machine guns, but Cherri easily evades the nets and kicks one of the Egg Boiz into a wall, grabbing its firearm in the process and firing back at them, blasting each of them to pieces. Pentious focuses his attention on Cherri, allowing Angel Dust to go out of cover and shoot at Pentious with his machine gun, knocking the supervillain out of the helicopter and onto the back of a parked pick-up truck. However, Pentious emerges again, cackling maniacally and brandishing a rocket launcher. He shouts to the trio that escaping from him would be impossible, before firing a rocket at Cherri. The cycloptic anarchist shot the missile before it could hit her, and the resulting explosion sends the snake, as well as Cherri and her friends flying back.
As everyone was recovering, Angel Dust's pet pig, Fat Nuggets, emerged out of the motel to see what was happening. Seizing the opportunity, Pentious snatched the pig and slithered off with it, enraging Angel Dust, who furiously chased the snake demon along with Fergus and Cherri. The Egg Boiz attempt to stop the trio but were easily defeated. Pentious enters his helicopter with Fat Nuggets, ordering his minions to fly off. The helicopter takes off as the Snake Sinner laughed maniacally at his "victory", and mocks Angel, but the spider uses his leaping abilities to jump several feet in the air and onto the helicopter's landing skids. Angel then leaped into the helicopter, viciously beating Pentious with his fists. During the struggle, a bettered Pentious attempted to shoot Angel with a revolver, but the spider ducked just as the supervillain fired, resulting in both of the Egg Boi pilots getting killed by the snake's bullets, sending the helicopter barreling out of control. As Pentious mourns the loss of his creations, Angel grabs Fat Nuggets and jumps from the helicopter.
Tending to Fat Nuggets, Angel is suddenly confronted by Pentious, who also jumped from the helicopter. The snake aims his gun at Angel, asking the spider if he had any last words. Angel makes another sex joke, just as Cherri and Fergus run into Pentious with a car, sending him flying into the distance and landing in a pile of garbage in a back alley. Groggily getting back up, Pentious uses a device to signal in on Cherri Bomb's location, allowing him to eavesdrop on their conversation. During this, he learns about the Princess of Hell, Charlie Magne, having obtained Heaven's Light. This news leaves Pentious elated, and he promptly sets off to inform Vox of the matter.
In "Deal with the Devil", Pentious schedules a meeting with Vox at Voxtek Headquarters. When Pentious arrives and attempts to sit down in Vox's conference room, the TV Demon scolds him, saying that he can't sit in the executive chair. Throughout the meeting, Vox proceeds to mistreat and make fun of Pentious, forcing him to sit on a fold-up chair and mocking his intelligence and lack of success during his time in Hell. When finally given the chance to talk, Pentious informs Vox about Charlie having Heaven's Light, but this only earns him more mockery from Vox, as he was already informed of the news by Lucifer. Despite this, Pentious makes the astute suggestion that the two consolidate their power and join forces to capture Heaven's Light and to use their respective armies to take out Alastor and any other threats such as Cherri Bomb and Angel Dust. However, Vox laughs at the idea of teaming up with Pentious, mocking the fact that the snake demon doesn't even receive invitations to Lucifer's annual Halloween gatherings. After Pentious asks if they are teaming up, Vox responds with "nope".
Chapter 4
In "Connection", Sir Pentious, piloting a giant egg robot, launches another assault on the Pride Ring, attacking a highway with his army of Egg Boiz. He assaults the bridge at the same time I.M.P and their new "teammates" attempt to cross it to continue their mission. Upon seeing Pentious, Blitzø facepalms, recognizing the slithering supervillain, and rudely asks the snake to move his robot aside so he and his associates could drive past. Pentious claimed that no one could stop his takeover of Hell and refused to budge even after Blitzø clarified that they were not interested in stopping him. Agitated, Blitzø and the rest of his team (sans Verosika) armed themselves and engaged Pentious and his small army in a lengthy battle. During the fight, Pentious is taken by surprise at the sight of the C.H.E.R.U.B, proclaiming that the rumors of angels being in Hell were true. As Pentious fought off the opposition using lasers and the many arms of his robot, Blitzø fought through a horde of Egg Boiz and leaped onto the robot. Pentious telegraphs the imp's attack and uses one of his robot's limbs to grab Blitzø before attempting to kill him by converting its gripping claws into buzzsaws to blend him, but Millie saves her boss just in time.
Pentious then begins hurling vehicles at I.M.P and launching missiles at them, sending them ducking for cover and prompting Blitzø to call Lucifer for assistance. The King of Hell has his servants send a missile to the battle scene, which explodes mid-air as Robo Fizz and the Loo Loo Land mascot appear from the smoke, the former in a state of disrepair and laughing insanely as he easily killed several Egg Boiz in quick succession while Loo Loo cheered him on. Pentious attempted to crush Robo Fizz, who then maneuvered around the giant robot and used his robotic limbs and strength to wrap around the legs of Pentious' robot, sending the giant machine toppling to the ground. As Pentious struggled to get the robot back to its feet, Scorpius savagely attacked the fallen robot with his holy axe, destroying it beyond repair as Pentious ejected himself from the robot. Before Pentious could proclaim that he and I.M.P would meet again, Striker leaps into the air and hurls the supervillain back to the ground, holding him at gunpoint with his blessed rifle. Striker sadistically suggested that Pentious beg for his life as the snake feebly did as he was told. Before the sadistic imp could kill him, the Egg Boiz distracted the assassin, allowing their boss to slither away, relatively unharmed.
Chapter 5
In "Complete Shitshow", After the successful assassination of Stellar, The Insurgency celebrated his demise. Izzy congratulates his team, including Striker, and introduces the weapon designers and crafters of the angelic armors and weapons, which are Lyle Lipton, Loopty Doopty, and Sir Pentious, which the organization all clap for helping them create angelic weapons and armors, as the scientific sinners throw up gang signs.
In "My Brotha Arackniss", Sir Pentious, Lyle Lipton, and Loopty Doopty capture Arackniss, who have all mistaken him for Angel Dust. They broadcasted his capture on a rented local television station, which Angel Dust witnesses.
Arackniss furiously tries to tell the Pentious he is not Angel Dust, but Pentious refuses to believe him, noting Angel being excellent in disguises, and activates a conveyor, revealing it to be a death trap that leads to a meat-grinding machine. As Arackniss is slowly being dragged into the death trap, Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb arrive, while Cherri provides a distraction, Angel unchains Arackniss. Sir Pentious and his friends unleashed the Egg Boiz and mechanical henchmen on the trio. Angel Dust, Cherri Bomb, and Arackniss fight off the three sinners' henchmen. During the battle, Izzi arrives to inform Sir Pentious that Arackniss isn't Angel Dust and notices the skirmish going on. Izzi arrives inside the base and meets Cherri eye-to-eye; Izzi grins evilly, while Cherri gives him an absolutely hateful glare. In a complete desire to get away from Izzi as soon as possible, Cherri grabs Angel and leaps out of the building, throwing a bomb to cover her escape. Arackniss follows, but the explosion knocks him out of the building in the same window.
Cherri, Angel, and Arackniss hijack a car to make their getaway, but Sir Pentious deploys the Egg Boiz to pursue them.
In "Rotation of Power", Sir Pentious, Loopty Goopty, Lyle Lipton, and a squadron of Insurgency soldiers led by Striker interrupt an emotional confrontation between Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb, attacking the two sinners with the intention of kidnapping both of them. Cherri and Angel are pushed to their limits during the intense chase as Pentious and his partners and crime chase them in their respective robot mechs. Just as Pentious manages to trap the two sinners in tractor beams and gloats over his victory, everyone is suddenly under siege by thousands of insect demons, who have come to capture Sir Pentious under the orders of Beelzebub.
Sir Pentious' mech suit is swarmed by insect demons, who begin tearing into the mech to get him, inadvertently releasing Cherri and Angel in the process while dismantling the machine. The Insurgency tries to kill the insects, with Striker using a mounted Gatling gun to kill dozens of them, but the insects constantly grow in numbers to the point of being practically everywhere. The Insurgency has no choice but to retreat in their transportation helicopter, but not before Loopty Goopty asks Striker if they should go back for Sir Pentious. Sir Pentious is confident that they will rescue him, but Striker coldly tells them to leave Pentious behind, devastating the snake demon. Pentious is swarmed by the insects, who fly him off to the Gluttony Ring as he screams incoherently.
In "Just Desserts", Pentious is taken to Beelzebub's Hive, where he is stung up in a web, awaiting a torturous death at the hands of the Sin of Gluttony. To his luck, however, Moxxie - who had been captured earlier by Beelzebub's swarm, passes by Pentious, manipulating one of the King of Gluttony's minions by pulling their antennae and hiding in their scopal hairs -, passes by Sir Pentious. The snake demon pleads with Moxxie to free him, but the imp is suspicious of Sir Pentious since the last time they met, he tried to kill him and his friends. Pentious plays into Moxxie's compassionate side and asks him if he would really leave him to suffer such an agonizing death, so Moxxie reluctantly releases Pentious. The snake demon, excited for his freedom, lets out a victorious cackle which accidentally alerts Beelzebub's swarm to his freedom and Moxxie's presence. Moxxie glares at Pentious, who awkwardly chuckles and slithers out of the window.
Much later and to the surprise of Moxxie, Pentious returns to confront Beelzebub, armed with a futuristic cannon that has angelic markings on it, and aiming it at the King of Gluttony, who as Moxxie and his friends at his mercy. Beelzebub remains completely unfazed by Sir Pentious' presence, calling him a fool who merely plays with tin toys, just before three of Beelzebub's minions flank Pentious and disarm him. Pentious retorts that he may be a loser, but he'll at least be known as the loser that "rekt" the King of Gluttony. At that moment, the three insectoid demons at Pentious' side suddenly pull out large, angelic energy cannons and use them to blast Beelzebub, sending the King of Gluttony violently flying out of his Hive, freeing Millie from his grasp in the process. The three insect demons turn out to be manipulated by three Egg Boiz, the same way Moxxie had manipulated Humbug earlier, which Pentious took note of. Pentious and the Egg Boiz celebrate, high-fiving each other, flossing, and throwing up gang signs.
Sir Pentious goes to the Hazbin Hotel after helping Moxxie, Millie and Blitzø vanquish Beelzebub. He knocks on the front door and is answered by Husk. Pentious stands alone, soaking wet in the acid rain like a wet cat, and sluttily says he didn't know where else to know, much to Husk's bewilderment. Husk tries to slam the door in Pentious' face but Charlie comes by and allows Pentious into the hotel where he sulks on a nearby couch. He confesses to Charlie that he is tired of being seen as a failure and is beginning to question his lot in the world. Charlie gives Pentious a motivational song telling him to look at all of the fantastic machines he has built and telling him that he is a unique soul who is worth something. She tells him that he has only used his talents for the wrong reasons and must put them to good use in order to shine and excel. She offers to let him stay at the Hazbin Hotel and he accepts her offer, unable to say no right to Charlie's face.
In "Bloody Valentine", Vaggie hears a commotion downstairs in the hotel and goes to investigate, and she is soon joined by Angel Dust. The two discover the commotion to be Sir Pentious, who is composing love songs with the Egg Boiz. Pentious becomes frustrated and rolls one Egg Boi into several others, like a bowling ball. Pentious then sadly and dramatically collapses to the ground, bemoaning over his inability to make the perfect song to describe his feelings. Angel Dust is shocked to see Pentious is the romantic type and offers to become his 'matchmaker'. Pentious says that the only love in his life was his beloved wife, but Angel insists that Pentious can find love again.
Angel takes Pentious out into the streets of Pentagram City, where he hilariously fails to flirt with girls, who harshly rebuke and pepper spray him. Angel takes the battered Pentious back to the hotel, and asks the snake demon if there is anyone in Hell whom Pentious is infatuated with, and Pentious admits that he has a crush on Cherri Bomb. Angel tries desperately not to laugh at this, so Vaggie moves him to another room so he can laugh it off. Vaggie tries to let Pentious down easy, telling him as politely as possible that he likely does not have a chance with Cherri, but he can find someone else.
At night, Pentious is expressing his longing and loneliness to the Egg Boiz. He breaks out into a heartfelt, early 2000s-style boy-band love ballad, with the Egg Boiz providing backup singing. Pentious expresses his yearning for companionship and connection, reminiscing about a lost love, specifically his wife. He lays down next to his crafted wooden toys he made in his family's image. The toys made in his and his wife's image first seem to move on their own as Pentious fantasizes about a heartwarming reunion, only for the reveal that the Egg Boiz were playing with them. Hilariously, Pentious halts the song and scolds the two eggs for playing with those specific toys. After the two eggs run away, Pentious continues the musical number, struggling to understand the feeling of loneliness and his inability to be with the one he loves. Despite his bravado, Sir Pentious reveals vulnerability and a deep emotional void. In true, flamboyant fashion, Pentious falls backwards into the crowd of Egg Boiz, crowd-surfing among them as he sings out his longing, with the Egg Boiz joining in as a chorus.
At night, Pentious is sleeping in his room, dreaming of conquering Hell and hot-tubbing with Lilith, when he is woken up by Alastor ominously watching him sleep. Pentious is understandably frightened by this, and Alastor tells him that he did not want to disturb Pentious' sleep, so he patiently waited for the snake to wake up. The Radio Demon says that if Pentious wants to find his soul mate, he can consult with a "love demon". Alastor lures Pentious into seeking a love demon by telling him that the only way to "find" one is to summon them through a grimoire, specifically mentioning Charlie's own grimoire. Pentious immediately slithers out to seek Charlie's grimoire as Alastor grins widely at the prospect of the chaos that is about to ensue.
In a series of shenanigans, Pentious manages to steal Charlie's grimoire and heads to the hotel's library to begin the summoning ritual, only to quickly find out that he does not know how to summon things. Pentious goes up to Octavia's room and rudely wakes her out of bed, ordering her to help me summon a love demon. Octavia inquires why Pentious would need the help of a demon just to feel love, and Pentious explains to Octavia his predicament and that he needs the love demon to find "suitors" for himself. Octavia reminds Pentious that demons cannot be relied on for anything, much less true love. Pentious begins crying dramatically, asking Octavia if she wants him to die alone. Octavia is disturbed by Pentious' behavior, begging him to stop crying and beseeching him to not use a demon as a matchmaking tool. Pentious merely exits the room, still crying and cursing Octavia.
Pentious returns to the library, and decides to do the ritual on his own. Unsurprisingly, Pentious sucks at summoning rituals and tries to look up instructions online, only to get scammed several times through online ads and break his computer in a fit of rage. Through trial and error, Pentious begins looking for love demons in Charlie's grimoire, before stumbling on a page for a demon known as Valentine. The grimoire's text advises the users to avoid summoning Valentine at all costs. Pentious defies the grimoire and goes ahead with summoning Valentine, calling himself a "bad boy" who does not live by the rules. Luckily for Pentious, the steps to summoning Valentine are uncomplicated. Upon performing the ritual, Valentine's sigil begins glowing and the hotel itself begins shaking, prompting Charlie, Vaggie, Molly, and Angel Dust to run to the library. Vaggie furiously grabs Pentious by his collar, demanding to know what he has done. Soon enough, Valentine emerges from his sigil as the crew look at him in horror. After Valentino appears, Pentious meekly squeaks out "this might've been a bad idea" to which Vaggie gives him a "YOU FUCKING THINK?!" face.
To Pentious' dismay, Valentine declares that the snake is unworthy of love and is a burden to everyone around him. Charlie quickly picks up her grimoire and tries to banish Valentine to where he came from, but Valentine quickly swirls around the room, escaping out of the door as the hotel's power goes off. With everybody now alerted to Valentine's presence, a search party begins to find the ghoul, with most of the hotel crew preparing to search for Valentine. During this, Valentine antagonises different members of the crew in order to select which ones are the most emotionally vulnerable. Eventually, he selects Molly, Angel Dust, and Vaggie, whisking the trio away before escaping through a window. After the hotel's power returns, Charlie angrily scolds Pentious for stealing her grimoire and rushes out to find Valentine and imprison him, telling Pentious to stay in the hotel.
While Pentious is in "time out", Lux comes by and Pentious gets their attention by huffing and sighing loudly. Pentious explains the entire situation to Lux, both the release of Valentine and his inability to find love. Lux chastises Pentious for consulting a demon of all things for advice on true love, and assures Pentious that there is someone out there for him. Pentious expresses his hopelessness, since every person he tries to woo rebukes or ignores him, and that he has let down everybody who is willing to love him. Lux tells Pentious that, although he is going through a bad time, things will be better. Lux also sympathizes with Pentious' extreme actions, saying that love makes people do stupid things sometimes. Lux continues, claiming that if a love demon states that he is unworthy of love, then they are lying because that is what love demons do best, reminding Pentious that the light of Heaven itself is deeming him worthy of love, and that he has a lot of love inside him and a lot of love to give when he finds his soulmate. Now motivated, Pentious assembles the Egg Boiz to rescue Vaggie, Molly, and Angel Dust from Valentine.
Meanwhile, Valentine has taken the hotel trio into an abandoned warehouse, and is psychologically tormenting them on all of their inner securities and faults. Valentine ties a noose around Vaggie's neck, trying to convince her to kill herself for holding Charlie back and telling her that she is a burden to everyone. Vaggie defiantly refuses to end her afterlife, having grown past this fear, so Valentine moves on to tormenting Molly. Taking Molly to the top of a flight of stairs and tying a noose around her neck, Valentine accuses Molly of being too much of a "spoiled daddy's girl" to save Angel Dust when he needed her the most, blaming her for his drug overdose. The love demon claims that it is only fair for her to commit suicide as the only means of repentance. As Molly fearfully contemplates whether to jump, Angel Dust pleads with her to not blame herself, but Valentine silences him with the intention of forcing him to watch his sister take her life.
Before anything can happen, Charlie flies into the warehouse and attempts to fight Valentine, but the love demon, fueled and empowered by the self-loathing of his captives, is able to easily avoid the princesses' attacks, all while disparaging Charlie's mission and taunting her for her mommy and daddy issues. Valentine uses his illusion abilities to create identical copies of Lucifer and Lilith to torment Charlie, the copies of her parents shouting that she is an embarrassment and wish that she were dead.
As Valentine revels in the princesses' despair and attempts to break her mind, Pentious crashes into the warehouse with the Egg Boiz by his side. Valentine easily destroys most of the Egg Boiz before engaging Pentious in a hand-to-hand fight, during which he easily restrains Pentious and emotionally tortures him over his life, mocking him for being a disappointment and failure to his family, and taunting him over his wife getting together with another man shortly after he died. Despite Pentious' attempts to fight Valentine off, the love demon overpowers Pentious with ease and orders him to do the only "right" thing and kill himself. Pentious seemingly agreed with Valentine, but it turns out to be merely a distraction, and while Valentine is reveling in Pentious' anguish, Lux appears from behind Valentine and casts a holy light that painfully strips the love demon of all his powers, freeing Charlie, Vaggie, Molly, and Angel Dust from his grasp. Charlie then uses the grimoire to banish Valentine back to where he came from.
Some time later, Pentious is somberly sitting alone in his room after doing community service to make up for stealing Charlie's grimoire. He is soon joined by the princess herself, who congratulates him on a job well done. Charlie tells Pentious that she is not mad at him and understands his desperation, and comforts him by saying that he is a beautiful soul who is more than worthy of being loved, and while he waits to find a special someone, he should befriend some of the people in the hotel and find comfort in platonic love. After Charlie leaves, Pentious goes to his grand piano and softly sings a song dedicated to his family, particularly his wife, who he forgives for moving on with another man, since she did so to ease the pain of losing Pentious so soon. After the song concludes, Pentious closes the piano as a symbolic means of moving on, and looks at a toy he had created in his wife's image before slithering off with a newfound hope that he will find love again.
In "World's Event", Sir Pentious attended Hell's annual weapons expo, a curated event by Vox. Upon entering with his latest weapon, he grew increasingly irritated by the barrage of questions he had to answer, exacerbated by the lady inquiring who happened to be dyslexic. While navigating the expo, Sir Pentious crossed paths with Baxter, and their heated, competitive glare was a reminder of their tumultuous history. Discovering that Baxter was also partaking in the expo, Pentious vowed to outdo his former partner. Vox, observing their rivalry through surveillance cameras, saw an opportunity to exploit it for his own gain.
Throughout the evening, Vox visited Baxter and Pentious separately, spinning lies about one another to stoke their animosity and competitiveness. This manipulation drove both individuals to craft the deadliest weapons possible, resulting in the creation of formidable mechanical mech suits armed with death lasers.
As the expo commenced, hosted by Vox, the grand unveiling of new weapons took center stage, with Baxter's and Sir Pentious' creations garnering the most attention and acclaim. Expo attendees voted for the best weapon, resulting in a tie between Baxter and Sir Pentious, much to their chagrin. Vox cunningly declared that the winner would be decided through a deadly showdown between the two, with their respective weapons, and the last combatant standing would claim the expo's victory, advertising the event as a "Mad Inventor vs. Mad Scientist" fight. Meanwhile, Charlie and Vaggie, watching the spectacle from the Hazbin Hotel, decided to intervene.
Pentious and Baxter readily piloted their death machines and engaged in a seemingly evenly matched battle, all the while Vox reveled in the soaring ratings resulting from his exploitation of their feud. Charlie and Vaggie arrived on the scene, with Charlie candidly employing her magic to manipulate Baxter and Pentious' mech suits, compelling them to engage in an absurd game of pattycake and forcing them hug each other, leaving the inventors in horrified confusion. Simultaneously, Vaggie shut down the show's broadcast in the transmission room. Vox, infuriated at the loss of viewership and the exo's crowd leaving, promptly ejected Pentious and Baxter from the expo.
After their expulsion, Pentious and Baxter begrudgingly walked towards the hotel, exchanging snide scientific insults along the way. Unbeknownst to them, they both headed to the Hazbin Hotel, and they each demanded that the other cease following them. However, it wasn't until they reached the hotel that they realized they were both patients there and must live together, much to their shock and dismay. A nervous Charlie asked if they needed the "get-along shirt" to ease their tension.
In "Clash of Egos", in front of Charlie and Vaggie, Baxter and Pentious engage in a juvenile verbal spat. Baxter, brimming with fury, refuses to acknowledge Pentious as a new member of the hotel. He clings to old grudges, convinced that Pentious pilfered his ideas, even though Pentious contends that he merely enhanced Baxter's "narrow-minded" concepts. Charlie discerns from their heated exchange that these two individuals are locked in an ego-driven clash and suggests they set aside their grievances and contemplate collaboration once more. Surprisingly, Baxter concedes, agreeing to allow Pentious to remain on one condition: that he endures the hotel's hazing rituals, leaving Pentious bewildered by the unexpected turn of events.
Sir Pentious bravely accepts the hotel's initiation rites, enduring tasks like futile attempts to assist elderly pedestrians, dishwashing marathons, and daring rescues of stranded Hellcats from towering trees. In a surprising move, Charlie assigns Pentious to join Baxter as the hotel's maintenance technician, much to Baxter's seething ire.
As their roles intertwine, Baxter and Pentious find themselves embroiled in ceaseless disputes, their ideas clashing relentlessly on how to upkeep the hotel. The tension escalates dramatically when Baxter deceitfully pretends to entertain Pentious' suggestion for fixing the hotel's dysfunctional VCR, only to swiftly "repair" it (though, when Squish presses the VCR's buttons, it teleports him to the center of Cannibal Colony), all while Pentious is left without a chance to intervene. In response, Baxter staunchly declares that Pentious will only lay hands on the VCR "over [his] dead body" before storming away. Observing Baxter's departure, Pentious ominously retorts that arranging such an outcome can indeed be considered a viable option.
Under the shroud of night, Pentious stealthily slips out of his room, determined to rectify the VCR in the hotel's living room properly. As he inches closer to the device, his tail unwittingly triggers a silent alarm discreetly planted by Baxter. In an instant, Baxter is awakened from slumber as a chip embedded in his head connects him to the VCR's alarm, jolting him awake with an electrifying shock. Resolute in his mission to prevent Pentious from repairing the VCR, Baxter swiftly descends the stairs, wielding an electric flair in a menacing stance. Pentious, equally prepared for the confrontation, defends himself with his formidable steampunk shield, and a fierce, comedic clash between the two ingenious inventors ensues. They engage in combat, brandishing their respective weapons and contraptions, with Baxter employing his advanced futuristic armaments, while Pentious relies on his intricate and steampunk-inspired weaponry. The living room becomes a battlefield for their fierce battle of innovation and wits.
In an epic showdown, Pentious and Baxter engage in a comical battle while donning within formidable mech suits. They are not alone, as the loyal Egg Boiz and Baxter's legion of robots, in addition to the new Karen, rally to provide crucial support for their respective masters. The confrontation escalates with each passing moment, but as the clash unfolds, the two genius' colossal mech suits gradually stripped of their larger weaponry. The duel progresses from the thunderous stomping of mechs to a display of aerial combat as the suits are reduced to hovercrafts. Baxter launched missiles at Pentious' aircraft while an Egg Boi fired at Baxter using a turret in the back pit of Pentious' plane. Eventually, both Pentious and Baxter's planes are decimated, forcing them both to use jetpacks. Yet another explosion occurs, leaving them with no choice but to continue their fierce battle on a smaller scale, jousting while piggybacking on the shoulders of their dedicated minions. The once-mighty mechanical giants are reduced to the comical spectacle of Pentious and Baxter, stubbornly clinging to their loyal supporters, in a last-ditch effort to outdo one another in their inventive feud.
In the climactic moment of their battle, Baxter and Pentious find themselves dueling with laser swords. As their energy weapons clash and sizzle in the air, they continue to hurl insults and accusations at each other, berating the other for their supposed inadequacies as lab partners. Their fierce duel comes to a halt as they both step back, glaring at each other with intense animosity. A palpable tension fills the room as they prepare for one last charge at each other. However, before the final clash can occur, Charlie and Vaggie swiftly intervene, stepping between the inventors and holding them back. The two inventors hiss, kick, and scream at each other, their frustration boiling over. Vaggie, infuriated by the destruction and chaos in the living room, scolds Baxter and Pentious for their reckless behavior. Charlie, reluctantly but firmly, decides to send the quarrelsome inventors to the "friendship room" until they can resolve their differences and learn to work together harmoniously.
Locked in the cramped room together and forced to wear a single sweater that keeps them uncomfortably close, Baxter and Pentious continue their bitter exchange of insults. Their infantile quarrel persists, neither of them willing to back down. Meanwhile, in a twist of fate, a gun-toting outlaw with a penchant for puns and his gang breach the hotel's defenses, swiftly gathering its patients and staff. Initially, Baxter and Pentious remain obstinately fixated on their feud, refusing even to glance at each other due to their recent disagreement. However, as the dire situation escalates and the threat becomes imminent, the desire for glory and the need to protect their fellow hotel inhabitants push Pentious and Baxter to set aside their differences. In a remarkable turn of events, they manage to break free from the confines of the friendship room, although they remain ensnared in the same sweater. Together, they muster their collective ingenuity and confront the outlaw gang, determined to save their fellow crew members from the menacing threat that has invaded the hotel. The once-estranged inventors now find themselves working as an unlikely but dynamic duo, using their inventive talents to thwart the outlaws and ensure the safety of their hotel family.
With the hotel crew tied up by the outlaw gang, excluding Alastor, Pentious and Baxter confront the gang's leader, who initially fails to take them seriously. However, something remarkable happens as Pentious and Baxter put aside their differences, working collaboratively and sharing ideas to improve upon their respective flaws, rather than resorting to ridicule. Together, they harness their collective intellect and inventive skills to outsmart the gang and secure the release of the hotel crew. This successful partnership rekindles their former alliance, and they agree to join forces once more. In a symbolic gesture of reconciliation, Pentious extends his hand in a peace-offering handshake, and Baxter accepts it, firmly shaking Pentious's hand with her cybernetic limb. Their renewed bond brings joy to Charlie and relief to Vaggie. However, Vaggie quickly reminds the two inventors that they have a significant task ahead: repairing the living room, which they left in ruins during their earlier battle. Despite their newfound camaraderie, as dusk approaches, the competitive spirit between Pentious and Baxter resurfaces. They engage in a playful rivalry, using their inventions to clean and restore the living room to its original condition, each striving to outdo the other in a lighthearted race to finish the task.
In "Extermination Day Part 1", As Extermination Day looms, the hotel braces for the impending storm, gearing up for Azrael's ruthless purge. Baxter and Sir Pentious, clad in their respective "commander" and "general" attire, unveil their latest creation to the gathered crew: Anti-Exorcist armor, forged by the scientists from salvaged Exterminator weaponry. Their presentation takes an amusing turn as they use Niffty as a willing test subject to demonstrate the armor's durability. With a salute to Charlie, Sir Pentious awkwardly expresses gratitude for the opportunity to stand by and die for her in battle. Charlie awkwardly reassures him that sacrificing himself isn't necessary, but Sir Pentious humorously persists, throwing a finger in the air, turning his back, and walking away as he remains determined to lay down his life for the hotel.
In "Extermiantion Day: Part 3", As the War in Hell ignites, General Pentious assumes a commanding stance, wielding his cutlass and derringer, leading an army of Egg Bois into battle against the Exorcists. Meanwhile, another contingent of Egg Bois operates his newly constructed blimp, delivering aerial assaults and firepower. Baxter stands steadfastly beside Pentious, commanding his own robotic forces. Together, they defend the Hotel, inspiring their troops to fight with valor. When Pentious' battle station falls in the fray, he rises in his formidable mech suit—a fusion of steampunk machinery and Baxter's advanced technology—ruthlessly decimating the Exorcists.
Cherri Bomb enters the fray to aid Hell in the conflict, prompting Pentious, in the heat of battle, to greet his former archenemy with respect as "Miss Bomb." However, Cherri's playful mockery of his self-improvement efforts and disdain for his attire as "lame" dampen his resolve and takes his attention from the battle. As one of Azrael's attacks destroys Pentious' mech suit, Baxter intervenes just in time, rescuing Pentious from the explosion by ejecting him from the suit before it could explode. In an awkward landing, Pentious lands on top of Cherri. Standing back up, Pentious was determined to redeem himself by facing down an approaching Exorcist brigade and dying for the hotel. Despite Cherri's casually telling him it was unnecessary, and the clear intervention of Manco and Vaggie freeing the Exorcists from Azrael's control, Pentious persists in his comical self-sacrifice, charging towards a mounting brigade of Exorcists until Cherri saves him, telling him that redemption does not always necessitate such extremes.
In the aftermath, victorious but humbled, Pentious stoically plants the British flag before the hotel and a rising sun as the Egg Bois badly play "God Save the King" on trumpets, contemplating the price of redemption as he gazes into the distance.
In "Let's Go Out With a Bang", as the Insurgency readies itself for the impending assault on Hell, Sir Pentious seizes the pendants previously utilized by Izzi, Striker, and Rum in Cocytus. Shockingly, it's revealed that Pentious had covertly embedded miniature cameras within the pendents during their creation. Pentious carefully reviews the footage from all three pendants, seeking any valuable information to share with the hotel crew. To his horror, he witnesses Izzi killing Stolas. Determined to carry Izzi's pendant with him, Pentious is intercepted by Izzi before he can depart the Insurgency's base. Izzi begins with small-talk, discussing the base's defenses. Amidst the uneasy atmosphere, Izzi confronts Pentious about his allegiance to the cause, to which Pentious affirms his loyalty to the Insurgency. Izzi, however, presses the issue and questions Pentious about deceiving him. Revelations emerge as Izzi discloses his knowledge of Pentious being an undercover operative, recounting an instance when he observed Pentious and Octavia during their tour of the base, using his invisibility to remain hidden. A suspenseful silence envelops them. Seizing the opportunity, Rum, who had been stealthily behind Pentious the entire time, breaks the silence by ruthlessly stabbed the snake with a blessed knife, first in the back and then in the abdomen, disemboweling him. Izzi and Rum stood over the fallen Pentious before Rum, with a sadistic grin, left with Izzi, leaving Pentious to die.
While Pentious lay injured and bleeding, the Egg Boiz found their creator and offered solace, their tears flowing for his plight. Taking Pentious' weeping sentient hat, Egg Boi #46 expressed how proud he and the other Egg Boiz were of their boss' journey and thanked him for being a great "father". Overwhelmed with exaggerated, comical crying, the Egg Boiz stood vigil as Pentious succumbed to his injuries somewhat peacefully with his beloved creations by his side.
Later, the Egg Boiz returned to the hotel and presented Pentious' hat to the hotel crew, signifying his tragic demise and pledging allegiance to Baxter as their "second father". Clearly affected by Pentious' erasure, Baxter donned Pentious' hat. Through the hotel crew's efforts, Pentious's sacrifice would prove meaningful; utilizing the footage he had captured of Izzi murdering her father, the Egg Bois succeeded in showing Octavia the truth. This revelation prompted Octavia to ultimately betray Izzi, bringing an end to their shaky allegiance once and for all. Moreover, Baxter and the Egg Bois would later avenge Pentious' demise alongside the Egg Boiz by confronting and killing Rum.
Events of Holy Hell
In the Holy Hell finale "For Heaven's Sake", after a heartfelt conversation between Serenity and Sera, nearly all of Heaven sings a song about their bright future of unity and acceptance... Until they are interrupted by the unexpected arrival of Sir Pentious. He appears at the pearly gates in a heavenly form, signifying his redemption. He loudly curses Lux for dropping him off at the wrong gate, leaving him stranded and scouring the infinite Pearly Gates for months. His presence shocks everyone except Serenity, who is overjoyed, seeing it as proof that Charlie's efforts to redeem sinners are successful. This moment marks a significant turning point, indicating that the Extermination can be permanently annulled, all of which goes over Pentious' head as he questions all the angels on why they are looking at him like that.
- "I've been a victim of ignorant fools for both my life and afterlife. Bit sad, innit? 'Loser', they called me! 'Failure'! 'Fuckboy'! That last one I took with pride until I was informed it was meant to be derisive, rather than a compliment. Nobody believed in me at all except for beloved wife, son, and oblong worshipers. This is why taking over Hell is my greatest ambition!!! I want to be the winner for once in my existence! I want to feel respect! To be loved by all! I know my mind is an unrivaled master-mind, my will of the strongest iron, my swag limitless, and my machines perfection! If I cannot have love... Then I shall have fear! I shall rub my victories in the faces of all who wronged me, and be a laughingstock NEVERMORE!!!!!"
- — Sir Pentious.
Sir Pentious is a flamboyant, goofy and egotistical snake demon with an insatiable hunger for attention and recognition. His exaggerated theatrics and persistent boasts of his supposed evilness showcase his grandiose self-image, despite his lack of power and foresight. Pentious desperately seeks validation from powerful figures in Hell, often feeling overlooked and neglected by the masses, whom he deems "ignorant fools". Despite his ineptitude, he occasionally demonstrates moments of genuine intelligence and being cool, such as his ability to survive Exterminations and outsmarting other demons far more powerful than him. However, his outdated mannerisms and obliviousness to modern culture make him a target of ridicule among his peers. Beneath his villainous facade lies a tragic "villain" longing for acceptance and love, revealing a more sympathetic side to his being.
While boldly asserting his dominance over the denizens of Hell, Sir Pentious remained a glaring example of ineptitude and impotence. His self-proclaimed stature as an Overlord crumbled upon closer examination, revealing a mere criminal kingpin at best. His assortment of devoted, yet unquestionably subservient Egg Boiz, meticulously crafted for loyalty, merely painted him as a puppet master in his own limited realm. The grandiose aura of a conqueror he attempted to exude is swiftly dismantled by his recurrent defeats at the hands of those he endeavored to overthrow—most notably, his encounters with Cherri Bomb and Resistance stood as testament to his repeated failures. A revealing display of his impotence occurred when he crossed paths with genuine Overlords like Alastor, only to face obliteration within mere moments. His futile attempts at asserting his dominance were eclipsed by Alastor's effortless annihilation of him, underscoring the chasm between Pentious' delusions of power and his glaring lack of actual might.
Sir Pentious yearned for the spotlight, particularly from genuine Overlords like the Vees, Vox, Valentino, and the King of Hell himself, Lucifer Magne. Despite facing repeated neglect and rejection from both, he persisted unyieldingly, driven by an insatiable hunger for their acknowledgment. This desire remained unwavering, even in the face of being ignored or dismissed on countless occasions. His fixation transcended his own hypothetical conquest of Hell, as he envisioned himself continuing to seek their attention and validation, revealing an unquenchable thirst for their recognition. Moreover, he entertained a misguided notion that he stood as the ultimate adversary to Alastor, branding himself as the Radio Demon's "arch-nemesis". However, Alastor appeared oblivious to, or perhaps conveniently forgets, Pentious' existence—a reality that casted doubt on Pentious' claims, raising the possibility that he fabricated these assertions to embellish his image and project an aura of significance.
While Pentious was a genius in many fields and regards, he seemed almost incapable of making smart decisions. His feats included crafting multiple automatons within the confines of the 19th century's technological boundaries. Presently, he demonstrated a knack for constructing substantial machinery—ranging from airships to colossal robots with the capacity to raze Hell's edifices. However, Pentious' fatal flaw is that he never applied his intelligence in anything else, leading to poor decision making. Additionally, he was easily manipulated, especially by Vox.
Sir Pentious found himself in a perpetual struggle to sync with contemporary cultural currents, resulting in a series of spectacular and cringe-worthy failures. His dialogue betrayed a penchant for outdated meme references and slang, a detail that painted a vivid picture of his struggle to grasp the zeitgeist. This discordance was starkly exemplified by his news report portrayal on 666 News, depicting him awkwardly dressed in a teenager's attire and nonchalantly brandishing a skateboard in a manner reminiscent of Lenny Wosniak's undercover stint in 30 Rock. He also posts outdated memes on his Voxtagram account, a display of his fruitless attempts to navigate the digital landscape. These endeavors subjected him to pointed derision from fellow sinners, most notably Velvette, Angel Dust, and Cherri Bomb. A telling vignette involving Angel Dust exposed Pentious' near-complete obliviousness to sexual innuendos; when Angel employed suggestive language and affectionately called him "daddy," Pentious earnestly believed Angel to be his son. Rooted in his birth during the late 18th century, Pentious remained an unwitting traveler lost in the currents of modern humor, memes, and sexual innuendo—an era where such elements scarcely existed. This conspicuous lack of awareness and his accompanying ineptitude became prime targets for widespread mockery throughout Hell, with the exception of his loyal Egg Boiz and The Princess of the Inferno, Charlie Magne. He himself seems oblivious to this mockery, as he continually tries to gain the approval of Vox, Velvet, and Valentino, despite all of them openly mocking him.
Beneath his veneer of flamboyant supervillainy, Sir Pentious was definitely not without his virtues. Despite the harsh treatment he often subjects them to, a genuine care for the Egg Boiz resided within him. A poignant example of this hidden empathy surfaced when his misguided actions inadvertently lead to the demise of two Egg Boiz during an attempt to harm Angel Dust. His subsequent display of grief over their lifeless forms underscored a complex emotional connection that lies beneath his eccentric exterior. Furthermore, Pentious willingly dedicated effort to mending the Egg Boiz' toys, revealing a nurturing side that countered his usual bombastic demeanor. Intriguingly, Pentious showcased an affable disposition toward those who extended him respect and kindness. Notably, despite his persistent attempts to assert dominance over her realm, he shares a genuine friendship with Charlie even before joining the hotel. This proved that Pentious could be affable and completely harmless to those who showed any regard for him. He was also able to set aside his differences with Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb after joining the hotel, and was even willing to sacrifice himself for the hotel during the War in Hell had Baxter and Cherri Bomb not stopped him.
While acting as a mustache-twirling evildoer, Sir Pentious is truly a tragic and sympathetic villain. Additionally, he is not necessarily a blood-hungry villain and kind of just wants to be accepted. He is extremely lonely and his desire to conquer Hell isn't to enslave others into worshipping him but to finally be accepted, loved, and respected by others and no longer viewed as a failure. He is also desperate for love and companionship and is even somewhat of a hopeless romantic behind closed doors, with a fondness for listening to love songs while crying and eating ice cream and dead rodents. He has a fondness for trying to "rizz" any girl he is attracted to by reading poetry and making lame passes, always failing due to how out-of-touch he is.
While he was massively incompetent, Pentious did have some sparse moments of being a genuinely competent and dangerous villain; during his attempt to kill Cherri Bomb, Angel, and Fergus, he kidnapped Fat Nuggets simply to hurt Angel, which caused Angel to drop his snarky attitude and become extremely enraged, eventually leading to him viciously beating Pentious down. The laser he made to destroy Heaven's Light would have destroyed a large section of the Pride Ring, though Pentious himself was unaware of this. And finally, I.M.P and their allies were virtually helpless against Pentious, the Egg Boiz, and his giant robot, and were only able to defeat him with Robo Fizz's help. He was also able to survive decades of Exterminations by rigging his lair with deadly weapons crafted from angelic properties (though Baxter claimed that Pentious was only able to accomplish this by flat-out ripping off his previously made anti-Exorcist security protocols). Most notably, he was able to outsmart Beelzebub, tricking the King of Gluttony into believing that he was overpowered by the King of Gluttony’s swarm, when in reality the minions were being physically manipulated by the Egg Boiz, allowing them to depower Beelzebub by angelic weapons when the King of Gluttony let his guard down.
Upon his revival in Heaven as Saint Repentious, he was shown to retain his bombastic and irritable personality even in his heavenly form. He was quick to anger, easily frustrated, and prone to exaggerated outbursts, though this may have only been because he was frustrated after being stranded outside the gates of Heaven for months due to Lux leaving him at the wrong gate, forcing him to scour the seemingly infinite gates of Heaven to look for the main entrance. His humor remains dramatic and over-the-top, mixing sarcasm and indignation, which is highlighted by his frustration with the length of the gates and the angels' silent reactions. Despite his new saintly status, it seems he has not fully embraced the serene demeanor typically associated with angels, maintaining his signature brash and flamboyant style.
- "You whores have no class! In war, the side remembered is the side with the most- (fixes bowtie) -ssstyle!"
- — Sir Pentious to Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb.
Sir Pentious was a snake demon with eyes that had red sclera with black, vertical pupils, and yellow fangs. He possessed a predominantly yellow cobra head, with the edges being black, and had four large pink eyes on his hood. He sported sharp, pink claws for fingers, and wore black, fingerless gloves. Pentious' tail was black with thick, yellow stripes, and several pink eyes were present throughout his tail.
Sir Pentious wore mainly black clothing, with a black and yellow bow tie, a yellow undershirt, and a pinstriped suit which was grey with yellow vertical stripes. He wore a large, sentient black top hat, complete with an eye and fanged mouth much like Pentious' own, as well as changing emotions with Pentious in unison. He often wore yellow goggles while on his villainous escapades and set the goggles on his hat when they were not in use.
Powers and Abilities
Natural Powers
- Demonic Transformation: Sir Pentious had the ability to take on a much larger and demonic Full Demon Form when he went through fits of anger or at his own will, and then effortlessly returned to his normal form.
- Flight: Like all winners, Pentious can fly and hover through the air using angelic wings (though his wings are on his serpent hood rather than his back).
- Immortality: Sir Pentious had already experienced death and thus could be killed in the traditional sense, making him effectively undead. Like all winners, the only way to kill him is to erase his soul, which became true when Rum stabbed and eviscerated the snake with a blessed knife.
- Nigh-Invulnerability: As an undead soul, Sir Pentious was eternally youthful and incredibly resilient, which allowed him to survive extreme amounts of punishment, such as being beaten, crushed, and shot, with only an angelic weapon or divine power being capable of truly killing him and erasing his soul. He was capable of surviving the destruction of his airship with him inside, and was uninjured both times Angel Dust shot him with his Tommy gun.
- Regeneration: Like all winners, Sir Pentious had the ability from almost every form of attack, regenerating back to his normal form even in the event that he was flattened or completely destroyed, as shown when he ultimately regenerated after Alastor destroyed his airship with him in it, which briefly reduced Pentious to ashes.
Unique Powers
- Enhanced Senses: Sir Pentious had red eyes scattered across his body and on his hood, all of which functioned independently, which allowed him to see in different directions.
- Enhanced Strength: Despite not being among the most physically strong demons of Hell, Sir Pentious nonetheless possessed above-average and quite impressive strength, as he easily tossed Angel Dust around after ensnaring him in a chain. Pentious could also constrict his victims with his tail, as shown when he squeezed one of the Egg Boiz and when he caught Angel Dust when the latter attempted to take back a Temporal Key. He also boasted that no entity would be able to escape from his constrictive grasp once he assumed control over Hell.
- Hypnotism: Sir Pentious could put other entities in a hypnotic trance using the eyes on his hood.
- Venomous Bite: Sir Pentious' fangs contained a venom that he could use against his victims. His venom would be lethal to a human and could intoxicate and make demons vomit.
External Powers
- Life Manipulation: Sir Pentious had the ability to grant life to inanimate objects using his inventions, which he did to create the Egg Boiz.
- Authority: Sir Pentious commanded an army of minions who followed his orders obediently, named the Egg Boiz. They were sentient eggs that he created with the assistance of Baxter and served as foot soldiers and cannon fodder for the snake demon, typically operating his weapons and machinery, or simply getting destroyed by his opponents. In Heaven, he was granted the rank of Patron Saint of the Redeemed, leading Heaven's population of saved souls.
- Genius-level Intelligence: Sir Pentious was a brilliant, Victorian-era inventor, possessing the knowledge and the experience to create weapons of mass destruction, such as his airship, which was equipped with multiple advanced laser cannons, energy blasters, rocket launchers, and flamethrowers. He also created multiple functioning automatons during his life, despite the limits of technology that were present at his time of death. Shortly after being reborn in Hell, he went on to create his minions, the Egg Boiz, with assistance from Baxter. However, Pentious' intelligence did have its limits as he did not understand newer technology and was even shown to be fascinated by a dishwasher.
- Musical Talent: Sir Pentious could play the organ, kazoo, and harmonica with above-average skill. He was also a gifted singer.
- Natural Weaponry: Sir Pentious could use his venomous fangs as a weapon for biting and hurting his enemies and intoxicating them. He also had long and sharp claws capable of slicing and cutting skin and could use his long snake-like tail to constrict others.
- Songwriting: Sir Pentious often wrote and composed songs, typically love ballads and villainous musical numbers.
- Swordsmanship: Pentious displayed some skill with sword fighting during his brief lightsaber battle with Baxter.
- Toymaking Intuition: Pentious seemed to be quite adept at toymaking, and built miniature versions of himself and various denizens of Pentagram City and even a miniature version of Pentagram City itself. He would also make wooden toys for his son when he was alive.
- Weapon Mastery: Sir Pentious prioritized the use of his hand-made machines and weaponry, as he wasn't very skilled in hand-to-hand combat. He could utilize many different types of weapons which he invented himself, such as robots, firearms like guns and laser cannons, warships, rocket launchers, chains, power drills, and ray guns, to his advantage. Sir Pentious was also a master of crafting blessed weapons, which was taught to him by Baxter.
Unnamed wife
During a class assignment in Pentious', he was paired with a woman with whom he developed a strong bond with. She admired his personality and sympathized with the way the town treated him, and was charmed by her nerdy personality. Pentious would continue to court her long after the assignment, writing her poetry. This connection deepened Pentious' feelings for her, and they became close friends over the years. Eventually, he proposed, and she happily accepted. They lived a blissful life together, with Pentious composing sentimental love songs for her. They had a daughter, Lydia, and a son, solidifying their happy family life.
It is implied that his wife did not support his hegemonic ideas and often tried to make him focus on using his inventions for the betterment of their family before he ended up getting himself hurt.
Indeed, once Pentious perished during his meeting with Queen Victoria, his wife was devastated by his loss and unsuccessfully attempted to revive him. Following Pentious' death, his wife would hold on to her deceased husband's damaged steampunk hat and cry herself to sleep while cradling it, which Pentious had to watch, unable to console her and contemplating leaving her to escape the painful sight. Eventually, she would move on with another man for the sake of her children and in an attempt to fill the void left by her husband, which devastated Pentious and left him feeling forgotten.
Even in Hell, Pentious never forgot his wife and continues to write love songs in their memory, and bitterly created toy versions of himself and his wife so that he could act out scenarios where they are reunited.
In "Bloody Valentine", he used his time to play a piano while singing a song dedicated to his family, particularly his wife whom he forgave for moving on from with another man, demonstrating that he never stopped loving her.
Unnamed son
Pentious and his son were very close when they were alive. One of the only times Pentious would use his inventions for good was when he would create toys for his son to play with. Other than that, not much was known about their relationship.
Pentious died when his son was very young. Pentious' son experienced profound grief upon his father's passing, and his very young age prevented him from fully grasping the reality that his father was gone. Filled with sorrow, he would frequently erupt into tantrums and tears, yelling at his mother and others for Pentious to come back.
Pentious was nearly brought to tears upon mistaking Angel Dust for his son in Hell, displaying how much Pentious missed his son.
Lydia was Sir Pentious' daughter and eldest child. Lydia and Pentious had a difficult relationship as she did not support his hegemonic ideas or his inventions, as she rarely had the chance to see him due to his work schedule. They were a "stoic daughter and goofy father"-type duo with Pentious genuinely loving and cherishing Lydia despite her not supporting his ideas.
The Egg Boiz
The Egg Boiz are Sir Pentious' minions who he created with the assistance of Baxter. They are sentient eggs who assisted the snake demon in his evil endeavors without question. The Egg Boiz are excessively sycophantic and adored everything about their boss, and constantly sought Pentious' approval and favor, although they were at one point seen face-palming in embarrassment when Pentious dabbed. Some Egg Boiz are implied to be attracted to Pentious in a sexual manner, as at one point, one of them tried to grab his ass, and another one commented "I wish he'd shoot ME with his ray gun", as a double entendre, while at least two Egg Boiz viewed Sir Pentious as their father.
Despite their undying loyalty to Pentious in spite of his failures, he had a tendency of abusing the Egg Boiz and could be very aggressive towards them whenever he got annoyed or frustrated, often constricting them, insulting them, and throwing them around during his fits of anger. It was also shown that he used the Egg Boiz as lab rats for his experiments, often resulting in them going through violent transformations.
Despite this, it was made clear that Sir Pentious did care about his oblong minions deep down; he created toys for them to play with on their off-time (as he did with his son while living) and when he accidentally killed two Egg Boiz when attempting to shoot Angel Dust with his derringer, he shed tears and mourned their losses. Furthermore, he also allowed the Egg Boiz some downtime in his lair and went out of his way to fix their broken toys. He also seemed to be saddened after Cherri Bomb posted an image of an Egg Boi she had smashed on her Voxtagram account.
In his final moments, the Egg Boiz stood by the dying Pentious' side, all of them sobbing or bawling while others pulled candles out of nowhere to stand vigil, showing how much he meant to them. They then solemnly presented his hat to the hotel crew and later managed to avenge his death by overwhelming and killing Rum for their "father's" death.
Sir Pentious and Baxter shared a complex history. Initially, they were lab partners, with Baxter acting as a mentor to the ambitious serpent. Collaborating closely for years, their joint efforts gave rise to the notorious Egg Boiz. Baxter also imparted his secretive inventions to Sir Pentious, notably the skill of transforming angelic weapons into versatile armaments, a skill crucial for Sir Pentious' survival through decades of Exterminations.
However, their partnership eventually unraveled due to a tumultuous clash of egos. While Baxter cites Pentious' instability as the reason for their separation, the underlying truth lies in their incompatible personalities. Pentious and Baxter claimed to harbor no fond memories of their time together, with the latter advising Angel Dust never to collaborate with a partner, deeming it the "worst mistake of [his] afterlife."
When Baxter disclosed Pentious as his former associate to the hotel crew, he vows vengeance against him for pilfering his anti-Exorcist security protocols.
From that moment onward, Baxter and Pentious found themselves locked in a bitter rivalry. Whenever their paths crossed, they engaged in a tense dance, circling each other with piercing glares and the occasional volley of insults, reminiscing about their past partnership and exchanging barbs about each other's insufferable nature and perceived incompetence as collaborators.
Pentious and Baxter's relationship took a dramatic turn when they both attended Hell's annual weapons expo. Driven by an unyielding desire to outdo one another, they each constructed the deadliest machines conceivable, stoking the fires of their rivalry. Vox, ever the opportunist, exploited their mutual animosity to garner more viewership. When Pentious and Baxter's inventions tied for the title of best creation, Vox orchestrated a deadly showdown, intending for them to fight to the death to determine the ultimate victor. In a shocking twist, both Pentious and Baxter exhibited a chilling willingness to end each other's afterlives in pursuit of victory. Fortunately, Charlie and Vaggie intervened, preventing the dire confrontation from reaching its deadly conclusion. Following this ordeal, Sir Pentious and Baxter found themselves in the unenviable position of being residents of the Hazbin Hotel, much to their mutual chagrin. The prospect of sharing the same roof with their arch-nemesis left them both seething with rage and resentment.
Baxter and Sir Pentious initially engaged in a bitter and antagonistic relationship when they arrived at the hotel. They argued relentlessly and childishly, with Baxter refusing to accept Pentious as a new member of the hotel and accusing him of stealing his ideas. However, Charlie and Vaggie's intervention led to a seeming truce, with Baxter agreeing to let Pentious stay if he endured the hotel's hazing rituals. Despite Sir Pentious failing many of the hotel's hazing rituals, this led to Pentious and Baxter's roles in the hotel to become intertwined, with them both being the maintenance technicians of the establishment.
Baxter and Pentious continued to clash over their conflicting ideas for maintaining the hotel, with Baxter being the primary aggressor. Their feud escalated dramatically when Baxter tricked Pentious into believing he would entertain his suggestion to fix the VCR, only to "fix" it behind Pentious' back. The resulting confrontation and battle showcased their inventive prowess and stubbornness. Baxter refused to let Pentious actually fix the VCR, going to the extreme of installing a chip in his own brain linked to an alarm in the new VCR that would activate when Pentious tried to fix it that night. Their animosity reached new heights when they engaged in a comical battle inside formidable mech suits, with their respective supporters joining the fray. The conflict evolved from ground stomping to aerial combat and then to a humorous jousting match. A turning point occurred when they dueled with lightsaber-like devices, and Charlie and Vaggie intervened to prevent a final clash.
Despite their ongoing quarrel, the two inventors were sent to the "friendship room" to resolve their differences. Their reconciliation was forced when an outlaw gang threatened the hotel. Baxter and Pentious put aside their grievances and worked together to outsmart the gang and save the hotel crew. This successful collaboration reignited their partnership, symbolized by a handshake. Although they repaired their friendship, their competitive spirit resurfaced as they playfully raced to restore the living room. Overall, their relationship evolved from bitter rivals to reluctant allies and eventually friends as they learned to work together.
In the midst of the confrontation with the Exorcists, Pentious and Baxter collaborated as the "general" and "captain," leading their forces of Egg Boiz and robots against the angelic adversaries. They not only commanded their troops but also donned angelic armor crafted for both themselves and the hotel crew. Amidst the intense battle, Baxter came to Pentious' aid, rescuing him from a perilous situation where an Exorcist had forcefully separated him from his steampunk mech suit. Despite Pentious's initial skepticism about needing assistance, he ultimately expressed gratitude to Baxter after the rescue.
Charlie Magne
- "Charlie: (waving to him) Hi, Pentious!
Sir Pentious: (in a steampunk robot mech suit) Cheerio, princessss!
Charlie: Lemme guess, gonna try to conquer Pentagram City again?
Sir Pentious: Why, yes, I am! My new automaton is fully operational, and now I will use it to unleash total mass destruction upon the entire Pentagram! (he laughs evilly and runs down a nearby street out of sight; after a pause, an explosion occurs and a battered Pentious is launched in the air, landing in front of Charlie, covered in soot)
Charlie: Soooo, how'd it go...?
Sir Pentious: There's a few kinks to work out..." - — Sir Pentious and Charlie greeting each other.
Despite his numerous attempts to conquer her homeland, Sir Pentious shared a genuine, strong friendship with the Princess of Hell, Charlie Magne. While Pentious openly viewed Charlie as foolish and weak for her kindness, the two were often shown politely greeting each other during their encounters and sharing civil conversations without so much as an outburst from either. Their friendly relationship was most likely the result of Charlie being one of the few entities in Hell who did not constantly ridicule Pentious for his failures. When Pentious attacked the Happy Hotel in an attempt to destroy Alastor, Charlie could be seen briefly smiling at him.
Charlie extended a warm welcome to Pentious, just as Husk was on the verge of slamming the hotel's doors in his face, recognizing the hardship he was facing. Seated beside him, Pentious opened up to Charlie, confessing his weariness of constantly being labeled a failure and the growing doubts about his place in the world. In response, Charlie shared a motivational song, encouraging him to reflect on the incredible machines he had constructed and reminding him of his uniqueness as a soul, emphasizing his inherent worth. She urged him to redirect his talents toward more constructive endeavors, allowing his brilliance to shine and excel. Charlie generously offered him a place to stay at the Hazbin Hotel, and Pentious, fighting back tears with a clenched fist, accepted Charlie's offer as he could not say no to her.
Charlie was visibly crying, and her distress was unmistakable when the Egg Boiz delivered the heart-wrenching news of Pentious' demise to the hotel crew. She bore a heavy burden of guilt, overwhelmed by the weight of responsibility for allowing him to serve as a mole within the Insurgency for the sake of the hotel, fully aware of the immense danger he had placed himself in and feeling she should have done more to dissuade him.
Shortly after his joining the hotel, Niffty fell in love with Pentious, torn between him and Baxter as her preferred "bad boys". Hilariously, despite being a love-starve lover boy, Pentious was completely oblivious and turned off by Niffty's flirting, questioning why no one loved him even when Niffty fervently tried to confess her love to him.
While on a sinister mission under Beelzebub's command, Pentious briefly managed to seize Heaven's Light and hatched a plot to obliterate it. His attempts to eliminate Lux took an unexpected, comically disastrous turn. Initially, he hurled Lux to the ground with the hope of shattering them upon impact, but instead, Lux rebounded like a bouncy ball, striking Pentious squarely in the face. Undaunted, Pentious unleashed a barrage of his eccentric inventions on Lux, employing metallic boxing gloves, a relentless fusillade of laser pistols and missiles, a colossal stomping robot, a monster truck collision, a flurry of Egg Boiz punches and elbow drops, and even a spin in a high-speed washing machine. However, to the amusement of everyone present, none of these antics so much as made Lux bat an eyelash.
With Pentious now a guest in the hotel, Lux seemed to harbor no ill will toward him, even despite his checkered past, and curiously placed more trust in Pentious than in Alastor, likely due to sensing more goodness in him than the Radio Demon.
During a period of "time out" for Pentious, incurred due to his involvement in Valentine's release, Lux was drawn to him by Pentious' audible sighs and exasperated huffs. Pentious proceeded to confide in Lux about his predicament, recounting Valentine's escape and his fruitless quest for love. Lux gently rebuked Pentious for seeking advice on true love from a demon and assured him that there was someone out there meant for him. Feeling despondent from a series of rejections and the disappointment of those who cared about him, Pentious expressed his hopelessness. In response, Lux empathized with Pentious' extreme actions, acknowledging that love could drive people to irrational behavior at times. Lux discredited the words of the love demon, highlighting their proficiency in deceit. He reminded Pentious that even Heaven's Light had deemed him worthy of love and that he possessed an abundance of love to share with his soulmate, inspiring Pentious with his words.
- "Sir Pentious: I've been doing some thinking...
Vox': HAHAHAHAHA!! (Sir Pentious stares at him) Oh, my bad. I thought that you were telling a joke." - — Vox mocking Sir Pentious.
Vox is Sir Pentious' idol and a very one-sided ally. Sir Pentious idolizes Vox and constantly tries to get the attention of the TV Demon and his associate, Valentino, which has only earned him mockery from both Overlords. Sir Pentious has a habit of forcing the Egg Boiz to dress up like Vox and Valentino to pretend that he is hanging out with them. Despite Sir Pentious' attempts to impress Vox and start a partnership and even a friendship with him, as well as being nothing but polite to him, the Overlord constantly rebuffs the snake demon by bragging about how much more successful he is than him and mocks his inventions and lack of success with taking over Hell.
In "Deal with the Devil", Sir Pentious attempted to propose a deal to Vox at Voxtek Headquarters, but Vox clearly used the meeting as a platform to mistreat Pentious and disparage him, not even allowing him to sit in one of the executive chairs, and laughing when Pentious mentions having thought of something. When Pentious made the suggestion that they join forces to take Heaven's Light from Charlie and protect themselves from Alastor, Vox still acted contemptuous of the snake demon, mocking the fact that Pentious doesn't receive invitations to Lucifer's Halloween gatherings, and was confident that he could handle Alastor alone.
Later, as Lucifer began pressuring the Vees on their assignment, Vox invited Pentious back to Voxtek Headquarters, putting on a patronizing and friendly persona. Vox seemingly apologized for his previous behavior and gifted Pentious with his own executive office chair, which Pentious reacted to as if he had found the Fountain of Youth. Vox told Pentious that if he captured the Happy Hotel's bartender, Husk, and brought him back to Voxtek Headquarters, he would grant Pentious his dream job as Vox's right-hand man. Although Pentious grew suspicious that Vox only reconsidered the alliance due to the threats that Lucifer had previously made towards Vox and his associates, he nonetheless accepted, so long as it was a fair partnership.
Later, Sir Pentious and the Egg Boiz successfully kidnap Husk and brought him before Vox. Pentious eagerly asked Vox what they were going to do next together, expecting the TV Demon to fulfill his promise of making the snake his right-hand man. However, Vox merely said that there was nothing more to do, before shooting the snake and his egg minions out of the building. The snake demon persisted, reminding Vox of their deal, but Vox turned on Pentious, revealing that he had been manipulating him the entire time and never intended to make him his right-hand man. As Pentious was reduced to tears, Vox then reminded him of Hell's hierarchy, disparaging Pentious as little more than a "cringy Overlord wannabe", before blasting him and the Egg Boiz out of Voxtek Headquarters with a blast of lightning.
In "World's Event", while hosting Hell's annual weapons expo, Vox and Sir Pentious meet again when Vox sowed a squabble between Pentious and his ex-partner, Baxter, intending to exploit their petty rivalry to boost the ratings on Hell's annual weapons expo. He arranges a fight to the death between the two for maximum viewership, but his plot was foiled by Charlie and Vaggie.
Loopty Goopty and Lyle Lipton
Sir Pentious encountered Loopty Goopty and Lyle Lipton when they were enlisted into the Insurgency. Pentious was sought after for his expertise in crafting weapons and armor from angelic materials, while Loopty and Lyle were recruited for their unpredictable and destructive weaponry. Collaborating closely, Pentious, Goopty, and Lyle developed a strong bond, resembling a trio of lovable nerds as they crafted weapons and exchanged tales of their maniacal exploits. United by their shared status as "losers," they embraced being looked down upon and dismissed their critics as mere fools incapable of understanding them.
Loopty and Lyle actively looked out for Pentious, urging Striker to rescue him when he was captured by Beelzebub and even confronting Izzi on the matter. Izzi's dismissive attitude toward Pentious' captivity led Loopty and Lyle to reevaluate their loyalties. Later, their relief was palpable upon witnessing Pentious' safe return to the Insurgency's base.
Angel Dust
Angel Dust often assisted Cherri Bomb in battling Sir Pentious in turf wars, to which immediately contributed to Angel becoming an enemy of Pentious. Like Cherri Bomb, Angel Dust almost never took Pentious seriously, and had a habit of making sex jokes as a way to mock him, most of which go over Pentious' head; At one point, Pentious mistook Angel Dust for his son after misunderstanding Angel's attempt to call him "Daddy" as a joke. The only time Angel Dust took Pentious seriously was when the snake kidnapped Fat Nuggets in "Game of Doubt", as he outright threatened to murder the supervillain if he didn't return Fat Nuggets back to him. That said, Angel Dust went right back to making sex jokes against Pentious after he rescued his beloved pet pig.
Though after Pentious joined the Hazbin Hotel following Beelzebub's downfall and death, Angel and Pentious seemed to have mostly dropped their enemy grudge against each other and even began something of a friendship. Angel's willingness to extend an olive branch became evident when he offered his assistance in Pentious' pursuit of potential suitors for his affections. This gesture of support, however, did not preclude Angel from indulging in playful teasing at Pentious' expense. Pentious' horrible, embarrassing attempts at "rizzing" provided Angel with much ample comedic fodder, and Angel seized the opportunity to openly joke about his lackluster attempts at flirting. Additionally, the revelation of Pentious' crush on Cherri Bomb invited uproarious laughter from Angel. Pentious later saved Angel and his sister, Molly, from the clutches of the demonic spirit Valentine.
Cherri Bomb
In the intricate dance of rivalries that defines his existence, Sir Pentious designated Cherri Bomb as his ultimate arch-nemesis. This cycloptic sinner, along with her formidable faction of Resistance fighters, repeatedly thwarted Pentious' ambitions to establish his dominance within Hell. The struggle manifested as turf wars, where Pentious endeavored to seize control over Pentagram City, even encroaching upon the Resistance's own domains. These skirmishes unfailingly concluded with the Resistance effortlessly repelling his advances.
Despite the Resistance's formidable opposition, Pentious remained resolute in acknowledging Cherri Bomb as his ultimate adversary. This earnest perception stood in stark contrast to Cherri's apparent nonchalance towards him. Her mocking demeanor during their confrontations suggested she viewed him with a mixture of amusement and dismissiveness, undercutting the intensity Pentious attributes to their rivalry.
In an unexpected twist, a more vulnerable facet of Pentious emerged when he disclosed a secret to Angel Dust. When inquired about potential romantic interests in Pentagram City, Pentious confessed his crush on Cherri Bomb, which elicits Angel's uproarious laughter.
Upon Cherri Bomb's arrival in the midst of the conflict with the Exorcists, Pentious greeted her as a reformed man, addressing her respectfully as "Miss Bomb." Unfortunately, his hopes for a positive response were dashed when Cherri playfully mocked his aspirations for self-improvement, dismissing his general outfit as "lame." This left Pentious disheartened by the less-than-welcoming reception to his attempts at change. Later, when sent through the air by an attack from Azrael, Pentious landed on Cherri, awkwardly face planting into her chest. This unforeseen encounter left Cherri visibly flustered, while Pentious sported a dazed yet contented smile on his face, oblivious to the awkwardness of the situation. Determined to make amends, Pentious almost sacrificed himself in a comical manner to save Cherri from an Exorcist brigade in battle, even though it was entirely unnecessary since Manco and Vaggie were freeing the Exorcists from Azrael's control. Cherri took matters into her own hands, rescuing Pentious and even reassuring him that sacrificing his life was not required for redemption, which he responded to as if it was a shocking revelation.
- "Sir Pentious: Well, well, well. Look who it is harboring the sssstrip-ed freak! We meet yet again, Alastor!
Alastor: Do I know you?" - — Sir Pentious and Alastor when Sir Pentious attacks the Happy Hotel.
Alastor and Sir Pentious had apparently known each other for some time, and are enemies, at least from Pentious' perspective; it was implied by the snake demon that the two have fought each other in the past, as Sir Pentious longed to defeat Alastor in order to gain recognition from Vox, with all of said battles resulting in Alastor effortlessly defeating Pentious and destroying his inventions. When Pentious attacked the Happy Hotel with the intention of wiping out all involved, Alastor didn't recognize Sir Pentious or did he take him seriously at all, as he answered "Do I know you?" after Sir Pentious called him out (although he could have said this to be facetious).
After Pentious joined the Hazbin Hotel following Beelzebub's downfall and death, Pentious seemingly abandoned his goal of killing The Radio Demon, possibly because indirectly causing the death of a Sin is enough for him to gain recognition.
Chapter 1
- "Your idle prattl' distractsss me from my ultimate master plan; Kill you, take over all of Hell... and gain the respect of the Overlords. Once I have asssumed control of the seven rings, the lowly sinners of Hell will finally know the name of their one, true master; Sssir Pentious!!!"
- — Sir Pentious to Angel Dust, monologing on his desire to dominate the seven rings of Hell.
- "HuniBun: Aaaand one! Hello everybody! Welcome to the podcast! Today we have a very special guest and our- (checks notes) -'soon-to-be afterlife overlord', but you may know him better as Sir Pentious!
Sir Pentious: (distantly) Why is this room so black?! Why did you block out the windows?!
HuniBun: Uh, the mic's over here...
Sir Pentious: Oh, I knew that. (right up against the mic, his audio blown out) 'ELLO?! IS THIS THING ON?!
HuniBun: Y- Yes, we, uh, (giggles) just went live.
Sir Pentious: Who am I talking to?!
HuniBun: Like, a couple thousand people...
Sir Pentious: Ah, perfect! Tew oll the lessssser beings, and my fellow gamers, hearing this message, deadass listen intently tew yeh future Overlord whilst I do crimes, be gay, and dunk on these hoes! Hit the dab, my slavessss! Nyah-hahahahahaha! Also, to Vox and Valentino, return my telegrams, please.
HuniBun: (trying not to laugh) O... Kaaaay. Uh, my first question is, how exactly do you plan to take over Hell? 'Cuz you, uh, didn't last that long against Alastor-
Sir Pentious: NUH-UH! NUH-UH! I had the Radio Demon and his merry little band dead to rights! It's just that the Egg Boiz forgot to load the energy cannon! WHY MUST I BE SURROUNDED BY IDIOTSSS?! And by the waaaay! I seem to recall that you recently had that one-eyed anarchist on this telegram! What secrets did she tell yeh? WHERE IS THE RESISTANCE BASE?! WHY WOULD YOU ALLOW 'ER ON 'ERE IN THE FIRST PLACE?! SHE'S AN ANARCHIST!!!
HuniBun: Uh, and you're a hegemonic supervillain. We're all horrible down here, bud.
Sir Pentious: ENUFF WIF DIS PRATTLE! You are clearly allied with the Resistance, so I will do the only rational thing and DESSSSTROY YOU! #56, bring me my death ray! ...WOT DO YA MEAN YOU DIDN'T BRING THE DEATH RAY?!?! SHIT!!! Uh... Well.. You enjoy this peace while it lastsss, traitorous furry, but eventually yeh 'n' all of yeh cringe 'nay nay babies' will fear the name of your epic soon-to-be master! I'M BOUNCING NOW! SIR PENTIOUS, OUT!!!" - — Sir Pentious' interview on HuniCast.
- "On the contrary, I am quite the epic dabber! (Sir Pentious dabs, causing the Egg Boiz to react with embarrassment)"
- — Sir Pentious trying to act cool.
- "AH-HAHAHAHA!!! Oh, the look on your face, banded arachnid! I can't wait to make a 'meemay' out of it! AH-HAHAHAHAHA!!!"
- — Sir Pentious mocking Angel Dust after capturing Fat Nuggets.
- — Sir Pentious to Angel Dust, after being sent flying in the distance by Cherri Bomb.
- "Husk: Where the hell am I?! Let me outta here, motherfucker!
Sir Pentious: SSSSILENCE, BOOMER!!! My moment of triumph approachessss!
Husk: 'Boomer'? You're older than me, you fuckin' dumbass!" - — Sir Pentious and Husk after Pentious captured the former.
Chapter 2
- "Sir Pentious: The Medallionsss have been stolen, m'lord!
Beelzebub: (on a magical screen) Excellent. I assume that mechanical monstrosity behind you is the weapon you've chosen to dispose of the Medallions?
Sir Pentious: You assume correctly! After these meddlesome Medallions have been sssswiftly dessstroyed, I will have finally gained the power of an Overlord! 'N' wif me newfound powers, even the purest of hearts will cower in the darkness of my all-powerful shadow! After tonight, people will mock the idea of freedom in the name of oppression and one Sir Pentious! And NOTHING will stand in me way! HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!
Beelzebub: (stares at Pentious with a WTF expression) ...Good for you. I will report back in ten hours. (he wipes away the magical screen)
Insect Minion: You know he's gonna fail, right?
Beelzebub: He doesn't know that. (Beelzebub and his minion share a childish laugh together)" - — Sir Pentious reports to Beelzebub on the status of the Medallions of Virtue.
- "Sir Pentious: (to Ren) And YOU'... You are my... New pet!
Ren: Wait, what?
Sir Pentious: Me PET!! Me comrade of villainy! From this day forward, yeh shall sit upon me lap, and I will stroke you methodically while embellishing all me next schemes of villainy!
Ren: Oh, PLEASE don't-
Sir Pentious: IT IS FINAL!!!
Ren: No, no, just execute me, please! (one of the Egg Boiz picks them up and places them on Sir Pentious' lap; Ren looks up) God, please, just erase me..." - — Sir Pentious forcing Ren to be his pet.
Chapter 4
- "Blitzø: Hey, fuckface! Can you move your giant robot out of the way? We're kinda on a mission here!
Sir Pentious: Nya-ha-ha-ha! I will not move aside for the likes of yeh! Don't you see I'm in the middle of me ultimate takeover?! Lowly imp, allow me tew introduce tew you me upgraded automaton! (the Egg Boiz bow down to the robot and some of them touch it with seductive looks like models showing off a car) Stand slack-jawed at the craftsmanship! Wif dis device, I will annihilate oll things good and innocent, or me name isn't Sir Pentious!" - — Sir Pentious after Blitzø asked him to move his robot aside so I.M.P could pass him.
- "Curse you, Blitzo! I'll get you next time! And yeh little dog t-"
- — Sir Pentious after his robot was destroyed by I.M.P, and before being nearly murdered by Striker.
Chapter 5
- "Sir Pentious: BWA-HAHAHAHAHA!!! Pitiful denizens of Hell quake with terror as it builds within yeh miserable and fragile bo'ies, because I, your #1 Overlord, Sir Pentioussss, (motions to Loopty Goopty and Lyle Lipton) alongside me newest chums in crime, have, after all these decades, FINALLY CAPTURED THE STRIP-ED FREAK, ANGEL DUST!!! (he bursts into evil laughter as a spotlight shines on the captured "Angel Dust", revealing it to actually be Arackniss)
Arackniss: YOU GOT THE WRONG GUY, YOU FUCKIN' DIPSHITS!!!" - — Sir Pentious after capturing "Angel Dust".
- "Loopty Goopty: Striker, with all due respect, Pentious is still down there being torn asunder! Shouldn't we go back for him?
Sir Pentious: (while pinned under a metal bar) Ah, at long last! I knew I've had finally found my people who will embrace my limitless intelli-
Striker: Nah, leave 'im.
Sir Pentious: WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!" - — Sir Pentious being left behind by the Insurgency.
- "Beelzebub: (cackles) You feel like a big shot, wieldling that cannon you can barely lift? (three of Beelzebub's minions sneak up behind Pentious and disarm him of his angelic cannon) ...Because all I see is a fool playing with tin toys.
Sir Pentious: (he looks down) Perhaps you are right... I am a loser... But at least I shall go down in history as the loser who REKT the almighty Sin of Gluttony!" - — Sir Pentious before defeating Beelzebub.
- "Sir Pentious: (standing in the rain, soaking wet and looking down with a forlorn expression) I didn't know where else to go...
Husk: ...Are you fucking kidding me?" - — Sir Pentious goes to the Hazbin Hotel for refuge.
- "Sir Pentious: You FOOLS!!! You dare to speak to me about what is considered 'good'?! Who are YOU to tell the great and powerful Sir Pentious, slayer of the Sin of Gluttony, how to improve himself?! What is there to improve upon when I am simply the greatest, most ingenious, POWERFUL SINNER WHO-
Charlie: -Is in Hell with the rest of us, using your inventions to enslave and terrorize other sinners, instead of... Y'know, doing good.
Sir Pentious: (surprised Sir Pentious face) ...Fair point. Very well, princess. You are one of the only lower beings in this pit of suffering who has treated me fairly, so your insolence will be forgiven this time around. As a show of gratitude, I will do my chores in the allotted hour and attempt to keep my dastardly deeds and planning to a... Minimum, as I take refuge in yeh lowly hovel." - — Sir Pentious and Charlie.
- "I like da bitches!"
- — Sir Pentious.
- "Angel Dust: First things first, we's need ta work on yer way wit the ladies. Now I know my way with the men (chuckle) lemme tell ya, but maybe you can pull some 'bitches' with my advice.' Let me tell ya, it's an art. A science, in yer case. It gotta be done juuuusst right, ya dig?
Sir Pentious: (Pentious cackles) YOU are teaching ME how to 'rizz'?! (Pentious puts on sunglasses and snaps his fingers) I've got my rizz allll figured out! And I don't need your pedestrian instructions! Observe, arachnid! (Pentious approaches two female sinner) Cheerio, pretty birdies! (Pentious snaps his fingers as the ladies stare at him cautiously) Two birds, one bloke, aren't I right? I can tell you two are the devilish type who like danger and chaosss! Maybe you want to come inside my lair and do a little... (dramatic pause) Sinning? (beat; the girls scream ear-piercingly and pepper spray Pentious, frantically stomping on him as he falls to the ground; they run away screaming as Pentious writhes in pain) BLOODY HELL!!!! OH, FOR THE LOVE OF VAGATHA'S RIGHT EYE!!! IS EVERYONE IN THIS HELLSCAPE NOTHING BUT ANNOYING, IRRITATING BUGS AND MOSQUITOES?!?!?!
Angel Dust: (he begins dragging Pentious away by the tail) C'mon, buddy. We'll get 'em next time.
- — Pentious before smacking Valentine back into Charlie's grimoire.
- "Goodness? You are not understanding that is a very foreign concept to me, the genius known as Sir Pentious! My inventions are designed to cause misery! Chaos! UTTER BEDLAM! What else do you have in mind? Make a charity that gives money to puppies and a proper home to children? That's an idea as asinine and bland as an uncooked bag of rice! Now begone, or you'll fall prey to my rage!"
- — Sir Pentious to Charlie when suggested to use his inventions for good.
- "Sir Pentious: BAXTER!!! You over-egged the puddin'!
Charlie: Whuh...?
Sir Pentious: HE FUCKED IT UP!!!" - — Sir Pentious after seeing Baxter "fixed" the VCR.
- "FOR THE QUEEN!!!!!"
- — Sir Pentious' battle cry before the War in Hell.
- "Sir Pentious: (to the hotel crew) It was an honor to fight alongside you, not as enemies, but as fellow warriorssss! (with puppy dog eyes) ...May I have my death ray back now, pleasssse?
Vaggie: No, you're never getting that death ray back. (Pentious' looks disappointed and flicks a rock with his tail)
Charlie: But you know what? (she attaches a gold badge on Pentious' general outfit with a warm smile)
Sir Pentious: (he looks at the badge in surprise and then at Charlie, tears welling in his eyes) A real general badge....?
Angel Dust: (butting in) Nope. It's the same plastic one you wore before.
Husk: It just fell off your costume when you were running for cover and crying." - — Pentious and the hotel crew in the aftermath of the war in Hell.
Quotes Pertaining to Sir Pentious
- "Angel Dust: Thanks fer fixin' that hole Pentious blew in the front doors. I can't have my creepy stalkers peepin' at the goods. It costs extra!
Alastor: ...Who?
Angel Dust: Oh, y'know, my stalkers. Buncha creepy, ugly freaks who want summa-
Alastor: No, no, no, I understood that part quite well. What I am referring to is the identity of who blew a hole in the hotel?
Angel Dust: (with an awestruck expression) ...Pentious. (Alastor smiles cluelessly) Sir Pentious? ...The snake in the blimp with the eggs? You just destroyed him- Nevamind. The point is, you betta be 'round if he comes knockin' again. The bastard tried to blow us up!
Alastor: ...Pentious... Sir Pentious...
Angel Dust: (to himself; whispering) Is it the Happy Hotel or the Hazbin Hotel...?
Alastor: This person's name confounds me... Tell me, is this 'Sir Pentious' one of my adoring fans? If so, I guess putting all those arrows on my tower may have not been the wisest idea...
Angel Dust: W- What tha fuck are you talkin' about? (Alastor continues smiling as Angel waves his hand in the Radio Demon's face) Helloooo? Hell to Alastor?!
Alastor: It's on the tip of my tongue...
Angel Dust: (sighs) Alright, you have fun. I'm hittin' the sack. (he walks away)
Alastor: Pentious... Pentious... Now, why can't I remember that name?" - — Alastor and Angel Dust.
- "Baxter: That man, this SIR PENTIOUS, he is my former collaborator turned biggest rival! A pathetic fool who rode off mein lab coat and thinks he can match my intelligence! HA!!!! HE'S NOTHING BUT A FUCKING DENTIST COMPARED TO ME!!!!
Charlie: You and Sir P used to be partners? And did you imply that he... stole your ideas?
- His Hell name is a play on the word "Serpentes". His name also bares a resemblance to 'pretentious', which means attempting to impress by affecting greater importance than is actually possessed, a definition that perfectly describes Pentious' tryhard characterization.
- His Heaven name is a play on the word "repent" and his Hell name "Pentious".
- His theme songs would be "My Evil Plan to Save the World" by Five Iron Frenzy, "Sk8er Boi" by Avril Lavigne, "Check Yes Juliet" by We The Kings, "Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely" by the Backstreet Boys , and "Phantom in Your Mind" by Harley Poe.
- He spoke with a British accent, being born in the United Kingdom. His accent tended to get especially aggressive when he was angry or going on a villainous monologue, making what he said almost incoherent at times.
- Much like Alastor, Pentious hates the way he died, with him insisting that he died in a lab accident, preferring to make himself look incompetent over revealing the true conditions of his death.
- Pentious' fondness for sentient eggs as his servants stems from a significant encounter during his school years when he participated in an egg-caring project and met his future wife. Nurturing a profound connection with the egg they cared for together, he harbored aspirations of building a family of his own. Consequently, he associates eggs with the cherished memory of meeting his future wife and the shared dreams they cultivated during their early days.
- He was fascinated by fidget spinners and played with them whenever he's was under stress or to pass the time.
- He was a supporter of child labor, as someone from the Victorian Era.
- He claimed that he was knighted by the Queen in life, hence his name in Hell.
- As later revealed, he was not in fact knighted by the Queen, though he was invited to Buckingham Palace.
- Sir Pentious' top hat appeared to be alive and often reflected his own emotions, even spontaneously grew a mouth to do so. At one point, Angel Dust even inquired if his hat was alive upon seeing the display.
- His hat watched over him whenever he slept.
- He hated "British people be like" memes.
- He wrote with a feather quill as opposed to pencils or pens.
- His skateboard was just for show and he was terrible at skating.
- He was a cat person and if he had a cat, he would methodically stroke it while going on villainous monologues.
- He used to send "love telegrams" to his high-school crush until she put a restraining order on him.
- According to Loopty Goopty, Pentious was bullied in school.
- He used to get shoved into lockers in high school.
- He had a sleep paralysis demon named Pippi.
- As he was a snake, he tended to draw and hiss out his sibilants when spoke.
- He loved love songs, rap, and punk-pop.
- Angel Dust claimed that there was a rumor that Sir Pentious tried to give life to eggs by having sex with them, before he met Baxter and was able to create sentient eggs in a lab. Because of this, some sinners taunt him by calling him "egg fucker". Though Sir Pentious was embarrassed by this and insisted such an incident never happened, the Egg Boiz chose to view it as a measure of his talent and power that he managed to fuck an egg.
- In "Blood Valentine", it is revealed that Pentious has a crush on Cherri Bomb and simp-sings for her on his piano when he was alone.
- Sir Pentious was originally going to appear in Chapter 3 in some capacity, but his role was cut due to time. Shortly after Chapter 3 concluded, the series creator said that they would "love to expand him into something important down the line".
- The creators later added that Sir Pentious will play a very important role in Chapter 5, going as far as to say that the Chapter would be "his time to shine". This did, indeed, come to fruition, as Chapter 5 is where Pentious undergoes a redemption arc, his deepest secrets and backstory is unveiled, and he crafts angelic armor and weapons for Hell's army to defend itself against the Exorcists.
- In Chapter 5, Pentious was originally going to replace Baxter within the hotel crew. One draft had Pentious team up with Squish, Crymini, and Niffty to defeat Baxter and Karen 2.O after the former takes over the hotel, having betrayed the crew in a fit of rage after Pentious was accepted into the hotel.
- Like Alastor, Sir Pentious detested modern technology because he secretly wasn't able to understand it. This was evident in his machines and choice of weaponry, which were often steampunk robots, airships, chains, or outdated firearms such as derringers. Despite this, his opinion on modern technology did not hinder his obsession with gaining Vox's favor, who was infamously revolutionary.
- In "Survival", it is implied that Sir Pentious and Baxter were once partners in the past; during a conversation with Angel Dust, Baxter mentions that he once collaborated with an "ophidian fellow", before commenting that they split apart as he found the partner "far too unstable". In Chapter 5, it is eventually confirmed that they were, in fact, partners at one point and actually split due to a clash of egos.