Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light Fanon Wiki

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Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light Fanon Wiki

"Sock: To show the beauty of musical theater to all! The riff-raff of Hell's society disdains our medium, so we will let them know its magic, whether they like it or not. Besides, we're Overlords, we must have our playthings!
Buskin: I would have answered that query in a more articulate and formal manner than my more childish twin...
— Sock and Buskin when asked why they kidnap sinners.

Lord Sock of Pride and Lord Buskin of Pride are recurring characters in Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light.

They have an antagonistic appearance in Fergus' and Ren's storylines in Chapter 2 and recurring characters in Chapter 5.

They are a duo of conjoined, pantomime, snobbish twins, Overlords, and theater businessmen who govern over all of Hell's theater production and performance arts. Operating with a legion of sentient marionettes at their beck and call, the twins bear a deep-seated grudge against the inhabitants of Hell, who mostly show disdain for the art of musical theater. Their grand ambition is to let the enchantment of musical arts be known to every corner of Hell, a mission they pursue with relentless and, at times, ruthless fervor, employing the dubious tactic of kidnapping sinners and compelling them to partake in their plays and musicals, all while aiming to transform their captives into accomplished thespians and cultivating within them a newfound love for the theater.

Regarded as the "scriptwriters", they are widely known for their ability to "read the script", which allows them to predict immediate or future events with impressive accuracy.



Not much is known about Sock and Buskin's past besides them being conjoined twins who rose to become Overlords.

During Alastor's reign of terror over the Pride Ring, Sock and Buskin were one of the many Overlords the Radio Demon targeted, with those who fell being imprisoned in the Show. However, Sock and Buskin were the only known Overlords who not only fended Alastor off, but outright defeated him, a feat that earned them much respect from many of the later Overlords.

Events of Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light[]

Chapter 2[]


Chapter 5[]

In "Let's Make a Deal", Charlie, Vaggie, and Alastor head down to Sock and Buskin's theater to forge an alliance with the theater Overlords. Upon entering the theater, the trio find themselves in a constantly shifting dimension which Sock and Buskin can control. Sock and Buskin use their reality-shifting abilities to toy with the trio for several minutes, quizzing them on musical theater so that they can earn the "luxury" of their presence. Charlie, being a music buff, is able to answer all of the questions, earning them the personal presence of Sock and Buskin.

The two Overlords (mostly Sock) take the opportunity to mock the trio, with Sock constantly flirting with Vaggie and putting the sinner in uncomfortable situations. Charlie asks the two Overlords for help in defending sinners during the upcoming cleanse while the princess attempts to negotiate with the Exterminators' leadership. Sock and Buskin are initially uninterested until Charlie offers to give them protection from the Insurgency, and when even that doesn't convince them, she offers to use her influence as princess to help them expand their musical theater ventures. Buskin begins excitedly fanboying over the idea, before composing himself and agreeing to the princesses' terms. After shaking hands with Charlie, Sock and Buskin, using their "script-reading" powers, ominously warn Charlie that, after the Extermination, the "curtain will fall" on Hell itself, solidifying the end of the Inferno, which makes Charlie and Vaggie remember Stolas' warning of an incoming apocalypse.


"Buskin: Someone will die...
Sock: OF FUN!!!
— Sock and Buskin's dynamic.

Sock and Buskin are very different personalities, but both are very dramatic and argumentative towards each other. They have a pantomime, villainous vibe to them and are united in their love for theater and musicals and are a force to be reckoned with in a battle. They both have a habit of dramatically narrating their scenarios, reveling in the drama or humor of it all, speaking like writers reading the script aloud and lampshading the plot as it unfolds. They are rather snobby, smug, and haughty, refusing to engage with people who do not appreciate or care for musical theater, refusing to give them the "luxury" of their presence unless they submit. Despite some of their very questionable practices, Sock and Buskin are notable for being one of the more amicable and friendly Overlords, as they rarely harm other demons for the sake of it, though if their victims fail to become successful performers, they will refuse to release them and will instead keep them as slaves forever.


Sock is a happy-go-lucky, mischievous, and VERY unserious gurl. Nothing seems to faze them as they do not take anything seriously and are capable of making a joke out of any scenario, no matter how offensive. Childish and easily bored, Sock gains enjoyment out of pranking people and putting them in uncomfortable or frustrating situations. They often behave in an incredibly annoying manner to others, especially their brother, Buskin, though they rarely do anything that actually harms others. At one point, while attending a Halloween gathering of the Overlords, Sock revealed to Lilith and even Lucifer that Buskin has a crush on Lilith, despite the King of Hell's reputation for killing anyone he perceives as a threat to his and Lilith's marriage. They are generally approachable, joyful, and chummy to a fault, noted by Buskin to be popular with Hellborn children, though he also claims that being around them for too long gets annoying fairly quickly, even saying his worst fear in life is being stuck with them forever. Like their brother, Sock possesses respect for every type of musical theater, and although they find operas "boring", they do respect them as an art form.


Buskin is edgy, gothic, egotistical, and very melodramatic. Unlike Sock, Buskin uses Old English speech patterns and words, such as "'twas", "doth", and "thou". When sufficiently enraged, however, he speaks plain and drops this all together, heavily implying he only speaks like this for faux-intelligence as well as to sound hammy. He takes thespianism and the art of theater very seriously and has a much more pessimistic and sophisticated outlook on things than his sibling. He is even more hammy than his sibling and speaks with a lot of gravitas and weight.

According to Sock, it is relatively easy to make Buskin upset, with them claiming that he once cried when his coffee was not black enough, and he treats even the most minor of inconveniences that befall him as if they are horrible tragedies. Despite this, he is very clearly the adult in his siblingship with Sock, trying to keep them out of getting into trouble with other Overlords, and being very patient with their antics.

Buskin is incredibly haughty and snotty, using terms such as "nobody", "ingrate", "peasants", and "ignoramus" to describe people he doesn't like. He is evidently more villainous and spiteful than his sibling, developing a grudge against Fergus and Ren for not appreciating theater and intending to keep them as slaves forever trapped and forced to perform for them. Even when Fergus and Ren learned the power of musical theater, Buskin remained acrimonious and attempted to kill the the fallen angel and the sinner regardless.

Despite his cold tendencies, Sock claims that Buskin is actually a pretty sweet guy and a big softie who does not mind being gentle, and he does care about his sibling despite their differences. The only time Buskin has flat out snapped at Sock was when they revealed to Lilith and Lucifer that he had a crush on the former, which could have gotten both him and Sock killed by Lucifer.


Sock and Buskin have a conjoined demon body with two heads for each demon. Both have spiky hair, and on their faces are two drama masks that represent the two demons. These masks are presumably their actual faces, although they never move or change whenever the two speak or display emotions that contradict the masks' expressions.

They wear a dark purple suit with matching dress pants, a pink bowtie, white gloves, a white undershirt with black buttons, and dark purple and gold-colored shoes. Finally, they sport a pinkish-red cape with gold trimmings, and drama masks on the shoulders.

Powers and Abilities[]

Natural Powers[]

  • Immortality: As demons, Sock and Buskin are immortal and can only be killed by holy weapons or divine powers.
    • Nigh-Invulnerability: Sock and Buskin are extremely resilient as a result of their demonic physiology.
    • Demonic Transformation: Sock and Buskin can both access to a bigger, more powerful and more creepy form and easily swipe back to their base form.

Unique Powers[]

  • Demonic Power: Sock and Buskin both possess a significant amount of demonic power and are vastly more powerful than the majority of demons, allowing them to rise to the position of being Overlords and maintain said position. As they are essentially two Overlords in one body, they are particularly powerful, with Fergus mentioning that they actually defeated Alastor when he attempted to add them to his collection of defeated Overlords.
    • Animakinesis: As Overlords, Sock and Buskin can take ownership of anyone's soul, mainly through making deals. This binds their clients to their will, allowing them to summon their slaves, and in extreme instances, torture them spiritually, causing them unbearable, debilitating agony, or outright erase their existence - no matter how far away they are from the Overlord duo - in order to force their slaves to do what they wants. As Overlords, they both own over a thousand, if not millions, of souls.
    • Coordination: As two demons who share the same body, Sock and Buskin have a magical and telepathic connection. They are supernaturally coordinated and move their body at the same pace and time, knowing what move the other will do as they do it.
    • Cape Flight: Sock and Buskin can hover in the air and are capable of limited flight using their supernatural cape.
    • Life Manipulation: Sock and Buskin can bring inanimate objects to life, which they used on several of their mannequins so that they could serve as their henchmen.
    • Marionette String Generation: Sock and Buskin can summon marionette strings from seemingly nowhere that descend from the sky and restrain anyone of their choosing. The strings allow the two to, almost completely, control the movements of anyone they ensnare, or keep them imprisoned and helplessly suspended in place.
    • Motor-Skill Manipulation: Sock and Buskin can control the motor skills of others against their will, manipulating them like puppets and commanding their every move.
    • Nigh-Precognition: Having "read the script", Sock and Buskin have supernatural insight and a vague idea of either immediate or future events and can predict them with surprising accuracy, allowing them to predict their opponents' thoughts and next move. This is shown through Sock's habit of saying what someone is about to say before they say it and their vague ability to look into the future. Clearly, however, Sock and Buskin's precognitive abilities are not infallible, as they appear to depend on the assumption that their targets will consistently adhere to their patterns without making the same mistake more than once. This limitation became evident when they were caught off-guard by Fergus and Ren, who unexpectedly embraced the power of musical theater when the Overlords had captured them, deviating from their anticipated behaviors.
    • Pocket Dimension Creation/Manipulation: Sock and Buskin rule over a pocket dimension which they use to trap their victims inside. The dimension is in the form of a giant, inescapable theater house where the stage can change settings on a whim and the prisoners within are controlled by marionette strings. They can conjure giant windows to this dimension to put on display for the audience of their musicals. The prisoners within Sock and Buskin's dimension are virtually powerless and completely at the mercy of the two Overlords. However, should their prisoners genuinely and fully embrace the wonder and art of musical theater (which is nearly impossible for the denizens of Hell), they will be able to take control over the dimension and fight against Sock and Buskin.
      • Power Removal: Every demon who becomes ensnared in Sock and Buskin's dimension is stripped completely of any power they might have had, though they can regain or even gain powers by truly embracing musical theater as a precious form of art.
    • Reality Warping: While in their theater house, Sock and Buskin possesses seemingly unlimited control over the interior of their domain, allowing them to instantly change and warp their surroundings to fit the scenario of whatever their performers are acting out, such as warping the interior into an actual winter tundra during the winter section of a play.
    • Teleportation: Sock and Buskin can teleport away, disguising their escapes by throwing explosive smoke pellets at their feet, vanishing into the shadows, or grabbing their cape and spinning around until they vanish.


  • Acting Skill: Sock and Buskin both possess remarkable prowess in the realm of acting including stage-acting and directing the acting of others.
  • Musical Talents: Both Sock and Buskin are both phenomenally skilled singers. Buskin also exhibits an exceptional mastery of the piano, performing at a level comparable to that of a concert virtuoso.
  • Influence: Sock and Buskin are very popular theater actors and directors, and are perhaps the most famous theater actors in Hell and one of the most influential actors overall. As Overlords, they hield socio-economic superiority over a vast part of Pentagram City and controll a section of the Pride Ring.



Charlie Magne[]

In an unusual twist for an Overlord, Sock and Buskin share a sincere friendship with Charlie. They regard her as a "diamond in the rough" due to her extraordinary passion for music and the arts. These two demons, residing deep within Hell, break the mold by wholeheartedly embracing Charlie's singing interests, offering her encouragement rather than criticism. Charlie's connection with Sock and Buskin spans back to her childhood, suggesting a long-standing history between them. Sock takes pleasure in good-naturedly teasing both Charlie and Buskin, occasionally delving into the embarrassing details of Buskin's unreciprocated feelings for Charlie's mother, Lilith.

When Charlie faced a dire situation requiring Sock and Buskin's aid against the Exterminators, she, along with Alastor and Vaggie, embarked on a mission to seek their support. However, the conceited and snobbish Overlords were initially reluctant to entertain their pleas. They set forth a series of musical-themed queries as a prerequisite for an audience. Charlie, a devoted music enthusiast, eagerly and expertly answered each question, eventually earning her a meeting with Sock and Buskin.

At first, Sock and Buskin remained unimpressed, but Charlie's offer of protection from the Insurgency piqued their interest. Yet, even this was not enough to fully sway them. It was Charlie's promise to leverage her status as a princess to advance their musical theater endeavors that truly ignited Buskin's enthusiasm. For a brief moment, he couldn't contain his excitement and fanboyed over the idea before regaining his composure and sealing the agreement with a handshake.


While Buskin didn't seem to care for Vaggie much, Sock had a mischievous relationship with Vaggie. They liked teasing Vaggie, called her a "cute brute", and blew a kiss at her when she and Charlie came to the twins' theater for a deal, which caused Vaggie to blush in surprise and embarrassment. At the Baphomet Ball, Sock later delighted in revealing Vaggie's status as a fallen angel to others, seemingly finding amusement in the reactions or lack thereof. Despite Sock's teasing nature, there was a sense of camaraderie between them, even if Sock's antics could be overwhelming at times.


Carmilla Carmine[]

Sock and Buskin, as Overlords, share a connection with Carmilla, although the details of their relationship remain somewhat mysterious. Sock often affectionately calls Carmilla "Mom", because she is widely regarded as the leader among Hell's Overlords. Buskin seems genteel and polite to Carmilla, respecting her title and reputation despite his haughtiness. Carmilla, indeed, does have somewhat of a motherly streak around the two, coming to their defense when Stellar was belittling them. She also frequently admonishes them for their haughty demeanor and tendency to let their pride and theatrics get the best of them.


In the past, Alastor attempted to overthrow Sock and Buskin as he did many Overlords. However, Sock and Buskin managed to defeat the Radio Demon using their combined powers, becoming the first Overlords to defeat Alastor in direct combat.

In the present, Alastor and the Theater Overlords don't seem like active enemies, but it's clear that there is bad blood between the three. Sock and Buskin act superior to Alastor, treating him as a source of entertainment and not fearing him, since they defeated him at the peak of his power, after all. They view the Radio Demon with a mix of respect and disdain, acknowledging his notoriety as a tormentor and irredeemable sinner. However, they still relish using their reality-bending powers to taunt him with his past defeat, treating their encounters as a form of dramatic performance.

Sock, in particular, enjoys ridiculing Alastor, poking fun at his persona and perceived weaknesses, such as his previous defeat at their hands. Buskin's typical approach to the Radio Demon is more composed but equally condescending, framing their superiority in his typical theatrical terminology. It's an open secret that Alastor desires a rematch with the two, though he's patiently waiting for the right time to challenge them...



Chapter 2[]

"Buskin: And thee call me dramatic...
Sock: Well, duh! Remember that time you cried when your coffee wasn't black enough?
Buskin: (with exaggerated gravitas) Speak not of that... (with a black tear running down his face) 'Twas the biggest tragedy of them all.
— Buskin and Sock about Stellar.
"Sock: Oooh, what are you looking at? Some babe getting undressed?
Buskin: Sibling, thou are working my last nerve.
Sock: Oh, goody! While I work on that, how about you work on pulling that stick out of our ass?
Buskin: Doth thou have to perceive everything as a joke?
Sock: Doth thou have to see-eth every dark cloud as some Greek tragedy?! The very concept of you makes people upset!
— Buskin and Sock arguing while Buskin was lurking on a roof.
"(snickers) You're so extra. Where is the wind coming from? You're inside."
— Sock teasing Buskin during his dramatic entrance.
"Buskin: Overcoming fear... T'is proven to be most arduous things for mere peons to summount. Verily, mine own most dreadful fear is being bound to mine jayus sibling for too great a span.
Ren: Um... but you two were conjoined at birth...
Buskin: (he sighs, putting his hand to his heart and closing his eyes wistfully) And is that not the great tragedy of all?
— Buskin and Ren about fear.
"Buskin: (to Fergus) YOU INGRATE!!!
Sock: Ooh-ho! This'll be fun! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!
Buskin: (to Fergus) What manner of ignoramus must thou be to pointeth thy nose down at a live performance! The very essence of theater is lost to thee! The PASSION! The DRAMA! Tragedy and suspense filling the air! Thespians working tirelessly on their productions!
Sock: And let's not forget the laughter of the masses following a well-timed jest!
Ren: Buddy, not everyone can or wants to see musicals live. I mean, I'm not a people person. I like watching things from the comfort of my home! (sighs; to themselves) What is even happening right now? How did my afterlife get here? I just wanted some medallion and now I'm in a fucking musical debate!
Buskin: Th- THAT'S how you prefer to indulge theater productions?! ON YOUR FUCKING COUCH?!
Fergus: (to Buskin) Haha, and that's not all! You ever heard of bootlegs, you fucking cocksuckers?!
— Sock and Buskin's discourse with Ren and Fergus after they trapped the latters in their theater pocket dimension.
"Ren: Bet you couldn't predict this, huh?!
Sock: The tritagonists rise to the curtain itself, the music building to a crescendo, as they have finally learned... (wipes a single tear from their face) So beautiful...
Buskin: (to Ren and Fergus) YOU WILL PAY FOR YOUR INSOLENCE!!!!
— Sock and Buskin after Fergus and Ren learned the beauty of musical theater and took over the pocket dimension.
"Buskin: Thou think thou are able to befall one of the Overlords of Hell? Thou shall witness a reckoning unlike anything thou hath verily seen before!
Sock: (giggles) Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound right now?
Buskin: With all due respect, sibling, eat shit.
— Sock and Buskin while fighting Ren and Fergus.
"Sock: The tritagonists float in anticipation, the triumphant music slowing to a dirge as the antagonist, Buskin, enters a classic villainous breakdown...
Buskin: You pitiful peasants may have glimpsed the power and enchantment of theater, but your meager minds will never possess the profundity to grasp the essence of our craft. Take your wretched crystal and depart, for I command it! EXEUNT OMNES!
— Buskin to Fergus and Ren.
"Lilith: Well, lookie here! The Theater Twins have risen from their gallery. To what do I owe the pleasure?
Buskin: (bowing) The pleasure is ours, my Queen.
Sock: (to Buskin) Hey, Buskin! Now's your chance! Sing to her! (Buskin slowly turns his head to Sock) C'mon! (to Lilith; whispering) He's had a crush on you since he was a little boy!
Lilith: Oh, my...
Buskin: I- I don't know they're babbling about.
Lucifer: Go ahead, Sock. (he walks out from behind Lilith, smiling in an angered manner) Keep talking.
Buskin: M- My dark lord! (he bows) My sincerest apologies for my idiot, jayus sibling's nonsense.
Sock: Oh, c'moooon, Buskin! I remember you would dress that mannequin in all those dresses made by the Queen's company and sing to them!
Buskin: Sock.
Sock: (imitating Buskin) 'Oh, my Queen-eth! Would'st thou marry-eth me? It's always been a dream for mine-eth to live by the creek, listening to the Hellbirds, and singing 'L’Amour de Moy' to each other!' (giggles)
Lilith: (titters) Oh, how charming.
Buskin: Please excuse us, my lords. My sibling has clearly had too much absinthe. We better be on our way.
Lucifer: (menacingly) I think so, too.
Buskin: Y- Yes, right away, sir. (storming away; to Sock; whispering angrily) What the fuck is wrong with you?! If I get erased, you get erased! DON'T YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND?!
— Sock, Buskin, Lilith, and Lucifer at a Halloween gathering.

Chapter 5[]

"Buskin: Charlie Magne. Princess of Hell. The main protagonist. Infantilizer of the Damned.
Sock: Oh, yes, because puppies and rainbows are clearly the keys to eternal redemption! How utterly profound!
Buskin: An ill-equipped clodpoll on an ill-fated endeavor. She will never succeed.
— Sock and Buskin roasting Charlie.
"Buskin: Vagatha. The deuteragonist of our tale. A lost soul which chase-eth away those who loved her, make-ething herself the burden of others.
Sock: The keeper of soooo many spicy secrets... (giggles)
Buskin: As she retreats behind the curtain of false virtue—a veil she will undoubtedly cling to—the cyclical dance shall unfurl anew... Repeated ad infinitum.
— Sock and Buskin roasting Vaggie.
"Buskin: Alastor Hartfelt. Spirit of revenge opposite the wicked. Torturer of millions.
Sock: He protects the weak, yet tormented them should their agony entertain himself.
Buskin: The most irredeemable of the sinner caste. He shall never reform... and he knows it.
Alastor: Quite correct, you two! You've hit the nail on the head! Though, I'm personally not a fan of the honorifics. 'Alastor' would have suited just as well, my dear narrators.
— Sock and Buskin roasting Alastor.
"Buskin: Fergus. Captain Koatal of the Heaven Host. Apostate of Heaven turned Lucifer's most effective plaything.
Sock: (in a mocking tone) He murdered millions - his family included - and now he feels sorry for it... (giggles)
Buskin: His 'redemption' is unmerited, his tears without meaning. He is another face that will fade away, never to be remembered even for his crimes. And yet the blood of a million men, women and children shall stain-eth his hands, permanently.
— Sock and Buskin roasting Fergus.
"Buskin: Princess Octavia of the Ars Goetia. The daughter which Stolas never coveted.
Sock: Ah, the shining trophy from Stolas's ill-fated union, a symbol of decades of suffering and sacrifice!
Buskin: Her only purpose is to serve-eth as insurance to the Ars Goetia and nothing else. Her mere existence is... (almost aroused) DELICIOUSLY sad.
Sock: (looks down, playfully raising an eyebrow) Oh, look, your mantle seems to be rising. Or is that just your dramatic flair at work?
Buskin: Shut the fuck up!
— Sock and Buskin roasting Octavia.
"Sock: OH, I LOVE LOVE! The quixotical Princess of Hell and her impetuous fallen angel sweetheart! What a marvelous prospect! I'm so excited!
Vaggie: H- How... did you know I was a fallen angel?
Sock: (they laugh) OH! I know everyone's inner secrets. That's part of what makes me a good theater director!
Busk: (as Sock giggles uncontrollably) Thou art middling at best, dear sibling.
Sock: (to Vaggie) Besides, teehee... everyone knows you're a fallen angel. It's kinda obvious.
Vaggie: In what way is-
Sock: (yelling to the party) EVERYONE!!! VAGATHA'S A FALLEN ANGEL!!! (no one at the gathering reacts, though some of them nod apathetically; Sock turns to Vaggie with a malicious cat grin) Oh, how the crowd's silence resounds fucking deafeningly! (they continue giggling uncontrollably)
— Sock and Vaggie's conversation at the Baphomet Ball.


"Buskin: (dry chuckle) Thou wish'st to do battle with the Rulers of the Script, the Overseers of Theatrical Arts, Alastor? How droll.
Sock: (joyful chuckle) Thinking you can challenge the Overlords of Theater after we sent you running with your cute, little tail tucked between your legs? My, I didn't know you were well-versed in comedy! Hehehe!!!
Alastor: (he shows mild irritation in his smile at Sock's comment on his tail, but confidently points his staff at them, ready to rumble) I've learned a thing or two since our last romp, Theater Twins. And I'd like to make some overdue revisions to that drab little script of yours. Now... Llllllet's get ready to rumble!!
— Sock and Buskin and Alastor.


  • Their names are derived from sock and buskin, the two ancient symbols of comedy and tragedy, depicted as one smiling mask and one frowning mask.
    • The comedy mask is known as Thalia while the drama/tragedy mask is known as Melpomene.
  • Their theme songs would be "Anything You Can Do" from Annie Get Your Gun and "Together, Wherever We Go" from Gypsy.
    • Individually, Sock's theme song would be "I'm the Greatest Star" from "Funny Girl", while Buskin's theme song would be "The Music of the Night" from The Phantom of the Opera.
  • Sock and Buskin are in the middle tier of power among the Overlords, and could defeat Overlords such as Alastor, Rosie, Velvette or Valentino with relative ease.
  • They both prefer to be called "Overseers", as opposed to Overlords.
  • Hypothetically, if one of the twins were to die, the surviving twin would undo their death by "rewinding" the fanfiction itself to where their sibling was still alive.
  • Sock and Buskin are one of the few Overlords to actually be allied with the Hazbin Hotel, the others being Alastor and Rosie.
  • Charlie claims to have gone to Sock and Buskin's theaters since she was a child. This would mean that the two are likely far older than her.
  • Sock and Buskin have a habit of dramatically narrating certain scenes in a very tongue-in-cheek way, as if they are reading the screenplay to the series itself.
  • Sock is non-binary and uses she/they pronouns.
  • Buskin tends to drop his archaic, Old English speech pattern whenever he becomes extremely angry, implying he only speaks that way for the sake of being dramatic.
  • Buskin cries black tears.
  • According to Sock, Buskin has a huge crush on Lilith Magne, and, in his youth, would dress a mannequin up in clothing from Lilith's fashion company and flirt with it.
  • It is implied that Sock has a crush on Vaggie, flirtatiously calling her a "cutie" and kissing her hand when she and Charlie were attending one of their plays.


ve Characters
Hazbin Hotel Crew Charlie MagneAngel DustAlastorVaggieNifftyHuskRazzle and DazzleAlastor's friendsFat NuggetsRenFergusMimzyBaxterCryminiSquishKaren 2.OCorey and PeelVillaPrincessSir PentiousEgg Bois
I.M.P BlitzøMoxxieMillieLoona
Seven Deadly Sins Lucifer MagneLeviathan Von EldritchMammonBeelzebubBelphegorAsmodeusSatan
Overlords AlastorValentinoVoxVelvetteRosieMissi ZillaCarmilla CarmineStellarSock and Buskin
Kingpins Cherri BombSir PentiousHenroinMaulreese JackjawBruce
Ars Goetia StolasStellaOctaviaPaimonAndrealphus
Pride Ring Lilith MagneHuniBunKatie KilljoyTom TrenchAracknissIzziThe InsurgencyVarkDiaSummerBasilSir Pentious' HatRumYuckLailaBoar ButcherQueefSabreMelvynLoopty GooptyLyle LiptonJeffrey Dahmer
Wrath Ring The DivineStrikerScorpiusThe ChosenBombproofAzazel
Gluttony Ring Mr. PVortexBehemothBee-lzebub
Greed Ring Robo FizzLarsonCalliopeTinglesWally WackfordTillaCash BuckzoLoo LooCrimsonAlessio
Lust Ring FizzarolliVerosika Mayday
Envy Ring Seviathan Von EldritchHellsa Von EldritchBethesda Von EldritchFinThe KrakenMishelleNatasha
Sloth Ring LugnutClaptrapKarenScavenger UnitsHellhound Adoption FoundationMs. SweetrubyBelle-phegor
Heaven GodLuxSeraSerenityArchangel FortiMancoCharlie's AngelsMillicentMollyAzraelExterminatorsLuteAdinaEbonySableDestinyRavenBladeMs. HartfeltMetatronOphanimC.H.E.R.U.BLeo LightheartCletusCollinKeenieDeerieRachelHoneyBeaBeauTorySeraphielMr. TreeArchangel MichaelArchangel GabrielArchangel UrielArchangel SandalphonArchangel RaphaelArchangel CassielArchangel BarachielArchangel ZadkielAnnie
Other characters DeathRooVaggie's fatherSpindleAzathothQueen SpiderArmy of DarknessSanta ClausKrampusValentine