- "♪Oh, I don't mean it clandestinely...
Nor for my own vanity...
But fixing up you podunk fucks is my destiny!♪" - — Villa in her musical number "My Destiny".
Villa is a supporting character in Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light.
The unbothered, condescending popular girl of the Hazbin crew, Villa is an extremely wealthy and self-absorbed fashion icon from Heaven and poodle winner with her paws in both the heavenly realm and Hell.
She takes a vacation to the hotel upon Heaven's denizens being widely informed of its existence by Charlie's Angels, driven by a desire to transform the uninspiring clientele of the establishment to suit Heaven's (in reality, her own) tastes. She is Crymini's polar opposite and "best friend".
- "I can't help it, sweeties! It's in my nature to help those who are less fab, good-looking, and fortunate than I! (briefly looks at you - yes, YOU - with crazy eyes and a shit-eating grin) And who isn't less fortunate than I? (turns back to Loona, Octavia, and Crymini) I want to turn all these boring sad-sacks into stars who have what it takes to go from Hell's dumpster to Heaven's VIP lounge!"
- — Villa to Loona, Octavia, and Crymini.
Villa stands in striking contrast to most the hotel crew, mainly Crymini; she adores all things girly, exudes vanity, primness, extravagance, and diva-like, conceited behavior. Her presence is larger than life, matched only by her even more enormous attitude. She seems compassionate at first glance, but is just conceited and possessive.
Villa suffers from a blatant "savior complex"; insufferable smugness, sanctimony, overt confidence, the works. She is a flamboyant narcissist who takes it upon herself to "fix up" those she perceives as less fortunate or in need of a complete physical and identity makeover. She sees herself as kind-hearted for helping others, even if they absolutely don't want her help. Villa always exudes an air of superiority, condescension, and entitlement, as she firmly believes that she is kind and just for taking pity on others and forcing them to conform to her standards of popularity and beauty.
Villa also seems to be slightly insane or has an extreme disconnect with reality, as she genuinely believes that Crymini is grateful for her attempts to fix the punk teenager, despite Crymini clearly hating her. At the end of Villa's musical number, her response to Crymini declaring that she was going to kill herself after Villa's makeover was a unironic, chipper "You're welcome!", showing how disconnected she is with the feelings of others. She also, at one point, outright refers to herself "helping" sinners as an act of divine intervention. She is also very controlling, seemingly relishing in the power she gains from transforming others into what she deems as socially acceptable. She is very theatrical in her approach, using dramatic gestures at a moment's notice and even breaking into song to express her intentions.
Villa lacks the emotional baggage that plagues the other residents of the hotel, and she never misses an opportunity to boast about it. In a passive-aggressive manner reminiscent of a "mean girl," she possesses an encyclopedic-level knowledge of fashion and the art of making people shine, thanks to her past as Angel Dust's stylist during his tenure with Valentino. She has taken it upon herself to change anyone she deems dull or uninspiring to her own liking. Villa has a tendency to objectify people, labeling her clients as "projects" and viewing them as little more than dolls or test subjects for her styling experiments.
With an elitist and pompous demeanor, Villa openly admits to being a classist, displaying a self-righteous willingness to aid those less fortunate—albeit solely when they pique her interest, as she is no charity case. When engaging with the less privileged, she maintains a perpetually condescending tone, convinced that they are "sluggish" and can only attain stardom with her intervention. This condescending manner of hers, particularly toward the hotel's residents, has led to considerable aversion from many of them, including notable figures like Crymini and Loona, despite her well-intentioned efforts to make them shine.
True to her persona, Villa is unabashedly vain and primarily focused on her own interests. She exerts her authority over her Hellhound bodyguards, compelling them to shoulder the burden of carrying all her belongings and equipment. She treats them with the same disdainful attitude she might extend to dogs, even going so far as to feed them chimpkins and offer a patronizing "good boy" when they meet her expectations.
Villa boasts a striking appearance, resembling a tall, poodle-like winner adorned with spots scattered across her fluffy white fur. Her long, poofy tail adds to her distinctive charm. Her most captivating feature is her magenta-colored eyes, featuring yellow heart-shaped irises and vertical pupils that draw attention. She's adorned with pink stripes that cascade down both her legs, and her head is crowned by a pair of two polka-dotted bow ties, which intriguingly bear a second set of yellow eyes. Completing her ensemble, she wears a pink, dog-like collar and a white dress adorned with two prominent magenta hearts on the front.
Powers and Abilities
Natural Powers
- Cloudwalking: TBA
- Immortality: TBA
Unique Powers
- 4th Wall Awareness: While discussing her love of "helping" people less fortunate than her, Villa made brief eye contact with you, the person reading this, throwing a crazed, mischievous grin as she asks who isn't less fortunate than her, as though she sees herself as above even the real world audience.
- "Who is Crymini? (the rooms darkens before a spotlight shines on Villa) ...My polar opposite. She's a negative Nancy, a sour soul, a Debbie Downer, you name it, we couldn't be more different! And she's such a spoilsport, too. I can't stand it! I'm rich, I'm beautiful, I'm smart, I'm successful, I'm popular! She's... Well, she's none of those things. She's always trying to stand in the way of my good work. It's as if she wants everybody to stay boring forever! It's my duty to save her from the black hole of mundanity!"
- — Villa about Crymini.
Villa has an "overbearing big sister" type of relationship with Crymini. Upon first arriving to the Hazbin Hotel, Villa selected Crymini out of all the patients of the hotel to be her "new project", intending on challenging herself with straightening the delinquent out until Crymini would make for the ideal pupil. Naturally, Crymini was adverse towards Villa and tried to ignore or rebuke her, but Villa persisted and was able to give Crymini a makeover against her will. Villa sees herself as a mentor, adviser, and even a sister figure to Crymini, asserting her authority over Crymini's identity and appearance.
Villa and Crymini's relationship, overall, is one-sided and borderline manipulative. Villa sees Crymini as someone less fortunate and takes it upon herself to "fix" Crymini, imposing conventional societal norms upon the teenager, despite Crymini's clear hatred for Villa and desire to be left alone. Villa believes that she knows what's best for Crymini and takes it upon herself to transform her into someone popular and attractive, according to her standards. During Villa's musical number, she even briefly dons clothing reminiscent of a therapist, claiming to offer Crymini guidance and wisdom. However, her actions just come across as controlling and patronizing. To top it off, Villa has a habit of casually infantilizing and insulting Crymini, such as calling her mocking names such as "Cry-me-a-river-mini".
When around Crymini, Villa is invasive to extremely condescending, as she forcibly pulls Crymini into her makeover plans, ignoring Crymini's protests, discomfort, and attempts to escape.
In the end, despite Villa's efforts to fix Crymini, the latter still rejected the new identity Villa gave her and expressed a desire to kill herself, walking away from Villa. Villa responded to this with a chipper "You're welcome!", showing her lack of empathy and disconnect with reality.
Princess serves as Villa's loyal shoulder pet, frequently accompanying her tucked away inside her purse, on a leash, or perched on her shoulder. Princess occasionally emerges from this royal vessel to scrutinize the sinners, passing judgment on their worthiness for Villa's "help." It's clear that Princess holds a deep affection for Villa, displaying fierce loyalty by hissing at or even launching attacks on anyone who dares to touch Villa without her consent. Villa, in return, lavishes affection on Princess, compelling a team of her bodyguards to fan and pamper the esteemed feline. Remarkably, Princess stands as the singular being that has elicited genuine attachment and compassion from Villa, making their bond all the more special.
Angel Dust
- "Angel Dust! My babe, I've done his makeup for Val's films many a time! He's... Alright, I suppose? I mean, I won't deny his obvious 'charm', and he has a knack for putting on one Hell of a show! He's... An interesting character, to be sure. At least, he has more going on for him than most of the dreadful nothingburgers in this hotel. He has much to work on before I'll consider him true friend material, but I see a lot of potential... With my help, of course."
- — Villa on Angel Dust.
Angel and Villa seem to have a complicated relationship, having known each other through their work with Valentino. Villa has done Angel's makeup many times for Valentino's films. Angel appears to dislike Villa while she compliments him on his style and for being more far more "interesting" than most of the hotel's residents, but claims he has much to work on before they can be considered friends.
Villa and Husk mutually dislike each other. She sees Husk as boring and lacking razzle dazzle, frequently mocking his monotone demeanor and trying to provoke a reaction from him. Husk, in turn, is intensely irritated by Villa's condescending and superficial attitude, resisting her attempts to change or "fix" him and calling her "fake". Their interactions often involve Villa's playful insults and Husk's blunt retorts, leading to a dynamic filled with tension and sarcastic exchanges. At one point, Villa resorted to making Husk her butler in order for her traits to rub off on him and turn him into someone respectable. However, Husk proved to have respect for himself when he promptly left Villa, in addition to issuing a cold warning for Villa to stay away from Crymini.
Chapter 5
- "This hotel is what's in! It's new! It's daring! It's novel! But, the clientele, eh... Could use little pizazz. So boring! So drab! So depressing! 'My parents didn't love me' this, 'my dog died' that. Blah-blah-blah! Lighten up, darlings! Someone's gotta turn these Debbie Downers into Pollyannas!"
- — Villa to Charlie and Vaggie while entering the hotel.
- "Villa: (while looking at Husk and making a camera gesture with her fingers) Hmmm... It's kinda hard to get a read on you. Are you boring? Drab? Irreverent? Or a diamond in the rough?! Well, c'mon speak up! Let me learn you!
Husk: Whaddya mean by 'boring'?
Villa: Well, you're so monotone! You have all the personality and nuance of a black hole!
Husk: Fuck's that supposed to mean?
Villa: No matter what's on your mind or going through your head, nothing ever escapes from your face, except for this dour, drab disposition. It's no fun. If I saw your expression on a cloud, I'd be sure a downpour was coming! So, yeah, a lil' boring.
Husk: (he begins cleaning glasses as he speaks) I'm a bartender, not a clown. Sorry I'm not an endless source of entertainment, princess.
Villa: Actually (she shoves her cat, Princess, in Husk's face) THIS is Princess!
Husk: (he leans back) The fuck? You little- (suddenly, Princess uses her claws to snatch Husk's cloth away) HEY! (he and Princess tussle over the balled-up cloth, looking like two cats fighting over a yarn ball, before Husk grabs it and stuffs it under the counter) Keep that pussy under control! We got fuckin' rules against animals!
Villa: (she chortles as Princess climbs on her, wrapping around Villa's neck) Oh, don't worry about my precious Princess! I wanted to leave her in her heavenly abode, but she insisted on helping me find sinners so unlovable they're practically BEGGING for divine intervention. (Princess sneers and hisses at Husk, and he does it back, before realizing what he is doing and blushing in embarrassment) Oh... and it seems you're not one of them. (she does the "snotty finger wiggle" before turning her back to Husk, skipping away) So sad! Maybe in another life, Grumpy Gus!" - — Villa and Husk.
- "Husk: (He stares at Villa, who is forcing him to be her butler. He watches her as she lies comfortably on a sofa, wearing a spa mask - cucumber on her eyes and all - and eating chives.) When are you gonna be outta here?
Villa: (Villa leans dramatically back against some pillows, striking a pose while rolling her eyes at the sight of Husk. She flicks a paw and smirks condescendingly at him.) Ugh, do you know how HARD it is to fix up party-poopers like you!? Especially when no one here has any manners and class?! I'm NEVER returning to Heaven at this rate!!! (She lets out an insincere sighs, before giggling.) Oh, well, more time with me, right? Now... What to do with you?
Husk: (He gives her a blank glare.) Shooting me wouldn't be half-bad.
Villa: (She cackles, thinking that he's joking, but seeing that he's stoic and completely serious, her expression turns neutral as she stares at Husk for a moment. She lifts one cucumber over her eye.) Oh. My God. Are you genuinely this pathetic? (She sets the cucumber back on her eye, laying back and picking up her silly-straw drink.) Listen, sugar. I don't have time for self-deprecating Grumpy Guses. Now, let's try something a little more uplifting... Maybe a makeover! Or refilling my drink. That would help drastically improve your sour attitude.
Husk: (Husk picks up a bottle to refill her drink, but after a moment of reflection, he glares at her.) I got a makeover tip for you. Ever seen the way a motherfucker's face looks after getting smacked by a bullet? That's one helluva makeover.
Villa: (Villa scowls and rolls her eyes.) Ugh, seriously?! You just have NO respect for yourself, do you? (She giggles.) You really think that getting shot in the face would make your sorry afterlife better! (He puts the back of her hand to her chin.) Hahaahahaha!!! Just... Stop being so DAMN pathetic! Why are you even at this hotel if you're not gonna take it seriously!?
Husk: (He looks at his reflection in the bottle he is holding.) I... Respect myself plenty. (He tears his tuxedo off.) That's why I'll take my 'sorry afterlife' over being turned into a dolled-up Maine Coon by your fake BULLSHIT. (He throws his bowtie on Villa's chest, which gets a reaction from her. Husk gets face-to-face with her, his yellow irises glowing threateningly.) And by the way, stay the fuck away from Crymini. (He storms out of the room.)
Villa: (Villa leans up from the couch, the cucumbers falling off her face as she is in shock from the disrespect.) Get back here!!! Ughhh!!! Seriously?! Are you FUCKING serious?! You think that behaving LIKE AN ABSOLUTE SAVAGE is better than letting me turn you into SOMEONE WORTH LOOKING AT?!?!?!" - — Husk stands up against Villa.
- "Villa: Hey, hey, let's not get snappy now! You should count yourself lucky to be noticed by moi! It's no mystery to me why people overlook you usually. But I'm taking an interest. I'm trying to get to know you. So, why the sour face? Come on, give me a grin, honey!
Crymini: Can't you just leave me the fuck alone?! It's not like I asked to be noticed by you!
Villa: (sighs wistfully) I know... I'm so generous and kind, right?" - — Villa and Crymini.
- "Villa: Cry... (she holds up a mirror to Crymini, who looks like a British-wigged show dog) ...you. Look. PERFECT!! I think I really outdid myself on the nails. (she kisses her fingers) Mwah!
Crymini: (getting up and leaving) Yeah, have fun fingering yourself while I kill myself.
Villa: (unironically) You're welcome!" - — Villa and Crymini after the latter's makeover)
- Villa is intended to be a dark reflection of Charlie. Villa and Charlie are very bright and positive women who want to "help" the denizens of Hell so that they are ready to ascend to Heaven. However, the difference between them is that Villa not only completely lacks empathy, not only craves on sinners to depend on her, not only suffers from a savior complex, but also thinks that forcing and brainwashing them into conforming to societal norms will be enough to change them. In contrast, Charlie, despite initially treating her patients like children, begins to treat their problems seriously and get to the root of why they sin in the first place. Villa is also an insane, total narcissist while Charlie genuinely cares and sympathizes with everyone in the hotel.
- Her name means "country house".
- A villa is a large and luxurious country residence, befitting for Villa's own opulent personality and rich, extravagant lifestyle.
- Her theme song would either be "Popular" from Wicked or "Perfect Isn't Easy" from Oliver and Company.
- The series' authors have considered making Villa Crymini's older sister from Heaven, or simply having them remain unrelated.
- Villa is the only member of the Hazbin gang who actively resides in Heaven.
- Villa being reborn in Heaven as a poodle winner is a reflection of her own personality, as poodles are frequently stereotyped as ultra-fancy, prissy, feminine dogs with flamboyant hair cuts.
- Villa does not actually work at the hotel. She is just some crazy angel that went down to the hotel claiming that she's there to fix everyone. She doesn't actually have a position of authority within the hotel.
- She has a pet Hellkitten named Princess.
- At one point, Villa breaks the fourth wall by asking the reader who isn't less fortunate than her, implying that she sees herself as above even the real-world audience.
- She and Princess wear matching sleep masks to bed.
- Villa claims that she hates chocolate, which is toxic to dogs.
- Despite being a poodle winner, she is actually a cat person.