- "Swinders, gold diggers, and floozies, I say, I say, the moment-a you've all been waiting for-a; give a warm welcome-a to the King of Greed-a, the Sovereign of Samolians, the Pied Piper of Pocketbooks, the Ambassador of Avarice, the number one of ol' Luci himself-a, and, of course, your almighty ruler for all eternity... MAAAAA-MMOOOOOOON!!!"
- — Wally Wackford's introduction of Mammon.
Wally Wackford, also known as Wacky Wally Wackford, is a recurring character in Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light.
He was an infamous, swindling businessman and was the owner of Wacky Wally Wackford's Wacky Idea Factory. He initially worked as a torch vendor for Loo Loo Land and had a prestigious job as a herald for the King of the Greed Ring, Mammon. However, after his torch displays inadvertently burned Loo Loo Land to the ground, he was forced to set up his own sales, businesses, and work numerous jobs across the seven rings, where he desperately begged people to let him make money off their ideas so he could pay back Mammon and avoid being sent to the Imp Recyling Plant.
It is later revealed that Wally was killed by Mammon for being unable to pay back latter. Instead of being sent to the Imp Recycling Plant like Mammon threatened that he will, he was dipped in melted gold to later be used as a statue, with his remains serving as a decoration in the King of Greed's chamber.
Events of Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light[]
Chapter 4[]
Wally Wackford appears in the flashback of a pre-teen Fizzarolli being recruited by Mammon, announcing the King of Greed's appearance before a concert.
In "Take Me, Gravity", Wally Wackford appears in a commercial watched by Lugnut and Claptrap, where he advertise Belphe-Tech machines and other products, mentioning that him being partially responsible for the destruction of Loo Loo Land put him out of a job and in hot water with Mammon, forcing him to set up a sales business out of desperation for any money or else the King of Greed would send him to the Imp Recyling Plant.
Wally Wackford was a shifty, goofy, and duplicitous businessman who was an infamous con artist and swindler. While trying to recruit people to work for him, he explicitly made it clear that he intended to exploit the talents and ideas of creative people for his own benefit, and admitted that he fully intended to take all the credit and profit from their ideas. He was also rather shamelessly as he openly admitted this and empathizes how desperate he was to repay Mammon, out of fear of the latter punishing him. It is also mentioned that he did not even pay those who work under him with actual Hell currency, preferred to pay them in his own useless money to save profits.
Wally had goofy tendencies such as cracking lame jokes which only he thought were funny, and he was known for being highly annoying, as both Blitzø and Verosika got irritated and offended by just his mere presence when he interacted with them.
Wally was an imp with muted crimson skin, curled black and white horns, a barbed tail, white hair, and yellow eyes with black pupils. He sported a long, curly mustache.
He wore a black top hat with a grey sash, a white shirt with puffy sleeves, a gray vest, black bow tie, white pinstriped pants, black fingerless gloves, and black boots.
Wally Wackford initially worked as Mammon's herald and right-hand man, securing himself a job at Loo Loo Land in the process. However, after Wally's job as a torch vendor accidentally ended in Loo Loo Land being destroyed, Mammon threatened to have Wally sent to the Imp Recyling Plant if he did not pay him back for the park's destruction (despite receiving insurance money that would have repaired the theme park to its original state), which forced Wally to take up numerous jobs and start his own businesses in hopes of paying back the King of Greed.
In Chapter 5 "When We Do Wrong, No One Forgets", Wally's golden body is shown in Mammon's chambers as one of the King of Greed's decorations, showing that Wally ultimately failed to repay back Mammon all the money he owed him and that all the numerous jobs he took and businesses he opened across the seven rings were all for naught.
- His thick southern accent, reputation as being highly annoying, and his tic of saying "I say, I say" shares similarities to Foghorn Leghorn.
- He owns his own currency in Hell called "Wacky Bucks", which can only be used to purchase his products.
- He pays his employees exclusively in Wacky Bucks.
- According to his "Wacky Wall of Ideas", he planned to start a "Wacky Orphanage" with Asmodeus and Fizzarolli as his investors, retire to the Greed Ring, and also intended to buy I.M.P.