Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light Fanon Wiki

Please do not mistake this wiki for the official Hazbin Hotel wiki! Do not link to or mention this site when discussing the show's canon! All information presented here is entirely FANON and irrelevant to the official shows whether it be Hazbin Hotel or Helluva Boss, so stop bringing it up! You guys got that? Cuz we're getting pretty tired of rewriting this notice! I am going to keep writing and expanding this until this message is impossible to miss, starting right now. Is this about right? Maybe a few more words. Again, this wiki's information NON-CANON and FANMADE. Got it? Good! Happy reading!


Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light Fanon Wiki

"Charlie: Why would you do this to these people?!
Vaggie: You better fucking answer her, asqueroso cerdo bastardo!
Yuck: (coughs and chuckles) You dumb broads... Ya seriously think an imp like me would be out there enslavin' a buncha filthy half-breeds for kicks?
Charlie: What are you talking about...?
Yuck: Us imps are too weak to be out there doin' all this hard labor. My business was bleedin' money... Until those Exterminators damn near wiped out those cambions. King Lucifer was gonna leave 'em to dry, but I saw potential in puttin' em to work. I asked him for enough shit to pull off the job. He gets to watch those human-rejects go extinct, and I get rich as shit. It was a win-win deal. (rolls his eyes) Well, maybe not for them lazy half-breeds. (laughs) Oh, oh! (laughing uncontrollably) I almost forgot the best part! ...He agreed. (Charlie becomes wide-eyed) That's right, princess! Your dear, old, fuckin' dad put us up to this! Chew on THAT!!! (Charlie faces away from the slave driver, looking down in sadness) So, what's it gonna be, slut? You gonna let me go and forget this ever happened, or are ya gonna destroy my business and risk pissin' off your Daddy? Either way, I'm gonna be needin' some goddamn compensation for your fuckin' friend destroying my fields! YOU STUPID BITCH!!!
— Yuck, revealing to Charlie and Vaggie that Lucifer assisted him in enslaving the cambions.

Yuck, also known as the Cambion Slave Driver is a one-shot antagonist in Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light.

Yuck is an imp and plantation owner who, sick of losing profits, made a deal with Lucifer Magne to have the cambions, a race of endangered human-demon hybrids, enslaved, after they were almost completely massacred by the Exterminators. After the King of Hell agreed to the deal, he and his underlings enslaved the destitute cambions, and forced them to work in horrific conditions, with the intent to drive them to extinction and become rich from their forced labor. In the end, the greedy imp's immoral business was put to an end when the Happy Hotel crew liberated the cambions, and the slave driver himself was left to a fate worse than death.



Yuck ran a plantation and gold mining business consisting of other imps and hellhounds. Due to imps naturally being small and weak creatures compared to most of Hell's inhabitants, the business was largely unsuccessful, leaving the slave driver with unimpressive profits. However, he caught news of the recent massacre of a race of human-demon hybrids known as the cambions that had been carried out by the Exterminators on the most recent Extermination Day. Yuck was informed that Lucifer Magne had no plans to aid the cambions, due to his disdain for humanity, so he approached Lucifer with a proposition; if the King of Hell supplied him with sufficient equipment and manpower, he would enslave what was left of the cambions, work them to extinction on Lucifer's behalf, and become rich from their hard labor by the time they died out. Lucifer agreed to his deal and terms, supplying Yuck the equipment and subordinates he had requested.

Sometime after his deal with Lucifer, Yuck and his men attacked the last tribe of cambions in their hideout and enslaved them, taking them back to his plantation and subjecting them to inhospitable labor for Yuck's profit. At some point after this, two cambions managed to escape from his plantation, and Yuck sent a squad of his men to recapture them.

Events of Hazbin Hotel: Journey to the Light[]

In "Forgotten Outcasts", the two escaped cambions ran into the Happy Hotel crew for help, where Charlie offered to help the clearly struggling cambions, who initially refused to speak to them. Over the course of two days, the hotel crew provided the two with meals and shelter, and when their slave driver's underlings come looking for them, Alastor sent his demonic doll minions to frighten them away. This caused the crew to earn the cambion's trust, and the male cambion revealed their names to be Byron and Mera. Byron explained to the hotel crew his race's circumstances and the horrific mistreatment they have endured since they were nearly wiped out by the Exterminators. Byron also explained that Mera was his wife, and they had a son who was one of the many cambions who were worked to death. Wanting to save them from their plight, Charlie demanded to know the location of where the cambions were being held.

Mera and Byron led the crew to the slave driver's plantation, just in time to see the slave driver himself, an imp known as Yeck, informing his men that the hotel crew was assisting his escaped slaves. Paranoid and not wanting to lose any more slaves and profit, he ordered his team to kill anyone they spotted within the plantation's premises. Outside the front gate entrance to the plantation, Angel Dust used his charm to lure three guards away, and once they were out of sight, jumped them with Fergus and Husk to steal their clothes and pose as guards. After letting Niffty inside, Fergus, Angel, and Niffty stealthily freed the working cambions, all while taking out any guards who spotted them.

With all the cambions out of the potential crossfire, Charlie and Vaggie approached the stronghold's front gate, and the former politely asked one of the guards if they could speak to their boss. The guards bluntly told the two to leave, but Vaggie remained undeterred and refused to leave without speaking to their boss, telling them to respect their princess. When the guard threatened to brutally harm Vaggie if she and Charlie didn't leave, Angel Dust and Fergus shot and killed the guards, leading to a fight between the hotel crew and Yuck's guards. The brief fight was cut short when a sudden chill filled the area, and Alastor's massive shadow blanketed the land. The shadow snapped its fingers, and Alastor's doll minions crawled out from the dirt, attacking and tormenting Yuck's minions. Alastor then used his demonic magic to cast lightning that struck Yuck's fields, as well as the homes his men used as sleeping quarters, on fire. Fergus makes an off-hand comment about how quickly things have escalated as the Radio Demon reveled in the destruction around him. Charlie and Vaggie ran off to the home of Yuck himself.

Once the two entered his fortress, Yuck almost immediately attempted to shoot them with his handgun. Vaggie got herself and Charlie behind cover before maneuvering around the room as Yuck futilely attempted to shoot her, and disarmed the imp by leaping towards him and kicking him into a wall, immediately holding him at spear-point. Charlie demanded to know the imp's motives for enslaving the cambions, to which Yuck revealed to Charlie and Vaggie that Lucifer was the one who enlisted him, which understandably left the princess speechless and hurt that her own father was behind the operation. The imp continued to cruelly taunt Charlie over this, and mockingly asked the princess if she was still going to stop his business and risk upsetting her father. Vaggie shut him up by angrily kicking the imp in the face and raised her spear to kill him, but Charlie put her hand on Vaggie's shoulder, calming her down and ceasing her attack. The princess regained her composure and determinedly told the imp that she was going to right her father's wrongs, disregarding any potential consequences, before walking out of the house with Vaggie.

Enraged, Yuck reached for his handgun with the intent to kill Charlie and Vaggie, only for one of Alastor's dolls to appear from nowhere and sever his hand with a knife. As the imp squealed in agony, Alastor appeared from the darkness of the room, menacingly announcing that he had a special place for unscrupulous demons like Yuck. As the imp cried out to the Radio Demon for mercy and promised to change his ways, Alastor displayed no mercy, shaking his head and laughing sadistically as he opened a portal to his pocket dimension "The Show". Yuck screamed in sheer, unbridled terror and attempted to run away, but Alastor's shadow demons caught him by his tail and began slowing dragging him toward the portal, laughing at the imp as he screamed for help and futilely attempted to claw his way to safety, his nails leaving a tail. In a flash of light, Yuck was dragged into the portal, damned to a never-ending cycle of being tortured and killed for all eternity for the Radio Demon's amusement.


With Yuck banished and his underlings and business in disarray, the cambions were successfully liberated by the hotel crew. To ensure their continued survival, Charlie gifted the cambions with a new homeland far away from external threats, and gave them enough food to thrive and rebuild their civilization. Byron gratefully told Charlie that he and his people were indebted to her, and swore to repay her and the hotel crew when the time came.


Yuck is a greedy, foolish, abusive, and completely loathsome imp who only cares about money and profits. He is completely willing to drive the endangered cambions to extinction all for the sake of making himself rich off of their hard labor. He forced the destitute cambions to work in Hell's hostile conditions, and never displayed a shred of care for their safety, since his intention, in the end, was to effectively kill off their entire race. His attempts to justify enslaving the cambions were extremely petty when he went out of his way to torment the cambions however he could; he cruelly punished them for taking breaks or talking to him or his men by forcing them to work twice as hard, and even attempted to shoot a dehydrated cambion who was begging for water. His treatment of the cambions left all of them greatly traumatized, as Byron and his wife were initially afraid to speak to the hotel crew under the belief that they would punish them if they tried. He is also openly racist towards the cambions, constantly referring to them as "filthy half-breeds" or a name of similar nature.

He displays cowardly tendencies, leaving his workers to fight his own battles and not bothering to help them when they were being attacked by Alastor. He also still attempted to kill Charlie and Vaggie when their backs were turned, even after they spared him, no less. In his final moments, he desperately attempted to convince Alastor that he learned the error of his ways and promised to free the cambions. Whether or not he was being sincere or merely said this out of self-preservation is unknown, as Alastor showed no mercy towards the imp and eagerly casted him into a fate worse than death.


Yuck is an obese imp who wears a filthy, dark-grey suit with a partially unbuttoned undershirt. As a male imp, he has a dark red skin and white stripes along with black horns. He has yellow sclera with black slit pupils. He has a long red thin tail with a quadrilateral barb at the end, and white stripes towards the end of it. He has grey hair on his chest, wore black pants, and had digitigrade leg with exposed, red hooves


  • While his name is never stated in-series, concept art reveals it to be "Yuck", which is rather fitting, given his crimes and audacious personality.
  • Yuck possesses several swine-like traits such as his rotund appearance, his tendency to make pig-like noises such as squealing when Alastor's doll minions cut off his hand, and forming pig-like grunts whenever he was attacked or caught by surprise. Vaggie even called him a "disgusting/filthy pig bastard" in Spanish at one point.
  • Alastor has a special disgust for Yuck, calling his treatment of the cambions "unsavory", and sadistically sending him to The Show, which the Radio Demon only does to his most despised victims. This is likely due to Yuck's racism striking a chord within Alastor, who endured racial abuse during his life on Earth.


ve Characters
Hazbin Hotel Crew Charlie MagneAngel DustAlastorVaggieNifftyHuskRazzle and DazzleAlastor's friendsFat NuggetsRenFergusMimzyBaxterCryminiSquishKaren 2.OCorey and PeelVillaPrincessSir PentiousEgg Bois
I.M.P BlitzøMoxxieMillieLoona
Seven Deadly Sins Lucifer MagneLeviathan Von EldritchMammonBeelzebubBelphegorAsmodeusSatan
Overlords AlastorValentinoVoxVelvetteRosieMissi ZillaCarmilla CarmineStellarSock and Buskin
Kingpins Cherri BombSir PentiousHenroinMaulreese JackjawBruce
Ars Goetia StolasStellaOctaviaPaimonAndrealphus
Pride Ring Lilith MagneHuniBunKatie KilljoyTom TrenchAracknissIzziThe InsurgencyVarkDiaSummerBasilSir Pentious' HatRumYuckLailaBoar ButcherQueefSabreMelvynLoopty GooptyLyle LiptonJeffrey Dahmer
Wrath Ring The DivineStrikerScorpiusThe ChosenBombproofAzazel
Gluttony Ring Mr. PVortexBehemothBee-lzebub
Greed Ring Robo FizzLarsonCalliopeTinglesWally WackfordTillaCash BuckzoLoo LooCrimsonAlessio
Lust Ring FizzarolliVerosika Mayday
Envy Ring Seviathan Von EldritchHellsa Von EldritchBethesda Von EldritchFinThe KrakenMishelleNatasha
Sloth Ring LugnutClaptrapKarenScavenger UnitsHellhound Adoption FoundationMs. SweetrubyBelle-phegor
Heaven GodLuxSeraSerenityArchangel FortiMancoCharlie's AngelsMillicentMollyAzraelExterminatorsLuteAdinaEbonySableDestinyRavenBladeMs. HartfeltMetatronOphanimC.H.E.R.U.BLeo LightheartCletusCollinKeenieDeerieRachelHoneyBeaBeauTorySeraphielMr. TreeArchangel MichaelArchangel GabrielArchangel UrielArchangel SandalphonArchangel RaphaelArchangel CassielArchangel BarachielArchangel ZadkielAnnie
Other characters DeathRooVaggie's fatherSpindleAzathothQueen SpiderArmy of DarknessSanta ClausKrampusValentine